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DCPP-01 benefits - DSCI certified Privacy Professional Updated: 2024

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DCPP-01 DSCI certified Privacy Professional

Exam Detail:
The DCPP-01 (DSCI Certified Privacy Professional) test is designed to assess an individual's knowledge and skills in privacy and data protection practices. Here are the test details for the DCPP-01 exam:

- Number of Questions: The test typically consists of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and practical case studies. The exact number of questions may vary, but it is typically around 100 to 150 questions.

- Time Limit: The time allotted to complete the test is usually around 3 to 4 hours, but the exact duration may vary depending on the test provider.

Course Outline:
The DCPP-01 certification program covers a comprehensive range of subjects related to privacy and data protection. The course outline typically includes the following domains:

1. Privacy Fundamentals:
- Introduction to privacy and data protection.
- Key concepts and principles of privacy.
- Overview of relevant privacy regulations and laws.

2. Privacy Governance:
- Privacy governance frameworks and best practices.
- Privacy program management.
- Roles and responsibilities of privacy professionals.

3. Privacy Risk Management:
- Identifying privacy risks and assessing their impact.
- Privacy impact assessments (PIAs).
- Privacy by design and default.

4. Privacy Policies and Procedures:
- Developing and implementing privacy policies and procedures.
- Privacy notices and consent mechanisms.
- Handling data subject requests and complaints.

5. Data Collection and Processing:
- Lawful basis for data processing.
- Data minimization and purpose limitation.
- Consent management and data subjects' rights.

6. Data Security and Incident Response:
- Data security measures and controls.
- Incident response and breach notification.
- Security incident management.

7. International Data Transfers:
- Transfer mechanisms and adequacy decisions.
- Standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules.
- Privacy Shield and other data transfer frameworks.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the DCPP-01 test are as follows:

- Assessing candidates' understanding of privacy principles, regulations, and best practices.
- Evaluating candidates' knowledge of privacy governance frameworks and privacy program management.
- Testing candidates' ability to identify and manage privacy risks.
- Assessing candidates' proficiency in developing and implementing privacy policies and procedures.
- Evaluating candidates' knowledge of data collection, processing, and security practices.
- Testing candidates' understanding of international data transfer mechanisms and requirements.

Exam Syllabus:
The specific test syllabus for the DCPP-01 test covers the following topics:

1. Privacy Fundamentals:
- Privacy concepts and principles.
- Privacy regulations and laws.

2. Privacy Governance:
- Privacy governance frameworks.
- Privacy program management.

3. Privacy Risk Management:
- Privacy risk identification and assessment.
- Privacy impact assessments.

4. Privacy Policies and Procedures:
- Privacy policy development and implementation.
- Privacy notices and consent mechanisms.

5. Data Collection and Processing:
- Lawful basis for data processing.
- Data minimization and purpose limitation.

6. Data Security and Incident Response:
- Data security measures and controls.
- Incident response and breach notification.

7. International Data Transfers:
- Data transfer mechanisms and adequacy decisions.
- Standard contractual clauses and other transfer mechanisms.
DSCI certified Privacy Professional
DSCI Professional benefits

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DSCI certified Privacy Professional
Question: 85
After the rules were notified under section 43A of the IT (Amendment) Act, 2008, a clarification was issued by the government which exempted the service providers, which get access to/processes
Sensitive Personal Data or information (SPDI) under contractual agreement with a legal entity located within or outside India.
Which privacy principle provisions notified under Sec 43A were exempted for the service providers?
A. Consent
B. Privacy policy (which is published)
C. Access and Correction
D. Disclosure of information
Answer: B
Question: 86
Select the element(s) of APEC cross border privacy rules system from the following list: i. self-assessment ii. compliance review iii. recognition/acceptance by APEC members iv. dispute resolution
and enforcement Please select correct option:
A. i, ii and iii
B. ii, iii, and iv
C. i, iii and iv
D. i, ii, iii and iv
Answer: C
Question: 87
Challenging Compliance’ as a privacy principle is covered in which of the following data protection/ privacy act?
A. Federal Data Protection Act, Germany
B. UK Data Protection Act
D. Singapore Data Protection Act
Answer: C
Question: 88
Which of the following is not required by an organization in US, resorting to EU-US Safe Harbor provisions, to transfer personal information from EU member nation to US?
A. Adherence to the seven safe harbor principles
B. Disclose their privacy policy publicly
C. Sign standard contractual clauses with data exporters in EU
D. Notify FTC of the self-certification
Answer: B
Question: 89
Please select the incorrect statement in context of "Online Privacy":
A. A person’s act of ‘Selective disclosure" (of themselves) in an online environment
B. A person’s concern over usage of information that were collected during an online activity
C. A person’s control over collection of information during an online activity
D. A person’s concern on the software licensing agreement they sign with any organization
Answer: C
Question: 90
Complete the sentence:
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) of US regulates the privacy practices adopted by financial institutions, requiring them to provide adequate security of the customer records. It lays various
obligations on the financial institutions but allows such financial institutions to share the non-public information of customers (after properly notifying their consumers in a manner mentioned in the
Act) with
A. Its affiliates only after obtaining explicit consent from the consumers
B. Its affiliates without need for obtaining explicit consent from the consumers for sharing their data
C. Its affiliates after disclosure in initial and annual GLBA privacy notices
D. Its affiliates after obtaining explicit permission of Federal Trade Commission
Answer: A
Question: 91
With respect to ‘Data Minimization’ privacy principle, please select the correct statements from the following:
A. Right to object by the data subject for minimizing the collection of personal information
B. Data controllers should limit the amount of data collected to what is directly relevant and necessary to accomplish a specified purpose
C. Data controllers should retain the data only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected
D. Process of analyzing and minimizing the collected data into useful information
Answer: A
Question: 92
Which of the following privacy principle deals with informed consent of the data subject before sharing the personal information (of the data subject) to third parties for processing?
A. Collection limitation
B. Purpose limitation
C. Disclosure of information
D. Accountability
Answer: C
Question: 93
For negligence in implementing and maintaining the reasonable security practices and procedures for protecting Sensitive Personal Data or Information (SPDI) as mentioned in Section 43A and
associated rules under IT (Amendment) Act, 2008, a corporate entity may be liable to pay compensation of up to___________
A. Rs. 50,000,000
B. Rs. 500,000,000
C. Rs. 5,000,000
D. Upper limit not defined
Answer: D
Question: 94
With reference to APEC privacy framework, when personal information is to be transferred to another person or organization, whether domestically or internationally, "the ______________ should
obtain the consent of the individual and exercise due diligence and take reasonable steps to ensure that the recipient person or organization will protect the information consistently with APEC
information privacy principles".
A. Personal Information Owner
B. Personal Information Controller
C. Personal Information Processor
D. Personal Information Auditor
Answer: B
Question: 95
From the below listed options, identify the new privacy principle that is being advocated in proposed EU General Data Protection Regulation?
A. Right to be informed prior to sharing of data
B. Right to modify data
C. Right to be forgotten
D. Right to object data collection and processing
Answer: C
Question: 96
Which of the following statements are true about the privacy statement of an organization?
A. Content of the online privacy statement of an organization will depend upon the applicable laws, and may need to address requirements across geographical boundaries and legal
B. As per privacy laws generally it is mandatory to mention the phone contact details of the owner of organization in the online privacy statement where customers can reach out in case of
a grievance or incident
C. Online privacy statement is an instrument to demonstrate to stakeholders how the organization gathers, uses, discloses, and manages personal data
D. India’s Information Technology (Amendment) Act, 2008 does not require that privacy policy be published on the website
Answer: A
Question: 97
A multinational company with operations in several parts within EU and outside EU, involves international data transfer of both its employees and customers. In some of its EU branches, which are
relatively larger in size, the organization has a works council. Most of the data transferred is personal, and some of the data that the organization collects is sensitive in nature, the processing of some
of which is also outsourced to its branches in Asian countries.
Which of the following are not mandatory pre-requisite before transferring sensitive personal data to its Asian branches?
A. Notifying the data subject
B. Conducting risk assessment for the processing involved
C. Determining adequacy status of the country
D. Self-certifying to Safe Harbor practices and reporting to Federal Trade Commission
Answer: D
Question: 98
A multinational company with operations in several parts within EU and outside EU, involves international data transfer of both its employees and customers. In some of its EU branches, which are
relatively larger in size, the organization has a works council. Most of the data transferred is personal, and some of the data that the organization collects is sensitive in nature, the processing of some
of which is also outsourced to its branches in Asian countries.
For exporting EU branch employees’ data to Asian Countries for processing, which of the following instruments could be used for legal data transfer?
A. Customized contracts mandating ISO 27001 certification by the data processor
B. Standard Contractual Clauses
C. Binding Corporate Rules
D. Privacy Shield Framework
Answer: D
Question: 99
A multinational company with operations in several parts within EU and outside EU, involves international data transfer of both its employees and customers. In some of its EU branches, which are
relatively larger in size, the organization has a works council. Most of the data transferred is personal, and some of the data that the organization collects is sensitive in nature, the processing of some
of which is also outsourced to its branches in Asian countries.
For the outsourced work of its customers’ data processing, in order to initiate data transfer to another organizations outside EU, which is the most appropriate among the following?
A. The vendor (data importer) in the third country, and not the exporter is responsible to put in place suitable model contractual clauses, and hence the exporter does not need to take any
B. Since the data is processed by the vendor outside the EU, the EU directive does not apply and hence there are no legal concerns
C. The data exporter needs to initiate model contractual clauses after obtaining approvals from data protection commissioner and have the vendor be a signatory on the same as data
D. The data importer need to notify about the transfer to data protection commissioner in the destination country and exporter need to similarly notify in the EU country of origin
Answer: D
Question: 100
APEC privacy framework envisages common principles such as Notice, Collection limitation, Use Limitation, Access and Correction, Security/Safeguards, and Accountability. But it differs from the
EU Data Protection Directive in which of the below aspect?
A. APEC privacy framework does not deal with the usage of personal information
B. APEC privacy framework does not mandate the binding treaties or directives for member countries
C. APEC privacy framework does not have a provision for co-operation between privacy enforcement agencies of members
D. APEC privacy framework does not deal with e-commerce
Answer: B
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DSCI Professional benefits - BingNews Search results DSCI Professional benefits - BingNews Benefits Overview

As an employee of Drexel University, you are their most valuable asset! Drexel University offers a variety of programs and offerings to fit your personal and professional needs: robust health plans, generous paid time off packages, extensive voluntary benefit options, best-in-class fertility and adoption assistance, work-life and employee assistance support, tuition remission/exchange programs and an exceptional retirement savings program. These benefits provide the foundation for a healthy and secure future while allowing employees to focus on their work knowing their well-being is taken care of which is a top priority of the University.  

Drexel’s comprehensive and competitive benefits package includes health, Rx, dental and vision coverage, Along with a Defined Contribution 403(b) retirement plan and a 457(b) supplemental plan for certain employees. Drexel also strives to provide employees with a solid work-life balance through its A Heathier U programs. There are voluntary benefits available during the new hire window or Open Enrollment period and ones that can be accessed all year long, along with discount programs (administered through Corestream). All employee benefits are explained throughout this section and listed in the table below.

To be eligible for Drexel’s health and welfare benefits, you must be employed in a benefits-eligible position on a regular University payroll and work at least 20 hours per week. Eligibility requirements for represented employees may vary by union contract. The benefit eligibility overview [PDF] includes eligibility criteria for all benefits and Drexel faculty and professional staff.

To enroll, waive or view benefits information, log in to the My Drexel Benefits portal under the Employee tab in DrexelOne.

Important Benefits Deadline: You must complete your benefit enrollment within 31 days from your date of hire. After your 31-day enrollment window closes, most benefits may only be changed during the University's annual open enrollment period. Please review the Benefits Guide and New Hire Checklist [PDF] for more information. If you take no action within 31 days, you will be automatically enrolled as follows:

  • Medical Coverage: You will be automatically placed in the Point of Service Plan (or PPO Basic, if out of area) at the employee-only coverage level, and premiums will be deducted from your paycheck. No changes may be made until the next annual enrollment period.
  • Retirement: You will be automatically enrolled at two percent of your salary. You may change or cancel contributions at any time. All contributions that have been deposited into your TIAA account must follow the withdrawal rules of the plan.


Job Role  Hours/Work Requirements 
Full-time Faculty 100 percent teaching appointment
Full-time Professional Staff Regular schedule of 40 hours per week
Part-time Faculty At least a 50 percent appointment, but less than 100 percent
Part-time Professional Staff Regular schedule between 20 and 39 hours per week

Benefits at a Glance [PDF]

Fact Sheets

Full-time Faculty Full-time Staff Part-time Faculty Part-time Staff Per Diem, Casual, Temporary Adjunct

Whom to Contact With Questions

Employees who have questions regarding their benefits may use the following contact options:

Benefits Structure

Tue, 03 May 2022 03:34:00 -0500 en text/html
Professional Development

Saint Louis University doesn’t just prepare its graduates for fruitful careers. From connecting you to interview experts to helping you network, your alma mater is here to help you start, change or advance your professional path.

Did you know that as a SLU grad, you have professional development benefits for life? Whether you need career counseling, help writing your résumé or want to polish your interviewing skills, SLU's Career Services team will connect you to campus resources that help you advance professionally. You can also join their alumni professional development group on LinkedIn.

SLU Connections

There’s nothing like career advice from someone who’s been there — and it’s even better when that advice comes from a Billiken.

SLU Connections offers online career guidance to students, alumni, faculty, staff and parents.

If you’d like professional guidance from fellow Billikens further along the career path or are interested in giving the next generation the advice you wish you’d had, check out SLU Connections, their online career advising program.

Professional Development Webinars

This free professional development webinar series will provide you with the tools you need to achieve your goals.

Networking and Branding

Being able to communicate your personal brand effectively is the first step in networking. This webinar discusses how to build and maintain your network and personal brand. subjects include the importance of networking, how to represent your best and professional self, professionalism in interactions, and follow-up etiquette.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, SLU Career Counselor

Watch Now

Résumé and Cover Letters

Do you want to learn how to make your documents stand out to an employer? On average, an employer initially scans a résumé for just 20 to 30 seconds. Here, they discuss effective tips and suggestions for how to make your résumé effective for the job search.

Speaker: Diane Devine, SLU Career Counselor (A&S '00)

Watch Now

Ethical Leadership

Learn how to bring SLU's mission and Jesuit tradition into your career, translating these values into action.

Speaker: Beth-Anne Yakubu, Executive Director, Emerson Leadership Institute at Saint Louis University (CSB '09)

Watch Now

Career Exploration: Re-transitioning

It's not unusual to ask, “Am I too late?" or "Where do I want to go next?" when exploring a first, second, third or even fourth career. This webinar will give you successful strategies for effectively exploring your career interests and transitioning into your next opportunity. You will learn about yourself, the world of work, goal-setting and how to effectively research your career interests.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, SLU Career Counselor

Watch Now

Interviewing 101

Need help selling yourself in an interview? This webinar will discuss one of the final steps in the job search process: interviewing. subjects will include what to expect before, during and after an interview, how to prepare, practice and perform, types of interviews and questions, professional attire, and follow-up etiquette.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, SLU Career Counselor

Watch Now

The Importance of "Being," Professionally and Personally

Professionally and personally, they are all being pushed to do more, achieve more and be more ‘successful.’ They know this way of engaging in the world takes a significant toll mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. They explore underlying motivations that drive us to be busy, begin to assess their overall well-being, discuss simple tools to help us take a step back in order to step forward and develop a blueprint to help orient us to the next steps they can take, professionally and personally.

Speaker: Lubna Somjee, Ph.D. (A&S '93)

Watch Now

Developing and Leading High-Performance Teams 

The key to organizational success depends on harnessing the power of teams. This webinar will help you develop the skills and tools needed to maximize the potential of diverse teams to increase productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Speaker: William M. Klepper, Ph.D. (A&S '66, Grad Ed. '67, Grad '75)

Watch Now

Using Social Media In Your Job Search

This webinar will discuss the social media platforms that are most commonly used by recruiters, as well as how job seekers should utilize each platform to positively market themselves and search for job opportunities. Job seekers should walk away knowing the proper social media etiquette required for a successful job search.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, SLU Career Counselor

Watch Now

Navigating the Glass and Concrete Ceiling

More than ever, companies are discussing the importance of gender and race equity in the workplace. However, progress remains slow, and women continue to face significant barriers. This webinar will cover some initial tools women, allies and leadership can use to address the glass and concrete ceiling.

Speaker: Lubna Somjee, Ph.D. (A&S '93)

Watch Now

Multiple Generations at Work

Join us as they discuss how each generation can bring different strengths to your team and workplace. Please keep in mind that these are generalizations.

Speaker: Diane Devine, SLU Career Counselor (A&S ’00)

Watch Now

Corporate Connections

SLU can come to you: Network with fellow Billikens among your colleagues and University faculty and staff by hosting a Corporate Connections event. The Office of Alumni Engagement will assist with hosting a convenient reception at your company. For more information, contact or 314-977-2250.

Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:57:00 -0500 en text/html
Employee Benefits

This page is intended for current UW employees, new employees please review the New Employee - Information and Onboarding webpage.

Your benefits are an important part of your overall compensation package, and the University of Wyoming is pleased to offer benefits-eligible employees a comprehensive array of benefits. These benefits are designed to help protect and enhance the overall well-being and way of life for you and all eligible family members. Your robust benefits package can include medical, dental and vision insurance, retirement accounts, life insurance, short and long term disability insurance, wellness programs, and mental health support, among others. Some benefits are provided automatically and at no cost to you, while others will require your enrollment. Take time to familiarize yourself with what’s available and the coverage options. When it comes to your health and wellbeing, they understand “one size” does not fit all. That’s why the University of Wyoming offers a variety of coverage levels and rates, providing employees the flexibility to choose the plan(s) that are best suited for their needs and the needs of their eligible family members. Questions? Contact their Benefits Team using the information outlined below.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires that the University of Wyoming provide its employees who are eligible for health insurance with the following information: New Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage Notice. You may not be eligible for a subsidy as described in this Notice because the State of Wyoming plan meets the standards set by the ACA.

Meet their Benefits Staff

Kira Poulson, Manager, Benefits
(307) 766-4220
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Unemployment, Leave Without Pay, Sick Leave Donations

Cherise Laud, Benefits and Retirement Specialist, Sr.
(307) 766-2437
Retirement, Insurance (Life, Health, Dental), Flexible Spending Plan, Open Enrollment, Tuition Waivers, Cooperating Agency List, New Employee Orientation

Dave Heath, Benefits and Leave Specialist, Sr.
(307) 766-5693
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodation, Workers' Compensation, Military Leave

Christian Carter, Benefits Specialist
(307) 766-2290
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Leave Without Pay

Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:40:00 -0600 en text/html
Grow Your Career With Your Company Benefits

Online Education Designed for Working Adults

Learn career-relevant skills. Move up in your company. Stay ahead of the competition.

Since 1963, the School for Professional Studies at Saint Louis University (SLU) has been leading the way in programs designed for working adults, with almost 30 years in online education. Through their nationally recognized and accredited online degrees and certificates with accelerated options, you can learn career-enhancing skills on your schedule. Check out their full list of available programs.

Don’t miss out on your employer benefits — start working toward the next stage of your career. Contact us to get started.

Education Built for Your Success

The School for Professional Studies (SPS) at SLU offers world-class education with flexible options to meet the fast-paced needs of the workplace. Working as an educational resource and partner through your employer, SLU can support your career goals to help you advance in your organization. Check with your company on specific details for your employee benefits.

Thu, 08 Jun 2023 10:17:00 -0500 en text/html
Military and Veteran Benefits 2024 Military Pay Charts

Military pay will increase 5.2% for 2024, compared to 2023 levels, now that President Joe Biden has signed the new rate into law. These military pay tables apply to active members of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force.

Sat, 01 Jan 2022 19:41:00 -0600 en text/html
SNAP Benefits by State

Millions of Americans have participated in the United States Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), getting access to basic food products that they might otherwise be unable to afford. Given that SNAP is a federal program, it would be easy to assume that it functions relatively uniformly throughout the U.S.

In practice, however, local SNAP offices, different benefit calculations, and varying regional economic circumstances result in some notable differences in SNAP benefits by state. This is most apparent in the colloquial names of programs and the average amount of benefits offered per household.

Key Takeaways

  • An individual or family's SNAP benefit amount is based on their income, household size, and certain expenses.
  • At $385, Hawaii had the highest average monthly SNAP benefit per household member in fiscal year 2023; it was double many states' average monthly benefits.
  • In fiscal year 2022, California had the largest number of SNAP participants of all states and the District of Columbia, with 4,627,700 people in total.
  • New Mexico's 518,800 participants in 2022 represented 25% of the state's total population, the highest percentage of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
  • Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Mexico—the three states with the highest percentages of their populations below the poverty line in 2022—were also among the top five states by SNAP participation as a percentage of the total population.

Understanding SNAP

SNAP is a government assistance program designed to provide low-income individuals and families with an alternate means of purchasing food from certain retailers, typically grocery stores and farmers markets.

Originally utilizing paper food stamps, electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards began to supersede these starting in 1990.

SNAP is one of several nutrition assistance programs available in the U.S. and is the largest overall. The program is intended to address the food insecurity aspects of poverty, rather than the root causes of it.

All 50 states and the District of Columbia offer SNAP benefits, though many of them refer to their programs with different names—SNAP in Idaho and CalFresh in California, for example.

Each state also has a unique EBT card issued as part of its benefits program that may also have a special name, such as the Lone Star Card (Texas) and Arizona Quest Card.

EBT cards are refilled on a monthly basis. They're used to purchase the following items but can't be used for those deemed ineligible by SNAP:

  • Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes, or tobacco

  • Vitamins, medicines, and supplements

  • Most live animals

  • Hot foods

  • Pet foods

  • Cleaning supplies, paper products, and other household supplies

  • Hygiene items and cosmetics

Program Eligibility

Individuals or families in 48 states and the District of Columbia are eligible for SNAP benefits if they meet the three criteria below.

  • Gross monthly income: Household income before any of the program's deductions are applied must be at or below 130% of the poverty line. Households with members who are older (age 60+), have a disability, or who are "categorically eligible" due to participating in another economic security program are exempt from this criteria.
  • Net income: After all deductions are applied, household income must be at or below the poverty line. Both gross monthly income and net income include earned (i.e., income from wages, salary, and tips) and unearned income (e.g., cash assistance, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and child support).
  • Assets: Households without an older member (age 60+) or someone with a disability must own assets worth $2,750 or less. Households with such a member must have $4,250 or less in assets. In the context of SNAP, only resources that could be available to the household to purchase food are considered assets. Individual state governments may relax these asset limits if they so choose. Categorically eligible households are also exempt from this criteria.

Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands are subject to different eligibility, benefit, and deduction criteria.


Individuals who are on strike, all unauthorized immigrants, some part-time college students, certain lawfully present immigrants, and some people with drug-related felony convictions are ineligible for SNAP benefits. In many parts of the U.S., unemployed adults without children in the home and who aren't disabled are limited to three months of SNAP benefits every three years, unless they meet certain additional requirements.

In fiscal year 2022, an average of 41.1 million Americans per month participated in SNAP. SNAP benefit amounts are based on an individual or family's income, household size, and certain expenses. The federal government expects those receiving SNAP benefits to spend 30% of their net income on food.

As such, the monthly SNAP benefit for a household that has a net income is equal to the maximum benefit for its size minus the household’s 30% expected contribution. Participants who have no net income will instead receive the maximum possible benefit.

Because SNAP benefit calculations are partially based on an individual or family's income, the existence of differing economic conditions among states means that participants may earn more or less depending on where they live.

Below is their analysis of SNAP benefits by state.

State-by-State Breakdown

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, at $385, Hawaii had the highest average monthly SNAP benefit per household member in fiscal year 2023, followed by Alaska at $271. Additionally, Hawaii's monthly benefit was double the amount of many other states. The state with the lowest monthly benefit payment was Minnesota, at $157.

As the charts indicate, California had the largest number of SNAP participants—4,627,700—in its CalFresh program in 2022. Texas, with 3,440,700 participants, was next in line.

Florida's Food Assistance Program followed Texas, serving 2,847,100 participants the same year. The state with the lowest number of participants was Wyoming, with 30,200, followed by North Dakota with 47,400.

Although California had the largest number of participants, this group accounted for just 12% of the state's population in 2022. New Mexico's 518,800 participants are far fewer than California's, but they represent 25% of the state's total population—the highest percentage out of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The District of Columbia, at 22%, had the second highest percentage of residents collecting SNAP benefits, while 18% of people in Louisiana and in West Virginia received aid in 2022. Meanwhile, New Hampshire, Utah and Wyoming tied for the lowest percentage, at 5%. However, as noted above, Wyoming has the lowest number of participants of any state.

SNAP and Low-Wage Jobs

SNAP exists to help workers in low-paying jobs afford a basic diet. These individuals frequently have inconsistent schedules and no benefits, which contribute to high turnover rates and periods of unemployment. Not surprisingly, recipients cluster in the nation's lowest-paying jobs.

According to the latest figures available from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 4.52 million SNAP participants work in the service industry. Laborers in many of these fields have mean hourly wages far below the U.S. average wage and/or work fewer or less-consistent hours than they desire. As such, SNAP provides them with the support they need to make ends meet.

At 760,300, or 23% of the entire industry in 2017, cashiers accounted for the largest number of workers within a single occupation participating in SNAP. Conversely, graders and sorters of agriculture products, at 28%, made up the largest percentage of SNAP participants within a single occupation, even though this amounted to just 15,700 workers.

The Poverty Line and SNAP

According to Brookings, 30% of low-wage workers in 2019 (approximately 16 million people) earned below 150% of the poverty line. It makes sense that the three states with the highest percentages of their populations below the poverty line (Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Mexico) were also among the top five states by SNAP participation as a percentage of the total population in 2022.

Conversely, the two states with the lowest percentages of their populations below the poverty line (New Hampshire and Utah) were two out of the three states with the smallest number of SNAP participants as a percentage of their total population that same year. Although these two factors don't perfectly correlate, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities data suggest that if a state is experiencing a high rate of poverty, its residents are more likely to require SNAP benefits.

What State Offers the Most SNAP Benefits?

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found that Hawaii's $385 average monthly SNAP benefit per household member was the largest in the U.S. in fiscal year 2023.

What's the Difference Between Food Stamps and SNAP?

Just the name and technology. The first federal Food Stamp Program went into effect in 1939. It was replaced in 1964 by the current SNAP program. Even after the switch, paper stamps were used to purchase goods from participating vendors. As a result, SNAP is still sometimes referred to as a "food stamps program." The stamps themselves were phased out in favor of electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards beginning in 1990.

What State Has the Largest Number of SNAP Recipients?

In 2022, California had the largest number of SNAP participants, with 4,627,700.

The Bottom Line

SNAP has proved a major resource for millions of Americans in need, and it isn't the only nutrition assistance program available. Despite this, as reported by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities in 2021, researchers have estimated that SNAP benefits are approximately $11 per person below the amount needed to pay for a weekly, nutritious meal plan.

This is especially apparent in higher-cost areas, where healthy diets are particularly hard to afford for low-income families. The fact that SNAP can be more effective at counteracting poverty in some states than others shows that more needs to be done to ensure that their most economically vulnerable citizens are provided for and protected.

Tue, 12 Oct 2021 03:02:00 -0500 en text/html
The Three Benefits Millennials Are Demanding From Employers

As the CEO of a growing startup in the benefits space, I talk to employers every day about their struggle to retain millennial talent. It’s also something I think about frequently for my own company. With millennial talent making up more than one-third of the workforce, there’s no question that companies need to fight hard to recruit, hire and retain this population. But we’re finding that what used to attract talent is not what attracts today’s talent: 89% of millennials prioritize benefits over pay raises, and 83% of millennials would change their job for better benefits. Because it’s not just about salary or that free keg of beer in the kitchen anymore, companies are having to change the way they recruit and offer new benefits. Millennials want jobs at companies where they can see themselves growing, both professionally and personally. Here are three benefits millennials want at their next jobs.

Ongoing Training And Development

According to Gallup, 87% of millennials say that professional training and career growth is very important to them. It’s not necessarily a bad thing that this group is always thinking about what’s next in their careers. Putting in place the framework to help your employees grow internally can help your company grow as well. Our company has monthly fireside chats with leaders in the health care space. This connects my team to innovators that help them think about problems differently, encouraging them to bring back best practices to their own job. Other leading companies have set up professional development collaborations to help employees grow. For example, AT&T has AT&T University, an onsite and virtual training program focused on leadership and management skills. Companies that invest in this type of training and development will not only be more attractive to top talent, but will also help save on turnover expenses, as it costs an average of 33% of an employee’s salary to replace an employee.

Family Benefits

At any given time at a company, a good number of employees are either thinking about starting a family, already pregnant or struggling to balance work and a young family. Having comprehensive family benefits — fertility, infertility, pregnancy, maternity, return-to-work and parenting benefits — can make one company stand out from the rest. Companies like Dow Jones (full disclosure: News Corp, which owns Dow Jones, is one of Ovia Health’s clients) offer benefits that create a family-friendly environment for all employees. Dow Jones provides a special-needs program that supports parents through live webinars and educational counseling, and parents are also able to take advantage of an on-site daycare and summer camp. As more millennials enter parenthood, family benefits will help retain top talent and also keep more women in the leadership pipeline — which can boost a company’s bottom line.

Lifestyle Support

Beyond free food and beer in the kitchen, millennials want lifestyle support at their jobs. With a quarter of millennials in debt, and almost one-third of millennials saying that managing a work-life balance is difficult, this group is looking for companies that work with their lifestyles. Millennials are never off the clock, so they prioritize benefits such as flexible scheduling, student loan repayment programs, financial assistance and fitness discounts. Companies such as EY, which offers personalized financial planning and solutions for repaying student loans, and Fidelity, which launched its Step Ahead Student Loan program in 2016, recognize that employees are looking for additional support from their employers. Flexible scheduling can also be a make-or-break benefit for young millennials as well as those employees starting a family. With 34% of women deciding not to return to their job after having a baby and 77% of millennials believing that a flexible schedule makes them more productive, employers that have these benefits and promote them to new and current talent can set their companies apart from the rest.

Ensuring your company has benefits that fit the needs of the next generation workforce is one of the most important things you can do to set your organization up for success. Millennials are looking for companies that offer innovative benefits such as ongoing training and development, family benefits and lifestyle support. Companies that offer these benefits will attract and retain the best talent — and prevent significant turnover costs as well.

Mon, 10 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0500 Paris Wallace en text/html
Education Benefits

Tuition Tax

Current tax law requires employees to pay taxes on graduate tuition exemption benefits if it exceeds $5,250 per calendar year. The College will withhold taxes on such benefits during the calendar year in which it is used.

Tuition Tax Exemption

Full-time Executive, Full-time Instructors, Full-time Professional Staff, Part-Time Professional Staff, Administrative Fellows, Part-Time Instructors, and Community Teachers employees using tuition exemption benefits for their own personal graduate-level education at the College may be able to certify that their education is job-related per IRS tax regulations.  

These regulations allow the value of clearly job-related graduate programs and courses to be eligible for federal tax exemption if they meet the strict IRS criteria. This policy does not apply to courses or programs not covered by Tuition Exemption, including those taken outside of Teachers College and Doctoral programs (per IRS regulations, the value of employer-paid doctoral courses or programs is never exempt from taxes).  

To certify that your education is job-related per IRS tax regulations, review the Tuition Exemption Policy and review the Job-Related Graduate Education Certification: Employee Instructions.

Complete the following:

Sat, 30 May 2020 01:07:00 -0500 en text/html
Benefits of Professional Business Etiquette

You only have a few seconds to make a good first impression, whether you’re meeting a prospective client or networking with power players within your industry. How you present yourself affects not only your reputation but also your company’s image, and a mastery of business etiquette can help even small businesses hold their own against their larger and more high-profile competitors.

Image Enhancement

  1. People judge you and your organization on how you carry yourself in social and professional situations. If you don’t know the proper way to shake someone’s hand or offer your business card, people might question your business skills as well. By observing proper etiquette, however, you suggest to fellow professionals that you’re on their level. You also portray yourself as someone at ease both in the boardroom and when meeting with people one-on-one.

Improved Workplace Relations

  1. With its focus on respect for others, etiquette can pave the way for a collaborative and civilized corporate culture. Many basic business etiquette rules are actually common courtesies, such as not checking your email during meetings or using speakerphone unless you have a private office. Abiding by etiquette principles can eliminate some of the distractions associated with the workplace, such as gossip or personality clashes. It also ensures workplace relationships stay professional and that colleagues don’t blur the line between work and personal life or allow their personal feelings to affect their workplace behavior.

Business Growth

  1. A little etiquette knowhow can open up several professional doors. Potential clients and associates will often judge you as much on your soft skills as they will your business savvy. Someone skilled in communication and comfortable in a wide range of professional situations will inspire trust more easily than someone who isn’t. If you’re always courteous, know how to handle yourself both in high-stakes meetings and at business lunches, you’ll impress people with your versatility and people skills. If a client is looking for a public relations professional to represent his company, for example, he’s going to favor someone who can make a positive impression on his behalf.


  1. Many core etiquette principles are designed to make others feel valued. For example, when introducing colleagues or associates you should introduce the most important person first. When entering a meeting, you should greet each person individually. Though these gestures might seem small, they subtly indicate your respect for the other person. In addition, when everyone follows the same social customs, it ensures both personal and professional interactions get off on the right foot and can help you connect with everyone from new clients to coworkers.

Wed, 18 Jul 2018 21:04:00 -0500 en-US text/html

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