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Exam Code: ASIS-APP Associate Protection Professional information January 2024 by team

ASIS-APP Associate Protection Professional

Exam Specification:

- exam Name: ASIS-APP Associate Protection Professional
- exam Code: ASIS-APP
- exam Duration: 2 hours
- exam Format: Multiple-choice questions
- Passing Score: Determined by ASIS International

Course Outline:

1. Security Principles and Practices
- Security theories and concepts
- Risk management principles
- Security program development and implementation
- Security laws, regulations, and ethics

2. Physical Security
- Facility security planning and design
- Access control systems and techniques
- Security lighting and surveillance systems
- Security guarding and patrols

3. Investigations
- Investigation process and techniques
- Interviewing and interrogation techniques
- Evidence collection and preservation
- Incident reporting and documentation

4. Crisis Management
- Emergency response planning and procedures
- Business continuity planning
- Crisis communication and media relations
- Critical incident stress management

5. Personnel Security
- Background screening and employment vetting
- Employee training and awareness programs
- Workplace violence prevention and response
- Insider threat management

6. Information Security
- Information security principles and practices
- Cybersecurity threats and countermeasures
- Security of physical and digital assets
- Data privacy and protection

Exam Objectives:

1. Understand foundational security principles and practices.
2. Apply risk management concepts to security programs.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of physical security planning and techniques.
4. Conduct effective security investigations.
5. Develop and implement crisis management and emergency response plans.
6. Apply personnel security measures and best practices.
7. Understand information security principles and safeguarding techniques.

Exam Syllabus:

The exam syllabus covers the following courses (but is not limited to):

- Security Principles and Practices: security theories, risk management, security program development
- Physical Security: facility security planning, access control systems, security lighting
- Investigations: investigation process, interviewing techniques, evidence collection
- Crisis Management: emergency response planning, business continuity, crisis communication
- Personnel Security: background screening, workplace violence prevention, insider threat management
- Information Security: information security principles, cybersecurity threats, data privacy
Associate Protection Professional
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Associate Protection Professional
Question: 208
What is the process by which an employer verifies the experience and qualifications presented by a job candidate?
A. Credentialing
B. Background Check
C. Screening
D. Verification
Answer: A
Question: 209
What are the two basic analytical approaches to a risk assessment?
A. Compliance based and Descriptive
B. Quantitively and Qualative
C. Metrics and Graphical
D. Compliance based Performance based
Answer: D
Question: 210
What are the four approaches to situational crime prevention?
A. Increase the effort required (e.g. target hardening, access control), Increased artificial lighting Reduced anticipated
rewards (e.g. target removal, property labelling) Remove excuses (e.g. deploy signage stimulating the conscious, rule
B. Increase the effort required (e.g. target hardening, access control), Increase the risk of being caught (e.g. entry
screening, surveillance) Reduced anticipated rewards (e.g. target removal, property labelling) Remove excuses (e.g.
deploy signage stimulating the conscious, rule setting)
C. Increase the effort required (e.g. target hardening, access control), Investment in CPTED Reduced anticipated
rewards (e.g. target removal, property labelling) Remove excuses (e.g. deploy signage stimulating the conscious, rule
D. Increase the effort required (e.g. target hardening, access control), Increase the risk of being caught (e.g. entry
screening, surveillance) Reduced anticipated rewards (e.g. target removal, property labelling)
Answer: B
Question: 211
What is defensible space?
A. The foundation of CPTED, defensible space is a concept developed by Oscar Newman positing that physical
construction of a residential environment that would encourage residents to proactively report all security incidents and
events in the local environment
B. The foundation of CPTED, defensible space is a concept developed by Oscar Newman positing that physical
construction of a residential environment could elicit behaviour from residents that would contribute significantly to
their safety. It directly leads to increased costs associated with security services
C. The foundation of CPTED, defensible space is a concept developed by Oscar Newman positing that physical
construction of a residential environment would prevent residents from reporting security incidents or events
D. The foundation of CPTED, defensible space is a concept developed by Oscar Newman positing that physical
construction of a residential environment could elicit behaviour from residents that would contribute significantly to
their safety. It includes real and symbolic barriers, strongly defined areas of influence, and improved opportunities for
Answer: D
Question: 212
What is the typical initiation event in a private sector incident investigation?
A. An incident report
B. Alarm activation
C. Law Enforcement report
D. Confidential Informant
Answer: A
Question: 213
What five guidelines should be observed for workplace drug purchases that are part of an investigation?
A. Qualify the dealer Coordinate with Law Enforcement Buy down, not up (purchase a small amount) Make purchases
on company time Avoid actual drug use
B. Qualify the dealer Coordinate with Law Enforcement Buy down, not up (purchase a small amount) Make purchases
on company time Record all transactions
C. Qualify the dealer Coordinate with Legal Buy down, not up (purchase a small amount) Make purchases on
company time Avoid actual drug use
D. Qualify the dealer Coordinate with Legal & HR Buy down, not up (purchase a small amount) Make purchases on
company time Avoid actual drug use
Answer: A
Question: 214
One of the following is not prohibited by the Federal Civil Rights Act during an investigation
A. All
B. A record
C. A custodian of record
D. A public official
Answer: A
Question: 215
Who may edit officers incident entries in a database log?
A. CISO, CFO, HR, and Legal
B. Security Officers
C. Higher level supervisors
D. Nobody
Answer: C
Question: 216
How does situational crime prevention differ from CPTED and defensible space?
A. Situational crime prevention seeks to reduce crime opportunities in public and private environments where
B. Situational crime prevention seeks to reduce crime opportunities in all behavioural contexts, not just in the built
C. Situational crime prevention seeks to reduce crime opportunities through integrating public and private enterprises
D. Situational crime prevention seeks to reduce crime opportunities in all behavioural contexts, in tandem with legal
guidelines and oversight
Answer: B
Question: 217
In what two ways can an undercover operative be placed?
A. Cold Hire (operative applies for a job just like any other applicant) Controlled Hire (the employment process is
covertly manipulated so the operative is hired and appropriately placed)
B. Cold Hire (operative applies for a job just like any other applicant) Direct Hire (the employment process is covertly
manipulated so the operative is hired and appropriately placed)
C. Immediate Hire (operative applies for a job just like any other applicant) Direct Hire (the employment process is
covertly manipulated so the operative is hired and appropriately placed)
D. Open Hire (operative applies for a job just like any other applicant) Closed Hire (the employment process is
covertly manipulated so the operative is hired and appropriately placed)
Answer: A
Question: 218
Workplace crime is the function of which three fundamental elements?
A. Quality of hires Environment in which staff is placed Quality of supervision over environment and staff
B. Opportunity, Motive, Ability
C. Opportunity, Motive and quality of personnel
D. Quality of hires Motivation Quality of supervision over environment and staff
Answer: A
Question: 219
Why might lower-level managers more readily accept a bottom-up budget?
A. To allow for future operational increases
B. Because it is a CFO direction
C. Because they had a role in developing it
D. To ensure alignment
Answer: C
Question: 220
What are the three main tools of an investigator?
A. Information Interrogation Instrumentation
B. Information Analysis Instrumentation
C. Information Intelligence Instrumentation
D. Analysis Intelligence Instrumentation
Answer: A
Question: 221
What is the goal of a vulnerability assessment?
A. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of site security and to gather data
to estimate site performance against particular threats.
B. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of entry and access and to gather
data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
C. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of detection, delay and response
and to gather data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
D. To identify physical protection system (PPS) components in the functional areas of emergency management and
business continuity and to gather data to estimate their performance against particular threats.
Answer: C
Question: 222
What is the difference between asset protection and security?
A. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, legal oversight,
risk management, safety, compliance, and emergency management.
B. Assets protection includes only physical security related functions.
C. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, risk
management, safety, human resources, compliance, and emergency management.
D. Assets protection includes all security functions, as well as related functions such as investigations, risk
management, safety, compliance, and emergency management.
Answer: D
Question: 223
With respect to span of control, the greater the degree of sophistication of interaction between supervisors and
subordinates, the
A. Broader the optimum span of control
B. More difficult it is to identify the optimum span of control
C. Narrower the optimum span of control
D. More options there are in choosing the optimum span of control
Answer: A
Question: 224
What type of extremists pose the most dangerous threat to the world today?
A. Global jihadists
B. Single ideology extremists
C. Zero day terrorists
D. Independence Extremists
Answer: A
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ASIS Professional information - BingNews Search results ASIS Professional information - BingNews Information Technology

Did you know that one in three IT jobs now require management and business skills? Through this Professional Skill Track, you can gain the in-demand personal leadership and technical savvy needed to enter or advance in either front-end web development or cybersecurity.

Technical Skills courses are offered in-person, or in some cases, a hybrid of in-person and online. Essential Skills courses are self-paced and offered entirely online. The Continuing Professional Education team is available to help you select the courses and tracks that best fit your professional development goals.

In response to COVID-19, all Continuing Professional Education face-to-face courses and certifications will be offered online via live remote delivery for the fall term (September - December). Winter course delivery will be determined on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pennsylvania Department of Health and Philadelphia Department of Public Health. If you have any questions or concerns about your course enrollment, please e-mail

Half of all job openings paying more than $75k/year show demand for coding skills.

Fri, 11 Oct 2019 02:24:00 -0500 en text/html
Practical Data Science for Information Professionals

The growing importance of data science, and the increasing role of information professionals in the management and use of data, are brought together in Practical Data Science for Information Professionals to provide a practical introduction specifically designed for information professionals.

Data science has a wide range of applications within the information profession, from working alongside researchers in the discovery of new knowledge, to the application of business analytics for the smoother running of a library or library services. Practical Data Science for Information Professionals provides an accessible introduction to data science, using detailed examples and analysis on real data sets to explore the basics of the subject.

Content covered includes:

  • the growing importance of data science
  • the role of the information professional in data science
  • some of the most important tools and methods that information professionals may use
  • an analysis of the future of data science and the role of the information professional.

This book will be of interest to all types of libraries around the world, from large academic libraries to small research libraries. By focusing on the application of open source software, the book aims to reduce barriers for readers to use the lessons learned within.

Mon, 12 Apr 2021 06:34:00 -0500 en text/html
Information Sessions

Join Pratt Institute School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) for a virtual information session to learn more about spring course offerings.

Discover the Power of Scent in SCPS Perfumery Courses

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

5:30 PM ET – 6:30 PM ET

Register on Eventbrite

Transform your Tomorrow with SCPS Certificate Programs 

Monday, December 18, 2023

5:30 PM ET – 6:30 PM ET

Register on Eventbrite

SCPS offers programs and certificates aimed at professional development, personal enrichment, and supplementary skill-building that enhances existing professional pursuits.

Information session presenters include Pratt SCPS instructors and program directors with extensive expertise and professional experience in their respective disciplines. Sessions include plenty of time for questions and answers. Registration is free and easy on Eventbrite. And, attendance on Zoom is always free.

We look forward to you joining us very soon!

If you have any questions, please contact

Image courtesy of Fiona Szende.

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:30:00 -0600 en-us text/html
Historical Information

The History of Mission Santa Clara

The Ohlone

Long before the arrival of the first Europeans, the South Bay was home to a large native population—numbering 10,000 people. They had occupied the Bay Area for thousands of years divided into as many as 40 independent tribes. One such community, called Thamien, was located where the SCU campus now stands.  Today, descendants call themselves “Ohlone”.

The Ohlone lifestyle can be described as “hunter-gatherer”.  Though they did not cultivate crops or herd domestic animals, they used sophisticated landscape management practices, including prescribed burns, to make a living in the fertile south bay region. They lived in numerous settlements of 200 to 500 persons spread throughout the broad "Valley of Oaks” enjoying a diet of fish, shellfish, water fowl, venison, acorns, rabbit, and wild berries. From the tule reeds found near water’s edge they made their houses and boats and they wove baskets from the native sedge grasses.   Ohlone religion revolved around elaborate ritual dances with dancers wearing colorful regalia and tribal members communing in the tribal sweat lodge—for ensuring good hunts, healing illness and expelling impurities.  

               This way of life had sustained the Ohlone for thousands of years, but the onset of Spanish colonization in 1769 introduced dramatic changes. Over the course of several generations, Ohlone society shifted from a traditional focus on hunting and gathering to agriculture; from holding strict tribal identities to having blended “mission” identities; from their native worldview to becoming, at least outwardly, Catholic Christian converts and citizens of the Spanish Empire. How could this happen?

         Franciscan conversion practices began largely through attraction rather than conquest: starting with strategic trade and outright gifts. Yet, once individuals joined the mission they were not allowed to leave. Sadly, historical accounts reveal harsh punishments (by modern standards) of withholding food, corporal punishments, and imprisonment for wayward converts. Yet, there was another motivator for joining the mission: namely, the increasing scarcity of native game and foods brought about by the herds of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, and goats imported by the Spanish.  Over-grazing of the native grasses and growing displacement of the native game gave the mission an increasing monopoly over the local food supply.  Eventually, the new trade skills of ranching, farming, tanning, adobe brick and tile making came to be seen as necessary skills for survival.

         Considering the number of converts and productivity, the padres proclaimed Mission Santa Clara an early success. Yet, this success proved fleeting. Weakened by the clash of cultures and waves of epidemics: chiefly small pox and measles, the Ohlone population dwindled by 1830 to 2,500 people. Mexican independence from Spain in 1822 only hastened the collapse of the mission system and undermined the planned return of mission land ownership to the Ohlone. The California Gold Rush, brought waves of prospectors and pioneers--along with unscrupulous wheeler-dealers--pushing the remaining Ohlone to the margins of California society.

         However, the Ohlone people did not disappear.  Numerous family groups have reclaimed their heritage and are seeking Federal recognition in their time.

From Mission to University  

         The story now turns to Mission Santa Clara de Asis, the 8th mission in the chain of 21 Franciscan missions established by Padre Junipero Serra. It was first founded January 12, 1777 on the banks of the Guadalupe River (just north of Hwy 101, opposite the Mineta International Airport) and the first to bear the name of a woman, St. Claire of Assisi, an early companion of St. Francis. Flood, fire and earthquake forced five relocations until the Mission finally settled on this current site in 1822.

         From the start, Mission Santa Clara was meant to serve as the sister mission to Mission Dolores in San Francisco. Spanish Viceroy Bucareli’s grand design intended Mission Dolores (and its Presidio) to anchor the mouth of San Francisco Bay with Mission Santa Clara anchoring the South Bay--receiving goods and services meant for the new Pueblo of San Jose.

         Mission Santa Clara seemed to thrive at first: boasting the highest number of converts and recording record productivity made possible by the fertile, well-watered lands and temperate climate. But this was not to last.

         The always present clash of cultures, epidemics and growing rivalries with the nearby Pueblo of San Jose were only made worse by Mexico’s secession from the Spanish Empire in 1822, when royal funding completely dried up. At the secession, the fledgling Mexican government found few resources for supporting such distant missions. By the end of the 1830’s, the new government secularized all 21 missions (i.e. they reverted the mission lands to Ohlone ownership) and expelled the Spanish Franciscans loyal to the King of Spain and inadvertently abandoned the Ohlone to the pioneers and the profiteers.

         With insufficient funds to maintain the complex, and a single priest to operate the Mission as a parish church, the property fell into serious decay. In 1850, Bishop Joseph Alemany approached a Jesuit priest, Fr. John Nobili, S.J., to turn the parish and its adjacent lands into a college. This meant transferring the property from Franciscan ownership to Jesuit ownership. So on March 19, 1851, Mission Santa Clara became the first college of higher learning in the new state of California.

         Soon after, the new college president, Burchard Villager, S.J., began a rebuilding campaign to upgrade the campus’ decrepit buildings. Fr. Burchard also enlarged the Mission Church giving it a new facade. For a while, the building boasted an Italianate façade--with two bell towers-- all made of wood (similar in style to St. Joseph’s Cathedral in San Jose). A devastating fire in 1926 totally consumed this remodeled building.  It was decided to rebuild its replacement not in the style of the remodeled, Italianate building but in the idealized neo‑colonial style fashionable at the time. Drawing from actual historical photographs, they resurrected more of the original 1825 single bell tower structure. This is the building you see today: similar in length but twice as wide as the 1825 Mission and more sophisticated in detail. Fortunately, the building was also built of steel reinforced concrete--rather than adobe brick--making it much more resistant to earthquakes and fire.

         Today Mission Santa Clara continues to serve as Santa Clara University’s student chapel while its image has become the icon for the local county, city, and university bearing its name.

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Mon, 15 Feb 2016 10:22:00 -0600 en text/html
Cybersecurity and artificial intelligence key security themes at ASIS 2017 No result found, try new keyword!People are realising that there’s more information outside the systems that they control, and they want to start taking advantage of it.” Another company not exhibiting at ASIS 2017 was ... editorial ... Wed, 04 Oct 2017 00:49:00 -0500 text/html Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals

Crossref Citations

This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.

Furrer, Frank J. 2019. Future-Proof Software-Systems. p. 21.

Carvalho, Paulo Rito Lima, Solange Álvarez Sabucedo, Luis Santos-Gago, Juan M. and Silva, João Marco C. 2020. Towards a holistic semantic support for context-aware network monitoring. Computing, Vol. 102, Issue. 12, p. 2565.

Pastor-Sánchez, Juan-Antonio 2021. Wikidata como herramienta para elaborar ontologías y vocabularios controlados. Anuario ThinkEPI, Vol. 15, Issue. ,

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:11:00 -0500 en text/html
Wedding Information

Getting Married at Mission Santa Clara...

As a Catholic student chapel within the Diocese of San Jose, CA, Mission Santa Clara hosts Roman Catholic weddings for current students, faculty, staff, or alumni of Santa Clara University.  Only weddings within the Roman Catholic rite, wherein one party (either the bride or the groom) is a baptized Catholic, are permitted.

To reserve Mission Santa Clara for your wedding, either the bride or the groom must be a current student, faculty, staff member or alum of Santa Clara University. Unfortunately, the privilege of using Mission Santa Clara does not extend to relatives or other members of your immediate family.  No exceptions to this policy are made.

If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact the Mission Office at 408-554-4023.

To make a reservation, you'll need to stop by or call the Mission Office directly at 408-554-4023.

Available time slots are as follows:

Saturdays 12pm, or 3pm (this is the start time of your ceremony)

Weekday/Outdoor weddings are prohibited on campus.  

Reservations consist of a 2.5 hour window with your wedding beginning at one the above mentioned hours.  These times are fixed and may not be extended beyond these offerings. When considering a time slot, you can expect your reservation to be broken up into the following:

1 Hour The hour prior to the ceremony is meant for any preparation of the space, as well as the seating of the guests.  Floral deliveries, music setup, and any decorations will be put in place during this time.
1 Hour This hour (consistent with one of the time slots above) is allotted for the wedding ceremony.  All ceremonies will start at their contracted time and end accordingly.  
30 minutes The remaining 30 minutes following the conclusion of the wedding are meant for photography inside the Mission.  Be aware this time may be diminished if your wedding lasts longer than expected.  The limit of your photography time ends with the conclusion of your contracted reservation.  With a proper photography permit, you can spend as long as you like utilizing our outside garden spaces.

The reservation fee to schedule Mission Santa Clara for your marriage ceremony is $1250.  

This fee is due in full within 10 business days of putting a date/time on hold. Failure to make this payment within a timely manner will result in the forfeiture of your wedding date and time.

Your reservation fee affords you the following:

  • The use of the Mission Church for 2.5 hours on your wedding day.
  • 1 hour wedding rehearsal on the Thursday or Friday before your wedding.
  • Mission Staff to be with you on both days.  
  • Available grand piano/pipe organ.
  • Seating for 400 is standard (additional fees apply for more seating).
  • Sound system will be provided (outside sound systems may not be brought in).

Please be advised that this fee does not cover the following:

  • A customary stipend of ~$200 to your presider
  • Marriage Preparation Courses
  • 3rd Party Vendors (i.e. florists, photographers, etc.)
  • Music for your ceremony

Optional Services for Purchase

  1. An expanded candlelight setup option: $100
  2. Shuttle Service to brings guests from the parking garages to the Mission Church (and back again): $250 
  3. Vehicular Access to Abby Sobrato Mall (the pedestrian promenade): $250 (up to 5 cars/limousines - buses are prohibited)

Cancellations and Refunds
If for any reason you need to cancel your wedding reservation, you must submit a letter of cancellation to the Mission Office.  We will refund 100% of your reservation fee as long as you submit your request no less than 7 months before your original scheduled reservation.  Be aware that no refunds, for any reason, are issued if your cancel your reservation less than 7 months before your original scheduled reservation.  Refunds are issued to the original payor in the form of a check, and can take 2-3 weeks to receive in the mail once your request has been received. Your refund deadline always remains tied to your original reservation date, and is not affected in the event that you reschedule your original reservation.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage must begin at least 6 months before your wedding.  Consult the following steps to make sure you've met all the requirements before your wedding day.  Failure to fulfill any of these obligations can jeopardize your reservation and their ability to host your wedding ceremony.

Step 1 Initial consultation with your presider to establish your Freedom to Marry in the Catholic Church
Step 2

Completion of at least ONE (1) of the following:

  1. Online Marriage Preparation Course:
  2. A Parish Marriage Preparation Program (inquire at your local parish for current offerings).
Step 3

Completion of at least ONE (1) of the following:

  1. Participation in a Natural Family Planning presentation (sometimes included in a class or workshop).  Visit for more information on registering in the Diocese of San Jose, if you need to complete this separately.
  2. An online option is available at:

A Certificate of Completion will be given to you after the conclusion of the courses.  These certificates must be submitted to the Mission Office.  Should you have any questions or concerns about your marriage preparation requirements, please contact the Mission Office.  

The Santa Clara University Campus is private property.  Permits are required to utilize the campus for photography purposes.  

Weddings scheduled to take place in the Mission automatically qualify for a Photography Permit.  You will be given this permit at you wedding rehearsal.

Please note that wedding photography inside the Mission is prohibited just prior to your wedding ceremony.  There is time allotted for this after the conclusion of your ceremony, through the end of your contracted reservation.  This time is dictated by the timeliness with which your event begins and progresses.  Ceremonies that start late diminish the amount of time you will have for photos in the church.

While the time inside the Mission is limited to your reservation, you are free to spend as much time as you wish utilizing the Mission Gardens for pictures both before and after your ceremony.

Please contact the Mission Office is you have additional questions regarding photography at your wedding.

For those not being married in the Mission, please review this additional information about photography at SCU.

Wed, 15 Nov 2023 05:24:00 -0600 en text/html
Qatar Security Meetup Held

(MENAFN- Gulf Times) More than 60 security professionals attended Qatar Security Meetup 2023, hosted by Asis Doha in collaboration with Asis International, a statement said. The gathering included officials from the Ministry of Interior's (MoI) Security Systems Department (SSD).
Triple Crown certification recipients Vitthal Teli and Adepoju Nasiru were recognised on the occasion. The Triple Crown signifies mastery in three premier certifications: Certified Protection Professional (CPP), Physical Security Professional (PSP), and Professional Certified Investigator (PCI).
The panel, chaired by Asis Doha Chapter chair Ranjiv Abraham and featuring MoI's SSD director Major engineer Ali Abdallah A al-Suwaidi, Asis international CEO Peter J O'Neil, past president Malcolm Smith and global chief learning officer Christine Murphy Peck provided insights. MoI's SSD head of projects Capt Mohammed Ali al-Mulla was present.
The collaboration with over 10 top-notch security vendors provided a unique platform for knowledge exchange and showcased cutting-edge technologies shaping the industry's future.
The presence of national system integrators and software development companies, distributors, and security services companies further emphasised the importance of a unified approach in addressing security challenges across various sectors, the statement added.


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MENAFN provides the information “as is” without warranty of any kind. They do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, images, videos, licenses, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained in this article. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the provider above.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 05:07:00 -0600 Date text/html
Page settings No result found, try new keyword!The 20 Most Ignored Cancer Symptoms in Women and Men Health information you can trust Get credible information from trusted health professionals around the world +300 professionals Condition ... Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:19:00 -0600 en-us text/html Information Systems, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate

The post-baccalaureate certificate in information systems at Saint Louis University focuses on providing students with the knowledge necessary to manage, analyze and meet any business or industry's technological and security needs.

As part of the School for Professional Studies, this 12-credit, fully online program offers technology-driven professionals like you a flexible option to meet your personal career goals. If you have obtained an undergraduate degree or higher, you may pursue a stand-alone certificate. All courses are offered in eight-week terms through SLU Online, making advanced education more accessible for working professionals. 


As a student in the School for Professional Studies at Saint Louis University, you’ll learn from exceptional faculty who are leading experts in their fields. They bring real-world knowledge to the classroom and are dedicated to your professional success. Learn more on our faculty page.

You could be halfway to a master’s degree."

Make yourself more marketable by diversifying your expertise and earning a master’s degree. All coursework completed successfully toward a post-baccalaureate certificate may count toward a School for Professional Studies master's degree.   

Master of Professional Studies Master of Science in Cybersecurity

Master of Science in Information Systems


A post-baccalaureate certificate in information systems prepares students for high-level jobs in technology, preparing graduates to manage information system installations and lead information technology departments in large companies.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Graduate Degrees and Post-Baccalaureate Certificates $790

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

For more information about Saint Louis University scholarships and financial aid, please visit the Office of Student Financial Services online at  

Admission Requirements

  • Completed application​
  • Undergraduate degree (most successful applicants have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 or better)
  • Official transcript from a degree-granting institution
  • Statement of purpose (about 500 words)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • External reference recommendations (encouraged but not required)

Upon admission, a new student must successfully complete a virtual meeting with their academic coach to enroll in first-term coursework.

Requirements for International Students

Along with the general admission requirements above, the following must be provided by prospective international students:

  • Demonstration of English Language ProficiencySome examples of demonstrated English language proficiency include minimum score requirements for the following standardized tests:
    • Paper-based TOEFL: 550
    • Internet-based TOEFL: 80
    • IELTS: 6.5
    • PTE: 54
  • Academic records, in English translation, for postsecondary studies outside the United States. These must include the courses taken and/or lectures attended, practical laboratory work, the maximum and minimum grades attainable, the grades earned or the results of all end-of-term examinations, and any honors or degrees received. WES and ECE transcripts are accepted. 

Apply Now

Program Requirements 

IS 5000 Enterprise Architecture and Systems Infrastructure 3
IS 5100 Information Systems Strategy and Management 3
IS 5200 Software Development 3
IS 5300 Ethical and Societal Implications of Technology 3
Total Credits 12

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 in all graduate/professional courses.

Roadmaps are recommended semester-by-semester plans of study for programs and assume full-time enrollment unless otherwise noted.  

Courses and milestones designated as critical (marked with !) must be completed in the semester listed to ensure a timely graduation. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

This roadmap should not be used in the place of regular academic advising appointments. All students are encouraged to meet with their advisor/mentor each semester. Requirements, course availability and sequencing are subject to change.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
IS 5000 Enterprise Architecture and Systems Infrastructure 3
IS 5100 Information Systems Strategy and Management 3
  Credits 6
IS 5200 Software Development 3
IS 5300 Ethical and Societal Implications of Technology 3
  Credits 6
  Total Credits 12
Wed, 14 Jun 2023 22:06:00 -0500 en text/html

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