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Troubleshooting and Management with Sniffer Distributed
Network-General Troubleshooting questions

Other Network-General exams

1T6-111 Troubleshooting and Management with Sniffer Distributed
1T6-215 Sniffer Portable Switch Expert Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-220 Switched Ethemet Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-222 Wireless LAN Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-303 TCP/IP Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-323 Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-510 Troubleshooting with Sniffer Portable/Sniffer Distributed
1T6-511 Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-520 Application Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-521 Application Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-530 TCP/IP Network Analysis and Troubleshooting
1T6-540 Advanced Troubleshooting with InfiniStream Network Mgmt

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Troubleshooting and Management with Sniffer Distributed
Answer: D
Question: 145
A possible cause(s) for Local Routing is:
A. The router may be used for security purposes, to control access to particular parts of
the network
B. A protocol other than RIP is being used to circulate routing information
C. The Time-to-Live field has reached zero
D. A and B
Answer: A
Question: 146
With Webconsole the ____ serves as the HTTP server.
A. Sniffer Distributed Console
B. nPO Manager
C. Sniffer Distributed Agent
D. Sniffer Distributed SniffView
Answer: C
Question: 147
To enable Webconsole, ____ must be installed.
A. HTTP port 81
B. Config Console
D. SniffProb
Answer: C
Question: 148
Webconsole is only supported on ________ agents
A. Ethernet and Token Ring
B. Ethernet and Gigabit
C. Ethernet and ATM
D. Ethernet and HSSI
Answer: B
Question: 149
True or false? Sniffer Distributed Appliances are shipped with the Verify User Info
option turned on.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 150
With Webconsole you can access an agent directly by entering:
A. HTTP://[IP Address]/isniffer
B. HTTP://isniffer/[IP Address]
C. HTTP://agent name/[IP Address]
D. None of the above
Answer: A
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Network-General Troubleshooting questions - BingNews Search results Network-General Troubleshooting questions - BingNews 10 Sticky Questions For 'The Next Cisco'

Cisco's Question Marks

On Cisco's fourth quarter earnings call earlier this month, Chairman and CEO John Chambers said Cisco was charting a course toward "the next Cisco" -- a leaner company, simpler to do business with and more focused on key technology priorities instead of 30 or more distracting "adjacencies."

Based on all that's happened to Cisco in the past eight months and CRN's ongoing interviews with Cisco observers, here's a look at 10 big questions for the networking titan as its employees, channel partners and customers charge into Cisco's fiscal 2012.

Has Cisco Turned The Corner?

The first question, and the most obvious, concerns Cisco's growth, especially as it lays off 6,500 employees as part of a workforce reduction that'll leave Cisco well north of 12,000 jobs lighter.

Cisco took an expected profit loss during its fourth quarter of 2011, but there were a number of signs that Cisco is beginning to stabilize as it continues a broad corporate restructuring expected to remove $1 billion in expenses during its fiscal year. Specifically, said Chambers, Cisco will be a "very focused, agile, lean and aggressive company," and expects to grow revenue between 1 percent and 4 percent in the first quarter.

Cisco COO Gary Moore offered another stat that bears watching for partners. Moore said that thanks to Cisco's restructuring, deal approval time has been reduced by more than 65 percent, which was also translating to higher conversion rates and higher win rates for Cisco. It'll take a few quarters to determine whether all of Cisco's cuts mean a simpler, smoother Cisco.

How Will Cisco Defend The Crown?

Cisco may be starting to stabilize, but don't bet that any of its major competitors have lost their taste for Cisco blood, especially after Cisco spent so much of calendar 2011 playing defense. HP isn't the only company touting market share gains against Cisco, and smaller players, like Juniper and Brocade, continue to attack Cisco's bases with relish.

The other new factor? Thousands of Cisco employees -- no small number of them VP-level veterans -- have left the company following Cisco's restructuring. CRN interviews with sources inside Juniper, Huawei Symantec, HP, ShoreTel, Arista Networks and many others -- not to mention several VARs -- have all confirmed the same thing: hiring managers' desks are piled high with Cisco-dappled resumes. Will all that veteran, departed Cisco talent come back to haunt the networking king?

What's The Meat Behind 'Partner-Led'?

Cisco's corporate restructuring has meant a number of changes specific to its Worldwide Partner Organization (WWPO), including the appointments of new channel-facing executives, and departures of others.

It also meant the move to a new strategy called "partner-led," which will theoretically mean a greater emphasis on sales of Cisco products and services through channel partners in all but Cisco's most strategic accounts. Cisco partners, by and large, like the sound of partner-led but most have told CRN the strategy needs clarity: less concept, they say, more brass tacks, cleanly described sales engagement terms.

How Will Cisco's Channel Incentive Programs Evolve?

Cisco in mid-August confirmed changes to its major channel incentive programs, notably the Value Incentive Program (VIP), which in its 18th installment will see some fatter rewards for particular Cisco VARs, and the Teaming Incentive Program (SIP), which finally rolled out in the U.S. more than a year after its debut. The changes mean that one of partners' biggest fears heading into Cisco's fiscal 2012 -- that Cisco would make big cuts to the budget it allocates to the incentive programs -- appears to have been laid to rest.

But look closer, and there are more curious questions. Ricardo Moreno, Cisco's senior director, Strategy, Planning & Programs, Worldwide Channels, told CRN that new incentive programs related to Cisco's cloud programs and partner-led initiative are coming. Will those be sweet rewards for partners or end up creating headaches with too many incentive possibilities and too much complexity?

Is Cisco's Video Strategy Settled?

On one hand, video has never been a more pronounced piece of the Cisco portfolio. Cisco has named video as one of its five major focus areas for "the new Cisco," revenue on its collaboration unit grew 11 percent year-over-year in Q4, and Tandberg is now fully integrated into Cisco, more than a year after Cisco closed its $3.3 billion acquisition. The ordering problems that hampered the Tandberg integration earlier this year seem to have ebbed, according to VARs.

On the other hand, Cisco has cut a number of collaboration and video executives and seen several more walk out the door, and consolidated its service provider, enterprise and consumer video efforts under one executive, Marthin De Beer. There's also the small matters of two of its major consumer-facing video plays, the now-shuttered Flip and the marginalized Umi home telepresence. Video seems one area where Cisco partners seemingly don't need to worry, but it's also difficult to see things as "settled."

Will Cisco Refocus On Security?

Here's a stat that perhaps hasn't gotten much attention from Cisco observers as others have: Cisco's security product sales declined 8.4 percent from its fiscal 2010 to its fiscal 2011, and declined 21 percent (about $415 million this year versus $526 million last year) in its fiscal fourth quarter on a year-over-year basis.

In an interview with CRN earlier this year, Cisco Chairman and CEO John Chambers said that "security is their number one emphasis across the whole company, mainly because it's their customers' No. 1 issue" and discussed how many security challenges will be solved "in the network." After a year of security declines for Cisco -- and the fact that its ASA appliances were its hardest-hit products during Cisco's 2010 supply chain crisis -- many security-facing solution providers are wondering about Cisco's next move here.

Has Cisco's Acquisition Strategy Changed?

Up through the present, Cisco has been on an acquisitions streak that's gone largely unabated since 1993 -- indeed, it's one of the industry's most voracious acquirers.

What'll be interesting is whether this year's emphasis on Cisco's restructuring means any slowdown in acquisitions overall. Cisco bought three companies already this year, including cloud provisioning specialist NewScale, but it's vowed to become a simpler company, and less distracted by new "adjacencies" to which some acquisitions can provide it access.

Is Cisco Cius A Tablet Contender?

Cisco is looking to position Cius, its Android-based tablet, as the ultimate in business-centric endpoints for full-fledged enterprise unified communications systems.

Cisco finally launched the Cius globally at the end of July, and with volume discount programs, the Cius' price should be about $650, not including the additional price of its docking station. Is the market ready to embrace Cius, however, when so much of Cius' charm depends on its use with Cisco's own equipment and services, and there's so much competition in the tablet market in general? Cisco has been steadfast in positioning Cius as having business-centric features, such as on-board security, that separate it from Apple's iPad, but with iPad itself penetrating the enterprise and so much eardrum-shattering hype around tablets, Cisco may have a harder time directing the conversation than it first thought.

Is VCE Solid?

More than a few VARs have reported myriad problems and logistical headaches with VCE, the company that was established as a joint venture of Cisco and EMC with buy-in from VMware and Intel and designed to push the converged data center technologies and private cloud ambitions of all of those vendors.

Rob Lloyd, Cisco's executive vice president, worldwide operations, told CRN in July he is "personally involved" in making VCE simpler and easier for partners to work with, but many questions remain about the venture, which recently opened up to two-tier distribution with Ingram Micro, Arrow and Avnet. EMC recently spoke of "momentum" with VCE in EMC's most exact 10-Q filing, but VCE has also lost millions amid ongoing whispers of internal restructuring.

With all the see-saw chatter, it's tough to get a read on how healthy the VCE venture really is.

Is Cisco Still Focused On Energy?

Because of all the cheerleading Cisco has done for the smart grid and energy management opportunities in exact years, its recent decision to abandon its Network Building Mediator product has gotten more attention than Cisco probably hoped. Gary Moore, Cisco's executive vice president and COO, said on Cisco's Q4 earnings call that Cisco "will no longer be investing in premise energy management devices," a statement that lead to a round of speculation about Cisco's energy market ambitions.

Laura Ipsen, senior vice president and general manager, Cisco Connected Energy Group, said in a corporate blog post that Cisco's "commitment to the industry remains strong and their vision for energy management and Smart Grid has not changed." But for VARs and energy market certified looking to Cisco as a potential thought leader for next-gen energy management technologies, the move leaves a sour aftertaste.

Tue, 16 Aug 2011 04:35:00 -0500 text/html
The Network FAQ

Are you interested in Smith Career Connect? 
Smith Career Connect is the college’s new online platform where alums can share career insights directly with students and empower them in their careers.  

To sign up:  
1. Log on to The Network and make sure your profile is up to date. 
2. Click on the "Raise Your Hand" tab and select "Open to Connect About My Career."  
3. Watch for an email from with instructions on joining the platform. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at or read this FAQ for more information.

How do I access The Network? Do I need a login and password? 
Search “Smith College Network” or use the links below to download the mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

You can also access it directly using a web browser.

Access it on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

If you know your Smith College Network or Smith Alumnae Directory login information, you can login through your browser or the mobile app. Your current username and password will remain valid. If you are not sure, use the 'Reset my Password' link for a self-help option. Current students and alum employees may choose to use their college login credentials.

What is The Network? 
The ability to forge connections within the Smith alum network is a considerable asset to alums. To enable those kinds of connections, the college has always supported a Directory where alums could find and contact other Smithies. The original "Smith College Alumnae Directory" was printed and mailed to alums. It later moved to a secure online platform. In August 2022, the Smith College Alumnae Directory was updated and renamed The Network. The Network is a private alum directory and communication tool for Smith alums and students. The primary purpose is to support alums connecting with other alums and students connecting with alums. The college is proud to provide this service (an industry standard) and know that many alums and volunteers utilize and rely on it. Watch a video tutorial about The Network.

What’s new about The Network? 
The updated Directory remains available via the Smith website but is now also available as a downloadable app via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It has a new look, is fully accessible, and offers more user-friendly navigation. The Search functionality has been enhanced, directly in response to feedback from alums. Users also have the ability to Raise Your Hand and help us understand the various ways you would like to connect with the college and with each other. Alum contact information is hidden unless an alum chooses to share it, but you can use the in-app Direct Message feature to connect.

How can I ensure that my records are correct? 
We encourage you to login and click on the My Profile tab to ensure your information is up to date and your privacy settings are in place to match your interest in connecting with other alums and with current students. You can review your settings at any time and should update the directory whenever a life change happens that you want to share with the college and the alum community. This could be an address, marital status, employer or job title, and more. Updating alum records will now be more easily completed at your convenience.

When you land on your My Profile page, you will see what other alums and students can see if they find you via Search. Click on ‘View your Profile in Edit Mode’ at the top of the page to hide or unhide your information and to edit any information. Click on ‘View your Profile in Public Mode’ to confirm your changes match your intentions.

How do I update my Privacy settings? 
You can control what data is visible to other users in The Network. Simply click on 'My Profile' in the top navigation bar or mobile app menu. You will see your record as others can see it. Click on 'View your Profile in Edit Mode' to make changes to any data or adjust your privacy settings. For maximum privacy, click on 'Edit Details' in the first box and select the 'Hide Full Profile' checkbox.  If you would like some information to be visible to others but not all, select the privacy checkboxes next to the relevant data throughout the page. All addresses, phones and emails are hidden as a default but can be shared by unchecking the appropriate box. If you have any questions about your privacy settings, email

How do I search for other alums within The Network? 
You can start by typing a keyword.  It can be a name, part of a name, a year, a location, an employer, etc. This will generate a list of categories that the keyword can be applied against. Click on the category. Additional search terms can be added to further filter a list. Individual search terms can be removed by clicking the ‘x’. All search terms can be removed by clicking ‘clear all.’ The search results will respect all privacy settings. Results can be sorted A-Z or Z-A by Name, Class or Location.

What if I don’t want to be findable in a search? 
If you have previously hidden your record, you remain hidden. To remove yourself from search, go to the My Profile tab and click on ‘View your Profile in Edit Mode’. In the About Me box, click on Edit Details. Check the Hide Full Profile box. When this box is checked you are not discoverable in The Network directory in any way. You are not discoverable via Search, you cannot be direct messaged. To reverse this, repeat the steps and uncheck the Hide Full Profile box. If you have any questions about your privacy settings, email

What is Raise Your Hand? 
Alums can opt-in to being open to inquiries from other alums or students regarding: job or internship opportunities, their career path, where they live and work, or identities. These choices are then reflected on their Profile page. Alums can also opt-in to being open to volunteering for Smith across their various roles. To Raise your Hand, simply click on the box that interests you. To withdraw your interest, click the box again to deselect it.

Who should I contact with questions or feedback? 
We will continue to refine The Network and welcome your feedback or questions at

Mon, 25 Sep 2023 19:37:00 -0500 en text/html
10 Key Questions for the World in 2024 No result found, try new keyword!From Ukraine to Gaza, China to India – the answers could determine the fate of much of the world in the year ahead ... Sun, 31 Dec 2023 21:45:00 -0600 en-us text/html NHL Network Frequently Asked Questions
NHL Network Frequently Asked Questions


The NHL Network is the first 24-hour network dedicated to the National Hockey League with unprecedented access to the most comprehensive hockey coverage both on and off the ice. In addition to live NHL games, NHL Network broadcasts live college hockey and the Memorial Cup. The network also airs post-game press conferences, special event programming on-location from NHL events such as NHL Winter Classic™, NHL All-Star weekend, NHL Entry Draft and the Stanley Cup™ Final and its signature daily live highlight show – NHL on the Fly – which airs nightly throughout the hockey season.


Yes. The NHL Network will carry up to 75 live games – all in HD. These games are subject to local blackout. Click here for this season’s schedule.


Blackout restrictions exist to protect the local television telecasters of each NHL game in the local markets of the teams. Blackouts are not based on arena sell-outs. Keep in mind that blackout policies and restrictions are different for every sports package that your system may carry.

Fri, 29 Jul 2022 08:40:00 -0500 text/html
I’ve got a lot of problems with you people! (Unelected and Unaccountable Bureaucrats)

Frank, the father of George Constanza in the hit ‘90s sitcom “Seinfeld” would begin Festivus, a fictional holiday he created, with the Airing of Grievances. To friends and family gathered at the dinner table, Frank would shout, “I’ve got a lot of problems with you people! Now, you’re going to hear about it!”

In honor of the spirit of Festivus and on behalf of the American people, I have a grievance to air: the American people have a lot of problems with unelected and unaccountable Federal bureaucrats. Bureaucrats in Federal agencies frequently defy Congress as they blithely wield the power to potentially destroy Americans’ lives and businesses. They now effectively live in a country ruled by Federal fiat.

In their Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote “governments are instituted among Men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed.” They are a country founded by “We the People;” in the Constitution, the Founders enshrined their rights and formed a nation with three separate but equal branches of government.

And yet, over the course of many years, they have seen Federal agencies and the executive branch erode their liberties and usurp powers the Constitution explicitly reserved to “We the People” through their representatives in Congress.

A classic example is the No Surprises Act, which Congress passed three years ago, in bipartisan fashion, to provide price transparency for patients and remove the financial burden of surprise out of network medical bills. In direct violation of the law that they wrote, the Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) implemented rulemaking that ultimately enriches insurance companies, exactly what they legislated against.

In my role as Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, I’ve seen HHS refuse to answer questions concerning actions taken during the pandemic. They had to issue a subpoena to compel them. This should not be – agencies are accountable to Congress. The work of Federal agencies is funded by taxpayers and belongs to They the People.

While American families were being decimated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Senior Scientific Advisor of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Dr. David Morens attempted to thwart a law providing the American public with sunlight and transparency on the work their government conducts called the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Among other requirements, FOIA regulations require Federal agencies to retain email communications for a minimum of three years. In contravention of FOIA, Dr. Morens told colleagues to communicate with him via his personal email. He said he would delete anything he didn’t want seen in the New York Times.

Sadly, some seem more than willing to ignore these actions.

The list of agencies that act as if they are not accountable to Congress goes on and on. They are seeking to implement reforms to Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) because on several occasions, the FBI acted with impunity and abused its authority. The infamous “Crossfire Hurricane” hoax, where the government summoned everything in its Machiavellian arsenal to surveil former Trump aide Carter Page, is a case in point. The Department of Justice Inspector General found “apparent errors or inadequately supported facts” in more than two dozen FBI wiretap applications to the FISA court. In each of the four FISA applications the FBI submitted to spy on Page, there were “significant inaccuracies and omissions:” 7 in the first FISA application, and a total of 17 by the final renewal application, according to the Inspector General. The Department of Justice (DOJ) would later admit that at least two of the four warrant applications submitted lacked probable cause, a bedrock right guaranteed in the Fourth Amendment. What was then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s reward for his lack of candor under oath and furthering the “Crossfire Hurricane” hoax? A job at CNN, and his full FBI pension.

Compare these practices to the military, where the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) holds that unethical conduct is unlawful. Honesty, transparency, and trust matter; they need that from their government. Federal agencies are funded by Congress and accountable to us – if they will not follow the law, then they should defund them.

“Give me liberty or give me death!” said Founding Father Patrick Henry in 1775. The people’s representatives in Congress need to summon that spirit and fight for the people they represent and their liberties, restoring their government of “we, the People.”

On the House Intelligence Committee, on the Ways and Means Committee, and on the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, they are working to set the agencies straight. They the People, and their representatives, write the laws – not the agencies. It is Congress’ duty to zealously guard the powers the Founders gave to the legislative branch on behalf of “we, the people.” They can do this! Happy New Year!

Brad Wenstrup is a United States Representaive from the Second District, State of Ohio.

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