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Thu, 30 Nov 2023 10:00:00 -0600entext/html Study finds ChatGPT provided inaccurate answers to medication questions

Answers provided by OpenAI’s ChatGPT to a series of drug-related questions posed as part of a study by pharmacists found that nearly three-fourths of responses were incomplete or inaccurate.

ChatGPT, which uses generative artificial intelligence (AI) to form responses to users’ prompts using data on the Internet, was challenged by researchers at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists with test questions posed to Long Island University’s College of Pharmacy drug information service in a 16-month timeframe in 2022 and 2023. The study was presented at the ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting on Tuesday.

Pharmacists first researched and answered 45 questions, and those responses were reviewed by a second investigator to serve as the standard by which ChatGPT’s answers would be judged. Six of those questions were left out due to a lack of literature to provide a data-driven response, leaving 39 questions for ChatGPT to answer.

The study found that ChatGPT provided satisfactory answers to just 10 of the 39 questions posed. Of the other 29 questions, there were 11 cases in which ChatGPT’s responses didn’t directly address the question, 10 instances where it provided an inaccurate response, plus 12 incomplete answers. Researchers also asked ChatGPT to provide references in its responses, which it did in just eight of its answers — each of which included non-existent references per the study.


A study by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists found that nearly three-fourths of ChatGPT's responses to medication questions were inaccurate or incomplete. (Andreas Arnold/picture alliance via Getty Images / Getty Images)

"Healthcare professionals and patients should be cautious about using ChatGPT as an authoritative source for medication-related information," said Sara Grossman, PharmD, who was a lead author of the study and is an associate professor of pharmacy practice at Long Island University. 

"Anyone who uses ChatGPT for medication-related information should verify the information using trusted sources," Grossman added.


According to the pharmacists' study, ChatGPT provided non-existent references as citations for its responses. Generative AI chatbot can sometimes "hallucinate" and present incorrect information as fact. (LIONEL BONAVENTURE/AFP via Getty Images / Getty Images)

In one case, the researchers asked ChatGPT if there’s a risk of drug interaction between the COVID-19 antiviral Paxlovid and verapamil, which is a medication that lowers blood pressure, and the chatbot said no interactions had been reported for that combination of drugs.

"In reality, these medications have the potential to interact with one another, and combined use may result in excessive lowering of blood pressure," Grossman said. "Without knowledge of this interaction, a patient may suffer from an unwanted and preventable side effect."


ChatGPT provided accurate responses to just 10 of the 39 medication-related questions posed in the pharmacists' study. (Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty Images / Getty Images)

The ASHP study’s findings show that while AI tools like ChatGPT have shown potential in pharmacy and other medical settings, pharmacists should evaluate the use of various AI tools in medication-related use cases and talk to patients about trustworthy sources of information about their medication, according to Gina Luchen, PharmD, ASHP director of digital health and data.

"AI-based tools have the potential to impact both clinical and operational aspects of care," Luchen said. "Pharmacists should remain vigilant stewards of patient safety, by evaluating the appropriateness and validity of specific AI tools for medication-related uses, and continuing to educate patients on trusted sources for medication information."


A spokesperson for ChatGPT-maker OpenAI told FOX Business, "We guide the model to inform users that they should not rely on its responses as a substitute for professional medical advice or traditional care."

Additionally, OpenAI's usage policies note that "OpenAI's models are not fine-tuned to provide medical information. You should never use their models to provide diagnostic or treatment services for serious medical conditions."

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 08:05:00 -0600 Eric Revell en-US text/html
Walters: California labor laws’ unintended consequences

When federal government and state governments passed laws governing wages, working hours and other workplace conditions prior to World War II, agricultural labor was exempted.

Many years later, after the 40-hour work week became standard, California’s Industrial Welfare Commission decreed that farmworkers could work up to 10 hours a day or six days a week before overtime pay kicked in.

In 2016, however, years of lobbying by unions and other groups finally paid off when the Legislature decreed that the eight-hour day and 40-hour work week for agricultural labor would be phased in. Then-Gov. Jerry Brown signed the legislation, Assembly Bill 1066, despite warnings from farm groups that it would disrupt their industry.

Recently, the University of California’s Cooperative Extension branch, which researches agricultural issues, released a study indicating that having a 40-hour work week has not been as beneficial to farmworkers as its sponsors promised.

Alexandra Hill, an assistant professor at UC Berkeley, concluded that many workers who had hoped for a cornucopia of overtime pay saw their incomes reduced when employers limited them to 40 hours a week. Her study found that many workers experienced reductions in the $100-$200 range each week because farmers could not automatically pass on overtime costs to their customers.

“It’s really important to think carefully about how they can best implement policies that really benefit the people that we’re trying to (help),” Hill told The Sacramento Bee.

Hill’s research exemplifies the phenomenon of unanticipated consequences that often afflicts political actions. Legislators may have thought they could help farmworkers by giving them a 40-hour workweek but failed to consider the potential downsides when applied in the real world.

In accurate years, the Legislature has been particularly prone to passing laws affecting workplace conditions — not surprisingly, given the close relationship between the Capitol’s dominant Democrats and labor unions, which seek benefits they are unable to achieve in unionization drives or negotiations with employers.

The most spectacular example was 2019 legislation that severely limited employers’ ability to use contractors, in effect converting several million workers to payroll employees.

Hill’s study was released just months after the Legislature had set new minimum wages for the fast food and medical care industries, $20 per hour for the former and $25 for the latter, to dampen threats of ballot-box wars.

As with the 2016 law on farm labor, unions and other advocates of the new minimum wages said they would lift workers in the affected industries out of poverty.

“Today California is putting a stop to the hemorrhaging of their care workforce by ensuring health care workers can do the work they love and pay their bills — a huge win for workers and patients seeking care,” Tia Orr, executive director of SEIU California, told CalMatters.

However, there will be real world impacts.

Fast food franchisees will adjust by hiring fewer workers, raising prices or adopting more technology, such as the self-serve kiosks now common at McDonald’s.

One effect of the health care wage bill has already surfaced. When it was passed, legislators were not given any estimates of the financial impact, but after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the measure, his administration said it would cost the state budget, which has a $68 billion projected deficitabout $4 billion a year split 50-50 between state and federal taxpayers. And that doesn’t include the multibillion-dollar impact on private health care providers and insurers.

On one level, it’s perfectly understandable why politicians would like to raise wages for some of the state lowest paid workers. But they shouldn’t ignore the potentially negative effects of their actions.

Dan Walters is a CalMatters columnist.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 06:17:00 -0600 Dan Walters, CalMatters en-US text/html
Transient Ischaemic Attack: A Qualitative Study of the Long Term Consequences for Patients


There is a growing body of research about the lived experience of TIA and this paper makes an important and timely contribution to the debate around the definition and management of TIA. In this demo of 39 participants, aged between 31 and 89 years and who attended stroke services because of a probable TIA, many participants were still experiencing consequences of their diagnosis up to two years after their TIA.

These findings build on those of Gibson & Watkins who carried out a qualitative, grounded theory study with 16 participants from a vascular surgery clinic in one district general hospital who were up to three months post TIA.[11] They found that the TIA changed participants' perception of their health as they became aware of their stroke risk. Similarly Kamara & Singh also found a discrepancy between the medical definition of TIA as an acute event and the participant's explanation of TIA which related to the ability to recover fully from the TIA in the long term.[24] They have identified the long term consequences of TIA for participants in their demo which included 13 people under 65 of whom seven were still in work and two were primary carers of young or disabled children. Participants experienced physical, practical and psychological consequences related to the TIA and the implications of the 'at risk' status inherent in the TIA diagnosis.

There is ambiguity surrounding risk of future stroke for TIA patients because no one can be certain which patients will go on to have a stroke. Many people who have been diagnosed with TIA do not go on to have a stroke and others who have strokes never experience a TIA. There is also a lack of clarity about the mitigating effects of medication on future risk of stroke. The lack of certainty that can surround a TIA diagnosis further compounds this ambiguity and for some participants this translated into an uncertain and anxious patient experience and a demand for further health surveillance. These participants described an increased vigilance about their health post TIA along with a desire for long term surveillance and monitoring to provide them with reassurance. These findings reflect those of Salter et al. who explored risk in relation to osteoporosis screening.[25] Horlick Jones suggests that patients suffer damage to their 'everyday health competence' following a negative health event which they failed to anticipate.[26] Everyday health competence is the ability to review bodily sensations and to react in an appropriate manner, that is, to recognise when symptoms can be ignored and when action is needed. Some participants in their study described this fearful and slightly obsessive state in relation to reasserting control over their bodies following the TIA. They were unable to access the detailed personal information they felt they needed to monitor their health and this contributed to profound and long term disruption in their lives.

Meaning of Study and Implications for Clinicians

Current UK guidelines are limited to the acute management of TIA with a recommendation that patients should be followed up either in primary or secondary care at four weeks post TIA.[4] Our findings suggest that access to information and support in the longer term is needed to enable patients to self- manage the consequences of a TIA and to feel confident that they have taken adequate and appropriate action to reduce their risk of future stroke.

These findings have implications for primary care because TIA provides a valuable opportunity for secondary stroke prevention. The current focus on the acute management of TIA and the need to prevent immediate stroke[4,6,21] reflects the definition of TIA as a transient event. Our study shows that TIA was not a transient episode for many in their demo but rather there were long term consequences associated with TIA.

Information about secondary prevention of stroke is complex.[27] Patients need access to primary care services that provide appropriate and detailed explanations and support from a credible source beyond the acute stage to enable them to effectively self-manage their risk of future stroke. In this demo many participants were highly motivated to make lifestyle changes to address their risk of stroke but were unable to access the detailed personal information and support they felt they needed to do so successfully. Where patients are motivated to be proactive about reducing their stroke risk, support to negotiate individual goals with patients, for example, setting targets for blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels and weight, along with regular monitoring to review progress towards these targets, will promote effective self-management and the restoration of 'everyday health competence'.[26]

Where patients view their TIA as transient and stroke risk as low priority, there is a need to balance the patient's individual risk factors and need for patient education against their desire to regain their sense of wellbeing following the TIA.

Moreover, they believe that the role of primary care should not be limited to the secondary prevention of stroke. This paper demonstrates that TIA provides long term consequences of a physical, psychological and social nature. These long term consequences belie the 'transient' notion of this particular trauma. GPs and other primary care professionals are well placed to monitor the long term physical, psychological and social implications of TIA and to consider these whilst providing information, support and ongoing review of secondary stroke prevention measures.

Unanswered Questions and Areas for Future Research

Our study shows that some TIA patients perceived that they were underserved and so future research is needed to examine models to optimise care for these patients. Further research is needed to determine which professionals have the most appropriate skill mix to deliver long term follow up support and information to TIA patients. For example, in the UK practice nurses may have skills of patient education, counselling and have the ability to engage with patients as individuals in a primary care setting whereas stroke nurse certified have the stroke specific knowledge required but may not possess the skills or the resources to engage with patients and provide the appropriate long term support needed.

Limitations of the Study

Participants were individuals who had been referred to stroke services for specialist assessment and investigation because of a probable TIA. Current UK guidelines[21] recommend that all patients with a suspected TIA are referred for, and receive, specialist assessment and investigation. However their study did not capture patients who may have had a TIA but who did not seek medical attention, or who sought attention from their GP and were either not referred for specialist assessment or treatment, or who chose not to attend for this assessment, perhaps because their symptoms had resolved. Therefore this study may not represent the lived experience of TIA patients who choose not to act on their symptoms and it is conceivable that patients make this choice because they do not experience any long term consequences of their TIA.

In many cases there was no definitive diagnosis of TIA and so participants were recruited to the study where there was a working diagnosis of TIA. This means that some participants may not have had a TIA, for example some participants may have had a mild stroke. However all participants had been told that the most probable cause of their symptoms was a TIA and were offered follow up in accordance with this working hypothesis. Our study was concerned with patients' experience of symptoms, diagnosis and care where the label of TIA had been operationalised. Therefore all patients had exposure to the phenomenon of interest and were eligible to contribute to the study regardless of the accuracy of the diagnostic label.

Participants were recruited between two and 24 months post TIA to ensure that they were in a position to reflect on their experiences of follow up services; however in some cases the time lapse since the TIA meant that participants struggled to recall events at the time of the TIA. Our study was not a search for truth about events but rather an exploration of the significance and consequence of TIA. Therefore these participants were able to contribute to their understanding about the way they responded to their TIA in the wider context of their lives.

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 23:06:00 -0600 en text/html

TT0-101 study - Convergence Technologies Professional Updated: 2024 TT0-101 TT0-101 test brain dumps with practice software.
Exam Code: TT0-101 Convergence Technologies Professional study January 2024 by team

TT0-101 Convergence Technologies Professional

In their world today, telephone networks are merging with data networks. This hands-on CTP course is designed to include all three CTP courses (Telephony Networking, Data Networking, and Convergent Networking) into a 5-day course focused training that will have students understand, set up, maintain, and troubleshoot a data network, a telephony network, and a Voice Over IP (VoIP) networks. Many vendors now require the CTP certification in order to receive vendor certification. The CTP curriculum and certification is recognized and approved by the Telecommunication Industry Association (TIA), the largest communications technology manufacturers worldwide. These convergence leaders understand the vital importance of a proven, standards-based learning approach to:

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Remain competitive and relevant in an industry of continual change – The CTP 2020 test covers the latest and most applicable syllabus in convergence technologies. A CTP certification proves you have the most up-to-date convergence skills and knowledge, with skills objectives endorsed by some of the top convergence manufacturers

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TIA Technologies study - BingNews Search results TIA Technologies study - BingNews Celestia’s TIA Token Pops 22% as Staking, ‘Modular’ Narrative Gains Favor No result found, try new keyword!Staking TIA on native platforms is yielding between 15% to 17%, minus fees, to users, boosting demand for the cryptocurrency. Thu, 04 Jan 2024 17:47:59 -0600 en-us text/html Transient Ischaemic Attack: A Qualitative Study of the Long Term Consequences for Patients

Elizabeth J Croot1*, Tony W Ryan2, Jennifer Read1, Fiona Campbell3, Alicia O'Cathain1 and Graham Venables4

1Medical Care Research Unit, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield, UK. 2School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sheffield, Barber House Annex, 3a Clarkehouse Road, Sheffield, UK. 3Health Economics and Decision Science, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield, UK. 4Neurology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Neurosciences, 12 Claremont Crescent, Sheffield, UK


Mon, 01 Jan 2024 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Tia Mowry says she's 'extremely intentional' when it comes to talking about food and bodies in front of her kids No result found, try new keyword!Tia Mowry is no stranger to receiving feedback about her body from social media trolls or in tabloid headlines. But the 45-year-old actress says that negative comments about her body (or other ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:37:15 -0600 en-us text/html Case Study: CDO Technologies
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Thu, 30 Jul 2020 12:58:00 -0500 en text/html
Technology News No result found, try new keyword!A romance that united sports and music fans, a celestial wonder that drew millions of eyes skyward and a spiritual homecoming for some Native American tribes were just some of the moments that ... Fri, 08 Sep 2023 13:06:00 -0500 en text/html Programs of Study / Minors

Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree have the option of completing a minor, which can complement a student’s major, help them develop another area of professional expertise, or enable them to pursue an area of personal interest. Completion of a minor is formally designated on the baccalaureate transcript, which serves to highlight this accomplishment to employers and graduate schools. In contrast to the optional minor, as part of their bachelor's degree requirements, students must complete an immersion—a concentration of three courses in a particular area. View full list of RIT minors and immersions.

Please note: A minor is a related set of academic courses consisting of no fewer than 15 credit hours. The following parameters must be met in order to earn a minor:

  • At least nine credit hours of the minor must consist of courses not required by the student’s home major.
  • Students may pursue multiple minors. A minimum of nine credit hours must be designated towards each minor; these courses may not be counted towards other minors.
  • The residency requirement for a minor is a minimum of nine credit hours consisting of RIT courses (excluding “X” graded courses).

Not all minors are approved to fulfill general education requirements. Please check with an adviser in regards to minors approved to fulfill these requirements.

Thu, 08 Sep 2022 16:35:00 -0500 en text/html
Computing and Information Technologies Bachelor of Science Degree
Course Sem. Cr. Hrs.
First Year

Introduction to Technical Communication (WI-GE) (General Education)

This course introduces students to current best practices in written and visual technical communication including writing effective email, short and long technical reports and presentations, developing instructional material, and learning the principles and practices of ethical technical communication. Course activities focus on engineering and scientific technical documents. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


Information Assurance and Security

Computer-based information processing is a foundation of contemporary society. As such, the protection of digital information, and the protection of systems that process this information has become a strategic priority for both the public and private sectors. This course provides an overview of information assurance and security concepts, practices, and trends. syllabus include computing and networking infrastructures, risk, threats and vulnerabilities, legal and industry requirements for protecting information, access control models, encryption, critical national infrastructure, industrial espionage, enterprise backup, recovery, and business continuity, personal system security, and current trends and futures. Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


Software Development and Problem Solving I (General Education)

A first course introducing students to the fundamentals of computational problem solving. Students will learn a systematic approach to problem solving, including how to frame a problem in computational terms, how to decompose larger problems into smaller components, how to implement innovative software solutions using a contemporary programming language, how to critically debug their solutions, and how to assess the adequacy of the software solution. Additional syllabus include an introduction to object-oriented programming and data structures such as arrays and stacks. Students will complete both in-class and out-of-class assignments. Lab 6 (Fall, Spring).


Software Development and Problem Solving II (General Education)

A second course that delves further into computational problem solving, now with a focus on an object-oriented perspective. There is a continued emphasis on basic software design, testing & verification, and incremental development. Key syllabus include theoretical abstractions such as classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, interfaces, polymorphism, software design comprising multiple classes with UML, data structures (e.g. lists, trees, sets, maps, and graphs), exception/error handling, I/O including files and networking, concurrency, and graphical user interfaces. Additional syllabus include basic software design principles (coupling, cohesion, information expert, open-closed principle, etc.), test driven development, design patterns, data integrity, and data security. (Prerequisite: C- or better in SWEN-123 or CSEC-123 or GCIS-123 or equivalent course.) Lab 6 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


Discrete Mathematics (General Education – Mathematical Perspective A)

This course is an introduction to the syllabus of discrete mathematics, including number systems, sets and logic, relations, combinatorial methods, graph theory, regular sets, vectors, and matrices. (Prerequisites: MATH-101, MATH-111, NMTH-260, NMTH-272 or NMTH-275 or a Math Placement test score of at least 35.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring).


Applied Calculus (General Education – Mathematical Perspective B)

This course is an introduction to the study of differential and integral calculus, including the study of functions and graphs, limits, continuity, the derivative, derivative formulas, applications of derivatives, the definite integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, basic techniques of integral approximation, exponential and logarithmic functions, basic techniques of integration, an introduction to differential equations, and geometric series. Applications in business, management sciences, and life sciences will be included with an emphasis on manipulative skills. (Prerequisite: C- or better in MATH-101, MATH-111, MATH-131, NMTH-260, NMTH-272 or NMTH-275 or Math Placement test score greater than or equal to 45.) Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring).


Computer System Concepts

This course teaches the student the essential technologies needed by NSSA majors, focused on PC and mainframe hardware topics. They include how those platforms operate, how they are configured, and the operation of their major internal components. Also covered are the basic operating system interactions with those platforms, physical security of assets, and computing-centric mathematical concepts. Lab 2, Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring).


RIT 365: RIT Connections

RIT 365 students participate in experiential learning opportunities designed to launch them into their career at RIT, support them in making multiple and varied connections across the university, and immerse them in processes of competency development. Students will plan for and reflect on their first-year experiences, receive feedback, and develop a personal plan for future action in order to develop foundational self-awareness and recognize broad-based professional competencies. (This class is restricted to incoming 1st year or global campus students.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).


General Education – First Year Writing (WI)


General Education – Ethical Perspective


General Education – Global Perspective

Second Year

School of Information Second Year Seminar

This course helps students prepare for cooperative employment by developing job search approaches and material. Students will explore current and emerging aspects of IST fields to help focus their skill development strategies. Students are introduced to the Office of Career Services and Cooperative Education, and learn about their professional and ethical responsibilities for their co-op and subsequent professional experiences. Students will work collaboratively to build résumés, cover letters, and prepare for interviewing. (Prerequisites: This class is restricted to HCC-BS or CMIT-BS or WMC-BS or COMPEX-UND Major students with at least 2nd year standing.) Lecture 1 (Fall, Spring).


Web & Mobile I

This course provides students with an introduction to internet and web technologies, and to development on Macintosh/UNIX computer platforms. syllabus include HTML and CSS, CSS3 features, digital images, web page design and website publishing. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals, concepts and standards. Additional syllabus include the user experience, mobile design issues, and copyright/intellectual property considerations. Exercises and projects are required. Lec/Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


Introduction to Database and Data Modeling (General Education)

A presentation of the fundamental concepts and theories used in organizing and structuring data. Coverage includes the data modeling process, basic relational model, normalization theory, relational algebra, and mapping a data model into a database schema. Structured Query Language is used to illustrate the translation of a data model to physical data organization. Modeling and programming assignments will be required. Note: students should have one course in object-oriented programming. (Prerequisites: ISTE-120 or ISTE-200 or IGME-101 or IGME-105 or CSCI-140 or CSCI-142 or NACA-161 or NMAD-180 or BIOL-135 or GCIS-123 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


Web & Mobile II

This course builds on the basics of web page development that are presented in Web and Mobile I and extends that knowledge to focus on theories, issues, and technologies related to the design and development of web sites. An overview of web design concepts, including usability, accessibility, information architecture, and graphic design in the context of the web will be covered. Introduction to web site technologies, including HTTP, web client and server programming, and dynamic page generation from a database also will be explored. Development exercises are required. (Prerequisites: (ISTE-120 or CSCI-140 or CSCI-141 or NACA-161 or IGME-105 or IGME-101 or NMAD-180 or GCIS-123) and (ISTE-140 or NACA-172 or IGME-230 or IGME-235) or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


Undergraduate Co-op (summer)

Students perform paid, professional work related to their program of study. Students work full-time during the term they are registered for co-op. Students must complete a student co-op work report for each term they are registered; students also are evaluated each term by their employer. A satisfactory grade is given for co-op when both a completed student co-op report and a corresponding employer report that indicates satisfactory student performance are received. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) CO OP (Fall, Spring, Summer).


Task Automation Using Interpretive Languages

An introduction to the Linux operating system and scripting in high-level and shell languages. The course will cover basic user-level commands to the Linux operating system, followed by basic control structures, and data structures in both high-level and shell languages of choice. Examples will include interfacing with the underlying operating system and processing structured data. Students will need one year of programming in an object-oriented language. (Prerequisite: GCIS-124 or ISTE-121 or ISTE -200 or CSCI-142 or CSCI-140 or CSCI-242 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


System Administration I

This course is designed to supply students an understanding of the role of the system administrator in large organizations. This will be accomplished through a discussion of many of the tasks and tools of system administration. Students will participate in both a lecture section and a separate lab section. The technologies discussed in this class include: operating systems, system security, and service deployment strategies. (Prerequisites: NSSA-241 and (NSSA-220 or CSCI-141 or GCIS-123) or equivalent courses.) Lab 2, Lecture 4 (Fall, Spring).


Introduction to Routing and Switching

This course provides an introduction to wired network infrastructures, topologies, technologies, and the protocols required for effective end-to-end communication. Basic security concepts for TCP/IP based technologies are introduced. Networking layers 1, 2, and 3 are examined in-depth using the International Standards Organization’s Open Systems Interconnection and TCP/IP models as reference. Course syllabus focus on the TCP/IP protocol suite, the Ethernet LAN protocol, switching technology, and routed and routing protocols common in TCP/IP networks. The lab assignments mirror the lecture content , providing an experiential learning component for each Topic covered. (Prerequisites: NSSA-102 or CSEC-101 or CSEC-140 or NACT-151 or CSCI-250 or equivalent courses.) Lab 2, Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


Introduction to Statistics I (General Education)

This course introduces statistical methods of extracting meaning from data, and basic inferential statistics. syllabus covered include data and data integrity, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, numeric summary measures, the normal distribution, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. The emphasis of the course is on statistical thinking rather than computation. Statistical software is used. (Prerequisites: Any 100 level MATH course, or NMTH-260 or NMTH-272 or NMTH-275 or (NMTH-250 with a C- or better) or a Math Placement test score of at least 35.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring, Summer).


General Education – Artistic Perspective


General Education – Natural Science Inquiry Perspective


General Education – Elective

Third Year

Designing the User Experience

The user experience is an important design element in the development of interactive systems. This course presents the foundations of user-centered design principles within the context of human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will explore and practice HCI methods that span the development lifecycle from requirements analysis and creating the product/service vision through system prototyping and usability testing. Leading edge interface technologies are examined. Group-based exercises and design projects are required. (Prerequisite: ISTE-140 or IGME-230 or NACA-172 or equivalent course.) Lec/Lab 3 (Fall, Spring).


Information Requirements Modeling

Students will survey and apply contemporary techniques used in analyzing and modeling information requirements. Requirements will be elicited in a variety of domains and abstracted at conceptual, logical, and physical levels of detail. Process, data, and state modeling will be applied in projects that follow a systems development lifecycle. Object-oriented modeling will be explored and contrasted with data and process oriented modeling. Individual and team modeling assignments will be required. (Prerequisites: ISTE-230 or CSCI-320 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).

Choose one of the following:



Undergraduate Creative, Innovative or Research Experience (summer)

Students may substitute the second block of traditional co-op experience with creative, innovative or research (iSchool CIR) activities as long as it is directly related to the applicant’s degree. Examples include contributing to research projects, supervised participation in entrepreneurial activities, and cross-disciplinary innovation projects not otherwise eligible for co-op. Students will follow a structured application process prior to registering for the course. They will submit a plan of work that outlines the proposed activities, defines tangible goals and deliverables, and identifies a person (faculty member, business contact, etc.) who will provide oversight throughout the term. At the conclusion of the term, students will follow an assessment process similar to that used for traditional co-op as well as (submission of evaluation of responsible oversight party, their daily time and activity logs, the students report and an announced presentation – see iSchool CIR Experience Guidelines on the web at > Student Resources > Co-op Enrollment for further information). (Prerequisites: ISTE-499 or equivalent course.) CO OP (Fa/sp/su).


Undergraduate Co-op (summer)

Students perform paid, professional work related to their program of study. Students work full-time during the term they are registered for co-op. Students must complete a student co-op work report for each term they are registered; students also are evaluated each term by their employer. A satisfactory grade is given for co-op when both a completed student co-op report and a corresponding employer report that indicates satisfactory student performance are received. (Enrollment in this course requires permission from the department offering the course.) CO OP (Fall, Spring, Summer).


CIT Concentration Courses


General Education – Social Perspective


General Education – Scientific Principles Perspective


General Education – Immersion 1


Open Electives

Fourth Year

Senior Development Project I

The first course in a two-course, senior level, system development capstone project. Students form project teams and work with sponsors to define system requirements. Teams then create architectures and designs, and depending on the project, also may begin software development. Requirements elicitation and development practices introduced in prior coursework are reviewed, and additional methods and processes are introduced. Student teams are given considerable latitude in how they organize and conduct project work. (This course is restricted to WMC-BS, HCC-BS, CMIT-BS, and 2 ISTE-499 completed or (1 ISTE-498 completed and 1 ISTE-499 completed).) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


Senior Development Project II (WI-PR)

The second course in a two-course, senior level, system development capstone project. Student teams complete development of their system project and package the software and documentation for deployment. Usability testing practices introduced in prior course work are reviewed, and additional methods and processes are introduced. Teams present their developed system and discuss lessons learned at the completion of the course. (Prerequisites: ISTE-500 or equivalent course.) Lecture 3 (Fall, Spring).


CIT Concentration Courses


General Education – Immersion 2, 3


Open Electives

Total Semester Credit Hours


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