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ACA-Developer certification - ACA Developer Certification Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: ACA-Developer ACA Developer Certification certification January 2024 by team

ACA-Developer ACA Developer Certification

Exam Detail:
The ACA-Developer (Alibaba Cloud Associate Developer Certification) exam is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of professionals in cloud-native application development on the Alibaba Cloud platform. Here are the exam details for the ACA-Developer exam:

- Number of Questions: The exam typically consists of 60 multiple-choice questions.

- Time Limit: The time allocated to complete the exam is 90 minutes (1.5 hours).

Course Outline:
The ACA-Developer certification course provides a comprehensive understanding of various courses related to cloud-native application development on Alibaba Cloud. The course outline generally includes the following areas:

1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals:
- Introduction to cloud computing concepts.
- Overview of Alibaba Cloud and its core services.
- Understanding cloud deployment models.

2. Alibaba Cloud Services for Application Development:
- Overview of Alibaba Cloud services for application development.
- Introduction to Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Object Storage Service (OSS), and Relational Database Service (RDS).
- Utilizing other relevant Alibaba Cloud services.

3. Application Deployment and Scaling:
- Deployment models and methods for cloud applications.
- Elastic scaling and auto-scaling concepts.
- Implementing scaling strategies on Alibaba Cloud.

4. Cloud-Native Application Development:
- Understanding cloud-native application development.
- Utilizing containers and container orchestration tools like Kubernetes.
- Integrating Alibaba Cloud services in cloud-native applications.

5. Development Tools and Best Practices:
- Introduction to development tools and SDKs provided by Alibaba Cloud.
- DevOps principles and practices.
- Best practices for cloud application development on Alibaba Cloud.

6. Security and Performance Optimization:
- Implementing security measures for cloud applications.
- Performance optimization techniques.
- Monitoring and troubleshooting cloud applications.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the ACA-Developer exam are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' understanding of cloud computing fundamentals and Alibaba Cloud services.
- Evaluating candidates' knowledge of application deployment and scaling on Alibaba Cloud.
- Testing candidates' proficiency in cloud-native application development and containerization.
- Assessing candidates' familiarity with development tools, DevOps practices, and best practices for cloud application development.
- Evaluating candidates' understanding of security and performance optimization for cloud applications.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific exam syllabus for the ACA-Developer exam covers the following topics:

1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals:
- Cloud computing concepts and deployment models.
- Overview of Alibaba Cloud services and regions.
- Accessing and managing Alibaba Cloud resources.

2. Alibaba Cloud Services for Application Development:
- Elastic Compute Service (ECS) for virtual machines.
- Object Storage Service (OSS) for storing and retrieving data.
- Relational Database Service (RDS) for database management.

3. Application Deployment and Scaling:
- Deploying applications on Alibaba Cloud.
- Elastic scaling and auto-scaling techniques.
- Load balancing and high availability configurations.

4. Cloud-Native Application Development:
- Containerization using Alibaba Cloud Container Service.
- Container orchestration with Kubernetes.
- Integrating Alibaba Cloud services in cloud-native applications.

5. Development Tools and Best Practices:
- Development tools and SDKs provided by Alibaba Cloud.
- Version control, continuous integration, and deployment.
- Best practices for cloud application development.

6. Security and Performance Optimization:
- Security measures for cloud applications.
- Performance optimization techniques.
- Monitoring and troubleshooting cloud applications.
ACA Developer Certification
Alibaba Certification certification

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There are hundreds of people that keep ACA-Developer dumps searching on internet. One good source for online ACA-Developer dumps questions is that offers great quality ACA-Developer braindumps real exam questions for you to just memorize, practice and pass your exam at very first attempt with 100% guarantee.
ACA Developer Certification
Question: 30
Serverless Workflow allows you to orchestrate distributed tasks in sequence, branch, and parallel modes, and ensure
that tasks are reliably coordinated according to your workflow logic.
Which of the following service integration modes is not supported by Serverless Workflow?
A. Request response mode
B. Synchronization mode
C. Asynchronous mode
D. Waiting for callback mode
Answer: C
Question: 31
1 he server uploads the resume to OSS
Which of the following methods can be used to upload objects to OSS without requiring Step 3?
A. Simple Upload
B. Form Upload
C. Multipart Upload
D. Append Upload
Answer: D
Question: 32
A mobile application developer intends to use Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) to store the end user data
for their app, and to ensure data isolation between each user of the app, to prevent one user from obtaining another’s
Which method can be done to meet these requirements?
A. RAM Policy
B. STS authorization
C. Bucket Policy
D. Object Policy
Answer: B
Question: 33
Assume that a company uses ApsaraDB for PolarDB. The company commonly queries users based on their basic
information, including: addresses, company names, and ID numbers.
In this scenario, what is the best practice for creating a database index (or indexes)?
A. Create a b-tree index on each column to be searched.
B. Create a hash index on each column to be searched.
C. Create a gin index for multiple fields.
D. Create a gist index for multiple fields.
Answer: C
Question: 34
Company A has a large number of files store in Alibaba Cloud OSS that need to be deleted (numbering in the tens of
What is the fastest, easiest way to delete these files?
A. Manually delete them one by one
B. Configure a life cycle rule that matches the entire bucket, and delete all files after one day
C. Call the API from a script, deleting files in batches
D. Directly delete the bucket
Answer: B
Question: 35
On which operating systems can you install Alibaba Cloud command line tools? (Number of correct answers: 3)
A. Windows
B. Linux
C. macOS
D. Android
Answer: A,B,C
Question: 36
A developer accesses logs in a Log Service Logstore via the API. The error code returned by the server is 404.
Which of these could be the cause?
A. The log project (Project) does not exist
B. The requested digital signature does not match
C. Server internal error
D. Server is busy: please try later
Answer: A
Question: 37
Which of the following statements are correct, with regard to Alibaba Cloud Log Service? (Number of correct
answers: 3)
A. As an agent for collecting logs, Logtail can collect logs from existing system log files in a non-intrusive manner
B. The Log Service frontend service adopts an LVS + NGINX architecture
C. The Logstore backend service is deployed on a single machine to complete the real-time persistence, indexing,
query and delivery of Logstore data to MaxCompute
D. Each log written to the Log Service backend will be saved in triplicate (across three separate physical servers)
Answer: A,B,D
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Alibaba Certification certification - BingNews Search results Alibaba Certification certification - BingNews Manufacturers and policymakers in Mauritius benefit from training in advanced manufacturing

Recognising the importance of manufacturing to development, economic growth and job creation, the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda (CCA) advanced its digital industrial policy support through a series of capacity-building workshops in Mauritius in December 2023.

Supporting policy development

The CCA supported Mauritius’ Ministry of Industrial Development, SMEs and Cooperatives to train Mauritian policymakers and manufacturers across priority sectors. The tailored workshops also allowed the participants an opportunity to explore the adoption of Manufacturing 4.0 technologies and processes.

As a foundation piece in its support to member states, the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda produced  A Policymaker’s Guide to Manufacturing 4.0, which showcases the transformative impact that new digital technologies can have on industrial development. The guide is a practical tool to help policymakers to take advantage of new opportunities that Manufacturing 4.0 can bring to their economies.

From the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to big data analytics and IoT sensors, these technologies and processes offer significant potential to manufacturing businesses and can help to unlock increased efficiency, productivity, and sustainability across their operations.

Capacity building with the private and public sectors

The program, delivered in collaboration with the University of Warwick’s WMG, included a series of capacity-building workshops with public sector policymakers involved in industrial policymaking as well as tailored sessions with promising manufacturers in priority sectors for Mauritius’ industrial development.

The workshops identified routes to implementing or increasing automation, improving data collection and analysis, and introducing positive organisation-wide changes in culture and approaches to digital transformation.

For Commonwealth countries, growing a more technologically advanced industrial base can lead to stronger and more sustainable economic growth, help to better integrate in global supply and value chains, and lead to the creation of high-quality jobs and employment opportunities.

The program marked the second stage of the CCA’s pilot Manufacturing 4.0 implementation program in Mauritius. It builds on a previous fact-finding study to assess the current levels of digitalisation and readiness for transformation amongst Mauritian manufacturers.

Going forward, CCA will look to expand on the success of this pilot program to more countries and regions of the Commonwealth.

A Policymaker’s Guide to Manufacturing 4.0

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 03:57:00 -0600 en text/html
Alibaba: A Value Investment With Growth Challenges
Alibaba headquarter


There is strong sentiment around Alibaba Group Holding (NYSE:BABA) right now. While many Seeking Alpha analysts suggest that the stock is a Buy, I'm hesitant because of the growth rates that may struggle to get back to prior levels

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:15:00 -0600 en text/html
Green Hills Software Is First Embedded Software Company to Receive ISO/SAE 21434 Automotive Cybersecurity Certificate

With this industry-leading achievement, Green Hills extends its proven pedigree of safe and secure foundational software for connected Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV)

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Green Hills Software, the worldwide leader in embedded safety and security, today announced it has received compliance certification against the important ISO/SAE 21434 automotive cybersecurity standard. As a leading provider of safe and secure real-time operating systems, Green Hills is the first to receive the certificate, issued by the globally-recognized certification company exida. The certificate reaffirms Green Hills Software's leadership in supporting global vehicle manufacturers' (OEM) efforts to meet the requirements of the UNECE WP.29 R155 regulation and incorporate security measures across their development, production, and post-production processes. This certification builds on Green Hills Software's existing OEM relationships for designing and securing connected software-defined vehicles, including automated driving, integrated cockpits, zonal and domain controllers, vehicle gateways, telematics, keyless entry, diagnostic systems, electric vehicle charging systems and more.

Green Hills Software logo (PRNewsfoto/Green Hills Software)

The importance of support for this global automotive cybersecurity standard will grow substantially in the near future as EU countries, Japan, and Korea mandate automotive cybersecurity regulation for new vehicle launches in CY2024, with other countries expected to follow.

"exida commends Green Hills Software's continued efforts to deliver certified solutions and services for automotive cybersecurity," said Mike Medoff, Director of Certification at exida. "With this compliance certificate for ISO/SAE 21434 Road Vehicles – Cybersecurity Engineering, Green Hills has demonstrated that they have a process in place that addresses security throughout the development lifecycle to deliver products that are secure by design. Green Hills continues to be a leader in the embedded industry when it comes to delivering safe and secure platforms software for vehicle electronics."

Automotive cybersecurity is a crucial component of automotive safety. For decades, Green Hills has been the recognized industry leader for helping electronics manufacturers create and deploy embedded systems at the highest levels of safety and security, through its unmatched industry experience coupled with real-time operating systems, development tools and compilers that provide security through the principles of separation, least privilege, and cryptography. The ISO/SAE 21434 certification adds another crucial security capability that Green Hills offers to automotive OEMs and their suppliers.

"As a global leader in embedded software for the automotive market with the broadest portfolio of safety and security certified software solutions, Green Hills is excited to expand its offerings with this industry-first ISO/SAE 21424 cybersecurity certification," said Dan Mender, Vice President, Business Development, Green Hills Software. "This certification shows that Green Hills is best positioned to support automotive OEMs and their suppliers to achieve this globally-adopted cybersecurity standard in their products and processes."

Contact your local Green Hills sales office to learn more about how Green Hills can help your company navigate this ISO/SAE 21434 requirement.

Green Hills will be demonstrating its safety, security, and productivity solutions at CES 2024 in Las Vegas, January 9-12, in Booth #6601, West Hall, Las Vegas Convention Center.

About Green Hills Software
Founded in 1982, Green Hills Software is the worldwide leader in embedded safety and security. In 2008, the Green Hills INTEGRITY®-178 RTOS was the first and only operating system to be certified by NIAP (National Information Assurance Partnership comprised of NSA & NIST) to EAL 6+, High Robustness, the highest level of security ever achieved for any software product. Our open architecture integrated development solutions address deeply embedded, absolute security and high-reliability applications for the military/avionics, medical, industrial, automotive, networking, consumer and other markets that demand industry-certified solutions. Green Hills Software is headquartered in Santa Barbara, California, with European headquarters in the United Kingdom. Visit Green Hills Software at

Green Hills, the Green Hills logo, and INTEGRITY are trademarks or registered trademarks of Green Hills Software in the U.S. and/or internationally. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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SOURCE Green Hills Software

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:08:00 -0600 en-US text/html
A Look At Alibaba's Strategic Pivot Following Leadership Changes

By Yiannis Zourmpanos


  • Alibaba's stock plunged 20% in 2023, dropping to around $73, echoing its price after the 2014 IPO.
  • Despite the downturn, Alibaba maintains a robust financial status, with cash reserves accounting for one-third of its $186 billion market value.
  • Under Eddie Wu's leadership, Alibaba is integrating e-commerce with AI-driven cloud services.
  • The launch of the Zhenyue 510 chip by subsidiary T-Head underscores Alibaba's commitment to self-reliance in chip design and cloud service enhancement.
  • Facing a blend of geopolitical, economic and market challenges in 2024, Alibaba's adaptability and diverse portfolio position it to leverage potential growth opportunities.

In 2023, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. (BABA, Financial) witnessed a 20% drop in its stock value, plummeting to about $73, a price echoing its 2014 post-IPO period. This decline has left investors in a quandary, weighing the merits of holding onto their shares or seeking tax-loss harvesting opportunities.

However, the share price has factored in these challenges, reflecting China's broader economic and regulatory climate. As Alibaba strides forward, its strategic agility in the face of geopolitical and market challenges, particularly in the artificial intelligence-driven cloud sector, positions it as a resilient player in the global tech arena.

Navigating geopolitical challenges with AI-driven cloud growth

Alibaba's strategic decisions regarding asset reorganization strategies reflect a solid approach to navigating market adversities. The decision against pursuing a complete spinoff of the Cloud Intelligence Group due to uncertainties from U.S. export restrictions on advanced computing chips is significant and represents the proactive caution exercised by the company to be immune to the complex geopolitical landscape.

Currently, the company focuses on developing sustainable growth models based on the emerging AI-driven demand for cloud computing services. Notably, Alibaba showcased strong revenue growth across segments like AIDC (presumably Alibaba's Artificial Intelligence Data Center), Cainiao (its logistics arm) and digital media entertainment. However, Alibaba's Cloud Intelligence Group displayed mixed performance at the top line during the reported period.

The revenue from the Cloud Intelligence Group marked a modest increase of 2% year over year, mainly driven by Alibaba's consolidated businesses, as revenue excluding these entities experienced a slight decrease. Further, the revenue generated by public cloud products and services contributed over 70% of the external cloud revenue, showing a strong demand for cloud infrastructure and model training services.

Fundamentally, this growth is derived when the segment faces potential challenges in revenue growth from model training and related services due to expanded export control rules in the U.S., restricting the export of advanced computing chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment to China.

Interestingly, looking at the bottom line of the Cloud Intelligence Group narrative, it is way more substantial, as its adjusted Ebitda surged by 44%, primarily based on increased revenue from public cloud products and services and improving operational efficiency.

The robust demand for public cloud products and services indicates sustained interest in cloud infrastructure and related solutions. Alibaba's focus on this sector may allow the company to capitalize on the growing need for cloud computing, especially in the context of AI-driven services. Based on this fundamental, the company aims to elevate its return on invested capital from single-digit to double-digit figures.

Eddie Wu takes the helm, revamps e-commerce strategy amid rising competition

Eddie Wu, Alibaba's newly appointed CEO, has taken a more assertive role in the company by realigning its management and directly overseeing its main e-commerce division. This move comes as Alibaba faces increased competition from PDD Holdings PDD (PDD, Financial) and ByteDance.

Wu, who unexpectedly took over the cloud division, replacing Daniel Zhang, is now leading the e-commerce and cloud segments, marking a significant shift in the company's leadership structure. Wu's strategy focuses on integrating e-commerce with cloud services and leveraging AI for future growth. Thus, the change aims to consolidate Alibaba's e-commerce platforms, Taobao and Tmall, which have been losing market share.

Concurrently, PDD has emerged as Morgan Stanley's MS top pick in China's e-commerce sector, surpassing Alibaba with a $196 billion market cap. Despite this, Alibaba retains a positive outlook among brokers, with a majority maintaining buy ratings, contrasting slightly with PDD's even stronger buy recommendations. Therefore, Alibaba faced a downgrade by Morgan Stanley from overweight to equal weight, with a reduced price target of $110 to $90. The downgrade is attributed to the company's slower-than-expected recovery and uncertainties from halting its cloud business spinoff.

Source: Bloomberg

T-Head is a new shield for Alibaba

Alibaba's chip design subsidiary, T-Head, introduced the Zhenyue 510 chip, a RISC-V-based controller IC for enterprise solid-state drives (SSDs), at the Apsara cloud computing conference. It's designed to enhance performance in Alibaba Cloud's data centers, specifically targeting applications like AI training, online transactions and big data analysis, promising a 30% reduction in latency compared to existing ICs.

Fundamentally, the introduction of the Zhenyue 510 demonstrates Alibaba's drive toward self-reliance in chip design. Also, enhancing performance with reduced latency suggests improved efficiency in handling data-intensive tasks, potentially attracting more enterprises to utilize Alibaba Cloud services. By leveraging an open-standard architecture, Alibaba aims to mitigate the risks associated with U.S. export controls on specific IP providers.

Looking forward, in-house chip designs tailored for cloud services may bolster Alibaba Cloud's competitiveness by offering enhanced capabilities and potentially cost-effective solutions. This could attract more customers, contributing to revenue growth in the long term.

Notably, this capability is familiar to Alibaba. T-Head previously launched the Hanguang 800 neural processing unit in 2019 for AI tasks and the Yitian 710 Arm-based CPU in 2021 for cloud servers. These chips and the XuanTie 910 IoT processor primarily serve in-house purposes, indicating Alibaba's focus on developing proprietary hardware for its services.

Finally, if Chinese companies widely adopt RISC-V at a macro level, it could challenge the dominance of established U.S.-based architectures. Therefore, this shift might form distinct technological ecosystems, impacting global tech standards and market dynamics.

What investors should expect in 2024

China's stock market outlook in 2024, mainly for Alibaba, is shaped by a mix of challenges and opportunities. accurate downgrades by Moody's Investors Service, affecting various Chinese companies reflect concerns over China's economic and fiscal stability. Additionally, key risks, such as the property sector downturn and inflationary pressures, continue to impact market sentiment.

Despite these challenges, portfolio managers emphasize the need for more government policy support, especially in the property sector, to stabilize the market. The high inventory levels in lower-tier cities indicate a prolonged period of adjustment. Along with other tech giants, Alibaba is also navigating changes in the global economic landscape, including U.S. chip export restrictions.

India and Japan have benefited from the weakness in China's stock market, but this trend might reverse if Beijing implements aggressive economic rescue measures. Investors are advised to maintain a balanced exposure to Chinese stocks, as rapid changes in policy could quickly shift market sentiment.

The potential for upcoming IPOs of Chinese companies could also be a significant factor. Successful listings indicate increased investor confidence and attract international investments back to China. Also, companies focusing on cost containment, market diversification and growth through self-help strategies will likely stand out. Combining cost-saving measures with structural growth, this approach could shift investment focus from purely value-driven to a more blended style, considering quality, earnings momentum and price momentum.

For Alibaba, this landscape presents both hurdles and possibilities. The company's ability to adapt to policy changes, manage its diverse portfolio effectively and leverage its strengths in e-commerce and technology will be crucial in navigating 2024's unpredictable market conditions.

Despite this downturn, Alibaba's financial health remains robust, with cash reserves constituting a third of its $186 billion market value. The conglomerate's diverse portfolio, including its dominant e-commerce arm in China, cloud computing, logistics operations and a stake in Ant Financial, collectively value the company at approximately $130 per share. Therefore, this figure is strikingly higher than its current stock price, underscoring a potential undervaluation.


Under Wu's leadership, the company is refocusing its strategy to integrate e-commerce with AI-driven cloud services, responding to competitive and regulatory challenges. Moreover, its initiative in proprietary chip design, like the Zhenyue 510, demonstrates a commitment to technological advancement and efficiency in cloud computing.

Looking ahead to 2024, Alibaba navigates a complex landscape of geopolitical, economic and market challenges. However, its ability to adapt and leverage its diverse portfolio will be key to overcoming these hurdles and capitalizing on potential growth opportunities.


I am/we currently own positions in the stocks mentioned, and have NO plans to sell some or all of the positions in the stocks mentioned over the next 72 hours.

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 05:49:00 -0600 GuruFocus en text/html
Oklahoma City Community College accelerates automotive training Fri, 05 Jan 2024 02:49:00 -0600 en-US text/html VESA has a certification logo for swanky new “Dual Mode” monitors. Comments
VESA has a certification logo for swanky new “Dual Mode” monitors.

The standards body is updating its existing Adaptive-Sync test specification to account for a new wave of monitors that can boost their maximum refresh rates at lower resolutions (like LG’s recently-announced OLED that can do 240Hz at 4K or 480Hz at 1080p). VESA will test a monitor’s flicker, jitter, response times, and more, and manufacturers who pass get the appropriate VESA logo to put on the box.

VESA Certified AdaptiveSync logo.
VESA’s new logo for Dual Mode monitors.
Image: VESA
Wed, 03 Jan 2024 07:00:00 -0600 en text/html Creativity And Skill Inform Automation, And Manufacturers Can Lead The Way

Kevin Stevick is the President and CEO of SteelCraft, a Materials Manufacturing company based in Hartford, WI.

The catchphrase for the past year seems to have been, “AI is coming for your job,” but now they are seeing that is not exactly the case. In the world of industrial manufacturing, which has essentially been automating manual labor for decades, new advancements in technology constantly make and reshape the labor landscape, creating new jobs and skills while making old ones obsolete.

As the Fordian assembly line gave way to the first generation of car-making robots, advancements in automation made room for specialist careers. With AI, what manufacturing is undergoing right now is a rise of certified in tandem with an elimination of tedious tasks.

To that end, even NASCAR has reduced the number of lugnuts on tires down to a single bolt. From my perspective, this possibly signals the beginning of the end of pit crews tasked with swapping out wheels, as precision robots will be able to perform that task much more quickly and efficiently. Does that mean humans will soon become obsolete in the world of manufacturing? Far from it.

Many manufacturers now realize that the key to successful automation is to not automate for the sake of automation. Automation can help eliminate dangerous and repetitive tasks, so true certified can focus on crafting high-quality products for clients in the market for something that first meets their specific needs.

Right now, I'm witnessing a trend where we, employers, are seeking to strike the right balance between skilled craftsmanship and automation. Manufacturers are leveraging this technology to make their skilled labor more efficient or effective while eliminating obsolete tasks.

The Enhanced Workforce

This is a trend I'm experiencing firsthand. My company's latest capital investment was a state-of-the-art fiber laser, which has doubled their materials-cutting power. Additionally, this equipment has “lights out capability,” which allows it to run autonomously for long periods.

This advancement does not replace their skilled laser operators but encourages them to get reskilled so they can complete more advanced tasks that adhere to the unique requests of each client on a case-by-case basis. As automation eliminates low-skilled work, their laser operations team has pivoted to become a technical resource designed to help troubleshoot, program and ensure the smooth operation of the laser machinery to fulfill requests for new and unique products.

This represents the most prominent trends in manufacturing in accurate years: using autonomous robots that can run for days without an operator to complete rote, repetitive tasks so employees on the shop floor can focus on being creative and developing their skills. Years ago, tasks like machining took up a considerable chunk of time for some of the most talented workers. Now, most of these tasks can even be completed without supervision when most employees are asleep.

From my view, this can lead to a better work-life balance, as the formerly “mission critical” task of manufacturing the same complicated component by hand over and over again can now be relegated to automation; this frees up time for workers to take a vacation or cover shifts that are difficult to fill.

The workforce is changing, and I find that the ability to fill jobs on a 24/7 basis is decreasing while demand for products from manufacturers continues to climb. I believe the gap can be filled by equipment that can run “lights out” for a period of time and be produced consistently with limited skilled technician interaction.

My team is planning to use similar autonomous-based equipment in their tube cutting and brake press areas. The current operators’ assignments might change slightly, but the ability for us to continue to operate on shifts that are difficult to fill will significantly increase their capacity.

Collaboration Plus Ideation Equals Automation

In the past, when a client asked for a specific custom job, it might’ve cost them more out of pocket than the specialized labor. Now that the basics can be accomplished by computerized tech, manufacturing certified have more time to collaborate and brainstorm ways to offer the most effective solution to a client request at the highest quality and lowest cost.

In essence, when skilled workers have more free time to be “skilled” and have to spend less time on jobs that feel monotonous, manufacturers gain the competitive edge of a shop floor that combines hundreds of years of practical experience to solve one problem, rather than spend hundreds of hours on jobs that can be automated.

For example, they have a series of robotic weld cells that frees up time for skilled welders to break down complicated problems. The robotic arms of the weld cells move around a fixture and are programmed to weld at certain spots throughout the fixture. It’s the robotic weld technician who provides the skills and expertise to ensure the robot is programmed properly for the part being manufactured and can troubleshoot the robot as needed.

Manual welding expertise will continue to be necessary, but robotic welding has brought undeniable opportunities to the field to complement what was once only possible through manual labor. Welders who learn how to use a robotic weld cell can develop more complicated skills for bespoke jobs that robots of the future can be programmed to do while ensuring that tasks that do not require much creativity can be delegated to a machine to free up time for human collaboration and problem-solving.

It’s an exciting time for the manufacturing sector and the skilled workers whose hard work has driven the industry forward since its inception. Leaders attempting to jump into AI-powered manufacturing with both feet should start by consulting the skilled workers on the shop floor as well as the talented professionals in the back office. Finding out which tasks are the most time-consuming, tedious or manually repetitive is a crucial step. Rote tasks burn out people much faster than they do machines. Creating upskilling and cross-training incentives for them is the ultimate way to keep employees motivated and leverage their invaluable skills in the age of automation.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Fri, 29 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Kevin Stevick en text/html
OSHA grant to provide electrical safety training Mon, 25 Dec 2023 23:30:00 -0600 en-US text/html U.S. Navy program helping local manufacturers build pipeline of talent No result found, try new keyword!The U.S. Navy needs more workers to build submarines. To help accomplish this, it started a program that recently expanded to Pittsburgh. Thu, 04 Jan 2024 06:42:00 -0600 text/html EH216-S eVTOL aircraft gains CAAC airworthiness certification

The EH216-S pilotless eVTOL aircraft conducted a demo flight at the EH216-S airworthiness certification and aircraft delivery ceremony. Photo Credit: EHang

On Dec. 21, EHang Holdings Ltd. (Guangzhou, China) obtained standard airworthiness certification for its EH216-S passenger-carrying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) platform from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). 

The certified electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft, produced at EHang’s Yunfu, China, production base, adheres to the type certificate issued by the CAAC in October 2023, and the standard production procedures under the supervision of the CAAC. The new certification confirms that the aircraft complies with the approved type design and meets safety and quality requirements for commercial operations.

EH216-S has been delivered to Eton, an intelligent aviation technology subsidiary of Guangzhou Development District Communications Investment Group Co. Ltd., and one of EHang’s customers. “We are very optimistic about their upcoming commercial operations of aerial tourism in Guangzhou and the future of their business cooperation with EHang,” says Chengjiu Zhou, general manager of Guangzhou Development District Communications Investment Group Co. Ltd. 

Huazhi Hu, founder, chairman and CEO of EHang, says, “In the near future, they anticipate an increasing number of aircraft rolling off from their production line to gradually fulfill their backlog orders, thereby serving more customers and passengers, and enhancing UAM.”

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:36:00 -0600 en text/html

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