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CFE-FT-FS CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner Study Guide |

CFE-FT-FS Study Guide - CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: CFE-FT-FS CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner Study Guide January 2024 by team

CFE-FT-FS CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner

Title: ACFE CFE-FT-FS Certified Fraud Examiner - Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes

Test Detail:
The ACFE CFE-FT-FS test is designed to validate the knowledge and skills required to detect and prevent financial fraud and understand various fraud schemes related to financial transactions. This certification is intended for professionals who work in the field of fraud examination and are responsible for investigating financial fraud and implementing preventive measures.

Course Outline:
The ACFE CFE-FT-FS course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of financial transactions and fraud schemes. The following is a general outline of the key areas covered in the certification program:

1. Overview of Financial Transactions:
- Introduction to financial transactions and their importance in fraud examination
- Understanding different types of financial transactions (e.g., cash, checks, electronic payments)
- Analyzing financial statements and identifying red flags

2. Fraudulent Financial Schemes:
- Identifying common fraud schemes related to financial transactions
- Understanding embezzlement, money laundering, and asset misappropriation
- Investigating fraudulent financial transactions and tracing illicit funds

3. Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention:
- Evaluating and designing internal controls to prevent financial fraud
- Implementing fraud prevention measures within financial transaction processes
- Conducting risk assessments and fraud vulnerability analyses

4. Forensic Accounting and Auditing Techniques:
- Applying forensic accounting techniques to detect financial fraud
- Using data analysis tools to identify anomalies and suspicious transactions
- Conducting financial statement analysis and detecting irregularities

5. Legal and Ethical Considerations:
- Understanding legal and ethical frameworks in fraud examination
- Adhering to professional standards and codes of conduct
- Reporting findings and cooperating with law enforcement agencies

Exam Objectives:
The ACFE CFE-FT-FS test assesses candidates' knowledge and skills in financial transactions, fraud schemes, and fraud prevention measures. The test objectives include, but are not limited to:

1. Understanding different types of financial transactions and their significance in fraud examination.
2. Identifying common fraud schemes related to financial transactions and their indicators.
3. Evaluating internal controls and implementing fraud prevention measures.
4. Applying forensic accounting techniques to detect and investigate financial fraud.
5. Demonstrating knowledge of legal and ethical considerations in fraud examination.

The ACFE CFE-FT-FS certification program typically includes comprehensive training provided by ACFE or authorized training partners. The syllabus provides a breakdown of the syllabus covered throughout the course, including specific learning objectives and milestones. The syllabus may include the following components:

- Introduction to the ACFE CFE-FT-FS test overview and certification process
- Overview of Financial Transactions
- Fraudulent Financial Schemes
- Internal Controls and Fraud Prevention
- Forensic Accounting and Auditing Techniques
- Legal and Ethical Considerations
- test Preparation and Practice Tests
- Final ACFE CFE-FT-FS Certification Exam
CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner
ACFE Transactions Study Guide

Other ACFE exams

CFEX Certified Fraud Examiner (CFEX)
CFE-FP-D Fraud Prevention and Deterrence
CFE-FT-FS CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified Fraud Examiner
CFE-INVESTIGATIONS CFE Investigation Certified Fraud Examiner

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CFE Financial Transactions and Fraud Schemes Certified
Fraud Examiner
Question: 54
Employees with the authority to grant discounts in order to skim revenues may use which authority?
A . False discounts
B . Recording a discount on sale procedure
C . Internal discount sales audits
D . None of the above
Answer: A
Question: 55
Which of the following method is NOT used to detect conflicts of interest?
A . Tips & Complaints
B . Review of vendor ownership files
C . Underbillings of assets
D . Interviews with purchasing personnel
Answer: C
Question: 56
The behavior profile of employees who are involved in bribery schemes may include:
A . Gambling habit
B . Extravagant lifestyle
C . Drug and/or alcohol addiction
D . All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 57
How many accounts are affected in fraudulent accounting entries and therefore same
number of categories on the financial statement?
A . One
B . At least two
C . More than two
D . None of above
Answer: A
Question: 58
If the assets are intentionally purchased by the company but simply misappropriated by the fraudster, this is referring to
A . Inventory larceny scheme
B . Asset receiving scheme
C . Fraudulent purchase
D . Falsify shipping
Answer: A
Question: 59
The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some
benefit, contrary to duty and rights of others is called:
A . Conflict of interest
B . Corruption
C . Bribery
D . Overbilling
Answer: B
Question: 60
Verify supporting documentation on outstanding checks written for a material amount is a test used to conduct for:
A . Check disbursement
B . Bank confirmation
C . Bank confirmation
D . Cut-off statements
Answer: C
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ACFE Transactions Study Guide - BingNews Search results ACFE Transactions Study Guide - BingNews A Practical Guide to Private Equity Transactions

Crossref Citations

This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.

Caselli, Stefano Garcia-Appendini, Emilia and Ippolito, Filippo 2012. Contracts and Returns in Private Equity Investments. SSRN Electronic Journal,

Mao, Yaping and Renneboog, Luc 2013. Do Managers Manipulate Earnings Prior to Management Buyouts?. SSRN Electronic Journal,

Marttn Baumeister, Bruno 2014. Taxonomma del Contrato de Financiaciin Sindicada (Taxonomy of Syndicated Loan Agreements). SSRN Electronic Journal,

Stagars, Manuel 2015. Impact Investment Funds for Frontier Markets in Southeast Asia. p. 106.

Mulic, Mirza 2021. Praxishandbuch Finanzierung von Innovationen. p. 607.

Sun, 11 Apr 2021 04:16:00 -0500 en text/html
Study guide

This bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language.

Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics – from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fifth edition has been revised and updated with new figures and tables, additional topics, and numerous new examples using languages from across the world.To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes thirty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the study of language.

Tue, 13 Jun 2023 02:25:00 -0500 en text/html
A Study Guide to Humanae Vitae

Written by the Priests and Pastoral Associates of Priests for Life


This study guide is based on the Vatican Translation of Humanae Vitae


Table of Contents:



Introduction to the Study Guide

Summary of the Introduction to the Encyclical and Section I: New Aspects of the Problem and Competency of the Magisterium

A Summary of Section II. Doctrinal Principles

Summary of Section III. Pastoral Directives 

Essay: Finding Our Way Back Home

Essay: Life, Purity and Humanae Vitae

Essay: The Transmission of Life -- On Whose Terms?

The Contraception of Grief: A Personal Testimony

Glossary of Terms




A Study Guide to Humanae Vitae

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life


Forty years is not a long time in Church history. Indeed, they are still living in the moment of Humanae Vitae (issued on July 25, 1968), and of the challenge it presents to the world.

Humanae Vitae does not identify the key problem of their day in the realm of sex or birth or "the pill," but rather in the myth that they can be God. Pope Paul writes at the beginning of the document, "But the most remarkable development of all is to be seen in man's stupendous progress in the domination and rational organization of the forces of nature to the point that he is endeavoring to extend this control over every aspect of his own life -- over his body, over his mind and emotions, over his social life, and even over the laws that regulate the transmission of life” (n.2).


The Pope here is painting a wider vision of the problem. They think everything belongs to us, but the reality is that they belong to God. "Humanae Vitae" means "Of human life." Human life came from God, belongs to God, and goes back to God. "You are not your own," St. Paul declares. "You have been bought, and at a price" (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Sex and having children are aspects of a whole cluster of realities that make up their lives and activities. They suffer from the illusion that all of these activities belong to us. “This is my life, my body, my choice.


The problem they face is not that their society is obsessed with sex. Rather, it is afraid of it-- afraid of the total reality and power of what it represents, where it comes from, and where it leads. Sex properly understood requires that they acknowledge God who made it. More than that, sex can never be separated from its purpose: to insert us into this immense, powerful movement of life and love that started when God said "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3) and culminates when the Spirit and the Bride say "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:17).


Sexual activity means so much that it is wrong to diminish its message or deny its full reality: it belongs in the context of committed love (sealed by marriage) and openness to life precisely because this is the only context great enough to hold its message and reflect the greater reality to which the gift of sexuality points us and to which it commits us.


This is a reality that is bigger than all of us. It is the self-giving which starts in the Trinity, and is revealed in a startling way on the Cross, and then challenges each of us in their daily interaction with others, with God, and with their own eternal destiny. It is so real and so big that it is scary. That's why so many today are afraid of the full reality and meaning of sex. That's why Pope Paul VI wrote Humanae Vitae.


That is also why their Priests for Life pastoral team wrote this Study Guide. They have also established a special website,, to promote the teachings of this document. It is their daily prayer that this effort will lead many believers to understand, embrace, and proclaim the beautiful truth of human life. 




James J. Pinto, Jr., M.E.V.
Editor: A Study Guide to Humanae Vitae 


This Study Guide will be most effective if one first thoroughly familiarizes himself with its content and layout. Review the table of contents and the location of each section listed. The Study Guide is to be used by an individual or group as a side by side companion with the text  of Humanae Vitae included in this booklet. The three Essays offer unique insight with questions for further discussion. The Contraception of Grief: A Personal Testimony presents a riveting and practical witness to why Humanae Vitae is the wholesome truth.


The Glossary assists the reader in clarifying some key terms contained in the Encyclical. Glossary terms are listed by the number/paragraph in which they first appear. The terms will be marked with an *asterisk in the Humanae Vitae text as a note to the reader that the term is contained in the Glossary. 


After memorizing Fr. Pavone’s Foreword one should read the Summary of the Introduction and Section I, followed by the memorizing of the Introduction and Section I. of Humanae Vitae itself. After completing the Introduction and Section I. of Humanae Vitae; the reader answers the series of questions below the Summary of the Introduction and Section I.  The sequence followed for the Introduction and Section I is repeated for each following section: memorizing the Study Guide Section Summary, memorizing of the corresponding Encyclical section itself and returning to the Study Guide questions for that particular section. The questions are meant to refer the reader back to particular paragraphs/numbers (n.or n.n.) of that section where he/she will find the answers. One may work on the answers to these questions while memorizing the paragraph/number, or, wait until he/she has read the entire section and then complete the answers. Continual returning to the text of the encyclical helps emphasize that the document itself is the primary source of instruction and the basis for individual and group applications. 


The three Essays have several questions at their conclusion to help foster reflection and discussion. A personal witness to the truth and wisdom of Humanae Vitae is presented in The Contraception of Grief: A Personal Testimony. 


This Study Guide is meant to be a “springboard” to delve more deeply into Humanae Vitae and its themes, in order to stimulate reflection, and a lifestyle of holiness. 


For those considering the possibility of facilitating a study group, this study guide lends itself to a discussion study group method of learning. While a leader/facilitator encourages the group and keeps it “on track”, it is the individual sharing and group dynamic that contribute most to the learning process. The facilitator is not a lecturer, neither is he there to give all the answers. The facilitator seeks to shepherd the group learning process and does everything possible to solicit their contributions. Members interact and learn from everyone, including the facilitator. A Facilitator’s Guide is available through Priests for Life at The Facilitator’s Guide seeks to assist you in leading a group and lays out suggested study sessions.


It is their hope, that on the fortieth anniversary of Humanae Vitae, this study guide will assist in promoting the Church’s clear and authoritative word on transmitting human life. May all who hear this true, prophetic and lovely word be assured that: the Church has always issued appropriate documents on the nature of marriage, the correct use of conjugal rights, and the duties of spouses. These documents have been more copious in recent times. (n.4)


Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Your Crypto Tax Guide No result found, try new keyword!You report these taxable events on your tax return using various tax forms. • Keep records of your transactions so that you can inform the IRS of all your crypto activity during the year. Sun, 06 Feb 2022 03:00:00 -0600 text/html Study Abroad Study Abroad

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ESF Education Abroad is devoted to making transformational international experiences accessible to all ESF students regardless of major, cost, identity, or other defining factors. They do this by working with students on an individual basis to find the opportunities that best fit their personal needs and goals.

ESF students have hundreds of education abroad programs to choose from! Programs vary in length from one week up to a full academic year and are located all over the world, so there is something for everyone! Start to browse programs below, and please reach out to with any questions or to start planning your experience abroad.


Program Details
ESF Short-Term Programs Travel abroad with an ESF faculty member and your classmates! Most short-term courses are between one to three weeks in length and take place over spring or summer break.
ESF Exchange Programs Spend a semester or summer abroad with one of ESF's university partners.
ESF Partner Study Abroad Study abroad for a winter, summer, or semester with one of ESF's recommended study abroad providers, any other SUNY institution or through another study abroad program provider. Many of these programs are immersive or field-based opportunities. Short-term, summer, and semester programs are all available!


Quick Tips

Before researching programs, think about your goals for education abroad. What type of experience are you hoping to have and what are you most interested in learning? What type of opportunities do you have limited access to in Syracuse and how might you gain those abroad? Use these questions to help guide you to better understand what it is you want out of your international experience and how you might be able to find a program that fits those criteria.

In addition to thinking about what is important to you, take some time to recognize what is not important to you. When choosing a education abroad program, it can be easier to find a "perfect" match if you understand what you are willing to compromise. Are financials the most the important piece to you? Specific classes for your major? Perhaps a research syllabu in a specific field? Rank the things that are most important to you so they can help you find that "perfect" opportunity.

You never know where you might find recommendations, advice or input. Ask your classmates, professors, advisors, parents, guardians, coaches, etc. You never know what you might discover. Don't forget to visit OIE as well – they serve as the repository for all of the different opportunities in front of you and can help guide you when you're not sure where to even start.

Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:08:00 -0500 en text/html
NCR's Amoris Laetitia Study Guide

Joy-of-the-Family-Guide.jpgExplore Pope Francis’ message about marriage and family with their complimentary study guide!

Moral theologian Jana Bennett and lay ecclesial minister Peg Ekerdt offer reflections on each chapter of Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) and thoughtful discussion questions to help you delve deeper into these important topics. Used in conjunction with the full text of the document, the guide can easily be used for an adult education class or a college or high school classroom.

Complete this form to receive access to their free study guide.

Wed, 21 Sep 2016 09:20:00 -0500 en text/html
Peak Season Payments: A Retailer's Guide To Smooth Transactions

Thai Son Nguyen has spent the last 18 years building a world-class digital transformation and eCommerce service provider through SmartOSC.

Imagine finishing your big weekly shop at the supermarket after half an hour of filling up your cart. You've scanned everything at the till, and you're ready to load the car up.

Then, as you try to pay the cashier, you're told that your card isn’t accepted here. And by the time you’ve found another payment option in your wallet, someone has returned the contents of your cart back to the shelves. You would probably be furious and resolve to never return to that supermarket. What kind of business in its right mind would treat a customer like this?

Unfortunately, this is the online shopping experience many customers face at retailers that aren't prepared for the peak shopping season. Luckily, there are steps retail leaders can take to prevent this nightmare scenario from becoming a reality.

Plan, plan and plan some more.

If you fail to prepare, you're preparing to fail, or so goes the saying. It's the truth in this case: If you don't involve the team accountable for payments in your peak season planning, you could be setting your business up for failure.

Peak season brings traffic spikes—one study last year found e-commerce websites had to handle up to 80% more traffic during the biggest retail events of the year compared to normal.

For payments, this means you need to ensure all parts of the system can handle that spike in traffic. That means load testing, guaranteeing you have enough critical team members available at important times, and notifying your payment providers in good time.

It's easy to chase revenue and focus on marketing and sales in the run-up to the peak shopping season, but targeted promotions and adverts won't amount to much if you can't process payments.

Options aren't optional.

We're all creatures of habit, and that extends to when they have to pay for something. The uncomfortable truth for retail enterprises is that many customers won't hit the "buy" button if their preferred payment option isn't available, no matter their affinity for the product. A survey commisioned by PayPal found that 59% of retail firms reported that consumers frequently abandoned a shopping cart when their preferred payment option was unavailable.

This means retail leaders need to look into which payment options their customers prefer and be prepared to offer them. Whether it is buy now, pay later (BNPL), card payments, mobile banking, QR code-based payments or cash on delivery, there are myriad options that any given retailer's customers could prefer.

It's also important to remember that tastes change and what your customers preferred last year may not be the same now. Surveying your customers ahead of peak season is one way to gain vision into which payment options they prefer in the here and now.

Customers are, of course, not the only element to consider regarding payments—those in the retail space also have to make sure their B2B payments go out on time, lest they hurt their relations with key stakeholders.

My company recently interviewed Stuart Thornton, and he puts it succinctly: “As a buyer, when you set payment deadlines and they’re missed, you have to invest in following up, and that becomes a painful expense monetarily and in terms of time.”

Security is crucial.

Peak season for retail is also peak season for bad actors, as it's the period when systems will be most vulnerable and when many companies will be handling the most money. A recent report found that the holiday shopping period attracted more automated attacks than the rest of the year in 2022. The peak day saw a staggering 199% increase in bad bot traffic compared to the yearly average.

Taking steps like penetration testing your website and updating whatever malware protection you have are, of course, good steps you can take, but don't neglect one of the most important sources of security failure: human error.

Thales notes that 36% of retail respondents to a cybersecurity survey said human error was the leading cyber threat to their business. This means it's key to remind employees to be vigilant to threats like phishing and whaling.

Jay Hira, a cybersecurity strategist my company interviewed, has a solid approach to making cybersecurity a priority for everyone in a business by connecting with employees on a personal level: "You equip your employees with all of this information," he says, and it helps employees protect their own families and "bring that smarter sort of mindset when they're using work laptops and work machines and work networks."

One of the simplest ways to get your employees to see security as mission-critical is to enforce multi-factor authentication for all log-ins related to your business. The "2022 Thales Data Threat Report: Retail Edition" found that just 33% of retailers prioritized this, so don't be part of this group.

Spend time preparing to avoid the holiday blues.

Making it simple, safe and secure for customers to carry out transactions is never more crucial for retail than during the peak season.

After all, more than a quarter of yearly sales come in this critical period. Don't be found wanting at this time of year; otherwise, you could be setting yourself up for a blue January.

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 Thai Son Nguyen en text/html
History study guide 2023/24

History at Bristol

When you become part of the Department of History, you will be on the way to becoming an historian, rather than just a student of history. This means that you will actively engage in exploring and interpreting the past, rather than just storing up historical knowledge. All of their staff regularly publish and since their teaching focuses heavily on research, their interests are reflected in the exceptionally wide range of course units they offer in all years. They also strive to ensure that students get to take the units they are interested in so that, as their students develop and mature as historians, they are able to specialise in the areas that interest them most. Real historians are united by their passion to explore the past, through the writings of other historians (secondary sources) and the material produced by those they study (primary sources). As historians, they know that communicating findings to others is the key to their work, helping us refine their ideas and advance historical debates.

Unit structure

The department offers many classes that are based in a single semester, and can therefore accept unit requests from Study Abroad students who want to join Bristol for just the autumn or spring semester.

Unit levels

The department offers units across all undergraduate levels of study: year 1 (level C/4), year 2 (level I/5), and year 3 (level H/6) units. Postgraduate units are not available.

Unit codes

Unit codes in the Department of History begin with 'HIST'. This is followed by a number indicating the year (1, 2, 3). For example:

  • HIST10000 = year 1 unit
  • HIST20000 = year 2 unit
  • HIST30000 = year 3 unit.

For more information about each unit, check the University's unit catalogue for 2023/24. Applicants on all study abroad programmes must review the unit details on the catalogue before listing unit choices on their application form. This includes checking the format of assessment for each unit. The unit catalogue for 2023/22 is updated by April 2023.

Your unit choices cannot be guaranteed. Some units may not have capacity to accommodate all of the unit requests they receive. Registration on a unit also depends on whether you meet the pre-requisite conditions through prior study at your home university.

Study Abroad (Subject pathway)

If you have been nominated to Bristol on the Study Abroad (Subject pathway), you must take the majority of your credits in this department.

Units available on the study abroad programme in 2023/24

The following units from the Department of History are open to inbound Study Abroad students.

Year 1 (level C/4)


  • Approaching the Past (TB1) - HIST13015
  • Modern Revolutions (TB1) - HIST10067
  • The American Century (TB1) - HIST10044
  • The Early Modern World: Europe and the Wider World (TB1) - HIST10065
  • The Early Modern World: The British Isles (TB1) - HIST10063
  • War and Society (TB1) - HIST10045


  • Decolonise the Future! (TB2) - UNIV10009
  • Fight the Power': Democracy and Protest (TB2) - HIST10068
  • Gender and the Modern World (TB2) - HIST10069
  • Slavery (TB2) - HIST10046
  • The Medieval World: Europe and the Wider World (TB2) - HIST10066
  • The Medieval World: The British Isles (TB2) - HIST10064

Year 2 (level I/5)

Special Field units are high intensity research specialist units. These units are held in the spring semester (TB2). Students are strongly advised to only take one per semester due to the workload involved.

Special Field TB2 units:

  • Aztecs, Incas and Evangelisers (TB2) - HIST20036
  • Building Modern Ireland, 1850-Present (TB2) – HIST20139
  • Health and Medicine in African History: Actors, Institutions, Ideas (TB2) – HIST20147
  • Hong Kong and the World (TB2) - HIST20135
  • Modern Girls and Women (TB2) – HIST20146
  • Race, Migration and Diaspora in 19th and 20th Century Britain (TB2) - HIST20136
  • Rebels, Runaways and Revolts: Agency, Resistance and Slavery in the United States (TB2) - HIST20129
  • The Age of Revolutions 1776-1848 in Global Context (TB2) - HIST20128
  • The F Word: Understanding European Fascism Then and Now (TB2) - HIST20137
  • Under the Covers: Sex and Modern British Print Culture (TB2) - HIST20138

Non-Special Field units:


  • Africa in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20141
  • Asia in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20143
  • Crusading Cultures (TB1) - HIST20133
  • Fear and Loathing (TB1) - HIST20117
  • Outlaws (TB1) - HIST20120
  • Rethinking History (TB1) - HIST23101
  • The Americas in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20142


  • Decolonisation (TB2) - HIST20116
  • Disease, Deviance and Disability in Modern Medicine (TB2) - HIST20134
  • The Making of Contemporary Britain (TB2) - HIST20114
  • The Politics of the Past (TB2) – HIST20144
  • The Public Role of the Historian (TB2) – HIST20145

Year 3 (level H/6)

Special Subject units are high intensity research specialist units. These units are held in the autumn semester (TB1). Students are strongly advised to only take one per semester due to the workload involved.

Special Subject TB1 units:

  • Aftermath: The Wake of War, 1945-1949 (TB1) – HIST30106
  • Bristol and Slavery (TB1) - HIST30078
  • Constructing the Other (TB1) – HIST30107
  • Dark Pasts: Modern Histories of Night in Britain and North America (TB1) - HIST30132
  • Gender, Race and Colonialism in Early English America (TB1) – HIST30136
  • Kingship and Crisis during the Wars of the Roses (TB1) - HIST37011
  • Once Upon a Crime: Law and Popular Cultures in the Age of Empire (TB1) – HIST30137
  • Race and Resistance in South Africa (TB1) – HIST37010
  • Rage Against the Machine: Technology and Anti-Technology in Modern Britain (TB1) – HIST30138
  • Red Power and Beyond: American Indian Activism since 1944 (TB1) - HIST30128
  • The Age of the Human (TB1) - HIST30103
  • The Mass Media in Modern Britain (TB1) - HIST30133

Non-Special Subject units:


  • Britain's Long Nineteenth Century, 1789-1914 (TB1) - HIST30120
  • Memory (TB1) - HIST30113
  • Picturing the Twentieth Century (TB1) - HIST30114


  • Capitalism (TB2) - HIST30115
  • Global Empires (TB2) - HIST30122
  • Horrible Histories and all That (TB2) - HIST30119
  • Millennial Britain (TB2) - HIST30125
  • Race (TB2) - HIST30117
  • Sexualities (TB2) - HIST30118

Year 4 (level M/7)

None available

Unit combinations

We advise that students take no more than 1 'Special Field' or 'Special Subject' unit per semester. These are high intensity research specialist units which involve a heavy workload. Students interested in taking one of these units may wish to combine them with one of the Department's core outline units:

  • Africa in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20141
  • Approaching the Past (TB1) - HIST13015
  • Asia in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20143
  • The Americas in Global Context (TB1) – HIST20142
  • The Politics of the Past (TB2) – HIST20144
  • The Public Role of the Historian (TB2) – HIST20145
  • Rethinking History (TB1) - HIST23101


Students cannot audit units. Study abroad students are fully registered on units for credit purposes and must attend teaching only for classes that they are registered on.

Application queries

Contact the Centre for Study Abroad inbound team if you have any queries about the application process for the study abroad programmes:

Phone: +44 117 39 40207

Fri, 13 May 2022 18:58:00 -0500 en text/html
Squarespace Pricing Plans (2024 Guide)

Squarespace pricing breaks down into four different plans, which are promoted as being simple and straightforward. Users are free to change or cancel their selected plan at any time, and both refunds and new charges will be prorated. There’s truly an option for everyone, whether you are looking for a simple website to use for blogging or you want to create a complete online store.

Squarespace Tiered Features and Plans


  • Price: $16 per month (paid annually) or $23 per month (paid monthly)
  • Best for: The Squarespace Personal plan is an excellent choice for users interested in building their first website, and who don’t need lots of extra bells and whistles.

The pricing breaks down to $23 per month if you pay as you go, or $16 per month if you pay for a year in advance. If you are a freelancer or solopreneur looking for a way to showcase your portfolio, share relevant content or create a blog, this plan is right for you. Arguably the biggest downside to the Personal plan is that there are no e-commerce options. If your goal is to set up an online store, this won’t be the plan for you.


  • Price: $23 per month (paid annually) or $33 per month (paid monthly)
  • Best for: This plan is a great option for businesses that only offer basic online transactions and don’t plan to have a high sales volume.

Squarespace Business levels up from the Personal plan, offering e-commerce abilities such as selling, accepting donations, gift card functions and discount codes. Business pricing is $33 per month, or $23 per month if you pay annually, which equals a 30% savings. If you connect a custom domain, you’ll be able to create a professional email address through Google Workspace. This costs an additional yearly fee, but the first year is free so you can try it out.

There is a 3% fee on all transactions on the Business plan, so if your site grows to a point where this is cost-prohibitive, it may be time to upgrade to the Basic Commerce plan where Squarespace don’t charge transaction fees.

Basic Commerce

  • Price: $27 per month (paid annually) or $36 per month (paid monthly)
  • Best for: This plan is for those that have graduated to higher sales and have a booming ecommerce business.

In addition to having access to advanced analytics, you’ll also get point-of-sale (POS) features for in-person sales and merchandising tools. For example, customers will be able to create accounts and leave reviews on products they’ve purchased.

The monthly fee for Basic Commerce is $36, or $27 per month if billed annually. Notably, this plan stands out over the Business level since it eliminates all transaction fees, plus users cross-promote their inventory on Instagram and promote products with “limited availability” labels.

Advanced Commerce

  • Price: $49 per month (paid annually) or $65 per month (paid monthly)
  • Best for: This plan is best for those with a high-volume ecommerce business that needs advanced features to maximize sales opportunities.

The Advanced Commerce plan takes everything offered in the Basic Commerce plan and then throws in extra additions such as advanced discount codes that automatically apply to qualifying orders, the ability to sell weekly or monthly subscriptions and generate real-time postal company shipping quotes. If you want to integrate third-party software, you’ll need this plan to unlock access to the platform’s API.

Advanced Commerce will set you back $65 per month, or $49 per month if you opt for an annual payment. It’s also the only Squarespace plan that provides the abandoned cart recovery feature, which many businesses find essential for increasing their e-commerce sales.

Which Squarespace Plan Should You Choose?

The right plan option will depend entirely on what you’re wanting to use your site for and what services you need. If you are looking to create an online portfolio, start a blog and occasionally sell goods or services, either the Personal or Business plan will work well. If you have a robust online store (or are trying to build one) and plan to have a high volume of sales, choosing the Basic Commerce or Advanced Commerce plan will be your best bet.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 02:09:00 -0600 Jeff White en-US text/html
Selecting Your Program

Our programs vary in length from a week to a full academic year.  They offer short-term programs that take place during the summer, spring break, or winter break, as well as long-term programs that cover one or two semesters. 

If you are looking for a semester program, consider whether you would prefer to go abroad in the spring or fall.  Due to differences in academic calendars around the world, some programs work best for Purdue students in one semester or the other, so the search allows you to specify.  If you are open to spring and fall programs, selecting the “Semester” option will bring up results for both.

For adventurous students, they also offer programs that cover two semesters!  Many returning students say they wish they had studied abroad longer, and the cultural immersion and cost effectiveness of a year-long program can be hard to beat. 

Students interested in summer opportunities often ask if they can search for Maymester programs.  They don’t categorize these separately from other summer programs, but it’s possible to search for programs beginning in May.  See “Program Start Month” below.

Wed, 03 Jun 2020 05:36:00 -0500 en-US text/html

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