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S90.05A SOA Technology Lab exam |

S90.05A exam - SOA Technology Lab Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: S90.05A SOA Technology Lab exam January 2024 by team

S90.05A SOA Technology Lab

Exam: S90.05A SOA Technology Lab

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exam consists of practical lab exercises.
- Time: Candidates are given a specified amount of time to complete the lab exercises.

Course Outline:
The S90.05A SOA Technology Lab is a hands-on exam that assesses candidates' practical skills and knowledge in implementing and configuring Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) technologies. The course covers the following topics:

1. SOA Platform and Infrastructure
- Installation and configuration of SOA infrastructure components
- Setting up development and testing environments
- Configuration of service registries and repositories
- Integration of messaging and data transformation technologies

2. Service Implementation and Integration
- Implementing services using programming languages and frameworks
- Service integration using ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)
- Handling data transformation and message routing
- Implementing service orchestration and choreography

3. Service Security and Quality of Service
- Implementing security measures for services
- Configuring authentication and authorization mechanisms
- Implementing service-level agreements (SLAs) and quality of service (QoS)
- Monitoring and troubleshooting services

4. Service Deployment and Management
- Deploying services to production environments
- Managing service lifecycles and versioning
- Monitoring and managing service performance
- Implementing service governance and policy enforcement

Exam Objectives:
The exam aims to assess candidates' ability to perform the following tasks:

1. Install and configure SOA infrastructure components.
2. Develop and integrate services using programming languages and frameworks.
3. Implement security measures and quality of service for services.
4. Deploy, manage, and monitor services in production environments.

Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus covers the following practical lab exercises:

- Setting up SOA development and testing environments
- Implementing and configuring services using programming languages and frameworks
- Integrating services using an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
- Configuring security measures and quality of service for services
- Deploying and managing services in production environments
- Monitoring and troubleshooting services

Candidates are expected to demonstrate their hands-on skills and knowledge in these areas to successfully complete the lab exercises and pass the exam.
SOA Technology Lab
SOA Technology exam

Other SOA exams

S90.01A Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing
S90.02A SOA Technology Concepts
S90.03A SOA Design & Architecture
S90.04A SOA Project Delivery & Methodology
S90.05A SOA Technology Lab
S90.08A Advanced SOA Design & Architecture
S90.09A SOA Design & Architecture Lab
S90.18A Fundamental SOA Security
S90.19A Advanced SOA Security
S90.20A SOA Security Lab
C90-06A Cloud Architecture Lab

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SOA Technology Lab
Question: 32
You are asked to create an XML schema and WSDL definition for a Customer Lookup
service. The service accepts a customer name and returns the corresponding
customerID. You are given the following specific instructions as to how the XML
schema should be designed:
- Two elements named "CustomerLookup" and "CustomerResponse" are required.
- The "CustomerLookup" element will be used to represent the request message sent to
the service. It must have a child element named "customerName" that has the type
- The "CustomerResponse" element will be used to represent the response message
sent out by the service. It must have a child element named "customerID" that has the
type integer.
Which of the following WSDL definitions correctly describes these messages?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 33
You are working with a project team that wants to deploy the Vacation Request service
that allows employees to request information regarding the vacation days they are
entitled to. The project team has come up with a demo XML fragment that they would
like to use as the basis for the request message that the Vacation Request service will
receive, as follows:


The "vacationRequest" element (which will be placed inside a SOAP "Body" element)
contains a child "empID" element that will provide the employee ID used by the
Vacation Request service to perform a search. Your task is to define an XML schema
for this message and to incorporate the schema into the Vacation Request WSDL
definition by embedding the schema content and mapping the XML Schema elements
to the appropriate WSDL elements. Which of the following correctly accomplishes
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 34
You have developed the following WSDL definition for the Article Notification service
that needs to be able to notify employees when a new article has been posted to the
company's internal intranet Web site:
The service has an "ArticleNotification" operation that receives a request message
containing the article information. The receipt of this request message triggers the
issuance of a notification to employees. This operation does not issue a response
message. Your next task is to define the concrete description for this WSDL definition.
You have already completed the "binding" element and you now need to add the
"service" element. Which of the following represents the correct "service" element for
this WSDL definition?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 35
You are building an HR service with an "UpdateExemptions" operation that allows
employees to update the number of exemptions claimed on their paychecks. The
operation is only able to receive a message containing the employee ID and the number
of exemptions. The operation does not reply with a response message.
A partial WSDL definition has been created so far, as follows:
You now need to start on the concrete description by adding an appropriate binding
element. Which of the following is correct?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 36
You have created an XML schema for a Purchase Order service. The schema, named
"po.xsd", is as follows:
Because you believe this schema will need to also be used in several different services,
you decide to separate it from the WSDL definition by placing it into its own XML
Schema definition. As a result, you now need to import the XML schema into the
WSDL document. Which of the following code fragments shows a valid way to import
the schema shown above into a WSDL "types" element?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 37
You are working on a new Time service that will be able to return the current time,
down to six microseconds. You have begun by creating a schema and the beginnings of
a WSDL definition, as follows:
Your next task is to define the "portType" and "binding" elements. Which of the
following fragments contain the correct "portType" and "binding" elements for this
WSDL definition?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
Question: 38
The technical architecture department contacts you to tell you that all existing WSDL
definitions need to be modified to add an additional concrete description in order to
bind the service to a new version of SOAP.
You begin with the WSDL definition for the Notification service, as shown here:
Given the fact that this WSDL definition has only one "operation" element, which new
elements will need to be added in order to add the concrete description described
A. a "portType" element and a "binding" element
B. a "portType" element, a "binding" element and a "service" element
C. a "portType" element only
D. None of the above.
Answer: D
Question: 39
You are asked to create an XML schema for an Address Formatting service that needs
to be able to accept a mailing address and then return the same address rearranged in a
different format defined by the postal service. You are given the following specific
instructions as to how the XML schema should be designed:
- The XML schema requires two elements named "AddressLookup" and
- The "AddressLookup" element must contain child elements named "address1",
"city". "stateOrRegion", "postalCode" "country", in that order. Each of these elements
must have the type string.
- The "AddressResponse" has the same children as the "AddressLookup" message,
plus it contains an "addressValid" element as its last child. This element is added to
indicate whether a valid address was found, and therefore this element must be of
Which of the following XML schemas fulfills the requirements while also following
the instructions?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: C
Question: 40
You are working on building a new Electronic Publications service that allows users to
retrieve electronic copies of online books for display on specialized electronic reading
devices. This service needs to contain two operations:
1. An operation that retrieves an entire book. This operation needs to receive a message
based on a pre-defined "addBookRequest" element and then reply with a message based
on the "addBookAcknowledgement" element.
2. An operation that retrieves information that describes a book. This operation needs to
receive a message based on a pre-defined "getBooklnfoRequest" element and then reply
with a message based on the "getBooklnfoResponse " element. Examples of these XML
fragments based on these four elements are shown here:
You are now tasked with creating an XML schema that will correctly validate these
four XML fragments. Which of the following is correct?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: A
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Three years ago, Richmond, Va.-based Summit took on a major project to streamline the profusion of systems an electric cooperative was using to run its business.

Using IBM middleware, Summit built an integration architecture that allowed the client to keep its legacy applications in place and Excellerate workflow and data exchange among them. Not long after that engagement, several of Summit's staffers attended an IBM meeting about SOA—at the time, a nascent buzzword McCubbins hadn't previously encountered.

"One of my sales guys and I look at each other and go, 'This is what they did at the co-op!' " recalled McCubbins, Summit's managing partner.

SOA has been a hot subject for years, but it's also a maddeningly elusive one. Every major software vendor has adopted an SOA strategy, and most throw the buzzword around with abandon. For solution providers looking to build a practice in the field, separating hype from reality is part of the challenge.

"It means a lot of different things to people, and a lot of people use it to sell whatever their agenda might be," said Tim Marshall, vice president of technology at Irvine, Calif., services firm Neudesic. "It's almost a solution in search of a problem."

At its core, SOA is an architectural philosophy focused on flexibly linked, business process-focused software components that leverage Web standards and services. It's the latest evolution in the ever-shifting IT landscape; major applications makers including SAP and Oracle have made the SOA design the foundation of their latest software suites. But because SOA is such an encompassing idea, it's prone to a broad interpretation—a accurate Aberdeen Group survey found that 90 percent of respondents said they have or are adopting SOAs in their businesses.

Analyst Ron Schmelzer of ZapThink, a research firm specializing in SOA topics, waves off such grandiose statistics. SOA momentum is gaining, but serious SOA projects are still at the early end of the adoption curve. Schmelzer estimated that perhaps 100 textbook SOA case-study projects were carried out last year.

"Anybody who is trying to do SOA is realizing that it's a lot more involved than they might have thought," Schmelzer said. "It's pretty easy to put a Web services interface on anything, but to actually change the way you build applications so the services can consume those applications—well, that involves changing the way people build applications."

One textbook case is the modernization project that Ultramatics, Oldsmar, Fla., took on three years ago for marine transportation services company Crowley Maritime. As it grew and acquired, Crowley ended up with a hodgepodge of heavily customized, disparate systems that required resource-intensive, point-to-point adapters for integration.

Until Crowley engaged Ultramatics, it was bracing itself for a complete rip-and-replace job. Ultramatics suggested an SOA approach, using IBM WebSphere infrastructure like Message Broker and MQ to create an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) linking Crowley's systems. The SOA revamp, which took about a year from planning to the first deployment phases, slashed the time and cost of implementing changes and bringing new systems online.

"We helped educate them that SOA is a journey, as opposed to a product that you buy," said Saru Seshadri, Ultramatics' president and founder. "It's not a one-time deal."

The incremental approach of SOA design is an attractive selling point. Summit's McCubbins likes to start by zeroing in on one process: "It may not be the most critical, but it will be one where they can have a quick win."

For one of its co-op clients, Summit began by modeling the workflow involved in creating an IT entry for a new customer's electrical meter. Establishing a new meter used to be a manual process that dragged on for weeks, but the system Summit designed allows it to happen almost instantaneously. That proof point sold the customer on the benefits of investing in a broader SOA overhaul.

Systems integrators have long wrestled with the challenges of heterogeneous IT environments, and the core ideas driving SOA—about the value of flexible, integrated systems—aren't new. What's changed, according to solution providers, is that software, standards and best-practices methodologies have come of age. Companies now can rely on the infrastructure of the Internet to physically link remote data systems, while standards like XML, SOAP and WSDL are ubiquitous.

"What the Web services standards and the tools built around them have done for us is alleviate the technical roadblocks for integration, so you can spend more time on the business issues," said Paul Hernacki, CTO of Definition 6 in Atlanta.

Global solutions provider Keane had 40 consultants trained for SOA projects four years ago. Today, it has 300. Financial services and pharmaceutical companies have been among the most rapid adopters, said Alkesh Shah, Keane's director of system architecture.

Of course, a fledgling and rapidly evolving field has its share of speed bumps. Critical specifications like XML are entrenched, but vendors continue wrangling over others, jockeying for advantage. A much-hyped protocol for an online, programmatic registry of business services, UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration), essentially collapsed last year amid lackluster adoption and a decision by its backers to pull off in different directions with their implementations. In such a dynamic field, figuring out which horses to back is a delicate art.

Meanwhile, the market for SOA-enabling software is filled with pure-play vendors facing intense competition from giants like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP, which are fleshing out their own SOA middleware offerings. Even solution providers that sometimes recommend the indie vendors don't foresee them sticking around because the expectation is that they'll get bought or fade away. Keane's Shah remembers a client project in which he evaluated XML processing technology from IBM and DataPower, a smaller rival. Shah recommended DataPower—only to see the company swallowed up by IBM a year later.

"What would compel somebody to select one of [the pure plays] when the big guys are adding features and acquiring companies constantly?" asked ZapThink analyst Schmelzer. "Companies just don't like risk, so they're first and foremost going to their existing technology providers."

The SOA technology field is also strewn with open-source offerings. For ESBs, companies can pick among Mule, ServiceMix, JBoss ESB and others. Open-source software can be useful for inexpensive proof-of-concepts, Shah said.

"If a client doesn't want to invest in any given way of implementing a stack, they go with open source and it doesn't cost them a dime," he said. "Once they understand the value of that way of doing the SOA implementation, they may want to reduce risk and swap out the open source for a more reliable vendor."

Years after the SOA buzz began, it's still building—but so are the benefits of broadening adoption.

"SOA is an architectural pattern that I think still has legs for the next five years," said Tim Marshall of Neudesic. "Reality is setting in. SOA doesn't cure cancer, it's not going to solve world hunger. It's another tool in their tool belt, and it's definitely one with momentum."

Thu, 08 Mar 2007 15:00:00 -0600 text/html
Exam Procedures & Technology

How Exams Work

Colorado Law exams are computer-based. Students input their answers into Exam4, their computer-based bluebook application, that securely saves and transmits exam submissions to the Law School Registrar.  Students are assigned a unique, anonymous six-digit exam ID for each exam they are scheduled to take.  Students must input the appropriate six-digit exam ID into Exam4. The six-digit exam ID is your personal identifier used with your exam. Each student has their own exam ID for each exam they take each exam season.

Students will receive detailed instructions via email from the Registrar prior to each exam season.

Exams occur remotely. As a result, exam questions will appear within the Exam4 program itself once a student has put in their credentials to start their exam. Students should take care to enter essay and multiple-choice answers in the correct answer area within the software.

Exam4 Software

Colorado Law uses Extegrity's Exam4 software.  Exam4 is a simple, lightweight, and secure exam tool that is compatible with Windows and macOS.  It is the electronic equivalent of a paper bluebook for essay and short answer responses and a bubble sheet for multiple choice and true/false responses. 

Students must download a new Exam4 software package for each exam season. The software is available here: Students are encouraged to download the latest Exam4 software package in advance of their exams so they can take a practice exam to familiarize themselves with Exam4's functionality and features.  Make sure you know what materials are allowed by your professor during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste.

Anonymous exam IDs

Students are assigned an anonymous, unique exam ID for each exam which facilitates anonymous exam grading.  Prior to each exam, students must obtain their anonymous six-digit exam ID from Colorado Law's exam ID tool at To obtain each unique exam ID, students must know their Identikey and password.  

Document IDs

Get your document IDs from document ID is needed to securely fetch your exam questions within the exam software.

Practice Document ID

The exam Document ID for the practice exam is D0000000. Click on the Practice exam tab on this website for more information about the practice exam.

Taking an Exam

Once the exam is underway, students will input exam answers into Exam4 which records and saves the typed information every minute. When students complete an exam, they submit their answers within the Exam4 tool.  When the student acknowledges completion of the exam, Exam4 will unlock the computer and seek an internet connection to upload the completed exam to the Law School's Exam4 Receiver. The Registrar’s Office then processes the exam and distributes it to your professor by anonymous exam ID.

Students take all Exam4 exams remotely. Thusly, the exams will not be proctored and students are free to take exams at home or on campus as they see fit. Students are on their honor to follow the Honor Code.

Exam Modalities

  • CLOSED:  Only the Exam4 application is available.  Exam4 locks out access to other applications and the internet on your computer when this mode is enabled. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it. Your computer will run through a 1-2 minute security check prior to beginning. If your computer fails the security check, you can try re-booting and re-starting the software.
  • OPEN-LAPTOP: You may access your hard drive and other applications, but do not have access to the internet. Make sure to print and/or download any materials you need before starting an exam. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.
  • TAKEHOME exam Mode: You may access your hard drive, other applications, and the internet. You will be able to cut and paste external text into your exam. You may got into and out of this exam as many times as you want while you are working on your exam. You may exit an exam in TAKEHOME mode, it will be saved, and you can start it again later.


Exam4, which is a product of the company Extegrity, is not a Colorado Law product. While the Registrar’s Office and Law School IT staff will help troubleshoot and assist students during their exams, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the instructions on the Exam4 website for the correct operation of Exam4. This includes system requirements, computer maintenance, and adherence to any other instructions given by Exam4. Prior to any exam, students should review the instructions on the Exam4 website.

Extegrity Support Contact information

Law school exam administration is executed by the Law Registrar.


Students must download a new Exam4 software package for each exam season. 

The Exam4 software package is available for download here:

Installation Instructions

  1. Complete the registration information and download the Windows or macOS version as appropriate.
  2. To install Exam4, double-click the install file you downloaded and follow the on screen prompts. 

macOS users:  If you have a previous exam season install of Exam4, select "Replace" when prompted.

Note: Tablets and iPads are not allowed for exams. Only laptops are permitted.

Students are encouraged to take a practice exam to familiarize themselves with Exam4's functionality and features.

Exam4 Best Practices

  1. Turn off auto updates.
  2. Close all running programs & applications (Word, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
  3. Exam4 does not require students to disable antivirus.
  4. Administrator rights are required.
  5. Reboot your computer before each exam.


Students can contact Extegrity at or Law School IT at


Students must download a new Exam4 software package for each exam season. 

Step 1:  Register, download, and install the current Exam4 package at

Step 2:  Launch Exam4.

Exam4 icon with lowercase letter e

Step 3:  Prepare to start a new exam >> Next

Initial start screen for Exam4 to prepare new exam.

Step 4:  Input a made-up Exam ID twice and select "Practice Exam" from the course dropdown list (twice) and select Next. 

Make sure you play around with the software and complete the survey once you are finished.

Exam4 - Course or exam title

Step 5: Check confirmation box and select OK.

Exam 4 Re-confirm information

Step 6: Set timer and viewer preferences and select Next.  Exam4 does not automatically close when exam time is exceeded.  They recommend experimenting with the timer so you are comfortable with its operation.

Exam4 Timer

Step 7: Review instructions, check "Got it" box, and select Next.

Exam 4 - Got it

Step 8: Type in the name of the exam Mode you would like to test in the input box, confirm selection, and press Next.

The exam mode will be automatically programmed in Exam4 for your exams. Students will not have to choose an exam mode in most cases. Make sure you are aware of how your computer will function in different modes (OPEN vs. CLOSED, etc).

Exam 4 Mode

Step 9: Begin Exam

Exam 4 - Begin Exam

Step 10: Choose the exam document from the drop-down.

Exam 4 - exam document selection

Once in the exam, students will need to click on the "Exam Document" button once in the exam. When you do that, enter the code given to you by the Law Registrar and click "Fetch" to get the exam questions. A pop-up box will appear with the exam questions. The exam Document ID for the "Practice Exam" is D0000000.

Exam 4 - document id fetch

The next step is to click "side-by-side view" so that you can see both the exam questions and exam answer entry area at the same time. You can use the scrollbar on the bottom right to make the text smaller or larger.

Exam 4 - Side By Side View

Play around with the Exam4 functions so that you understand how to use them.

The essay section of the exam is essentially a blank sheet of paper.  You will need to annotate for your professor which responses go with which questions.  You can insert answer separators that allow you to check word count.  Spell check is available from the tools menu, but does not check automatically as you type.  The multiple choice menu will pull up the multiple choice/true false response sheet.

Exam4  demo Essay Response

MAKE SURE YOU ENTER YOUR MULTIPLE CHOICE ANSWERS IN THE MULTIPLE CHOICE AREA OF EXAM4. Answers are saved as you enter them and you can then click the "hide" button to go back to the essay portion of Exam4.

Exam 4 Multiple Choice Answers

Step 11: Notice on the right you have the ability to keep track of word count within each answer. There is also a timer. It is possible to set timers for one hour remaining, 15 minutes remaining, and five minutes remaining. When there is less than one minute remaining, the area above the timer will say "less than one minute remaining." Keep in mind that there is not a pop up reminder when there is less than one minute remaining. Lastly, make sure that you keep your timer visible.

If you are still working on your exam when you set a timer and the time runs out, you will receive a message that looks like this (below). You should immediately close your exam. Note: The timer is a notification that your exam time has run out. Exam4 will not end the exam for you, You must close and submit the exam as described in the steps below.

Step 12: To close your exam, select End exam and then choose End exam Now. 

Step 13:  The software will ask you to confirm your choice to end the exam. Click to confirm and then on Okay, end exam.

Step 14: Choose the Submit Electronically button and click okay.


A box will pop up that says "Exam Submittal Successful. Please note you will NOT receive an upload notification email from Exam4.

Step 15: To exit the software, select exit from the File and Save Options tab. In the pop-up screen, check "I'm sure" and then Exit exam Software. At this point you have successfully taken and submitted your exam. You're done!

If you have any technical issues or questions, contact or visit  

If you have any questions about the exam process, contact the Registrar at

Checklist before taking your exam: 

  • Verify that you have downloaded and installed the Exam4 software package for the current exam season.
  • Turn off auto updates on your computer.
  • Close all other programs (Word, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
  • Reboot your computer before each exam (very important).
  • Have your unique six-digit exam ID ready for this exam.  Lookup the exam ID at  Remember, each exam has its own unique exam ID for each student and document ID (all students have the same document ID in any given class).
  • Have your laptop's power adapter handy.

A healthy computer is less likely to experience problems during an exam.  Be sure your computer is free of malware and operating normally.  Instructions for running TrendMicro's free HouseCall malware scanner are available for macOS and Windows.  Contact Law School Information Technology at if you have questions about your computer's fitness for exams.

Before Exams Begin

Prior to taking an exam, exam takers should make sure they have the Exam4 software package for the current exam season. This can be checked by opening Exam4 and verifying the version dates. 

If you are taking an exam at the law school, make sure you are connected to the UCB Wireless network. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit your exam. Directions about connecting to the university network can be found here.

Exam takers should ensure their laptop is ready to go and fully charged. Have your power adapter for your laptop handy.


General exam Information

  • Download the Exam4 software package ahead of time.
  • Computer-based timers which count time and provide countdown alerts are acceptable. These will not work with CLOSED mode exams. Students are responsible for testing to make sure the timer works with the exam mode of their exam(s).
  • If you need to use the restroom during an exam, the time on your exam will continue to count down.
  • Make sure you know what materials your professor allows during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste. 
  • Do not discuss the exam afterwards with other students as they might be taking it at a later date. If you have questions or concerns about the exam, contact the Law Registrar's Office, not your professor. Do not email your professor about anything related to exams until after the exam and grading period is complete. This preserves anonymity for grading purposes.
  • Students must work on their exam in the Exam4 software. It causes errors if students draft their exam in Word or some other program and then copy/paste their exam into Exam4. Students are expected to write and edit their exam only in Exam4. Even if allowed in the exam setting, students should not copy and keep any portion of their submitted exam on their computer.
  • The timer in Exam4 is a notification that your exam time has run out.  Be aware that you must close and submit the exam.  Exam4 will not end the exam when your time runs out!
  • NOTE: The use of dual screens is allowed for law school exams. It is advisable that students who wish to use more than one computer screen do a practice exam to ensure it will work with your setup. This is especially true for Mac users. Dual screens will not work with the exam modes of CLOSED or OPEN-LAPTOP. Dual screens will only work with exam mode of TAKEHOME.

Rescheduled Exams

The Registrar’s Office coordinates all rescheduled exams and communicates with students about the date and time accordingly. exam rescheduling is governed by law school rules. Inquiries can be directed to the Law Registrar’s Office at Exam takers with approved rescheduled exams take their exams remotely. Do you contact your professor asking to reschedule your exam.

Students With Accommodations

Exam takers who are registered with Disability Services work directly with the Law Registrar’s Office. Inquiries can be made to

Computer issues

See the "Getting Help" tab for how to acess help during remote exams. Help is available during regular business hours. Most IT issues can be avoided by taking the practice exam and trying out dual screen setups in advance.

It is extremely important for students to download the Exam4 software prior to each exam season and take a practice exam. This helps to identify potential laptop malfunctions ahead of time. The law school has a limited number of emergency laptops available on a first come, first serve basis.

Sometimes Exam4 causes your computer to change back to the factory default background picture setting after you exit the program. Therefore, you may need to change your background picture back to what it was prior to using the software (if applicable).

Honor Code

Students are held to the Honor Code at the law school and the CU Student Code of Conduct. It is recommended that all exam takers review it prior to exams. 

Exam Day

  • Earplugs, sound muffling earmuffs, and headphones are acceptable if you are taking exams at the law school.
  • A wristwatch or little clock is okay as long as it does not make noise.
  • Do not use items, materials, or resources not allowed by the professor. Remember the Honor Code.
  • Make sure to use a power cord.

Starting Exams

All exams occur remotely and are not proctored. exam questions will appear in the Exam4 software once proper credentials have been inputted. This is when the timer for your exam begins (if the exam is timed).

1) Put in your unique, six-digit exam ID:

Exam4 exam ID, course selection and exam code info.

2) Confirm your settings.

Exam4 confirmation screen

3) Set your timer (if desired) and view preferences. 

Exam4 timer and view settings.

4) Acknowledge the honor code and instructions.

Exam4 honor code acceptance.

5) The exam Mode settings should be pre-populated for you.

Verify exam mode for Exam4.

6) The exam time begins once students input the Document ID on the next page.

Exam4 Begin Exam

7) Access your exam questions by clicking on the exam Document button.

8) Enter the Document ID and click "Fetch" to retrieve the exam questions. Your exam time doesn't begin until you can see the questions.

Exam4 saves information for your exam.  Exam4 tracks time spent on the exam, but will not automatically close the exam when your time runs out. It is the student's responsibility to self-monitor their time and close the exam on time.  To finish and close an exam, click on on the upper-left hand corner “End Exam” button and "End exam Now."  The exam will close and the student will be prompted to submit their exam.  Exam4 will then upload the exam to the Colorado Law Exam4 Receiver. Please note that Exam4 does not send out upload notification emails. Students can close out Exam4 and go back into the software to see their confirmation by clicking on the "Select Existing Exam" and then click on "View exam Submittal Receipt" to see their exam submission.

Any questions or concerns about the exam should be directed to the Registrar’s Office and not the professor to preserve anonymity for grading purposes.  


Each exam you take has a unique, anonymous six-digit ID assigned to you.  You can look up the exam IDs that you have been assigned for your exams at  NOTE: All Exam4 exams will occur remotely. exam questions will appear in the software once the exam begins.

Exam4 is Colorado Law's secure testing software.  Essentially, it is an electronic bluebook for essay and short answer responses and an electronic bubble sheet for multiple choice and true/false responses.  You will need to download a new version of the Exam4 software package for each exam season AND take a practice exam for each exam season.

TAKEHOME: What you use for a take-home exam. You may access your hard drive, other applications and the internet. You will be able to cut and paste external text into your exam. You may go into and out of this exam as many times as you want during the 9-hours that you are working your exam. Once you have exited an exam in the CLOSED, OPEN or OPEN +NETWORK mode, you will not be able to get back into it. You may exit an exam in TAKEHOME mode, it will be saved, and you can start it again later.

CLOSED: You have access only to the exam you are typing. You may not access your hard drive, applications, or the internet. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.Your computer will run through a 1-2 minute security check prior to beginning. If your computer fails the security check, you can try re-booting and re-starting the software. If this doesn’t work, you should contact IT for help. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN.

OPEN-LAPTOP: You may access your hard drive and other applications, but do not have access to the internet. Make sure to print and/or download any materials you need before starting an exam. Students can only use one computer screen and must not be connected to a VPN. Once you end your exam, you may not go back and re-edit it.

We highly recommend that you take a practice exam to familiarize yourself with Exam4. It is easy to use, but puts responsibility on the student for formatting/sectioning their essay responses, timing the exam, and for spell check.

Yes, Exam4 has a spell check function available in the tools menu.  However, Exam4 will not check spelling as you type.

Exam4 supports select, undo/redo, copy/paste, and delete.  If your exam mode is OPEN or OPEN + Network, you can copy/paste between Exam4 and your applications. Do not copy/paste between Exam4 and your other applications (such as Microsoft Word). You are expected to draft your exam in the software. It may cause errors to your exam or it may not save properly if you draft your exam outside of the software. Make sure you know what materials your professor will allow you to use during the exam and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste. It is not possible to copy/paste content from the exam questions into the exam answer area.

The Answer Separator is a feature of Exam4 that allows you to separate out the word counts by question. Do NOT edit the Answer Separators in any way – it will not count your words correctly if you do.

Yes, you can choose to either show or hide the document stats for your exam by clicking a box on the right that says "Show/Hide Doc Stats" (see the practice exam tab for a picture of this). The Answer Separator in Exam4 allows you to separate word count by question. If you alter the Answer Separators in any way it will not count your words correctly.


It is not possible to annotate or make notes in the exam software itself. Students need to make notes on paper if they would like before drafting a final answer in Exam4. Notes should be shredded once the exam is complete. Students can highlight portions of the exam questions to reference while they are taking an exam.

If a student loses internet access during an exam, they will be able to continue working on it if the exam is in TAKE HOME mode. From Exam4's point of view, the only issue is that they cannot fetch the exam questions again. So long as you do not close the questions, you will be okay. While the internet is down, the exam file will remain saved on your computer with all the secure time stamps, etc., so the student can upload it later. If you lose internet in other exam modalities (OPEN, OPEN+Network, or CLOSED), report the issue to the Law Registrar or IT.

Fall 2023 Law School exam Schedule



Last Day Of Class For Fall 2023: December 8, 2023

Exams should be taken and submitted using Mountain Time (MT). If you are no longer in Colorado and in a different time zone, please plan accordingly. Make sure you review the exam schedule. Exam4 exams will not be proctored. Do not contact your professor about the exam for any reason. All exams will be taken remotely. If you write anything on scratch paper during your exam, make sure to shred it once your exam has been submitted.

Students must upload their exam answers by exam deadline listed on the schedule using Mountain Time.  

The exam Document ID for the "Practice Exam" is D0000000.

Total time spent on exams is only reported to faculty in instances where students went over the allowed exam time (which may vary with accommodations).

Reminders For Exams: 

  • NOTE: The use of dual screens is allowed for law school exams . It is advisable that students who wish to use more than one computer screen do a practice exam to ensure it will work with your setup.
  • If you need to use the restroom during a timed exam, please do so. The time on your exam will continue to count down.  
  • Make sure you know what materials your professor will allow and whether or not you are allowed to copy/paste. Follow all directions given to you (if any) about what to do with the exam questions after completing your exam(s). 
  • Do not discuss the exam afterwards with other students as they might be taking it at a later date. If you have questions or concerns about the exam, contact the Registrar's Office, not your professor.
  • Do not email your professor about anything related to exams until after the exam and grading period is complete. This preserves anonymity for grading purposes.  
  • Students are held to the Honor Code at the law school and the CU Student Code of Conduct. It is recommended that all exam takers review it prior to exams. 
  • Final course grades are due from faculty in early January for fall term and late May for spring term. Grades are posted as they are received. Grading will utilize normal A-F grading. Non-law, LLM, and MSL students are not subject to the B+ median.









Watch a short Exam4 demo for macOS or Windows

Loaner exam Laptops are available.  If you have any doubts or concerns about your computer’s OS version, performance, or reliability for exams, you may request a loaner laptop from Law IT at  exam laptops may be picked up now or at any time before finals and returned at the beginning of the spring semester.

If you are taking an exam at the law school, make sure you are connected to the UCB Wireless network. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit your exam. Directions about connecting to the university network can be found here.

How To Handle Loss Of Internet Access and/or Power During An Exam: If a student loses internet access and/or power during an exam, they will be able to continue working on it if in TAKE HOME mode. From Exam4's point of view, the only issue is that they cannot fetch the exam questions again. Exam4 saves your work often. If you are in OPEN, OPEN+Network, or CLOSED mode and lose internet, reach out to the Law Registrar or IT.

If you need immediate assistance during exams (or the week before), contact or call 303-492-1865/303-492-6755 (as a backup option). Staff will help you through your technical questions. It is important to take a practice exam to ensure viability of your laptop for the upcoming exam period. If you have questions about the exam questions themselves, you should address this in your exam answer.

If you have any problems or confusion with specific exam questions, please address those issues within your exam answer. Do not contact the Registrar or your professor with questions regarding the content of your exam.

Why is there a grey rectangle blocking my screen? See here for instructions to fix this Mac issue.

How can I fix scaling issues if I cannot see the entire exam question? See here.

How To Fix Your Settings If You Have Trouble Seeing Multiple Choice Area

Sun, 12 Feb 2023 18:34:00 -0600 en text/html
SOA: The Business Behind The Hype

Summit Business Associates

Three years ago, Summit took on a major project to streamline the profusion of heterogeneous systems that an electric cooperative was using to run its business. Using IBM middleware, Summit built an integration architecture that allowed the client to keep its legacy applications in place and Excellerate workflow and data exchange among them. Not long after that engagement, several of Summit's staffers attended an IBM meeting about SOA -- at the time, a nascent buzzword McCubbins hadn't previously encountered.

"One of my sales guys and I look at each other and go, 'This is what they did at the co-op!" recalled McCubbins, Summit's managing partner. "That became their message."

SOA has been a hot subject for years, but it's also a maddeningly elusive one. Every major software vendor has adopted an SOA strategy, and most throw the buzzword around with abandon. For solution providers looking to build a practice in the field, separating hype from reality is part of the challenge.

"It means a lot of different things to people, and a lot of people use it to sell whatever their agenda might be," said Tim Marshall, vice president of technology at Irvine, Calif., services firm Neudesic. "It's almost a solution in search of a problem."

At its core, SOA is an architectural philosophy focused on flexibly linked, business process-oriented software components that leverage Web standards and services. It's the latest evolution in the ever-shifting IT landscape. Major software makers, including SAP and Oracle, have made SOA design the foundation of their latest application suites. But because SOA is such an all-encompassing idea, it's prone to a broad interpretation. A accurate Aberdeen Group survey found that 90 percent of respondents said they have or are adopting SOAs in their business.

Analyst Ron Schmelzer of ZapThink, a research firm that specializes in SOA topics, waves off such grandiose statistics. SOA momentum is gaining, but serious SOA projects are still at the early end of the adoption curve. Schmelzer estimated that perhaps 100 textbook SOA case-study projects were carried out last year.

"Anybody who is trying to do SOA is realizing that it's a lot more involved than they might have thought," Schmelzer said. "It's pretty easy to put a Web services interface on anything. But to actually change the way you build applications so the services can consume those applications, well, that involves changing the way people build applications."

One textbook case is the modernization project that Ultramatics, Oldsmar, Fla., took on three years ago for marine transportation services company Crowley Maritime. As it grew and made acquisitions, Crowley ended up with a hodgepodge of heavily customized, disparate systems that required resource-intensive, point-to-point adapters for integration.

Until Crowley engaged Ultramatics, it was bracing itself for a complete rip-and-replace job. Ultramatics suggested an SOA approach, using IBM WebSphere infrastructure like Message Broker and MQ to create an enterprise service bus (ESB) linking Crowley's systems. The SOA revamp, which took about a year from planning to the first deployment phases, slashed the time and cost of implementing changes and bringing new systems online.

"We helped educate them that SOA is a journey, as opposed to a product that you buy," said Saru Seshadri, Ultramatics' president and founder. "It's not a one-time deal."

The incremental approach of SOA design is an attractive selling point, solution providers say. Summit's McCubbins likes to start by zeroing in on one process. "It may not be the most critical, but it will be one where they can have a quick win," he said.

For one of its co-op clients, Summit began by modeling the workflow involved in creating an IT entry for a new customer's electrical meter. Establishing a new meter used to be a manual process that dragged on for weeks, but the system Summit designed enables it to happen almost instantaneously. That sold the customer on the benefits of investing in a broader SOA overhaul.

NEXT: What's driving SOA Systems integrators have long wrestled with the challenges of heterogeneous IT environments, and the core ideas driving SOA -- about the value of flexible, integrated systems -- aren't new. What's changed, according to solutions providers, is that software, standards and best-practices methodologies have come of age. Companies can now rely on the infrastructure of the Internet to physically link remote data systems, while standards like XML, SOAP and WSDL are ubiquitous.

"What the Web services standards and the tools built around them have done for us is alleviate the technical roadblocks for integration, so you can spend more time on the business issues," said Paul Hernacki, CTO of Definition 6 in Atlanta.

Global solutions provider Keane now has 300 consultants trained for SOA projects, whereas four years ago it had 40. Financial services and pharmaceutical companies, which have complex businesses and strong financial incentives to optimize systems, have been among the most rapid adopters, said Alkesh Shah, Keane's director of system architecture.

Of course, a fledgling and rapidly evolving field has its share of speed bumps. Critical specifications like XML are entrenched, but vendors continue wrangling over others in jockeying for advantage. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration), a much-hyped protocol for an online, programmatic registry of business services, essentially collapsed last year amid lackluster adoption and a decision by its backers to go in different directions with their implementations. In such a dynamic field, figuring out which horses to back is a delicate art.

Meanwhile, the market for SOA-enabling software is filled with pure-play vendors facing intense competition from giants like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and SAP, which are fleshing out their own SOA middleware. Even solution providers that sometimes recommend the independent vendors don't foresee them sticking around, since the expectation is that they will get bought or fade away. Keane's Shah remembers a client project in which he evaluated XML processing technology from IBM and DataPower, a smaller rival. Shah recommended DataPower, only to see the company swallowed up by IBM a year later.

"What would compel somebody to select one of [the pure-plays] when the big guys are adding features and acquiring companies constantly?" ZapThink's Schmelzer said. "Companies just don't like risk, so they're first and foremost going to their existing technology providers."

The SOA technology field is also strewn with open-source offerings. For example, in ESBs, companies can pick among Mule, ServiceMix, JBoss ESB and others. Open-source software can be useful for inexpensive proof-of-concepts, Shah said.

"If a client doesn't want to invest in any given way of implementing a stack, they go with open source, and it doesn't cost them a dime," he said. "Once they understand the value of that way of doing the SOA implementation, they may want to reduce risk and swap out the open-source for a more reliable vendor."

Years after the SOA buzz began, it's still building. But so are the benefits of broadening adoption.

"SOA is an architectural pattern that I think still has legs for the next five years," said Neudesic's Marshall. "Reality is setting in. SOA doesn't cure cancer; it's not going to solve world hunger. It's another tool in their toolbelt, and it's definitely one with momentum."

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:35:00 -0600 text/html
Language Placement Exam

All students who want/need to take a language course at SCU must complete the Language Placement Process prior to taking their first language course at SCU..

In MySCU Portal you will see a Language Placement Process tile.

Langauage Placement exam Tile

Click on the tile to go to the Language Placement Process Informatoin Page and FAQs. These pages are intended to guide you through the Language Placement Process at SCU.

Note: The information icon on each tile provides more information about the application. Information icon symbol

Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:44:00 -0600 en text/html
SEC exam Coming? Use These 5 Tips to Prepare

Securities and Exchange Commission exams can be nerve-racking for RIAs, particularly given the more aggressive tone the SEC has adopted in accurate years.

Nonetheless, they are an inevitability for those investment advisors registered with the SEC. It behooves RIAs to ensure they are prepared for such exams given the severe consequences that can arise for not being prepared. 

As the saying goes, “Those who fail to prepare must be prepared to fail.” Adopting the following five best preparation practices does not ensure that an advisor will go through an exam unscathed, but they will almost inevitably benefit the RIA.

1. Review Annual exam Priorities and Other SEC Guidance

RIAs should ensure that they are familiar with accurate guidance from the SEC regarding its priority focus areas for exams

In accurate years, the SEC has published a significant amount of formal and informal guidance on what subjects they are most focused on when examining RIAs. Such guidance takes many forms, including the annual publication of the SEC examination priorities for the upcoming year, periodic risk alerts highlighting specific issues raising concerns as identified by the staff in accurate examinations of investment advisors, and staff bulletins on specific compliance topics. 

Although SEC exams are not uniform and can vary among branch offices and even individual exam teams, the above publications highlight the subjects likely to garner the most scrutiny in exams. Therefore, RIAs should become familiar with such regulatory updates to ensure that their firms are properly addressing the highlighted  issues and deficiencies.

2. Become Familiar With SEC Document and Information Requests

RIAs should become familiar with the types of information and documents that are being requested in accurate SEC exams and ensure that advisors have all such information and documents and that they are readily accessible. By way of background, the SEC reviews an RIA by initially requesting significant volumes of information about the firm’s business and compliance program. 

The SEC recently published a risk alert that included a document highlighting some of the typical information and documents the staff requests from investment advisers at the outset of an examination. Ideally, the SEC will continue to update this list as it evolves. Even if the SEC does not update it, advisors can reach out to firms that regularly guide advisors through the SEC exam process to understand what information and documents the SEC has been requesting in accurate exams. 

By understanding what documents the SEC staff is requesting, RIAs can review their compliance books and records and ensure that they have all such books and records. RIAs may want to create a folder in which such information and documents can be housed for easier retrieval in the event the SEC comes knocking.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 04:21:00 -0600 en text/html
New Intelligence exam Shows AIs Are Still Pretty Dumb No result found, try new keyword!Over the past year, several AIs have passed the test for licensing doctors, and in another moment, OpenAI’s GPT-4 model passed the U.S. bar exam, the top assessment for lawyers. But what ... Mon, 27 Nov 2023 07:50:00 -0600 en-us text/html 15 Best Isekai Anime, Officially Ranked No result found, try new keyword!The Isekai genre has been around since the 1980s in some form or another, and its roots stretch back to classics like Fushigi Yuugi. It was only in accurate years, however, that the sub-genre truly ... Tue, 26 Dec 2023 23:17:57 -0600 en-us text/html VITEEE 2024 - Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination, 2024


The examination lasts two hours and thirty minutes. Candidates can only appear for VITEEE once. All questions will be multiple choice, with one mark for correct answers and zero for incorrect answers. There will be 125 questions in total, divided into the following sections: Math/Biology (40 questions), Physics (35 questions), Chemistry (35 questions), Aptitude (10 questions), and English (5 questions). The question paper will be only in English. The detailed question pattern is mentioned below. 


Mode of examination


Duration of Examination

2 hours and 30 minutes



Total Number of Questions


Type of questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 

Marking Scheme

+1 for every correct answer

0 for the incorrect answers



The following table shows the marks distribution for VITEEE 2024





No. of Questions


No. of Questions





















Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:39:00 -0600 en text/html
VITEEE 2024 - Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination, 2024

The seekers of the VITEEE examination have to be prepared for core science subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology along with English Grammar and Aptitude. The syllabus of the subjects covers the subjects of 12th grade. To get a detailed idea of the officially announced syllabus the seekers are instructed to check the under-mentioned chart. 




  • Mechanics and Properties of Matter

  • Electrostatics

  • Current Electricity and Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

  • Optics

  • Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current

  • Dual Nature of Radiation, Nuclear and Atomic Physics

  • Semiconductor Devices and their Applications


  • Physical Chemistry

  • Inorganic and Material Chemistry

  • Analytical Chemistry

  • Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

  • Properties and Chemistry of Functionalized Organic Compounds

  • Organic Nitrogen Compounds

  • Biomolecules and Polymers


  • Cell and Molecular Biology

  • Taxonomy

  • Biotechnology and its applications

  • Biochemistry

  • Genetics and evolution

  • Human Health and Diseases

  • Plant physiology

  • Reproduction

  • Human physiology

  • Biodiversity, ecology & environment


  • Matrices and their Applications

  • Trigonometry and Complex Numbers

  • Analytical Geometry of two dimensions

  • Vector Algebra

  • Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions

  • Differential Calculus

  • Integral Calculus and its Applications

  • Differential Equations

  • Probability and Distributions

  • Discrete Mathematics

English and Aptitude

English- MCQs to test the comprehension of a short passage or line of poems, English grammar, and pronunciations. The test items will be selected from the higher secondary course of study.


  • Data Interpretation

  • Data Sufficiency

  • Syllogism

  • Number series, Coding and Decoding

  • Clocks, Calenders and Directions

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:39:00 -0600 en text/html

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