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Sun, 12 Nov 2023 08:00:00 -0600entext/html Slim down that 80-page financial plan — a New Year's resolution for advisors

A quarter of a century ago, I began my career as a financial advisor and certified financial planning practitioner, emphasizing deep analysis and technical expertise, earning designations early on and touting my team's capabilities. 

However, after my first decade in the industry I realized that very few clients cared about the intricacies of the robust 80-page reports they used to present to them, both at the onset of their relationship and throughout their time working together. Those reports were meant to instill confidence in their clients that their best interests were reflected in their research and analysis of their financial state of affairs, showcasing their understanding of their balance sheet, including summaries of data they provided, assumptions and projections going forward. 

Adam Holt of Asset-Map

H. Adam Holt, CEO and co-founder of Asset-Map

But over the years I've come to believe those reports were more about reassuring ourselves, as advisors, of their own conclusions about the financial plan we'd devised for the client. And more often than not the reports they compiled included explanatory or disclosure text that went unread — or intimidated the client into submission.

These reports are just the starting point of what a professional should be doing in the back office, but they don't necessarily facilitate effective communication with the client in the front. It's akin to saying they have 20 years of recipes for meals when the client just wants to know what's for dinner tonight. Clients aren't interested in the lengthy recipe; they want actionable steps for the present moment.

More specifically, the advisor community is witnessing a shift in high net worth client expectations from those  80-page reports to executive summaries of those reports. The popularity of the one-page financial plan (and related technological solutions that aim to facilitate quicker and more effective communication) has flourished as advisors have placed a renewed emphasis on the value of their own time. It also reflects the recognition that what most clients truly value is the trust in their competence and the ability to communicate and execute a plan when they have none.  

While I hate to admit it, clients don't have to follow a plan perfectly for it to work; typical financial planning engagements are intimidating right from the start, so let's start small. Take, as an example, a New Year's resolution to get back in shape. While the larger end goal may seem daunting, lifting weights twice a week is an effective place to begin that process. Similarly, typical financial planning engagements are intimidating right from the onset, and it's OK for individuals — and their advisors — to start small. 

This all leads me to assert that financial planning, as they once knew it, is evolving away from an annual display of technical printouts and toward advice engagement and an ongoing advisor-client conversation.

READ MORE: HNW clients want more online engagement and to leave the 'heavy lifting' to advisors

Such an evolution is overdue, and largely a product of younger generations seeking advisors who will legitimately empower them throughout their financial wellness journey. In the past, too many professionals have justified their fees by showcasing the aforementioned extensive analyses conducted in the initial months of a client relationship and have allowed the financial planning process to morph into a sales tool focused on asset gathering, insurance placements, annuity transactions and even banking and property casualty services.

The issue here isn't necessarily the financial planning software or the output it generates; it's the perception that providing a lengthy technical report is sufficient to validate the recommendations. In reality, if we're truly honest with ourselves, how many of their clients actually take the time to delve into the meticulously crafted presentations they proudly create? The ultimate point here is that clients are entitled to understand the transactions being carried out on their behalf, and financial planning isn't measured by the thickness of your reports. 

Ultimately, in today's shared experience economy, there's a heightened demand for information that is not only reliable, but also fast and easily digestible on demand. If a client isn't revisiting those voluminous reports, dusting off their covers or retrieving them from the depths of a drawer, they have no true value. 

How can you ensure that you're delivering an advice experience that truly engages, elevates financial well-being and is an experience your clients can't live without?

My firm focuses on delivering a visualization of households' current financial state, highlighting all of the people and financial decisions that exist for a particular client at any given time. This facilitates conversations about the relevancy of financial instruments and helps advisors educate their clients on the purpose and intent of them. Each of the financial planning projection tools they offer lives completely on its own as a tear sheet, limited to one page. 

More broadly, advisors must ensure the most relevant details of a client's financial situation are digestible in order to reach a consensus on the most urgent priorities. And most importantly, it's paramount that advisors be mindful of the resources they create for their clients in the attempt to lift their overall financial well-being.

If those resources don't combine empathy with technical expertise and provide clients with the confidence to understand how decisions serve their household, then you don't have a modern financial plan.

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 05:30:00 -0600 en text/html
Financial Aid

Boston College remains committed to admitting students solely on the basis of their academic and personal accomplishments, and without regard to financial need. Boston College makes every effort to supplement family resources for students who require financial assistance. All Boston College grants and scholarships awarded by the Office of Student Services are awarded on the basis of institutional need. Boston College is committed meeting the full demonstrated institutional need of every student applying for financial aid.

We know that applying for financial aid can be a confusing and lengthy process. They hope that the resources provided on this site will supply you and your family the tools and information necessary to help make a Boston College education possible. The financial aid staff is committed to working with you as you navigate this process.

Financial Aid Mission Statement

To serve as a bridge between students and their educational goals while fulfilling their responsibilities as stewards of federal, state and institutional funds:

  • Counsel: To provide an open and welcoming environment to serve their students and their families in a student-centered culture with clear and effective communication, customer focus, and mutual respect.
  • Access: To provide the tools and resources to help remove the financial barriers to accessing quality higher education.
  • Equity: To treat each family equitably, understanding each situation is unique in its circumstance.
Sat, 18 Nov 2023 02:24:00 -0600 en text/html
How to Choose a Financial Advisor

A financial advisor helps people manage their money and reach their financial goals. Advisors can provide a range of financial planning services, from money management and budgeting guidance to investment management.

Some financial advisors have additional certifications or expertise that allow them to help with complex financial topics, such as estate planning, insurance needs or tax preparation.

The number of different services and areas of expertise advisors provide makes finding the right financial advisor for your situation key — doing so means you won't end up paying for services you don't need, or working with an advisor who isn't a good fit for your financial goals. Here are five steps to help you choose a financial advisor for you.

Step 1. Identify your financial needs

Before you start looking for the right advisor, reflect on what you're hoping to get out of that relationship. Financial advisors provide a wide range of services, so it's a good idea to know what you need help with before you begin your search. Some advisors may specialize in particular areas of finance, such as debt management or investment advice, while others may provide holistic help, guiding you on everything from savings goals to retirement and estate planning.

Identify why you're looking for financial help by asking the following questions:

  • Do you need help with a budget?

  • Do you want help investing?

  • Would you like to create a financial plan?

  • Do you have savings goals you need help reaching?

  • Do you need to get your estate plan in order or create a trust?

  • Are you interested in holistic financial management?

Your answers to these questions will help you find the right kind of financial advisor for you. And it could also help you to decide whether you need one at all. For example, if you just want assistance investing, a robo-advisor can invest for you for a minimal fee. On the other hand, if you have a complex financial life with multiple financial concerns you may want to address, you may want to find an online or traditional financial advisor. (More on both options below.)


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Step 2. Understand the types of financial advisors

Financial advisors go by many names: investment advisors, brokers, certified financial planners, financial coaches, portfolio managers. There are even financial therapists. Some of the most common titles advisors use, including the term "financial advisor" itself, aren't tied to any specific credentials, so don’t assume that someone who uses an official-sounding title has any specific training or credentials.

So who does what — and who can you trust? There are a few ways to cut through the noise to ensure you're working with someone who is looking out for you.

Fee-only fiduciary financial advisors

  • Some financial advisors have a fiduciary duty to their clients, meaning they are obligated to act in their client’s best interest rather than their own. Working with a licensed, registered fiduciary — preferably one who is fee-only — ensures that the advisor is paid directly by you and not through commissions for selling certain investment or insurance products.

  • Financial advisors who have a certified financial planner, or CFP, designation have a fiduciary duty to their clients as part of their certification.

Investment advisors

  • Anyone who gives investment advice must be registered as an investment advisor with either the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or the state, depending on their assets under management.

    Registered investment advisors, or RIAs, can either be individuals or companies that employ investment advisors.

Step 3. Review the range of options for financial advisors

Financial advisors aren't just available at your neighborhood advisory office or bank. There are lots of ways to get financial advice. The option that's right for you will likely depend on your personal preferences, the services you need and your budget. Here's an overview of service types, ranging from inexpensive automated robo-advisors to high-touch, traditional financial advisors:


A robo-advisor is a digital service offering simplified, low-cost investment management. You answer questions online, then computer algorithms build an investment portfolio according to your goals and risk tolerance.

  • Low cost: Some robo-advisors have no or low management fees, and many services have no or low account minimums, so you can start investing with any amount of money.

  • Good when: You need help investing for financial goals like retirement but don’t want or can’t afford a complete financial plan.

  • Look elsewhere if: You need more rigorous financial planning. Although some robo-advisors offer higher-tier financial planning services, most excel at simple investment management.

Online financial planning services and advisors

This is the next step up from a robo-advisor: an online financial planning service that offers virtual access to human financial advisors.

A basic online service might offer the same automated investment management you'd get from a robo-advisor, plus the ability to consult with a team of financial advisors when you have questions. More comprehensive services such as Facet Weath and Empower roughly mirror traditional financial planners: You'll be matched with a dedicated human financial advisor who will manage your investments and work with you to create a holistic financial plan. Many online financial advisors can match you with an advisor with a top-tier credential such as a certified financial planner.

  • Medium cost: Online financial planning services will typically cost less than a traditional financial advisor but more than a robo-advisor. Some services have relatively high investment requirements of $25,000 or more; others require no minimum investment.

  • Good when: You're comfortable meeting with an advisor online but would still like holistic financial planning services such as estate planning, retirement planning or help with company stock options. Online advisor marketplaces such as Harness Wealth and Zoe Financial, and many online advisors themselves, do the work of vetting a financial advisor for you.

  • Look elsewhere if: You'd prefer to work with an advisor in person.

Traditional financial advisors

Traditional financial advisors can meet with you in person and will be able to help you with all of your financial planning needs.

  • High cost: This is often the highest-cost option. Many traditional advisors charge about 1% of your assets under management. Some advisors also require a high minimum balance, such as $250,000 in assets.

  • Good when: You want specialized services, your situation is complex, you want to meet your financial advisor in person and develop a long-term relationship with them.

  • Look elsewhere if: You want similar services for less, are comfortable getting help online or don't want to vet a potential advisor yourself.

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Step 4. Consider how much you can afford to pay an advisor

Financial advisors have a reputation for being costly, but there is an option for every budget. It's important to understand how much a financial advisor costs before you commit to services. Generally speaking, there are three cost levels you're likely to encounter:

  • Robo-advisors often charge an annual fee that is a percentage of your account balance with the service. Robo-advisor fees frequently start at 0.25% of the assets they manage for you, with many top providers charging 0.50% or less. On a $50,000 account balance, 0.25% works out to $125 a year.

  • Online financial planning services and advisors typically charge either a flat subscription fee, a percentage of your assets or both. For example, Empower charges 0.49% to 0.89% of assets under management per year. Facet charges an annual fee that starts at $2,000 a year and goes up based on the complexity of your financial situation. Both fees include portfolio management and financial planning.

  • Traditional financial advisors also often charge a percentage of the amount managed, with a median fee of 1%, although it can range higher for small accounts and lower for large ones. Others may charge a flat fee, an hourly rate or a retainer.

How much you should spend on a financial advisor depends on your budget, assets and the level of financial guidance you need. If you have a small portfolio, an in-person advisor might be overkill — you will save money and get the guidance you need from a robo-advisor. If you have a complicated financial situation, a robo-advisor may not provide what you need.

Step 5. Vet the financial advisor's background

No matter what title, designation, certification or license an advisor claims to have, it’s on you to vet the advisor’s credentials and experience. Always verify any credentials they claim to have and check to see if they've had any disciplinary problems such as fraud.

You can research an advisor’s background by looking up their Form ADV before you agree to work with them. You can also review an advisor's employment record (and look for red flags like disciplinary actions) on FINRA's BrokerCheck website.

Frequently asked questions

Financial advisors perform many services, though for the most part, they help clients manage their money. Often, this means managing a client’s investment portfolio. Financial advisors can help you cut expenses, pay down debt and prioritize your goals. Some financial advisors have expertise that allows them to help with complicated or holistic financial concerns, such as estate planning or tax strategy.

If you're not quite ready to commit to a financial advisor but want to test the waters, many banks and brokerages offer free online libraries of financial advice and tools. Some organizations like the Foundation for Financial Planning offer free help to people in need, including veterans and cancer patients.

And while you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet, there are tons of reputable sources for financial information online, including government resources like and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. For more resources, check out their guide to getting free financial advice.

You can seek out financial help at any time, but it’s especially important to get financial guidance after significant life changes. Whether you’re buying a house, starting a job, getting married or having a child, these life events can have major financial implications, and some upfront financial planning can go a long way toward building a stable financial future.

It’s also wise to speak with a professional if your financial situation itself has changed. Maybe your salary has increased or you inherited some money from a relative. When money starts flowing in, it’s a good idea to supply it a positive direction; otherwise, it can be all too easy to spend unnecessarily.

How much you should spend on a financial advisor depends on your budget, assets and the level of financial guidance you need. If you have a small portfolio, an in-person advisor might be overkill — you will save money and get the guidance you need from a robo-advisor. If you have a complicated financial situation, a robo-advisor may not provide what you need.

Financial advisor fees can vary significantly, so it’s important to keep your budget in mind when you are choosing financial services. Robo-advisors can cost as little as 0.25% of your account balance per year, traditional in-person advisors typically cost around 1% and online financial planning services tend to fall somewhere in between.

“Financial advisor” is a general term that is not regulated. If you are trying to pick a financial advisor, know that anyone can legally use that term. Always ask for (and verify) an advisor’s specific credentials. Anyone who gives investment advice — which most financial advisors do — must be registered as an investment advisor with the SEC or the state if they have a certain amount of assets under management.

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, “adviser” is the legal term used in the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to refer to individuals who must register with either the SEC or with their state.

Today, “adviser” is commonly spelled “advisor.” The important takeaway is not to refuse to work with someone who uses an “o” instead of an “e,” but that the world of financial professionals and their titles can be murky; no matter what someone’s title is, you should ask for their certifications, verify them and make sure their professional designations line up with your needs. You can verify an investment advisor’s registration with the SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure tool (it also has a database that includes state-registered advisors).

What do financial advisors do?

Financial advisors perform many services, though for the most part, they help clients manage their money. Often, this means managing a client’s investment portfolio. Financial advisors can help you cut expenses, pay down debt and prioritize your goals. Some financial advisors have expertise that allows them to help with complicated or holistic financial concerns, such as estate planning or tax strategy.

Where can I get free financial advice?

If you're not quite ready to commit to a financial advisor but want to test the waters, many banks and brokerages offer free online libraries of financial advice and tools. Some organizations like the Foundation for Financial Planning offer free help to people in need, including veterans and cancer patients.

And while you shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet, there are tons of reputable sources for financial information online, including government resources like and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. For more resources, check out their guide to getting

free financial advice


When should you talk to a financial advisor?

You can seek out financial help at any time, but it’s especially important to get financial guidance after significant life changes. Whether you’re buying a house, starting a job, getting married or having a child, these life events can have major financial implications, and some upfront

financial planning

can go a long way toward building a stable financial future.

It’s also wise to speak with a professional if your financial situation itself has changed. Maybe your salary has increased or you inherited some money from a relative. When money starts flowing in, it’s a good idea to supply it a positive direction; otherwise, it can be all too easy to spend unnecessarily.

How do financial advisors get paid?

How much you should spend on a financial advisor depends on your budget, assets and the level of financial guidance you need. If you have a small portfolio, an in-person advisor might be overkill — you will save money and get the guidance you need from a robo-advisor. If you have a complicated financial situation, a robo-advisor may not provide what you need.

Financial advisor fees

can vary significantly, so it’s important to keep your budget in mind when you are choosing financial services. Robo-advisors can cost as little as 0.25% of your account balance per year, traditional in-person advisors typically cost around 1% and online financial planning services tend to fall somewhere in between.

Who can be a financial advisor?

“Financial advisor” is a general term that is not regulated. If you are trying to pick a financial advisor, know that anyone can legally use that term. Always ask for (and verify) an advisor’s specific credentials. Anyone who gives

investment advice

— which most financial advisors do — must be registered as an investment advisor with the SEC or the state if they have a certain amount of assets under management.

Why is "advisor" sometimes spelled "adviser"? Is there a difference?

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, “adviser” is the legal term used in the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to refer to individuals who must register with either the SEC or with their state.

Today, “adviser” is commonly spelled “advisor.” The important takeaway is not to refuse to work with someone who uses an “o” instead of an “e,” but that the world of financial professionals and their titles can be murky; no matter what someone’s title is, you should ask for their certifications, verify them and make sure their professional designations line up with your needs. You can verify an investment advisor’s registration with the

SEC’s Investment Adviser Public Disclosure

tool (it also has a database that includes state-registered advisors).

Sun, 26 Feb 2023 06:24:00 -0600 en-US text/html
The Princeton Review's Company Look Back at 2023 and Look Ahead to 2024

NEW YORK, Dec. 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Princeton Review ®, one of the nation's leading education providers, today shared its annual look back at some of the company's key offerings over the past year and look ahead to some projects in the works for the year ahead.

Millions of people use one or more of The Princeton Review's education resources each year. Students use the company's products and services to score their best on tests; tackle school assignments; Excellerate their grades; research and gain admission to undergraduate, graduate, and medical schools, and maximize their prospects for scholarships and financial aid. Post-graduates use the company's resources to upskill for career advancement as well as prepare for and pass professional licensing exams.

In 2023, The Princeton Review's products and services included:

Test-prep Courses. Offered for more than 26 tests, the courses are available in various options and formats from live online to self-paced. Some carry the company's Better Score Money Back Guarantee. Among The Princeton Review courses for tests taken by applicants to graduate and medical schools—the GMAT®, GRE®, LSAT®, and MCAT®—the company's LSAT 165+ and MCAT 515+ courses were the most popular in 2023. Among its courses for tests taken by applicants to colleges—the SAT®, ACT®, and AP® subject tests—The Princeton Review's SAT 1400+ course was the most popular in 2023.

During this transitional year for the SAT, the company provided test-prep programs that supported students in the U.S. preparing for the final administrations of the current SAT as well as programs for international students preparing to take the Digital SAT which debuted in test centers abroad in January. The Digital SAT will debut in the U.S. in March 2024. This year, the company has also been diligently tracking planned (or implemented) revisions on other major tests and updating its resources for students preparing to take them.

Princeton Review courses and resources for professional licensing and certification exams include its USMLE® Test Pack for MD candidates taking the medical licensing exam, and its suite of resources for the NCLEX-RN®, the test required for licensing as a Registered Nurse. These include its NCLEX-RN LiveOnline course, NCLEX Self-Paced course, and NCLEX-RN QBank . In 2023, the company updated its NCLEX-RN products to align them with the NGN (Next Generation NCLEX) revision of the text which debuted in April.

The company also has test prep courses for the Level I, Level II, and Level III CFA® (Chartered Financial Analyst®) exams. In 2023, the company updated its course materials for these exams to align them with revisions that will be in the 2024 administrations of the tests. This year, Princeton Review also added free practice questions for the Level I CFA test to its CFA test prep resources.

In March, a marketing partnership with Surgent Accounting & Financial Education enabled The Princeton Review to offer its customers exclusive discounts on Surgent's test review products for the CPA® (Certified Public Accountant), CMA® (Certified Management Accountant), and CISA® (Certified Information Systems Auditor) exams.

Tutoring online and on demand 24/7 in 80+ subjects via The Princeton Review's hubs, The Academy and Homework Help. At The Academy, tutors help students in grades 6–12 earn higher grades in their school subjects and prepare for tests. In 2023, the top two subjects for which the company's tutors provided academic help were Algebra and Pre-Calculus. At the Homework Help hub, tutors help students tackle school assignments. In 2023, the top two subjects for which the tutors provided homework help were Algebra II and Calculus.

Admissions Counseling for college and medical school applicants. Some of the "dream" schools to which students working with Princeton Review college admission counselors gained admission in 2023 are Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, and Stanford. Overall, students were accepted at 205 unique institutions and awarded more than $8M in financial aid. Applicants to medical schools who worked with the company's admissions counselors this year gained admission to the top 20 medical schools in the U.S. as well as top medical schools outside of the U.S. including the University of Cambridge, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Toronto.

Books. The Princeton Review's line of 150+ books, distributed by Penguin Random House, includes test-prep guides, college guides, and study aids. In 2023, the company published the 38th annual edition of its first-ever test-prep book, its guide to the SAT, and the 35th annual edition of its guide to the ACT. The Princeton Review has also published regularly updated guides to the GMAT, GRE, LSAT and MCAT for decades. In 2023, several of the company's guides to AP subject tests were designated as bestsellers by in its AP Subject Test Guides category. In accurate weeks, four of the five bestselling AP test guides in this category have been Princeton Review books, including the #1 bestseller which is The Princeton Review Premium Prep Guide to the AP U.S. History test. The company's guide to the Digital SAT has been the #1 bestseller in the College Entrance Test Guides category. Other Princeton Review books published in 2023 include: GMAT & GRE Math Made Easy, SAT Level Up! Math, SAT Level Up! Verbal, Essays That Kicked Apps, The K&W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Differences (16th Edition), and the 32nd annual edition of the company's flagship college guide, The Best 389 Colleges.

AI Tools. This year, The Princeton Review debuted its first generative AI-based tools: AI College Admissions Essay Counseling and AI Homework Essay Feedback. Students using these innovative resources can upload essays they have written and within seconds receive feedback, evaluation, and recommendations of ways to make their essays even better. Designed with input from The Princeton Review's college admission and tutoring experts, the tools provide feedback on clarity, coherence, conciseness, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and more. (Note: These products do not write the student's essays.) On December 14, these two tools were named 2023 New Product of the Year award winners by Campus Technology and THE Journal, two of the leading edtech publications.

In 2023, The Princeton Review also:

Reported school rankings in dozens of categories, including its:

Best Business Schools and Best Law Schools (January)
Top Undergrad and Grad Schools to Study Game Design (March)
Best Value Colleges (April)
Best Colleges (August)
Top Green Colleges (October)
Top Undergrad and Grad Schools to Study Entrepreneurship (November)

Conducted national education surveys, including its:

College Hopes & Worries 2023 Survey. This survey, which The Princeton Review has annually conducted since 2003, polled 12,225 college applicants and their parents in February on their application perspectives, need for financial aid, levels of stress about college admission, "dream" college (the school they wished they (or their child) could attend if acceptance was a given and cost not a concern), and other topics. Among the findings reported in March: the #1 "dream" college among students surveyed was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology while Princeton was #1 among surveyed parents; 82% of respondents overall said financial aid would be "very necessary" to pay for college.

College Administrator Summer 2023 Survey. Now in its 4th year, this Princeton Review survey polled administrators at 229 colleges in July on their enrollment forecasts, test optional policies, and views on the Digital SAT, AI, the accurate Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, and more. Among the findings: the majority (89%) of administrators surveyed reported their colleges were test optional while 10% reported their schools were test blind, and 1% said their schools required test scores. College-level coursework on applicant transcripts is gaining importance in admission decisions. Nearly two-thirds (61%) of respondents to the 2023 survey deemed AP, IB, or dual enrollment coursework "important" on an applicant's transcript—a 7% increase over respondents so indicating in 2022.

In 2023, The Princeton Review also surveyed administrators at 2,000+ higher education institutions about their school offerings, policies, applicant requirements, and more. The company also surveyed students at hundreds of colleges and graduate schools about their campus experiences at their schools and ratings of them. Data collected from these surveys informs The Princeton Review's school rankings and its school profiles on and in the company's annual Best Colleges guide.

Provided free resources for students, parents, teachers, counselors and working professionals:

From college night talks to test strategy sessions to career-related webinars, The Princeton Review hosted thousands of free events in 2023. The company's education experts also wrote and recorded dozens of videos that were uploaded to The Princeton Review's YouTube channel which now comprises 575 videos. These lively videos present company experts sharing updates on changes in standardized tests, tips for taking and scoring well on exams, strategies for gaining school admission, and short features about colleges. In 2023, the video most viewed on The Princeton Review YouTube channel was: "The New Digital SAT: Everything You Need to Know."

Was widely referenced in media programs, articles, and newscasts:

Each year, many national, regional, and local members of the media reach out to The Princeton Review for information, comment, and interviews about education issues. In 2023, Rob Franek, editor in chief of The Princeton Review, appeared on several national broadcasts including an August 18segment on NBC TODAY that was his 30th appearance on the show. It featured his advice for college applicants, report on the company's annual Best Colleges rankings, and comments on education issues in the news. Other national media interviewing Rob or fellow Princeton Review author/experts in 2023 included: CNBC; Yahoo Finance Live!, The Chronicle of Higher Education; and Teen Kids News. Media also reported on the company's rankings of hundreds of institutions that publicized their Princeton Review rankings in their news releases, websites, and social media channels in 2023. Many schools are citing them anew in their end-of-year retrospectives of their school distinctions.

Projects The Princeton Review has in the works for 2024 include:

Continuing updates of the company's website and its online, tutoring, and book resources for the many standardized tests that have undergone (or will be undergoing) substantial revisions. These include the new Digital SAT and new Digital PSAT/NMSQT®, a new edition of the GMAT (the GMAT Focus), a new format for the LSAT, and changes in professional licensing exams including the NCLEX-RN.

A new MCAT in-person course. Debuting in January, this intensive course will feature new uses of technology and a team-teaching approach. It will concentrate on weekend, in-person sessions that will enable students to connect with the instructors and their fellow learners.

Updated editions of the company's college-related books. Among them: The Best 390 Colleges: 2025 Edition, which will reveal the top 25 schools in 50 categories based on the company's surveys of 165,000 college students who rated and reported on their schools for this project, and Paying for College: 2025 Edition, which will include detailed guidance on completing the 2025-26 FAFSA® (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA has undergone a major overhaul that was mandated by the U.S. Congress in 2019 with the passage of the FAFSA Simplification Act. The significantly revised (although not entirely simplified) 2024-25 FAFSA will be released on December 31, 2023. (Note: the FAFSA is annually updated.)

A campaign to expand awareness of mental health services on college campuses. Supported by a partnership with the Ruderman Family Foundation, this Princeton Review project is collecting data from administrators at more than 2,800 colleges about the availability of mental health services and resources at their schools. The company is also surveying college students about their awareness of such services and resources on their campuses. In late summer 2024, The Princeton Review will output this data in various ways, including reporting information about the schools' mental health services in its college profiles on

"As The Princeton Review begins its 43rd year, they remain committed as ever to the company's mission: to help students learn, score their best on tests, and succeed in school and beyond" said Joshua HJ Park, CEO of The Princeton Review and "Since The Princeton Review's founding in 1981, the company has delivered its services across an ever-expanding range of instructional formats and pioneered innovative uses of technology to advance education. Our launch this year of their first AI products—two resources that could only have been imagined in 1981—underscores their commitment to their founding mission. They look forward to developing new and exciting ways to help students learn in 2024 and succeed in their education and career goals." 

About The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review is a leading tutoring, test prep, and college admissions services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school-bound students as well as working professionals achieve their education and career goals through its many education services and products. These include online and in-person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors; online resources; a line of more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House; and dozens of categories of school rankings. The company's brand, now in its 23rd year, is one of the largest online tutoring services in the US. It comprises a community of thousands of tutors who have delivered more than 25 million one-to-one tutoring sessions. The Princeton Review, headquartered in New York, NY, is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit and the company's Media Center. Follow the company on X (formerly Twitter) (@ThePrincetonRev) and Instagram (@theprincetonreview).

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Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:43:00 -0600 en text/html
3 Strategies For Finding A Certified Crypto-Friendly Advisor

The world of cryptocurrency has emerged as a lucrative investment opportunity, attracting both seasoned investors and newcomers alike. Having a certified advisor with crypto expertise is crucial because of the high returns and ever-evolving nature of the market. This article will explore three strategies to help you find the perfect advisor to guide you through the intricate crypto landscape.

The Benefits of Working With A Certified Advisor

Finding a competent, licensed financial advisor who is also crypto-friendly is like finding a needle in the digital haystack. Bitwise's accurate study shows that while 90% of advisors receive questions about cryptocurrency from clients, only 15% invest in it.

Many Americans are new to crypto and may need help understanding the value a financial advisor can provide. Joe Kelly, co-founder and CEO of Unchained has launched Sound Advisory to address this gap in the market. “As bitcoin and legacy finance continue to intertwine, it’s critical for the industry to offer a bitcoin-native solution for professional financial guidance.”

As digital assets become more popular, it's important to have financial advice that covers both traditional and cryptocurrency investments. The competency of crypto-friendly advisors in tackling issues unique to the crypto domain, such as security best practices, wallet selection, and account funding, enables an investor to navigate the rapidly evolving crypto ecosystem confidently.

"Investors clearly want to invest in crypto, but volatility and security of their funds are a worry,” Adam Blumberg told me in an interview, based on his experience providing crypto education for advisors through his company Interaxis. “A crypto-certified advisor can help them understand how crypto can fit their portfolio based on their life and risk profile, and how to do so safely."

Strategy 1: Researching Certifications And Qualifications

When searching for a certified advisor, it is essential to delve into their certifications and qualifications. Look for professionals who hold certifications, such as Certified Digital Asset Advisor or Certified Blockchain Expert. These certifications demonstrate a deep understanding of crypto and adherence to industry best practices. Additionally, explore their educational background and any relevant degrees or courses they have completed.

It is also crucial to consider the ongoing professional development of a potential advisor. Look for individuals who participate in continuous education and stay updated on the latest developments in the cryptocurrency world. A competent advisor will actively seek opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills, ensuring they can provide accurate and up-to-date guidance.

Strategy 2: Seeking Recommendations And Referrals

One of the most effective ways to find a certified advisor with crypto expertise is by seeking recommendations and referrals from trusted sources. Start by reaching out to fellow investors or professionals in the financial industry with cryptocurrency experience. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions based on their interactions with advisors.

Online forums and communities dedicated to cryptocurrencies are also excellent resources for gathering recommendations. Engage with these communities, ask for advice, and seek out individuals who have had positive experiences with advisors. However, always exercise caution and verify the credibility of the sources before making any decisions.

Strategy 3: Evaluating Experience And Track Record

When evaluating potential advisors, assessing their experience and track record in the crypto market is crucial. Finding data on investment performance is unlikely, but you can look for advisors who have been actively involved in the industry for a significant period. Experience brings valuable insights and the ability to navigate the volatile market successfully.

One obvious strategy that is often overlooked is the advisor’s website. Publicly advertising cryptocurrency services indicates the advisor has a business model to deliver advice and the confidence to market their knowledge. A reputable advisor will be transparent about their achievements and be willing to provide references or case studies.

Questions to Ask When Interviewing A Potential Advisor

During the interview process, it is essential to ask relevant questions to gauge the expertise and suitability of a potential advisor. Consider asking the following:

  1. What certifications and qualifications do you hold?
  2. How do you stay updated on the latest developments in the crypto market?
  3. Can you provide references or case studies of your past successes?
  4. How do you approach risk management in cryptocurrency investments?
  5. How do you customize your advice to align with individual investment goals and risk tolerance?

Asking these questions will allow you to assess the advisor's knowledge, communication skills, and ability to tailor their advice to your needs.

Working with a certified advisor offers numerous benefits, including knowledge, compliance assurance, and mentorship. Using the strategies above, you can conduct thorough research, seek recommendations from trusted sources, and evaluate potential advisors based on their experience and track record. Remember to ask relevant questions during the interview process and remain vigilant for any red flags that may indicate potential issues.

Disclosure: I am the Co-Founder of PlannerDAO, a non-profit that manages the Certified Digital Asset Advisor designation. The views and opinions expressed in this article are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of PlannerDAO. This article is for information purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice.

Thu, 02 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500 Steve Larsen en text/html
Once-exclusive 'accredited investor' tag on track to apply to half of U.S. households

alotofpeople -

With no inflation adjustments to the criteria for who counts as an "accredited investor" in four decades, the number of households fitting the definition has swollen sixteenfold.

And unless regulators start erecting further barriers to entry, the accredited investor crowd is expected to grow large enough in the next 20 years to encompass nearly half of all U.S. households. Accredited investors are generally meant to be members of an exclusive club deemed fit by their financial sophistication and wherewithal to put money into hedge funds, private investments in startup firms and other risky vehicles not commonly traded on public markets.

Since 1982, the Securities and Exchange Commission has defined these sorts of investors as people with a net worth of at least $1 million or more than $200,000 in annual income in each of the previous two years. The criteria have been refined several times since then. 

In 1988, for instance, the Wall Street regulator decided to admit households with a joint annual income of $300,000 over the past two years. In 2011, it said investors' primary residences had to be excluded from the net worth calculation.

READ MORE: The 23 top tax stories of 2023

But the basic thresholds have remained the same even as inflation has eroded the buying power of the dollar. That has meant a steep increase in the number of U.S. households meeting the criteria for accredited investors.

Time for review?
A report SEC staff released on Dec. 15 suggests those standards could be due for revision. Jay Gould, a former SEC lawyer and current special counsel in the San Francisco office of Baker Botts, noted that the report makes no specific recommendations.

But its prediction that nearly half of all U.S. households will meet the definition of accredited investor in the next 20 years does raise real questions over whether the net worth and income criteria are serving their intended purpose. 

"They are laying the groundwork for saying, should they index this to inflation?" Gould said in an interview. "Or should they have additional standards?"

According to the SEC's report, in 1983 only 1.51 million households met the definition, or 1.8% of the total. By 2022, that number had risen to 24.3 million households, or 18.5% of the total. And if nothing changes, it will approach 80 million by 2042 —nearly half of all U.S. households.

If the SEC's thresholds had kept pace with inflation, the net worth limit would now stand at a little above $3 million. The income limits would be around $608,000 for individuals and $911,000 for households with joint incomes.

How much money are they talking?
Gould said the SEC has struggled to gauge how much money annually goes into the sorts of nonpublic investments that are typically reserved for accredited investors. The agency's report estimates that $3.7 trillion was raised by these means in 2022, much of it going to private startup firms. Registered offerings on regulated public markets brought in only $1 trillion in the same period.

But Gould noted that the SEC acknowledges in its own report that unregistered offerings, by their very nature, are difficult to track.

Once every four years
The SEC's report is a result of a provision in the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 requiring the SEC to review its standards for accredited investors every four years. Gould said he thinks the SEC has the legal authority to change the standards on its own, although any attempt of that sort might lead to legal challenges.

Usha Rodrigues, a professor of corporate finance and securities law at the University of Georgia, said in an interview that there's sometimes a perception that the accredited investor laws exclude regular investors from opportunities that allow the rich to grow only richer.

READ MORE: How the election will hit markets and 4 other wealth predictions for 2024

"When times are good, people are pressed up against the glass and wondering, why can't they do what everybody else is doing?" Rodrigues said. "The thought is that this is not fair and it's not American."

But when the bottom drops out of these riskier investments, a hue and cry often goes up asking why less sophisticated investors weren't better protected, she said.

Legislation situation
Even as some question if the definition of accredited investor could stand some tightening, Congress in accurate years has put forward a variety of bills meant to lower the gates. The Fair Investment Opportunities for Professional Experts Act, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in June, would expand the definition to include certified broker-dealers, investment advisors or others who have certain professional licenses or experiences. 

The legislation is similar to an internal SEC order from Aug. 20 extending the definition of accredited investor to federal- or state-registered advisors and certain holders of brokerage licenses, among others. Like similar pieces of legislation in accurate years, its chances of adoption by both chambers are slim.

Gould said he thinks Democrats in the Senate will resist attempts to admit more households into the ranks of accredited investors. He also predicted any attempt by the SEC to tighten the admission standards will probably wait until after the presidential election in November.

"It's probably time that they do something," he said. "But I wouldn't expect anything immediately."

Carve-out for startups?
Rodrigues said one argument commonly made by advocates of looser criteria is that the current qualifications make it difficult for private startup firms to raise money from regular investors. Difficulties with accessing capital are one of the biggest struggles for companies that are just getting started.

Rodrigues said that if lawmakers are seeking to ease the way for startups, they could devise an exception that allows non-accredited households to put money into them while still keeping up the barriers to investing in hedge funds and other risky alternatives.

"I'm not anti-hedge funds," Rodrigues said. "But I really do think there is an argument that there needs to be a more direct path to capital markets with respect to startups rather than for hedge funds or derivative plays."

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 04:11:00 -0600 en text/html
New U.S. Russia Sanctions Target Financial Support of Military-Industrial Base and Expand Ban of Seafood Imports

New U.S. Russia Sanctions Target Financial Support of Military-Industrial Base and Expand Ban of Seafood Imports

The Biden Administration recently issued the latest round of U.S. sanctions against Russia, focusing on (1) secondary sanctions applicable to foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”) that engage in certain transactions in support of Russia’s military-industrial base, and (2) the importation into the United States of certain Russian-origin seafood processed in third countries. The U.S. sanctions, issued December 22, 2023, follow the European Union’s twelfth package of sanctions against Russia, imposed on December 18, 2023.

As a result of the new sanctions, it will be important for FFIs to conduct export controls-related due diligence for any transaction with potential Russia exposure and for U.S. seafood importers to engage in supply chain tracing to ensure that imported products are not prohibited.

To effectuate the sanctions, President Biden issued a new executive order (“EO”) amending EO 14024 (providing for the imposition of sanctions against certain categories of Russia-related persons) and EO 14068 (prohibiting certain Russia-related imports, exports, and new investment). Furthermore, the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) issued a determination (the “Critical Items Determination”) identifying categories of goods triggering secondary sanctions risks for FFIs and a determination (the “Seafood Determination”) identifying categories of seafood processed in third countries that are prohibited for import.

Secondary Sanctions Against FFIs

President Biden’s EO authorizes the imposition of sanctions against FFIs conducting or facilitating transactions:

  1. For or on behalf of persons designated as Specially Designated Nationals (“SDNs”) under EO 14024 for operating in the technology, defense and related materiel, construction, aerospace, or manufacturing sectors of the Russian economy; or
  2. Involving Russia’s military-industrial base, including the supply to Russia (directly or indirectly) of certain listed items.

The Critical Items Determination lists items triggering sanctions for FFIs, including certain machine tools and manufacturing equipment; manufacturing materials for semiconductors and related electronics; electronic test equipment; propellants, chemical precursors for propellants, and explosives; lubricants and lubricant additives; bearings; advanced optical systems; and navigation instruments. 

It is important to keep in mind that the authority to impose sanctions against FFIs under item (i) above is separate from the authority to impose sanctions under item (ii) (involving listed “critical items”), and further that providing support for the supply of “critical items” is just an illustrative example of a transaction involving Russia’s military-industrial base. Thus, FFIs that conduct or facilitate significant transactions or provide any service involving Russia’s military-industrial base, whether or not involving “critical items,” run the risk of being sanctioned by OFAC.

Where an FFI engages in the above activity, OFAC is authorized to:

  • Prohibit the opening of U.S. correspondent or payable-through accounts for the FFI or impose “strict conditions” on the maintenance of such accounts; or
  • Block the property and interests in property of the FFI, i.e., designate the FFI as an SDN, impose an asset freeze, and prohibit U.S. persons from engaging in all transactions and dealings with the FFI.

To aid FFIs in complying with the new sanctions, OFAC issued a Compliance Advisory. The Advisory identifies the following as examples of activities that could place an FFI at risk:

  • Maintaining accounts, transferring funds, or providing other financial services (i.e., payment processing, trade finance, insurance) for any persons designated for operating in the specified sectors.
  • Maintaining accounts, transferring funds, or providing other financial services for any persons, either inside or outside Russia, that support Russia’s military-industrial base, including those that operate in the specified sectors of the Russian Federation economy.
  • Facilitating the sale, supply, or transfer, directly or indirectly, of the specified items to Russian importers or companies shipping the items to Russia.
  • Helping companies or individuals evade U.S. sanctions on Russia’s military-industrial base. This includes: 

- offering to set up alternative or non-transparent payment mechanisms,
- changing or removing customer names or other relevant information from payment fields,
- obfuscating the true purpose of, or parties involved in payments, or
- otherwise taking steps to hide the ultimate purpose of transactions to evade sanctions.

Seafood Sanctions

President Biden’s EO broadens EO 14068’s pre-existing ban of the import of Russian-origin seafood to authorize OFAC to ban the import of seafood:

mined, extracted, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part in the Russian Federation, or harvested in waters under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation or by Russia-flagged vessels, notwithstanding whether such products have been incorporated or substantially transformed into other products outside of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, under the new EO, OFAC has expanded the prior ban to now also prohibit imports of seafood that are of Russian origin or harvested in Russian waters or by Russia-flagged vessels—even to the extent they are incorporated or substantially transformed into products made elsewhere.

OFAC’s Seafood Determination, in implementation of the new sanctions, identifies salmon, cod, pollock, and crab as subject to the expanded import ban.

To ease the compliance burden associated with the new sanctions, OFAC issued a general license authorizing until February 21, 2024, the wind-down of transactions “ordinarily incident and necessary to the importation into the United States of seafood derivative products.” The general license applies to transactions pursuant to contracts entered into before December 22, 2023.

Notably, in a Frequently Asked Question, OFAC stated that it intends to issue a determination similarly prohibiting the importation of certain Russian diamonds processed in third countries.

Key Takeaways

Particularly notable aspects of the new sanctions include the following:

  • FFIs / secondary sanctions.
    • FFIs can be subject to sanctions for engaging in transactions involving (1) SDNs designated for operating in certain sectors of Russia’s economy supporting Russia’s military-industrial base, or (2) the supply to Russia of certain specified critical items. 
    • Notably, this applies even if a transaction is completely outside of U.S. “primary” sanctions jurisdiction (e.g., to non-U.S. dollar-denominated transactions). 
    • The new sanctions make clear that OFAC intends to focus on FFIs’ financial services as key nodes of support for Russia’s defense industrial base.
  • FFIs / export control due diligence.
    • As a result of the Critical Items Determination, it is important for FFIs to conduct export controls-related due diligence for any transaction with potential Russia exposure.
    • Specifically, FFIs should consider integrating checks into their due diligence regarding possible direct or indirect export to Russia of listed “critical items.”
    • The focus on the financial system’s role in facilitating exports of critical items to Russia is consistent with a recent joint bulletin issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security regarding evasion of U.S. export controls.
  • Seafood / processing in third countries.
    • The Seafood Determination’s focus on Russian-origin seafood processed in third countries reflects a concern by the United States and its G7 partners that third-country processing of sanctioned Russian items helps Russia to derive revenue and evade sanctions. 
    • Along these lines, as noted above, OFAC intends to issue a determination imposing similar sanctions on Russian diamonds processed in third countries.
  • Seafood sanctions / supply chain tracing.
    • With the updated sanctions prohibiting the import of Russian-origin seafood (including seafood harvested in Russian waters or by Russia-flagged vessels) that is processed in third countries, it will be important—and challenging—for U.S. seafood importers to engage in supply chain tracing to ensure that imported products are not prohibited. 
    • U.S. seafood importers may wish to consider how to develop diligence processes to confirm that their imports are free of sanctions-related taint.
    • It seems likely that U.S. Customs and Border Protection will take an active role in seizing prohibited cargo, as under the Uyghur and Forced Labor Prevention Act.
Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:59:00 -0600 en text/html
Vaillancourt becomes a Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor

BANGOR – Acadia Federal Credit Union is pleased to announce that collections officer, Kate Vaillancourt, has successfully finished the required coursework and test to become a Certified Credit Union Financial Counselor.  

CCUFC designation is earned through the Credit Union National Association Financial Counseling Certification Program eSchool and demonstrates proficiency in critical financial counseling skills and concepts. The program is designed for credit union staff who work in financial counseling, collections, and loan departments, to help Excellerate the financial well-being of credit union members. 

The demand for expert assistance is significant, particularly as many individuals confront uncertain economic futures. Vaillancourt’s expertise will be used to assist Acadia FCU members facing financial challenges and guide them toward greater financial stability. This may ultimately help reduce delinquencies and increase adoption of credit union products and services, while showcasing the distinctive advantages of credit union membership.

“Kate’s accurate certification is more than just an individual achievement; it embodies their mission of creating exceptional experiences that enrich the lives of their members,” said Acadia FCU Executive Vice President, Joey Cannan. “With each stride they make in professional development, they draw closer to providing unparalleled resources and support to their community, always aiming to elevate the standards of excellence.”

To earn the CCUFC designation, Vaillancourt completed a combination of educational objectives and passed the required exam. She will keep her financial counseling knowledge current by recertifying every three years. 

Acadia FCU is committed to offering continuous educational opportunities, empowering their team to excel in their respective roles and provide meaningful guidance to their members.

With a rich history dating back to 1963, Acadia Federal Credit Union is the culmination of seven smaller community credit unions and proudly serves Aroostook, Penobscot, Hancock, Washington, and Piscataquis counties. With eight branch locations, over 16,000 members, and assets exceeding $327 million, their mission, “Creating exceptional experiences to enrich your life,” guides their dedication to delivering top-tier support and financial solutions, while contributing to the vibrancy of their communities. Discover how their member-owned financial institution can enhance your financial journey by visiting

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html

ABV test prep - Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) Updated: 2024

Real ABV questions that appeared in test today
Exam Code: ABV Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) test prep January 2024 by team

ABV Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV)

The Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV ®) credential is granted exclusively by the AICPA to CPAs and qualified valuation professionals who demonstrate considerable expertise in valuation through their knowledge, skill, experience and adherence to professional standards. To obtain the credential, you must pass the two-part, modular ABV Exam. The test requirement is waived for candidates who have passed the ASA credential test of the American Society of Appraisers, CFA test level III of the CFA Institute or CBV credential test of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.

The AICPAs ABV credential is the most rigorous and prestigious of the business valuation certifications. In a short time, it has become an essential marketing tool for the CPA planning to specialize in this lucrative practice area.

Review sources of data, techniques, and methods used to analyze business interest, value drivers, and risk assessment.

Distinguish among the three primary approaches to value (and related hybrid approaches), as well as identify and apply various types of valuation adjustments and the reconciliation of value estimates.

Identify key areas related to valuation in the conceptual framework of fair value accounting, accounting for business combinations, and accounting for goodwill impairment.

Identify the five basic steps of a valuation engagement.

Differentiate among standards of value, premises of value, and levels of value.

Identify valuation related professional standards and guidelines issued by AICPA (for example, VS section 100).

Newly enhanced and closely aligned with the ABV exam, the AICPAs ABV test Review is the only comprehensive BV examination review program backed by the resources and collective expertise of business valuation professionals associated with the nation's premier membership organization for CPAs.

The AICPAs ABV credential is the most rigorous and prestigious of the business valuation certifications. In a short time, it has become an essential marketing tool for the CPA planning to specialize in this lucrative practice area. A key step towards becoming an ABV, the ABV test tests a comprehensive range of business valuation knowledge.

The ABV test is offered in a two-part, modular format. Module 1, "Approaches", covers Content Specification Outline (CSO) section II and chapters 4-7 and 9 of ABV test Review. Module 2, "Analysis and Related" covers CSO sections I & III and chapters 1-3 and 8 of ABV test Review. Please reference the CSO before preparing for the ABV exam.

NOTE: Taking this review course does not guarantee that the candidate will successfully pass the ABV exam. This course reviews most of the items on the exams content specific outline and is not meant to teach syllabus to the candidate for the first time. A significant amount of independent memorizing and study will be necessary to prepare for the exam, regardless of whether or not the candidate completes this review course.

Key topics:

Professional Standards, the Engagement, and Standards of Value

Fair Value for Financial Reporting Based on Financial Accounting

Standards Board Accounting Standards Codification (FASB ASC) 820

Subject Company Analysis

Income Approach to Value

Cost of Capital

The Market Approach to Valuation

Asset-Based Approach

The Valuation of Intangible Assets and Intellectual Property

Valuation Adjustments: Discounts and Premiums and Reconciliation of Indicated Values

I. Foundation of Valuation Theory (Exam Part 1 — 50%)

A. Professional standards

B. Financial reporting

C. Defining the engagement

D. Sources of economic and industry data

E. Macro-economic and environmental analysis

F. Industry analysis

G. Subject entity analysis

II. Implementation of Valuation Methods (Exam Part 2 — 50%)

A. Valuation approaches

B. Intellectual property and other intangible assets

C. Discounts, premiums and other adjustments

D. Conclusion of value

A. Professional standards

1. AICPA VS Section 100, Valuation of a Business, Business Ownership

Interest, Security, or Intangible Asset (VS Section 100)

2. AICPA Code Of Professional Conduct ET 1.200.001 “Independence

rule” and interpretations of the “nonattest services” subtopic [1.295]

(Pronouncements and regulations related to independence

requirements when providing business valuation services to attest clients)

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapter 2

Financial Valuation: Applications and Models, chapter 12

B. Financial Reporting

1. Fair value measurements (FASB ASC 820)

2. Business combinations (FASB ASC 805)

3. Goodwill and other intangibles and measuring impairment

(FASB ASC 350)

4. Accounting for the impairment of long-lived assets (FASB ASC 360)

5 Compensation — stock compensation (FASB ASC 718)

6. Contingent considerations

7. AICPA Statement on Auditing Standards AU Sec. 336 (Using the Work

of a Specialist) And AU Sec. 328 (Auditing Fair Value Measurements

And Disclosures)

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapter 19

Financial Valuation: Applications

and Models, chapter 24

C. Defining the engagement

1. Standards of value (e.g., fair market value, fair value — financial

reporting, investment value, intrinsic [fundamental] value)

a. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Revenue Ruling 59–60 (fundamental

valuation considerations and the definition of fair market value)

2. Relationship between purpose of the valuation and the standard of value

3. Understanding the ownership characteristics of the interest being valued

4. Premise of value for business interests (i.e., ongoing concern and liquidation)

5. Engagement letters (e.g., purpose and content)

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapters 3, 4 and 16

Financial Valuation: Applications

and Models, chapter 2

VS Section 100

D. Sources of economic and industry data

E. Macro-economic and environmental alalysis

F. Industry analysis

1. Industry structure and life-cycle analysis

2. Competitive strategies and analysis

G. Subject entity analysis

1. Entity documents (e.g., operating agreements, buy-sell agreements and bylaws)

2. SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis

3. Firm economics (cost structure and pricing power marginal analysis)

4. Historic and forecast financial statements

a. Common size

b. Trend analysis

c. Financial ratios (a list of definitions, ratios and formulas provided during the test is included at the end of this document)

d. DuPont analysis; return on equity and return on assets

5. Adjustments to historic and forecast financial statements

a. Normalizing

b. Control vs. non-control

c. Separation of operating and non-operating items

d. Off balance sheet items

1) Other adjustments

2) Implied tax adjustments

3) Inusual and/or non-recurring items

4) GAAP based adjustments

Section II. Implementation of Valuation Methods (Exam Part 2 — 50%)

This section covers knowledge of the three primary approaches to value; intellectual property and intangible assets; levels of
value; discounts; premiums and the conclusion of value.

A. Valuation approaches

1. Income approach

a. General theory

b. Sources of data

c. Commonly used methods

1) Capitalized economic income/cash flow method (CCF), including Gordon Growth Model (consistent growth model)

2) Discounted economic income/cash flow method (DCF), including Gordon Growth Model (two-stage model)

3) Excess earnings method (hybrid method)

d. Commonly used models — direct equity model versus invested capital model

e. Types of benefit streams and selection

f. Cost of capital concepts and methodology and other models

1) Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and beta (B) including unlevering and relevering betas

2) Build-up method

3) Duff and Phelps risk premiums

4) Weighted average cost of capital

5) Understanding the security market

6) Understanding option pricing theory

g. Selection of appropriate time (including mid-year convention)

2. Market approach

a. General theory

b. Sources of data

c. Commonly used methods

1) Transactions in subject companys stock

2) Guideline publicly traded company method

3) Guideline merged and acquired company (transaction) method

d. Selecting guideline companies

e. Statistics related to valuation analysis

1) Understanding measures of central tendency (e.g., Arithmetic, harmonic and geometric means and median)

2) Understanding measures of dispersion (e.g., Variance and standard deviation)

3) Understanding statistical strengths of numerical relationships (including covariance, correlation, coefficient of determination and coefficient of variation)

4) Understanding linear regression

f. Equity versus invested capital (including price multiples)

g. Selection of appropriate time periods

h. Selection and adjustment of appropriate multiples

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapters 9 and 10

Financial Valuation: Applications and Models, chapter 8

3. Asset approach

a. General theory

b. Sources of data

c. Adjusted (net) asset method

d. Considerations in liquidation

e. Issues in valuing intangible assets

f. Tax affecting the balance sheet

B. Intellectual property and other intangible assets

1. Valuation approaches and methods

2. Valuing specific intangible assets

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapter 20

Financial Valuation: Applications

and Models, chapter 24

C. Discounts, premiums and other adjustments

1. Levels of value appropriate to the engagement

a. Control strategic (public or private company)

b. Minority/control standalone liquid (public company)

c. Control liquid (private company)

d. Control standalone (private company)

e. Minority non-marketable (private company)

2. Discount for lack of control (DLOC) and control premium

a. Sources of data

b. Ownership characteristics

c. Magnitude

3. Discount for lack of marketability (DLOM)

a. Sources of data

b. Ownership characteristics

c. Restrictions and transferability

d. Magnitude

4. Discount and premiums — understanding the empirical studies

5. Allocation between voting and non-voting stock

6. Other valuation discounts and adjustments

a. Market absorption and blockage discounts

b. Key person/thin management discounts

c. Built-in gains tax discount

d. Nonvoting stock discount

Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical

Guide to Valuing Small to Medium-Sized

Businesses, chapters 14 and 15

Financial Valuation: Applications

and Models, chapter 10

D. Conclusion of value

1. Reconciliation of indicated values

2. Reasonableness of conclusion
Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV)
Financial Accredited test prep

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CVA Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA)
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Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV)
Question: 319
______________ deals with the liquidation of the subject business ownership interest.
A. Investment
B. Reinvestment
C. Marketability
D. Discount quantification
Answer: C
Question: 320 The degree to which an asset, business, business ownership interest, or security can readily be converted into cash without significant loss of principal is called:
A. Marketability
B. Liquidity
C. Investor ownership
D. Public leadership
Answer: B
Question: 321 When non-controlling business ownership interests are valued by reference to the prices paid for guideline actively traded securities, the benchmark for the lack of marketability of the non-controlling ownership interests is the active public securities markets, this publicly traded counterpart value is often called:
A. Freely traded value
B. Restricted traded value
C. Business traded value
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Question: 322 What is identical in all respects to the freely traded stock of a public company except for the fact that it is restricted from trading on the open stock market for a certain period?
A. Letter stock
B. Empirical shares
C. Raising capital
D. Trading ownership
Answer: A
Question: 323 What is a publicly traded company that must file Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and other information with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)?
A. Stock Exchange
B. over-the-counter capital
C. Non-reporting company
D. Reporting company
Answer: D
Question: 324 Which study found that companies with stock listed on national exchanges had lower discounts on their restricted stock transactions than did companies with stock traded overthe-counter (OTC)?
A. Trout study
B. Moroney study
C. Gelman study
D. Maher study
Answer: A
Question: 325 The Johnson study analyzed following factors that might influence the size of the discount EXCEPT:
A. Positive net income
B. Sales volume
C. Transaction value
D. Gross income
Answer: D
Question: 326 Which model simply estimates a time horizon at which the interest will be liquidated, a liquidating price based on annual percentage growth in value from the valuation date, and interim cash flows to the holder?
A. Qualitative Marketability Discount Model
B. Qualitative Liquidity Discount Model
C. Quantitative Marketability Discount Model
D. Quantitative Liquidity Discount Model
Answer: C
Question: 327
Which of the following is NOT the factor that affects the degree of marketability?
A. “put” right
B. Dividend payment
C. Potential Buyer
D. Asset capitalization
Answer: D
Question: 328 The process of ______________ is the analysis of the alternative valuation indications in order to arrive at a final value estimate.
A. Reconciliation
B. Reassessment
C. Revaluation
D. Renegotiation
Answer: A
Question: 329 Which procedure does not quantitatively justify the valuation synthesis process, it does so in a qualitative manner?
A. Explicit weighting
B. Implicit weighting
C. Business weighted average
D. Procedural weighted average
Answer: B
Question: 330
Which of the following type of final value estimates may be appropriate, given the purpose and objective of the valuation?
A. A point estimate
B. A range of value
C. A relationship value
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 331 According to the 2006 edition of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), the definition of an appraisal, the act or process of developing an opinion of value; an opinion of value is called:
A. Evaluation
B. Appraisal
C. Assessment
D. Analysis
Answer: B
Question: 332 The length, type, and (to a certain extent) content of a business valuation report may be influenced by:
A. The valuation client
B. Any applicable statutory authority
C. The courts, through published judicial precedent
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 333 The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) Ethics Rule is divided into which four sections?
A. conduct, management, confidentiality and record keeping
B. planning, reconciliation, confidentiality and record keeping
C. conduct, management, examining and record keeping
D. planning, management, testing and record keeping
Answer: D
Question: 334 The price at which such property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell, and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts is called:
A. Fair market value
B. Appraisal value
C. Standard value
D. Financial value
Answer: A
Question: 335 Method that is commonly used in the valuation of closely held companies in order to minimize the differences between the subject company and the guideline companies is known as:
A. Product-line valuation method
B. Qualitative adjustment method
C. Invested capital valuation method
D. Market leverage valuation method
Answer: C
Question: 336 For a non-controlling ownership interest in Warm Chicken, which of the following factor is considered, that have an impact on the selection of the appropriate discount for lack of marketability?
A. Size of the block
B. Transaction activity
C. Dividends
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 337 Which of the following is the most frequently encountered reason for needing to value debt securities?
A. Purchase or sale for cash
B. Exchange of equity for debt, or vice versa
C. Allocating total enterprise value among classes of securities in a leveraged buyout, recapitalization (including tax-free reorganizations), or bankruptcy reorganization
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 338 Which theory states that the fair market value of an investment is equal to the present value of the future payments, discounted back to the current time at an appropriate discount rate?
A. Valuation
B. Investment
C. Interest payment
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Question: 339
The rate of interest that, when applied to the expected future payments on a debt security,
produces a present value of the payments equal to the debt security’s observed market
price is called the _____________ of that security.
A. Maturity of debt
B. yield to maturity
C. Interest maturity
D. Cost Maturity
Answer: B
Question: 340 Which of the following is the information needed for estimating the value of a closely held debt security?
A. the amount of future payments generated by the debt security
B. the timing of the future payments generated by the security
C. the appropriate rate of interest or yield to maturity to apply to the future payments to estimate the present value
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 341 If the market-determined yield to maturity for a debt security is equal to the security’s coupon interest rate, the security’s fair market value is equal to its face or par value.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 342
What allows the debtor to repay the debt prior to its maturity?
A. Fund provision
B. Call provision
C. Debt provision
D. Security provision
Answer: B
Question: 343 Which provision requires the debt issuer to call or retire a contractually determined portion of the entire debt issue periodically over time prior to the issue’s maturity date?
A. collateral provision
B. risk provision
C. sinking fund provision
D. Tax provision
Answer: C
Question: 344 A debt security that has no pledge of specific property or assets as collateral for the debt is called:
A. debenture
B. indenture
C. convention
D. covenant
Answer: A
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Financial Accredited test prep - BingNews Search results Financial Accredited test prep - BingNews How to Become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™

Becoming a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ can supply you broad-based knowledge that may allow you to guide your clients to achieve their personal financial goals. As a financial planner, you can expect to develop long-term client relationships and follow a strict code of ethics.

How to Become a CFP®

There are several components to obtaining the CFP® mark:

1. Education

Kristin Regis with the text Kristin RegisThe educational component includes completing a CFP Board-Registered Education Program and then 30 hours of continuing education in each reporting period. These ongoing requirements supply the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional the extra knowledge to enhance their reputation in the field.

“These requirements help to reassure potential clients that the financial planner has the knowledge to help them reach their financial goals and understands how to advise (them) ethically,” said Kristin Regis, an associate dean of finance at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU).

Along with a finance degree or a CPA credential, other courses that can help CFP® professionals include psychology or other social science, public speaking or business presentation, and communication classes.

2. The CFP® Exam

Craig Allen with the text Craig AllenHow hard is it to become a CFP® professional? First, you need to have specific coursework under your belt to qualify for the CFP® exam. Some degree programs will include this, but you typically need to take additional courses if you have a degree in a related field.

Craig Allen, CFP® professional and finance adjunct faculty at SNHU, recommends looking for a program that offers a financial planning concentration that qualifies you to sit for the test as you obtain your bachelor's degree.

Obtaining this defining industry credential can set you apart and accelerate your career, even when you have just a few years of experience. “(The CFP® mark) gives you a leg up, and shows you did the work and have the knowledge,” said Jennifer Facini, a CFP® professional and adjunct instructor at SNHU. "It builds trust.”

Facini also recommended getting a mentor, not only to help prepare for the test but for career development. She suggested exploring the mentor program offered on the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. website, which can include test prep, free resources and networking opportunities.

3. Personal Characteristics and Interests

There are also certain personal characteristics and traits that a successful CFP® professional should possess that can predict your level of enjoyment in the industry.

Dan Serra with the text Dan Serra“Students ask me, 'What skills do I need?' I often highlight two keywords: curiosity and empathy — about people and how things work,” said Dan Serra, CFP® and adjunct at SNHU.

Serra said that sometimes a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional needs to explain complex concepts to their clients. "(The CFP® professional needs) to be willing to go through many pages of documents to understand what their clients might not. As for empathy, you need to be comfortable with their feelings and in difficult times,” he said.

A thirst for ongoing knowledge, a desire to help people reach their financial goals and an affinity for developing long-term relationships with your clients are all beneficial in this career track.

4. Experience

Experience in the field is required to attain the certification. According to the CFP Board’s experience requirement, you must achieve 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the financial planning process or 4,000 hours of apprenticeship.

The CFP Board notes that “qualifying experience includes activities involving the delivery of financial planning services to individual clients,” including direct interaction with clients or a supervisory role.

Teaching financial planning-related courses, internships or the Financial Planning Association’s Residency Program are also suggested as ways to gain the necessary experience requirements.

5. Ethics

Ethics is one of the most important characteristics and requirements of the CFP® professional. When you seek to attain this credential, you are vowing to adhere to high ethical and professional standards laid out by the CFP Board.

You promise to act as a fiduciary when providing financial advice to your client, and that you will always place their best interests and needs above your own personal gain.

How is it Different From a Financial Advisor?

Your financial status will always be a part of planning your future. Many of us need help with this and can find it from a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, or CFP® professional. While a financial advisor may help clients reach their personal financial goals by primarily focusing on investments, CFP® professionals take a more holistic view and approach to their clients' financial health.

A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional can advise their clients on risk management, retirement, estate planning, taxes, insurance, budgeting and more — and how all these factors affect their client’s ability to save and grow their money.

Jennifer Facini with the text Jennifer FaciniCredibility, according to Facini, is valuable in the financial industry. “The term advisor is so loose; anyone can say it," she said. "But to be a CFP® professional, you’ve taken courses, did a capstone and then sat for the exam. Knowledge and experience and ongoing education are required annually, along with strong ethics."

These good ethics are reflected in the fiduciary standards to which the CFP® professional is required to adhere. The fiduciary standard means that as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional, you are obligated to put your clients’ needs ahead of your own. 

“Some advisors only get paid through (the) commission of selling certain products they’re incentivized to sell, that aren’t necessarily in the client’s best interest,” Facini said. “The fiduciary standard has eliminated that concern. (A CFP® professional is) working with your best interests in mind.”

The CFP® Professional and Client Relationship

One important consideration when becoming a CFP® professional is realizing a key element of the profession is developing and tending to long-term client relationships. Financial planning is a lifelong endeavor, and many things change and evolve in the best-laid plans due to life’s twists and turns. A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional should be comfortable being an intimate part of their client’s discussions of all those facets.

This cradle-to-grave relationship can last through marriages and divorces, job loss, retirement and all kinds of financial setbacks and gains. The client needs to feel comfortable sharing these personal details with their financial planner, and there needs to be trust. “(As a client,) you’re kind of baring your soul, and you don’t want to feel judged. You need to feel safe to be honest,” Facini said. “You want to relate to the person. (As their CFP® professional,) be genuine. If they see the real you, they’ll feel comfortable.”

Sometimes, clients need someone to tamp down any short-term panic behavior to protect their long-term financial goals. “A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is a coach prepared to supply advice on things beyond investments, up to and including managing (client) behavior,” Serra said. “The keyword is planning — for the future, not just ‘what’s going on in the market now.’ Risk management means helping clients protect themselves by focusing on the long-term implications, not just on the market today. That’s where psychology and coaching comes in. It’s planning for the long-term future, not the next couple of years.”

Dr Kimberly Blanchette with the text Dr Kimberly BlanchetteAs advancements in technology change how many fields work, financial planners will continue to be needed for quality control and the human touch. "A financial planner connects personally with clients through human skills such as emotional intelligence," said Dr. Kimberly Blanchette, the executive director of online business programs. "Financial planning as a profession is one that clients are looking to engage with a human and not a machine.”

A CFP® professional takes the emotional aspect out of their decisions, Facini said, preventing any rash decisions that might affect the client’s future. “A CFP® is sort of a therapist to express your fears to; they use their rational voice to talk you out of (bad decisions),” she said.

The Benefits of Becoming a CFP® Professional

There are many benefits to working with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional to achieve your long-term goals, but there are also benefits to being one.

You’re the Go-To ‘Quarterback’

As a CFP® professional, the value of your in-depth knowledge of financial syllabus is in high demand. But what’s also valued by clients is the one-stop-shopping aspect. “The CFP® is the quarterback who can answer or knows who to go to for the answer,” Serra said.

Facini used the quarterback analogy as well, adding that in addition to finding any other needed specialists beyond the realm of the CFP® professional — estate attorneys, insurance agents and others who help with financial issues — the planner also follows-up to ensure everything has been done. Some clients are overwhelmed and don’t have time to research who they need to go to, she said, and then find them all.

A CFP® professional helps their client find these other professionals and then closes the communications loop by making sure they received the right help for their specific goals. A CFP® professional isn't an attorney, Serra said, but does know enough about estate planning to know when you need one. They can do follow-up work with beneficiaries, for example, tell you what they know, refer you to other professionals for information they don't know and coordinate all of that work into a cohesive whole.

You’re Not a Salesperson

Your clients know the fiduciary standard holds you accountable for putting their best interests ahead of your own.

“You don’t sell products, so it’s nice to not be a salesman,” Serra said.

Finance scares some people if they connote it with sales, Facini said, but you don't need those traits here. “You can be kind, easy-going, genuine. You’re coming from a place of helping people. You’re problem-solving; you put the puzzle together and present it. I love talking to people. You don’t have to be sales-driven or assertive.”

Career Advancement and Earning Potential

Serra said the earning potential as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional could depend on whether you work for an organization or for yourself.

“You can be a staff (financial planner) and work your way up into management as a principal or owner with profit sharing. Or you could also keep all the money you earn by being an independent planner, and increase as you gain experience. There is a high demand, and the more you know, the more valuable you are,” Serra said.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), personal financial advisors had a median annual salary of $95,390 in May 2022.* The financial planning job outlook is positive, too. The BLS projects it to grow by 13% from 2022 to 2032.*

As a CFP® professional, you can specialize in financial syllabus or on specific professions or demographics. Serra said Social Security and Medicare advice is an especially attractive specialty to Baby Boomers, and professions like doctors or other businesses can have particular planning needs that you can develop knowledge about, creating a strong niche client base.

Career Satisfaction

One of the things the profession gets high grades for is personal satisfaction, Serra said.

According to a 2021 report by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, 93% of CFP® professionals surveyed were satisfied with their career choice. As per the findings of the Survey of CFP® Professionals, 93% of respondents would also recommend the CFP® certification to other financial professionals.

“It’s a career that gets a very high ‘I love my job’ rating because of the work/life balance. Some Certified Financial Planners I know only work three days a week or flex the hours for dealing with personal life needs. You can work anywhere with a phone and a computer. It’s a level of flexibility that many careers don’t offer,” he said.


The work/life balance ratio can be attractive to many people juggling family responsibilities and other interests. And there’s also the satisfaction of helping others achieve their financial goals and future security while developing lifelong relationships.

Facini sums it up with a simple concept: A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional is not selling their client something; you’re part of their team. “You’re on the same side of the table with the client,” she said.

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Certified Financial Planning

The certificate is composed of 18 credits of masters-level graduate coursework with the primary goal of providing students with the education, training and skills necessary to be able to sit for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) examination. 

The curriculum is aligned with the CFP® Board’s Principal Knowledge syllabus and covers principles and practices of essential areas of financial planning, including:

  • Wealth Management
  • Investment Management
  • Tax Planning
  • Estate Planning
  • Insurance and Retirement Planning

CFP students enjoy the opportunity to work with clients at the Low-Income Tax Clinic for graduate credit and CFP test experience.

Have Questions?
For more information about the CFP Graduate Certificate, including tuition and fee information, please email Justine Tydings, their Sr. Recruiting Coordinator. 

The UW College of Business and the certified Financial Planning certificate program are nationally accredited by AACSB.

AACSB logo

Students must take the following required courses to receive their certificate*:

  • FIN 5070: Tax Planning for Financial Planners (3)
  • FIN 5310: Investment Management (3)
  • FIN 5720: Retirement/Insurance Planning (3)
  • FIN 5750: Fundamentals of Financial Planning (3)
  • FIN 5780: Estate Planning (3)
  • FIN 5800: CFP Capstone (3)

View the full online certified financial planning certificate degree program curriculum.

*Accelerated path candidates — candidates who bypass the other education requirements — are only required to take FIN 5800: CFP Capstone.

As a CFP® professional, you can assist with developing and executing financial strategies for your clients. You will help others create financial goals based on existing financial conditions and risk tolerance. CFP®s can offer guidance on managing debt, picking investments, preparing for retirement and setting aside money for both short- and long-term goals.

Certified Financial Planner Careers

Here are just a few places their University of Wyoming alumni are making a difference with a certified Financial Planning certificate:

  • University of Wyoming Foundation
  • Wyoming Retirement System
  • Wells Fargo Advisors
  • Northwestern Mutual
  • Raymond James
  • Creative Planning
  • Merrill Lynch
  • Golden Tree Asset Management
  • Frontier Asset Management
  • Hiltop Bank
  • Edward Jones
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Financial Planning Certificate Program Highlights

In 2021, the University of Wyoming's certified financial planning certificate program had a 100% pass rate on the CFP exam.

100% Online

Due to the entirely online nature of their curriculum, you can continue working according to your usual schedule. They want this program to benefit a wide range of people, whether you're pursuing another graduate degree or acquiring your Financial Planning certificate as a non-degree-seeking student. Developing your career doesn't have to make your daily life more difficult or demanding.

Exceptional Faculty

The CFP Certificate program was the best decision I made in my graduate education. I had no idea how valuable this program would be not only for my personal life, but also my career development. The faculty were highly qualified and always available to help explain concepts and mentor me throughout the program.


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