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I10-003 XML Master Professional Database Administrator

Exam: I10-003 XML Master Professional Database Administrator

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exact number of questions may vary, but the test typically consists of multiple-choice questions.
- Time: Candidates are usually given a specific time duration to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
The I10-003 XML Master Professional Database Administrator certification course is designed to validate candidates' knowledge and skills in managing XML databases and related technologies. The course outline includes the following topics:

1. XML Database Fundamentals
- Introduction to XML databases and their advantages
- Understanding database models (relational, hierarchical, object-oriented)
- XML storage and indexing techniques

2. XML Database Design and Administration
- Database design principles for XML data
- Defining XML schemas and DTDs for database structures
- Indexing and querying XML data

3. XML Database Integration
- Integration of XML databases with other data sources (relational, object-oriented)
- Data transformation and mapping between XML and other formats (e.g., JSON, CSV)
- Web services integration and data exchange

4. XML Database Security and Performance Optimization
- Securing XML databases and access control mechanisms
- Performance tuning and optimization techniques for XML data retrieval and storage
- Backup and recovery strategies for XML databases

5. Advanced XML Database Concepts
- Advanced querying techniques (e.g., XQuery, XPath)
- XML database scalability and replication
- XML database administration best practices

Exam Objectives:
The I10-003 test aims to assess candidates' understanding of XML databases and their ability to manage and administer XML data effectively. The test objectives include:

1. Demonstrating knowledge of XML database concepts and architectures.
2. Designing and administering XML databases, including schema definition and indexing.
3. Integrating XML databases with other data sources and technologies.
4. Ensuring XML database security and implementing access control measures.
5. Optimizing XML database performance and implementing backup and recovery strategies.
6. Understanding advanced querying techniques and scalability options for XML databases.
7. Demonstrating proficiency in XML database administration best practices.

Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus covers the following topics:

- XML Database Fundamentals
- XML Database Design and Administration
- XML Database Integration
- XML Database Security and Performance Optimization
- Advanced XML Database Concepts

Candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of these subjects and demonstrate their ability to apply XML database principles and techniques in practical scenarios. The test assesses their knowledge, problem-solving skills, and ability to effectively manage XML data and databases.
XML Master Professional Database Administrator
XML-Master Administrator learn

Other XML-Master exams

I10-001 XML Master Basic V2
I10-002 XML Master- Professional V2
I10-003 XML Master Professional Database Administrator

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XML Master Professional Database(R) Administrator
Question: 34
See separate window.
Assume you wish to execute a query on [example xml] (separate window) to obtain a
record element that includes a data element for which the condition attribute value is
"good," and for which the element value is 100 or less. Select the correct result of
executing the [XQuery] (separate window). The expected result would be "C;" however,
the query may not be processed as expected.








Answer: D
Question: 35
See separate window.
[PRODUCTS xml] (separate window) and [STOCKLIST.xml] (separate window) are
output in XML format from RDB (relational database) data. Assume that you wish to use
an XOuery processor to get [Output Result] (separate window) from this XML data. Which
of the following is an XOuery that cannot retrieve [Output Result]?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: D
Question: 36
Select the correct result of executing the [XOuery] on [example xml] referenced in a
separate window.




John Smith

Harold Jones

Answer: A
Question: 37
Select the correct result of executing the following [XQuery] on [example xml] referenced
in a separate window.
for $record in fn:doc("example.xml")/example/record
{ fn:data($record/data) }



50 80 250
60 90 150

D. An error occurs
Answer: D
Question: 38
See separate window.
A certain Web application displays user information according to user input via Web
browser. The XML data managing user information is as shown in [example.xml] (separate
window). The following [XQuery] is executed when the Web application retrieves user
information from [example xml].
fn:doc("example.xml")//data[userid = "(1)"][password = "(2)"]

At this time, the Web application completes the [XQuery] by replacing (1) and (2) with the
user input character string, and executes the query. No character escapes (e.g. convert "<"
to "<") are performed for character string input by the user. Select two of the following
that produces the query execution result in [Execution Result] (separate window) when the
character string is as shown in each answer choice.
A. (1) "or""="
(2) OK
B. (1) "or""="
(2) "or""="
C. (1) idorfn:true()
(2) OK
D. (1) idorfn.true()
(2) idorfn:true()
E. (1) "orfn:true()orany="
(2) OK
F. (1)"orfn:true()orany="
Answer: B, F
Question: 39
A certain store engages in Internet commerce, managing customer information via
XMLDB. Customers register as a user through a webpage, and are allowed to view their
own information so they can edit their information themselves through a webpage
interface. The store's Web application saves the customer information in an XMLDB, and
retrieves data from the XMLDB as necessary.
The XML data including customer information is as shown in [CUSTOMER.xml]
referenced in a separate window.
The XMLDB account when the Web application connects to the XMLDB is WEBAPP.
A person at the store is in charge of processing payments (access to all registered customer
information), and this person's XMLDB account is COUNTER. A person at the store is in
charge of product shipments (access to all registered customer information except for
payment information ("payment element")), and this person's XMLDB account is
SHIPPER. Do not consider XMLDB accounts other than those noted above. Each account
authorization in the XMLDB is presently configured as follows: The WEBAPP account has
permission to update and view [CUSTOMER xml] Other accounts have permission to view
[CUSTOMER.xml] Which is the most appropriate method in this situation regarding
XMLDB account authorizations'? Assume that this XMLDB has a view creation function
(function to show only certain XML data in response to a certain query)
A. When saving data into the XMLDB,all user element content should be encrypted, and
all XMLDB accounts should be given permission for decryption
B. When saving data into the XMLDB, all payment element content should be encrypted,
and only the COUNTER account should be given permission for decryption
C. You should create a view (PAYMENT_VIEW) to show only payment element
information, providing the COUNTER account with permission to view
D. You should create a view (SHIP_V1EW) to show information other than payment
element information, providing the SHIPPER account with permission to view
SHIP_V1EW, and prohibiting the SHIPPER account from viewing [CUSTOMER.xml]
Answer: D
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Online Education Administration Master's Degree No result found, try new keyword!Education administration professionals unite teachers, students and families in the pursuit of academic success. There are several directions a professional earning an online master’s degree in ... Fri, 26 Apr 2019 03:16:00 -0500 Master of Business Administration


Whether it be the on-campus or online program, getting your MBA at the University of Dayton is a great option for people of all ages and lifestyles. Learn how flexible classes can help you achieve your goal of earning your MBA from the University of Dayton School of Business Administration.

Mon, 02 Oct 2023 07:25:00 -0500 en text/html
Master of Health Administration (Online)

Learn multi-disciplinary approaches in health administration

Healthcare administrators are senior-level management professionals who must be highly trained to plan, direct and oversee the daily operations of medical centers, hospitals and health organizations. Administrative responsibilities in these settings need to be managed by professionals who have the knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework and the management complexities of the healthcare industry. Purdue’s Master of Health Administration (MHA) teaches students to develop their healthcare business acumen and gain strategic-planning abilities to keep organizations competitive in a changing market.

Healthcare administrators play a prominent role behind the scenes in directing medical facilities and making decisions that Boost the health of the population they serve. Purdue’s MHA program is a leader in healthcare administration education, being top-ranked by (2022) and (2023).  

Who should enroll in the online MHA degree program?

This program is intended for early- and mid-career professionals looking to pursue administrative careers in health facilities. Classes focus on U.S. health systems and are relevant to a broad range of healthcare roles, including:

  • Health service managers
  • Nurses
  • Healthcare IT / informatics staff
  • Mental health workers
  • Clinical staff
  • Therapists
  • Insurance managers
  • Pharmacy staff
  • Assisted living staff
  • Quality assurance project managers
  • Risk management employees
  • Dental office employees
  • Ophthalmology specialists
  • Home health care workers
  • Radiology staff
  • Emergency medicine staff
  • Medical billers
  • Finance and business managers, and more

The curriculum also applies to government-run facilities like the Veteran Administration hospital system and other government-funded health organizations.

The learning objectives include:

  • Identify the main components and issues of organization, financing and delivery of health services and health systems in the United States.  
  • Demonstrate analytical and systems thinking to identify obstacles and opportunities in organizational processes and design.   
  • Demonstrate leadership skills by supporting individuals and teams through coaching and mentoring to Boost human capital.  
  • Develop financial roadmaps by interpreting and communicating financial and accounting information, developing and evaluating program budgets, and strategically investing in long-term improvements.


Graduate Certificates

Students can transfer credits from three supporting graduate certificate to the Master of Health Administration. These certificates make up the foundational curriculum of the program and include: Healthcare Leadership, Healthcare Operations, and Healthcare Quality Improvement.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 05:29:00 -0600 en text/html
Online Master's of Science Degree in Educational Administration

Drexel University School of Education


Increasingly challenging educational environments, coupled with evolving accountability standards, makes today’s schools complex organizations that require strong leadership. Based on national and state standards, Drexel's Master of Science in Educational Administration prepares elementary and secondary teachers and counselors to become effective and successful school administrators.

Using 21st-century learning tools, rigorous academic preparation, and invaluable internship experiences, the MS in Educational Administration degree program offers graduate students an enduring model for successful school leadership in rural, urban, and suburban settings.


The MS in Educational Administration degree program is a performance-based credential designed as a path to career advancement for elementary and secondary teachers and counselors in K-12 schools. Eligible students may pursue school principal positions and/or supervisor of special education positions. Graduates become school leaders with the strategic vision and tools necessary to initiate change.

Specifically, the MS in Education Administration’s learning outcomes specifically address and respond to the Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership (PIL) Program.

All curriculum for the MS in Educational Administration is developed and vetted with PIL's standards* in consideration:


  • The leader has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, creating an organizational vision around personalized student success.
  • The leader has an understanding of standards-based systems theory and design and the ability to transfer that knowledge to the leader's job as the architect of standards-based reform in the school.
  • The leader has the ability to access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system.


  • The leader knows how to create a culture of teaching and learning with an emphasis on learning.
  • The leader knows how to manage resources for effective results.
  • The leader knows how to collaborate, communicate, engage and empower others inside and outside of the organization to pursue excellence in learning.
  • The leader knows how to operate in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional integrity.
  • The leader knows how to advocate for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context.
  • The leader knows how to support professional growth of self and others through practice and inquiry.

What can you do with a Master’s in Education Administration?

There are many career paths that an individual can pursue after completing a master's in educational administration. Job titles can vary from one school district to another, but a person with an MS in Education Administration can take on many K-12 administrative roles including:

  • School Principal
  • Dean of Students
  •  Director of Special Education programs
  • Athletics Director
  • Director of Curriculum 

Is a Master’s Degree in Education Administration Worth It?

A master’s degree in Education Administration is a great way to gain the knowledge and education credentials needed to be a great school leader. Individuals in administrative leadership positions have the potential to make a tremendous impact on their school, school district, or system. Education leaders are also in demand, especially school principals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the need for School Principals is expected to rise 5% between 2021 and 2031.

MS in Educational Administration - Program Options

In Drexel University’s MS in Educational Administration degree program, future school leaders participate in rigorous academics and authentic internship experiences while enjoying the flexibility of an online degree experience.

There are five unique online program options offered in the educational administration degree that are designed to fit your specific career goals:

  • Option 1: MS in Educational Administration
  • Option 2: MS in Educational Administration with school principal certification*
  • Option 3: MS in Educational Administration with school principal certification &amp; special education leadership concentration**
  • Option 4: MS in Educational Administration with special education leadership concentration**
  • Option 5: Pennsylvania administrative certificate, principal K–12 only.*

* Requires a state-issued teacher certificate prior to enrollment. Certification may be issued from any U.S. state or territory.

** Requires a state-issued special education certificate prior to enrollment

All their programs are ideal for certified teachers and counselors who aspire to support 21st-century students and make a difference in the field of education.

As a leading provider of online learning, they understand the dedication it takes to include advanced study in your work and family life and they make every effort to assist you with your studies. Every student is assigned a graduate academic advisor to map out a personalized plan of study. Advisors develop personal relationships with their students, helping them select courses and counseling them in reaching their academic and career goals.

Blackboard serves as an online support center. Through Blackboard students can:

  • Access course information
  • Network with classmates, faculty, and program advisors
  • Join discussion boards and share news
  • Check job postings
  • Access archived presentations
  • Access online tutorials

During the course of study, students benefit from activities such as lecture series by national speakers, dynamic workshops and internship orientations. After graduation, students continue to receive support through their mentorship program.

MS in Educational Administration Program Eligibility

  • A bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution
  • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher (graduate degree GPAs will be considered along with the undergraduate GPA)
  • For the Principal Certification option: A state-issued teaching or counseling certificate
  • For the Supervisor of Special Education concentration: A state-issued special education teacher certificate

Required Documents

With multiple ways to submit documents, Drexel makes it easy to complete your application. Learn more by visiting Drexel Online's "Completing Your Application Guide."

  • A completed application
  • Official transcripts from all universities or colleges and other post-secondary educational institutions (including trade schools) attended
  • Two letters of recommendation, professional or academic
  • PA Administrative Certificate, Principal K-12: One letter of recommendation must come from the principal of a school where you've worked, and discuss your presentation skills and experiences in leadership roles in a K-12 school setting as well as skills that would have a strong bearing on your success as a school leader and administrator
  • An essay describing why you're interested in pursuing graduate study in this field
    • Include two paragraphs briefly describing your educational philosophy
  • PA Administrative Certificate, Principal K-12: Also explain how principals shape learning in K-12 schools
  • Additional requirements for International Students

Educational Administration Courses and Curriculum

The degree in education administration offered by Drexel University's School of Education was created using a framework of national standards to train individuals with elementary and secondary teaching experience to become transformational school leaders for a new generation.

Education administration master's degree graduates learn a proven skill set that can be applied to the following six standards:

  • Identifying a personal school vision
  • Establishing a school culture based on learning
  • Managing finances, facilities, and resources
  • Collaborating and communicating with the school, parents and community
  • Operating with integrity and fairness in an equitable manner
  • Functioning as a student advocate within political, legal, social, economic and cultural contexts

To gain real-world experience in the duties of a school administrator, students pursue activities such as facilitating workshops for teachers, working with parents and community, observing in principal meetings, attending school board meetings, working on new curriculum or program initiatives and directing school-wide activities.

In the internship phase, the student works with a state-certified school principal or an assistant principal in their school district. The student accumulates 15 hours each week for a total of 600 hours over four terms.

Course descriptions may be found in the Drexel University Course Catalog.

Capstone Courses

Students in the MS in Educational Administration program complete a research capstone course where they are introduced to various types of research designs and learn to be both consumers and producers of research. Following completion of the research course, students will complete a capstone experience by selecting one of the two-course multidisciplinary sequence options below:

  • Thesis (Part I and II) - Students who select this option will be required to complete a master’s thesis which consists of a well-written research paper, comprised of five chapters that posits a research question and uses logical arguments &amp; data to address/answer a gap in research
  • Lesson Study (Part I and II) - Students who select this option will be required to complete a research-based lesson design and analysis project
  • Practitioner Course (Part I and II) - Students who select this option will be required to complete a master’s project. Examples include: A reform initiative narrative, program or grant proposal, white paper or policy analysis, or program evaluation

How to Apply for the Master's of Science in Educational Administration

The MS in Educational Administration is offered 100% online. You can get started by filling out the Drexel Online application.

Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:30:00 -0500 en text/html
Master's in Healthcare Administration Online

Register By: February 24 Classes Start: February 26

Lead in Healthcare Administration

  • $637 per credit (36 credits total)
  • 5 terms per year, each term is 10 weeks
  • Transfer up to 12 graduate credits to reduce cost
  • Complete in as few as 15 months or at your own pace
  • Applicable to many roles in healthcare
  • Focus on communication, critical thinking and analytics in healthcare

Master's in Healthcare Administration Program Overview

Healthcare administrators play a vital role in today's shifting healthcare paradigm – they ensure equitable quality and access to the best care through leadership. By earning your online Master of Science (MS) in Healthcare Administration degree program, you'll boost your qualifications to fill critical roles within healthcare organizations and advance your career in this vital industry.

Healthcare is a booming field. If you've set your sights on a leadership role in the healthcare field, but aren't interested in a clinical position, then a career in healthcare administration could be for you. Healthcare managers have the unique responsibility of applying business best practices in combination with applying the models, influences and complexity of the healthcare industry. It's a role that takes a combination of organizational leadership and strategic vision balanced with skillful collaboration among internal and external stakeholders.

At Southern New Hampshire University, you'll receive the formal healthcare education necessary to advance your skills and complement your experience within the complex field of health administration. The master's in healthcare administration online program covers a variety of topics, including:

  • Finance and economics
  • Law
  • Policy
  • Informatics
  • Strategic planning

"With healthcare being one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States – and those currently in health care administrative roles retiring at record rates – graduates will be able to pursue a variety of career options in hospital, outpatient clinic or long-term care facility, home care agency roles managing entire organizations or specific departments," said Dr. Rebecca Arsenault, an adjunct faculty member at SNHU.

SNHU provides students with an array of accredited online healthcare degrees and online nursing programs. Our online MS in Healthcare Administration broadens their offering in this vital area, providing a more in-depth study of the healthcare industry for those ready to take the next step in their careers.

"In healthcare, the only constant is change and innovation," said Dr. Matt Frederiksen-England, an SNHU adjunct faculty member. "SNHU teaches nurses and healthcare administrators the philosophy about leadership, focusing on building a foundation that will allow post-graduates to adapt to the ever-changing environment. Students are provided the tools to be leaders who will help drive a better healthcare delivery system."

Laptop Icon

How You'll Learn

At SNHU, you'll get support from day 1 to graduation and beyond. And with no set class times, 24/7 access to the online classroom, and helpful learning resources along the way, you'll have everything you need to reach your goals.

Career Outlook

Healthcare leaders are needed more than ever. As medical technology advances and each generation continues to lead longer lives, they can expect the need for more and more qualified healthcare professionals. At the same time, there is an increased focus, even scrutiny, on the rising costs of healthcare without an overall increase in patient outcomes. Healthcare leaders must have a firm grasp of the internal and external influences on healthcare including reimbursement models, quality and improvement measures, marketing and communication strategies, government impacts, finances and budget and how to lead teams through change.

Headshot of Dr. Matt Fredericksen-England with the text Dr. Matt Fredericksen-EnglandAnd that's before you even consider a pandemic like COVID-19. A worldwide pandemic showed us how necessary it was to have healthcare leaders in a time of crisis. They navigated populations through uncertain times, everything from securing PPE to collaborating with community partners on how to contain the virus.

"I believe most of the world saw the importance of healthcare administrators and nurse leaders during COVID-19. When times were tough, the ones who still maintained employment were healthcare workers more than any other field," said Dr. Matt Frederiksen-England, an adjunct faculty member at Southern New Hampshire University. "Students earning an MS in Healthcare Administration are those who will be providing leadership to healthcare in the years to come.

Job Growth and Salary

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the addition of more healthcare jobs than any other occupational group from 2020 to 2030 – offering about 2.6 million new job openings across the country.1 That's a jump of 36% since the 2018 prediction of 1.9 million.

Growth Icon

Job Growth

While the BLS considers 5% the average growth rate for all occupations, medical and health service managers are projected to have 28% growth through 20311 – meaning opportunities abound for MS in Healthcare Administration graduates.

Salary Icon


While salaries vary regionally, the BLS reported a median annual salary of $101,340 for medical and health services managers in 2021.1

Understanding the Numbers
When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that real numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not ensure real salary or job growth.

Leading a Healthcare Organization

Earning your MS in Healthcare Administration is a great choice in getting you closer to your goal of leading a healthcare organization. Healthcare administrators utilize their extensive knowledge of healthcare to take lead on issues related to organizational management. As a healthcare administrator, you’ll be in charge of managing and overseeing staff and processes in varying departments, floors, units or even entire facilities.

Dr. Toni Clayton with the text Dr. Toni Clayton"Healthcare administrators support policies and processes for the delivery of care and services that impact their patient populations," said Dr. Toni Clayton, executive director of health professions. "It requires leaders to apply healthcare principles and methodologies as they manage people and processes."

That being said, good healthcare administrators must lead an organization by demonstrating business acumen as well as deep empathy for their team members, patients and clients. As a healthcare administrator, you might find yourself in charge of tasks such as:

  • Assessing resource needs
  • Budget preparation
  • Demonstrating organizational leadership and representation
  • Facilitating interdepartmental communications
  • Implementing continuous quality improvement programs
  • Informing recruitment efforts
  • Leading and managing staff
  • Making recommendations to Boost financial position
  • Managing health information
  • Strategic planning
  • Upholding compliance and regulation standards

Where Could You Work?

According to the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), healthcare executives have the opportunity to make a significant contribution to improving the health of the citizens in the communities they serve. They also have the opportunity to work in thousands of health services organizations throughout the U.S. and the world, including:

Consulting Firms

Provide strategic recommendations to healthcare organizations to Boost care and efficiency.

Disposable Supplies and Equipment

Provide medical equipment and supplies, office supplies and other items to hospitals and healthcare organizations.

Federal Programs

Help people in the communities get access to healthcare through federal and state-funded programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Home Health Agencies

Work in communities and meet people where they are to provide greater access to medical care and assistance.


Help to ensure hospital departments, staffing, equipment and more are functioning at optimal levels.

Insurance Companies

Work with hospitals, federal agencies and other organizations to provide insurance coverage to policyholders and help process insurance claims.

As a healthcare leader, you'll be responsible for managing growth in human capital, leading strategic planning efforts and being well versed in navigating the healthcare system that is heavily influenced by public policy and government leadership and legislation – all crucial in today's workforce.

Start Your Journey Toward an Online Healthcare Administration Degree

Why SNHU for Your Online Master's in Healthcare Administration

Admission Requirements

How to Apply

Janet Johnson, MS Healthcare Administration 2021 graduate

Get the Skills You Need

Janet Johnson '21

"SNHU has given me the skills and knowledge to advance in my career. After graduating, I was offered a job at a large, well-respected hospital, and I’m excited to see where the future will take me."

Courses &amp; Curriculum

SNHU’s online MS in Healthcare Administration was designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in top healthcare administration positions. To ensure the program is on the cutting-edge of healthcare, the master's degree curriculum and coursework is regularly reviewed by an advisory board made up of healthcare professionals from a wide variety of occupations within the industry. With this vital input from industry experts, you can graduate from their program feeling confident that you're ready to take your career to the next step.

"Subject-matter experts develop course competencies based upon job skills identified by employers," said Dr. Rebecca Arsenault, an adjunct faculty member at SNHU. "From these skills-based competencies, course learning objectives reflect real-world skills that students will need as they seek employment opportunities.

Industry-Aligned Standards

Healthcare is a unique and complex industry that undergoes frequent changes based on developments in technology and medical practices, as well as political and policy changes. This means that leaders in the healthcare field need a strong understanding of the industry to successfully lead a medical facility or other healthcare organization. As such, the master's in healthcare administration online curriculum was developed by well-respected practitioners in the field and is aligned with standards from:

  • The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA)
  • The Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA)

Following these standards, their rigorous online MS degree program will focus on equipping you with the expertise required for top healthcare administration positions, including:

  • Communication
  • Computational skills
  • Critical thinking
  • In-depth understanding of the healthcare environment
  • Leadership
  • Relationship management
  • Societal and cultural context

Develop Diverse and Practical Expertise

SNHU's MS in Healthcare Administration will require you to take courses within 3 critical disciplines in healthcare administration – integrated health profession, organizational leadership and health information management.

Dr. Rebecca Arsenault with the text Dr. Rebecca Arsenault"Students develop diverse expertise including day-to-day management, financial and reimbursement competency and other technical skills necessary to operate healthcare facilities and services," Arsenault said. "Students develop an understanding of the role of a healthcare administrator in leading teams, allocating resources for staff training and development and quality improvement initiatives and promoting community public and governmental relations."

Another benefit to the program is the opportunity to participate in hands-on learning.

"This program provides the option for students to participate in HEaRT (Higher Education and Real-world Training) Challenges, which are internship-type work experiences where students address a critical problem facing healthcare facilities across the country," Arsenault said. "Students then present their ideas and recommendations directly to industry experts."

Not the healthcare program you're looking for? If you'd like to enroll in a program geared more toward the business environment within healthcare, SNHU also offers an MBA in Healthcare Management. The MBA program was designed to focus more on the business skills necessary in building good leaders, and when paired with the healthcare management concentration, you can still dive deeper into issues like healthcare law, ethics and compliance.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Stacey Marrazo, MS Healthcare Administration 2022 graduateLearn from Industry Experts

Stacey Marrazo ‘22

"The professors were all professionals with experience in the field they were teaching. It was almost like being able to follow them through their work and understand the inner workings of the job."

University Accreditation

New England Commission of Higher Education Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE) as well as several other accrediting bodies.

Tuition &amp; Fees

Tuition rates for SNHU's online degree programs are among the lowest in the nation. They offer a 25% tuition discount for U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty.

Online Graduate Programs Per Course Per Credit Hour Annual Cost for 15 credits 
Degree/Certificates $1,911 $637 $9,555 
(U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty)*
$1,410 $470 $7,050 

Tuition rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually.
*Note: students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts.

Additional Costs:
Course Materials ($ varies by course). Foundational courses may be required based on your undergraduate course history, which may result in additional cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a master's in healthcare administration worth it?

What can I do with a master's degree in healthcare administration?

How much can you make with a master's in healthcare administration?

How long does it take to get a master's in healthcare administration?

How do I get a master's in healthcare administration?

How much does a master's in healthcare administration cost?

What degree is needed to run a hospital?

Is Nursing for Me? What to Consider

Explore the dynamic world of nursing careers, offering diverse roles from addiction to neonatal nursing. Gain insights into job flexibility, educational paths and real-life student success stories. Discover how nursing combines critical skills with compassion and growth potential.

SNHU Spotlight: Bridget Tomlinson, BS Health Information Management Grad

Bridget Tomlinson's path to a college degree wasn't always an easy one. But with support from others and her own perseverance, she walked across the stage at Southern New Hampshire University's (SNHU) commencement and earned her online bachelor's in health information management.

SNHU Spotlight: Rakia Green, MS in Healthcare Administration Grad

Originally, Rakia Green '23G wanted to be a doctor. When that turned out not to be his path, he was not deterred from his dream to help people. He decided to work behind the scenes to Boost health outcomes for people in his community.


Sources &amp; Citations (1, 2)

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Business Administration—TechMBA®

This isn’t business as usual. The Business Administration—TechMBA® can be completed in just three semesters. Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International (AACSB), they meet a strict set of standards designed to ensure quality in education and research. Fewer than five percent of business schools worldwide hold this accreditation. You mean business—and they can help you get to the top. Are you ready?

Accelerated Master's Program is available for current Michigan Tech students. Explore their Online Master's Program.

Program Overview

You’ll not only learn the fundamentals of business and management, but also delve into higher-level courses in communication, technology, innovation, leadership, globalization, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more in their master's of business administration—TechMBA®  program. Plus you’ll have the cross-discipline advantage of studying at one of the top engineering and technology research universities in the country.

  • Delivery Options

    • Online: MS
    • Accelerated: MBA
    • On-Campus: MBA

AACSB Logo Acredited

Business Administration Program Details

Choose a specific degree option or delivery type to learn more about the business administration program at Michigan Tech. 

On-Campus Programs

Online Programs

Additional Program Information

Want to learn more about business administration at Michigan Tech? Visit the department for more information:

Sample Areas of Interest

Select areas of interest to help customize your business administration MBA. demo areas include:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Managing Technology

View full listing for this program

Application Process and Admissions Requirements

Applications are reviewed on an individual basis using a holistic approach. Fill out their free graduate application online to apply to any of their programs. Official transcripts and scores are not required for the initial application, although you will need to upload them later.

Accredited by HLC

Michigan Tech has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1928. Our Graduate School offers over 125 certificates, master's, and PhD programs to provide their students and the world with what tomorrow needs.

Who You'll Work With

Build your professional network by connecting with other MBA students, corporate executives, experienced faculty and alumni, and distinguished community members.

Where You'll Work

You’ll have access to high-tech computing spaces designated for graduate students, and professional resources, including communications coaching and technology support. Advanced business tools, web collaboration software, and online simulation experiences support learning best business practices.

Why Get an MBA?

To advance in today’s competitive business environment, you need an MBA degree – considered the gold standard of business degrees – will help you open the door to new careers, position yourself for leadership opportunities, and significantly boost your earning potential. Learn why you should earn a Master of Business Administration, what it can mean for your career, and what to look for in an MBA degree program.

Faculty Spotlight

"Technologies become useful tools for solving complex business problems..."

...when they’re applied using business acumen. Having a sound footing in technological and business knowledge will be critical for the business leaders of tomorrow.

Program Faculty

Wed, 01 Aug 2012 14:06:00 -0500 en text/html
Master of Public Administration / Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting (Dual Degree)

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) / Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting (MACC) is a dual degree program which is designed for pre-career and in-career students to enable them to acquire professional competencies in public administration and governmental accounting within the context of public administration and public financial management. This unique dual degree program, which is the first of its kind in the nation, offers students an academic program which broadens their technical skills in both of these areas. As governments increasingly seek qualified senior-level management staff who are conversant in accounting, auditing budget and public finance, the dual degree program will be of great interest to those want to broaden their skills in both of these fields. The program will familiarize students with the emerging context of public administration and nonprofit organizations in which increased accountability, transparency, and effectiveness requires higher mastery of the specific skills. The program is being offered jointly by the Rutgers Business School, an AACSB accredited institution along with the highly ranked Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA). The MPA degree at Rutgers SPAA is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).

Students will need to apply separately to the two programs and must identify their interest in the dual degree program on both applications. The MPA program under the dual degree can be completed with 30 credits, instead of the normally required 42 credits. Students in the dual degree program will need to complete a total of 60 credits, 30 from the Rutgers Business School and 30 from the School of Public Affairs and Administration.

To learn more about the admission process and to apply to the Governmental Accounting program, please click here. Please visit the School of Public Affairs and Administration website to learn more about the Master of Public Administration program.

Sat, 16 Dec 2017 15:46:00 -0600 en text/html
Master's in Higher Education Administration Online


With no set class meeting times, you can learn on your schedule and access online course materials 24/7.


As part of their mission to make higher education more accessible, we’re committed to keeping their tuition rates low. In fact, they offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation.

Prior coursework and work experience could also help you save time and money. SNHU’s transfer policy allows you to transfer up to 12 credits from your previous institution. You could also earn college credit for previous work experience.


Founded in 1932, Southern New Hampshire University is a private, nonprofit institution with over 160,000 graduates across the country. SNHU is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), a regional accreditor, which advocates for institutional improvement and public assurance of quality. 

Recently, SNHU has been nationally recognized for leading the way toward more innovative, affordable and achievable education:

  • “Most Innovative” regional university honors from U.S. News &amp; World Report each year since 2015
  • A $1 million grant from to explore soft skills assessments for high-need youth
  • Recognition as a 2017 Digital Learning Innovator by the Online Learning Consortium


At Southern New Hampshire University, you'll have access to a powerful network of more than 300,000 students, alumni and staff that can help support you long after graduation. Our instructors offer relevant, real-world expertise to help you understand and navigate the field. Plus, with their growing, nationwide alumni network, you'll have the potential to tap into a number of internship and career opportunities.

93.6% of online students would recommend SNHU (according to a 2022 survey with 17,000+ respondents). Discover why SNHU may be right for you.

Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:51:00 -0600 en text/html
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Note: *The GMAT/GRE requirement is waived for Fall 2024 applicants.

Admission to the MBA Program requires fulfillment of all of the following:

  • A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in the United States, or proof of equivalent training at a foreign university. The MBA Program is open to graduates from all disciplines.
  • A minimum GPA (grade point average) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • MBA applicants may take either the GMAT or GRE examination*. A recommended minimum score of 500 is required for the GMAT examination. The GRE examination has three sections (verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing), the minimum score for the verbal and quantitative reasoning sections is 150, and 3.5 for the analytical writing section. GMAT or GRE scores more than five years old are not accepted. Exceptions are only granted if the applicant has completed one of the following:
    • An accredited graduate degree (Master's, Ph.D.).
    • A professional degree (JD, MD, DVM, etc.).
    • An active CPA, CFP, CMA, or PE license.
    • A graduate certificate or GMAC executive assessment test.
  • A minimum of two years of professional work experience.
  • International candidates must have strong English language communication skills, both written and spoken. International must have a minimum Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 550 or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) of at least 79. The minimum score for Duolingo is 105.

The TOEFL, IELTS or Duolingo is waived for students who have completed degree programs conducted in English in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Australia or New Zealand. International students who are admitted to the program may be required to complete additional courses as recommended by the Intensive English Department upon enrollment.

Applications are accepted for the fall and spring semesters. Application materials must be filed at the Graduate School by the following dates:

  • March 15 for fall semester
  • October 15 for spring semester

For fall semester, decision letters will be sent out by the last week of March. For spring semester, decision letters will be sent out by the last week of October.

For admissions information, please see the MBA Admissions Checklist.

Advising for the MBA Program is serviced by the Office of the Director of Graduate Programs, located in the Dean's Office of the College of Business in room 409 in the Ansari Business Building. All graduate students admitted to the program should meet with either the director or the associate director of the graduate programs prior to initial registration to develop their program of study.

The MBA program is subject to the University differential fees, in addition to the usual course tuition. Differential fees impose a course fee in the amount of $100 per credit for graduate level courses in accounting (ACC), business administration (BADM), business (BUS), entrepreneurship (ENT), gaming management (GAM), finance (FIN), information systems (IS), management (MGT) and marketing (MKT). These additional fees will support financial aid of students in the programs, as well as enhance the curriculum and services to the program's students.

For more on tuition and fees, please see the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

Sun, 03 Dec 2023 12:40:00 -0600 en-us text/html

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