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050-11-CARSANWLN01 RSA NetWitness Logs & Network Administrator study help |

050-11-CARSANWLN01 study help - RSA NetWitness Logs & Network Administrator Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: 050-11-CARSANWLN01 RSA NetWitness Logs & Network Administrator study help January 2024 by team
RSA NetWitness Logs & Network Administrator
RSA Administrator study help

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050-11-CARSANWLN01 RSA NetWitness Logs & Network Administrator proud of their reputation of helping people pass the 050-11-CARSANWLN01 test in their very first attempts. Our success rates in the past two years have been absolutely impressive, thanks to their happy customers who are now able to boost their career in the fast lane. is the number one choice among IT professionals, especially the ones who are looking to climb up the hierarchy levels faster in their respective organizations.
Question: 11
To add an action to the right-click menu in the Investigation Ul. create a
A. Right-click action
B. Profile
C. Context Hub List
D. Context Menu Action
Answer: D
Question: 12
Parsers can be enabled on which of the following?
A. Packet Decoder only
B. Packet Decoder and Log Decoder
C. Packet Decoder and Log Decoder and Concentrator
D. Packet Decoder and Log Decoder and Concentrator and Broker
Answer: B
Question: 13
Which of the following choices describes a fundamental unit of network traffic transmitted from one IP device to
A. Packet
B. Chart
C. Session
D. Schedule
Answer: A
Question: 14
What are the data sources available in RSA NetWitness when creating a Reporting Engine rule?
A. Short, Long, Truncated
B. IPDB, ODBC, FileReader
C. Broker, Concentrator, Decoder
D. NetWitness DB, Warehouse DB, Respond DB
Answer: D
Question: 15
Which of the following rule types relies on two or more events occurring within a specified window of time?
A. Network Rule
B. Application Rule
C. Correlation Rule
D. BPF Filter Rule
Answer: C
Question: 16
What are the two basic operations you might perform to make use of a Live resource?
A. move and copy
B. download and enable
C. save and apply
D. subscribe and deploy
Answer: D
Question: 17
Service Groups are used primarily for
A. grouping metadata from specified hosts
B. deploying Live resources to specified services
C. grouping hosts for batch configuration
D. grouping hosts for monitoring performance in the Health and Wellness view
Answer: B
Question: 18
The NetWitness Trust Model is based on
A. User ID
B. User Role
C. IP address
D. Hardware address
Answer: B
Question: 19
What are three important things to configure on a Log Decoder'?
A. Capture Auto-Start. Service Parsers, Capture Interface
B. Capture Settings. Aggregation Auto-Start. Profile settings
C. Investigation Settings. Capture Settings. Service Parsers
D. Aggregation Auto-Start. Capture Settings. Investigation Settings
Answer: A
Question: 20
Where do you define dynamic charts for real-time display in Dashboards?
A. Default Dashboard
B. MONITOR > Reports > Manage > Charts
C. MONITOR > Reports > Charts > View
Answer: B

RSA Administrator study help - BingNews Search results RSA Administrator study help - BingNews How Accounting Can Help an Administrator

An administrator of a small business is responsible for managing the organization. Accounting activities help administrators make important decisions regarding the operation of the business. Areas of accounting such as financial reporting, budgeting and cost information help managers make planning and controlling decisions. Executive managers use the information presented by accountants to determine the company's financial health and the organizational resources needed to operate. To take full advantage of the information presented by accounting professionals, business owners should understand the importance of how accounting can help administrators.

Financial Reporting

  1. A primary aspect of financial accounting is financial reporting. Accountants compile financial statements and other financial documents to present to the company's managers. Financial reporting is important to an administrator because it shows how much the business is earning or losing. Administrators and other members of the executive management team use the information presented in financial reports to make decisions regarding the need to borrow money, increase prices, reduce expenses or other financial matters. Some companies choose to show their management’s viewpoint of the organization's financial performance in a section of its financial statements called Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

Planning and Controlling

  1. Accounting can help an administrator make planning decisions regarding the organization. Planning involves setting organizational goals, devising strategies to meet goals and determining the resources needed. Managerial accounting provides managers with information that allows them to determine the effectiveness of prior decisions and what decisions need to be made in the future. Measuring the effectiveness of planning decisions is called controlling. Some small businesses employ a controller, who oversees the entire planning and controlling practices of the organization.


  1. Accounting also helps an administrator determine the company’s budgeting needs. Managerial accountants and budget analysts typically develop budgets for each department within the company and an overall organizational budget. Managers approve the budgets developed. Budgets are important because they help an administrator determine if a company is meeting its organizational goals with the resources allotted. Managers compare budgets to genuine performances to determine if the company is under budget or over budget. An administrator may decide to cut certain programs or services within an organization that does not fit within the budgets developed by accountants.


  1. Cost accounting is another specialization within the accounting industry that helps an administrator make important decisions. Cost accounting involves dividing costs into specific categories, and then assigning the costs to a specific product or service. An administrator can also determine the cost associated with specific activities and decide if the company can reduce certain costs. An administrator can use the information produced by cost accountants to determine if a specific product is profitable. For example, an administrator may decide to eliminate the manufacturing of a certain product if she determines that the revenue and profit generated from the product cannot justify the costs spent to produce it.

Tue, 17 Jul 2018 22:58:00 -0500 en-US text/html
RSA speaks out on ‘eviction tsunami’

The Rent Stabilization Association (RSA) is New York’s largest trade association representing the policy interests and priorities of thousands of apartment building owners and managers of all sizes. Because the issues facing apartment buildings also impact other multifamily buildings, RSA members also include co-ops and condos. The overwhelming majority of their membership is rent-stabilized buildings, which provide most of the affordable housing options in the NYC metropolitan area. RSA provides compliance services, lobbies in Albany and at City Hall and has research, legal and communications professionals as well. 

Since the end of the worst of the COVID pandemic and the sunsetting of rent support government programs, there has been a steady drumbeat of alarms from tenant activists and some public officials about an “eviction tsunami.” In response to these claims, which have been informing some housing policy discussions, the real estate newsletter BROOKLYN SPACE (sponsored by the Brooklyn Eagle) heard from RSA about a research project their General Counsel undertook to look at Housing Court data from throughout New York City. They spoke with RSA’s Communications Director about the numbers and their policy suggestions for addressing Housing Court backlogs.

BKLYN SPACE: There’s a lot to unpack here, but what’s the topline executive summary explanation of what RSA’s General Counsel found in looking at Housing Court data?

RSA: The data doesn’t support the rhetoric coming from some corners of New York’s policy conversations. In fact, the numbers show significant decreases in evictions everywhere in New York City. This is all publicly available information. There’s also a misunderstanding about Housing Court. While some call it “Eviction Court” the truth is more complicated. The Housing Court is where problems are solved, where the parties can meet — sometimes for the first time, where settlements are reached and where tenants in economic distress can be connected with government programs and social services. Mislabeling Housing Court and mispresenting what goes on there does a disservice to the judiciary, who endeavor to ensure that litigants are heard properly and that tenants are given every opportunity to make their case and be connected with services and settlements.

BKLYN SPACE: What period of time and what courts were looked at? supply specifics, because if you’re saying you can refute rhetoric with data, you need to be detailed.

RSA: Our General Counsel, who did all this work, reviewed every Housing Court filing resulting in eviction from Jan. 2022 to June 2022 in all five boroughs, and also eviction data publicly available through April 2023. This may be the only non-governmental analysis of its kind, likely because this is very difficult to compile and analyze. 

Research findings are these:

  • 75% decrease in evictions citywide in 2022 as compared to 2019.
  • 48% decrease in evictions citywide from January to April 2023 as compared to 2019.
  • The average duration of cases resulting in eviction January to June 2022: nearly two years (20.4 months).
  • Average rent arrears of $10,889.62 at the commencement of a case accumulated to $37,516.95 in arrears due at the time of resolution for cases resulting in eviction Jan-June 2022.
  • From January to June 2022, 54% of evictions were defaults in which the tenant never appeared, even post-eviction. These were likely already empty apartments that required the owner to get a judgment to reclaim possession.

BKLYN SPACE: So then what should policymakers and advocates be looking at? Housing Court filings or the numbers RSA is presenting?

RSA: For sure not just filings. Filings will always be a bigger number and always tell a skewed story because filings are just the start of a very lengthy process which, at every step of the way, has opportunities for tenants and owners to settle and reach an accommodation. Many filings are abandoned with no further action taken by landlords as arrears are resolved shortly after the tenant is served with papers, which is why Housing Court cases are so important as when parties productively engage with each other. The number that’s more telling is what RSA is talking about — genuine evictions. And those are way down. 

Nonpayment proceedings are designed to get owners and tenants into the courtroom to settle disputes and, as indicated by the genuine number of evictions, effectively achieves its purpose. Remember, rent is income for buildings needed to pay bills. Rent is income to pay property taxes, heating, insurance, maintenance, building staff and to comply with city mandates. Everybody benefits when Housing Court works, which is why RSA will continue to track this data.

BKLYN SPACE: Data helps inform policy, right? What policies are supported by this data? What does going forward look like, from the perspective of building owners?

RSA: Three suggestions. The first a bit involved, the other two more straightforward. 

First — The Housing Court should be working more effectively, considering that the City of New York allocates millions of dollars to its “Right to Counsel” program to provide tenants with legal representation in the Housing Courts. This budget item is regularly increased, but Legal Aid – the beneficiary of most of these funds – claims it does not have adequate numbers of attorneys, which it attributes to a backlog of cases waiting to be heard. Moreover, a report issued by the Office of Court Administration (OCA) in August 2023 recommends that one full-time experienced attorney should only be assigned 48 cases per year. 

Instead of false cries of an eviction crisis, elected officials should amend the law that provides the Assigned Counsel Plan (also referred to as 18B Panel attorneys) to allow the Housing Court to hire and compensate private attorneys as it long has in the Criminal and Family Courts for criminal and family legal proceedings. While legal services for housing issues aren’t currently covered under this program, the stroke of a pen could enable the creation of an 18B Panel for tenant-owner matters. These private attorneys, who would be screened for experience in Housing Court matters, would supplement the work currently being done by Legal Aid and other long-established non-profit legal assistance providers. Housing Court works when it works, so let’s get it working! More gets done and more gets settled when tenants have lawyers. 

BKLYN SPACE: And the other two?

RSA: The New York State Legislature needs to increase the minimum level of judges, court attorneys, clerks, and other support staff, to ensure that the Housing Court catches up with the case backlog and operates at an efficient level moving forward. Reports issued before the pandemic by OCA and the New York City Bar Association have already called for the number of housing court judges in all of New York City to be increased from 50 (a level it has remained at for over 25 years) to 60, and that was in 2018-2019, prior to pandemic. 

And last, but certainly not least, the City should restore NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA) “satellite” offices in Housing Court, which existed prior to COVID. HRA is an important source and coordinator of assistance for tenants in economic distress. Other agencies should also be regularly present in the courthouse. Direct access to agency staff in the courthouse while all parties are present would both speed up and increase efficiency of application for, and delivery of, needed aid. 

Without social service providers and agencies present in the courthouses, tenants must make multiple appearances on separate days in housing court, at a legal service provider’s office, and at social service agencies – all of which present difficult scheduling challenges. Housing all of these services in Housing Courts, where judges can appoint qualified 18B counsel on the spot and connect tenants with an in-house HRA office to apply for assistance all on the same day, would be an enormous benefit to tenants and owners. 

BKLYN SPACE: Looking at this from the tenant perspective and considering what tenant lawyers and activists are saying, aren’t their concerns also valid? Yours is just one perspective here. 

RSA: Disagreements, whether ideological or in the courts or in the legislature, have their place. Some activists insist that “rent is theft,” which is a pretty radical position that ignores foundational economic realities but makes for catchy protest signs. Annual deliberations at the Rent Guidelines Board (RGB), which sets increases for stabilized leases citywide, are always contentious. The City Council and State Legislature are always debating legislation that impacts housing. 

But on this point — saying that something critical and immediate is happening in the courts when it’s not — that sort of misrepresentation clouds the ability to have reasonable disagreements at the RGB, in legislatures, and in the public space. That’s why this data we’re talking about is so important.

BKLYN SPACE: Our full title is BROOKLYN SPACE – For Living, Working and Investing. They have a rapidly growing readership in a broad cross-section of people who recognize the value of space in making this city work. They hope this is a good place to have this conversation. Any last remarks or thoughts RSA would like to share?

RSA: Rhetoric is easy. The work of providing affordable housing in New York City is hard. The Housing Court is where problems are solved. Owners are in the business of providing housing and collecting rent to meet bills, not evicting people. They need to be talking about policy, not politics. Tenants and owners alike need Housing Court to work. There is no eviction crisis and no coming eviction tsunami. Instead, what they have is a proven decrease in evictions and policy suggestions to help keep it that way. 

Mostly, we’re thankful for the opportunity to have this talk in your newsletter. Thank you. 

BKLYN SPACE: We’ll be sure to pass along feedback they get. 

RSA: Looking forward to it.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Group Help/Study Opportunities

In a relaxed environment, these student-led, question and answer sessions provide you with encouragement and support while permitting you to come and go as needed. Remember, all ASC services are free!
Three Hope students during a group study session

Please check with individual departments for up-to-date drop-in group help/study session offerings. Additional information will be available shortly after the start of each semester.


Accounting Help Sessions
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
VanZoeren 153
Led by upper-level asccounting students


Peer-Led Help Sessions
Thursdays, 6:30–9:30 p.m.
Schaap 3130
Led by upper-level chemistry students

Computer Science
CSCI 112, 125, 235, 245, 255
Sundays, 6–8 p.m.
Mondays–Thurdays, 7–9 p.m.
VanderWerf 115
Led by computer science students
Education 225
Help Session
Tuesdays, 11–11:50 a.m.
Van Zoeren 245
Led by Professor Susan Cherup

Engineering 100 Help Sessions
Sundays–Thursdays, 7–9 p.m.
Van Zoeren 134
Led by upper-level engineering students

Engineering 210 Help Sessions
Wednesdays, 7–9 p.m.
VanderWerf 228 (CAD Lab)
Led by upper-level engineering students

Engineering 220 Help Sessions
Tuesdays, 7–9 p.m.
Van Zoeren 134
Led by upper-level engineering students

Thursdays, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
Schaap 3128
Led by engineering faculty


Japanese Assistance
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:30–1:20 p.m.
Fridays, 4:10–5 p.m.
Martha Miller 231
Led by Professor Tsuda

Japanese 101 Drill Sessions
Monday, 4–5 p.m.
Martha Miller 242

Friday, 4–5 p.m.
Martha Miller 243

Japanese 201 Drill Sessions
Monday, 5–6 p.m.
Martha Miller 242

Drop-in help for students enrolled in quantitative courses
Mondays–Thursdays, 7:30–9:15 p.m.
Schaap 1118
Led by upper-level math students
*For students in a math or quantitative course

Physics 105 and 121 Help Sessions
Mondays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
VanZoeren B24
Led by upper-level physics students

Thursdays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
VanZoeren 151
Led by upper-level physics students 

Fri, 14 Aug 2020 00:04:00 -0500 en text/html
Study Suggests Horticulture Therapy Could Help Fight Depression No result found, try new keyword!A study suggests that horticulture therapy, which focuses on gardening activities, may help reduce depression symptoms in older adults. The greatest benefits were found when therapy lasted 4-8 ... Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-us text/html Ozempic could help curb alcohol abuse, study reveals

The latest weight loss craze could also help people control their drinking.

Semaglutide treatments such as Ozempic and Wegovy have been shown to reduce the symptoms of alcohol use disorder (AUD), according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry on Nov. 27.

The collaborative study from The University of Oklahoma (OU) and Oklahoma State University (OSU) found a “significant and noteworthy decrease” in the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores of six patients who were receiving semaglutide treatment for weight loss.

Lead study author Dr. Jesse Richards, director of obesity medicine and assistant professor of medicine at the OU-TU School of Community Medicine, said the study was inspired by his conversation with Dr. Kyle Simmons, professor of pharmacology and physiology at the OSU Center for Health Sciences.

“I had been hearing from a significant number of patients that their alcohol intake was spontaneously decreasing while [they were] on the medication,” Richards told Fox News Digital.

As a bariatric surgery clinic employee, Richards noted that it’s standard to screen patients for alcohol use.

Studies found that there was a decrease in Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores for six patients receiving weight-loss treatments. AP

At the clinic, a number of patients tested positive for alcohol consumption, sometimes in concerning amounts.

Later, while on semaglutide medication, they reported reduced alcohol intake.

One of Richards’ patients — who previously drank large amounts of alcohol — shared a new inability to drink more than two cans of beer now because it “just doesn’t sound good.”

After semaglutide medication, a patient who formerly drank beer regularly began to think that alcohol just didn’t “sound good.” Getty Images

This response piqued Richards’ interest in learning more about patients’ aversion to alcohol, which directly correlated to his research.

Research has shown that this effect is “mediated through adjustments in the reward pathway in the brain,” he said.

“The GLP-1s are actually modifying dopamine, decreasing the craving and decreasing the motivation to acquire things in that compulsive intake category.”

The most surprising takeaway from the study, Richards said, was that the same significant treatment response was seen even at very low doses.

“We found that even patients on the lowest dose of semaglutide — a quarter milligram — had a quite significant and relatively … quick onset reduction in alcohol intake,” he said.

Of the six patients studied, all but one were on low doses — from a quarter to a half milligram.

“And that’s very encouraging because they know that the lower doses of these medications are tolerated much better,” said Richards.

While the results seem promising, the doctor said he does not recommend that patients use semaglutide treatments for alcohol use disorder at this time, due to supply and safety issues.

“If patients have [obesity and diabetes] indications for the medication and they also struggle with alcohol intake … having them on this treatment may potentially be beneficial,” Richards said.

Due to medication shortages and a lack of long-term data, it may not be advisable to take Ozempic to target alcoholism specifically. NurPhoto via Getty Images

“But because there has been a global medication shortage, and because they don’t have prospective trials and don’t know what the specific safety is versus the well-established safety data in obesity and diabetes, [I] would not recommend it just for patients who have AUD.”

There are three FDA-approved drugs available for alcoholic use disorder that are currently underused, the doctor noted.

Given that five million people in the U.S. are currently taking semaglutide medications, if it is proven that those drugs have a significant effect on alcohol use disorder, “by default, they are going to become the most widely used drug to Excellerate these symptoms — just by virtue of the fact that so many people are on them for diabetes or obesity,” Richards noted.

Trials are underway to gather more information on the weight-loss medication and its effect on alcohol intake. UCG/Universal Images Group via G

He confirmed that additional research is underway with two ongoing trials.

“Since they were able to show clinically meaningful reductions in alcohol intake and AUD symptomatology in a real-world setting, that bodes very well for these types of medications,” he said.

Looking ahead, Richard said there is a need for higher-quality evidence of the medication’s impact on AUD compared to placebo drugs or environmental factors.

People struggling with alcohol use should speak with their healthcare provider. Getty Images

Even though it’s unclear whether GLP-1 producers will market the medication to AUD patients in the future, Richards said this could become an “established medical practice once the safety and efficacy has been determined.”

For patients who struggle with AUD, Richards recommended they talk to their health care providers about available treatment.

He also alerted patients that if they experience a reduced appetite and usually consume “a bunch of calories” in alcohol, it may be necessary to look into a more balanced diet.

Avantika Waring, 9amHealth’s chief medical officer and a trained physician and endocrinologist in San Francisco, applauded the OU and OSU study findings for further supporting what clinicians “are already seeing in practice,” she told Fox News Digital.

“GLP-1 medications have a lot of effects that they are still learning about, and the ability to decrease cravings and the reward signals related to alcohol use are just some of the benefits,” she said.

“It’s an important starting point for further clinical trials,” she added.

Waring also warned that GLP-1 medications should not be used to treat AUD specifically, as they can cause side effects such as nausea and changes in appetite.

“People struggling with alcohol use disorder should consult with their physicians before starting GLP-1 medications to make sure that they can stay hydrated and safe on therapy,” she said.

Waring noted that if ongoing clinical trials find semaglutide treatments to be effective for AUD, the medical community will “have another tool to help people living with alcohol addiction and we’ll see expanded use of these already popular drugs.”

Fox News Digital reached out to Novo Nordisk for comment on the potential link between semaglutide medications and alcohol use disorder.

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 02:53:00 -0600 en-US text/html How Crying Can Help You, Here Is What A Study Says

They say that there's no sense in crying over spilled milk. But what do they know? Crying can get you another glass of milk if you do it loud enough. Plus, crying may serve a real physiologic purpose, according to a study published recently in Emotion, meaning the journal and not in an Emo-kind of way.

For the study, three researchers from the University of Queensland (Leah S. Sharman, Genevieve A. Dingle, and Eric J. Vanman) and one from Tilberg University (Ad J. J. M. Vingerhoets) recruited 197 female undergraduate students. They said that they choose all women rather than including men because pilot testing of sad videos had revealed that more women than men cried or at least more women revealed that they were crying. This did not account for the men who cried inside or used some bro-language or high fives to hide the crying.

The research team then showed each of the study participants either a video that are supposed to make them feel sad (sad videos) or a video that was not supposed to elicit any emotion (neutral videos) like something from a documentary or a ted talk. Each video lasted for close to 18 minutes. After the video, the researchers noted whether or not each participant had cried while watching the video. Ultimately, 65 participants watched the neutral video, 71 watched the sad video and cried during it, and 61 watched the sad video and did not cry. Presumably, no one cried during the neutral video. But then again, actor Bryce Dallas Howard was able to cry when Conan O'Brien talked about Home Depot in this Conan clip:

Then, each participant underwent a Cold Pressor Stress Test (CPT), which involved placing the participant's left hand, up to the wrist, in cold 0° to 5°C water. Unless you are the Iceman or Killer Frost, this is supposed to be painful. The research team measured how long each participant could stay in this position until pulling her hand out of the water. During the study, the research team continuously measured each participant's heart rate and respiratory rate and periodically measured cortisol levels from saliva samples. Cortisol is a stress-hormone that's produced by the body.

Also, at four points during the study, participants answered questions from the Positive and Negative Affect Scale short form (PANAS). These questions asked the degree to which the participant was experiencing ten different emotions and to rank each on a five-point scale that ranged from a one (very slightly or not at all) to a five (extremely).

When it came to cortisol levels and how long the participants could keep their hands submerged in the cold water, the study ended up finding not much difference between the neutral video watchers, the sad video non-criers, and the sad video criers. So if you are about to dunk yourself in cold water or take a cold shower, it may not help to cry first.

But here's a difference that the study found. Are you ready? Take a deep breath. The difference was breathing rates. While watching the videos, the non-criers tended to have elevations in their breathing rates, whereas, by contrast, the criers tended to maintain their initial breathing rates. In other words, tearing up could have helped participants better control their breathing rates. This provides further evidence that crying may help you better regulate arousal, serving as an emotional release.

Another interesting finding was that right before crying, participants tended to experience decreases in their heart rates, seemingly in anticipation of the crying. Once the crying began, their heart rates then tended to creep back up but not above where their heart rates had been before everything began. This may be further evidence that crying has a beneficial regulatory effect on your physiology.

So perhaps next time you start crying you can tell people that you are regulating your physiology. You've probably heard of people saying that they had a good cry and feel better after they've let the tears flow. It can be important to find reasonable ways to periodically release your emotions. Otherwise, you may end up bottling everything up like a hot air balloon that can explode when you least expect it.

Moreover, crying can be a way of communicating. It's really the only way that babies can express their needs before they learn how to say things like "why you throwing shade on me," or "I'm not Gucci." Crying can help communicate to others that you need more sympathy, comfort, or help. Of course, this can be misused. You don't want to cry every time your order at a restaurant doesn't come out right. And of course, there is the whole concept of crocodile tears: people crying to get something when they don't really mean it.

Crying can also be a way of communicating with yourself. Even when you cry alone, you may be telling yourself about your own state because, like many people, you could be terrible at reading your own emotions and situation. Tears could be your body's way of saying, "hey, take a break," or "something's not right," or "take care of yourself." Tearing up can then be a way of your body literally crying out to you.

Your body is a complex system. Crying can be complex. Your tears can flow when you are very sad, very angry, or even very happy. Better understanding what causes us to cry and what happens as a result could help us better handle their emotions and stress.

Sun, 21 Jul 2019 07:48:00 -0500 Bruce Y. Lee en text/html
New study finds intermittent fasting could help weight loss, hypertension and mood New study finds intermittent fasting could help weight loss, hypertension and mood - CBS News

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A new study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine found eating only between the hours of 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. could help people lose weight and treat hypertension. Good Housekeeping's deputy nutrition director and registered dietician Stefani Sassos joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss the study's findings and limitations.

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Wed, 06 Jul 2022 09:10:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Pets can help slow dementia progress among those over age 50 who live alone, study says

A new study suggests getting that cute dog in one's more mature years might be a good idea after all. 

Researchers from the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, found that pet ownership can be associated with slower rates of developing dementia. 

The study, published on Tuesday in JAMA Network Open, determined that owning a pet made a difference in verbal memory and fluency among adults who lived alone.


The study's author, professor Ciyong Lu, said in the study that slower rates of declining verbal memory and fluency were seen in those who lived alone — but not in those who lived with others.

"Pet ownership offset the associations between living alone and declining rates [of] verbal memory and verbal fluency," he said. 

Researchers found that owning a pet helps those with dementia.  (iStock)

The research involved more than 7,900 participants over the age of 50, with roughly 35% of them owning pets and 27% of them living alone.

In the study, Lu said that those living alone with a pet showed slower rates of developing signs of dementia.


"These findings suggest that pet ownership may be associated with slower cognitive decline among older adults living alone," he said.

"Contrary to living alone," the authors also wrote, "pet ownership (for example, raising dogs and cats) is related to reduced loneliness, an important risk factor for dementia and cognitive decline."

A new study found that owning a pet could be beneficial for people with signs of dementia who live alone.  (iStock)

Lu said that clinical trials will be necessary in order to confirm the study's findings.

Currently, more than 55 million people worldwide have dementia — with nearly 10 million new cases each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). 


Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, which is currently the 7th leading cause of death, the WHO also notes. 

Early symptoms of dementia include forgetfulness, being confused, losing track of time, misjudging distances, feeling anxious, experiencing personality changes, engaging in inappropriate behavior and more. (iStock)

Early symptoms of dementia include forgetfulness, being confused, losing track of time, misjudging distances, feeling anxious, personality changes, inappropriate behavior and more.


There is currently no cure for dementia or for someone developing signs of dementia, but the WHO suggests that staying active and continuing to stimulate the brain may help.


Fox News Digital reached out to Lu for further comment. 

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Tue, 26 Dec 2023 03:55:00 -0600 Fox News en text/html
Study: Light Therapy May Help Ease Symtoms of Alzheimer’s Disease Like Sleep, Mood

Fact checked by Nick Blackmer

  • New research found that light therapy may be useful in reducing sleep issues and psychobehavioral symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Experts note that people doing light therapy should aim for 2–3 sessions per week, with each session ranging from 10–30 minutes.

  • More research is needed for clinical certainty regarding light therapy and Alzheimer’s disease, though it could be a valuable, complementary approach to treating the condition in years to come.

Light therapy could be a useful tool to ease Alzheimer’s symptoms, a new study finds.

Previous research has found that 90% of people living with Alzheimer’s experience psychobehavioral symptoms, and 70% of people living with Alzheimer’s experience sleep disorders.

“These often disruptive symptoms are the primary reasons for placement in a care facility, and for increases in caregiver burden and distress,” Claire Sexton, DPhil, senior director of scientific programs and outreach at the Alzheimer’s Association, told Health.

“Until they can stop or prevent the disease, it is essential that they effectively treat Alzheimer’s in those living with it, and Excellerate quality of life for the person and family,” she said.

New research, a meta-analysis of 15 randomized controlled trials published earlier this month in PLOS One, found that photobiomodulation—a type of light therapy—can Excellerate the sleep and psychobehavioral symptoms in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

The study was small, but a variety of therapy options were analyzed. Sexton explained that the size implies that the results can’t be translated into recommendations for individuals.

Rather, the work emphasizes the need for further research, as well as shared and standardized protocols going forward.

“It is very important that the Alzheimer’s/dementia research field addresses and effectively treats the challenging symptoms and behaviors common to people living with Alzheimer’s, in addition to treating the cognitive symptoms, changing the course of the disease, and eventually preventing Alzheimer’s and all other dementias,” she said.

Here’s how light therapy may help those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Light Therapy’s Range of Benefits May Directly Ease Alzheimer’s Symptoms

There are a variety of light therapy options, but the new study focused specifically on photobiomodulation to see how it impacted people with Alzheimer’s.

Photobiomodulation is the use of light (typically using red light) for modulating cell function, Dale Bredesen, MD, a neuroscience researcher, neurodegenerative disease expert, and author of The End of Alzheimer’s, told Health.

“It has a wide range of effects, from reducing pain to increasing healing, reducing inflammation, improving sleep, and enhancing cognition,” he said.

During light therapy, the light is absorbed by cells and provides energy support, he explained. This also increases blood flow.

According to the study, light therapy can help people fall asleep faster, reduce nocturnal insomnia, increase total sleep time, and improve sleep quality. It also can Excellerate cognitive function, enhance quality of life, and reduce caregiver burden in people with Alzheimer’s.

Some of these physical benefits could be due to the effect that light therapy has on melatonin, Bredesen explained, which is directly tied to sleep. Meanwhile, improvements in behavior could be tied to the fact that light therapy reduces inflammation and improves blood flow, he said.

“Light therapy...also influences serotonin and dopamine levels, contributing to improved mood and cognitive function,” Logan DuBose, MD, a geriatrics specialist and co-founder of Olera, a dementia care group, told Health.

He explained that the combined impact on neurotransmitters makes light therapy a valuable intervention for enhancing sleep quality and psycho-social well-being.

For light therapy to be useful, Bredesen explained that people usually need two to three sessions of therapy per week—ideally 10 to 30 minutes per session. Most often, light therapy is used in the evening, though if people are particularly struggling with waking up, they may prefer to do it in the morning, he said.

“Light therapy can Excellerate sleep patterns, reduce night-time restlessness, and address mood-related symptoms and sundowning, fostering better overall psycho-social well-being,” said DuBose.

He explained that, additionally, light therapy’s influence on circadian rhythms has been associated with cognitive benefits.

Consequently, DuBose said that light therapy could potentially preserve cognitive function and slow cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s.

This, ultimately, could enhance the overall quality of life for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

But, More Light Therapy Research Is a Must

While the results of the study are encouraging, more research is needed for any clinical certainty on how light therapy impacts Alzheimer’s.

It is possible that this non-invasive treatment option could become an important tool for managing some symptoms associated with the disease, but it is too early to recommend it as a protocol for treatment.

“The results [of this study] suggest that the combined evidence, though modest in scale, is encouraging but preliminary, and justifies further research in larger, more representative study populations,” Sexton said.

She explained that if additional research indicates that light therapy can be used for Alzheimer’s, it would be a valuable non-pharmacological intervention that’s safe, non-invasive, and perhaps more cost-efficient than other options.

While light therapy research is still in its infancy, it may be a complementary approach to Alzheimer’s alongside other treatments in the future.

If you have any questions or concerns about light therapy or how it could impact your health circumstance, consult a trusted healthcare professional.

Related: What Is Red Light Therapy?

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