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FSOT test prep - Foreign Service Officer Test Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: FSOT Foreign Service Officer Test test prep January 2024 by team

FSOT Foreign Service Officer Test

The Foreign Service Act of 1980 tasks the U.S.
Department of State – and the Board of Examiners
(BEX) specifically – with responsibility for the
evaluation and selection of candidates for the
Foreign Service.

The Department takes this charge seriously and has
devoted significant resources to the development of
a Foreign Service Officer Selection Process with
the goal of providing all candidates, regardless of
socioeconomic background, education, or
experience, a chance to demonstrate their potential
to be a Foreign Service Officer.

Candidates who participate in the selection process
will find that it is designed to challenge them and to
give them the opportunity to demonstrate qualities
that have been identified as necessary to become a
successful Foreign Service Officer. Thus, the
Board of Examiners stands by the validity and
integrity of the assessment process as being a fair
and accurate selection method for Foreign Service
Officers. Indeed, it is vital to the U.S. Department
of States mission and purpose.

To ensure no bias in favor of any candidate, the
Board of Examiners periodically revises its testing
materials. It also asks all candidates to sign nondisclosure agreements before beginning portions of
the assessment, and has implemented other
safeguards. Please note that BEX will terminate the
candidacy of anyone found to have violated the nondisclosure agreement.
The Foreign Service is a unique career and, perhaps
unsurprisingly, the selection process is also unique.
The Foreign Service selection process, including
the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT), the
Qualifications Evaluation Panel (QEP), and the
Foreign Service Oral Assessment (FSOA), is an
employment selection tool used by the Department
of State to identify the most qualified candidates for
Foreign Service positions.

In other words, it is a hiring process. Therefore, the
nature and purpose of this assessment process are
different from those of educational testing.
In education, assessment focuses on “mastery
testing” and the goal is to determine if the student
possesses sufficient knowledge or skill to pass a
course or to practice a profession. The assessments
are usually comprehensive, covering the entire body
of required knowledge or skill. The scores verify
current competence and command of a definite skill
set. Such assessments are often accompanied by
extensive feedback, and possibly remedial training
and reassessment, with the ultimate objective of
passing. Education assessments are not a
competition; the objective is for everyone to pass.
In employment selection, the goal is to determine
which candidates are the most qualified because an
organization wants to hire the best. Employment
assessments only trial a job-related body of
knowledge or skills because assessment time is
limited. The scores are used as predictors of
prospective job performance, rather than indicators
of current competence. Thus, tests like those used in
the Foreign Service Officer selection process are not
accompanied by extensive feedback or remedial
training because they are not meant to measure an
entire body of knowledge or skills. Moreover, the
organizations hiring process is meant to be highly
selective given the limited number of openings

The Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT) is the first
of eight steps in the FSO selection process. It is a
computer-based test that consists of four separate
test sections:

1. Job Knowledge Test

2. Situational Judgment Test

3. English Expression Test

4. Written Essay Test

The first three sections of the test contain items in a
multiple-choice format. The Written Essay appears
in the last section of the FSOT. Each section of the
test is timed separately and must be completed
within the designated time limit.

This Guide provides trial questions for each
component of the FSOT to provide candidates a
general idea of the type of questions they will
encounter in the test.

Although the Written Essay section is an important
aspect of the test that is used to determine a
candidates qualifications, it will not be scored
unless the candidate passes the Job Knowledge,
Situational Judgment Test, and English Expression
sections of the test.

Success on the FSOT involves much more than
studying for a test. The FSOT assesses knowledge
and skills that the candidate has acquired from
reading widely from many different sources, study
or course work in a number of related fields, and
other career or life experiences.

In the development of the FSOT, a job analysis
was conducted of the positions held by Foreign
Service Officers to identify the knowledge and
skills critical to success on the job. Then, a
detailed test blueprint was created.

The test blueprint provides an outline of the
required knowledge and skill areas and their
relative importance to the job. The knowledge
and skill areas covered on the FSOT are listed

 Correct grammar, organization, writing
strategy, sentence structure, and
punctuation required for writing or
editing reports: This knowledge area
encompasses English expression and
language usage skills required for preparing
or editing written reports, including correct
grammar and good writing at the sentence
and paragraph level.

 United States Government: This knowledge
area encompasses a general understanding of
the composition and functioning of the federal
government, the Constitution and its history,
the structure of Congress and its role in foreign
affairs, as well as the United States political
system and its role in governmental structure,
formulation of government policies, and
foreign affairs.

 United States History, Society, Customs,
and Culture: This knowledge area
encompasses an understanding of major
events, institutions, and movements in
national history, including political and
economic history, as well as national
customs and culture, social issues and
trends, and the influence of U.S. society and
culture on foreign policy and foreign affairs.

World History and Geography: This knowledge
area encompasses a general understanding of
significant world historical events, issues, and
developments, including their impact on U.S.
foreign policy, as well as knowledge of world
geography and its relationship to U.S. foreign policy.
 Economics: This knowledge area encompasses an
understanding of basic economic principles, as well
as a general understanding of economic issues and
the economic system of the United States.

 Mathematics and Statistics: This knowledge area
encompasses a general understanding of basic
mathematical and statistical procedures. Items
requiring calculations may be included.

 Management Principles, Psychology, and Human
Behavior: This knowledge area encompasses a
general understanding of basic management and
supervisory techniques and methods. It includes
knowledge of human psychology and behavior,
leadership, motivational strategies, and equal
employment practices.

 Communications: This knowledge area
encompasses a general understanding of the
principles of effective communication and publicspeaking techniques, as well as general knowledge
of public media, media relations, and the goals and
techniques of public diplomacy and their use to
support work functions.

 Computers and the Internet: This knowledge area
encompasses a general understanding of basic
computer operations such as word processing,
databases, spreadsheets, and using e-mail and the

Related Areas of Study

Success on the FSOT is not necessarily dependent
on a specific course of study. However, the
curriculum of the following college-level courses
often helps to familiarize a candidate with the
information assessed by the test. The names of the
courses are general and may differ from institution
to institution.

• English Composition/Rhetoric

• American History

• American Studies (including cultural and social history)

• American Political Thought

• United States Political System

• American Economic History

• Introduction to Economics (micro and macro)

• World History (Western and non-Western)

• World Geography

• International Economics

• World Religions

• Introduction to Statistics

• Introduction to Management Principles

• Intercultural Communication

• Mass Communication

• Psychology

Foreign Service Officer Test
Certification-Board information

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Foreign Service Officer Test
D. Both the supply and the demand for the toy were high
E. Answer cannot be determined
Answer: B
Question: 307
drought severely reduces the amount of corn available to consumers, what would you expect
If a
to happen?
A. The supply of corn would go up
B. The demand for corn would go down
C. The price of corn would stay the same
D. The price of corn would go down
E. The price of corn would go up
Answer: E
Question: 308
If 200 jobs are available and only 100 people are unemployed, what will have to happen
according to the laws of supply and demand?
A. Companies needing employees will need to increase pay
B. Companies needing employees will need to decrease pay
C. Companies needing employees will need to reduce benefits
D. Companies needing employees will need to fire workers
E. The laws of supply and demand do not apply to this situation
Answer: A
Question: 309
What type of government does the United States have?
A. Monarchy
B. Democracy
C. Dictatorship
D. Theocracy
E. Oligarchy
Answer: B
Question: 310
In the first half of the 20th century, it was not unusual for African American people to have to
use different drinking fountains, lunch counters, and even schools than other Americans. This
was known as which of the following?
A. Segregation
B. Civil Rights
C. The White Man's Burden
D. Affirmative action
E. Slavery
Answer: A
Question: 311
If the last presidential election was in 2000, when will the next one take place?
A. 2002
B. 2006
C. 2004
D. 2005
E. 2010
Answer: C
Question: 312
American writer Henry David Thoreau wrote that if a law "requires you to be the agent of
injustice to another, then I say, break the law." What idea is Thoreau supporting?
A. Anarchy
B. Marxism
C. Violent opposition
D. Free speech
E. Civil disobedience
Answer: E
Question: 313
What does a map's legend help you do?
A. Understand the purpose of the map
B. Calculate the real distance shown on the map
C. Locate specific cities or rivers on the map
D. Read the map's symbols correctly
E. Fold the map neatly
Answer: D
Question: 314
Which government official(s) is appointed and not elected by the UScitizens?
A. President
B. Congressman
C. Supreme Court Justice
D. Senator
E. Governor
Answer: C
Question: 315
In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent
until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are
entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who
will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged
otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both
sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to
protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. What is "burden of proof"?
A. Refers to the credibility of
B. The responsibility for convincing the jury of their case
C. The suspect's duty to provide an alibi
D. The suspect's right to an attorney
E. The responsibility given to jurors
Answer: B
Question: 316
In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent
until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are
entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who
will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged
otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both
sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to
protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. Why can court decisions be appealed?
A. So that mistakes can be corrected if they are made
B. To provide both sides a chance to prepare a stronger case
C. To stop the justice system from working efficiently
D. To allow more people the chance to hear the case
E. To ask the judge to rethink his current position on the case
Answer: A
Question: 317
In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent
until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are
entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who
will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged
otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both
sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to
protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. In other countries, suspects are considered guilty
until proven innocent. How would this affect the burden of proof in a trial?
A. More evidence on both sides would be needed
B. No evidence would be needed for a conviction
C. The prosecutor would have burden of proof instead of the defendant
D. The defendant would have the burden of proof instead of the prosecutor
E. It would have no effect
Answer: D
Question: 318
In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent
until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are
entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who
will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged
otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both
sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to
protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. Why is the right to due process important?
A. It prevents innocent people from being wrongly punished
B. It provides more work for lawyers
C. It lets ordinary citizens be part of the judicial system
D. It forces innocent people to prove their innocence
E. It keeps crime rates low
Answer: A
Question: 319
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal helped America recover from the Great Depression by
providing federal money for construction projects, including schools and roads. How did this
help the country recover?
A. It gave money back to the tax payers
B. It created desperately needed good paying jobs
C. It encouraged wealthy people to do the same thing
D. It made trade easier with Mexico
E. It allowed construction companies to make a large profit
Answer: B
Question: 320
In American cities after the Industrialization Age began, it was not unusual to see children
huddled together without shoes, warm clothing, shelter, or decent food. These children illustrated
what unhappy effect of Industrialization in the United States?
A. Because the focus was on manufacturing, not enough shoes were made
B. Because of low wages, many people lived in poverty
C. Because of protective employment laws, child laborers could no longer be employed
D. Because of the freedom women experienced in the workplace, many abandoned their children
E. Because parents work days were guided by strict rules, they were often strict at home. As a
result, their children ran away and lived on the streets.
Answer: B
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Certification-Board information - BingNews Search results Certification-Board information - BingNews Best IT Certifications for 2024

Earning specialized certifications is a surefire way to advance your career in the IT field, regardless of industry or current career level. The right certification validates your skills and knowledge, which makes you more desirable to future employers who want to attract and retain the best employees. Below, we’ll explore the top IT certifications and share how to examine your goals to choose the right path forward. 

We’ve narrowed IT certifications into specific categories to help IT professionals assess what’s available and pursue the best certifications to show their willingness to learn and develop the in-demand career skills employers want.

Best database certifications 

Database platforms have changed greatly over the years, but database technology remains important for various applications and computing tasks. Available certifications for IT professionals include those for database administrators (DBAs), database developers, data analysts and architects, business intelligence, and data warehousing specialists, and other data professionals.

Obtaining database certifications demonstrates an understanding of database concepts, design, implementation, administration and security. This can boost your credibility in the job market and show potential employers that you have the skills needed to work with databases. The best database certifications include the following:

Best SAS certifications 

SAS is one of the world’s leading firms for business analytics, data warehousing and data mining. Today, the SAS Global Certification Program offers 23 credentials across categories including foundation tools, advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management and administration.

SAS programmers remain in high demand, with a quick search of job boards showing thousands of open positions. Obtaining SAS certification shows employers that you are proficient in the company’s popular suite of tools. Some of SAS’s certification programs include the following: 

Many professionals earn certifications to help navigate their career paths. According to the IT Salary Report, 92 percent of information technology professionals have at least one certification.

Best Cisco certifications 

Cisco Systems is a market leader not only in networking and communications products, but also storage networking and solutions for data centers. Cisco offers a variety of certifications for IT professionals, ranging from entry level credentials to expert-level exams. 

These certifications prepare professionals for Cisco-related careers. A search of job boards reveals thousands of open positions for Cisco experts, underscoring the continued relevance of these skills. Some of Cisco’s certifications include the following:

Best Dell certifications 

Dell Technologies remains one of the world’s leading computing companies. In addition to its well-known hardware lineup, Dell also offers solutions for networks, storage, servers, gateways and embedded computing, as well as a broad range of IT and business services.

Becoming certified in Dell products can help make IT professionals competitive in engineering roles for server, virtualization, networking, systems, integration and data security. Additional roles include consultants, account executives, system administrators, IT managers and deployment managers.

Best mobility certifications 

In the mobile era, it has become increasingly important for network engineers to support local, remote and mobile users, as well as provide proper infrastructure. The focus on application and app development now leans more toward mobile environments, requiring security professionals to thoroughly address mobility from all perspectives.

Due to the fast-changing nature of mobile technology, not many mobility certifications have become widely adopted. However, a few of the top mobility certifications can help IT professionals stand out in this rapidly evolving field. 

If part of your job includes selling and implementing an IT solution, you may want to pursue the best sales certifications. You’ll show your organization that you’re willing to go above and beyond to reach sales targets.

Best computer hardware certifications 

As remote and computer-based work has become more common, it’s more important than ever that businesses and individuals be able to maintain their hardware. While discussions about potential computer-related jobs often revolve around software work and coding, jumping into the IT field by becoming a computer technician is an excellent starting point.

Today, thousands of hardware technician jobs are available across the country. Entering this industry becomes more accessible for those who acquire computer hardware certifications. These certifications can showcase your expertise and proficiency in the upkeep of computers, mobile devices, printers and other hardware components.

Best Google Cloud certifications 

IT pros with solid cloud computing skills continue to be in high demand as more companies adopt cloud technologies. Today, Google Cloud is one of the market leaders in the cloud computing space. 

Regardless of where you are in your IT career, engaging with certification programs can demonstrate your willingness to keep on top of rapidly evolving cloud technologies. To that end, Google has introduced a host of certifications for its cloud platform, including the following: 

Best evergreen IT certifications

In the fast-changing world of technology, it can help to focus on certifications that have stood the test of time. “Evergreen” refers to certifications that remain popular year after year. 

The top evergreen certifications are based on accurate pay surveys in IT, reports from IT professionals about certifications they want or pursue the most, and those that appear most frequently in online job postings. Obtaining these credentials is one step toward ensuring that your skills remain relevant for a long time: 

Best IT governance certifications 

IT governance provides structure for aligning a company’s IT with its business strategies. Organizations faced with compliance rigors always need experienced IT pros who can see the big picture and understand technology risks. This means certified IT governance professionals are likely to remain in high demand.

Earning one of the following certifications proves a commitment to understanding the role of IT governance and its position in a company’s current and future success. Getting certified can validate your expert knowledge and lead to advanced career opportunities.

Best system administrator certifications 

An IT system administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining the information technology infrastructure within an organization. The position demands sought-after career skills, ranging from configuring and maintaining servers and clients to managing access controls, network services, and addressing application resource requirements.

If you’re in charge of managing modern servers, there’s a long list of tools and technologies that system administrators must master. Obtaining some of the most prominent system administrator certifications can demonstrate your mastery to potential employers. 

Best ITIL certifications 

ITIL, or Information Technology Infrastructure Library, was developed to establish standardized best practices for IT services within government agencies. Over the ensuing four decades, businesses of all types embraced, modified, and extended ITIL, shaping it into a comprehensive framework for managing IT service delivery. 

The ITIL framework remains the benchmark for best practices in IT service and delivery management, offering certification programs that cater to IT professionals at all levels. These training and certification courses ensure that IT professionals stay well-prepared for the ongoing evolution in IT service delivery management. There are four certifications in the ITIL certification program:

Best enterprise architect certifications 

An IT enterprise architect is responsible for designing and managing the overall structure and framework of an organization’s information technology system. Enterprise architect certifications are among the highest that an IT professional can achieve; fewer than 1 percent ultimately reach this level. 

Enterprise architects are among the highest-paid employees and consultants in the tech industry. These certifications can put IT professionals on a path to many lucrative positions. The average worker earns over six figures annually. Some top enterprise architect certifications are listed below:

To become an enterprise IT architect, you’ll need knowledge of systems deployment, design and architecture, as well as a strong business foundation.

Best CompTIA certifications

CompTIA is a nonprofit trade association made up of more than 2,000 member organizations and 3,000 business partners. The organization’s vendor-neutral certification program is one of the best recognized in the IT industry. Since CompTIA developed its A+ credential in 1993, it has issued more than two million certifications.

CompTIA certifications are grouped by skill set and focus on the real-world skills IT professionals need. Armed with these credentials, you can demonstrate that you know how to manage and support IT infrastructure. 

Best Oracle certifications 

A longtime leader in database software, Oracle also offers cloud solutions, servers, engineered systems, storage, and more. The company has more than 430,000 customers in 175 countries. 

Today, Oracle’s training program offers six certification levels that span 16 product categories with more than 200 individual credentials. Considering the depth and breadth of this program — and the number of Oracle customers — it’s no surprise that Oracle certifications are highly sought after. 

Vendor-specific certifications address a particular vendor’s hardware and software. For example, you can pursue Oracle certifications and Dell certifications to become an expert in those companies’ environments.

Best business continuity and disaster recovery certifications

Business continuity and disaster recovery keep systems running and data available in the event of interruptions or faults. These programs bring systems back to normal operation after a disaster has occurred.

Business continuity and disaster recovery certifications are seeing a healthy uptrend as new cloud-based tools grow in popularity. While business continuity planning and disaster recovery planning have always been essential, they’re becoming more critical than ever — and IT certifications are following suit.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:59:00 -0600 en text/html
For a Limited Time, Pick Up 11 Microsoft Tech Certification Courses for Just $79.99
Promotional graphic for Microsoft Tech Certification Training Bundle.
Image: StackCommerce

If you want your business to secure the most lucrative IT contracts, it’s essential to prove your expertise. The best way to achieve this is by earning professional certifications from top names like Microsoft. You just need the right exam prep.

Featuring 11 full-length video courses, the Complete 2024 Microsoft Tech Certification Training Super Bundle provides the ideal groundwork for your tech education in 2024. The included content is worth $429, but you can get lifetime access for only $79.99 via TechRepublic Academy.

If you work in IT or cybersecurity, you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across Microsoft technology. Around 85% of Fortune 500 companies currently use Azure, and many more businesses rely on other Microsoft products. Becoming a Microsoft Certified Expert can help you capture these potential customers.

With 246 hours of content, the 2024 Super Bundle covers a range of certifications and important skills. Through in-depth video tutorials, you learn how to manage multiple devices and identities, develop solutions for Azure, maintain security and more.

Each course works toward a specific certification. For example, you get full prep for Microsoft Security Operations Analyst (SC-200) and Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305). The lessons are easy to follow, and they include everything you need to know for the relevant exam.

All the content comes from IDUNOVA, an education provider that has been helping IT professionals for 20 years. You get unlimited on-demand access to all the materials, with streaming on desktop and mobile devices.

Order The Complete 2024 Microsoft Tech Certification Training Super Bundle for only $79.99, saving a massive $349 on the full price.

Prices and availability are subject to change.

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 03:30:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Board of Education to Extend Early Childhood Education Certification
Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE)

According to Act 8270, Virgin Islands Code, persons teaching kindergarten-4 through third grade in the territory’s public schools are required to obtain a professional education license in Early Childhood Education (ECE) by Oct. 1 from the Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE) in collaboration with the V.I. Department of Education, thereby ensuring that primary grade students are receiving a quality education.

At the board meeting on Oct. 31, 2023, the Board of Education approved a deadline extension for its Early Childhood Education and conditional certifications.

Considering the board’s REL-NEI partner’s completion of the professional development micro-modules, candidates have until Oct. 31, 2024, to exercise ECE certification options as outlined in VIBE’s policy. Visit and select the policies tab for more information on the Early Childhood Education Certification.

The incredible opportunity awaits all educators.  Becoming certified is not just a checkbox; it is a key to unlocking new levels of professional growth and impact.

A commitment to certification is an investment that will pay dividends in one’s career and the lives of one’s students.

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 14:32:00 -0600 en-US text/html
ISO27001 certification further reaffirms RealVNC's commitment to Information Security and safeguarding customer data

ISO27001 certification further reaffirms RealVNC's commitment to Information Security and safeguarding customer data

RealVNC, a global leader in remote access solutions, today announced it has received ISO/IEC 27001 certification, reaffirming its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security, data protection and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

ISO 27001 is the world's best-known standard for establishing and maintaining an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Certification means that RealVNC has put systems in place to manage risk related to the security of data owned or processed by the company, and that this system complies with the stringent requirements of the ISO27001 standard.

By implementing the ISO 27001 information security standard, RealVNC empowers users with industry-leading remote access solutions while ensuring the highest standards for risk management, cyber security, resilience, operational excellence, and safeguarding customer data.

“ISO 27001 certification reinforces that security is at the forefront of everything they do, not only in the products they build, but how they operate as a business,” said Andrew Woodhouse, Chief Information officer at RealVNC. “This further solidifies RealVNC's position as the world's most secure remote access solution and gives their customers confidence that they go above and beyond to protect their information and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. They are proud to join an exclusive group of global organizations renowned for their advanced information security practices.”

About RealVNC

RealVNC remote access and remote support solutions comply with or support numerous industry and government standards and regulations. In addition to being ISO27001 certified, RealVNC is GDPR compliant, and supports compliance with HIPAA, PCI-DSS and many other industry regulations. For more information on RealVNC's award-winning remote access and support solutions, please visit

About the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard

ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard that sets out the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS). Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), ISO 27001 provides a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. By achieving this certification, organizations demonstrate their commitment to protecting sensitive data and establishing effective information security controls.

RealVNC® - Remote access software for desktop and mobile | RealVNC
Secure, cost-effective remote access and support for your computer, from your desktop or mobile device. VNC® Connect enables cloud or direct connectivity.

Ned Vaught

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Mon, 01 Jan 2024 18:00:00 -0600 en text/html
A Trainer’s Review of the ISSA Strength and Conditioning Certification No result found, try new keyword!The International Sports Science Association (ISSA) Strength and Conditioning Certification Program is designed for ... offer support and answer questions on the interactive question board and via ... Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 text/html Hyderabad Well-known Builder Akkala Sudhakar Appointed to Central Board of Film Certification Advisory Panel

Hyderabad Wellknown Builder Akkala Sudhakar Appointed to Central Board of Film Certification Advisory Panel Hyderabad (Telangana) [India], December 28: In a noteworthy development for the film industry, Akkala Sudhakar, a distinguished resident of Manchiryala district in Hyderabad, has been appointed as a member of the Central Board of Film Certification Advisory Panel. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting issued the official appointment letter, solidifying Sudhakar's role in contributing to the critical decisions of the board.

This prestigious appointment, effective for tenure of two years, underscores Sudhakar's expertise and commitment to the film sector. His extensive experience and knowledge in the realm of cinema position him as a valuable asset to the advisory panel.

Upon receiving the appointment letter, Sudhakar expressed his gratitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity. He stated, ''It is an honor to serve on the Central Board of Film Certification Advisory Panel. I am committed to upholding the standards of the industry and contributing to the growth and development of the film sector.'' Akkala Sudhakar's achievement has garnered widespread acclaim, with congratulations pouring in from various quarters. Celebrities, relatives, journalists, and members of the Hyderabad Telangana Film Chamber Committee have extended their warm wishes to Sudhakar for this significant milestone in his career.

The film industry plays a pivotal role in shaping cultural narratives and influencing societal perspectives. With Sudhakar's inclusion in the advisory panel, there is a heightened expectation for informed and judicious decision-making that will impact the cinematic landscape in India.

Sudhakar's passion for cinema and dedication to the art form make him a fitting choice for this esteemed position. His appointment is not only a personal achievement but also a testament to the vibrant talent pool within the Hyderabad film community.

As Sudhakar embarks on this new role, the film fraternity eagerly anticipates the positive contributions he will make to the Central Board of Film Certification Advisory Panel. His appointment is a testament to the diversity and richness of talent within the Indian film industry.

(This story has not been edited by Devdiscourse staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 21:46:00 -0600 en text/html
Board moves to strip Western Dakota Tech of fast-track status for law enforcement program

EDITOR'S NOTE: This story can be found on  South Dakota Searchlight's website. South Dakota Searchlight provides free news and commentary on critical issues facing the state.

The Law Enforcement Officers Standards Commission voted unanimously on Wednesday to strip Western Dakota Technical College of its ability to offer a quick path to certification for graduates of its police-focused criminal justice program.

The Rapid City school had been one of three in the state with an “articulation agreement” through the commission. The others are Lake Area Technical College in Watertown and Southeast Technical College in Sioux Falls.

Western Dakota was the first to ink an agreement with the state in 1997. Southeast followed in 2005; Lake Area signed its agreement in 2015.

The agreements allow law enforcement-track graduates to bypass a 13-week stint at the Law Enforcement Training Academy and earn “reciprocity” through the commission , meaning their degree and the passage of a reciprocity exam are enough to certify them as South Dakota peace officers.

The agreements also allow the commission to terminate the contracts with 60 days’ notice. Commission member Steve Allender told South Dakota Searchlight after Wednesday’s meeting that he doubts there’s a path forward for Western Dakota to return to the commission’s good graces.

“It’s not believed they’re going to be able to come into compliance or that they’re willing to come into compliance,” Allender said.

Each school with an articulation agreement must meet certain requirements. One is for instructors to have, maintain and document a “nationally recognized credential” in their area of expertise.

Last month, the school asked the state to lower its standards for instructor training, according to Hank Prim, the training administrator with the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation.

“During the course of that conversation, they learned that certain emergency vehicle operation course (EVOC) instructors did not hold the nationally recognized expertise credential,” Prim said.

The school’s December request came after nearly two years of back-and-forth to bring the program back into compliance with expectations, Prim said. As late as November, Prim saw a path forward for the school through remediation.

The late-stage request for an adjustment in standards was a final straw for commissioners.

“It isn’t supposed to be a shortcut,” Andy Howe, the Clay County sheriff and a member of the commission, said after the meeting. “The students put in the effort, and there’s no reason that the standards should be lowered.”

Western Dakota Tech did not attend the commission meeting. Ann Bolman, president of Western Dakota Tech, said in a statement afterward that she was “surprised” to learn of the commission’s decision, and that the school hopes to work with the commission to come back into compliance with program requirements within 60 days. That’s the number of days it takes for a termination to take effect under the terms of the articulation agreement.

Bolman’s statement noted that the school’s program recently earned accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. An April 2023 press release from the school on that accreditation says the process involved “a rigorous self-assessment, requiring a review of policies, practices, and processes against internationally accepted public safety standards.”

That accreditation doesn’t clear a path for state-level, graduation-based officer certification, but Bolman offered it as evidence that her school’s law enforcement program can prepare students for police work.

“As they strive to meet the highest standards in all of their programs, and were preparing for their next annual audit, they had asked the Commission to please clarify training agencies for EVOC instructors and are awaiting response,” Bolman wrote. “It is their desire to work with the Commission to resolve any concerns it might have and fulfill its reciprocity requirements in the 60-day period before the agreement is slated to end.”

Trouble started in 2022

Western Dakota Tech had been in “noncompliance” status with the state commission since spring of 2023. As with the termination of its agreement this week, the school’s placement in noncompliance status only came after several problems.

In April of 2022, five of the 12 Western Dakota students who took the reciprocity exam failed.

Those students, it turned out, hadn’t finished their coursework, Prim said. The school accused the state Division of Criminal Investigation of pushing the students to take the exam early, Prim said, and asked that the five be allowed to re-test.

An investigation, which included interviews with students and faculty, revealed that the school had chosen the testing dates, Prim said.

That set in motion a series of meetings, audits, interventions and efforts on the part of the law enforcement training to address four main issues at the school:

  • Inaccurate or false reports.
  • Students testing before final semester.
  • Failure to report required retention information.
  • Failure to produce instructor credential records.

The commission was informed that the school had been placed on noncompliance status at its April meeting. At each commission meeting since, Prim has updated its members on remediation plans and potential paths forward.
The Wednesday meeting was the first at which Prim suggested taking action, although he did not recommend termination of the agreement with the school. He presented it as one of three options. Commissioners also could have voted to suspend the school, or continue working through remediation.

After about 40 minutes of discussion in a closed executive session, the commissioners returned to cast their votes in favor of termination.

Reaction from commission

Allender, a former Rapid City police chief who later served as his city’s mayor, told South Dakota Searchlight after the meeting that the loss of Western Dakota Tech as a reciprocity-ready school after so many second chances is “embarrassing.”

“There’s just been either a lack of willingness or lack of ability to come into compliance. There’s been finger pointing, I think, going on. But I’ve seen all the documentation, and I’m embarrassed, not only for Western Dakota, but I’m embarrassed that the state has spent so much time and so much effort trying to get this organization into compliance.”

Commissioner and Lincoln County State’s Attorney Tom Wollman said after the meeting that he cast his vote after considering that the school had “been given ample time to remedy the situation,” but did not seem interested in doing so.

“I was shocked that they didn’t have anybody at the meeting,” Wollman said.

Western Dakota was not notified about or invited to the meeting, spokesperson Pam Stillman-Rokusek said Thursday. DCI spokesman Tony Mangan confirmed that no invitation had been offered.

The loss “certainly doesn’t help” to address a shortage of qualified law enforcement in the state, Allender said. But he also said the school had been producing fewer graduates in accurate years.

The statement from the school said that 13 students graduated from the program in spring of 2023. A year earlier, the statement said, nine students made it all the way through.

Howe, the Clay County sheriff, said he doesn’t expect the Western Dakota Tech issue to have a serious long-term impact. There are criminal justice graduates all over the state, educated at other two- and four-year institutions.

“Those programs don’t produce certifications, but they do produce graduates who have that criminal justice focus,” Howe said.

Western Dakota will still have its program, as well, Howe said. At the commission meeting, Prim said that law enforcement trainers will work with the current students in the Western Dakota program to make sure they’re able to take the reciprocity exam after completing their coursework.

Bolman, the Western Dakota Tech president, said the school will maintain its law enforcement program, which is one track a student can choose as they work toward a two-year criminal justice degree.

“The reciprocity agreement is not necessary for WDTC to offer the Law Enforcement program,” Bolman wrote. “It is a benefit to employers as it streamlines their onboarding process for new officers. It is the desire of WDTC for the reciprocity agreement to continue as it helps in the effort to meet the workforce shortage for law enforcement agencies.”

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 07:24:00 -0600 en text/html
Indra Achieves ISO 31030 Certification for Comprehensive Travel Risk Management

Indra Achieves ISO 31030 Certification for Comprehensive Travel Risk Management

(IN BRIEF) Indra has secured the ISO 31030 certification from AENOR, becoming the first Spanish company to do so. The certification acknowledges Indra’s effective management of the travel risks faced by its professionals during business trips, prioritizing their well-being, health, safety, and security. Indra’s compliance with ISO 31030 ensures the protection of employees throughout their travel, from pre-departure preparations to return, offering risk information, monitoring, and robust safety protocols. The company’s commitment to safeguarding its workforce, especially given its global presence, is underscored by its Travel Management System, SIGEDES, and other applications for real-time assistance and geolocation in high-risk situations. This certification enhances trust among Indra’s professionals and demonstrates the organization’s dedication to best practices in safety and talent management.

(PRESS RELEASE) MADRID, 4-Jan-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Indra has become the first Spanish company to be awarded ISO 31030 (Travel Risk Management) certification from AENOR, which recognizes that the company effectively manages the risk of business travel of its professionals, with a model that guarantees their well-being, health, safety and security. This certification is part of the company’s global risk strategy, which has the ISO 31000 Risk Management Framework certification.

Compliance with ISO 31030 ensures that Indra complies with its duty to protect the safety and security of its employees, who travel on its behalf or are under its responsibility, throughout the duration of their trip and stay abroad: from prior preparation, providing them with information on risk situations, with the appropriate monitoring according to the risk level of the country to which they travel, as well as on their return to their work center.

Key to obtaining this certification was the participation and involvement in the audit of different areas of the company, such as Corporate Security, Insurance, Global Mobility, Joint Prevention Service, Global Risks, Purchasing, Information Security and Privacy.

AENOR, a leading entity in building trust, has highlighted among Indra’s strengths the SIGEDES Travel Management System, which offers professionals clear information on the risks to which they are exposed when traveling, with a complete guide to the country, risk level, and corporate requirements to ensure that their trip is safe through various mechanisms and protocols.

The audit team also highlighted that risk prevention in travel is perceived to be integrated into Indra’s DNA, contributing to the low incidence despite the large number of trips the company makes throughout the year. With a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in more than 140 countries, travel is a regular part of Indra’s business. In 2023 alone, more than 11,500 trips were made, with a net traveling population of 3,200.

Jacqueline Peña, Corporate Security Manager, emphasized that “the success of a company depends on the risk it is willing to take and its ability to manage it. They understand that this certification has a high value for their company and its professionals and shows the commitment of the Board of Directors and Senior Management of the Indra Group to safety and talent, since people are at the heart of their company.”

Nicolás Henríquez, AENOR’s Business Development Director, emphasized that “this certification allows Indra to build trust among its professionals and to do so with the backing of the most highly valued brand. This is a new step that demonstrates the organization’s commitment to best practices.”

With ISO 31030 certification, Indra protects its staff, improves employee confidence in health and safety provisions regarding travel, contributes to business continuity capability worldwide, demonstrates the company’s ability to control its risks effectively and efficiently, and has the ability to act proactively to reduce travel incidents and address them in a timely and efficient manner, should they occur.

Indra and its areas involved continuously assess external risks and review their internal processes to ensure the protection of their personnel. The company periodically undergoes independent audits for the certification of its management and production systems in accordance with the main international standards.

Pioneers in the safety of professionals

For Indra, it is of utmost importance to ensure the integrity, safety and health of its professionals. To this end, it has a pioneering system in corporate security, SIGEDES, the Travel Management System, a set of applications that monitor and assist displaced personnel, and which also allows the rapid location of professionals in high-risk countries.

Thanks to this platform, professionals have immediate and real-time access to health and safety information in more than 190 countries and 800 cities, information on vaccinations, diseases, hospitals, emergency services, weather alerts and corporate travel requirements (authorizations, travel insurance…). All these data are analyzed from the Integrated Security Control Center, a 24/7/365 service center, which centralizes the management of the different Indra’s physical security subsystems and applications at an international level.

The company also applies the latest technology to ensure the safety of its professionals through a SILODES emergency geolocation service, a system that allows users to locate and communicate in the event of potential risk situations such as natural disasters, terrorist attacks, loss of contact in remote regions, or when traveling in general.

About Indra

Indra ( is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, and a world leader in technological engineering for the aerospace, defence and mobility markets and digital transformation and information technologies in Spain and Latin America through its subsidiary, Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with an end-to-end, high-value approach and a significant innovative component, making it the technological partner for the digitalization and key operations of its clients around the world. Sustainability forms part of its strategy and culture in order to overcome current-day and future social and environmental challenges. In the 2022 fiscal year, Indra achieved revenue totaling €3.851 billion, with almost 57,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.


AENOR contributes to the transformation of society by building trust between organizations and individuals through compliance assessment services (certification, inspection and testing), training and information. It is the leading trust-building entity in Spain.
As a global entity, it conducts operations in 87 countries in certification, verification, validation, inspection, analysis, training and information service activities. More than 85,200 work centers currently hold one of AENOR’s certifications in fields such as Quality Management, Sustainability, Occupational Health and Safety, Digitalization, Animal Welfare, Non-Financial Information Verification and Compliance.

Media Contact:

Communication & Media Relations
Tel. (+34) 914 809 705
Fax. (+34) 914 809 707



Wed, 03 Jan 2024 15:44:00 -0600 EuropaWire PR Editor en-US text/html
Hazen Union teacher earns National Board certification in math

Megan Mercier, mathematics teacher at Hazen Union School, recently earned certification in early adolescence mathematics from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

Recognized as the gold standard in teacher certification, the national board believes higher standards for teachers means better learning for students. The certification provides numerous benefits to teachers, students and schools, and was designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers and to generate ongoing improvement in schools nationwide.

“This accomplishment reflects Mercier’s dedication to excellence in education and her commitment to providing an exceptional learning experience for their students,” principal Jason DiGiulio said. “Her hard work, expertise, and passion for teaching contribute significantly to the growth and success of the Hazen community.”

“With the encouragement from colleagues, I started the National Board certification process in 2019. The pandemic threw a wrench that delayed things a bit, but with lots of patience, persistence, hours and guidance from mentors, it finally came together. I am thrilled to join the ranks of my esteemed colleagues, Kelly Robinson, Joel Heller and Marc Considine,” Mercier said.

Mercier has been teaching for 10 years and teaching mathematics at Hazen Union School for the last five.

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 21:00:00 -0600 en text/html
PV School Board candidate files suit against Scott County Board No result found, try new keyword!Tracey Rivera, a Pleasant Valley School Board write-in candidate, has filed a lawsuit against the Scott County Board of Supervisors for its rejection of election recount results. The board ... Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:28:37 -0600 en-us text/html

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