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APA-CPP-Remote questions - CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: APA-CPP-Remote CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional questions January 2024 by team

APA-CPP-Remote CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional

Title: CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional (APA APA-CPP-Remote)

Test Detail:
The CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional is a designation offered by the American Payroll Association (APA). It is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of payroll professionals in the areas of payroll administration, compliance, and best practices. The certification demonstrates expertise in payroll processing, payroll systems, tax and legal considerations, and payroll management.

Course Outline:
The CPP-Remote certification program covers a comprehensive range of courses related to payroll administration. The course provides participants with a solid foundation in payroll principles, regulations, and practices. The following is a general outline of the key areas covered in the CPP-Remote certification program:

1. Payroll Core Concepts:
- Understanding payroll fundamentals
- Roles and responsibilities of a payroll professional
- Employment and labor laws
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Wage and hour regulations

2. Payroll Calculation and Processing:
- Calculating gross pay
- Deductions and exemptions
- Overtime calculations
- Payroll adjustments and corrections
- Payroll accounting and reporting

3. Payroll Systems and Technology:
- Payroll software and technology solutions
- Time and attendance systems
- Payroll data management and security
- Integrating payroll with other HR systems
- Reporting and analytics

4. Tax and Legal Considerations:
- Federal and state tax withholding
- Social Security, Medicare, and FUTA taxes
- Form W-2 and year-end reporting
- Compliance with tax laws and regulations
- Payroll audits and penalties

5. Payroll Management and Administration:
- Payroll policies and procedures
- Recordkeeping and documentation
- Payroll audits and controls
- Employee benefits and deductions
- Garnishments and wage assignments

Exam Objectives:
The CPP-Remote certification test assesses candidates' understanding of the course courses and their ability to apply payroll knowledge to real-world scenarios. The test objectives include, but are not limited to:

1. Demonstrating knowledge of payroll principles, regulations, and compliance requirements.
2. Applying accurate payroll calculations, including gross pay, deductions, and overtime.
3. Understanding payroll systems, technology, and integration with other HR systems.
4. Complying with tax laws and regulations, including tax withholding and reporting.
5. Implementing effective payroll management practices, policies, and controls.
6. Ensuring data security and confidentiality in payroll operations.
7. Analyzing and interpreting payroll reports and conducting payroll audits.

The CPP-Remote certification program typically spans several weeks or months, depending on the delivery format and schedule. The syllabus provides a breakdown of the courses covered throughout the course, including specific learning objectives and milestones. The syllabus may include the following components:

- Introduction to Payroll Principles and Practices
- Payroll Core Concepts and Legal Considerations
- Payroll Calculation and Processing
- Payroll Systems and Technology
- Tax Compliance and Reporting
- Payroll Management and Administration
- Review and Practice Sessions
- Mock Exams and test Preparation
- Final CPP-Remote Certification Exam
CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional
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APA-CPP-Remote CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional

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CPP-Remote Certified Payroll Professional
Question: 80
In maintaining a payroll system, change control refers to:
A. Procedures to test and schedule changes before they are put into production
B. Entering new data to an employee’s record
C. Creating a new system in a merger or acquisition
D. Separation of functions according to accounting standards
Answer: A
Question: 81
Bass Biting Company operates bait, tackle and boat sales store employing 12 full time clerks and salespeople in
addition to the owner and his family members. Occasionally, Bass Biting assigns special work to individuals other than
its regular employees and family members. Bass Biting engaged a carpenter, Jim to build a boat dock so that
customers could access the shop via boat. Jim has several docks in progress for other local merchants. Bass Batting’s
dock took 4 days to build, 13 hours each day. Bass Biting paid Jim $500 for 4 days’ work. Calculate overtime due Jim
under FLSA.
A. $57.72
B. $557.44
C. $0
D. $173.04
Answer: C
Question: 82
What is the difference between policy and a procedure?
A. None, they serve the same purpose
B. Policies are rules; procedures are instructions
C. Procedures need to be documented; policies do not
D. Policies can be overridden; procedures may not
Answer: B
Question: 83
When making the federal payroll tax deposit, the accounting entry to record an advance payment of EIC would be:
A. Debit EIC payable, credit cash
B. Debit cash, credit EIC payable
C. Debit FIT payable, credit cash
D. Debit EIC payable, credit FICA payable
Answer: B
Question: 84
The primary responsibility of Professional Employer Organizations is:
A. Determining the client’s products and services
B. Establishing their client’s FEIN
C. Leasing the buildings and fixtures
D. Co-employment of their client’s employees
Answer: D
Question: 85
On what form must mistakenly paid wages, for which no repayment is made, be reported?
A. 1099-R
B. W-2
C. W-4
D. 1099-MISC
Answer: B
Question: 86
Bass Biting Company operates bait, tackle and boat sales store employing 12 full time clerks and salespeople in
addition to the owner and his family members. Occasionally, Bass Biting assigns special work to individuals other than
its regular employees and family members. Only two employees, George the President, and Earl, a salesperson, receive
group-term life insurance. The value of each of their group-term life benefit is $93 per month, and $23 per month after
excluding the first $50,000 of coverage.
How much is exempt from wages?
A. $0
B. $93.00
C. $186.00
D. $46.00
Answer: A
Question: 87
A salaried-exempt executive employee is unable to work for two days in the work week because the office is closed
for remodeling. The employee’s weekly guaranteed salary is $500.
Under FLSA what amount must this employee be paid for he work week?
A. $200
B. $400
C. $300
D. $500
Answer: D
Question: 88
Which of the following is the most logical order of events in a system implementation?
A. Training, development, testing evaluation
B. Feasibility, evaluation, development, testing
C. Conversation, training, testing, evaluation
D. Testing, evaluation, training, documentation
Answer: B
Question: 89
Which of the following would not be included in the system testing stage of an
A. Volume testing
B. Functional testing
C. Recruiting tests
D. Stress testing
Answer: C
Question: 90
Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding a federal tax levy?
A. It does not have to be honored if any other garnishments have been served.
B. It is limited only by the amount of the employee’s net pay
C. It is continued each pay period until a release of levy is received.
D. It requires a new order for each pay period.
Answer: C
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Based in Ottawa, Canada, Chris Wolski started writing professionally for non-governmental organizations in 2007. He has written communications material for marketing firms and small businesses, and he has published articles for various websites. Wolski received a national coaching certification in 2001 and a Master of Arts in political science from York University in 2007.

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Imagine you approached someone you admired, and boldly asked that person to mentor you. And the answer was “Yes!” But a year into the relationship, those monthly mentoring sessions might not invigorate you like they used to, and aren’t quite as energizing for the mentor, either.

4 Types Of Questions To Ask A Mentor

1. Stories

To break the ice, have your mentor tell a story from his or her own career. Hey, everybody likes to talk about themselves! For example, you could inquire: “How did you get to where you are today?” or “How did you land your current role?” But you could also ask more specific questions that address your career objectives and concerns. Some questions to consider:

• Was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?

• How did you learn to embrace risk-taking?

• Tell me about a latest business setback. How did you recover?

• Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

• Was there ever a role you applied for and landed, but weren't 100% qualified to do? How did you proceed?

• What do you wish you had known before taking your first management role?

• Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop?

• Can you tell me about a time when you had a difficult boss? How did you handle the situation?

• What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable?

• How did you develop the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups?

2. Situations

Now that the conversation is flowing, get more granular in your requests and bring a specific situation to your mentor--one that you’d like help navigating. For example:

• I tried to delegate a task last week and it did not go well. Can they work through what to do differently next time?

• Who are the people I need to align with in this organization to achieve success?

• My boss said I need to be more strategic. What does that mean?

• How can I let my boss know that I don’t need to be micromanaged?

• How can I stay connected to key influencers who do not work in same office or geographical area?

• When trying to gain buy-in to implement a new program, what tactics have worked for you?

• My performance review is coming up. What type of preparation do you most appreciate seeing from your employees?

• I have two very different career path options available to me. Can you weigh in to help me make a final decision?

• I'm considering a career transition. What are some other areas of the business that might be a good fit for me?

• I’ve heard that taking a stretch assignment could help my career trajectory. What are the pros and cons?

3. Self-Awareness

One of the greatest gifts you can supply yourself is the gift of self-awareness, meaning the ability to see yourself as others view you. That way, if you like how you’re perceived, you can embrace it and take steps to strengthen that positive perception. If you don’t like how you are currently perceived, you can take steps to shift that perception to a more positive one that supports, rather than undermines, your career and leadership goals.

After starting with the obvious question: “How do you think others perceive me?” become more specific, so your mentor can assist by “holding up the mirror” and providing detailed feedback on how your actions and communication are impacting the way others see you. Ask questions such as:

• How am I viewed? In other words, what's my personal brand in their organization?

• Where do you see my strengths?

• What do you see as some of my blind spots and how can I improve?

• How I am viewed by leadership?

• What do people say about me when I’m not in the room?

• Could you offer feedback on ways to Excellerate my executive presence?

• Do I come across as strategic or tactical in my day-to-day communication?

• Am I viewed as high-maintenance when I send my boss weekly status updates?

• How could I have communicated my idea more clearly?

• When I presented at the last meeting, how did I do? Did my communication style support the message I intended to deliver?

4. Skill-Building

Is there a skill you’re currently working to enhance, such as project management, long-term strategic planning, delegating, or public speaking? Use questions like these to ask your mentor for advice and resources to help you polish that skill:

• How can I become a more assertive negotiator?

• Can they role-play asking for a raise and a promotion?

• How can I become better at managing people who do not report to me?

• Do you have any quick tips for re-energizing an overworked team?

• Can you recommend a book or resource for dealing with difficult conversations?

• What practices can you recommend for dealing with nervousness when speaking to groups?

• I have been asked to facilitate a team-building activity at a staff retreat. What are some keys to success?

• What’s a good methodology or tool for project management and tracking team commitments?

• Do you have a template that you use for long-range visioning and strategic planning?

• What new skills do I need to move ahead?

With these four types of questions and their accompanying examples, you’ll never sit through another mentoring conversation wondering if the other person is finding the discussion useful. And supply this list to those whom you mentor, encouraging them to use it to maximize the value of the time you spend together.

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Do you have a health question you’ve always wondered about? Tell us what’s on your mind. No course is off limits, and no question is too weird or silly. Wondering why your stomach growls, your eye twitches or hair grows in your ears? We’re on it. They can’t dispense personal medical advice or answer every question, but they can find experts to answer your questions about food, fitness, mental health, body parts, sleep, aging, chronic illness, dental issues and even your pets.

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