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CPAT course outline - Candidate Physical Ability Test Updated: 2024

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CPAT Candidate Physical Ability Test

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test) does not consist of traditional multiple-choice questions. Instead, it is a physical test that evaluates the candidate's ability to perform various firefighting tasks.
- Time: The CPAT is a timed test, and the entire test is typically completed within 10 minutes and 20 seconds.

Course Outline:
The CPAT evaluates the physical fitness and abilities of candidates applying for firefighting positions. It assesses their capabilities to perform essential tasks required in the firefighting profession. The course outline includes the following tasks:

1. Stair Climb: Candidates must ascend and descend a set of stairs while wearing a 50-pound (22.7 kg) vest within a specified time frame.
2. Hose Drag: Candidates must grasp a hose and advance it a specific distance to simulate dragging a charged hose line.
3. Equipment Carry: Candidates must lift and carry various firefighting equipment over a designated distance.
4. Ladder Raise and Extension: Candidates must raise a ladder, walk a specific distance, and then extend the ladder to a designated height.
5. Forcible Entry: Candidates must use a 10-pound (4.5 kg) sledgehammer to strike a mechanically operated device to simulate forcible entry.
6. Search: Candidates must crawl through a dark, narrow maze while wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to simulate searching for victims in a smoke-filled environment.
7. Rescue Drag: Candidates must drag a 165-pound (75 kg) mannequin a specific distance to simulate moving an unconscious victim to safety.
8. Ceiling Breach and Pull: Candidates must use a pike pole to strike a mechanically operated device, simulating breaching a ceiling and pulling it down.

Exam Objectives:
The CPAT aims to evaluate the physical abilities of candidates applying for firefighting positions. The objectives of the exam are as follows:
1. Assess the candidate's cardiovascular endurance and stamina.
2. Evaluate the candidate's strength and ability to handle heavy firefighting equipment.
3. Test the candidate's agility, coordination, and balance.
4. Measure the candidate's ability to perform physically demanding tasks in a simulated firefighting environment.
5. Ensure that candidates possess the necessary physical fitness to safely and effectively perform the duties of a firefighter.
Candidate Physical Ability Test
FCTC Candidate course outline

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Candidate Physical Ability Test
Question: 340
An ABN must include:
A. Listing of the service that is not covered by the diagnosis
B. Reason denial is likely
C. Patient’s signature
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 341
The admission of a patient to a hospital requires decision by all of the following
A. Admitting physician
B. Admitting clerk
C. Hospital administrator
D. Administrator on call
Answer: B
Question: 342
Patient admission to a hospital can be ordered by:
A. Hospital administration
B. Treating physician
C. Admitting clerk
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Question: 343
A breach of Patient Confidentiality is subject to:
A. Criminal charges
B. Fines
C. Prison term
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 344
The law that governs patient confidentiality is:
A. Privacy Act of 1974
B. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
C. The False Claims Act
D. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997
Answer: A
Question: 345
Criteria pertaining to the maintenance of the patient’s medical record include all
of the following except:
A. Specific authorizations are required for diagnoses such as HIV/AID,
psychiatric, alcohol, or drug dependency conditions
B. Records may be furnished in any civil or criminal action upon issuance of a
subpoena from a court C. Information can be released without the patient’s
written consent D. Records shall be stored in areas free from water damage,
insects and theft
C. Information can be released without the patient’s written consent
D. Records shall be stored in areas free from water damage, insects and theft
Answer: C
Question: 346
The medical record is a legal document.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 347
An Advanced Directive should be discussed with the patient:
A. When the patient becomes incapacitated
B. During the admission process
C. Before any surgical procedures are performed
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Question: 348
When is an Advance Directive activated?
A. When the patient is taken into surgery
B. When the patient is admitted
C. Per the patient’s request
D. When the patient becomes incapacitated
Answer: D
Question: 349
Advantages to a Living Will include:
A. Difficult decisions about future care are made while the patient is
competent and alert
B. It states the patients’ desire regarding organ donation at the time of death
C. The patients directions allows them to die under circumstances that they
have chosen
D. Both A and C
E. All of the above
Answer: D
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FCTC Candidate course outline - BingNews Search results FCTC Candidate course outline - BingNews Course Outline Spanish 5A Course Outline

Course Outline

Spanish 5A, Intermediate Oral Proficiency, 3 units

Dr. Jorge A. Santana
Office: Mariposa Hall, Room 2041
Phone: 278-6408/278-6333

Prerequisites: 1 year college level Spanish (2 or more years of high school Spanish) or by permission of instructor. This will be checked!

Catalog Description: At the intermediate-mid level in listening comprehension and speaking, students will be able to handle general questions requiring concrete information, such as personal background, interests and needs, family, work, travel and limited social conventions; can describe in simple terms visual situations; also to participate in short face-to-face and telephone conversations and understand simple announcements and reports over the media. Note: meets the Foreign Language Proficiency Graduation Requirement.

Required Text: Schaum’s Communicating in Spanish (Intermediate Level)
Conrad J. Schmitt and Protase E. Woodford (McGraw Hill, 1991)

Expanded Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to develop and put into practice the language and vocabulary needed to survive in daily life situations in which Spanish must be used. Our text contains many practical situations and vocabulary often not found in elementary texts. The objective of the course is to help students overcome the frustration of being at a loss for words in a given situation where they have to communicate in Spanish. Certain aspects of Spanish grammar and usage will be highlighted and practiced as needed in order to further enhance communication skills at the intermediate level.

Method of Evaluation:
1) 4 Vocab Quizzes on 1st four chapters--------------------25pts. X 4 = 100 pts.
2) 3 Vocabulary Exams (Approx. 4 Chapters per Exam)----33pts. X 3.33 = 100 pts.
3) 2 Group Activities (Skits) #2 can be individual------------50pts. X 2 = 100 pts.
4) 1 Individual Oral Final Presentation-----------------------100pts. X 1 = 100 pts.
5) Attendance---------------------------------------------- 100pts = 100 pts

Total points: -------------------------------------------------500pts

There will be one vocabulary quiz per chapter, through chapter 4. Each vocabulary exam will cover the essential content of every four chapters. Both quizzes and exams will require students to supply either the Spanish or the English equivalent of the lesson words and expressions, as indicated. While the vocabulary quiz will be made up of a mere list of words and expressions, the vocabulary exam material will appear in meaningful contexts, either sentences or paragraphs.

In both the group and individual oral presentations each individual student’s oral communication skill will be evaluated. A passing grade (C-) on an oral is defined as communicating in Spanish and being reasonably understood, although the student may have poor pronunciation and a minimal working knowledge of the appropriate grammar and vocabulary. Students are encouraged to come prepared in advance of their oral presentations and may use 3X5 note cards, graphics, etc. Students should see the tutors for their presentation.

Attendance: Regular class attendance is required of all students who wish to excel in this course. Each student begins with 100 pts. and 3 pts. will be deducted per class missed. If you are not in class you are not practicing your Spanish. There will be NO make-up exams or oral presentations. Please DO NOT call to let me know that you will not be attending class. I will be taking roll.

Tue, 07 Aug 2018 10:25:00 -0500 text/html
Course Qualifying Requirements

PhD students must pass each of the six core courses selected as part of the “Core Requirements” (one “Core Candidate” course from each of the categories in the “Core and Breadth Course Category List”) with a grade of B+ or higher. Please refer to the Drexel University Catalog PhD in Computer Science degree requirements page for core requirements.

If a student fails to meet this minimum grade requirement, they may either 1) take the other “Core Candidate” course in the same course category and obtain a grade of B+ or higher; 2) retake the same course at the next offering; or 3) retake the final exam of the same course with permission by the instructor, if deemed appropriate by the instructor and the director of graduate affairs.

Normally, a student is expected to satisfy this requirement by the end of the student’s first year. These requirements, including the remedial actions, must be completed by the end of the student’s second year. Transfer credits may count towards these requirements subject to course instructor approval of the syllabus for the transferred course.

Sat, 29 Dec 2018 06:52:00 -0600 en text/html
Course Outline List Component

The Course Outline List component allows you to display a list of course outlines from the central Course Outlines Repository. The list can be filtered by term, course level, section and more to only show specific outlines.

Note: If a course outline is not available at, it will not appear in the Course Outline List component.

When should it be used?

Use this component when you need to display multiple related course outlines on a single page. Be aware that the course outline list can get very long, depending on the filters.


Current - Two options, Year and Term, can be set to current, which refers to the current registration term. The current registration term will automatically rollover to the next term approximately 10 weeks prior to its start.

In-Component Editing Options

Course Outline List Tab

Title Header - Insert a title above the course outline list. (If you wish to insert a title with a different size or style of heading, use a Text component.)

Year - Filters outlines by year. If left blank, it will use the current year.

Term - Filters outlines by term. If left blank, it will use the current registration term.

Dept - Filter outlines by department. This is option is required.


Click the Options toggle to reveal additional display options:

Split list - Adds a header above each course. See example 2 for a preview.

Show all sections - This option displays the outlines for all the sections, including tutorials and labs (e.g, D100, D115, D116, D118). Leaving this unchecked will display one outline for each parent section (e.g., D100, D200), regardless of how many child sections a parent may contain. This helps to reduce duplicate outlines.

CSS Class - Allows an author to provide an optional class name that will apply a style to the contents.

Filters Tab

Course Levels - Filter outlines by course level. Check each level you wish to display. If no levels are checked, the component will list all levels.

Sections - Filter outlines by sections. By default, the component will list all sections.

Columns Tab

Columns - Allows you to choose which columns to display. Please enable the “Note” column, if the “Short Note” field was filled in within the Course Outlines Application.

Examples of the Course Outline Component

Example #1

This example was set up to show outlines for all 100-level Chemistry courses scheduled for Spring 2014.

Sun, 06 Dec 2015 07:41:00 -0600 text/html
Candidate Status
Undergraduates and Professional students (College of Veterinary Medicine/College of Pharmacy)

In order to be eligible to receive a degree at the end of the current academic session, you should have applied for Graduation by the deadline listed in myPurdue. You can find the link and deadlines in myPurdue: Destination Graduation channel. For information on how to apply to graduate, go here. Check with your academic advisor or the candidate coordinator in your college/school's academic advising office to confirm you are on track to graduate in the term you applied to graduate.

Applying to graduate will add you to your college candidate roster only. A "commencement" link will appear on your portal page during the term of graduation.

If candidates do not fulfill their degree requirements in the term they applied to graduate, it will be necessary to submit a new application for a subsequent semester. Please contact your advisor for further information.

How to Apply to Graduate

Student-Apply to Graduate FAQ

Graduate students

In order to be eligible to receive a degree at the end of the current academic session, you should have a candidate course (CAND) in your registration. Check with your major professor or Graduate Registration Contact in your department if you are not registered in a CAND course in the semester you plan to graduate.

If candidates do not fulfill their degree requirements, it may be necessary to register for a subsequent semester in order to complete degree requirements. Please contact your major professor or Graduate Registration Contact in your department for further information.

Final candidate status

Questions concerning your final status as a candidate should be directed to your college/school advising office.

Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:48:00 -0600 en text/html Course Outlines and Syllabi

Course Outlines and Syllabi

Course Outlines

A one-page course outline is required by university policy for every course offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences. Instructors will receive an email reminder through TRACS to upload their course outlines. Outlines must be available to students at least two weeks prior to the start of the registration period or two months before the semester begins (March, July and November). Note that the one-page outline is different than the syllabus. See below for syllabus information.

Instructors upload their course outlines online. Please follow these instructions:

1.    Log in to
2.    Select semester, course and section.  Click the round icon.
3.    Input data to the fields.  (This can be done by free-format typing or cutting & pasting)
4.    Save.
5.    Scroll back up to the top of the page to confirm that the outline was saved successfully. (See green box)
6.    Once the outline is finalized, click “Continue”, go to the next page, and click “Submit”.
7.    The system will automatically advise the program assistant that the outline is ready to be activated.

Before your outline is activated online, the program assistant will review to ensure that all required fields are complete. 

If you have taught the course before, you may want to use the previous outline as a starting point and make any desired changes. The course content should correspond to the SFU Calendar description. If it does not conform closely, you must apply for approval before any changes can be published. Contact the appropriate program assistant, depending on whether you are teaching an undergraduate or graduate course, if you have not taught a course before and would like a copy of a previous course outline for your reference, or if you would like to apply for approval to upload content that does not closely conform to the SFU Calendar description.

Refer to this link to search for the archived course outlines: The system has archived outlines starting from Fall 2015 onwards.

Course Syllabi and Syllabus Policies

Refer to the Policies and Procedures Related to Syllabi Review, Development and Distribution (this link requires your ID to login) for more guidance about drafting a syllabi and to locate a syllabi template.

All HSCI courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels must have a detailed syllabus that delineates course objectives and means of assessment. Attached to this policy is a template to help you design of a syllabus so that it outlines the appropriate level of detail in terms of content, objectives, and assessment tools. The recommended text in regards to grading distributions, student conduct, and other policies are also provided.

All new and substantively updated/revised courses must be reviewed as indicated below. Syllabi submitted for review do not need to be in the final draft.  The GSC and UGSC are generally concerned with the review of the following:  1) the statement of learning objectives; 2) an outline of topics; and 3) a list of required readings/texts.

You will receive an email from the TRACS system to upload your syllabus, in accordance with the following schedule:


Fall Semester

(September – December)

Spring Semester

(January – April)

Summer Intersession

(May – June)

Summer Semester

(May – August)

New, revised courses, new instructors

August 15

December 15

April 1

April 15

Ongoing courses not requiring review

First day of semester

First day of semester

First day of semester

First day of semester

For new or substantially revised courses, feedback will be provided to instructors three weeks prior to the start of the term. Notably for graduate courses, where accreditation requirements demand that courses meet certain core competency requirements, it is expected that faculty will comply with requests for revision.

The course syllabus represents a contract between the instructor and student. It is important that it clearly outlines expectations, grading and attendance policies, and appropriate student conduct guidelines to all students enrolled in the course.

 A syllabus does not need to be provided in hard copy and can be distributed through Canvas or through other online formats. The scheduling of syllabus may be changed after the start of a term, but once the syllabus has been circulated to students, it is strongly advised not to make further changes to: a) grading policies; b) policies regarding student conduct and academic honesty; or c) the timing of key exams.

For more resources and guidelines, refer to the links below:

FHS course planning and syllabus checklist

Sample course syllabus

Syllabus template

Mon, 26 Oct 2020 12:54:00 -0500 text/html
PhD in Computer Science Degree Requirements

This is an elaboration of the PhD in Computer Science's official program description found in the University catalog.


90 credits are required for the degree including six core courses. Please refer to the PhD in Computer Science Plan of Study [PDF].  The degree requirements also include successful completion of four milestones: Course Qualifying, a Candidacy Exam, a Thesis Proposal, and a Thesis Defense.

Core Requirements

Please refer the Drexel University Catalog PhD in Computer Science degree requirements page for core requirements. PhD students must take one “Core Candidate” course chosen from each of the six course categories (Theory, Intelligent Systems, Programming Systems, Computer Systems, Vision and Graphics, and Applications) listed in the degree requirements course list in the Catalog. There are two such courses in each course category.

Breadth Requirement

Please refer the Drexel University Catalog PhD in Computer Science degree requirements page for breadth requirements. PhD students must take another four intermediate and advanced courses from the remaining courses in the degree requirements course list in the Catalog, spanning at least three of the listed course categories (Theory, Intelligent Systems, Programming Systems, Computer Systems, Vision and Graphics, and Applications) while earning at least a grade of B in each course.

Depth Requirement

PhD students are required to complete at least 18 credits of CS courses beyond the breadth requirement. These courses should be 600- or 700- level courses or syllabus courses covering current research in selected areas. Course selection must be approved by the student’s research advisor.

As part of the depth requirement, 3 out of the 18 credits but no more than 9 credits are to be Independent Study work (CS690). (Please review the Independent Study policy for more information.)

For the PhD degree, 90 credits are required for graduation. Ordinarily, students will obtain an MS degree (45 credits) in the first two years of the program. This will satisfy the stated requirements for three core and three flex core courses and typically the breadth requirement and some of the depth requirement.

For students admitted already holding a master’s degree: Up to 45 credits of prior graduate work may be applied toward the doctoral degree requirements, which means that post-MS admittees may need to complete as few as 45 credit hours. Some or all of the breadth requirement may be satisfied through transfer credit from approved Graduate institutions. All transfer credit must have a grade of B or better, and must be approved by the PhD Program Manager. A student with an MS degree from a university other than Drexel must officially apply to have those credits transferred in order to have the degree officially recognized. Core course requirements must be satisfied through coursework at Drexel, or through transfer credit of equivalent coursework elsewhere.

Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:14:00 -0600 en text/html
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The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course is led by Mohsen Hassan, a programmer, trader, and financial risk manager who has taught investing to more than 300,000 Udemy students. The course consists of over 12.5 hours of on-demand video, one article, and two downloadable resources and can be accessed on the Udemy mobile app.

The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course walks beginners through the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and quickly moves to live examples of buying, transferring, and using wallets as well as portfolio management techniques for both passive and active investing. Through this course, Hassan buys, transfers, secures, and builds a portfolio with real money so students can see exactly how it’s done.

The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course costs just $99.99 and includes full lifetime access, a certificate of completion at the end of the course, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Udemy runs specials all the time, so you may be able to purchase the course for a much lower price.

Tue, 16 Feb 2021 04:28:00 -0600 en text/html
The 2012 Money Race: Compare the Candidates

Below is a tally of the money raised and spent through September by the presidential candidates, the national party committees and the primary “super PACs” whose sole purpose is to support a candidate. Contribution and spending totals do not include money raised or held by each candidate’s “victory fund,” a joint fund-raising committee that will distribute funds to the campaigns and party committees. In addition to these committees, nonprofit groups that do not have to file with the Federal Election Commission and other super PACs have spent at least $65 million more on television advertising, almost all of it against President Obama or in support of Mitt Romney.

Cash on hand

As of Nov. 26


Party committee

Primary super PAC

Top spenders
for and against
the candidates

Since April 1; amounts may reflect more recent spending than contained in totals.

Size of donations

$2,500 maximum

Size of donations

No maximum

Obama $726.2m 68% $775.4m $5.4m
D.N.C $255.1m 24% $285.8m $9.7m
$78.8m 7% $74.7m $4.3m
Restore Our Future, Inc. $88.6m Against Obama
American Crossroads $84.6m Against Obama
Republican National Committee $41.1m Against Obama
Americans for Prosperity $33.5m Against Obama
National Rifle Association Of America Political Victory Fund $9.8m Against Obama
More outside spending »
  • $5.0m

    James H. Simons

    President of Euclidean Capital and Board Chair of Renaissance Technologies Corp., a hedge fund company.

  • $4.5m

    Fred Eychaner

    An Obama bundler and Chicago media mogul.

  • $3.0m

    Steve Mostyn

    Texas trial lawyer.

  • $3.0m

    Jeffrey Katzenberg

    Chief executive of Dreamworks Animation.

  • $2.3m

    United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Pipe Fitting Industry

    Trade union.

More donors to Priorities USA Action »

Romney $467.3m 45% $460.2m $12.9m
R.N.C $371.4m 37% $378.8m $3.3m
Our Future
$153.8m 16% $153.0m $842,062
Priorities USA Action $64.8m Against Romney
Restore Our Future, Inc. $12.8m For Romney
American Crossroads $6.5m For Romney
Ending Spending Action Fund $4.7m For Romney
SEIU COPE $3.6m Against Romney
  • $15.0m

    Sheldon Adelson

    Billionaire casino owner and Newt Gingrich’s longtime friend and patron.

  • $15.0m

    Miriam Adelson

    Physician; wife of Sheldon Adelson.

  • $10.0m

    Bob J. Perry

    Houston homebuilder who was a major financier of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in 2004.

  • $3.0m

    Larry Ellison

    Chief executive of software giant Oracle Corp.

  • $2.8m

    Oxbow Carbon LLC

    An oil and gas company based in West Palm Beach, Fla. It was founded by William Koch, the brother of David H. and Charles Koch, wealthy conservative businessmen and founders of Americans for Prosperity.

More donors to Restore Our Future »

* The amount raised by each committee represents total contributions and transfers from affiliated committees, but excludes non-contributions such as interest and offsets to expenditures. Combined cash on hand totals include cash held by joint fund-raising committees that transfer money to the candidates and party committees. Both campaigns' joint fund-raising committees also spent money ($203 million by Romney Victory and $148 million by Obama Victory Fund 2012) on the election that is not included here.

Source: Federal Election Commission


Fri, 02 Jun 2023 13:35:00 -0500 text/html
Course Policies

Reasonable Accommodations

UAB is committed to providing an accessible learning experience for all students. If you are a student with a disability that qualifies under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and you require accommodations, please contact Disability Support Services for information on accommodations, registration and procedures. Requests for reasonable accommodations involve an interactive process and consist of a collaborative effort among the student, DSS, faculty and staff. If you are registered with Disability Support Services, please contact me to discuss accommodations that may be necessary in this course. If you have a disability but have not contacted Disability Support Services, please call 934-4205 or visit

Candidate E-Mail Requirement

UAB requires that each candidate use their UAB e-mail address for official communication. If you encounter trouble or problems with your e-mail address, please contact ASK-IT (996-5555).

Oral and Written Communication

UAB’s SOE members faculty expect all candidates to be proficient in the areas of spoken and written communication. Consequently, the course instructor reserves the right to recommend remediation for any candidate whose oral and written communication skills are considered unsatisfactory. This remediation might include an objective diagnostic writing evaluation or completion of an appropriate writing course (e.g., EDU 210 for undergraduate students; GRD 727 for graduate students).

Policies Regarding Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct

UAB Faculty members expect all members of the academic community to function according to the highest ethical and professional standards. Academic dishonesty and misconduct includes, but is not limited to, acts of abetting, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and misrepresentation. Candidates are expected to honor the UAB Honor Code, Academic Code of Conduct, Student Code of Conduct, and Non-Academic Code of Conduct. Information regarding UAB’s policies regarding these Codes of Conduct is located in link below. You may access this information by visiting the following page:

Turn-It-In Policy (Instructors May Choose to Keep or Delete this Section)

The SOE is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic honesty. The instructor reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism. Candidates agree that by taking this course all assignments are subject to submission for textual similarity review to Assignments submitted to will be included as source documents in the restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The instructor will identify assignments that candidates must submit to Turn-It-In. Candidates are required to submit the complete Turn-It-In originality report for their paper along with a hard copy or electronic copy of the paper, as determined by the instructor. Properly quoted and cited text will show up as a match on Turn-It-In. The originality report will allow the candidate and the instructor to detect accurate attribution as well as plagiarism.

Grade Appeal Process

Unless otherwise stated in a program-specific handbook, or unless the appeal involves a student teaching grade (see Student Teaching Handbook), the grade appeal process will include the steps below in the order listed. The appeal process must be initiated before the end of the term immediately following the term in which the grade was given. Appeals initiated after this time will not be considered.

  1. Instructor level: The student contacts the instructor to discuss the grade concern. If there is not a satisfactory resolution at that level, the student may appeal to the chair of the department under which the course is taught.
  2. Chair level: Within 10 working days of receiving the instructor’s response, the student submits a written grade appeal and supporting evidence to the chair of the department. The chair will review this information and seek any additional information from the student or the instructor in order to render a decision. The decision will be based on the relevant information provided, and will be sent to the student in writing. If there is not a satisfactory resolution at that level, the student may appeal to the dean.
  3. Dean level: Within 10 working days of receiving the department chair’s response, the student forwards the written appeal and supporting evidence to the dean. The dean will review this information and seek any additional information from the student, the chair, or the instructor that may be needed to render a decision. The decision will be based on the relevant information provided, and will be sent to the student in writing. The grade appeal process ends at the dean’s level.

IRB Compliance Policy

This course involves, or may involve, a research project. No stage of the research project for this course is to begin prior to the candidate, course instructor, and candidate advisor receiving a stamped copy of the IRB Approval Form. Initiating any stage of the research prior to such formal approval is a violation of UAB and School of Education guidelines and will result in failing the course. This policy has been approved by the School of Education and the UAB Institutional Review Board. The UAB Institutional Review Board may impose additional consequences. Students may request additional information about IRB requirements from the Office for Research Grant Support: EB 233 (975-5388).

Title IX Policy

The University of Alabama at Birmingham is committed to providing an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment. If you have been the victim or sexual discrimination, harassment, misconduct, or assault they encourage you to report the incident. UAB provides several avenues for reporting. For more information about Title IX, policy, reporting, protections, resources and supports, please visit for UAB’s Title IX Policy and UAB’s Equal Opportunity and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Thu, 04 Jan 2018 07:17:00 -0600 en-US text/html
2012 Presidential Race No result found, try new keyword!See data for other candidates who ran in the 2012 presidential election. NOTE: All the numbers on this page are for the 2012 election cycle and based on Federal Election Commission data released ... Mon, 22 Nov 2021 23:06:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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