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200-500 Zend PHP 5

Exam: 200-500 Zend PHP 5

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exam consists of approximately 70 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.
- Time: Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
The Zend PHP 5 course is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of PHP developers in using PHP 5 for web development. The course covers the following topics:

1. PHP Basics
- Introduction to PHP and its features
- PHP syntax, variables, and data types
- Control structures and loops
- PHP functions and arrays

2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
- Principles of OOP
- Classes, objects, and inheritance
- Encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction
- Exception handling in PHP

3. PHP Web Application Development
- Working with forms and user input
- Handling cookies and sessions
- File and directory operations in PHP
- Working with databases using PHP

4. PHP Security
- Common security vulnerabilities in PHP applications
- Input validation and data sanitization
- Preventing SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
- Securing file uploads and user authentication

5. PHP Performance Optimization and Debugging
- Techniques for optimizing PHP code
- Caching and opcode optimization
- Debugging and error handling in PHP
- Profiling and performance tuning

Exam Objectives:
The exam aims to assess candidates' understanding and proficiency in the following areas:

1. Knowledge of PHP syntax, variables, and control structures
2. Proficiency in object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts and techniques in PHP
3. Competence in web application development using PHP
4. Understanding of security best practices in PHP development
5. Ability to optimize PHP performance and debug applications

Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus covers the following topics:

- PHP Basics
- PHP introduction and features
- PHP syntax, variables, and data types
- Control structures and loops
- PHP functions and arrays

- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP
- Principles of OOP
- Classes, objects, and inheritance
- Encapsulation, polymorphism, and abstraction
- Exception handling in PHP

- PHP Web Application Development
- Working with forms and user input
- Handling cookies and sessions
- File and directory operations in PHP
- Database integration with PHP

- PHP Security
- Common security vulnerabilities in PHP applications
- Input validation and data sanitization
- SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention
- File upload security and user authentication

- PHP Performance Optimization and Debugging
- Techniques for optimizing PHP code
- Caching and opcode optimization
- Debugging and error handling in PHP
- Profiling and performance tuning

Candidates are expected to have a comprehensive understanding of these syllabus to successfully pass the exam and demonstrate their proficiency in PHP 5 development according to Zend standards.
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Zend PHP 5
D. krsort()
E. Array_multisort ()
Answer: B
Question: 206
In the following code, which class can be instantiated?
1 2 abstract class Graphics {
3 abstract function draw($im, $col);
4 }
6 abstract class Point1 extends Graphics {
7 public $x, $y;
8 function __construct($x, $y) {
9 $this->x = $x;
10 $this->y = $y;
11 }
12 function draw($im, $col) {
13 ImageSetPixel($im, $this->x, $this->y, $col);
14 }
15 }
17 class Point2 extends Point1 { }
19 abstract class Point3 extends Point2 { }
20 ?>
A. Graphics
B. Point1
C. Point2
D. Point3
E. None, the code is invalid
Answer: C
Question: 207
What does an object based on the Active Record pattern provide?
A. A way to actively control the application's workflow
B. A way to record the history of its changes
C. A way to effortlessly store its properties in a database
Answer: C
Question: 208
What will the following function call print? Printf ('%010.6f', 22);
A. 22
B. 22.00
C. 022.000000
D. 22.000000
Answer: C
Question: 209
The following code piece should print "PHP is cool", but unexpectedly, it just prints "cool". How
would you correct it? echo str_replace('PHP is a pain.', 'a pain', 'cool');
A. str_replace('PHP is a pain.', 'cool', 'a pain');
B. str_replace('a pain', 'cool', 'PHP is a pain.');
C. str_replace('cool', 'a pain', 'PHP is a pain.');
Answer: B
Question: 210
What is the result of the following code: class T { const A = 42 + 1; } echo T::A;
A. 42
B. 43
C. Parse error
Answer: C
Question: 211
Which of the following code snippets is correct?(Choose 2)
A) interface Draw able { abstract function draw();}
B) interface Point { function getX();function getY(); }
C) interface Line extends Point { function getX2(); function getY2(); }
D) interface Circle implements Point {function getRadius (); }
A. a)
B. b)
C. c)
D. d)
Answer: B, C
Question: 212
Is the following code piece E_STRICT compliant? final class Testing { private $test; public
function tester() {return "Tested!"; }}
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
Question: 213
The purpose of the singleton pattern is to...
A. ...creates applications that only a single user may use.
B. ...has just one single instance of an object in the entire application.
C. ...has only one instance of each object in a collection of objects.
Answer: B
Question: 214
What happens if you try to access a property whose name is defined in a parent class as private,
and is not declared in the current class?
A. An E_NOTICE error will be triggered.
B. An E_ERROR error will be triggered.
C. An E_WARNING error will be triggered.
D. No errors will be triggered
Answer: A
Question: 215
What is the output of the following code?
1 2 echo '1' . (print '2') + 3;
3 ?>
A. 123
B. 213
C. 142
D. 214
E. Syntax error
Answer: D
Question: 216
An object can be counted with count() and size of() if it
A. Implements Array Access
B. Has a public __count() method
C. Was cast to an object from an array
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Question: 217
When uploading a file to a PHP script using the HTTP PUT method, where would the information
about this file be available?
A. The $_FILES super-global
B. The input stream php://stdin
C. The $_POST super-global
D. The global variable scope
Answer: B
Question: 218
What will the $array contain at the end of this script?
1 2 function modify Array (&$array)
3 {
4 for each ($array as &$value)
5 {
6 $value = $value + 1;
7 }
9 $value = $value + 2;
10 }
12 $array = array (1, 2, 3);
13 modify Array($array);
14 ?>
A. 2, 3, 4
B. 2, 3, 6
C. 4, 5, 6
D. 1, 2, 3
Answer: B
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Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:40:00 -0600 en text/html
7 benefits of almond milk

Almond milk is the most popular plant milk in the United States. It is nutritious, low-calorie, dairy-free. Other possible benefits of enriched almond milk include strengthening bones and helping lower the risk of heart disease.

It is rich in several healthful nutrients, but compared with whole almonds, it is watered down and missing most of the fiber.

While researchers have not directly studied its health effects in controlled studies, some of its components have undergone extensive study.

This is a review of almond milk and its health benefits.

Almond milk is made by blending almonds with water and then straining the mixture to remove the solids. You can also make it by adding water to almond butter.

It has a pleasant, nutty flavor and a creamy texture similar to that of regular milk. For this reason, it is a popular choice for people following a vegan diet and those who are allergic or intolerant to dairy.

You can find almond milk in most supermarkets, usually in the health food section. It is also very easy to make at home.

Commercial almond milk comes in a variety of brands and flavors. For health reasons, it is best to choose almond milk that does not contain added sugar.

Most brands are also enriched with vitamins, minerals, or protein. If you do not eat dairy, you might benefit from choosing products that are enriched with calcium.

Controlled studies have linked whole almonds to a variety of health benefits, but many of these may not apply to almond milk.

This is because manufacturers usually make the milk out of blanched (skinless) almonds, and they strain the liquid. This removes most of the fiber and a large portion of the almonds’ antioxidants.

Also, almond milk is watered down. It is a much less concentrated source of nutrients than whole almonds.

The concentration of nutrients in almond milk depends on how many almonds went into making it, the amount of added water it contains, and whether or not it contains any added vitamins and minerals.

For instance, many online recipes recommend making 2 cups of almond milk from 1 cup (143 grams [g]) of almonds, whereas commercial almond milk may be much more diluted (1).

Here are the seven main health benefits of drinking almond milk.

1. It is nutritious

Although almond milk is not nearly as nutritious as cow’s milk, enriched products come close.

They frequently contain added vitamin D, calcium, and protein, making them more similar to regular milk in nutritional content.

However, almond milk is naturally rich in several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E.

For comparison, the table below shows the amounts of a few nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in a cup of enriched commercial almond milk and low fat cow’s milk, along with some daily values (DV) (2, 3).

The body does not absorb some minerals in almond milk as well as it does those in milk. This is partly because almonds contain phytic acid, an antinutrient that reduces the absorption of iron, zinc, and magnesium (4, 5, 6).

Since almond milk is lacking in many nutrients, it is not suitable as a milk replacement for infants.

Bottom line: Almond milk is naturally rich in several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin E.

2. It is low in calories

Although almonds are 50% fat and high in calories, commercial almond milk is a low calorie beverage (1, 2).

This means that you can drink a lot of it without it causing weight gain. It is also rich in some nutrients relative to its calorie content.

Producers of almond milk dilute it with water to make its fat content similar to that of low fat milk, which is around 1% fat.

One cup of almond milk contains only 39 calories, which is half the amount of calories in a cup of skim milk.

However, not all almond milk is the same. Homemade almond milk and certain brands might contain a much higher number of calories, depending on how many almonds they contain per cup.

Additionally, some products contain added sugar, which people should avoid for the maximum health benefits.

Bottom line: Factory-made almond milk may contain even fewer calories than a glass of skim milk. However, this might not apply to all brands, so be sure to check the nutrient labels.

3. Unsweetened almond milk doesn’t raise blood sugar

Many almond milks on the market are loaded with added sugar.

Sugar-free almond milk, on the other hand, is a low carb beverage, made up of less than 2% carbs, or 3.43 g of carbs in 1 cup (2).

In comparison, low fat cow’s milk contains 5% carbs, totaling 12 g in 1 cup (3).

Almond milk is also high in fat and protein relative to its carb content. For this reason, it doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar levels, making it suitable for people with diabetes, as well as those who are following a low carb diet.

However, be sure to read the ingredient lists and select products that are as pure as possible.

Bottom line: Almond milk is a low carb beverage, making it a perfect choice for people on a low carb diet and those who need to keep a check on their blood sugar levels.

4. It is dairy-free

Almond milk contains no cow’s milk or other animal products, making it a great option for people following a vegan diet and those who are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk.

Many people are intolerant to milk sugar (lactose) and unable to completely digest it. In these people, undigested lactose passes down to the colon, where it is fermented by the resident bacteria, leading to excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea, and associated discomfort.

Being dairy-free, almond milk contains no lactose at all, making it a suitable milk replacement for people with lactose intolerance.

Bottom line: Almond milk is an imitation milk and doesn’t contain any dairy at all, which makes it a popular milk alternative for vegans and people with lactose intolerance or milk allergies.

5. Enriched almond milk may strengthen your bones

Dairy products are the richest dietary source of calcium. In contrast, almonds are a poor source of this nutrient.

To make almond milk more similar to real milk, producers often enrich it with calcium. For instance, a cup of commercial almond milk may contain 37% or more of your daily need, depending on the type and brand.

In comparison, the calcium content in a cup of cow’s milk may contain around 23% of your daily need, depending on the type and brand.

As a result, enriched almond milk is an excellent calcium source for people who don’t consume dairy products, such as vegans and those who are intolerant to lactose or allergic to milk.

Calcium is essential for building and maintaining bones. For this reason, an adequate calcium intake reduces the risk of osteoporosis, a condition associated with weak bones and fractures (7).

Bottom line: Producers often enrich almond milk with calcium, making it an excellent source of the nutrient. Regular consumption of enriched almond milk may reduce the risk of osteoporosis among those who don’t consume dairy products.

6. It may reduce the risk of heart disease

Observational studies show that regular consumption of nuts is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. This is partly because they are high in healthful fats (8).

Almond milk is 1% oil by weight, around 90% of which is unsaturated (2).

Research has linked oleic acid, which is the main fatty acid in almond oil, to beneficial changes in blood lipids (9).

One study in healthy adults showed that eating 66 g of almonds or almond oil every day for 6 weeks reduced their levels of low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol by 6% and triglycerides by 14%. It also increased their high-density lipoprotein, or “good,” cholesterol by 6% (10).

These beneficial changes in the blood lipid profile are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease (11).

Although about 50% of the calories in almond milk come from fat, it is generally a low fat product and probably doesn’t have a significant impact on your blood lipid profile.

Nutritionists believe that vitamin E, along with bioactive plant compounds including polyphenols, are responsible for many of the health benefits of almonds. These compounds have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are good for heart health (12).

Bottom line: Almond milk is high in vitamin E and contains healthful fats. Drinking it regularly may benefit your heart.

7. Enriched almond milk is high in vitamin D

Many people are low or deficient in vitamin D. This raises the risk of brittle bones, fatigue, and weak muscles (13).

There are few good sources of vitamin D in the human diet. That’s why a common public health strategy is to enrich certain foods with vitamin D. This especially applies to milk products.

Just like regular milk, almond milk often contains added vitamin D. The amount of vitamin D varies between products. For example, 1 cup of almond milk may contain 2.62 micrograms, which is 13% of your DV. A cup of vitamin-enriched cow’s milk contains similar amounts (2).

This makes enriched almond milk a useful source of vitamin D that can prevent deficiency if you consume it regularly.

Bottom line: Almond milk is often enriched with vitamin D, and consuming it often may help prevent vitamin D deficiency.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:59:00 -0600 en text/html
Peppermint Oil: Benefits & Uses

Peppermint oil is derived from the peppermint plant -- a cross between watermint and spearmint -- that thrives in Europe and North America.

Peppermint oil is commonly used as flavoring in foods and beverages and as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. It's also used for a variety of health conditions and can be taken orally in dietary supplements or topically as a skin cream or ointment.

Research suggests that peppermint oil likely can help with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It may also help indigestion and prevent spasms in the GI tract caused by endoscopy or barium enema. Some studies show that used topically it may help soothe tension headaches, but more research is needed to confirm these studies.

Peppermint oil may cause side effects like heartburn and it may interact with certain medications. Talk to your health care provider before using peppermint oil.

Peppermint oil is the essential oil taken from the peppermint plant's flowering parts and leaves. This oil is very concentrated, both with the smell or flavor of the plant.  

Extracts, on the other hand, pull the essential oils into a liquid base, usually alcohol. This makes them less concentrated than pure essential oils, which are more intensely peppermint.

Dietary supplements

In dietary supplements, peppermint oil has been tried for many digestive problems, including:

Dietary supplements containing peppermint oil are also used by some people for the following conditions, although there is no clear evidence that they are helpful:

Peppermint Oil for Skin

Skin preparations containing peppermint oil are used by some people for the following conditions, although, again, there is no clear evidence that they are helpful:

Peppermint oil for bugs

You can use peppermint oil to keep away flies, ants, spiders, and sometimes cockroaches. The oil has compounds, such as menthol, that can help manage mites, mosquito larvae, and other pests. These compounds deliver peppermint oil its strong scent, which insects like ants and spiders don't like. If they sense it, they'll usually avoid it. Keep in mind that peppermint oil doesn't kill these pests. It just repels them.

To create a repellent spray (to keep them away), fill a spray bottle with water and add about 10-15 drops of peppermint oil. Close and shake the bottle to combine before you use it.

Peppermint oil for hair

While peppermint oil is often included in hair products for its scent, some people use the oil specifically as a hair loss treatment. Peppermint oil can not only help keep you from losing hair, but it's also shown to help your hair grow. One study even found that it worked as well as minoxidil, an FDA-approved hair loss treatment. The menthol compound in peppermint also promotes blood flow when applied to the skin, so the oil can help stimulate your scalp, encouraging hair growth.

While some people add a couple of drops of peppermint oil directly onto their scalp, it's generally best to dilute it. You can also combine it with a carrier oil, like coconut or jojoba oil, before you massage it into your hair, or mix a drop or two of the oil into hair products before applying or add a few drops to shampoo and conditioner bottles.

Today, peppermint oil is known for its many health benefits, whether applied directly to the skin or taken in other forms.

Several studies suggest that enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules -- which allow the oil to pass through the stomach so it can dissolve in the intestines -- may help relieve common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome such as abdominal pain, bloating, and gas. Non-enteric coated forms of peppermint oil, however, actually may cause or worsen heartburn and nausea.

Preliminary studies also suggest that dietary supplements containing a combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil may help relieve indigestion.

Pain. When inhaled or used on your skin, peppermint oil may help soothe headaches, muscle aches, and joint pain.

Skin issues. Peppermint oil can calm and soothe skin because of menthol's cooling effect. This may help ease itching and irritation from issues like hives, poison ivy, or poison oak.

Sickness. You can also use the essential oil to treat colds, sinus infections, and coughs. To help open nasal passages, breathe in steam from hot water mixed with a few drops of peppermint oil. The menthol in peppermint works as a decongestant and can loosen mucus. Studies have also found that the oil has antibacterial traits as well as antiviral properties against herpes.

Peppermint oil may also help:

  • Soothe nausea
  • Ease gut or muscle spasms
  • Fight fatigue
  • Boost memory
  • Lift mood

In most adults, the small doses of peppermint oil contained in dietary supplements and skin preparations appear to be safe. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, however, should avoid such products because little is known about their safety during pregnancy and lactation.

Possible side effects of peppermint oil include:

  • Heartburn
  • Allergic reactions such as flushing, headache, and mouth sores
  • Anal burning during bouts of diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Skin reactions like rashes and irritation

Although enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules may reduce the risk of heartburn, their protective coating can break down more quickly and increase the risk of heartburn when taken at the same time as prescription and over-the-counter medications that decrease stomach acid and which are often used for heartburn or acid reflux. It's best to take such drugs at least 2 hours after taking enteric-coated peppermint oil products. A stomach condition called achlorhydria, in which the stomach doesn't produce hydrochloric acid, also may hasten the coating's breakdown. So people with the condition are advised against using peppermint oil.

Large doses of menthol, a key ingredient in peppermint oil, can be poisonous. This can lead to serious side effects, including seizures, slow heartbeat, and irregular breathing. 

Before taking peppermint oil, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Some supplements can interact with medicine. Interactions can be harmful or make medications not work as they should.

Be cautious about combining peppermint oil with certain drugs because it may inhibit the body's ability to metabolize the drugs and increase the risk of side effects.

You can find peppermint oil at a range of stores, including supermarkets, pharmacies, and wellness shops. It's also available online through different e-commerce sites. 

In the U.S., there isn't a federal grading system or certification for essential oils, but there are a few tips you can follow to buy high-quality essential oils.

Look for essential oils that have:

  • The Latin name of the plant (Mentha piperita for peppermint)
  • The country the plant was grown in
  • Notes on purity of oil or any added ingredients. Only pick 100% essential oil.
  • Dark-colored glass bottles
  • A reputable company that's been around for many years

Peppermint oil offers many health benefits, and you can take advantage of it in different ways. When taken in the form of capsules or supplements, it can help with indigestion and IBS symptoms. Applying the oil directly to the skin may help with pain, itching, and hair loss. You can also diffuse the oil through steam to ease symptoms of colds and sinus infections.

  • Does peppermint oil repel mice?
    Yes. Rats don't like peppermint oil's strong smell. You can mix a few drops into a spray bottle to create a repellent solution .
  • How much peppermint oil is toxic?
    While essential oil concentrations range, a 5-15 mL dose is considered toxic to adults.
  • How long does peppermint oil last?
    Though the shelf life will depend on things like exposure to light, oxygen, and heat, as a general rule of thumb, replace your peppermint oil after 3 years. You can sometimes tell if it's expired if it has an unpleasant smell or changes color. Peppermint oil will usually become greenish.
Sun, 10 Dec 2023 05:01:00 -0600 en text/html
What Are The Benefits Of A Business Credit Card?

Business credit cards come with many benefits compared to other forms of financing and payment methods.

Compared to loans or equity investments, one major benefit to a business card is that applications are relatively short and straightforward and approval may come instantly. For businesses looking to add access to capital, it’s hard to find a more convenient option than a business credit card.

Another benefit to business credit cards is having the ability to easily review transactions, track expenses and document activity over time. Many cards have built-in integrations to other reporting tools to make your finances a breeze.

Lastly, business cards facilitate payments more easily than other methods. Credit cards are accepted nearly everywhere and may even earn rewards for expenses your business must cover anyway. It’s also usually easy to add employee cards if others need convenient payment options as well. Plus, compared to debit cards, business cards can include extra stop-guards for your business such as extended warranties, fraud liability or purchase protection.

Pro Tip

Keeping personal and business expenses separate is an important part of accounting for your business. Getting a business credit card is a simple way to accomplish this.

Tue, 31 Oct 2023 01:29:00 -0500 Yury Byalik en-US text/html
These Employer-Sponsored Benefits Could Vanish in 2024

A slew of employer-sponsored benefits are likely to disappear in 2024, according to a new Glassdoor workplace trends report.

The report noted benefits were starting to diminish in 2023, with the number of employees with access to 401(k) plans, dental insurance, tuition assistance, commuter assistance, gym memberships and phone discounts all declining across industries. And that is expected to only increase in the new year, the Glassdoor report said.

"There is some evidence that benefits access has started to erode, a trend that could accelerate in 2024," Glassdoor wrote.

Some industries felt the strain harder than others, like tech and finance, which have experienced economic uncertainty and mass layoffs over the past several years. But all industries are suffering under the pressure of inflation, which currently rests at 3.2 percent.

"Companies often scale back on benefits during economic downturns to cut costs," Amy Spurling, the founder and CEO of employee stipend software Compt and a 20-year human resources veteran, told Newsweek.

U.S. workers could be seeing fewer employer-sponsored benefits in 2024. diego_cervo/Getty Images

"We've seen this happen plenty of times before. When budgets get tight, benefits are often on the chopping block. They're seen as an area where reductions can be made without directly impacting salaries or headcount."

The sustained inflation, while coming down from 2022 highs, along with increasing healthcare costs places intense financial strain on companies across industries, but some are especially vulnerable.

"Firms with already slim profit margins in competitive industries like retail, hospitality, transportation, and construction seem especially likely to cut back on benefits expenditures," Brittany Truszkowski, a human resource specialist and chief operating officer at Gale, Angelo, Johnson & Patrick P.C, told Newsweek.

Truszkowski said retail and hospitality experienced tight profit margins along with various supply chain disruptions and unstable consumer demand. Construction companies were also more likely to reduce benefits as the industry's high injury rates makes health insurance costly.

Small- to medium-sized businesses generally have tighter margins, making it far more likely they cut down on the benefits available to employees while still offering competitive wages, the report noted.

Most professional services still offer competitive benefits packages to attract the top talent, Truszkowski said, but this could wane as economic conditions become more difficult to sustain.

What Benefits Increased?

Only a few types of benefits increased in 2023. These included initiatives like fertility assistance, adoption assistance, parental leave and mental healthcare, Glassdoor found. These issues became a prime focus of employers during 2021 and 2022, as HR discussions around parent support grew and millennials reached their prime family-building years.

"That tide could ebb–or even turn–in 2024 as labor is more available, and companies scrutinize costs and identify the benefits that are most (and least) important to their employees," Glassdoor said in its report.

In many cases, the loss in benefits was made to support a rise in wages, which is often more important to workers as they look to afford their rent and groceries. However, one thing that rarely decreases for employees–salaries–saw an unusual trend across workplaces this year.

Although wages rarely decline for those in the same job at the same company, Glassdoor's data found 10 percent of workers had this occur. That's around two percentage points higher than the average year, where Glassdoor estimates around 7 to 8 percent of workers stay in the same job and end up making less annually.

How Are Employees Affected?

Employees who see their benefits decrease in the coming year could see significant effects in their daily lives, but it isn't likely to leave the companies unharmed either.

"Without company-subsidized insurance, paid time off, retirement savings plans and other financial security supports, workers struggle affording basic healthcare, enduring income losses, and providing for themselves and families," Truszkowski said. "The combined stresses deplete mental and physical health, diminish productivity through disengagement, exhaustion, and incidents."

"As disadvantaged employees seek better compensation packages elsewhere, retention plunges while recruitment costs surge. Rebuilding loyalty and morale without reestablishing key benefit incentives poses a monumental challenge for leaders seeking to restore positive employment relationships."

Even getting rid of pandemic era benefits like flexible remote and in person office schedules could see many employees looking for better opportunities, according to HR Expert and CEO of getAbstract, Thomas Bergen.

"Employees are more likely to stay at an organization where they feel heard and valued," Bergen told Newsweek. "Companies implementing a mandatory office presence will face a severe talent shortage as employees have voiced they value the flexibility of remote work. When it comes to cutting benefits, leaders must understand the message it is communicating to their employees and be ready to see potential churn."

Over the past few years, companies have contended with a tight labor market and a nationwide phenomenon coined the "Great Resignation" as many employees quit and pursued opportunities with higher salaries, better benefits and work life balance.

In accurate months, however, job growth stalled, slowing more than expected in October. The labor department reported companies added just 150,000 jobs last month, below accurate predictions. The unemployment rate was also at a two-year high of 3.9 percent.

Still, employee satisfaction will be a top factor determining if a worker stays or goes, and companies could see some severe consequences if employees are unsatisfied with their benefits packages.

"Unhappy people quit," Spurling said. "We've known this for a long time. Companies that cut benefits risk losing talent, period, not just to competitors who offer something shiny and new."

Uncommon Knowledge

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Wed, 29 Nov 2023 06:50:00 -0600 en text/html
Health Benefits of Collagen

Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity or stretchiness. It's in your bones, muscles, and blood, making up three-quarters of your skin and one-third of the protein in your body.

Your body makes it naturally by combining amino acids, the building blocks of proteins found in food. To produce collagen, your body needs:

  • Proline: Found in egg whites, dairy, cabbage, mushrooms, and asparagus
  • Glycine: Found in pork skin, chicken skin, and gelatin and a variety of other protein-rich foods
  • Vitamin C: Found in citrus fruits and bell peppers
  • Zinc: Found in beef, lamb, pork, shellfish, chickpeas, lentils, beans, milk, cheese, and various nuts and seeds
  • Copper: Found in organ meats, cocoa powder, cashews, sesame seeds, and lentils

As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to make more. So, many people turn to collagen powder or other types of collagen supplements, such as capsules, gummies, and liquids.

Collagen provides your body with strength, structure, and support.

As you age, it's harder to keep up your natural collagen levels. This is particularly true after you've gone through menopause. It's because over time, your body increasingly struggles to absorb enough of the nutrients it needs to make collagen.

However, eating collagen-rich foods can help your body overcome some of this absorption problem. That helps keep your body stronger and healthier as you get older.

Collagen also:

  • Helps your blood clot

  • Helps replace dead skin cells

  • Creates a protective cover for your organs

  • Allows new skin cells to grow

Your body contains many types of collagen. Scientists have identified a total of 29 varieties, including these five main types:

  • Type I, which gives strength to your skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons
  • Type II, which makes up the flexible cartilage that helps support your joints
  • Type III, found in your internal organs, blood vessels, and muscles
  • Type IV, in some layers of your skin
  • Type V, which is present in your corneas and some layers of skin and hair

Collagen supplements

Most collagen supplements contain types I, II, and III, which account for most of the collagen found in your body. They contain a digestible form of collagen called collagen peptides or hydrolyzed collagen.

These supplements are made from the tissues of cows, pigs, chickens, or fish. You can also buy vegan collagen powder made of bacteria and yeast. But scientists don't know whether they have the same possible benefits as collagen from animal sources.

Collagen peptides

Because collagen can't be absorbed in its whole form, it has to be broken down into smaller amino acids or peptides. Collagen peptides are tiny pieces of animal collagen. It's what's in the collagen supplements you take and can come in many forms, including pills or powders. When you buy collagen, it'll be sold as collagen peptides or hydrolyzed collagen. Collagen peptides are soaked up through your gastrointestinal tract.

Collagen powder

Collagen powder has the same active ingredients as collagen capsules and gummies. But the dosages will vary depending on what form you use. Some people find it easier to add collagen powder to drinks or foods than to swallow several capsules. And you may not want the added sugar that's in collagen gummies.

Collagen liquid

You can also buy premade collagen drinks or packets of collagen to put in your choice of beverage. There are a variety of flavors and types to choose from. Many also have other beneficial ingredients.

Fourteen grams of collagen peptide powder contains:

  • Calories: 50
  • Protein: 12 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams

The same amount of collagen peptide also contains 29 milligrams of calcium, 44.9 milligrams of sodium, and 0.98 milligrams of potassium.

Because it makes up so many critical parts of their bodies, collagen is not only beneficial but also essential for maintaining good health. But scientists are still debating the benefits of collagen powder and other collagen supplements. While there's reasonable evidence that they help maintain hydrated skin and relieve osteoarthritis pain, they need more studies into less well-understood benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Here are some commonly cited benefits of collagen supplements:

Stronger bones. As you age, your bones become less dense and more brittle, breaking more easily and taking longer to heal. Some research has found that taking daily collagen powder could help make your bones denser, slowing the aging process that makes them brittle and helping your body produce new bone.

Skin elasticity and hydration. Collagen supplements have been shown to Strengthen skin hydration and elasticity in older people. They might also help lessen wrinkles.

Thicker hair. While more men go bald, many women also have hair loss or thinning as they age. In one study, a group of women with thinning hair saw significant increases in their hair's quantity, scalp coverage, and thickness while taking daily collagen supplements.

Healthier nails. Some people's nails break more easily than others and don't grow as fast. One study in a group of women showed faster nail growth and fewer broken or chipped nails after only 4 weeks of daily collagen supplements.

Reduced osteoarthritis pain. For people with knee osteoarthritis, collagen supplements might act as a mild pain reliever and Strengthen joint function. It may take about 3-5 months of daily treatment before you see these improvements.

Increased muscle mass. One small study found that men who took collagen peptide supplements during a 12-week strength training program saw more increases in muscle mass and strength than those who didn't.

Improved heart health. Collagen helps keep the shape of your arteries and blood vessels. When you lack collagen, your arteries may weaken. Fragile blood vessels increase the risk of atherosclerosis, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. A small study done on healthy people found that collagen powder kept arteries healthier and helped reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Keep in mind that after you take a collagen supplement, your digestive system breaks it down into amino acids. Your body then puts these amino acids together to form new proteins. They may not contain the same amino acids that were in the supplement you took. So, no matter what the label may say, you can't target their benefits to certain areas like skin, hair, or joints.

Side effects of collagen powder, capsules, liquids, or gummies are rare. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you may want to hold off on taking a collagen supplement for now because there isn't yet enough research to come to any conclusions about their safety.

The FDA doesn't regulate collagen powder or any other type of dietary supplement. So, there's no certain that your collagen supplement contains the type or amount of collagen the label says it does.

There's also a chance it could be contaminated with pesticides, bacteria, or other substances. Because collagen powder and other supplements are usually made from animals, they might contain heavy metals or other toxins that can collect in animals' bones. Always make sure you buy supplements from a reputable source.

The effects of collagen powder and other supplements continue to be researched and debated. Instead of buying these supplements, you can always help your body make more collagen naturally by ensuring your diet is packed with healthy foods.

To produce collagen, your body puts the amino acids glycine and proline together with other amino acids including vitamin C, zinc, and copper. You can help your body make more collagen by eating lots of glycine- and proline-rich foods. For vitamin C, zinc, and copper, you should also be sure to eat foods like papaya, citrus fruits, tomatoes, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, shellfish, nuts, and whole grains. Foods to add to your diet for more collagen include:

Bone broth. This is made by simmering animal bones and connective tissue for an extended period. The process extracts collagen from the bones and skin and puts it into the broth. Common animals used to make bone broth include chickens, cows, turkeys, and deer (venison).

Fish with the skin on. Fish is an excellent source of collagen from food, as long as you leave the skin on. That's because much of the collagen found in fish is stored in the skin. Other benefits of fish include omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.

Chicken. If you've ever prepared a whole chicken, you know there's quite a bit of connective tissue in the meat. This makes chicken a good option for adding more collagen to your diet. Chicken feet in particular, while not a common food in some parts of the world, are a good source of collagen.

Red meat. Tougher cuts of meat like pot roast, chuck steak, and brisket, which are full of connective tissue, are good sources of collagen. But keep in mind that red meat gives you other nutrients you may not want, like saturated fat.

Fruits and vegetables. For vegetarians and vegans, consider eating foods high in vitamin C. Eating foods rich in this nutrient encourages your body to make its own collagen and keep you healthy and strong.

Aloe vera. Low doses of aloe vera can boost the collagen in your dermis (which is the middle layer of skin). A study found that taking a 40-microgram aloe supplement a day can help with skin barrier function, elasticity, and moisture.

Other high-protein foods. Foods high in protein help collagen production because they have a lot of amino acids. These include eggs, dairy, and beans.

Research has shown that adults can safely consume between 2.5 and 15 grams of collagen a day. Read the label on your supplement to see how much it contains.

Many people take 1-2 tablespoons of collagen powder per day. You can take collagen powder by mixing it into smoothies, shakes, baked goods, soups, or even your coffee or tea.

Is there such a thing as too much collagen powder?

Because collagen is basically protein, you can't overdose on it. But excessive protein can eventually take a toll on the health of your kidneys. That's one reason you should tell your doctor before taking any type of supplement.

Collagen helps with healthy joints, skin elasticity, and more. Your body makes it naturally, and you can consume it. It's in certain foods, but you can also get it from drinks or supplements. Just make sure you get your supplements from a trustworthy and high-quality brand.

Is taking collagen every day good for you?

You can safely take 2.5-15 grams of collagen peptides per day. Studies show no side effects, and it may contribute to the health of your skin, joints, and muscles.

Does taking collagen really work?

Some studies show that collagen helps with the appearance of your skin. But more research is needed to confirm whether collagen supplements have other benefits.

Wed, 06 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
The Benefits of Running for Your Health and Mood

Research proves that

regular exercise and running in particular—at least 150 minutes per week, which is about 30 minutes, five times a week—has major disease-fighting benefits. In fact, running and exercise have proven so beneficial to their health, that the American College of Sports Medicine has a program called Exercise is Medicine, which promotes physical activity as part of the treatment plan for symptoms related to illnesses like Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes.

Disease prevention is just one major (and serious!) advantage of regularly clocking miles. For more reasons to lace up, here are all the benefits of running you need to know about. Keep this list in mind when you feel your motivation to move waning.

7 Research-Backed Benefits of Running

1. Boosted Happiness

benefits of running makes you happy

Westend61//Getty Images

If you work out regularly, you know that exercise improves your mood. This feeling goes beyond just the “runner’s high”—that rush of feel-good hormones known as endocannabinoids.

Physical activity, like running, can help reduce risk of depressive symptoms, according to a small 2021 study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry. The group of researchers studied people undergoing treatment for depression, and found improvements in those who participated in a three-week exercise program.

In an interview with Runner’s World, lead researcher Karin Rosenkranz, M.D., said: “Our study shows that intensive training is not necessary to make a difference, just increasing daily physical activity is sufficient to get started.” In other words, you don’t have to be a professional runner to gain these depression-fighting benefits—it’s just a matter of getting in more exercise each day.

Other major research from 2023 backs up the benefits of running for your mental health. For example, one study that compared running to depression medication, found that 16 weeks of the sport offered similar benefits to the meds for treating depressive symptoms. (Though researchers noted that treatment of depression involves many factors, often a combo of medications and physical activity.) Similarly, a research review of more 97 studies found a link between exercise and improvement in anxiety and depression symptoms.

2. Weight Loss and Maintenance

benefits of running include improved metabolism

MoMo Productions//Getty Images

You know that exercise burns calories while you’re working out, but there’s a big bonus for afterward, too: The burn continues after you stop. Studies have shown that regular exercise boosts “afterburn”—that is, the number of calories you burn postworkout. (Scientists call this EPOC, which stands for excess post oxygen consumption.) That’s kind of like getting a paycheck even after you retire.

And you don’t have to be sprinting at the speed of sound to get this benefit. This happens when you’re exercising at an intensity about 70 percent of your VO2 max.

3. Enhanced Eye and Bone Health

senior man and senior woman jogging side by side on the street

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It’s common knowledge that running lowers your risk of heart disease and strengthens your muscles. But this might be a surprise: Running improves your eyesight. A study comparing 100 marathon runners to people who are sedentary revealed long-distance runners have better vision and cognition, thanks to the effect it has on the central nervous system.

Chances are you’ve also had family, friends, and strangers warn you that “running is bad for your bones.” The truth is, running has been known to support bone density. A review published in the International Journal of Research and Public Health highlighted running as one of the best forms of physical activity for preventing osteoporosis in women.

4. Sharper Cognition

benefits of running

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Worried about “losing it” as you get older? Working out regularly will help you stay “with it.” A 2018 systematic review published in Neurology Clinical Practice found that exercising one hour a day, three times per week is associated with improved cognitive performance in older adults. Participants did all types of exercise, including aerobic, resistance training, mind-body exercises, or combinations of these.

Another small study, published in 2018, found that even just 15 minutes of running can enhance memory. As one of the study authors, Paul Loprinzi, Ph.D., previously pointed out to Runner’s World, aerobic exercise of any kind can enhance both short- and long-term memory.

What’s more: A study published in 2019, involving more than 1,100 people, found an association between higher endurance and better brain function.

5. Reduced Risk of Cancer

benefits of running

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Running certainly can’t cure cancer, but there’s plenty of proof that the benefits of running include helping to prevent the disease and improving overall quality of life for people living with the disease.

In fact, a review of 170 epidemiological studies in the Journal of Nutrition showed that regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, while another study, which involved epidemiological research, found aerobic exercise could reduce cancer risk by 72 percent.

To get more granular: Another study from 2021, found that at least five hours of moderate-intensity physical activity may help to prevent cancers related to the breast, colon, stomach, kidney, bladder, and esophagus. Research from July 2023 also found a link between higher cardiorespiratory fitness (or VO2 max) and lower cancer risk, as well as lower risk of dying from cancer.

If you already have cancer, running (with your doctor’s approval) can Strengthen your quality of life while you’re undergoing chemotherapy. A 2021 Scientific Reports review found cancer patients who practiced high-intensity training experienced improvements in quality of life as well as physical, social, and cognitive behaviors, breathing, fatigue, pain and insomnia.

6. Longer Life

benefits of running

adamkaz//Getty Images

Even if you meet just the minimum of amount of physical activity (30 minutes, five times per week), you’ll live longer. In fact, one research review shows that by participating in regular physical activity, you can reduce your risk of all-cause mortality by up to 35 percent, compared to those who are inactive. And that can lead to a gain of up to almost seven years.

Basically, the more miles you log, the more time you’ll buy yourself—one of the best benefits of running.

7. Stress Relief

benefits of running

Jordan Siemens//Getty Images

Many of the benefits of running are long-term, but even in the immediacy of your day-to-day life, running can offer pay-offs, like minimizing your stress.

A 2022 study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that exercise increases your resiliency to stress, which can help you better manage it. This can help you stave off the side effects of stress.

Research also shows that regular physical activity has a positive effect on how the central nervous system functions and minimizes the stress response. Even if something stressful happens, you are less likely to respond negatively or over-intensely, leaving you better equipped to stay calm.

Headshot of Monique Lebrun

Monique LeBrun joined the editorial staff in October 2021 as the associate health and fitness editor. She has a master’s degree in journalism and has previously worked for ABC news and Scholastic. She is an avid runner who loves spending time outside.

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 20:19:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Family of off-duty NYPD cop fatally shot in robbery awarded full line-of-duty benefits

The family of an off-duty NYPD cop killed while trying to stop a thief in a Brooklyn robbery will get his full line-of-duty death benefits.

Police Officer Adeed Fayaz, 26, was fatally shot on Feb. 4 when he went to East New York with his brother-in-law to buy a Honda Pilot he saw on Facebook Marketplace.

Widow Madiha Sabeel, 30, said she was holding her breath over whether she and her sons Rayaan, 5, and Zayaan, 4, would get the hero benefits — or not because he was off-duty at the time of his death.

But officials determined that he was fighting crime in his last actions and therefore his family should be awarded his full $60,000 salary plus medical benefits for life. 

Without full line-of-duty status, the family would have gotten a one-time lump sum payment of about $180,000, three times his annual salary.

Widow Madiha Sabeel, 30, will receive her late husband’s full salary. Helayne Seidman
Sabeel, wife of slain NYPD Officer Adeed Fayaz, in the PBA offices in Lower Manhattan. Helayne Seidman

“The PBA didn’t deliver up on us and they stood with us,” Sabeel, who is from Pakistan, tearfully told The Post of the police union’s advocacy. “At one point, even they thought we’re probably not going to get it but the PBA stuck with us and this is now going to help the kids.” 

The New York City Police Pension Fund informed the family on Dec. 12 that it would grant Fayaz the line-of-duty death status, a union official said.

Gunman Randy Jones, whose rap sheet listed 22 busts, including for grand larceny, harassment, and strangulation, ambushed the duo after they showed up with $24,000 cash to buy the car, police said.

The slain officer’s sons Zayaan, 4, and Rayaan, 5, hold his photo at the Police Benevolent Association office in Lower Manhattan. Helayne Seidman
Riffat Perveen, mother of slain NYPD Officer Adeed Fayaz, cries in the PBA offices in Lower Manhattan. Helayne Seidman

Fayaz returned fire but a bullet struck him in the head. His brother-in-law then grabbed the cop’s gun and shot Jones, who survived.

He was charged with murder and is in jail on Rikers Island awaiting trial.

PBA President Patrick Hendry said the union told the pension fund Fayaz was taking necessary police action to protect his brother-in-law when he fired at Jones.

The Post’s front page featured the family on the day after Police Officer Adeed Fayaz’s funeral. csuarez
Fayaz told his friend he had lost weight for a scheduled interview with the NYPD’s Aviation Division. NYPD100Pct/twitter
Fayaz’s father, Sadaqat Fayaz, said his son wanted to be a police officer to help people. Helayne Seidman

“As long as they have that shield in their pocket, we’re going to help everyone who needs it on the streets, whether it’s stepping in to help a stranger or whether it’s a family member who’s in danger, and that’s what happened in this case,” Hendry said.

“Adeed saw his brother-in-law in danger,” Hendry said. “He didn’t run the other way. He took police action. He ran toward the situation putting himself at risk and unfortunately, it cost him his life.”

Sadaqat Fayaz, 47, said his son became a cop because he wanted to help people.

Randy Jones was charged with murder for allegedly killing the police officer and is in jail on Rikers Island.
Jones is taken in cuffs from the 75th Precinct in East NY to Brooklyn Central Booking after the killing. Paul Martinka
Fayaz’s funeral at Makki Mosque in Brooklyn drew thousands. Paul Martinka

“Sometimes he’d work 24 hours and when he’d come home he’d never show he’s tired or anything,” said Fayaz, who owns a Queens pizza shop. “He always wanted to go back to work again. He loves being a police officer.”

Detective Rohail Khalid, president of the Pakistani American Law Enforcement Society, said Fayaz wanted to be an aviation maintenance technician in the NYPD’s Aviation Division and had an interview for the job scheduled when he was killed.

“His interview was the same week when he got shot and killed,” Khalid said of his friend, who was born in Pakistan. “He lost weight for it. He just wanted to make it to the unit.”

The officer’s mother, Riffat Perveen, 49, spoke about her dead son through tears. 

“My son was my life,” the heartbroken mother said. “I can’t believe he’s not with us anymore.”

Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:52:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Zend, ActiveState Update Scripting Tools

scripting languages

ActiveState, a unit of Sophos Plc, the antispam software company, upgraded its Komodo 3.0 integrated development environment to let users work with either Perl, Tcl, Python, or PHP, the latter being the language that has passed Microsoft's Active Server Pages as most frequently found on Web sites.

Scripting languages such as Perl or Tcl frequently are what make the disparate parts of corporate Web sites work together.

Komodo 3.0 lets users browse directly through procedures in code libraries in any of the languages instead of searching through documentation on what the library contains, says Komodo user Jeff Rankin, lead Web application developer at O'Neil and Associates, creator of documentation for heavy equipment training and operation.

Komodo 3.0 also lets developers browse through the properties or characteristics of scripting language objects--the software modules that perform specific functions on a site. The tool contains a new debugger that works the same way in all the languages, instead of a different way for each, says David Ascher, ActiveState's chief technology officer. The debugger can search for glitches in a client portion of a program and in the server portion at the same time. Highlighting a bug in one area frequently explains why something is going wrong in the other, Ascher says.

The debugging changes are made possible by a new debugging protocol, DBGP, developed by ActiveState, that other tool users may adopt because it's been made open source, he says.

Rankin said he and other programmers at O'Neil liked Komodo's extensibility. His company frequently develops code to be used on Web sites that require meeting the guidelines of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Programmers at O'Neil have written extensions to Komodo that allow it to automatically convert HTML tags into tagging that meets the guidelines.

"We have lots of government clients. They require ADA compliance," he noted. The extensions, written in JavaScript--which is recognized by Komodo--save Web-site builders time by automatically translating regular HTML tags into a format that meets the guidelines.

Komodo is priced at $295 and is available immediately; a version for educational or nonprofit use is available for $29.50.

Zend Technologies, originators of the popular PHP scripting language, upgraded its Zend Studio 3.5 integrated development environment for PHP to support the latest version of the language (PHP 5.0 came out July 19). It contains code-analysis capabilities to aid PHP programmers in use of correct syntax and structure. Mistaken syntax is highlighted by the tool, much as Microsoft's Word underscores a misspelled word, says Andi Gutmans, vice president of technology.

The tool includes a new online help system that directs developers to online resources for guidance through tough development issues. It's priced at $249 and available immediately.

Zend was profitable last year, according to company president Doron Gerstel, and just received $8 million in venture-capital funding to market its integrated development environment.

For more on scripting languages, see CRN.

This story courtesy of Internetweek.

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:35:00 -0600 text/html
Employee Benefits

Saint Louis University is committed to providing a comprehensive and competitive benefits package. They provide a wide-range of support services, programs and resources. 

The Human Resources Division also offers recognition programs for outstanding employees.

Core Coverage

Core coverage benefits are those that Saint Louis University feels strongly that you should participate in and supports participation by helping to pay for these benefits.

Voluntary Coverage

You can enroll in voluntary benefits as they suit your needs. The employee pays the full cost of voluntary benefits.

Additional Benefits

Sun, 15 Oct 2023 09:51:00 -0500 en text/html

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