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GMAT-Verbal GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability benefits |

GMAT-Verbal benefits - GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: GMAT-Verbal GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability benefits January 2024 by team

GMAT-Verbal GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability

Test Detail:
The GMAT-Verbal section, also known as Section 3: Verbal Ability, is a component of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) administered by the Admission Testing Service. The Verbal Ability section measures your skills in analyzing and understanding written material, evaluating arguments, and correcting written material to conform to standard written English. This description provides an overview of the GMAT-Verbal section.

Course Outline:
To prepare for the GMAT-Verbal section, you can consider a comprehensive course that covers the following key areas:

1. reading Comprehension:
- Developing reading skills to comprehend and analyze complex passages
- Understanding main ideas, supporting details, and logical structure
- Drawing inferences and making conclusions based on the given information
- Recognizing the author's tone, purpose, and perspective

2. Critical Reasoning:
- Evaluating arguments and identifying strengths and weaknesses
- Recognizing assumptions, evidence, and logical flaws in arguments
- Drawing logical inferences and reaching logical conclusions
- Applying critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate written material

3. Sentence Correction:
- Identifying errors in grammar, syntax, and sentence structure
- Improving sentence clarity, conciseness, and coherence
- Applying proper usage of idioms, verb tenses, pronouns, and modifiers
- Recognizing and correcting errors in parallelism and agreement

Exam Objectives:
The GMAT-Verbal section aims to assess your verbal reasoning skills and ability to comprehend and analyze written material. The exam objectives include the following:

1. reading Comprehension (40% - 50%):
- Analyzing and understanding complex passages
- Answering questions based on the given reading material
- Identifying the main ideas, supporting details, and author's perspective

2. Critical Reasoning (30% - 40%):
- Evaluating and analyzing arguments
- Identifying assumptions, evidence, and logical flaws
- Drawing logical inferences and making conclusions

3. Sentence Correction (15% - 25%):
- Identifying and correcting errors in sentence structure and grammar
- Improving sentence clarity and coherence
- Applying proper usage of grammar rules and idiomatic expressions

Exam Syllabus:
The GMAT-Verbal section covers a range of courses within the exam objectives mentioned above. The syllabus may include the following:

- reading and analyzing passages from various subjects, such as social sciences, natural sciences, and business-related topics
- Questions that assess your ability to understand and interpret the content of the passages
- Critical reasoning questions that test your ability to evaluate arguments and identify logical flaws
- Sentence correction questions that focus on grammar, sentence structure, and usage of standard written English
GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability
Admission-Tests Section benefits

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GMAT-Verbal GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability
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GMAT Section 3: Verbal Ability
Question #748
Of all the possible disasters that threaten the upcoming Olympic games, the possibility of forceful winds affecting
the rowing venue is maybe the more difficult for analysis.
A. is maybe the more difficult for analysis.
B. is probably the most difficult for analysis.
C. is maybe the most difficult for analysis.
D. is probably the more difficult for analysis.
E. is, it may be, the analysis that is most difficult.
Answer: B
The best answer is B. The sentence compares one thing, forceful winds affecting the rowing venue, to all other
possible disasters. Therefore, the superlative form, most, is required. The use of maybe is unidiomatic.
Question #749
A warrant was issued on Sunday by a New York prosecutor for the arrest of Henry Urick, until recently chairman
of the mobile telecommunications company
Telecom, including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.
A. including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.
B. along with eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.
C. and including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.
D. for eleven other people connected with his family's business empire.
E. and for including eleven other people connected with his family's business empire
Answer: B
The best answer is B. The preposition for governs both Henry Urick and eleven other"¦ so along with is sufficient.
In choice A, C and E, the word including is used incorrectly because the other people were arrested in addition to
Henry Urick, and not included in his arrest
Question #750
Having seen first-hand this recipe for disaster, Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and
that poor nations should be liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model, promoted by the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.
A. Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and that poor nations should be liberated
from the one-size-fits-all trading model,
B. Roberta Henson wished to make clear that free trade is unfair and that poor nations should being liberated
from the one-size-fits-all trading model,
C. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to make clear that poor nations should be
liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,
D. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to make clear that poor nations should being
liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,
E. free trade was called unfair by Roberta Henson, who wished to clarify that poor nations should be
liberated from the one-size-fits-all trading model,
Answer: A
The best answer is A. Choices C, D and E present dangling modifiers. Choice B incorrectly places the gerund being
after the model, should.
Question #751
The exhibition of ancient Egyptian funerary art "" imposing statues, intricately painted coffins, and numerous
accoutrements, drew hundreds of people each day, equivalent to the number of visitors to last year's Impressionist
A. equivalent to the number of visitors to last year's Impressionist show.
B. the equivalent of those that visited last year's Impressionist show.
C. equal to those who visited
D. as many as the visitation to
E. as many as visited
Answer: E
The best answer is E. The phrases equivalent to, the equivalent of, and equal to have too broad a range of meanings
to be used precisely here. As many as is preferable. Choice D compares the hundreds of people incorrectly to
Question #752
Mahatma Gandhi's is credited as having championed a nonviolent approach to reform as a practical and moral
means to struggle against social injustice.
A. as having
B. with having
C. to have
D. as the one who
E. for being the one who
Answer: B
The best answer is B. In English it is idiomatic usage to credit someone with having done something.
Question #753
Denying that one of its many irregularities had been the long-term mismanaging of company funds, the AD & M
company produced clear evidence to back its claim.
A. its many irregularities had been the long-term
B. its many irregularities has been the long-term
C. its many irregularities is the long-term
D. their many irregularities is the long-term
E. their many irregularities had been the long-term
Answer: A
The best answer is A. The singular pronoun its agrees in number with the singular noun referent AD & M; the past
perfect verb form had been is used appropriately to refer to an action completed prior to the action of the simple
past tense produced.
Question #754
Lewis and Clark were not the first white men to cross the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific north of
Mexico, and they did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
A. and did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
B. and they did not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
C. and they had not visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
D. nor had they visited places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
E. nor did they visit places not already seen and mapped by generations of native people.
Answer: E
The best answer is E. Being the second thing that Lewis and Clark did not do, the word nor is required. The first
negative phrase is in the past simple, so the second one must be in past simple form as well.
Question #755
Electric boats have eliminated the noise pollution that conventional powerboats made and reduce the loathsome
discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird life.
A. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird life.
B. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, threaten fish and bird life.
C. reduce the loathsome discharges of oil that foul American rivers and lakes, to threaten fish and bird life.
D. reduced the loathsome discharges of oil that fouled American rivers and lakes, to threaten fish and bird
E. reduced the loathsome discharges of oil that fouled American rivers and lakes, threatening fish and bird
Answer: E
The best answer is E. The form of the word reduce is governed by first verb phrase because it continues in a
parallel construction: Have eliminated.. and reduced.
Question #756
Being literal-minded about the afterlife, both royalty and commoners arranged to fill their tombs with household
objects, each object a necessity for daily life, ready for use
A. each object a necessity for daily life, ready for use.
B. all the objects a necessity for daily life, ready for use.
C. all the objects a necessity for daily life, they are ready for use.
D. every object a necessity for daily life, it is ready for use.
E. each object a necessity for daily life, was ready for use.
Answer: A
The best answer is A. In choice A, the words object and necessity, both singular, agree.
Question #757
Among the era's triumphs were the Civil Rights Act of 1964, barring segregation in public places; the 24th
Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1964, prohibiting the poll tax; and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which
ordered the state should abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.
A. should abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.
B. would abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.
C. to abolish literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.
D. abolishing of literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote.
E. the abolishing of literacy tests as a requirement for registering to vote
Answer: C
The infinitive to abolish follows the verb ordered, producing the grammatical and idiomatic sequence X ordered Y
to do Z.
Question #758
The Sumerians, who founded the first cities, not only invented writing, created poetry and the rule of law, and were
also extraordinary craftsmen.
A. and were also extraordinary craftsmen.
B. but were also extraordinary craftsmen.
C. but also were extraordinary craftsmen.
D. but also fashioned extraordinary crafts.
E. and also fashioned extraordinary crafts.
Answer: D
The best answer is D. Choice d correctly uses the not only"¦ but also"¦ construction, with parallel phrases.
Question #759
Government policies should ensure that network owners charge nondiscriminatory prices to any client who wants
to use their home network to distribute information.
A. who wants to use their home network to distribute information
B. who wants to be using his home network to distribute information
C. who wants to use his home network to distribute information
D. which wants to use his home network to distribute information
E. which wants to use their home network to distribute information
Answer: C
The pronoun there is inappropriate because it refers to the singular noun phrase: any client, and must be replaced
by his.
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Admission-Tests Section benefits - BingNews Search results Admission-Tests Section benefits - BingNews Virginia Commonwealth Veteran Benefits

The commonwealth of Virginia provides several veteran benefits. This page explains those benefits.

Virginia Veterans Homes

Virginia has two veterans homes in Richmond and Roanoke.

Two new homes in Puller and Virginia Beach are scheduled to open in 2022.

Honorably discharged veterans who are residents of Virginia are eligible for admission. There may be a cost.

Virginia Veteran Financial Benefits

Income Tax

Active Duty Pay - Up to $15,000 of military basic pay may be exempted from Virginia income tax.

For every $1.00 of income over $15,000, the maximum subtraction is reduced by $1.00. For example, if your basic pay is $16,000, you are entitled to deduct only $14,000. You are not eligible for the subtraction if your military basic pay is $30,000 or more

For VA National Guard, up to 39 calendar days of service or $3,000 (whichever is less) may be deducted from your income when filing. This deduction is only available for O-3 and below.

Retired Pay - Beginning in 2022 retirees 55 and older can deduct up to $10,000 of retirement income from their gross income for state tax filing. That amount will increase by $10,000 each year until 2025, when up to $40,000 will be deductible. SBP payments follow the same rules. Starting with the 2024 tax year, the age limit will no longer apply.

Disabled Veterans Real Estate Tax Exemption

Veterans with a VA 100% permanent and total disability are exempt from property taxes on their home.

The surviving spouse may also be eligible. 

Virginia Veterans Employment Benefits

Virginia Veterans Preference For State Jobs

Veterans seeking state employment can get a 5% addition to their test score. Disabled veterans can get a 10% addition.

The Virginia Transition Assistance Program (VTAP)

This program offers transitioning service members and their spouses peer-to-peer support through the transition process. The referral services include such things as resume review, introduction to the labor market, and connections with certified companies for employment, and other DVS programs as applicable. 

Troops to Trucks

Qualified military personnel and veterans who have been separated for 12 months or less are only required to pass the knowledge test for a CDL license. The road skills test is waived. This applies to those with two or more years of military heavy truck/bus driving experience.

Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program

The Military Survivors and Dependents Program provides educations benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became at least 90% disabled as a result of military service in an armed conflict.

This program may pay for tuition and fees at any state-supported college or university in Virginia. Benefits are available for up to 36 months.

Virginia Veterans Recreation Benefits

Disabled Veteran Hunting & Fishing Licenses

Virginia offers a free lifetime hunting and fishing license, and a discounted saltwater license for Virginia resident veterans who are permanently and totally service-connected disabled.

Veterans with at least 70% VA disability can get discounted hunting and freshwater fishing licenses

Active Duty Hunting & Fishing License

Active duty members stationed in Virginia can get hunting & fishing licenses for the resident rate.

State Park Admission

Veterans with 100% VA disability are eligible for free admission and parking and admission for the pass holder and anyone needed to assist them at Virginia state parks.

The pass also covers boat launch and horse trailer parking and a 50% discount on camping, swimming, shelters and equipment rental.

You do not need to be a Virginia resident to qualify.

Virginia Veterans Cemeteries

Virginia has three veterans cemeteries located in Amelia, Dublin, and Suffolk.

Honorably discharged veterans may be buried at no cost, there is a small cost for their eligible family members.

Visit the Virginia Department of Veterans Services website for more information on any of these programs.

Stay on Top of Your Veteran Benefits

Military benefits are always changing. Keep up with everything from pay to health care by subscribing to, and get access to up-to-date pay charts and more with all latest benefits delivered straight to your inbox.

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Thu, 21 Dec 2023 02:48:00 -0600 en text/html
Self-Reported Test Score Frequently Asked Questions
When will UMass Lowell accept self-reported test scores?

Starting with applications for the fall 2021 semester, first-year students applying for admission can submit self-reported test scores for application review.

Why did you create the Reserved Placement Program (RPP)?

More students apply for fall entry than they can accommodate. They wanted to create a seamless pathway for more students to choose UMass Lowell. If you see yourself at UMass Lowell, this program is perfect for you.

Is this like being placed on a waitlist?

No. This is an offer of admission, contingent on students completing a minimum of 12 transferable credits with a minimum GPA of 2.500. Students on their waitlist have not received an offer of admission. There is no ensure they will receive one.

Why is UMass Lowell accepting self-reported test scores?

This process is best for their students. Allowing self-reported scores to be used for admission helps students complete their application sooner and more efficiently. Because students have a limited number of schools they can send scores to free of charge, allowing self-reported scores to be used for admission removes the possible financial barrier of ordering official scores to be sent as part of the admission process. They will not require official scores be sent until/if a student chooses to enroll at UMass Lowell.

Can’t I just go to community college and transfer to UMass Lowell on my own?

You can, and plenty of students do. Enrolling through the Reserved Placement Program has several advantages:

  • You will not have to reapply for admission to UMass Lowell. Students who meet the requirements of the RPP will be guaranteed entry after a minimum of one semester.
  • UMass Lowell will provide academic advising at no cost to you. A dedicated UMass Lowell transfer counselor will work with you to be sure you are taking the correct courses.
  • We will regard you as their student from day one. You will have the ability to obtain a UMass Lowell ID card, attend their January orientation, have a UMass Lowell transfer counselor advise you throughout the program, and be welcome to attend UMass Lowell sports games and events.
How do I participate?

Applicants should report scores in the section provided on the Common Application or the UMass Lowell Application and are encouraged to report all scores for all test dates. If an applicant plans to take additional tests after submitting their application, please indicate this in the test plans and be sure to submit these additional scores to the admissions office using the applicant portal.

How do I find out how much it will cost?

RPP will lower your costs. When you are enrolled at the community college, you will pay the tuition rates for that community college. When you transfer to UMass Lowell, you will pay UMass Lowell tuition rates.

Students who live on campus will pay UMass Lowell’s Housing and Food Plan Costs.

Will you need official test scores?

While admissions decisions can be made in lieu of receiving official SAT or ACT scores, students will not be permitted to actually enroll until official results are received from The College Board and/or ACT and confirmed to be accurate. Inaccurate reporting of scores will jeopardize your admission and may result in a revocation of an offer of admission.

Can I stay at the community college for more than a semester?

RPP lasts for up to one academic year; however, RPP students can remain at their community college to take advantage of Mass Transfer benefits. They will need to re-apply as a transfer student when they decide to enroll at UMass Lowell.

For continued enrollment in RPP (and housing), students must have a GPA of at least 2.000 after one year. Students who do not maintain the minimum academic requirements will be removed from RPP and housing (as applicable) and will be advised by a transfer counselor on next steps.

When will you need official test scores?

Students admitted based on self-reported scores must instruct the testing agency to send scores no later than June 1, and prior to attending orientation.

Can I still be considered for entrance to the Honors College and receive a merit-based scholarship?

Yes. However, they will need official test scores prior to enrolling in courses. Inaccurate reporting of scores will jeopardize your admission and may result in a revocation of an offer of admission, merit scholarship award and entrance to the Honors College.

What community colleges can I attend?

Middlesex Community College is their primary partner for the Reserved Placement Program. They offer a specific orientation for the Reserved Placement Program, a program coordinator and students are able to live at UMass Lowell while completing their courses at Middlesex Community College.

RPP Students can also enroll at any community college and transition to UMass Lowell (after meeting the requirements of the program). Students will need to complete the application for the community college of their choice and follow the same enrollment process as any new community college student.

The RPP Coordinator at UMass Lowell can provide students with a list of courses that need to be completed at their community college of choice to be eligible to transition to UMass Lowell.

RPP students have enrolled at:

  • Bunker Hill Community College
  • Mass Bay Community College
  • Middlesex Community College
  • North Shore Community College
  • Northern Essex Community College
  • Quinsigamond Community College
  • Roxbury Community College
Can international students submit self-reported test scores?

Yes, international students applying for admission may submit self-reported SAT/ACT scores with some exceptions. Students who are required to submit English proficiency exams must submit official scores with their application for admission. UMass Lowell accepts official TOEFL, IELTS, Pearson, Duolingo and UMass Lowell English Proficiency Test scores.

Do I need to take placement tests at my community college?

Maybe. Some community colleges in Massachusetts require placement tests and some do not. You will be notified directly by your selected community college of any needed placement tests.

Can I major in anything I want?

For 2024-2025, this program is offered for students who will enroll in majors within the Manning School of Business; the College of Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (excluding Education majors); the Francis College of Engineering; and the Kennedy College of Sciences.

Students in the program are admitted into one of the majors they applied to. If a student is interested in pursuing a different major at UMass Lowell, please speak with their RPP Coordinator who can help you plan your pathway to one of those majors.

Please note that that students interested in selecting a major within the Francis College of Engineering and the Kennedy College of Sciences will need to demonstrate appropriate math and science preparation.

Can transfer students submit self-reported test scores?

Students who have fewer than 12 credits may be required to submit SAT or ACT scores along with an official high school transcript to determine admissibility. Transfer applicants in this category should work directly with transfer counselors. Please contact Transfer Admissions by email at for any questions or clarification.

I was admitted to RPP for my second-choice major. What if I want to study my first-choice major?

RPP is designed to support the transition of students to any of their majors in the College of Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; the Manning School of Business; the Francis College of Engineering; and the Kennedy College of Sciences. If you are interested in pursuing a major in another college at UMass Lowell, please speak with their RPP Coordinator who can help you plan your pathway to one of those majors.

What if I already have college/AP credits?

Please send official college transcripts and official AP score reports to both UMass Lowell and your selected community college. They want to make sure to provide you credit for the work you’ve already completed.

How do I get housing when attending Middlesex Community College?

Students accepted into RPP can apply to live at UMass Lowell as part of the MCC cohort. Students should apply on the online housing portal by May 5.

Joining the Middlesex Community College Reserved Placement Program (MCC2UML) Living-Learning Community is a great way to live in a residence hall alongside other UMass Lowell students and participate in community-building programs that work to help balance an academic and social life. MCC2UML students can select to live in any UMass Lowell residence hall and will register for a course instructed by a member of the UMass Lowell Residence Life staff.

UMass Lowell does not provide transportation to Middlesex Community College. Students living at UMass Lowell can take advantage of the Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA) buses to travel to Middlesex Community College at no cost – just present your student ID.

MCC2UML also has a dedicated faculty/staff member who provides mentorship beyond the classroom, runs programs and day trips dedicated to career development and assists with the transition to college.

What other privileges will I have as an RPP student living on campus?

As an RPP student living on campus and attending Middlesex Community College, you are entitled to many of the benefits that their UMass Lowell students have. You can use the libraries, the Wellness Center and the Campus Recreation Center. You can eat in the university dining halls, can get involved with many UMass Lowell student organizations and enjoy any of their athletic events for free.

Can I participate in varsity or club sports?

RPP students can’t participate in any varsity or club athletic programs.

Can RPP students work on campus?

Most on-campus work at UMass Lowell or at any community college is through federal work-study, which will be awarded in your financial aid package. When you are a student at your selected community college, you may be able to secure work-study on that campus. When you transfer to UMass Lowell, you may be able to secure a work-study job on their campus.

Who can I speak to if I have questions about the RPP program?

Please contact Transfer Admissions by email: or phone: 978-934-3931.

How do I enroll in the Reserved Placement Program?

To register, please fill out the Reserved Placement Program Registration form. Please note that you will need to complete a separate application for the community college of your choice. If you have any questions, please contact Transfer admissions by email at or phone at 978-934-3931. 

Sat, 06 Jun 2020 01:15:00 -0500 en text/html
How a strong GRE score can boost your business school application In today's interconnected world, many students are drawn to the idea of pursuing higher education overseas to broaden their perspectives and enhance their career trajectories. However, some remain unaware of the expansive opportunities the GRE General Test offers to help them progress on their journey. This multifaceted exam isn't limited to those eyeing STEM or humanities courses; it's becoming increasingly pivotal in business school admissions, as well.

Recent changes made to GRE test have streamlined the assessment. The test duration has been reduced to under two hours from its earlier near-four-hour format. This concise version of the GRE underscores ETS’s dedication to refining the test experience for students, without compromising the score's integrity and dependability that global institutions trust. Furthermore, students will now receive their official GRE scores even more promptly, within 8-10 days post-examination.

The shorter GRE remains section level adaptive, granting students flexibility to answer questions in sequences that suit them and modify their responses as needed, within each timed section. More than 1300 business schools in 72 countries accept GRE scores for their master’s, MBA and doctoral programs. The test is also accepted for admission to tens of thousands of graduate programs around the world, reflecting the GRE’s position as a strong option for pursuing graduate and professional studies across disciplines. Moreover, since GRE scores are valid for five years, they offer students the leeway to thoughtfully consider their graduate and professional school choices, and the option to change majors or delay their plans and not have to take another exam.
Some of the top global B-schools that accept GRE scores:
Harvard Business School
Cranfield University
Deakin University
Stanford University Imperial College Business School – London
Murdoch University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology London Business School University of Melbourne (Melbourne Business School)
Boston University
Oxford University
University of Sydney
University of Pennsylvania
University of Cambridge
Australian Graduate School of Management

In India, the number of GRE test-takers has surged impressively, rising from approximately 66,000 in 2020-21 to 1.11 lakhs in 2021-22 – marking a notable 68% increase. Nearly 60% of these candidates opted for STEM programs.
The Open Doors Report 2022-23, released by the U.S. State Department and the Institute for International Education (IIE) earlier this month indicates a significant rise in Indian students enrolling in American universities. The report reveals that the number of Indian students in American universities increased by 35% to 2.68 lakh in 2022-23. Master’s students witnessed the highest growth in enrolment with a 40% rise in 2022-23, with bachelor’s students witnessed a 13% increase in the same period. In this article, you will explore how GRE can pave the way for opportunities in academic and professional spheres.

Global Gateway to Graduate Premier Programs Across Domains

The GRE is a significant asset for those targeting competitive business programs. Admission committees consider many sources of information about applicants’ educational background, experiences and career interests, but GRE scores play a unique role as a standardized assessment taken by all applicants. A commendable GRE score not only underscores a student's readiness for graduate-level work but also bolsters their standing because it shows their dedication to achieving their educational goals.

Opportunities for Scholarships and Assistantships

Institutions value GRE scores as an indicator of readiness for advanced studies that is common across all applicants. Its standardization ensures a level playing field for all aspirants. Incorporating strong GRE scores in an application not only amplifies one’s chances for admittance to the program of their choice, but also of obtaining scholarships, fellowships and assistantships, as many of the organizations and institutions offering these benefits also require GRE scores.

Demonstrating Requisite Skills

The GRE test measures skills that graduate and business programs have identified as critical for success, and therefore, that they look for in their applicants. GRE scores reflect candidates’ proficiency in critical thinking, verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing – skills that students will actually use in the classroom across most disciplines. Although coursework and GPAs can also indicate proficiency in these skills, GPAs vary greatly across countries and across programs based on the rigor of the institution. This is where a standardized measure holds special value for the admissions committee. The GRE can also help a student provide an additional verification of their skills, which can be useful if their undergraduate performance was not as solid as they wished it had been.

Unlocking Career Prospects

GRE performance extends benefits beyond the academic realm. Various industry sectors acknowledge the merit of GRE scores as indicators of analytical and problem-solving abilities. In the job market, GRE scores can distinguish a candidate, potentially leading to better career avenues and enhanced remuneration packages.

Fostering Personal Growth and Tenacity

Preparing for the GRE requires planning, focus and perseverance. This journey hones essential skills that are important in academia and in life, such as time management, discipline, and intrinsic motivation. The fortitude and personal growth cultivated during test preparation can be invaluable in addressing the complexities of an academic or professional setup.

Summarily, the GRE offers access to multiple graduate programs, and unveils a spectrum of career paths. It is an excellent reflection of test-takers’ proficiency in critical thinking, verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing and hence becoming pivotal in the b-school admissions process.

The author is Country Manager, ETS India & South Asia
Mon, 01 Jan 2024 17:11:00 -0600 en text/html
The 13 Best Foundation Brushes of 2024, Tested and Reviewed No result found, try new keyword!To achieve the best foundation application, you need a foundation brush that can build and blend well. They tested 24 top makeup brushes to find the best foundation brushes for liquid, powder, and cream ... Tue, 02 Jan 2024 22:15:00 -0600 en-us text/html The 4 Best Strength and Conditioning Certifications, According to an Expert No result found, try new keyword!A certified personal trainer reviews the best strength and conditioning certifications available online to help pursue your passion and advance your career. Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:13:00 -0600 text/html CMAT 2024 - Common Management Admission Test, 2024

The National Testing Agency (NTA) determines the Common Management Admission Test (CMAT) eligibility requirements. These requirements include factors like educational requirements and reservations. Candidates should familiarise themselves with the eligibility criteria before applying for the CMAT exam.

Candidates applying for the CMAT 2024 must meet the following requirements to be eligible:


In the case of Central Government run Institutes reservation benefits are available to candidates belonging to specific categories such as Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), General Economically Weaker Sections (General-EWS), Other Backward Classes belonging to the "non-creamy" layer (NCL-OBC), and Persons with Disabilities (PwD). The candidate must possess a valid caste/category certificate issued by the Government of India in order to claim reservation under these categories.



Reservation  % 

Scheduled Castes


Scheduled Tribes


General Economically Weaker Sections


OBCs: Non-Creamy Layer


Persons with Disabilities


The reservation policy of the relevant State Governments shall be applicable in the case of Institutes run/aided/recognized by them. 

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:54:00 -0600 en text/html
Banks and fintechs unload on CFPB's open banking plan
BankThink of new CFPB proposed regulations
Bank and fintechs laid out their respective concerns to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in recently-filed comment letters concerning the bureau's proposed open banking rule, with banks saying compliance costs are too high and fintechs saying that the rule ignores the consumer benefits of sharing personal data with marketers.

Bloomberg News

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's open banking proposal is drawing both praise and criticism from banks, fintechs and at least one lawmaker as the bureau crafts a far-reaching rule that will provide consumers control over their own financial data. 

The CFPB received more than 11,000 comments on its personal financial data-rights plan, unveiled in October, that requires financial institutions to allow customers to share their transaction data with other providers through digital interfaces. The plan currently covers checking accounts, credit cards, digital wallets and prepaid cards. 

But bank trade groups want the CFPB to include a wider array of financial products, such as buy now/pay later loans and Electronic Benefits Transfer cards, and want the rule to level the playing field by covering all data collected by third-parties and data aggregators.

Under the CFPB's plan — known as the 1033 rule, for its section in the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 — third parties may not collect, sell, use or retain a consumer's personal financial data for targeted marketing or to cross-sell other products, an issue criticized by fintechs and their trade groups. The proposed rule would require that consumers be made aware of where their data is held and how it is used, sparking a nuanced debate about whether consumers should be given the option to "opt in," or "opt out," of having their data used for secondary purposes. 

CFPB Director Rohit Chopra has said the proposal would increase competition by helping consumers more easily switch banks while creating strong data security and privacy standards. Consumer financial data can only be used for a specific purpose and "is not a free pass" for companies to exploit for advertising or profit, Chopra has said. 

Rep. Patrick McHenry, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, praised Chopra in a comment letter that highlighted the similarities between the CFPB's 1033 proposal and Republicans' Data Privacy Act of 2023. 

"A guiding principle behind section 1033 is that consumers will benefit from increased control and portability of their data," wrote McHenry, who is not seeking reelection next year. "Consumers should be empowered to know what data is being collected, where the data is stored, with whom the data is shared, and what rights those authorized third parties have with respect to consumers' data."

McHenry threw his support behind the CFPB's plan to provide consumers the right to revoke access to their data at any time and to limit use by authorized companies to just one year, unless the consumer agrees to further access. 

Banks already share consumers' transaction data with fintechs — mostly through data aggregators, and often begrudgingly through screen scraping. Screen scraping does not appear in the text of the proposal, though the plan seeks to move away from the practice whereby people provide their usernames and passwords to third parties to access their data. Bank trade groups want the CFPB to ban screen scraping altogether. 

In a 57-page comment letter, the Consumer Bankers Association said that screen scraping is both costly to banks and risky to consumers. Brian Fritzsche, the CBA's vice president and associate general counsel, said the CFPB should take action against third parties that screen scrape, claiming that without doing so, the bureau would be outsourcing the monitoring and policing of third parties to banks.

"Absent an express prohibition, it would be unduly costly for data providers to effectively block screen scraping and push usage of safer APIs," Fritzsche wrote, referring to application programming interfaces that send data directly from one company to another. "This is misguided, and instead the Bureau should play a more significant role in taking action against third parties that screen scrape. Importantly, screen scraping may cause consumer harm because, if a third party relies on screen scraping, any tailoring of the consumer's authorization vanishes and a third party could have access to consumer information beyond what the consumer has authorized." 

The American Bankers Association, The Bank Policy Institute and The Clearing House Association all called on the CFPB to explicitly ban screen scraping. The three trade groups also urged the bureau to supervise data aggregators through a separate, larger participant rulemaking, claiming they should be required to comply with the data security requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that applies to depositories.

"Directly addressing data aggregator risks is a better approach for everyone, including the CFPB's own examiners," wrote Ryan T. Miller, the ABA's vice president and senior counsel of innovation policy. "There should be a clear and unambiguous basis to supervise data aggregators as a separate class."

Fintech and others argue that the CFPB is severely restricting secondary uses of the data that are being used to train underwriting models or for anti-fraud tools as well as research and product development. McHenry wrote that the CFPB should revisit the use of secondary data by implementing either an opt-in or opt-out regime that is part of other data protection laws. 

The CFPB's proposal also considers "anonymous" data to be secondary data, subject to the same restrictions. Many fintech commenters said the CFPB goes further than either the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation or California's Consumer Privacy Act. Fintechs want the CFPB to reconsider its restrictions, including those for de-identified data in its secondary use ban.

Phil Goldfeder, CEO of the American Fintech Council, said the CFPB's restrictions on secondary uses would stymie innovation. He said the bureau should balance consumer choice with what he called "legitimate business needs."

"We recognize that targeted advertising and cross-selling of products may not always fit the nefarious or deceptive qualities from which the Bureau is seeking to protect consumers," Goldfeder wrote. "In fact, at times, targeted advertising and cross-selling can result in related products and services being offered to a consumer."

Ian P. Moloney, AFC's senior vice president and head of federal and state policy, told American Banker that the restrictions on secondary uses and specifically of anonymous, de-identified data, will severely impact fintechs. 

"How do you get consumers in the door other than through marketing, including marketing to existing customers?" Moloney said. "It's a difficult situation for businesses faced with this."

Penny Lee, president and CEO of the Financial Technology Association, urged the CFPB to recognize that fintechs offer consumers benefits such as new payment options and services that can reduce costs. 

"Unnecessarily prescriptive regulatory limitations and restrictions on data collection, retention, and use will undermine consumer interests by reducing the ability of third parties to develop new products and services and offer consumers additional products that compete with their legacy providers," Lee wrote. 

Compliance with the rule would be phased in depending on the size of the institution. The CFPB has proposed banks with at least $500 billion in assets and nonbanks with $10 billion in revenue comply within six months after a final rule is issued. Banks with less than $850 million in revenue would have four years to comply.

John Pitts, head of policy at data aggregator Plaid and a former CFPB deputy assistant director of intergovernmental affairs, said the CFPB's flexible timeline will ensure that consumers aren't cut off from access as banks build or update existing APIs.

"It is critical that the legacy access method, including screen scraping, remains functional and reliable, both as a primary means of access for consumers who have not yet been migrated, and as a backup access method in the event of a developer interface error during testing," Pitts wrote

Many banks suggested in comment letters that the CFPB allow them to charge fees — not to consumers but to authorized third-parties — to access open banking data in order to offset the costs of developing interfaces. The CFPB estimates a total upfront cost of $250,000 to $500,000 for small depository data providers that choose to build their developer interface in-house. The CFPB also stated in its plan that the cost of establishing and maintaining a developer interface varies widely depending on the institution, from $2 million to $47 million per year, with a median of $21 million per year.

The Independent Community Bankers of America said the CFPB would be imposing "significant technological burdens and financial costs on community banks," without any way for them to recoup costs from third-party companies that are the beneficiaries of data access.  

"Banks should be permitted to charge a reasonable fee for providing access to consumer information to third parties," wrote Mickey Marshall, ICBA's assistant vice president and regulatory counsel. "This would permit banks to recoup some of the costs of creating a developer interface without leading to any cost to the consumer."  

However, no other country with an open banking regime — including the UK, the European Union, Australia, India and Singapore — allows banks to charge fees.

Several commenters want the CFPB to clarify in its final rule the role of industry standard-setting bodies including recognizing Financial Data Exchange that has established security standards for the industry, to avoid contradictory or competing standards. Some want the bureau to also create a safe harbor for companies that are in compliance with such standards. 

It is unclear yet if the CFPB will face legal challenges when its open banking rule is finalized. Fritzsche, at the Consumer Bankers Association, said that while many of the trade group's members are supportive of open banking, they are concerned that the bureau has exceeded its statutory authority with its proposal because costs that were not considered by Congress when it drafted Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act.

"The Bureau particularly misjudges the costs that data providers will face in building out the new data access ecosystem,"' Fritzsche wrote. "There is also a major question as to whether Congress intended to impart such a dramatic mandate, including potential impacts to safe and sound banking practices, to the Bureau through this straightforward, and relatively brief, language regarding consumer access to information."

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:06:00 -0600 en text/html
New CRP on radioactive waste immobilization using geopolymer matrices launched

For nearly a century, geopolymers have been used for construction, ceramics, fireproofing and other industrial applications. One of their most promising applications, in radioactive waste management, has drawn considerable attention in accurate years, and the IAEA is now launching a Coordinated Research Project (CRP) to better understand the performance of geopolymers in this area and facilitate their deployment. 

Geopolymers, also known as alkali-activated aluminosilicate cements or binders, help immobilize and stabilize radioactive waste, effectively reducing the potential for radionuclide migration or dispersion. Immobilization is particularly important during the handling, transportation, storage and disposal stages. Their unique composition provides a high strength and adaptable gel network, with low environmental impact, thus aligning with radioactive waste disposal requirements.  Research on radioactive waste immobilization using geopolymer matrices has been conducted within organizations across several Member States and within international research projects, however, only a few Member States have approved geopolymer matrix application for radioactive waste processing. accurate studies indicate that the use of geopolymers for immobilizing radioactive waste offers a promising alternative to traditional cement binders, presenting potential benefits for specific waste streams. 

Despite these promising developments, a gap exists in comparing the performance of geopolymers with traditional cement binders, which have well-established waste form performance protocols. To address this challenge, the IAEA’s new CRP aims to facilitate the deployment of geopolymers to immobilize radioactive waste. The CRP aims to further unlock the potential of geopolymers by establishing common protocols and experimental conditions to enable thorough, reliable and repeatable assessments of waste form performance when using geopolymers. This effort will not only promote consistency among researchers but also facilitate the adoption of geopolymer technology in the nuclear industry, as well as ensure that the waste forms meet the rigorous standards set by the Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC). 

With the launch of this new CRP, the IAEA aims to establish a standardized approach to geopolymer waste form testing and contribute to sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for managing radioactive waste, ultimately benefiting both current and future generations. Member States can broaden their knowledge on testing protocols for geopolymer matrices which can be used for future nuclear installation construction, shielding materials, disposal matrices for nuclear waste and repairing damaged cement of nuclear constructions. 

Overall CRP objectives Enhance the international knowledge basis available on waste form testing protocols for geopolymers as part of future strategic decisions by Member States on whether to pursue geopolymers for the immobilization of radioactive waste. Establish protocols against emerging procedures specifically designed for geopolymer matrix testing. Compare methodologies to pave the way for the establishment of standardized waste form testing protocols for the use of geopolymers in immobilizing radioactive waste.   Specific research objectives Provide a comprehensive set of testing protocols to assist Member States in making informed strategic decisions on whether to pursue the use of geopolymers for the immobilization of radioactive waste. Enhance the scientific and technical basis underpinning waste form testing protocols for geopolymers to demonstrate their durability. How to join this CRP Please submit your Proposal for Research Contract or Agreement by email, no later than 31 January 2024 to the IAEA’s Research Contracts Administration Section, using CRP ID ‘T21029’ and the appropriate template on the Coordinated Research Activities web portal. 

Potential applicants are advised to read CRP T21029 Guidance Document before applying. For further information, please visit the CRP page. The IAEA encourages institutes to involve, to the extent possible, women researchers and young researchers in their proposals. 

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 16:12:00 -0600 en text/html
Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Fairway Woods and Hybrids

The Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke fairway woods and hybrids likely won’t be the first reason many golfers take a gander at the brand’s new line of metalwoods.

That said, perhaps they should be.

Last year, I opined that the Rogue ST Callaway Rogue ST fairway woods offered a more compelling tech story than the 2022 Rogue ST drivers. I won’t make the same assertion this time around but it’s not because the fairway woods (and hybrids) are tech-lite. 

In fact, the same AI and machine learning that is foundational in development of the Paradym Ai Smoke drivers provides the basis for the accompanying fairway woods and hybrids. (AI is “artificial intelligence” unless you’re Callaway, in which case it’s Ai.)

The dialogue regarding this year’s slate of drivers is trending to more often include terms like “downrange accuracy” and “dispersion”. So, if 2024 is the “Year of Straight” for the longest club in the bag, the tea leaves suggest a “Year of Choice” is the fairway wood and hybrid category.

Yes, companies will tout moderate (read: minimal) ball speed gains and slight increases (or decreases) in spin rates and launch angle. But what is potentially obfuscated by too much focus on performance metrics is a simple premise: More selection *should yield a better opportunity for an optimal fit.

* Implicit in choice is that the golfer understands what he or she needs. Taking this a step further, it’s imperative to ask “What do I want this club to do?” Once we’re settled on that information, they can begin to understand why differences such as mass properties, center-of-gravity (CG) location and performance specs matter. 

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai – More Basics

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai

Fairway woods and hybrids are smaller but heavier than drivers. As such, the primary engineering challenge isn’t finding discretionary weight to move around. It’s finding creative ways to reposition that weight while exploring opportunities to minimize existing trade-offs. For example, moving the CG forward (closer to the face) reduces MOI (forgiveness). However, a more forward CG location tends to produce better ball speeds. Well, what if you could get a bit more speed without sacrificing the same amount of forgiveness? 

Additionally, companies utilize moveable weights as one way to provide golfers options to alter launch characteristics in a single design. Again, people, it’s all about choices. 

The Star of the Show

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai carbon crown

With Paradym Ai Smoke, Callaway’s defining metalwood technology is something it calls Swing Code.

Essentially, Swing Code allows engineers to create unique AI face optimizations based on swing profiles of real golfers. The reality is that while no two swings are the same, there’s plenty of overlap when you start to control for basic parameters such as swing speed and handicap.

As their Tony Covey states in the Paradym Ai Smoke Driver article, “Callaway’s Swing Code is the result of more than 250,000 human swings collected in Callaway fitting environments, including everyone from recreational golfers to PGA Tour pros.

“Swing Code, which includes things like speed, impact location, attack angle, path and face-to path relationship, are the inputs that feed Callaway’s AI machines.

“It’s the foundation that allows Callaway to sort and classify swings into groups and then design fairway wood and hybrid faces optimized for the tendencies of those specific groups.”

Risking redundancy, this is a process driven by real swings from real golfers, not a computer model extrapolating theoretical swing profiles.

AI Face Optimizations

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai fairway face

The result of Swing Code analysis is what Callaway terms Ai Face Optimizations. Modeling systems run tens of thousands of face iterations, eventually arriving at an optimal design for the given inputs. This information is then used to produce physical parts which Callaway can further examine and test.

Ultimately, the chief benefit of AI (and more specifically Swing Code) is that the resulting designs are built to more accurately address the typical swing dynamics of the target golfer or, in this case, group of golfers.

Micro Deflections

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai

We can’t tell you about the individual models without a brief mention of Micro Deflections which is what Callaway uses to moderate how the face flexes at various impact locations.

Once you start moving away from center-face strikes, launch and spin properties change, sometimes drastically. For example, a high-toe strike (assuming a relatively neutral swing path) often generates a draw (or hook) shot shape with less than ideal spin. 

Micro Deflections work to minimize the impact of the gear effect by decoupling launch and spin which is a primary difference between this technology and a traditional face curvature (i.e., bulge and roll). Again, the specific arrangement of Micro Deflections is based on the Smart Face design and varies by the target group of golfers.

The premise is that all of this leads to straighter shots with no loss of distance (and possibly a bit more).

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai Fairway – 4 Models

As with the Paradym Smoke Ai drivers, Callaway is launching four Paradym Ai Smoke fairway wood models and three hybrid models.

Again, if you’ve already perused the Paradym Ai Smoke driver article, it’s pretty much rinse and repeat

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai Max Fairway

As with the previous generation Paradym, the 2024 Paradym Smoke Ai Max fairway is the model best suited to the needs of the largest swath of golfers. It offers a balanced blend of speed and forgiveness by allocating 24 grams of repositioned weight (12 low and forward and 12 rearward) thanks to a new, lighter Carbon Chassis. 

From the perspective of Callaway’s Swing Code, the Paradym Smoke Ai Max is for the golfer who:

  • Uses most of the face
  • Swings 90-100 mph (driver)
  • Has a slightly negative attack angle and a path that’s slightly out-to-in with a face slightly open to that path.
  • Makes contact often slightly below the center of the face.

The Callaway Paradym Ai MAX fairway is available in 3-, 3HL-, 5-, HVN-, 7-, 9- and 11-wood models. 

*The 3/3HL offerings feature Callaway’s OptiFit adjustable hosel.

Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai Max D Fairway

As you might have deduced, the Paradym Smoke Ai Max D is Callaway’s dedicated draw-biased model. The Swing Code is a golfer who:

  • Hits the ball from the low heel to the high toe (uses the whole damn face)
  • Swings 75-90 mph (driver)
  • Has a downward attack angle
  • Swings out-to-in with a face that’s open to the path and makes contact significantly below the center of the face. 

If you want to think of this golfer as a more extreme version of the Paradym Ai Smoke Max archetype, that’s likely fair. 

Often, a draw-biased model features additional weight in the heel section to help produce a more square (or less open) face at impact. However, more weight in the heel can reduce MOI (forgiveness). As a result, Callaway is maintaining the split weight configuration (12 grams low and forward and 12 rearward) but with a more upright stock lie angle.

The Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai Max D is 3-, 3HL-, 5- and 7-wood models.

*The 3/3HL offerings feature Callaway’s OptiFit adjustable hosel.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast Fairway

The Max Fast serves as the uber-lightweight, Japan-spec product Callaway has previously sold under its “Star” moniker. It features lighter components, a bonded (non-adjustable) hosel and draw-bias for slower swing speed golfers that need help generating sufficient speed and launch to maximize distance. 

The Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast is available in 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-wood models.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond Fairway

We’re growing accustomed to the Triple Diamond label to denote Callaway’s lowest-spinning, better-player model. Good news, folks. No changes to report there. 

The Swing Code for the Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond is the golfer who:

  • Makes mostly centered impact
  • Has a high driver swing speed (105-120 mph)
  • Has a neutral to in-to-out path
  • Delivers the face square to the path
  • Can benefit from a fairway/hybrid with less spin

As opposed to the Carbon Chassis on the Ai Smoke Max, Max Fast and Max D models, the Triple Diamond features a steel sole and forward weight screw. Because the Swing Code for the typical Triple Diamond golfers necessitates a penetrating (read: lower) ball flight with less spin, the benefits of a lighter carbon crown aren’t in play. Also, with repeated ball-turf impact at high speeds, there’s less of a durability concern with steel. 

Beyond that, it’s a moderately fade-biased design with a deeper face and more compact overall footprint.

Of particular interest here is the addition of a Triple Diamond 7-wood. With more tour staff and competitive amateurs bagging high-lofted fairway woods, it made sense to extend this model into the part of the bag where better (or at least faster) golfers are seeking additional options. 

The Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond is 3-, 5- and 7-wood models.

*The 3/3HL offerings feature Callaway’s OptiFit adjustable hosel.

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Hybrid

Overall, the 2024 Paradym Ai Smoke hybrid features a slightly larger overall profile with more pronounced sole camber. The primary separation between the three hybrid models is swing speed. As such, the standard Paradym Ai Smoke is designed for golfers with average to high swing speeds. 

Regarding Swing Code, the Paradym Ai Smoke hybrid is likely a blend of Paradym Ai Smoke Max and Triple Diamond Fairway models.

The Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke hybrid features Callaway’s OptiFit adjustable hosel and is available in 3H-6H models (RH and LH).

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke HL Hybrid

Compared to the standard Ai Smoke hybrid, the HL version is incrementally larger but with a lower profile face. It’s designed to pair with the Paradym Ai Smoke HL iron set which targets golfers with moderate swing speeds who can benefit from higher launch and more spin. 

The Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke HL hybrid features Callaway’s OptiFit adjustable hosel and is available in 3H-8H models (RH and LH).

Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast

With a bonded hosel to save weight, and a lower/flatter profile, the Max Fast hybrid is built for golfers with slower swing speeds. The entire objective is to help golfers increase trajectory to maximize distance.

The Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke Max Fast hybrid is available in 4H-8H models (RH only).

Stock Shafts and Grips

The stock shafts for the Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai Fairway Woods and Hybrids are:

  • Mitsubishi Eldio (Max Fast Women’s)
  • Mitsubishi Tensei Silver (Max Fast Men’s)
  • Project X Cypher 2.0 (high launch)
  • Mitsubishi Tensei AV Blue (mid launch)
  • Project X Denali Black (low launch)

Stock grips are the Golf Pride Tour Velvet 360 and the Winn DriTech Lite in Max Fast models

Final Thoughts

I haven’t been able to thoroughly test the Paradym Smoke Ai fairway woods or hybrids, though I am encouraged by the performance of the Paradym Ai Smoke Triple Diamond driver. (Yeah, it’s a mouthful). While it’s unfair to make any direct comparisons without even minimal data, I’m largely encouraged and cautiously optimistic.

I get that Callaway will tout this line as a “Quantum Leap” forward regarding its application of AI. That feels a bit hyperbolic, given the limitations under which all equipment manufacturers operate.

However … and this is a major caveat … the door that Swing Code opens is one which could be worthy of such a description. The first iteration of Swing Code developed essentially three “buckets” of golfers. Who’s to say that a faster, more robust AI platform couldn’t generate seven, eight or nine discrete player profiles? Hell, let’s get crazy and consider the possibility of a 1:1 design, mapped and manufactured entirely based on your unique swing DNA. 

Now, that would be quantum

As always, it’s impossible to know whether any piece of equipment is going to be better than what’s already in your bag unless you have a clear understanding of what you need that club to do. Answer that question first and then let the club performance analysis journey commence!

Pricing and Availability

Retail price for all Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai fairway woods is $349.

Retail price for all Callaway Paradym Smoke Ai hybrids woods is $279.

Pre-sale begins Jan. 12 with full retail availability on Jan. 26.

PS. If you don’t want to wait, or don’t want to spend the money on the latest offering, 2023 Callaway Paradym Fairways have been reduced to $300.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 11:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
If you want glowing skin then use Ragi face pack, the difference will be visible immediately

In the expansive landscape of skincare, individuals are continually seeking effective solutions to achieve radiant and glowing skin. Amidst the multitude of options, a natural remedy has emerged with promising effectiveness – the Ragi face pack. This unassuming yet potent skincare solution has garnered attention for its ability to bring about an immediate transformation in the skin's appearance.

Understanding Ragi: A Nutrient-Rich Grain

1. The Power of Ragi

Ragi, scientifically known as finger millet, stands out as a nutritional powerhouse. Packed with essential nutrients, it has garnered attention for its potential benefits in enhancing skin health.

2. Nutritional Composition

A closer look at the nutritional composition of Ragi reveals a rich blend of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This comprehensive profile makes Ragi a holistic choice for addressing various skin concerns and promoting overall well-being.

3. Skin-Friendly Properties

Beyond its nutritional content, Ragi possesses specific properties that make it particularly friendly to the skin. These properties contribute to its effectiveness in nourishing and revitalizing the skin.

The Ragi Face Pack Miracle

4. Crafting the Face Pack

The process of creating a Ragi face pack at home is a simple yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding the right proportions and techniques, individuals can tailor the face pack to their specific skin needs, ensuring an effective skincare ritual.

5. Immediate Effects

The true magic of the Ragi face pack unfolds when users witness an immediate difference in their skin's texture and radiance after application. This rapid response sets it apart from many conventional skincare options, offering a quick and visible transformation.

6. Nourishing Your Skin

Delving into the science behind the nourishment, the Ragi face pack becomes a source of essential nutrients. These nutrients work synergistically to provide deep nourishment, promoting skin health and vitality.

Why Ragi? The Science Behind the Glow

7. Antioxidant Boost

Ragi's antioxidant properties play a pivotal role in combating free radicals, the culprits behind premature aging and skin damage. This, in turn, promotes youthful and healthy skin by preventing oxidative stress.

8. Collagen Support

Collagen, a fundamental protein for skin elasticity, receives valuable support from Ragi. Understanding how Ragi contributes to collagen production unveils its role in maintaining firmness and suppleness, key factors in achieving radiant skin.

9. Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Inflammation poses a common challenge to skin health. Ragi's anti-inflammatory properties step in to soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and contribute to a calmer complexion, adding an extra layer of skincare efficacy.

Incorporating Ragi into Your Skincare Routine

10. Daily Application

To maintain a lasting glow, consistency is key. Discover the recommended frequency for applying the Ragi face pack and how it seamlessly integrates into daily skincare routines. Consistent application ensures that the benefits become a lasting part of one's skincare regimen.

11. Complementary Skincare

Enhancing the effectiveness of the Ragi face pack involves exploring additional skincare practices. These complementary approaches work in harmony to amplify the benefits, creating a holistic skincare routine that addresses multiple facets of skin health.

Real Experiences: Testimonials

12. User Stories

Real stories from individuals who have incorporated the Ragi face pack into their skincare routines add a personal touch to its effectiveness. These testimonials offer insights into the diverse ways Ragi has positively impacted different skin types and concerns.

13. Before-and-After Photos

Visual evidence is compelling. Explore before-and-after photos showcasing the transformative effects of the Ragi face pack, highlighting the visible difference in skin texture and radiance. These images serve as tangible proof of its efficacy.

Tips for Success

14. Consistency is Key

Elaborating on the importance of consistency, this section emphasizes the role of regular application in achieving sustained results. Consistency ensures that the benefits of the Ragi face pack become an integral and enduring part of one's skincare routine.

15. Adjusting the Pack to Your Needs

Tailoring the Ragi face pack to individual skin types and concerns is crucial. By customizing the formulation, users can address specific skincare needs, optimizing the benefits for a personalized and effective experience.

Beyond Beauty: Ragi's Health Benefits

16. Internal Wellness

The benefits of Ragi extend beyond skincare, encompassing overall health and wellness. Explore how incorporating Ragi into the diet contributes to internal well-being, emphasizing the interconnectedness of internal health and external radiance.

17. Dietary Inclusion

Delve into creative ways to include Ragi in meals. From porridges to baked goods, incorporating Ragi into the diet offers a holistic approach to skincare, emphasizing the importance of nourishing the skin from the inside out.

Precautions and Considerations

18. Patch Testing

Ensuring a safe and positive experience is paramount. This section elaborates on the significance of conducting a patch test before incorporating the Ragi face pack into the skincare routine. This precautionary measure helps identify any potential allergic reactions, ensuring a seamless integration into one's routine.

19. Consulting a Dermatologist

In situations of doubt or specific skin concerns, seeking professional advice is crucial. Dermatologists play a pivotal role in providing personalized guidance, addressing individual skin needs, and ensuring a tailored approach to skincare.

Final Thoughts: Embracing the Ragi Glow

20. The Journey to Radiant Skin

Concluding the comprehensive exploration, this section emphasizes the transformative journey towards glowing skin through the natural wonders of the Ragi face pack. It becomes more than a skincare routine; it becomes a journey towards self-care, well-being, and radiant confidence. Incorporating this simple yet powerful skincare ritual into one's routine emerges as a key to unlocking the radiant skin individuals have always desired. It's an invitation to experience the immediate difference that speaks for itself, a testament to the efficacy of a natural solution in the realm of skincare.

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Thu, 04 Jan 2024 21:45:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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