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CTEL answers - California Teacher of English Learners Updated: 2024

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CTEL California Teacher of English Learners

California Teachers of English Learners (CTEL)

Program Leading to Certification to Teach

The Commission is the agency of California government that licenses teachers and other professionals
who serve in the public schools. As the policy-making body that establishes and maintains standards for
the education profession in the state, the Commission is concerned with the quality and effectiveness of
the preparation of teachers and other school practitioners. On behalf of the education profession and
the general public, one of the Commissions most important responsibilities is to establish and
implement strong, effective standards of quality for the preparation and assessment of teachers who
will teach English learners.

AB 2987, passed in 1992 (California Education Code sections 44253.1- 44253.6), created a two-tiered
teacher certification structure for teaching English learners. Known as the Bilingual, Crosscultural,
Language and Academic Development Examination and Certificate, this structure has been in effect
from 1994 to the present, and it consists of the following six tests or domains:

• Test 1: Language Structure and First- and Second-Language Development;

• Test 2: Methodology of Bilingual Instruction, English Language Development and Content Instruction;

• Test 3: Culture and Cultural Diversity;

• Test 4: Methodology for Primary-Language Instruction;

• Test 5: The Culture of Emphasis; and

• Test 6: The Language of Emphasis (listening, reading, speaking, and writing)

The first tier, called Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Certificate, authorizes
instruction for English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in
English (SDAIE). Candidates must pass the first 3 Tests (above) to earn this certification. The second
level, called the Bilingual Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Certificate,
authorizes instruction in ELD and SDAIE as well as instruction for primary-language development and
content instruction in the primary language. Candidates must pass all six tests in order to earn the
BCLAD Certificate.

The Standards of Program Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Preparation Programs were
also referenced by the panel in its development of the CTEL Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities and the CTEL
Program Standards. This was to ensure that content of CTEL Programs and the CTEL Examination were
closely aligned with the relevant content in the 2042 multiple and single subject teaching credential,
since all of these routes lead to an equivalent English learner authorization. The standards of the
national professional organizations such as those adopted by TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of
Other Languages) also served as a guide and provided a comprehensive perspective for panel members

The ELIDT developed two types of standards to guide institutional responses and expert review for CTEL
Programs. The first type, called “Program Design Standards”, make up Category I of the CTEL Program
Standards. These standards inform institutions about the organizational structures and resources
required for sponsorship of a CTEL program. Category II of the Standards Specific to CTEL Programs
provides guidance on the instructional content of the curriculum as well as the competencies that
candidates must demonstrate in order to meet the requirements of the CLAD Certificate. These
standards, called the “Candidate Competency Standards” are closely aligned with the CTEL Knowledge,
Skills, and Abilities.

Once the ELIDT completed the draft CTEL standards, Commission staff worked with formatting and
organization in order to align with the most currently-developed standards of quality for teacher
preparation. The Commission adopted the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for California
Teachers of English Learners (CTEL) Programs Leading to CLAD Certification on November 30, 2006.

Language and Language Development

Domain 1:

Language Structure

and Use

Phonology and Morphology

Syntax and Semantics

Language Functions and Variations



Domain 2:

Additive Language


Theories, Processes, and Stages of Language Acquisition

Theories, Models, and Processes of Second-Language Acquisition

Cognitive, Linguistic, and Physical Factors Affecting Language


Affective Factors Affecting Language Development

Sociocultural and Political Factors Affecting Language





Domain 1:

Assessment of

English Learners

Principles of Standards-Based Assessment and Instruction

Role, Purposes, and Types of Assessment

Language and Content-Area Assessment

Domain 2:

Foundations of



Development and

Content Instruction

Foundations of Programs for English Learners

Foundations of English Language Literacy

Instructional Planning and Organization for ELD and SDAIE

Components of Effective Instructional Delivery in ELD and SDAIE

Effective Resource Use in ELD and SDAIE

Domain 3:

Approaches and

Methods for ELD

and Content


ELD – Approaches and Methods

ELD – Listening and Speaking

ELD – reading and Writing

Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE)

Culture and


Domain 1:

Culture and Cultural

Diversity and Their

Relationship to



Cultural Concepts and Perspectives

Cultural Contact

Cultural Diversity in California and the United States

Crosscultural Interaction

Domain 2:

Culturally Inclusive


The Role of Culture in the Classroom and School

Culturally Inclusive Learning Environment

Family and Community Involvement

Culturally Inclusive Curriculum and Instruction
California Teacher of English Learners
Teacher-Certification California answers

Other Teacher-Certification exams

CSET California Subject Examinations for Teachers
CTEL California Teacher of English Learners
NYSTCE New York State Teacher Certification
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California Teacher of English Learners
A. A predicate adjective
B. A predicate nominative
C. A predictive phrase
D. The object of a preposition
Answer: A
Question: 8
Why might English Learners be confused by compound words, when they understand the
meanings of the individual words?
A. For English Learners, nouns have a strong imagistic component. Juxtaposing two words, such
as sheepdog, causes confusion because they visualize two different objects superimposed.
B. The confusion comes in which word comes first. Why sailboat and not boatsail? Bookstore
and not storebook?
C. The confusion comes in why only certain combinations are permissible. If sheepdog is
acceptable, why isn't mousecat or singbird?
D. Compound words composed of familiar words don't always have a predictable meaning.
Answer: D
Question: 9
Most English Learners have a plethora of
difficulties when they first begin to read in English.
One reason is because:
A. Some letter blends, such as sch, are illogical.
B. If the primary language also uses the Roman alphabet but is phonetically regular, early
reading confusion is to be expected.
C. All vowels have numerous possible ways of being pronounced.
D. All the above.
Answer: D
Question: 10
What strategy can a teacher use to simultaneously increase vocabulary and heighten syntactical
understanding in her English Learners?
A. Teach students several synonyms for words they already know.
B. Teach students several homonyms for words they already know.
C. Teach students several antonyms for words they already know
D. Teach students prefixes and suffixes.
Answer: D
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Fri, 04 Mar 2022 00:51:00 -0600 en-us text/html
Are Teacher Shortages Turning Around? The Surprising Answer Is Yes

I’ve got good news, and I’ve got bad news. Let’s get the bad news out of the way first. (And if you just don’t need it, skip down two paragraphs.) Increasing numbers of teachers have left education, citing burnout and a lack of support. At least 300,000 public-school teachers and other staff left the field between February 2020 and May 2022, and, for the past decade, fewer people have chosen to teach. Despite how important teachers of color are to the success of all students and especially students of color, the U.S. teaching force is still only 20% non-white, and reports indicate that teachers of color are leaving at higher rates than their white counterparts.

Unwilling or unable to get at the root causes of the teacher shortage, states are calling on the National Guard, veterans, custodians and bus drivers to teach. Some states, including Arizona and Florida, announced they are lowering or eliminating job requirements for teachers entirely. Staffing shortages are greatest in high-stakes subjects like science, math, and special education.

But earlier this year, without much fanfare, a report by the U.S. Department of Education uncovered that the number of people enrolled in teacher preparation programs actually rose 6% from 2019 to 2021. (Thank you to Chad Aldeman and The74 for being the first to break it.) Teacher preparation enrollment is up in 37 states and the District of Columbia since 2019. To be clear, even with this growth, enrollment isn’t nearly back to where it was a decade ago, but the trend-line is real, and it’s positive for the first time in a long time.

Kathlene Campbell, president of the National Center for Teacher Residencies, which supported 11 more residencies in 9 more states in 2022-23 than they did three years prior, attributes this uptick to a spirit among young people. This younger generation of teachers is “driven by impacting social change and trying to uplift their communities,” an insight echoed by others I spoke to and that’s showing up broader trends around the Great Resignation. Breakthrough Collaborative gives high-school and college students a pathway to teaching through mentoring and tutoring younger students and has also experienced enrollment growth. Vince Marigna, National CEO, said he’s seeing “young people want to make a difference in their communities, advance social and racial justice; they see the education field as a critical place to shift systems and conditions” and are “giving their younger selves what they wish they had.” Shannon Richardson, a high school science teacher in Brooklyn, NY, said she thinks what draws most people to the STEM fields is “curiosity, desire to create, and a desire to solve the world’s problems.” Her desire to teach was fueled by a “desire to share that joy.”

Despite the overall increases, challenges persist. If the well-worn truth that “as goes California goes the nation” holds true, they have reason for concern. The California State University system prepares 4% of all teachers nationally, and it’s seen declining numbers since 2017, said Fred Uly, Director of Educator Preparation at CSU, Office of the Chancellor. In the midwest, 25% of regional or local universities are predicted to close. How many of those potential closures also have educational programs? A report by NCTQ showed that, while enrollment is up across types of preparation programs, growth in traditional universities, where the vast majority of teachers are still prepared, lagged growth in non-traditional programs, something my organization, Beyond100K, predicted at the end of 2022 in their Trends Report.

The UTeach Program out of UT Austin supports 55 universities in 23 states and the District of Columbia. Katey Arrington, their associate director, said that half those programs are growing or holding steady and half shrinking. The differentiator: The ones that are growing are redesigning their programs, pathways, supports, and incentives.

One way programs are doing that is by reallocating or reducing cost. As Campbell explained, residencies shift the cost from the teacher candidate to the district or university, making becoming a teacher more affordable. Given that teachers continue to under-earn others with equivalent years of education, affordability is key.

Another is messaging. Arrington said she’s seen programs benefit when their recruiting messages highlight STEM as an equity issue “the difference each teacher will make in students’ lives, particularly for those who are now not being served or not being served well in the system.”

But recruitment is only half the puzzle. It turns out that more than enough people are entering teacher preparation programs to fill vacant seats, but the pipeline is leaking, with low completion rates in teacher certification, particularly for candidates of color. Juliette Guarino Berg (@JulietteScience), an elementary science teacher in New York City, reflected on a friend who switched out of science in college. “Would her classmate have changed her mind if she had felt more supported?”, she asked. She became a science educator so that every child in her classroom could feel supported and capable of success.

An affordable and creative tool for strengthening the teacher pipeline is providing small emergency funds to help teacher candidates finish their degrees when life things come up unexpectedly. The Last Mile Education Fund has used this to great effect for undergraduate STEM majors. Arrington noted a trend among programs that are growing: “they are innovating by offering more and different supports to students.”

She posed a provocative question — researchers, pay attention. Is it possible that the growth in alternative certification is being driven by uncertified teachers who have been thrust into classrooms scrambling to get certified? Digging into the data will be critical, as will creativity and innovation at every stage of the teacher preparation pipeline, if we’re to turn a decade-long decline into the uptick in new teachers their students need.

Wed, 13 Sep 2023 07:00:00 -0500 Talia Milgrom-Elcott en text/html
Undergraduate Teacher Certification Requirements

Undergraduate Teacher Certification Requirements

Drexel offers a number of education certification and degree programs that prepare students for formal teacher certification. Once a student has successfully completed their undegraduate course of study and all qualifying teacher certification exams required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Drexel recommends the student to the PDE for the appropriate teaching certificate.

Teaching Certification GPA Requirements

The School of Education requires that students maintain at least a "B" average (3.0 GPA) in content courses needed for teacher certification in addition to earning a grade of "B" or better in each core pedagogy course required for certification.

Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to obtain and submit updated and current copies of the required clearances to the School of Education annually in order to participate in classroom observations and student teaching in Pennsylvania. All full-time undergraduates will receive assistance in gaining these clearances during their first term. Non-PA students should contact their state's department of education or school district office for a list of clearances required in their state.

Teacher Certification Process

Instructional I Certification

This initial certification qualifies a teacher to teach for a maximum of six years. The six years need not be continuous. To continue teaching after the six years are completed, the teacher must receive an Instructional II Certification.

Instructional II Certification

The Instructional II Certification is considered a permanent certification. A teacher applying for Instructional II Certification must have:

  • Instructional I Certification
  • A minimum of three years and a maximum of six years of teaching experience on an Instructional I Teaching Certificate
  • 24 semester-hour (or 36 quarter-hour) credits beyond a bachelor’ degree
  • Completion of an induction program (generally provided by the teacher’ school of employment)

Elementary Certification (Grades PreK–4) and Special Education Certification (Grades PreK–8 and Grades 7–12)

The Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (PECT) are required for Grades PreK–4 and Special Education. All undergraduate and dual degree BS/MS students are required to pass the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) basic skills exam. In addition, students will be required to take the appropriate assessment test for each area of certification they wish to obtain.

For more information about examinations and registration:

Middle Level Certification (Grades 4–8) and Secondary Certification (Grades 7–12)

All undergraduate and dual degree BS/MS students seeking certification in middle (grades 4–8) or secondary (grades 7–12) levels are required to pass exams from the PA Education Certification Tests (PECT) and the Praxis II Series. Students must pass both the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) basic skills assessment test and the appropriate Praxis II Content Knowledge test for each area of certification they wish to obtain.

For more information about examinations and registration:

Pennsylvania Act 48 Requirements

To maintain Instructional I and Instructional II Certifications, the PDE requires a teacher to complete one of the following every five years:

  • Six semester-hour (or nine quarter-hour) credits. Credits must be acquired from an accredited, four-year, degree-granting college or university.
  • 180 hours of professional development
  • A combination of credits and professional development hours every five years.

Note: For those working to acquire Instructional II Certification, the 24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits needed to apply for Instructional II may also count toward Act 48 requirements.

Download the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Frequently Asked Questions about Act 48 [PDF].

Mon, 27 Mar 2023 02:53:00 -0500 en text/html
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Fri, 23 Sep 2022 08:38:00 -0500 text/html
Teacher Education


Teachers College offers a wide variety of educational experiences for teacher education students at the preservice and in-service levels. Programs are field-based, offering practica, internships, and student teaching. Academic departments offer programs that lead simultaneously to a master’s degree and to eligibility for New York State certification for teaching in elementary or secondary schools, as well as for specific subjects and to special populations (see sections below on additional New York State Department of Education (NYSED) requirements for initial teacher certification). Some of these programs also offer New York State teacher certification with a bilingual extension. The programs typically require a minimum of an academic year and a summer term to complete degree requirements. Applicants need not have included courses in education in their undergraduate programs, but inadequate preparation in the proposed teaching field may necessitate additional coursework to meet admission, certification or graduation requirements.

For a complete list of teacher preparation programs, please go to:

Office of Teacher Education

The Office of Teacher Education (OTE) offers many services to teacher education students and programs at Teachers College.  For example, OTE including conducts professional development workshops, provides information regarding certification requirements, offers information sessions on New York State Teacher Certification Exams, and supports students with student teaching requirements. Most importantly, OTE oversees and manages the certification process, recommending candidates for certification once all institutional and NYS requirements are met.

Student Teaching and Observation

Candidates for initial certification must complete a student teaching experience. This experience may take place in one, two, or even three settings, based on requirements set by NYSED and the student’s TC teacher education program. The student teaching experiences are structured to enable each student teacher to gradually develop pedagogical competence and skill, and typically begin with observation of an experienced cooperating teacher followed by incremental assumption of responsibility as the term progresses. The College provides on-site supervision to ensure that students are well-supported during this component of their teacher preparation program.

Student teachers are required to obtain clearance to commencestudent teaching and to carefully review the “Student Teaching Handbook.” A general orientation to student teaching is offered by OTE in the beginning of each semester. Please go to the “Student Teaching” tab of their website at for a full list of workshops, packets, and handbooks. 

New York State Certification

Teachers College has an array of programs which, upon successful completion, lead to an institutional recommendation for New York State Certification at the initial or professional level.  Students enrolled in programs that lead to New York State Certification are responsible for becoming knowledgeable about New York State Certification requirements and regulations. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) mandates the teacher certification requirements that are needed for program completion and graduation. These requirements are listed below.

Content Core.  NYSED specifies general Content Core requirements according to the certification area.  For example, students in the MA program in Mathematics that leads to initial certification (7-12) are required to be Mathematics majors at the undergraduate level or hold 30 credits in pure mathematics.  For more information about these content core requirements, please refer to the NYSED website, the Office of Teacher Education Website at or call the OTE Office at 212.678.3502.

Child Abuse Identification Workshop. Students may fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking a workshop offered through Continuing Professional Studies (CPS) in collaboration with the Office of Teacher Education.  For a list of dates and times, please go to the CPS Website at Students may also fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking HBSS4116, Health Education for Teachers, which is offered by the Department of Health and Behavior Studies.  Alternatively, students may opt to take an on-line or in-person workshop offered by approved NYSED vendors.  This requirement must be met prior to degree conferral. For information about these workshops, please go to

School Violence Intervention and Prevention Workshop. Students may fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking a workshop offered through Continuing Professional Studies (CPS) in collaboration with the Office of Teacher Education.  For a list of dates and times, please go to the CPS Website at Students may also fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking HBSS4116, Health Education for Teachers, which is offered by the Department of Health and Behavior Studies.  Alternatively, students may opt to take an on-line or in-person workshop offered by approved NYSED vendors.  This requirement must be met prior to degree conferral. For information about these workshops, please go to

Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) Workshop. Students may fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking a workshop offered through Continuing Professional Studies (CPS) in collaboration with the Office of Teacher Education.  For a list of dates and times, please go to the CPS Website at Students may also fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking HBSS4116, Health Education for Teachers, which is offered by the Department of Health and Behavior Studies.  This course may be offered on-line; however, to fulfill the DASA requirement, students must complete 3 hours of in-person preparation. In addition, a list of NYSED approved providers is available at  This requirement must be met prior to degree conferral.

Autism Workshop (only for students seeking certification in special education/teaching students with disabilities). Students fulfill this requirement at Teachers College by taking a course specified by their programs.

New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE):  Please see the chart below for exams required by certificate type. 

Initial Teaching

  • Educative Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA)
  • Educating All Students Test (EAS)
  • Content Specialty Tests (CST)

Initial School Building Leader

  • School Building Leader Assessment (SBL) Part I & Part II
  • Educating All Students Test (EAS)

Professional School Building Leader

  • School District Leader Assessment (SDL) Part I & Part II
  • Educating All Students Test (EAS)
  • research and inquiry methods and the relationship between research and practice;
  • the continuum of lifelong learning and issues of professional concern;
  • subject-matter/disciplinary content;
  • learners and learning;
  • curriculum and teaching;
  • processes and strategies of effective communication and collaboration; and
  • foundations of democracy, equity, and schooling.

For more information regarding NYSTCE test registration and schedules please see the NYSTCE website at:

For more information regarding NYSED test requirements by certificate title and grade level, please see the NYSED website at:

Please note that Teachers College programs lead to New York State certification.  If you would like to seek certification in another state, please contact that state’s Department of Education regarding requirements.

Applying for Certification

Students who are in programs leading to teacher certification must complete a two-step process.

Step 1: Create a NYSED TEACH account, and apply and pay for the teaching certificate(s) via the NYSED TEACH online system at:

Step 2: Submit a completed Institutional Recommendation Data Form (IRDF) to the OTE. The IRDF can be found on the OTE website at:

Once all requirements have been met, and the Office of the Registrar has notified the Office of Teacher Education that candidates have been cleared for graduation, TC’s Certification Officers will electronically submit the institutional recommendation for certification via the NYSED-TEACH online system.

Students who are in the Literacy Specialist, reading Specialist programs must provide proof of either completion of an approved teacher preparation program or of a valid teaching certificate. Students who are in the Summer Principals Academy program must provide proof of teacher certification and hold a minimum of three (3) years of full-time classroom teaching/PPS experience.  If you have questions about this requirement, please contact the Office of Teacher Education at 212.678.3502 or

Teacher Education Standards at Teachers College

Consistent with the College’s long tradition of serving the needs of urban and suburban schools in the United States and around the world, the vision and purpose of professional education at Teachers College is to establish and maintain programs of study, service, and research that prepare competent, caring, and qualified professional educators (teachers, counselors, psychologists, administrators and others). This vision is based on three shared philosophical stances that underlie and infuse the work they do:

Inquiry stance: We are an inquiry-based and practice-oriented community. They and their students and graduates challenge assumptions and complacency, and embrace a stance of inquiry toward the interrelated roles of learner, teacher, and leader in P-12 schools.

Curricular stance: Negotiating among multiple perspectives on culture, content, and context, their graduates strive to meet the needs of diverse learners, both students and other adults, in their school communities.

Social justice stance: Our graduates choose to collaborate across differences in and beyond their school communities. They demonstrate a commitment to social justice and to serving the world while imagining its possibilities.

Expectations of Teacher Education Candidates at Teachers College

Our candidates are inquirers/researchers who have breadth of knowledge and a variety of tools to ask questions about educational environments. They reflect on and continually evaluate the effects of their choices on others (children, families, and other professionals in the learning community).

Lifelong Learners:  Our candidates are continually engaged in learning and research. They take responsibility for their professional growth and seek/create learning opportunities for themselves and others.

Learner-Centered Educators:  Our candidates understand their subject matter/disciplines, learners and learning, and curriculum and teaching. They create learning experiences that foster development and achievement in all students.

Effective Collaborators:  Our candidates actively participate in the community or communities of which they are a part to support students’ learning and well being.

Advocates of Social Justice and Diversity:  Our candidates are familiar with legal, ethical and policy issues. They provide leadership in advocating for children, families, and themselves in a variety of professional, political, and policy-making contexts.

Expectations of Teacher Preparation Programs at Teachers College

Teachers College programs preparing teachers and other professional school personnel ensure that candidates have the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required for effective teaching. By the conclusion of the program, candidates demonstrate:

Knowledge and Understanding of:

Skills in:

  • self-critique and reflection;
  • use of research and inquiry methods and application of research to practice;
  • planning, implementation, and evaluation of professional growth;
  • planning, implementation, and evaluation of curriculum/services;
  • communication and collaboration; and
  • addressing inequalities in the classroom, school and society.

Dispositions/Commitments to:

  • inquiry and reflection;
  • the profession, ethics, and lifelong learning leadership;
  • the fullest possible growth and development of all students;
  • cooperation and collaboration; and
  • social justice and diversity.

Jaffe Peace Corps Fellows Program

The Jaffe Peace Corps Fellows Program recruits outstanding Returned Peace Corps Volunteer educators who are passionate about making long-term commitments to teach in New York City’s public schools. Since 1985, the program has recruited and prepared more than 750 urban educators. As the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows (formerly Fellows/USA) flagship teacher preparation program, they provide full scholarships covering all tuition expenses. Upon completion of their 13-week Intensive Summer Institute, new Jaffe Peace Corps Fellows teach full-time as salaried teachers of record in NYC public schools for a minimum of four years. All related Master's degree requirements are completed at Teachers College within two to three years. They prepare teachers for a variety of grade levels and subject areas. For more information, please review the Program website or call 212-678-6622.

Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOCII)

The Teacher Opportunity Corps (TOCII) program is a New York State Education Department grant funded program designed to increase the number of New York State teachers from underrepresented backgrounds. To be eligible for TOC II at TC, candidates must be New York State residents who are enrolled in a TC teacher education program that leads to certification.  Participants are provided with tuition assistance for coursework at Teachers College.  All participants engage in a 10 month internship from September-June at one of their local partnership schools, seminars with renowned TC faculty who are committed to culturally sustaining pedagogies, and professional development opportunities that suit the needs and inquiries of the TOC cohort. 

Teaching Residents at Teachers College (TR@TC)

This 18 month intensive, full-time program prepares those who wish to teach in high-need New York City public schools. With support from the U.S. Department of Education, the Teaching Residents at Teachers College (TR@TC) program was developed to ensure that Teaching Residents receive exceptional preparation and multiple supports, while enrolled in a Master’s degree program leading to initial NYS teaching certification. Teaching Residents receive generous stipends. Upon graduation, alumni benefit from induction support for at least two years, while they fulfill their commitment to teach in a high-need urban school in New York City for a minimum of three years. For more information please visit:

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 06:18:00 -0600 en text/html
California teacher struggling with disciplining students due to state law: 'It's hard'

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California teachers are grappling with the state’s lax expulsion policy, according to a report from the Los Angeles Times.

A Mendocino County preschool teacher, Kristin Hills, shared concern over her inability to discipline ill-behaved children due to the Golden State’s laws that restrict state-funded childcare centers from suspending children. 

The Golden State in September issued "new" requirements for suspension and updated requirements for expulsion for the California State Preschool Program.


California passed a series of policies two years before the pandemic to soften disciplinary actions against students.  (California Governor Gavin Newsom YouTube channel)

The policy states that a child can’t be suspended or expelled due to behavioral issues. Teachers are expected to defer to the child’s parents to get picked up if a child misbehaves.

However, many preschool teacher’s hands are tied because of behavioral issues.

Hills said that children have been acting out since the COVID-19 pandemic and there is not much she can do. She explained that the children have been "biting" more frequently and that hitting and kicking are usual among 3-year-olds.

Some other behaviors have been reckless tossing of toys and even chairs across the classroom. Reportedly, such actions have posed a danger to other students and teachers.

"I don’t know anyone who disagrees with the need for this. No one wants to suspend and expel children," Hills told the L.A. Times. "But it’s hard."


Little girl in beige dress playing with wooden cubes. Preschool education and development. Educational games for babies. Learning alphabet (iStock)

On top of being unable to suspend children, some legislation creates more barriers to disciplinary action on students. Teachers can’t call parents to pick up the child because it is considered suspension due to legislation. Other languages in legislation dictate that teachers can’t separate students from the classroom because teachers are required to be with students.

California passed a series of bills two years before the pandemic to soften disciplinary actions against students. 

The L.A. Times reported further that "at least 29 states now have policies restricting or eliminating exclusionary discipline."


The California State Capitol on July 17, 2022, in Sacramento. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Additionally, California lawmakers in 2021 passed SB419 in 2021 to prohibit the expulsion of a student enrolled in grades kindergarten to 8th grade for being disruptive or willfully defying authority.


Khieem Jackson, a co-founder of Black Men for Educational Equity and co-sponsored the bill, told the L.A. Times that the "tool would help mitigate the preschool to prison pipeline."

Joshua Q. Nelson is a reporter for Fox News Digital.

Joshua focuses on politics, education policy ranging from the local to the federal level, and the parental uprising in education.

Joining Fox News Digital in 2019, he previously graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Political Science and is an alum of the National Journalism Center and the Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders Program. 

Story tips can be sent to and Joshua can be followed on Twitter and LinkedIn

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 00:59:00 -0600 Fox News en text/html
Students respond hilariously to teacher question about what to gift 30-somethings

A middle school teacher in Southern California asked his students what to buy someone in their 30s for the holidays, and their responses, scrawled on sticky notes, have gone viral.

"Measuring cups," one 7th grader wrote in the video posted to TikTok. "Signs that say ‘bless this home.’" another answered. 

The teacher, identified as "Mr. Frakes" by People magazine, works in Palm Springs and goes by 7thgradechronicles on social media. 

While most responses to his holiday assignment are innocent, others clearly throw shade at the Millennial generation. 


The teacher, identified as "Mr. Frakes" by People magazine, goes by 7thgradechronicles on social media. (@7thgradechronicles/LIFESTYLOGY /TMX)

"A bottle of wine and hip implants," one student, aged 12 to 13 years old, wrote with a smiley face afterward. 

"Panera gift card. People in their 30s love soup!" another scribbled.

"You get them old people candles that smell like ‘home’ or ‘back then,’" one middle schooler wrote with a heart at the bottom.

The youngsters also said "wrinkle creams," a "heated blanket cuz their muscles be hurtin" and "a coffee mug that says ‘Don’t talk to me until I've had my coffee' because they're all coffee obsessed millennial," would make good gifts.


One middle schooler responded "the wrinkle creams" for what to gift someone in their 30s. (@7thgradechronicles/LIFESTYLOGY /TMX)

The video had garnered nearly 360,000 likes and 22,000 comments as of Monday morning. 

"But are they wrong? Because I honestly love soup and candles. I'm 36," one TikTok user wrote. 

"A bottle of wine and hip implants," one student in Palm Springs, California, wrote. (@7thgradechronicles/LIFESTYLOGY /TMX)


"Not me thinking all those gifts sound amazing," another responded. 

The teacher told the magazine he has been teaching 7th grade for 11 years, and, "I am honestly not that phased by the students' responses." He said they make him laugh and humble him daily, which is why he continues to love his job. 

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 03:39:00 -0600 Fox News en text/html
Post-Baccalaureate Initial Teacher Certification Program Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification - UNG

The Post-Baccalaureate Program is for students who hold a bachelor’s degree or above and wish to obtain a Georgia teaching certificate. This one-year program begins every summer and features online courses. Students also complete a yearlong, full-time field experience (practicum and internship) during the fall and spring semesters.

Our administrative office will register you for your courses.

Middle Grades, Secondary and Science Education Department

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Mon, 02 Oct 2023 04:46:00 -0500 en text/html
Elementary Teacher Education

Make a difference in the classroom

Students in Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) develop the skills to become outstanding elementary, middle school, and special education teachers, prepared to meet the challenges of educating today’s diverse student population. 

Our program allows students to become dually certified in elementary education (K-6) and one of six areas of concentration: English as a Second Language, special education, middle school mathematics, middle school English, middle school science or middle school social studies.  Having a second teaching certificate makes their graduates even more marketable.

Students also have the option of choosing a single certification area in elementary education in conjunction with a UD minor. Students interested in this option should speak with an advisor to discuss the limitations of a single certification.

An Honors Degree is available for this major.

Our rigorous coursework and semester-long student teaching placements ensure their graduates are eligible for teacher certification in Delaware and most states.

Students can also enroll in a 4+1 program and begin pursuing a master’s degree in Exceptional Children & Youth or Teaching English as a Second Language, while still an undergraduate.

Our Graduate Program is consistently ranked among the nation’s top 40 by US News & World Report and nearly 95% of their education students are employed or are accepted into graduate school within six months of graduation.  

Sun, 19 Dec 2021 17:19:00 -0600 en text/html
Office of Teacher Education

Through a collaborative, team-oriented approach, the Office of Teacher Education aims to provide a high level of support and quality service to faculty, students, alumni and the educational community engaged in programs leading to initial and professional certification.

Students in Professional Teacher certification programs are eligible for New York State teacher certification recommendation, upon satisfactory completion of all requirements.

There are several steps required to obtain certification and their office is ready to help you with certification questions or to schedule a meeting with their certification staff. 

Academic Program Requirements

Jaffe Peace Corps Fellows Program

Since 1985, they have supported the Jaffe Fellows, Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, as they become New York City public school teachers in high-need schools.

Student studying together in the TR@TC program

Teaching Residents at Teachers College

The TR@TC residency program is a rigorous and intensive full-time teacher preparation program that includes extensive placements in high-needs schools. After graduation, residents pledge to teach in similar local high-need public schools.

Intended Recipients Abby M. O’Neill with O’Neill Fellows Bonnie Chow and Kimberly Iwanski

Abby O'Neill Fellowship

A $10 million gift from the late Abby M. O’Neill has enabled Teachers College to launch the Abby M. O’Neill Teaching Fellowships – one of the nation’s largest, most prestigious and most competitive private teaching fellowship programs.

Selfie of TOC students

Teacher Opportunity Corps II Program

The purpose of TOC II is to increase the participation rate of historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged individuals in teaching careers.

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Tue, 21 Nov 2023 02:48:00 -0600 en text/html

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