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FN0-240 Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional test |

FN0-240 test - Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: FN0-240 Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional test January 2024 by team

FN0-240 Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional

Exam Detail:
The test with the code FN0-240, also known as "Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional," is a certification test offered by Foundry Networks. This test is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of individuals in the area of Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. Here is a detailed overview of the exam, including the number of questions and time, course outline, test objectives, and test syllabus.

Number of Questions and Time:
The FN0-240 test typically consists of approximately 50 to 60 multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. The duration of the test is 90 minutes.

Course Outline:
The FN0-240 test covers various courses related to Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. The specific course outline may include the following components:

1. Introduction to Layer 4-7 Networking:
- Overview of Layer 4-7 networking concepts and protocols
- Understanding the role of Layer 4-7 in network infrastructure
- Introduction to load balancing and traffic management

2. Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 Products:
- Overview of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 product portfolio
- Understanding the features and capabilities of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products
- Deployment considerations and best practices

3. Load Balancing and Traffic Management:
- Load balancing algorithms and methods
- Virtual IP (VIP) configuration and management
- Server health checks and monitoring
- Session persistence and affinity

4. SSL Offloading and Acceleration:
- SSL/TLS protocols and encryption concepts
- SSL offloading configuration and management
- SSL certificate management and troubleshooting
- Performance optimization techniques

5. Application Delivery and Optimization:
- Application delivery controllers (ADC)
- Application layer protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DNS, etc.)
- Content switching and content redirection
- Caching, compression, and content optimization

6. Security and Firewall Integration:
- Layer 4-7 security mechanisms
- Web application firewall (WAF) configuration and management
- Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) integration
- Access control and authentication mechanisms

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the FN0-240 certification test are to assess the candidate's understanding and proficiency in various aspects of Layer 4-7 networking and the configuration and management of Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products. The specific objectives include:

- Understanding of Layer 4-7 networking concepts and protocols
- Proficiency in configuring and managing Foundry Networks Layer 4-7 products
- Knowledge of load balancing algorithms and traffic management techniques
- Familiarity with SSL offloading and acceleration mechanisms
- Understanding of application delivery and optimization techniques
- Knowledge of security and firewall integration with Layer 4-7 products
Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional
Foundry Professional test

Other Foundry exams

FN0-125 Foundry Networks Certified Network Engineer (FNCNE)
FN0-240 Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional

It is really encouraging to have accurate, updated and valid FN0-240 braindumps that just need to memorize and take test and passing the test with high scores. They made their dumps database carefully to incorporate all the necessary Dumps that are needed to pass the exam.
Foundry Networks Certified Layer4-7 Professional
D. The Health-Check Policy must be configured to use 3-way handshaking
Answer: C
Question: 252
disabling layer 4 health checks will automatically disable layer 7 health checks
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 253
A Port Profile is a set of attributes that defines a TCP/UDP port. Which of the following
are valid Port Profile Attributes?
A. l4-healthck
B. Keepalive interval and retries
C. TCP or UDP age
D. Keepalive state
Answer: B, C, D
Question: 254
Each Matching List must have a name
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 255
How many simultaneous levels of health checks can be configured on the ServerIron to
health check the same real server
A. Layer 3, Layer4
B. Layer4, Layer7
C. Layer3, Layer4, Layer7, content match
D. Layer 4, Layer7, content match
Answer: B
Question: 256
When health checking is enabled, a server response time consists of the combination of
its response to client requests and its response to Layer 4 or Layer 7 health checks from
the ServerIron.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 257
On the ServerIrons 400/800, the Health Checks are performed by what section of the
A. The Management processor
B. The Barrel processors
C. The IPC processors
D. WSM processor
Answer: A
Question: 258
What will be the corresponding Virtual MAC Address belonging to a configured VIP (AF:1E:0F:0A)
A. VMACs have to be manually configured
B. AF:1E:0F:0A:FF:FF
C. 02:0C:DB:1E:0F:0A
D. 02:0C:AF:1E:0F:0A
Answer: C
Question: 259
The Foundry ServerIron can perform Layer 7 health checks on the following TCP
applications (select all that applies)?
A. FTP (port 21)
B. POP3 (port 110)
C. LDAP (port 389)
Answer: A, B, C
Question: 260
Server port 8080 tcp keepalive 30 2 server port 9146 no-fast-bringup tcp keepalive 30 2
server port 9148 no-fast bringup tcp keepalive 30 2 What function does the "no-fast
bringup" perform in the above configuration?
A. Turns off the associated port
B. Prevents port flapping
C. Enables tcp keepalive on the associated port
D. Allows the ServerIron to gradually receive connections
Answer: B
Question: 261
A scripted health check can only contain searches for:
A. ASCII content
B. Status codes
C. Status codes and ASCII content
D. Status codes, ASCII content and keepalives
Answer: C
Question: 262
Port profiles are used to define:
A. Port types
B. Status of ports
C. Well known ports
D. HTTP health checks
Answer: A
Question: 263
An HTTP health check can return:
A. A keepalive
B. Status code
C. Content verification
D. A value to increment the Reassign-Threshold
Answer: B, C
Question: 264
Which of the following Health Check types are performed at Layer 7?
A. Arp Request
Answer: C, D, F, G
Question: 265
A UDP application is considered down if the server returns:
A. No packet
B. A garbage packet
C. An UDP probe packet
D. An ICMP unreachable packet
Answer: D
Question: 266
sFlow is supported on the:
A. ServerIron XL
B. ServerIron 100
C. ServerIron 400
D. ServerIron 800
E. ServerIron 450
F. ServerIron 850
G. ServerIron GT-E
Answer: E, F, G
Question: 267
SYN-Guard and SYN-Defense can be configured on:
A. ServerIron XL
B. ServerIron 100
C. ServerIron 400
D. ServerIron 800
E. ServerIron 450
F. ServerIron 850
G. ServerIron GT-E
Answer: B, C, D, E, F, G
Question: 268
When using Layer 7 Switching, what command would you use to instruct the ServerIron
to buffer all request packets until all the necessary information is received insuring that
the whole HTTP header will be saved?
A. port http
B. port http buffer-for-end-http
C. port http wait-for-end-header
D. port http wait-for-end-http
Answer: D
Question: 269
The maximum length of the URLcharacter is the same for the ServerIron XL and the
ServerIron 400 product families?
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 270
The best practice method to configure SSL Layer7 switching is
A. URL switching
B. Cookie switching
C. Session ID switching
D. Round robin
Answer: C 93
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Foundry Professional test - BingNews Search results Foundry Professional test - BingNews The Purdue Civics Knowledge Test

“I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if they think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion.”

[1] -Thomas Jefferson - 1820

Introduction and Background

As Jefferson’s quote implies, a constitutional republic, such as the United States of America, requires informed, effective, and responsible citizens. Indeed, it has been said that ‘democracy is not a machine that will go of itself” and therefore requires each generation of citizens to develop, and employ, a certain level of civic knowledge in order to sustain it. Defining and developing such civic knowledge—that is, the effective preparation of citizens to fulfill their responsibilities to sustain and enhance self-government--is an essential condition for their representative government to survive.

Unfortunately, the civic literacy of Americans has been a concern for over 75 years.  For example, national surveys of college freshman in the 1940s revealed a “striking ignorance” of even the most basic civic knowledge (Fine, 1943, p. 1).”  In 2019, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation surveyed 41,000 Americans using 20 questions drawn from the USCIS Naturalization Panel.  The results “validated what studies have shown for a century: Americans don’t possess the history knowledge they need to be informed and engaged citizens…. (Wilson Foundation, n.p. 2019)”

Additional support for this trend comes from the Congressionally mandated National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).  This assessment measures American K-12 students’ progress in a number of subjects, including civics, every four years.  Results of the most exact Grade 12 NAEP-Civics assessment indicated that only 24 percent of 12 th graders scored at the ‘proficient’ level or above and that 36 percent scored below even a ‘basic’ level of civic literacy.

Civics Knowledge

In order to assess student progress, sophisticated frameworks identifying and detailing key civics concepts have been created.  For example, the most exact NAEP-Civics assessment framework was developed by a panel of more than two dozen experts in civics and civic education. [2]   These authors of the NAEP-Civics Framework determined that essential civic knowledge consisted of answers to questions such as:

  • What are civic life, politics, and government?
  • What are the foundations of the American political system?
  • How does the government established by the Constitution embody the purposes, values, and principles of American democracy?
  • What is the relationship of the United States to other nations and to world affairs?
  • What are the roles of citizens in American democracy?

The National Standards for Civics and Government—developed by the Center for Civic Education (2003) [3] — provides another key reference point for determining key civics concepts.  The authors of this framework extended their document to stress that educational institutions have a responsibility “to prepare informed, rational, humane, and participating citizens committed to the values and principles of American constitutional democracy (page v).

The Purdue Civics Test

As an educational institution, Purdue University recognizes its responsibility to prepare informed citizens who value the principles of American democracy.  The creation of a civics literacy requirement is in-line with that responsibility. The development of the Purdue Civics Knowledge Test is part of the overall literacy plan.  The purpose of the test is  to measure undergraduate students’ mastery of the basic civics concepts and principles underlying the system of government in the United States.  This includes an awareness of their rights and responsibilities, as well as the source of those rights and responsibilities.  Students should also know the structure and function of the government as described in the U.S. Constitution, and the role citizens play in the political and social life of the country.  Finally, students should be familiar with the origin and contents of significant documents and events that have shaped the United States

“Citizenship—commitment to and participation in a community’s civic life—is the engine of constitutional democracy and a free society. Knowledge of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of citizenship fuel that engine. Without the participation of informed, effective, and responsible citizens, a democratic republic cannot and does not function, nor can it make progress toward its ideals (NAEP Governing Board, p. 1, 2014).

Although it is hoped that civics knowledge will be related to active participation in civic life, the Purdue Civics Knowledge Test is focused directly on assessing student knowledge of key civics principles, facts, and government structures.  It does not try to assess student behavior or beliefs.

Developing the Test

The development of any standardized test should follow clear, well-documented procedures consistent with professional test development practices.  The first step is establishing a clear purpose for the test.  The purpose of the Purdue Civics Knowledge Test was outlined above.  The next steps include (1) identifying eligible content, (2) establishing detailed test specifications, (3) developing items aligned to the targeted content, (4) providing for expert review of test items for content accuracy and freedom from bias, (5) field-testing items, (6) completing the psychometric analysis of field-test data, and (7) creating final test forms. [4]   The development of the Purdue Civics Knowledge Test included attention to each of these steps.

Defining Eligible Content .  The test development team referenced multiple sources to identify eligible content.  The three most significant sources were (1) the National Standards for Civics and Government produced by the Center for Civic Education (2003), (2) The National Assessment of Educational Progress Framework: Civics (2018), and
(3) test items from the Naturalization Test for United States Citizenship managed by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). [5] In addition, released items from the AP US History and AP US Government tests were also referenced.  As a result, the working group identified five broad constructs that defined eligible civic knowledge content for the test:

  • Civic life, politics and government,
  • Foundations of the American political system,
  • How the government established by the constitution embodies the purposes, values and principles of American democracy,
  • Roles of citizens in American democracy, and
  • Important individuals and events in the history of the United States  

Establishing Test Specifications .  Using these sources, and these constructs, a test blueprint was developed to define the range and balance of eligible test content within a civics knowledge test form.  The blueprint also set targets for the cognitive complexity of the final item pool and became a reference point for the development of assessment support materials including the development of study guides and practice tests. The final test blueprint identified five critical civic knowledge dimensions and the specific content standards to be assessed within each dimension.  The test blueprint is contained in List 1.

List 1. Test Blueprint

  1. Civic Life, Politics, and Government - 11%
    1. Distinguish between civic life and private life - 2%
    2. Identify ways people are represented in government - 3%
    3. Define limited government and rule of law - 3%
    4. Know the purpose of a constitution - 3%
  2. Foundations of the American Political System - 26%
    1. Identify the historical events and documents that led to the Constitution of the United States - 3%
    2. Identify distinctive characteristics of American society (e.g., absence of nobility, religious freedom, history of slavery, etc.) - 2%
    3. Identify distinctive characteristics of American federalism (i.e., overlapping powers at the local, state, and federal levels) - 5%
    4. Identify the different ways the Constitution can be amended and the types and number of amendments that have been added to the Constitution. - 4%
    5. Identify how the idea of natural rights is critical to the Constitution of the United States.
    6. Identify separated and shared powers. - 4%
    7. Recognize the values and principles of American constitutional democracy - 3%
  3. How the Government Established by the Constitution Embodies the Purposes, Values, and Principles of American Democracy - 30%
    1. Identify how the Constitution of the United States distributed and limited government powers among levels, branches, and agencies - 6%
    2. Identify the main branches of local, state and national government - 4%
    3. Recognize how checks and balances influence the making and enforcing of laws - 7%
    4. Identify examples of the rule of law 4%
    5. Identify the role of political parties in the United States - 4%
    6. Identify the role of the free press - 5%
  4. The Role of Citizens in American Democracy - 19%
    1. Identify constitutional amendments regarding citizenship and participation of citizens in politics (ex. 14th, 15th, 19th and 26th Amendment) - 5%
    2. Identify personal, political, and economic rights of citizens - 9%
    3. Identify ways that citizens take part in civic life - 5%
  5. Important Individuals and Events in the History of the United States  - 14%
    1. Recognize the contributions of diverse groups to the political and social development of the United States - 6%
    2. Identify the causes of the American Revolution - 4%
    3. Identify the causes of the Civil War - 4%

Item Development . A team of professional item writers developed well-written items clearly aligned to the targeted learning standard.  Items for the civics knowledge test were either adapted from existing sources (e.g., USCIS Naturalization test items, 12 th grade NAEP history and civics items, released civics items from large-scale state testing programs) or were new items written specifically for the Purdue Civics Knowledge Test.

Expert Review of Item Content and Bias and Sensitivity Review .  The pool of potential items was reviewed for both content accuracy and to ensure the items were free of potential bias and sensitivity issues. [6]   Items were reviewed by expert faculty, and items were edited or eliminated based on this review.  Over 175 new items passed the review process.

The Purdue University item review team included:

  • David Atkinson, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History Faculty
  • Kathryn Cramer-Brownell, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History Faculty
  • James McCann, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science Faculty
  • Christopher Munt, Ph.D., Director of Inclusive Excellence, College of Liberal Arts
  • Yvonne Pitts, Ph.D., Associate Professor, History Faculty
  • Phillip VanFossen, Ph.D., J. F. Ackerman Professor of Social Studies Education
  • Eric Waltenburg, Ph.D., Professor, Political Science Faculty
  • Peter Watkins, Ph.D. Visiting Professor, Political Science

The wordings of the test items were further subjected to a separate bias review by the Purdue University Division of Diversity and Inclusion

Simultaneous with these reviews and subsequent psychometric analysis, Purdue Libraries, under the direction of Professor Zoe Mayhook, created a resource page to provide background information for students preparing for the test.

Field-Testing the Items .  The test development team built four 50-item field test forms.  Each form included a core of 19 common items, and an additional set of 31 unique items.  This design allowed statistical analyses to place all items on a common underlying difficulty scale.  The forms were administered to samples of Purdue undergraduate students in March-April, 2021.

The test was administered through the Brightspace learning management system, with students self-pacing outside of a conventional classroom setting.

The students who took a version of the field test were recruited through a random demo of all undergraduates and two more specialized samples: undergraduates enrolled in political science courses in the Spring-21 term; and international students. In total, 355 students took part in this field test.

Psychometric Analysis of Field Test Data .  Item response data collected during the field test were used to establish the psychometric properties of the items and test forms. Each of the test items was analyzed to gauge its difficulty and functioning. The full battery of items was further assessed to confirm the high reliability of the instrument, and student performance was compared across the different forms and samples to explore the overall fairness of the test.

Establishing Final Test Forms .  The results of the psychometric analyses guided the development of three distinct, parallel, and equivalent 50-item test forms.  The evidence collected during the development process establishing the validity, reliability, and fairness of the final test forms will be summarized in a final technical manual.  

Based on the results of the field test, the decision was made to place the passing mark at 80%. 

[1] Letter to William Charles Jarvis, 28 September 1820; The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Memorial Edition, Lipscomb and Bergh, eds., vol. 15 (278). More information.

[2] Civics Framework for the 2018 National Assessment of Educational Progress (2018).  More information.

[3] Center for Civic Education (2003). National Standards for Civics and Government. Calabasas, CA.  More information.

[4] American Educational Research Association., American Psychological Association., National Council on Measurement in Education., & Joint Committee on Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (U.S.). (2014). Standards for educational and psychological testing.

[5] More information

[6] The development process and plans were also submitted for IRB review and approval.  This will allow data from the field test data to be presented outside of the immediate working group.

Sat, 22 Jan 2022 11:52:00 -0600 en text/html
Purdue and FLSA

Purdue is subject to and manages its compensation program in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The FLSA establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. For a full overview of the federal law, refer to the DOL Wage and Hour Division's FLSA assistance page.


The piece of the Act that employees and managers are usually most interested in is overtime pay eligibility. Employees working in excess of 40 hours per week are required to be paid overtime premium pay, unless they qualify as exempt from the FLSA requirement.  To be considered exempt, employees must satisfy a “minimum salary” and “duties” test based upon job responsibilities. Generally, positions in the Administrative and Operational Support, and Police, Fire and Skilled Trades career streams are non-exempt. Positions in the Professional, Management and Executive career streams are exempt.


Any employee who earns less than a minimum salary rate established by the Department of Labor is automatically non-exempt under the FLSA regardless of job duties. The minimum salary rate is $684/week. The earnings threshold cannot be pro-rated for part-time employment. Whether employed on a full-time or part-time basis, employees must make more than the FLSA earnings threshold to be considered exempt. If an employee has multiple salaried appointments that are individually exempt based on job responsibilities, the salaries are combined to determine whether or not the salary threshold is met.

In addition to a minimum salary threshold, to qualify for exemption employees generally must meet certain tests regarding their job duties. Job titles do not determine exempt status. In order for an exemption to apply, an employee’s specific job duties and salary must meet all the requirements of the FLSA regulations. There are five primary exemption tests utilized to determine if a position is exempt from the overtime payment requirements:

  • Executive Test
  • Administrative Test
  • Professional Test
  • Outside Sales Test
  • Computer Test

If a position does not meet any of these exemptions, it is then considered to be non-exempt under FLSA and subject to the pay practices outlined in the act.

Note, if an employee’s duties and pay change, or if the regulations are updated, that person’s FLSA status may change from exempt to non-exempt. Additionally, FLSA regulations explicitly exclude certain employee groups from the overtime pay rules regardless of duties and salary. These employee groups include, but are not limited to, teachers, physicians, and attorneys. These employee groups are not eligible for overtime pay.

Tue, 04 Feb 2020 12:27:00 -0600 en text/html
Self-Esteem Test

Do you believe in yourself? Do you provide yourself the credit you deserve? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This test is designed to evaluate your general level of self-esteem and determine whether you need to work on your self-image. Take this self-esteem test to find out your true sense of self.

Examine the following statements and indicate how often or to what degree you agree with them. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as possible.

After finishing this test you will receive a FREE snapshot report with a summary evaluation and graph. You will then have the option to purchase the full results for $6.95

This test is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or for the treatment of any health condition. If you would like to seek the advice of a licensed mental health professional you can search Psychology Today's directory here.

Tue, 07 Mar 2017 01:10:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Samsung Foundry Deploys Industry-Leading Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST Dynamic In-System Test Solution for Automotive Safety

Part of a Broader Collaboration for Functional Safety and Manufacturing Test to Achieve ASIL-D Level Design Safety

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- Nov. 11, 2019 -- Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) today announced that Samsung Foundry successfully deployed the Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST solution on an automotive integrated circuit (IC) to provide dynamic in-system testing for critical failures in order to meet stringent automotive functional safety (FuSa) requirements. The accelerating evolution of vehicle technologies means that more automotive chips are required to satisfy higher automotive safety integrity levels (ASILs) for autonomous driving and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). According to IC Insights research, increased demand for automotive ICs is forecast to drive growth rates that exceed all other end-user applications in the next few years. Synopsys' automotive design solutions enable designers to achieve their target ASILs by providing the industry's most comprehensive feature set to implement FuSa mechanisms.

Using the Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST solution, Samsung was able to efficiently implement dynamic in-system test, which periodically executes during key phases of vehicle operation, including power-on, drive mode, and power-off. As the industry's first self-test solution that tolerates indeterminate digital states while rapidly achieving high fault coverage, Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST enables design teams to minimize implementation turnaround time. The XLBIST solution, along with other Synopsys TestMAX products, represents a crucial part of Samsung's automotive reference flow for RTL-to-GDSII design.

"Samsung Foundry's goal is to provide creative solutions to customers' implementation needs for highly demanding automotive design," said S. Balajee, corporate vice president, Samsung Semiconductor India Research (SSIR). "As part of their collaboration with Synopsys to create Samsung's world-class automotive reference flow, the Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST solution plays a key role toward achieving their customers' functional safety goals for test coverage and test time while minimizing design impact."

The Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST solution provides an exceptionally high level of in-system test fault coverage while easily meeting the maximum allowable test time. The XLBIST solution avoids issues such as iterative design modifications, significant silicon area increases, and prolonged schedules that are common to previous in-system test technologies. The combination of Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST along with Synopsys TestMAX Access enables low-latency power-on self-test (POST) via an embedded controller, as well as configurable in-system test driven from a CPU interface. The XLBIST solution leverages the portfolio of other Synopsys TestMAX products that provides RTL-based testability analysis to catch test problems early, physically-aware test points to increase fault coverage, and power-aware pattern generation to meet system-level power goals. The Synopsys TestMAX family of products supports a comprehensive RTL-to-GDSII design- for-test (DFT) implementation flow fully integrated into the Synopsys Fusion platform and delivers the industry's most comprehensive set of test and DFT capabilities.

"The Synopsys TestMAX XLBIST solution is one of several test innovations they are delivering to customers to address their quality and reliability needs for automotive and other mission-critical designs," said Amit Sanghani, vice president of Test Automation in Synopsys' Design Group. "Working closely with leading-edge companies like Samsung accelerates their ability to deliver industry-leading solutions that meet their customers' goals for quality of results, time to market, and safety."

Please visit for more details on any of the Synopsys TestMAX family of products.

About Synopsys

Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) is the Silicon to Software partner for innovative companies developing the electronic products and software applications they rely on every day. As the world's 15th largest software company, Synopsys has a long history of being a global leader in electronic design automation (EDA) and semiconductor IP and is also growing its leadership in software security and quality solutions. Whether you're a system-on-chip (SoC) designer creating advanced semiconductors, or a software developer writing applications that require the highest security and quality, Synopsys has the solutions needed to deliver innovative, high-quality, secure products. Learn more at

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Teachers Test Prep Partnership

ECP RD - 760x285 BT roundtable 1

Santa Clara University's Center for Professional Development is committed to providing their students with an exceptional level of support, and they understand that passing certification exams is a crucial step in the path to becoming a teacher. That’s why we’re pleased to partner with Teachers Test Prep, the nationwide leader in credentialing test preparation, to provide their eligible students with Core Plus Online Prep for the Praxis, CSET, CBEST, RICA, and CPACE, at a 40% discount off of the regular test prep materials price.

To get started, please contact to request that an account be created on your behalf, so that you may utilize free practice exams and diagnostics to determine if you are in need of prep. Once you complete your free practice test, you will receive an instant diagnostic breakdown. If your likelihood of passing is borderline or below, they will purchase the corresponding online prep program for you at a discounted price.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not contact us and instead purchase prep directly on your own, they are unable to reimburse for costs.

To learn more about the prep resources available and to see general info about the exams, visit the PraxisCSETCBESTRICA, and CPACE test info pages on the Teachers Test Prep website.

If you have questions or are interested in purchasing a test prep package, please contact

Wed, 21 Mar 2018 18:23:00 -0500 en text/html
Test Preparation Resources

Entry into most professional health schools requires students to perform well on Standardized Admission Tests.  Since standardized tests are a way of life in health care, you will want to develop the skills necessary to succeed on them over the course of your undergraduate degree. 

  • OAT (Optometry Admission Test)
  • DAT (Dental Admission Test)
  • MCAT (Medical College Admission Test -- also required by most podiatry schools)
  • GRE  (Graduate Record test -- required by many PT, OT and PA programs.  Also required by most graduate schools).

Professional health schools also expect students to have a well-rounded understanding of current issues, research and ethics that are faced on a daily basis when working in the medical field.

The resources listed below will help you to prepare for admissions tests for professional health schools, and you may even find them useful in your current studies!



ADA (American Dental Association)

ADEA (American Dental Education Association)

DAT Practice Tests

DAT Guide


Allopathic Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatric Medicine, and accepted (but not required) by some Physician Assistant Programs

AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges Practice Materials

AC Online MCAT Prep and Success for Medical Students

MCAT Khan Academy Study Materials



Optometry Admission Test Information


Physical Therapy, some Occupational Therapy programs, and many Physician Assistant Programs

GRE Free Test Prep

GRE Online Guide


A situational judgment test that is increasingly used by Physician Assistant programs (sometimes in place of the GRE); Used by other professional health programs in the secondary phase of applications

CASPer Test Prep

To make an advising appointment, click HERE.

Tue, 15 Sep 2020 15:28:00 -0500 en text/html
Depression Test

At times everybody gets down in the dumps, but if life is consistently getting you down and your lows are making it hard to function, you may be depressed. Find out whether your slump is critical with this depression test. This assessment is designed to determine whether you presently have, or are at risk for developing a depressive disorder, along with assessing whether your mindset makes you more prone to depression. Examine the following statements and indicate how well it describes you or how often you feel that way.

After finishing this test you will receive a FREE snapshot report with a summary evaluation and graph. You will then have the option to purchase the full results for $4.95

This test is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or for the treatment of any health condition. If you would like to seek the advice of a licensed mental health professional you can search Psychology Today's directory here.

Sun, 18 Jun 2023 00:31:00 -0500 en-US text/html
This Fingerprint Test Could Soon Replace the Mammogram for Breast Cancer Screening

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death amongst women in the US. However, a new fingerprint test could indicate whether one has the deadly illness, even better than a traditional mammogram. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has the details.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 23:52:00 -0600 en text/html
4 Best At-Home Testosterone Test Kits in 2024

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Our pick for best overall at-home testosterone test kit goes to LetsGetChecked, but Verisana gets the nod for most affordable. See how the others stack up according to usability and results.

*Prices accurate as of January 2024

You may be tempted to test your testosterone levels using an at-home test kit you’ve seen advertised. Before you try a test kit, make sure you know:

  • how it works
  • how reliable it is
  • what information it will provide you
  • what to do with your results

We dig deep into the ratings, reviews, accreditations, and business practices of each of the brands listed in this article to ensure they meet industry standards and their high quality standards.

We always check each brand’s medical claims for accuracy and trustworthiness to ensure the products they recommend are safe and effective for you.

For these at-home testosterone test kits, in particular, they made sure the tests produce accurate results and the companies provide assistance after your results are delivered to you.

Testosterone is a sex hormone produced in the testicles and ovaries. Production of testosterone ramps up during puberty and begins to gradually decline in adulthood.

It’s often considered the “male” sex hormone, but people of all sexes and genders produce testosterone. People assigned male at birth (AMAB) produce more testosterone than people assigned female at birth (AFAB), though.

Your body uses testosterone for many purposes, including:

  • development and function of reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, and ovaries
  • voice deepening during puberty
  • development of facial hair and body hair as well as the progression of balding later in life
  • development, growth, and strength of bones
  • muscle mass and body fat distribution
  • sex drive (libido)
  • production of sperm
  • production of red blood cells

Testosterone levels may also play a role in regulating your mood and supporting cognitive function, though research is still inconclusive on exactly how this works. A decrease in testosterone levels is a normal part of aging for people assigned male at birth, especially after age 30.

When your testosterone levels are too high (hypergonadism) or too low (hypogonadism), you may experience uncomfortable symptoms. A blood or saliva test can check the amount of testosterone your body is making.

In males, testosterone levels should generally fall between 300–1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), or 10–35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L).

In females, the testosterone levels produced in the ovaries are quite low, between 15–46 ng/dL.

You may need to check your testosterone levels if you’re experiencing any symptoms associated with low T, regardless of your age or sex.

Keeping an eye on your testosterone levels is important for transgender men and transmasculine people using masculinizing HRT, also known as female-to-male testosterone therapy or simply T therapy.

Before you start T therapy, a healthcare professional will need to check your base levels of the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen so you can take an appropriate dose of T to achieve the level of masculinization you want.

Current guidelines suggest getting your levels checked every 3 months for the first year that you’re on HRT and every 6–12 months afterward.

Monitoring your testosterone levels is important because taking too much testosterone can have adverse effects like metabolic problems, while doses that are too low may induce a hypogonadism-like state and could cause significant losses in bone density.

Not to mention, if your testosterone levels aren’t high enough, you may not experience the masculinization you desire or you may notice changes happening very slowly.

Remember, though, that it can take several years for the maximum effects of T therapy to develop. Plus, not everyone taking T will experience the same effects — everybody is different!

If you’re taking an at-home testosterone test, the type of collection method used to test testosterone levels may vary. Different types of collection methods may include blood samples, urine samples, or saliva samples.

Testosterone levels vary throughout the day and are highest in the morning. For this reason, your test instructions may say that you should collect samples between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

A blood test for testosterone can tell a healthcare professional how much free testosterone is circulating in your blood. It can also show the total amount of the hormone in your body.

One study from 2016 suggests that measuring free testosterone is a better way to diagnose hypogonadism accurately.

Remember that many factors can affect total testosterone levels, and high or low levels do not necessarily indicate a clinical problem.

Some factors that could lead to decreases in T levels might include:

  • your age
  • your weight
  • disorders of the testicles, pituitary gland, or brain
  • use of medications, especially anticonvulsants
  • use of tobacco, alcohol, or caffeine
  • liver disease
  • hyperthyroidism
  • type 2 diabetes
  • sleep apnea
  • chronic narcotic use, like heroin or methadone

According to 2015 research, low testosterone may affect about 10% of men over age 30, and up to 40% of men over age 70.

Low T levels may cause different symptoms depending on your age, your sex assigned at birth, and whether you’re undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) as part of a gender transition.

In adults assigned male at birth (AMAB)

If you’re AMAB and you aren’t intentionally modifying your hormone levels, symptoms of low testosterone levels (hypogonadism) may include:

  • erectile dysfunction
  • lowered sex drive
  • low semen volume
  • smaller testicle size
  • anemia or low blood counts
  • decreased muscle or bone mass
  • increased body fat, especially around the breasts
  • decreased body or facial hair
  • fatigue
  • hot flashes
  • trouble concentrating, depression, or other mood or cognitive changes

Consider talking with a healthcare professional if you experience any of these symptoms and suspect that you may have low or decreased testosterone. Low T can be a normal part of aging, but drastic or rapid changes could indicate a health condition that may need treatment.

In adults assigned female at birth (AFAB)

For AFAB adults who aren’t intentionally modifying their hormone levels, research is limited to what low testosterone feels like. There also isn’t a set guideline for what constitutes low T in this population.

Some symptoms, which are largely attributed to low estrogen levels, may include:

  • fatigue or sluggishness
  • menstrual irregularities
  • vaginal dryness
  • loss of bone density
  • lowered sex drive
  • trouble sleeping
  • problems with fertility
  • unintentional weight gain
  • mood changes, including depression

Consider talking with a healthcare professional if you experience any of these symptoms and suspect that you may have low or decreased testosterone. Again, since the research is limited on low testosterone levels for AFAB adults, the symptoms could vary from those listed above.

The onset of menopause, dysfunction of the pituitary or adrenal glands, or problems with ovarian health could be causing your hormone levels to shift, and you may need to seek treatment or support managing symptoms.

At-home testosterone tests allow you to collect your own demo and ship it back to a lab for evaluation. These test kits require you to collect either saliva or blood, and they come with everything you need to return your demo safely and securely.

Testosterone tests, in general, track the amount of free testosterone present in the demo provided. This can help provide you a better overall idea of your testosterone levels.

Blood test kits will come with a pinprick mechanism that can break the skin on your finger and allow a small amount of blood to flow.

The kit also comes with a collection vial, a biohazard/specimen bag, and a return envelope or a separate shipping label. You’ll want to collect the required amount of blood in the included vial, complete any required forms or demo labeling, and securely return your test.

Make sure to read through the instructions and take any necessary precautions to ensure that you don’t accidentally damage or taint your blood sample. This could potentially skew your results.

Saliva test kits are very similar to blood test kits in how you collect, label, and ship your sample. The advantage of a saliva test is that it doesn’t require a finger pinprick, which is good news for those who are uncomfortable with needles.

However, the effectiveness of testing saliva over blood is up for discussion. A 2013 study found that saliva test results were fairly accurate and reliable for testing testosterone levels.

However, research from 2014 found that saliva tests were less accurate than blood samples because free testosterone could bind with saliva proteins and ultimately skew the results.

If you want to test your T levels, in general, a saliva or blood test is a good option for you. But, if you or your doctor need results that are as accurate as possible, a blood test may be your best bet.

Of course, there’s no substitute for getting tests done in person at a certified lab. This can help reduce the risk of any errors in the demo collection and evaluation process.

If you decide to measure your testosterone levels with a home kit, you should be prepared to take any necessary next steps. The laboratory results should come with an explanation of your measured testosterone level.

If your level is considered average, but you still have symptoms that concern you, it’s a good idea to talk with a healthcare professional like a doctor or endocrinologist.

If your results come back as lower than average, make an appointment to see a doctor before trying any home remedies. Over-the-counter testosterone supplements aren’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and could carry a risk of side effects, especially if you’re taking other medications.

Plus, at-home test kits aren’t likely as accurate as in-office lab tests. A doctor may want to double-check your levels before recommending any treatment.

Not to mention, low T can sometimes be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition. It’s important to work with a professional to rule out or treat any conditions.

It’s important to choose a home testosterone kit produced by a reputable brand that delivers results on a timeline that works for you.

You might also want to think about costs, collection methods, and whether the brand connects you with healthcare professionals to go over your results. Some other qualities to look out for are:

  • Results delivery time: Some at-home testosterone kits take longer to return your results than others. If you’re experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that could be associated with low T, you may want to spring for a kit that offers faster results.
  • Collection methods: Testosterone levels can be tested by your saliva or your blood. While blood tests are considered more reliable, most people have an easier time collecting saliva samples. Be sure to think through which method you’d prefer.
  • Access to support: Some companies connect you with in-house healthcare professionals, who can help you decipher your test results and talk over next steps if your levels are out of the normal range. Ask yourself how confident you are in your ability to understand your results and determine whether this kind of support is important to you.
  • Affordability: The at-home testosterone kits on their list range from $49 to more than $200. Most insurance plans won’t cover these kits, so be sure to keep that in mind as you consider your budget.
  • Brand integrity: When submitting your demo for analysis, you’re trusting the lab with potentially sensitive health information. It’s important to choose a brand that you feel will respect your privacy. It may be a good idea to read reviews from real consumers before selecting a testosterone kit.

Testosterone levels must be checked more than once to gain a complete understanding of your levels, according to the Endocrine Society.

Make an appointment with a healthcare professional if your test results show low testosterone or if you’re experiencing symptoms of low T. They’ll probably want to check again using a more reliable method to be sure.

You may need to check your testosterone levels if you’re experiencing any symptoms associated with low T, regardless of your age or sex assigned at birth.

Keeping an eye on your testosterone levels is also important for transgender men and transmasculine people who are using hormone replacement therapy as part of their transition.

Trans folks should check their levels every 3 months for the first year that they’re on HRT and every 6–12 months afterward.

Before you rely on the results of a testosterone home test kit, you should be aware of the accuracy of salivary testing versus blood testing.

Testing saliva is easier and less invasive than drawing blood. Still, testosterone in saliva samples can be affected by how they’re collected and stored, so researchers are interested in whether this method is reliable.

The results and expert opinions are mixed.

Some studies and reviews suggest that saliva testing is preferable because it’s less stressful for the patient. A 2016 study concluded that saliva is a reliable method to determine testosterone levels.

But there has not been enough analysis of commercial home testing kits. Whether they deliver accurate, reliable, and unvarying results has not been confirmed.

Health insurance plans don’t generally cover at-home tests. Most insurers prefer that you undergo laboratory testing in a doctor’s office if you have symptoms of low T.

However, you may be able to pay using a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA). You can also check with your insurance provider to see if you’re eligible for reimbursement.

Research into at-home testosterone kits is lacking. It’s unclear how accurate they are compared with tests ordered by a doctor in a lab.

However, it’s safe to say that an in-office testosterone test will be less subject to human error. Doctors, especially endocrinologists, are trained in collecting and handling samples properly.

Plus, if you discuss the results of an at-home testosterone kit with a healthcare professional, chances are they’ll want to double-check your levels via a professional test anyway.

While at-home kits can provide a good baseline for starting a conversation with a professional, doctor-administered tests are likely more accurate.

Many factors go into choosing an at-home test, such as:

  • Would you rather avoid a finger prick?
  • Do you have a budget?
  • Are you on a time crunch?

You may also want to look at reviews to see if other people have found that certain brands provide better accuracy than others.

Also, certain brands may not be able to deliver results to certain states, so make sure you live in a state where the results of at-home kits can eventually be sent to you.

Having low testosterone levels may be a regular part of the aging process. But you may also have a condition that’s causing your levels to drop.

While at-home kits may provide some insight into your levels, the best solution is to work with a healthcare professional that you trust to get an accurate diagnosis and learn about your treatment options.

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
America’s Test Kitchen: Whether you want to splurge or save, here’s how to make a cocktail that sparkles

We started their Champagne cocktail with an Angostura bitters-soaked sugar cube in the bottom of a chilled flute. Then they filled the glass with Champagne and garnished it with a lemon twist. These four ingredients interacted to form a cocktail that evolved from sip to sip.

Bursting bubbles aromatized lemon oils from the twist to make the first sip bright and citrusy. Then the Champagne’s flavors and aromas took over, with whispers of warm spices and orange hinting at what was to come. As the sugar cube dissolved, it created a bitters-infused syrup. Because this syrup was denser than the wine, it stayed at the bottom of the flute.


The final sips delivered the flavors of the Angostura and balanced the bitters with the wine’s acidity and the sugar’s sweetness.

Champagne Cocktail


Makes 1 cocktail

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1 sugar cube

1/4 teaspoon Angostura bitters

5 1/2 fluid ounces (1/2 cup plus 3 tablespoons) Champagne, chilled

1 lemon twist

1. Place sugar cube in a small bowl. Add bitters to the sugar cube. Transfer soaked sugar cube to a chilled champagne flute. Add Champagne and garnish with lemon twist. Serve.

(For 25 years, home cooks have relied on America’s Test Kitchen for rigorously tested recipes developed by professional test cooks and vetted by 60,000 at-home recipe testers. The family of brands — which includes Cook’s Illustrated and Cook’s Country — offers reliable recipes for cooks of all skill levels. See more online at

©2023 America’s Test Kitchen. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 16:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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