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CPA-CPP information source - CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA-21-02) Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: CPA-CPP CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA-21-02) information source January 2024 by team

CPA-CPP CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA-21-02)

Test Detail:
The CPA-CPP (C++ Certified Associate Programmer) test is administered by the CPP Institute. It is designed to evaluate the knowledge and skills of individuals in the C++ programming language. Here is a detailed overview of the test, including the number of questions and time, course outline, exam objectives, and exam syllabus.

Number of Questions and Time:
The CPA-CPP test consists of multiple-choice questions that assess your understanding of C++ programming concepts and principles. The total number of questions and the time limit for the test may vary, but typically, the test includes:

- Number of Questions: Approximately 60 to 80 multiple-choice questions
- Time Limit: 90 to 120 minutes

Course Outline:
The CPA-CPP course covers a wide range of courses related to C++ programming. The course outline may include, but is not limited to, the following areas:

1. Introduction to C++:
- Basic syntax and structure of C++
- Data types and variables
- Operators and expressions

2. Control Structures:
- Decision-making statements (if-else, switch)
- Looping statements (for, while, do-while)
- Conditional and logical operators

3. Functions:
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and return types
- Function overloading

4. Arrays and Strings:
- Declaring and accessing arrays
- Multidimensional arrays
- Manipulating strings

5. Pointers:
- Understanding pointer variables
- Pointer arithmetic
- Dynamic memory allocation

6. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts:
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Encapsulation and data hiding

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CPA-CPP test include:
- Evaluating the candidate's understanding of the fundamental concepts and syntax of the C++ programming language.
- Assessing the ability to write correct and efficient C++ code.
- Demonstrating proficiency in solving programming problems using C++.

Exam Syllabus:
The CPA-CPP test syllabus covers a wide range of C++ programming topics, including, but not limited to:
- C++ language basics (syntax, data types, operators)
- Control structures (decision-making and looping)
- Functions and parameter passing
- Arrays and strings
- Pointers and dynamic memory allocation
- Classes, objects, and OOP concepts
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Exception handling
- Standard Template Library (STL)

Note: The specific content and emphasis within each course may vary, and it is recommended to consult the official CPP Institute materials or authorized study resources for the most accurate and up-to-date syllabus.
CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA-21-02)
CPP-Institute (CPA-21-02) information source

Other CPP-Institute exams

CPA-CPP CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA-21-02)
CPP-CPA CPP - C++ Certified Professional Programmer

We proivide latest and valid CPA-CPP braindumps with actual CPA-CPP exam Questions and Answers. You should Practice their CPA-CPP Real mock test to Improve your knowledge and confidencec to take the actual CPA-CPP exam. They certain your success in real CPA-CPP test, having confidence on all CPA-CPP courses and build your complete Knowledge of the CPA-CPP exam. Pass CPA-CPP exam with their braindumps.
CPA - C++ Certified Associate Programmer
Question: 213
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
class A {
public :
void print() {
cout << "A ";
class B {
public :
void print() {
cout << "B ";
int main() {
B sc[2];
B *bc = (B*)sc;
for (int i=0; i<2;i++)
return 0;
A. It prints: A A
B. It prints: B B
C. It prints: A B
D. It prints: B A
Answer: B
Question: 214
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
class complex{
double re;
double im;
complex() : re(1),im(0.4) {}
bool operator==(complex &t);
bool complex::operator == (complex &t){
if((this?>re == && (this?>im ==
return true;
return false;
int main(){
complex c1,c2;
if (c1==c2)
cout << "OK";
else {
cout << "ERROR";
A. It prints: OK
B. It prints: ERROR
C. Compilation error
D. Runtime error.
Answer: A
Question: 215
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
int main()
int i = 4;
while(i >= 0) {
cout< i??;
return 0;
A. It prints:”43210”
B. It prints:”3210”
C. It prints: ”3210?1”
D. None of these
Answer: A
Question: 216
What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
#define A 1
int main()
#if A
return 0;
A. It will print: Helloworld
B. It will print: Hello
C. It will print: world
D. It will print: 0
Answer: A
Question: 217
What will be the output of the program?
using namespace std;
int fun(int);
int main()
float k=3;
k = fun(k);
cout< return 0;
int fun(int i)
return i;
A. 3
B. 5
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: C
Question: 218
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
int main()
const char *s;
char str[] = "Hello";
s = str;
while(*s) {
cout << *s++;
return 0;
A. It prints: el
B. It prints: Hello
C. It prints: H
D. It prints: o
Answer: B
Question: 219
What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
using namespace std;
int main()
string s1[]= {"How" , "to" };
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
cout << s1[i];
return( 0 );
A. It prints: Hoto
B. It prints: toHow
C. It prints: Ht
D. It prints: to
Answer: B
Question: 220
What will variable "y" be in class B?
class A {
int x;
int y;
int age;
class B : public A {
string name;
void Print() {
cout << name << age;
A. public
B. private
C. protected
D. None of these
Answer: C
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There are educational requirements which must be met if you want to become a licensed CPA.

These requirements include both courses in specific subject areas and a minimum number of units of education at a college or university. Santa Clara Accounting and A&amp;IS majors are typically able to meet these requirements with their 4 year program. Careful course planning is essential and they encourage students who are considering Accounting or A&amp;IS majors to familiarize themselves with the resources listed below. If you wish to become licensed in a state other than California, you will need to check with the Board of Accountancy in the state, as licensure requirements differ.

To be eligible to become a licensed CPA, you'll need:

  • 225 total quarter units from any accredited college or university
  • 45 units of Accounting, 57 units of Business, and Accounting-related coursework
  • 15 units in Ethics Study, including a course specifically covering Accounting Ethics or Accountants' Professional Responsibilities
Tue, 15 Oct 2019 21:07:00 -0500 en text/html
Accounting & Information Systems

Rutgers Business School’s Accounting &amp; Information Systems Department is dedicated to the development and dissemination of knowledge; it actively cultivates future business and academic leaders.

The department’s world-class scholars publish their research in the field’s most prestigious journals, as well as in journals dedicated to emerging areas of accounting such as continuous auditing.

As part of a business school at a major public research university, the Department of Accounting &amp; Information Systems is committed to the advancement of knowledge and preparation of future leaders for business and academic careers through scholarly research, teaching, and service, as set forth below.

Research Objectives

The discovery objectives of the department are achieved through a broad range of scholarly activities that make enduring contributions to the advancement of accounting, business ethics, and information systems knowledge and of the profession.

We strive to produce high-quality, innovative research relevant to policy makers, academics, and practitioners. They aim to compete successfully with recognized benchmark schools and to have their faculty serve on the editorial boards of highly regarded academic research and professional journals.

The Rutgers Accounting Research Center has been the center of accounting research since 1994 and has hosted the American Accounting Association, the Academy of Accounting Historians, the Ph.D. Project, the Government Accounting Standards Board, and many more conferences. Our students have access to events, mentors, and opportunities through the center’s global industry network.

Teaching Objectives

It is their responsibility to educate the next generation of academics and professionals in accounting, business ethics, and information systems. In addition to remaining current through the production and dissemination of accounting, business ethics, and information systems knowledge, this requires their faculty to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of education and the profession they serve. They strive to attract the best students, to whom they offer a supportive learning environment, characterized by a highly relevant contemporary curriculum and innovative pedagogical methods.

Service Objectives

We recognize the value and importance of maintaining an environment of collegiality and mutual respect among colleagues, of outreach to alumni, and of service commitment to a wide range of constituencies. They participate actively in supporting the needs and requirements of the Rutgers Business School and the University, in leadership roles and in membership of the national and international professions of accounting and information systems, and in co-operating with the business and professional communities.

View Accounting &amp; Information Systems Faculty

View Teaching Opportunities

33rd Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting

Save the Date!

The Departments of Accounting &amp; Information Systems and Finance &amp; Economics at Rutgers Business School will be hosting the 33rd Annual Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting on November 3 and 4, 2023.

Sun, 16 Aug 2020 09:34:00 -0500 en text/html
The rSBI Certificate in Accounting and Information Systems

The Rutgers Stackable Business Innovation (rSBI) Program

The Department of Accounting &amp; Information Systems covers the areas of financial accounting and reporting, auditing, taxation, management accounting, governmental and non-profit accounting, and forensic accounting. Its courses prepare the students for the CPA examination and beyond. In addition, to help their students function effectively as professionals in the digital era, it educates students in the emerging areas of audit analytics, continuous auditing, cybersecurity assurance, blockchain and smart contracts, and information risk management.

Concentrations &amp; Courses

rSBI Accounting &amp; Information Systems Concentration courses are taken during the course of the fall and spring semesters. Note that not all courses are offered every semester.

1-Credit Short Courses

Continuous Business Monitoring

This course describes a paradigm shift from the traditional auditing and monitoring approach. Rather than resorting to analyzing a sample of the population, this course presents methodologies and techniques that can be applied to the entire population of records in an audit-by-exception manner. The students learn about various related topics, such as process mining, artificial intelligence, exception identification and prioritization, automation, among others.

Emerging Technologies in Business

This course covers a wide range of emerging technologies in the accounting and auditing areas. Students are introduced to data visualization and interactive dashboards, artificial intelligence, process mining, blockchain and smart contracts, crypto currencies, cybersecurity, and text mining. Moreover, students learn about practical applications and use cases of such technologies in a business environment.

Business Process Automation

This course discusses the increasingly popular Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology. Students learn about progressively advanced and complex scenarios of automation. In addition, they learn about the relationship between automation and the concept of continuous auditing and continuous monitoring, as well as hands-on use cases in accounting.

Cloud Computing Blockchain and Crypto

This course introduces students to blockchain technology and smart contracts and to how they are applied in an accounting and auditing context. Students learn about various issues related to crypto currencies and their valuation and markets, such as their unique properties and the technologies used to build them. Furthermore, students learn about information risk management and cybersecurity as well as their impact on business and good practice standards of cybersecurity.

AI in Accounting and Audit

In this course students learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and some of its potential applications in accounting and auditing. By studying the technology from a business perspective, students get a more holistic view of its uses. In addition to the basics of AI, students study techniques such as classifiers, cluster analysis, exception and anomaly detection, automation, and learn more advanced applications of AI in accounting and auditing.

Design It Yourself in Accounting and Audit

This course allows students to design this course by allowing them to select modules of interest. More specifically, students can choose any five modules from the set of all eligible modules across all rSCBI courses and across all RBS departments.

Wed, 08 Sep 2021 02:02:00 -0500 en text/html
Transforming Your Accounting Can Elevate Your Organization

President of Blythe Global Advisors. They provide expert resources to help businesses meet accounting and financial reporting requirements.

Agility and efficiency are pillars of accounting. Like any foundational element, they can crack, leaving your organization’s accounting functions exposed, convoluted, outdated or even inoperable. Factors such as growth or downsizing, out-of-date technology, obsolete methodologies and inefficient staffing can all take their toll on your organization’s ability to be flexible and efficient where it matters most.

The initial warning signs often get missed. Some of these include:

• Accounting information is difficult to obtain.

• Your financial results are not on target.

• Vendors are not being paid on time (if at all).

• Your team is using a highly manual process.

• Reports must be manually manipulated.

• Accounting functionality does not scale as you grow.

If you encounter any of the common accounting issues listed above, it’s time to reevaluate your people, processes and systems to modernize your operations. Here they explore how transforming your accounting can elevate your organization, ensuring it thrives today and into the future.

The Five A’s—The Stages Of Accounting Transformation

As seasoned accounting professionals, they have experienced firsthand the benefits clients achieve through an accounting transformation. To start, let’s examine the basics: A successful transformation includes a series of steps designed specifically to achieve optimal outcomes. They include the five A’s:

• Acknowledge

• Ask

• Assess

• Apply

• Adjust

At the core of every accounting transformation are three very important perspectives: people, processes and systems. This trio of key components should be continually evaluated throughout the transformation process to ensure each will be efficiently utilized as a result.

There are a few crucial factors to keep in mind. One, a transformation can’t be rushed. And two, at times it will not be easy. They often remind clients that the problems they are experiencing don’t just happen overnight, therefore they cannot be fixed overnight. These things take time.

We encourage every company considering a transformation to hire an outside advisor to lead the process. Look for a change-maker that has diverse experience in accounting, finance and helping companies transform their operations.

Acknowledge—The Beginning

Be frank with yourself and your advisor about what is and isn’t working in your current accounting functions. Acknowledge and define the work that needs to be completed and identify the resources and people necessary to do the job.

Seek input from others within your organization—even those currently handling your accounting. By engaging your existing teams, you will get unique insights and help fuel buy-in for changes later in the process.

Assess—Look To The Future

Assess what you need now and where you want to be in the future. This includes assessing your current talent and determining who can help move your organization forward and what people and skills you need.

A significant benefit of taking the time to look into the future is scalability. If you know where you want to be, you can design your accounting function to scale—or expand—to get you there.

Ask—Design The Better Mousetrap

Now is the time to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. They often see their clients rushing through or skipping this important planning stage. However, it is the key to gaining short- and long-term changes and improvements as the plan becomes your road map.

Collecting the information needed may take time. Your plan will likely require input from multiple groups within your organization, thorough internal due diligence and a deep dive into the company to gain the correct information needed to move forward. This, however, is time well spent.

Transformation can also be expensive, particularly when maintenance costs, new hires and team training are added to the initial expense. Often, deferred costs have led to the need for a significant transformation. They encourage clients to view their accounting transformation as an investment in their company’s growth and stability. Cutting corners isn’t recommended.

At this stage, building a project planner that prioritizes and details the phases of the transformation is vital. With proper project planning, the change becomes more manageable and obtainable. Without clear, concise project management, the path forward can quickly become filled with obstacles.

Apply—Make It Happen

Now it’s time to start implementing the changes.

At this stage, the people aspect of the transformation can be significant. By nature, the individual members of an accounting team are creatures of habit. They like structure, and many are not equipped or don’t have the experience to accept change. A veteran transformation leader is critical to addressing these concerns and developing strategies to help everyone on the team move forward.

Adjust—Stoke The Ongoing Benefits

The work isn’t done once you have implemented change; continual adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, you will soon return to where you started with outdated systems, processes that do not work and/or the wrong people on your team.

You must make frequent progress checks, gain feedback and prioritize ongoing monitoring. Then commit to making the needed changes. Striving for continuous improvement means adjusting your operations and investing and supporting team development.

Getting Started On Overhauling Your Accounting

Start by locating an operational accountant with strategic planning experience to help lead your efforts. Ideally, this is someone who has worked in multiple industries and various-sized companies, both in-house and as a consultant, and has experienced company life cycles. This individual can draw upon their past experiences and abilities to develop the right transformation for the situation.

There are many reasons that accounting functions become inoperable—growth, downsizing, old technology, outdated methodologies, ineffective staffing and more. Also, accounting is different than it was 20 years ago. Business growth is accelerated, as is the pace at which companies operate. When change is needed, it cannot be delayed or avoided.

Change is not easy. However, with proper planning and professional guidance, overhauling your accounting can substantially Improve your operations and ensure your organization thrives.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

Thu, 20 Apr 2023 23:15:00 -0500 Marc Blythe en text/html Information for Applicants

Why Work at Pratt

Pratt Institute offers a unique and dynamic work environment and culture for its employees, one infused with the creative energy and intellectual fervor of working artists and professionals, in an extraordinary campus setting in the Clinton Hill section of Brooklyn and the Manhattan center on West 14th Street.

Pratt Institute is an equal opportunity employer that recognizes and values a diverse workforce’s benefits.

At Pratt Institute, diversity is represented by a mosaic of individuals from a variety of races, ethnicities, religions, gender expressions, sexualities, geographic backgrounds, cultures, ages, abilities, and socioeconomic groups. As a leading college of art and design devoted to a creative learning community, Pratt recognizes the strength that stems from a diversity of perspectives, values, ideas, backgrounds, styles, approaches, experiences, and beliefs.

You may find more information about working at Pratt through links on the Human Resources and Policies and Procedures web pages.

How to Apply for Jobs at Pratt

Faculty and staff career opportunities at Pratt Institute are posted online. You may create a profile, apply for jobs, track the status of your application, and manage your application.  

Please note: You must meet the minimum requirements listed, fill out all requested information, and attach the required documents. At a minimum, you must have a cover letter and resume. All applicants should be prepared to present five references, three of which are direct supervisors or managers.


If you have technical difficulties with your application, you may contact the ATS vendor at 877.997.8807 or send an email to

For HR support, you may send an email to or call the main line at 718.687.5444.

Find Your Job Online

Pratt Institute Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

Pratt Institute aspires to be a campus that welcomes and encourages individuals of all backgrounds to contribute to their culture as their authentic selves. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Center for Equity and Inclusion work with partners across the Institute to create an equitable and inclusive environment at Pratt. They define equity as fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for every student, staff, and faculty member. They also define inclusion as the active involvement, engagement, and empowerment of each individual in their community.

Please email with any questions, comments, or concerns about diversity, equity, and inclusion at Pratt.

Since its founding in 1887, Pratt has prioritized diversity and inclusion, welcoming students, faculty, and staff from all walks of life while developing and sustaining pathways to more equitable workplaces and careers.

Pratt Institute DEI Dashboards

Recruiting and Hiring Procedures

Statement of Policy

This policy governs the recruiting and hiring process for faculty, administrators, and staff as set forth below. (Finalized link to come)

To Whom the Policy Applies 

New York. This policy applies to the recruiting and hiring process for the following positions at Pratt Institute in New York: (i) Administrators and Professionals, and (ii) positions covered under the collective bargaining agreements (“CBA”) between the Institute and Local 153, Local 311, Local 32BJ, &amp; UFCT Local 1460 (hereinafter, “Bargaining Unit Positions”).

  • For Bargaining Unit Positions, please also refer to the applicable CBA for any provisions concerning job openings and hiring. Should this policy conflict with any of the provisions in a CBA, the CBA shall apply.
  • For current Institute employees seeking a transfer or promotion, please also refer to the Promotions and Transfers Policy. Should this policy conflict with any of the provisions in the Promotions and Transfers Policy, the Promotions and Transfers Policy shall apply. 

Note. This policy does not cover: (i) temporary employment opportunities or (ii) unpaid internship or volunteer opportunities. For these opportunities, please refer to Policies and Procedures.

Recruiting Process

For certain positions, the search will be conducted through a search committee made up of Pratt employees with knowledge and responsibilities related to the vacant position. Search committees will be utilized for all full-time faculty, division heads, directors, department heads, and other positions of a comparable level or with policymaking responsibilities. Search committees may also be utilized for other vacant positions as necessary and at the discretion of the hiring department.

A. Job Openings
Before a School or Unit seeks to create a new position or fill a vacant position, it should first consider its organizational, staffing, and budgetary needs. If the School or Unit decides to move forward, it shall then consult with, and receive the necessary approvals from, the appropriate HR officer, Budget Office, and the Office of the Provost. Once the necessary approvals are in place, the Human Resources Officer shall create or edit the job description in Interfolio, as appropriate. The job description should set forth the essential functions of the job, including, as appropriate, a summary of the position; required and/or preferred education, experience, skills, knowledge, and abilities; and any additional information. Salary information shall be included in all job descriptions and job postings.

The Human Resources Officer shall follow any necessary steps for position management in Interfolio.  These steps can vary depending on whether the position is new or vacant, or an Administrator/Professional or Bargaining Unit Position, and may require varying levels of budgetary and salary approval from the Budget Office and Human Resources.

B. Job Postings
Administrator and Professional Positions. Administrator and professional positions shall be posted for at least 10 business days: (i) on the Pratt Institute External Careers site. All internal applicants must follow the same process as external applicants.

*Schools or Units may ask the appropriate Human Resources Officer for a waiver of these posting requirements: (i) for certain executive and senior management positions (in accordance with applicable law), (ii) where recruitment has already occurred for an identical position within the past three months, (iii) on the occasion of an academic, scholarly, or business unit being incorporated into the Institute, (iv) where the search is being managed by an external search firm, or (v) as otherwise provided by applicable law. The Human Resources Officer must complete a waiver request form and submit it for approval to the AVP, Human Resources, or the AVP’s designee.

Bargaining Unit Positions. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law or CBA, the job description for an employment opening for a Bargaining Unit position shall be posted for at least five business days on the Pratt Institute External Careers site, if the School or Unit has decided to consider candidates for the position outside of Pratt Institute. Depending on the CBA, the School or Unit also may have certain additional notice and posting obligations.

Assistance. For assistance with the process of posting job openings, please contact the appropriate Human Resources Officer. In instances where the School or Unit may want to use a search firm to recruit for an open position, the Human Resources Officer shall contact the talent acquisition officer to obtain a list of approved search firms. The School or Unit may only engage a search firm from the approved list.

C. Affirmative Action Outreach and Equal Employment Opportunity
In accordance with applicable law and the Institute’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, to assemble a qualified and diverse workforce, the Institute has made, and continues to make, the following outreach and recruitment efforts to attract qualified women, racial and ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, veterans, and individuals with a disability:

Outreach and Recruiting Efforts. Employment positions are posted widely in print and electronic media outlets. Other outreach and recruitment efforts may include attending job fairs and career events, contacting professional associations and community-based organizations, as well as participating in mentoring programs.

EEO Tagline. We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or belief, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, marital or domestic partnership status, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or expression, age, disability, military or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. Pratt Institute recognizes and values the benefits of a diverse workforce.

Pratt is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a policy of equal treatment and opportunity in every aspect of its recruitment and hiring process without regard to age, alienage, caregiver status, childbirth, citizenship status, color, creed, disability, domestic violence victim status, ethnicity, familial status, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital status, military status, national origin, parental status, partnership status, predisposing genetic characteristics, pregnancy, race, religion, reproductive health decision making, sex, sexual orientation, unemployment status, veteran status, or any other legally protected basis. Women, racial and ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply for vacant positions at all levels.

Assistance. Schools and Units should consult with the appropriate Human Resources Officer for assistance with outreach and recruiting.

Job Application Process

Unless otherwise provided by applicable law or CBA, or unless the recruitment is being handled by an external search firm, all applicants for employment openings covered under this policy must apply through Interfolio, Pratt Institute’s administrator and staff applicant tracking system. As part of this process, the applicant will be required to complete an application form and attest to the accuracy of its contents.

In addition, in accordance with applicable law, the applicant will be asked to voluntarily self-identify his or her race, ethnicity, gender, disability status, and veteran status through Interfolio. Submission of this information is voluntary and refusal to provide it will not subject the applicant to any adverse treatment. Responses will remain confidential within Institute Human Resources (HR), as applicable, and will be used only for purposes of reporting requirements. When reported in the aggregate, data will not identify any specific individuals.

Application Review and Phone Screens

An HR recruiter and/or representative from the School or Unit should conduct an initial review of the pool of applications (including attached cover letters and resumes) to determine which of the applicants meet the minimum qualifications of the position.  Where necessary and appropriate, the initial review also may include a phone screen to confirm whether the applicant meets the minimum qualifications of the position, as well as to establish a first impression, clarify an applicant’s credentials, confirm salary expectations, determine the applicant’s availability, and allow the applicant to ask questions about the position. Inquiries made during phone screens should comply with the guidelines discussed in the Interview Process section below.

Interview Process

A manager and/or representative from the School or Unit may schedule interviews with selected candidates. For Bargaining Unit positions, please refer to the applicable CBA for any specific provisions concerning interviews for open positions.

Interview questions should be job related, without any reference to protected status (as that term is defined in the EEO statement above). Below are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable interview inquiries:

  • Age 
    Unacceptable: Questions about age, date of birth, or dates of attendance or completion of school. 
    Acceptable: A statement that age will be Checked for legal age requirements (e.g., are you at least 18 years of age? If not, can you submit a work permit upon hire?)
  • Birthplace or Citizenship
    Unacceptable: Questions about the birthplace or citizenship of an applicant, or regarding the applicant’s parents, spouse, or other relatives. 
    Acceptable: Are you authorized to work in the United States?
  • Caregiver Status
    Unacceptable: Questions regarding child care, the care of a relative with a disability, or the care of any other person with a disability who lives with the applicant.
  • Color or Race
    Unacceptable: Questions about the race of the applicant or the color of their skin.
  • Credit Standing or Criminal Record
    Unacceptable: Asking the applicant about their credit standing or criminal record.
  • Disability or Predisposing Genetic Characteristics
    Unacceptable: Asking if the applicant has any mental or physical conditions or other impairments, about the applicant’s general health, about any predisposing genetic characteristics, or if the applicant has ever received worker’s compensation benefits. 
    Acceptable: Is the applicant able to perform the essential functions of the position for which they have applied with or without reasonable accommodation?
  • Ethnicity or National Origin
    Unacceptable: Questions about the ethnicity or nationality of the applicant or the applicant’s spouse, parent, or other relatives; the applicant’s native tongue; how the applicant acquired the ability to read, write, or speak a foreign language. 
    Acceptable: Asking the applicant about foreign languages the applicant reads, speaks or writes, if job related.
  • Familial, Marital, Parental, Partnership, or Pregnancy Status
    Unacceptable: Questions regarding the name of a spouse/domestic partner, parent, or child (unless otherwise provided below); concerning the number or ages of children or dependents; about reproductive health decision making, pregnancy, childbearing or birth control; whether the applicant is a victim of domestic violence. 
    Acceptable: Statement of policy regarding work assignment of employees who are related. Asking for the names of the applicant’s relatives already employed by the Institute.
  • Gender, Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation
    Unacceptable: Questions about an applicant’s gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
  • Organizations
    Unacceptable: Asking the applicant to identify all organizations, clubs, societies, and lodges to which they belong. 
    Acceptable: Asking about membership in organizations that the applicant considers relevant to their ability to perform the job.
  • Prior Lawsuits 
    Unacceptable: Asking if the applicant has filed a past lawsuit, complaint, or charge.
  • Religion or Creed
    Unacceptable: Questions regarding the applicant’s religion, doctrine, or beliefs; religious days observed; if the applicant’s religion or creed prevents him or her from working weekends or holidays. 
    Acceptable: A statement of regular days, hours, or shifts to be worked.
  • Salary History
    Unacceptable: Inquiring about an applicant’s prior salary, benefits, or other compensation (collectively, “salary history”).
    Acceptable: Informing the applicant about the position’s proposed or anticipated salary or salary range; without inquiring about salary history, engaging in discussion with the applicant about their expectations with respect to salary, benefits, and other compensation; inquiring into the objective measure of the applicant’s productivity such as revenue, sales, or other production reports; considering an applicant’s salary history where the applicant disclosed their salary history voluntarily and without prompting.
  • Unemployment Status
    Unacceptable: Asking if the applicant is currently unemployed. 
    Acceptable: Asking if the applicant has a current and valid professional or occupational license; a certificate, registration, permit, or other credential; a minimum level of education or training; or a minimum level of professional, occupational, or field experience. Asking if the applicant is currently employed by the Institute.

Skills Testing

Hiring managers must confer with, and receive approval from, talent acquisition (TA) before requiring any pre-offer testing, which must be job related, consistent with business necessity, and otherwise in accordance with applicable law and CBA.


An HR coordinator and/or representative from the School or Unit may not check employment references until the applicant has completed the applicable authorization.  Upon receiving the completed authorization, the TA coordinator or representative may check references with the applicant’s prior employers before making the applicant a conditional offer of employment. However, to check references with the applicant’s current or most recent employer, the TA coordinator or representative must wait until after the applicant receives a conditional offer of employment, unless the applicant authorizes otherwise in written form.

Please take note that, when checking references, the HR coordinator and/or representative shall not inquire into the applicant’s salary history, unless the applicant has disclosed their salary history voluntarily and without prompting.

Fri, 17 Nov 2023 02:32:00 -0600 en-us text/html
Earning An Online MBA In Accounting: What To Know Before You Enroll

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If you’re interested in pursuing a career in accounting, or you’d like to further your current accounting career, you might consider a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in accounting.

An MBA can expand your job opportunities, help you qualify for upper-management and leadership positions and increase your earning potential. Prospective students can tailor their studies to fit their schedules and preferences, especially if they enroll in an online MBA in accounting.

This article overviews admission requirements, coursework and career pathways for an MBA in accounting.

What Does an MBA in Accounting Degree Entail?

An MBA in accounting is an advanced degree that combines leadership, finance and general business courses in its coursework. The standard curriculum includes foundational courses, electives, specialization courses and a capstone project or internship.

Accounting MBA students have the opportunity to develop business-oriented, managerial and leadership skills. These abilities prepare graduates to lead organizations successfully.

Many MBA curricula include capstone projects, practicums or internships. These offerings provide students with hands-on professional learning experiences, usually under the supervision of experts in the field.

MBA programs typically entail 30 to 60 credits, which take full-time students around two years to complete.

When applying to MBA programs in accounting, it’s important to consider costs, program length, curricula, concentrations and study format. Students can pursue this degree in person, online or in a hybrid format.

MBA in Accounting Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for an MBA in accounting vary depending on the school and program. Most programs require applicants to hold a bachelor’s degree. Some mandate that candidates have business-related undergraduate degrees.

If you hold a degree in a field or discipline outside of accounting, you may need to complete prerequisite foundational business courses to meet the enrollment requirements for an MBA in accounting.

Other standard MBA admission requirements include the following:

  • A minimum GPA (typically 3.0)
  • Postsecondary transcripts
  • Minimum GRE or GMAT scores
  • A personal statement, letter of intent or admission essay
  • An current rĂ©sumĂ© or CV
  • Letters of recommendation

Courses in an MBA in Accounting Program

Every MBA in accounting program sets its own curriculum, but certain courses are common. Below you’ll find some courses that are typical of accounting MBA programs.

Quantitative Analysis in Business

Students in this course learn about quantitative analysis––the process of collecting and assessing verifiable and measurable data, including market share, wages and revenues. Students develop a working knowledge of the theoretical and applied analysis techniques that build an understanding of how a business performs and behaves.

Course courses typically include:

  • Linear programming
  • Matrix algebra
  • Calculus
  • Optimization
  • The mathematics of finance

Corporate Finance

Corporate finance courses overview the fundamental principles and concepts of financial theory. This teaches students to navigate corporate investment decisions and analyze financial risks. Course courses often include the following:

  • Corporate financial policy
  • Capital structure
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Business valuation methods
  • Equity capital
  • Debt capital raising

Data-Driven Decision Making

These courses provide students with an understanding of common statistical and data analysis tools that are critical to managerial and organizational decision-making. Students learn to dissect, organize and extract insights from data to make strategic business decisions. Data-driven decision-making courses teach students to communicate more effectively with data teams so they can collect and analyze information to Improve business outcomes.

Essentials of Operations Management

This course offers an overview of the fundamental practices involved in efficient operation management. Students learn how to Improve organizations for both service providers and customers. They also learn to maintain and Improve efficiency and productivity while keeping organizations profitable.

Careers for an MBA in Accounting

Earning an MBA in accounting can lead to a number of accounting careers. Here are a few job titles you may qualify for with an MBA in accounting.

We sourced the below salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Management Analyst

Projected Growth Rate (2022-2032): 11%

Median Annual Salary: $95,390

Job Description: Management analysts collaborate with multiple departments across their organizations, reviewing procedures and policies to help departments make changes to Improve efficiency. These professionals identify improvement areas to help organizations optimize their workflows. Management analysts develop reports and advise management on data-driven strategies and decisions to reduce costs and increase productivity, efficiency and profits.

Personal Financial Advisor

Projected Growth Rate (2022-2032): 13%

Median Annual Salary: $120,000

Job Description: Personal financial advisors assess their clients’ financial needs to determine short- and long-term goals such as budgeting for education expenses and retirement savings. These professionals advise clients on financial decisions, including investment options, insurance and tax laws. Personal financial advisors monitor their clients’ accounts to determine whether changes are needed to optimize financial performance or accommodate life changes.

Business Development Manager

Projected Growth Rate (2022-2032): 6%

Median Annual Salary: $120,130

Job Description: Business development managers play a pivotal role in the success of a company or organization. These professionals help businesses build long-term relationships with their clients, generate sales leads, forecast revenue, negotiate client pricing and maximize profits. They assess an organization’s current sales performance and recommend strategies for improvement.

Tax Accountant

Projected Growth Rate (2022-2032): 4%

Median Annual Salary: $78,000

Job Description: Tax accountants assist clients—which may include companies and organizations—to manage their financial and income statements; prepare and calculate federal, state and local tax returns; and ensure they are meeting their legal obligations. These professionals study, research and interpret tax law to analyze tax issues, identify potential tax savings and prepare payments.

Finance Manager

Projected Growth Rate (2022-2032): 16%

Median Annual Salary: $139,790

Job Description: Financial managers assist public and private organizations in developing and managing financial goals, overseeing budgets and distributing financial resources. These professionals assess financial information, come up with strategies for reducing financial risk, offer financial advice and prepare financial reports. Their goal is to help businesses make solid financial decisions.

CPA Certification

Is an accounting degree worth it? If you, like many accountants, aim to earn the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, they would say yes.

While CPA requirements vary by state, many states require upper-level accounting courses that may not be available at the undergraduate level but are often included in the curriculum for MBA programs in accounting.

According to the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, most states require prospective CPAs to complete 150 semester hours of education. This goes beyond the 120 semester hours included in a typical bachelor’s degree in accounting. For this reason, CPA prospects pursue master’s degrees—such as an MBA in accounting—to meet their education requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions About Accounting

Is an MBA useful in accounting?

Yes, an MBA can be useful in accounting. MBA programs typically include finance, marketing, operations and management classes. The coursework can equip you with fundamental skills and knowledge that are transferable to various management and business roles.

How much do MBA accountants make?

The average MBA accountant makes around $100,000 per year. Several factors, including location, job title and professional experience, can impact your earning potential.

Is an MBA better than a CPA?

When deciding between an MBA and a CPA, it’s essential to consider your interests and professional goals. A CPA is more likely to lead to accounting and finance jobs. An MBA encompasses a broader breadth of business-related topics. That said, an MBA can also help you earn CPA certification.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:34:00 -0600 Mariah St John en-US text/html
The top people in public accounting — 2023

As part of their annual Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting list, Accounting Today asks candidates to name who they think are the most influential people in the field, and here they are, ranked by the number of votes they received from the 147 candidates.

The top eight are listed below, and you can see Accounting Today's full list of the Top 100 here.

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Academic Programs

You can pursue one of two majors in the Accounting Department as an undergraduate: Accounting or Accounting and Information Systems (AIS), jointly offered with the Information Systems and Analytics Department (formerly OMIS).

You’ll take courses that prepare you for professional examinations that lead to certifications, such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA).  As a global citizen, you may want to study abroad, and their majors are designed to allow you to do so during the fall quarter of your junior year.

Accounting Major

The Bachelor of Science in commerce with a major in accounting requires a minimum of 175 quarter-units of credit (of which at least 60 must be in upper-division courses). Students must attain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for all courses completed at Santa Clara University and for all courses in the accounting major


All students wishing to major in accounting must complete both the University core curriculum requirements and the Leavey School of Business core requirements, which include ACTG 11 (Introduction to Financial Accounting) and ACTG 12 (Introduction to Managerial Accounting). They recommend that students complete these two courses by the end of their sophomore year.

In addition, students majoring in accounting must complete the following eight upper division accounting courses: 

Course Units Description
ACTG 120           5 Units           Accounting Data Analysis and Visualization
ACTG 130                5 Units Intermediate Financial Accounting I
ACTG 131 5 Units Intermediate Financial Accounting II
ACTG 132 5 Units Advanced Financial Accounting
ACTG 134  5 Units Accounting Information Systems
ACTG 135 5 Units Auditing
ACTG 136 5 Units Cost Accounting
ACTG 138    5 Units           Tax Planning and Business Decisions

Note: Accounting majors may use ACTG 134 to satisfy both the information systems requirement in the Leavey School of Business curriculum and the Science, Technology &amp; Society requirement in the University Core.

Mon, 29 Feb 2016 02:36:00 -0600 en text/html
Police looking for information on shooting in area of Avenue A

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Police are investigating a shooting that happened Monday afternoon. A 34-year-old man suffered at least one gunshot wound to the lower body,

The man’s injuries are not considered to be life-threatening, say Rochester Police.

Police were called to Avenue A, in the 200 block, for a report of two people shot at around 2:55 p.m. They found no victims, but the 34-year-old man arrived at Rochester General Hospital by private vehicle during the preliminary investigation.

Police said there are no suspects in custody as of 5:18 p.m. and the investigation remains active. The area has been reopened to traffic. Anyone with information is encouraged to call 911.

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:42:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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