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DSA-C02 SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist answers |

DSA-C02 answers - SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: DSA-C02 SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist answers January 2024 by team
SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist
SnowFlake Advanced: answers

Other SnowFlake exams

DEA-C01 SnowPro Advanced Data Engineer
DSA-C02 SnowPro Advanced: Data Scientist
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COF-R02 Snowflake SnowPro Core Recertification DSA-C02 Certification study guides are setup via IT experts. experts has contacted its resources to get most accurate and valid DSA-C02 dumps questions from real exams and include them in its VCE exam and questions answers PDF.
Question: 145
Which ones are the type of visualization used for Data exploration in Data Science?
A. Heat Maps
B. Newton AI
C. Feature Distribution by Class
D. 2D-Density Plots
E. Sand Visualization
Answer: A
For data exploration in Data Science, visualizations are used to understand the underlying patterns, relationships,
anomalies, and distributions in the data. Among the given options:
A. Heat Maps - Correct. Heat maps are used to represent data values using colors. They can visualize the distribution
of values across two dimensions, making them useful for understanding correlations or patterns.
C. Feature Distribution by Class - Correct. This visualization displays the distribution of a feature (or multiple features)
for different classes. It can be helpful in classification problems to understand how features vary across classes.
D. 2D-Density Plots - Correct. These plots are a way to represent the distribution of two continuous variables, usually
with contour lines or color-coded regions. It helps in visualizing where data points are concentrated.
B. Newton AI - Incorrect. Newton AI is not a type of visualization. It might refer to an AI platform or product, but it's
not a visualization method used in data exploration.
E. Sand Visualization - Incorrect. This isn't a recognized standard type of visualization in Data Science.
So, the correct answers are A, C, and D.
Question: 146
Which one is not the feature engineering techniques used in ML data science world?
A. Imputation
B. Binning
C. One hot encoding
D. Statistical
Answer: D
Feature engineering is the pre-processing step of machine learning, which is used to transform raw data into features
that can be used for creating a predictive model using Machine learning or statistical Modelling.
What is a feature?
Generally, all machine learning algorithms take input data to generate the output. The input data re-mains in a tabular
form consisting of rows (instances or observations) and columns (variable or at-tributes), and these attributes are often
known as features. For example, an image is an instance in computer vision, but a line in the image could be the
feature. Similarly, in NLP, a document can be an observation, and the word count could be the feature. So, they can say
a feature is an attribute that impacts a problem or is useful for the problem.
What is Feature Engineering?
Feature engineering is the pre-processing step of machine learning, which extracts features from raw data. It helps to
represent an underlying problem to predictive models in a better way, which as a result, Improve the accuracy of the
model for unseen data. The predictive model contains predictor variables and an outcome variable, and while the
feature engineering process selects the most useful predictor variables for the model.
Some of the popular feature engineering techniques include:
Question: 147
Skewness of Normal distribution is ___________
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. 0
D. Undefined
Answer: C
Since the normal curve is symmetric about its mean, its skewness is zero. This is a theoretical explanation for
mathematical proofs, you can refer to books or websites that speak on the same in detail.
Question: 148
What is the formula for measuring skewness in a dataset?
Answer: C
Since the normal curve is symmetric about its mean, its skewness is zero. This is a theoretical explanation for
mathematical proofs, you can refer to books or websites that speak on the same in detail.
Question: 149
What Can Snowflake Data Scientist do in the Snowflake Marketplace as Provider?
A. Publish listings for free-to-use datasets to generate interest and new opportunities among the Snowflake customer
B. Publish listings for datasets that can be customized for the consumer.
C. Share live datasets securely and in real-time without creating copies of the data or im-posing data integration tasks
on the consumer.
D. Eliminate the costs of building and maintaining APIs and data pipelines to deliver data to customers.
Answer: A,B,C,D
All are correct!
About the Snowflake Marketplace
You can use the Snowflake Marketplace to discover and access third-party data and services, as well as market your
own data products across the Snowflake Data Cloud.
As a data provider, you can use listings on the Snowflake Marketplace to share curated data offerings with many
consumers simultaneously, rather than maintain sharing relationships with each individual consumer. With Paid
Listings, you can also charge for your data products.
As a consumer, you might use the data provided on the Snowflake Marketplace to explore and access the following:
Historical data for research, forecasting, and machine learning.
Up-to-date streaming data, such as current weather and traffic conditions.
Specialized identity data for understanding subscribers and audience targets.
New insights from unexpected sources of data.
The Snowflake Marketplace is available globally to all non-VPS Snowflake accounts hosted on Amazon Web Services,
Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, with the exception of Microsoft Azure Government. Support for
Microsoft Azure Government is planned.
Question: 150
What Can Snowflake Data Scientist do in the Snowflake Marketplace as Consumer?
A. Discover and test third-party data sources.
B. Receive frictionless access to raw data products from vendors.
C. Combine new datasets with your existing data in Snowflake to derive new business in-sights.
D. Use the business intelligence (BI)/ML/Deep learning tools of her choice.
Answer: A,B,C,D
As a consumer, you can do the following:
ă» Discover and test third-party data sources.
ă» Receive frictionless access to raw data products from vendors.
ă» Combine new datasets with your existing data in Snowflake to derive new business insights.
ă» Have datasets available instantly and updated continually for users.
ă» Eliminate the costs of building and maintaining various APIs and data pipelines to load and up-date data.
ă» Use the business intelligence (BI) tools of your choice.
Question: 151
Which one is the incorrect option to share data in Snowflake?
A. a Listing, in which you offer a share and additional metadata as a data product to one or more accounts.
B. a Direct Marketplace, in which you directly share specific database objects (a share) to another account in your
region using Snowflake Marketplace.
C. a Direct Share, in which you directly share specific database objects (a share) to another account in your region.
D. a Data Exchange, in which you set up and manage a group of accounts and offer a share to that group.
Answer: B
Options for Sharing in Snowflake
You can share data in Snowflake using one of the following options:
ă» a Listing, in which you offer a share and additional metadata as a data product to one or more ac-counts,
ă» a Direct Share, in which you directly share specific database objects (a share) to another account in your region,
ă» a Data Exchange, in which you set up and manage a group of accounts and offer a share to that group.
Question: 152
Data providers add Snowflake objects (databases, schemas, tables, secure views, etc.) to a share using.
Which of the following options?
A. Grant privileges on objects to a share via Account role.
B. Grant privileges on objects directly to a share.
C. Grant privileges on objects to a share via a database role.
D. Grant privileges on objects to a share via a third-party role.
Answer: A,B,C
What is a Share?
Shares are named Snowflake objects that encapsulate all of the information required to share a database.
Data providers add Snowflake objects (databases, schemas, tables, secure views, etc.) to a share using either or both of
the following options:
Option 1: Grant privileges on objects to a share via a database role.
Option 2: Grant privileges on objects directly to a share.
You choose which accounts can consume data from the share by adding the accounts to the share. After a database is
created (in a consumer account) from a share, all the shared objects are accessible to users in the consumer account.
Shares are secure, configurable, and controlled completely by the provider account:
ă» New objects added to a share become immediately available to all consumers, providing real-time access to shared
Access to a share (or any of the objects in a share) can be revoked at any time.
Question: 153
Secure Data Sharing do not let you share which of the following selected objects in a database in your account with
other Snowflake accounts?
A. Sequences
B. Tables
C. External tables
D. Secure UDFs
Answer: A
Secure Data Sharing lets you share selected objects in a database in your account with other Snow-flake accounts.
You can share the following Snowflake database objects:
External tables
Secure views
Secure materialized views
Secure UDFs
Snowflake enables the sharing of databases through shares, which are created by data providers and âimportedâ by data
Question: 154
Which one is incorrect understanding about Providers of Direct share?
A. A data provider is any Snowflake account that creates shares and makes them available to other Snowflake accounts
to consume.
B. As a data provider, you share a database with one or more Snowflake accounts.
C. You can create as many shares as you want, and add as many accounts to a share as you want.
D. If you want to provide a share to many accounts, you can do the same via Direct Share.
Answer: D
If you want to provide a share to many accounts, you might want to use a listing or a data ex-change.
Question: 155
As Data Scientist looking out to use Reader account, Which ones are the correct considerations about Reader Accounts
for Third-Party Access?
A. Reader accounts (formerly known as âread-only accountsâ) provide a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to share
data without requiring the consumer to become a Snowflake customer.
B. Each reader account belongs to the provider account that created it.
C. Users in a reader account can query data that has been shared with the reader account, but cannot perform any of
the DML tasks that are allowed in a full account, such as data loading, insert, update, and similar data manipulation
D. Data sharing is only possible between Snowflake accounts.
Answer: D
Let's evaluate each of the statements regarding Reader Accounts for Third-Party Access in Snowflake:
A. Correct. Reader accounts (formerly known as â read-only accounts â ) are specifically designed for sharing data
with third-party consumers without requiring them to be Snowflake customers. They allow consumers to query shared
data sets.
B. Correct. Each reader account is indeed linked to the provider account that created it. The provider manages and
incurs the costs of the reader account.
C. Correct. Users in a reader account can only query the shared data. They don't have permissions to perform DML
operations (like insert, update, delete). Their primary purpose is to read and analyze the shared data.
D. Incorrect. While it's true that typical data sharing in Snowflake occurs between Snowflake accounts, the concept of
the reader account was introduced specifically to share data with third parties that do not have a Snowflake account.
So, the correct considerations about Reader Accounts for Third-Party Access are options A, B, and C.
Question: 156
A. GRANT USAGE ON DATABASE product_db TO SHARE product_s;
C. GRANT SELECT ON TABLE sales_db. product_agg.Item_agg TO SHARE product_s;
D. ALTER SHARE product_s ADD ACCOUNTS=xy12345, yz23456;
Answer: C
CREATE SHARE product_s is the correct Snowsql command to create Share object.
Rest are correct ones.
Question: 157
Which object records data manipulation language (DML) changes made to tables, including inserts, updates, and
deletes, as well as metadata about each change, so that actions can be taken using the changed data of Data Science
A. Task
B. Dynamic tables
C. Stream
D. Tags
E. Delta
Answer: C
A stream object records data manipulation language (DML) changes made to tables, including inserts, updates, and
deletes, as well as metadata about each change, so that actions can be taken using the changed data. This process is
referred to as change data capture (CDC). An individual table stream tracks the changes made to rows in a source
table. A table stream (also referred to as simply a âstreamâ) makes a âchange tableâ available of what changed, at the
row level, between two transactional points of time in a table. This allows querying and consuming a sequence of
change records in a transactional fashion.
Streams can be created to query change data on the following objects:
ă» Standard tables, including shared tables.
ă» Views, including secure views
ă» Directory tables
ă» Event tables
Question: 158
Which are the following additional Metadata columns Stream contains that could be used for creating Efficient Data
science Pipelines & helps in transforming only the New/Modified data only?
Answer: A,C,E
A stream stores an offset for the source object and not any real table columns or data. When que-ried, a stream
accesses and returns the historic data in the same shape as the source object (i.e. the same column names and ordering)
with the following additional columns: METADATA$ACTION
Indicates the DML operation (INSERT, DELETE) recorded.
Indicates whether the operation was part of an UPDATE statement. Updates to rows in the source object are
represented as a pair of DELETE and INSERT records in the stream with a metadata column
Note that streams record the differences between two offsets. If a row is added and then updated in the current offset,
the delta change is a new row. The METADATA$ISUPDATE row records a FALSE
Specifies the unique and immutable ID for the row, which can be used to track changes to specific rows over time.

SnowFlake Advanced: answers - BingNews Search results SnowFlake Advanced: answers - BingNews Anello Answers It: Snowflake types explained

This week in Anello Answers It, they are answering a question from one of their viewers! William asked if there are different types of snowflakes and if so, what they are and how they form.

There are five main types of snowflakes. They are thin plates, needles, hollow columns, stellar plates, and dendrites. They form based on air temperatures.

Thin plates are formed when the air temperature is between 25 and 32 degrees. Needles form between 25 and 21 degrees, while temperatures down to 14 lead to hollow columns 10 to 14 degree temperatures result in stellar plates, and the most well known type, dendrites from between 3 and 10 degrees.

Once they get colder than that three degree mark, they start to work back up the ladder of flake types. Negative 8 degrees of lightly warmer leads to stellar plates yet again, and below that gives us hollow columns.

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Find more episodes of "Anello Answers It!" here.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:07:00 -0600 en text/html
Just how big can a snowflake get? It depends on what you mean by 'snowflake'

Here's a question to ponder during these cold, wintry days: How big can snowflakes get?

Part of the answer depends on what you mean by the word "snowflake." The other part of that answer depends on who you ask.

If you consult the Guinness World Record keepers, they say that the "largest snowflake" is one that fell near Missoula, Montana in 1887. It reportedly was 15 inches in diameter and 8 inches thick.

But that claim used to really bug Kenneth Libbrecht, a Caltech physicist with a special interest in snow.

"There's a little problem with the language," says Libbrecht. "When people hear 'the world's biggest snowflake,' they always imagine a snow crystal, which is a different beast entirely."

A snow crystal with six-fold symmetry is the kind of snowflake you might cut out of folded paper with scissors.

But the word "snowflake" also can refer to white puffballs that drift down from the sky, which are made of many individual snow crystals that have collided and gotten entangled.

So about six months ago, Libbrecht contacted the folks at Guinness World Records and basically told them, look, your snowflake record is potentially confusing.

He suggested adding an additional record, for the 'largest individual snow crystal.'

And he had a contender for that title: a snow crystal he photographed twenty years earlier.

Libbrecht has long photographed naturally occurring snow crystals, even as he has made a name for himself generating snow crystals in the lab. The largest one he ever made was about an inch across, he says, but it wasn't pretty, and was barely hanging together as it started to fall apart under its own weight.

The biggest natural one he ever saw fell on December 30, 2003, when Libbrecht was in Ontario, Canada and the conditions were just right — almost no wind and temperatures around 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

"All of a sudden, just these really large flowers just came falling out of the sky," he says. "They were very noticeable, because they were just gigantic."

Normally, a decent-sized snow crystal is around 2 millimeters across, says Libbrecht. These were about five times bigger, and he rushed to take photos.

"They only fell for like ten minutes," he says, "and I managed to get a really good one."

He photographed a beautiful crystal, 10 millimeters wide — that's a centimeter, or about a third of an inch.

It's the biggest one he's ever heard of, and Libbrecht says he knows most of the small community that seriously pursues snow crystal photography.

He told the Guiness World Record folks that even if this snow crystal wasn't the biggest, "it would be fun. People might now be inclined to look around and find a bigger one."

What's more, it could help clear up what their 'largest snowflake' record really meant.

The record keepers ultimately agreed to his proposal, and now Libbrecht's snow crystal record is listed alongside the snowflake one from 1887.

But researchers who study big puffy snowflakes, the kind that are clusters of many snow crystals, have their own doubts about that 19th century claim.

"I must admit I'm a bit skeptical about it," says Sandra Yuter, a meteorologist with North Carolina State University.

She doesn't want to say it could never happen. "This is one of the issues in science," she says. "You can always get outliers."

This 35.33 mm (1.39 inches) snowflake photographed in Stonybrook, NY in 2015 was the largest captured over multiple winters by researchers using a special camera designed to image falling snowflakes.

/ Sandra Yuter


Sandra Yuter

This 35.33 mm (1.39 inches) snowflake photographed in Stonybrook, NY in 2015 was the largest captured over multiple winters by researchers using a special camera designed to image falling snowflakes.

She says individual snow crystals initially form high up in a snow storm, which can be around six kilometers tall. The crystals start to drift down at a speed of about a meter per second, so it takes more than an hour for an entangled crystal to travel from the top of the storm to the ground.

A lot can happen during that hour. The crystals get blown around and encounter other crystals that formed at different temperatures and conditions. They all glom together into a flake that can get bigger and bigger.

Eventually, though, the flake hits the ground, which means there's only a limited amount of time for snowflake growth.

To get a snowflake as big as the one that supposedly fell in 1887, the weather conditions would have to be pretty unusual, says Yuter, and there's no photographic evidence of that behemoth.

Yuter is an expert in photographing the intricate gatherings of snow crystals that fall as flakes, using a special contraption equipped with motion sensors and cameras to capture what their eyes can't.

"One of the interesting things about snow to me is it's falling just fast enough that they can't, as humans, see it very well. They sort of get the impression," she says. "And so, you know, we're using this technology to kind of take a snapshot and get a good picture of it."

The pictures show that each falling snowflake has its own delicate geometry. It's a jumble of many, many individual snow crystals with different shapes ranging from needles to little balls.

The diverse shapes are loosely entangled in a precarious, three-dimensional structure that tends to be elongated rather than spherical. And the tiny crystals are just barely stuck together, says Yuter, so the smallest poke would make the whole thing fall apart.

This 33.6 mm snowflake (1.32 inches), also from Stonybrook, NY in 2015, is typical of aggregates in that it features a variety of snow crystal shapes, from needle-like columns to fuzzy little balls.

/ Sandra Yuter


Sandra Yuter

This 33.6 mm snowflake (1.32 inches), also from Stonybrook, NY in 2015, is typical of aggregates in that it features a variety of snow crystal shapes, from needle-like columns to fuzzy little balls.

That could help explain why,while the Guiness records would have us believe in snowflakes the size of a dinner plate, the biggest she's ever photographed was 35 millimeters across, or about an inch and a half.

Yuter says that she and her colleagues have photographed more than 100,000 snowflakes over the years. It never gets old.

Looking through all the photos can be mesmerizing, she says. "You can really get into it — the beauty of it, and the complexity of it, and I guess the wonder," says Yuter. "That's one of the cool things about snowflakes; they're wonderful."

Copyright 2024 NPR. To see more, visit

Sun, 24 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Snowflake Inc. Class A Common Stock (SNOW) No result found, try new keyword!©2021, EDGARŸOnline, a division of Donnelley Financial Solutions. EDGARŸ is a federally registered trademark of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. EDGAR ... Sat, 10 Feb 2018 22:39:00 -0600 JEE Advanced 2024 - Joint Entrance Examination Advanced, 2024


JEE Advanced-Undergraduate Examination, Paper 1 Answer Key 2023

JEE Advanced-Undergraduate Examination, Paper 2 Answer Key 2023


Two sets of answer keys for Joint Entrance Examination Advanced (JEE Advanced) are published:

  • Provisional Answer Key
  • Final Answer Key

The provisional answer key is only tentative and is subject to change. Marks for JEE Advanced are awarded according to the final answer key. 

The responses of the candidates who have appeared for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of JEE Advanced 2024, recorded during the examination, will be available for viewing, downloading and printing from the JEE Advanced 2024 candidate portal. 

The provisional answer keys for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be displayed on the JEE Advanced 2024 online portal. After the display of provisional answer keys, the candidates may submit their feedback, if any, on the candidate portal. 

The candidates’ feedback will be duly considered by subject experts, and the final answer keys for JEE Advanced 2024 will be displayed thereafter. 

The schedule of display of answer keys of JEE Advanced 2024 is as follows:



Availability of Candidate Responses

09 June 2024

Display of Provisional Answer Keys

11 June 2024

Receival of Candidate Feedback on Provisional Answer Keys

11 June 2024 - 12 June 2024

Display of Final Answer Keys

18 June 2024

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:52:00 -0600 en text/html
S&P 500 closes lower to begin 2024, Nasdaq notches worst day since October: Live updates

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on the first trading day of 2024 on January 02, 2024 in New York City. 

Spencer Platt | Getty Images

The S&P 500 fell Tuesday, the first trading day of the year, as bond yields inched higher and investors took some money off the table following a surprisingly strong 2023.

The broad market index lost 0.57% to settle at 4,742.83. The Nasdaq Composite pulled back by 1.63% to 14,765.94, for its worst day since October. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 25.50 points, or 0.07%, to close at 37,715.04. Markets were closed Monday for New Year's Day.

Apple shares slid more than 3% after Barclays downgraded the member of the Magnificent Seven market leaders basket to an underweight rating. On the other hand, the Dow remained in positive territory as defensive stocks like Johnson & Johnson and Merck strengthened.

The stock market finished 2023 with a bang, as the S&P 500 climbed for nine weeks in a row to end the year, notching its best weekly win streak since 2004. Risk assets enjoyed a big relief rally as the economy remained resilient and inflation cooled, while the Federal Reserve signaled an end to rate hikes and forecasted rate cuts later this year. The market also endured a regional banking crisis as well as wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

Technology shares, especially megacap stocks, led the 2023 advance with Apple soaring 48%, Microsoft surging nearly 57% and Nvidia skyrocketing 239%. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite ended the year up 43.4% for its best year since 2020.

The blue-chip Dow logged a 13.7% gain and notched a new record during 2023. Part of that rally was helped by a turn in interest rates. The 10-year Treasury yield had spooked investors by climbing above 5% at one point in October, before it topped out and closed the year out lower than 3.9%. On Tuesday, the 10-year yield was back up roughly 8 basis points, approaching 4% again. (1 basis point equals 0.01%.)

Stock Chart Icon Stock chart icon

10-year Treasury yield, 6 months

That trend was reversing on Tuesday as the new year of trading began with megacap tech names declining. Apple shares fell after the negative call from Barclays. The firm said Apple could lose about 17% this year because of lackluster iPhone sales. Microsoft and Nvidia shares were also in the red.

This reversal is fairly common in the first day of trading, according to Infrastructure Capital Management CEO Jay Hatfield.

"This is perfectly normal, somewhat expected activity," he told CNBC. "It's a normal seasonal pattern that you have tax loss selling in the period before year-end, and then you have gain harvesting in the period after 
 And I would say the trigger point too was this Apple downgrade."

Despite this slight pullback, Hatfield is still bullish on equities in the new year. He expects stocks to pick back up once earnings season rolls back around.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 05:19:00 -0600 en text/html
15 Tips to Hack Google Bard Results: Unleash the Power of Language AI

Google Bard

Google Bard, the advanced AI language model developed by Google, is renowned for its wide array of abilities. It excels in providing detailed answers to a variety of questions, crafting text in numerous creative formats, and adeptly handling language translations. However, to truly harness the power of Bard, a certain level of skill and understanding is essential. In this guide, they delve into insightful strategies to effectively ‘hack’ Bard, enabling users to maximize its capabilities and explore its full range of functionalities

Here are 15 tips to “hack” your Bard results and unlock its full potential:

  1. Be specific, not vague. The more precise your query with Google Bard, the more relevant Bard’s response. Instead of asking “What’s the weather like?”, try “Will it rain in Cardiff, Wales later today?”
  2. Use keywords strategically. Keywords act as search terms for Bard’s vast knowledge base. Include relevant keywords to narrow down results, like “best hiking trails near Cardiff” or “history of Welsh Christmas traditions.”
  3. Leverage operators and filters. Boolean operators like AND, OR, and NOT can refine your search further. Filters like “date published after 2023” or “source: academic journals” can hone results even more.
  4. Embrace the power of parentheses. Grouping keywords with parentheses help prioritize specific concepts. For instance, “(artificial intelligence) AND (impact on society)” ensures both terms are included in the response.
  5. Don’t shy away from complex questions. Bard thrives on challenges. Ask multi-faceted questions like “Compare and contrast the economic policies of Wales and Scotland” or “Explain the scientific principles behind a snowflake’s formation.”
  6. Get creative with Google Bard with prompts. Bard excels at generating different creative text formats. Be specific about the desired style and tone. For instance, “Write a poem about the beauty of the Welsh countryside” or “Craft a news article announcing the discovery of a new dinosaur species in Wales.”
  7. Use quotation marks for exact matches. When you need a precise answer, enclose your query in quotation marks. For example, “What is the exact chemical formula for water?”
  8. Go beyond factual queries. Bard can handle subjective inquiries too. Ask for opinions, recommendations, or even creative interpretations. For instance, “What would a traditional Welsh Christmas dinner look like?” or “Imagine a conversation between a sheepdog and a dragon.”
  9. Fact-check and verify information. While Bard is accurate, it’s still under development. Double-check crucial information from trusted sources for complete reliability.
  10. Provide Google Bard context for ambiguous queries. If your question has multiple interpretations, add context for clarity. For example, “What’s the capital of Wales?” could refer to the historical or current capital. Specifying “current” avoids confusion.
  11. Use humor and wit. Bard appreciates a playful approach. Throw in a joke or a pun to see how it responds creatively. Just remember to keep it respectful and appropriate.
  12. Be kind and respectful. Remember, Bard is a language model, not a human. Treat it with courtesy and respect, and you’ll receive the same in return.
  13. Experiment and have fun! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different queries and prompts. The more you interact with Bard, the better you’ll understand its capabilities and limitations.
  14. Share your learnings. As you discover new “hacks” and tricks, share them with others! Help the Bard community grow and make the most of this powerful language AI.
  15. Stay updated on Bard’s evolution. Google constantly improves Bard’s capabilities. Keep yourself informed about new features and functionalities to leverage its full potential.

Adhering to these guidelines, you have the opportunity to elevate your engagement with Bard beyond simple question-and-answer exchanges, venturing into a captivating journey through the realms of language and information. It’s crucial to remember that the secret to unlocking Bard’s full potential lies in being precise in your queries, inventive in your approach, and maintaining a respectful demeanor. Thus, by nurturing your inquisitiveness, tapping into the robust capabilities of Bard, and skillfully navigating its features, you can pave the way toward obtaining more profound, enriching outcomes. Embrace this adventure, where each interaction with Bard becomes a step towards a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricate tapestry of knowledge and linguistics!

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Thu, 21 Dec 2023 20:00:00 -0600 Roland Hutchinson en-US text/html
People Turned to the Internet to Identify These Random Items No result found, try new keyword!You’re probably familiar with Sherlock Holmes, who was the go-to man to solve mysteries back in the days in Victorian England. A renowned detective, Sherlock Holmes would figure out ciphers, solve ... Tue, 26 Dec 2023 10:37:27 -0600 en-us text/html Is this helicopter that can fly itself the answer to ending chopper crashes?

Imagine a helicopter that can take off, fly and land without a human pilot.

Sounds kinda crazy, right?

Well, it's not! It's actually a reality thanks to the R550X, the world's first full-size autonomous helicopter for civilian use.


The R550X autonomous helicopter (Rotor Technologies)

What is the R550X?

The R550X is a revolutionary helicopter from Rotor Technologies. It is special because it is the first of its kind to be designed for civilian use, not military or law enforcement. It can perform a variety of missions, such as crop spraying, cargo delivery, firefighting, surveillance, inspection, mapping, surveying, research, exploration, entertainment, and more. However, the R550X is not designed to carry people at this time; rather, it is an experimental category, uncrewed aircraft.


R550X autonomous helicopter (Rotor Technologies)


Making helicopters safer and smarter

It can also fly autonomously, without any human intervention, using advanced sensors and artificial intelligence. It can operate in any weather condition, day or night, and communicate with the ground or other aircraft using multiple data links. According to the company, these systems make the helicopter more stable and easy to operate, eliminating the causes of over 70% of helicopter fatalities today.

The company says its software can prevent common causes of helicopter accidents, such as "inadvertent entry into instrument meteorological conditions (IIMC), vortex ring state, mast bumping, loss-of-control, and controlled flight into terrain (CFIT)."

Rotor Technologies' R550X autonomous helicopter (Rotor Technologies)


How does the autonomous helicopter work?

The R550X works by using a combination of hardware and software components. The hardware includes the helicopter frame, engine, rotor system, fuel system, landing gear, cargo bay and mission payload. The software includes the flight control system, navigation system, communication system, and mission management system.

Some of the features of the autonomous helicopter

Autonomous flight and navigation: The R550X can fly autonomously, without any human input, using its onboard sensors and intelligence. It can follow a pre-programmed flight plan, or adapt to changing conditions and obstacles. It can also navigate using GPS, inertial navigation, and vision-based navigation.

Long endurance and range: The R550X can fly for more than three hours on a single tank of fuel, covering a distance of up to 450 miles. It can also fly at speeds up to 150 mph, making it faster than most drones and helicopters.

Large cargo bay: The R550X has a spacious cargo bay that can accommodate up to 1,200 lb (550 kg) of payload. The cargo bay can be customized to fit different types of mission equipment, such as cameras, gimbals, sensors, and other devices.


Multiple communication modes: The R550X can communicate with the ground or other aircraft using six different data links simultaneously. It can use satellite, LTE, radio, or optical communication, depending on the availability and reliability of the signal. It can also switch between different communication modes automatically, or based on user preference.

Emergency and safety features: The R550X has several emergency and safety features to ensure its reliability and security. It has a flight termination system that can end a flight immediately, in case of a critical failure or threat. It also has a backup battery and parachute system, in case of a power loss or engine failure. It can also hover or return to base, in case of a communication loss or interference.

Cloudpilot: The R550X is controlled by Cloudpilot, Rotor’s human-supervised autonomy service that is available 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. Cloudpilot flies the R550X from startup to shutdown, more safely and cost-effectively than an onboard pilot. Cloudpilot also monitors the R550X’s status and performance and provides real-time feedback and assistance to the user.

The R550X autonomous helicopter from Rotor Technologies (Rotor Technologies)


What are the benefits of the autonomous helicopter?

The R550X has many benefits for various industries and sectors. Some of the benefits are:

Cost and time efficiency: The R550X can reduce the cost and time of transportation and operation, compared to conventional helicopters and drones. It can also increase the productivity and profitability of the users, by performing more tasks and delivering more goods in less time.

Safety and reliability: The R550X can Improve the safety and reliability of the users, by eliminating the human error and risk involved in flying and operating helicopters and drones. It can also reduce the environmental impact and noise pollution, by using less fuel and emitting less emissions.

Versatility and flexibility: The R550X can offer more versatility and flexibility to users by being able to perform a wide range of missions and functions in any weather condition and terrain. It can also be customized and configured to suit different user needs and preferences.

How can you get your hands on one of these autonomous helicopters?

According to Rotor, construction of two production vehicles is now underway at the company’s headquarters in New Hampshire. The R550X is expected to be ready for operation in 2024. 


Kurt's key takeaways

The R550X is the first helicopter to fly without a human pilot, using advanced sensors and artificial intelligence. Surprisingly, all of this technology, the company claims, could eliminate the causes of a majority of helicopter fatalities today. Since it can perform a wide range of missions, from agriculture to entertainment, with high efficiency and safety, there's little doubt that they will see more of these aircraft in the future.

So, how do you feel about a helicopter that can fly without a human pilot? Let us know by writing us at

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Breaking down data silos: A practical guide to integrated marketing data No result found, try new keyword!Data silos — isolated collections of data within different departments or systems — hinder companies from gaining a complete picture of their customers.  This is the first of two articles exploring ... Fri, 15 Dec 2023 03:09:42 -0600 en-us text/html Managing expenses can be a chore—these 5 apps for small business owners makes it a little easier

Let's be honest, it's hard to get excited about expense tracking software. For employers, the goal is to keep up-to-the-minute financial records; for employees, they just want to upload their receipts or get reimbursed in a timely manner without tearing their hair out.

Everyone can agree that they just need a tracker that is simple so business receipts are scanned (ideally on-the-go) and expenses are approved without much muss or fuss. 

At CNBC Select, we've taken a deep dive into low-cost expense tracking software that works for small businesses of 2 to 50 employees. They looked at products that can grow with your small team and allow you and your new hires to jump in and start using. In addition, they chose software that can integrate with your team's accounting software and offers other benefits that go above and beyond stapling a receipt to an invoice. (See our methodology for more information on how they chose the best expense trackers for small business owners.)

Best expense trackers for small business owners:

Best overall


On FreshBook's secure site

  • Cost

    30-day free trial, then plan options include a limited time offer: the Lite plan for $1.70 per user per month for 5 billable clients; the Plus plan for $3.00 per user per month for up to 50 billable clients; the Premium plan for $5.50 per user per month, unlimited billable clients; and the Select plan, variable pricing depending on complexity of needs. 

  • Standout features

    Extremely easy to get started; Lite plan offers a lot of features; it's easy to upload receipts (including mileage) and create invoices. App offers time tracing. Very mobile friendly interface.

  • Categorizes your expenses

  • Links to accounts

    Yes, credit cards and bank accounts

  • Availability

  • Security features

    FreshBooks utilizes a 256-bit SSL encryption. The program collects a minimal amount of personally identifiable information, and if your information is ever lost, it's backed up in multiple databases so you can retrieve it again.


  • Lite plan is a great affordable option for for teams under 10.
  • Good for self-employed and freelance team members 
  • Pricing incentives and discounts for first 3 months with sign-up 
  • Automatically categorizes your expenses and itemizes them to make it easier on you when tax filing season comes along
  • Allows you to take photos of the receipts and to store them on the cloud.


  • Can get pricey once you begin adding on other FreshBooks software integrations

Pricier but also great

QuickBooksÂź Online

  • Cost

    30-day free trial then plan options include: Simple Start for $15 per month, Plus for $42.50 per month and Advanced for $100 per month

  • Standout features

    Tracks your business expenses as they happen, as well as your income. Users can use app to do invoicing, accept payments, manage their cash flow, maximize tax deductions, track travel miles, run reports, send estimates, manage bills and 1099 contractors, plus pay employees

  • Categorizes your expenses

  • Links to accounts

    Yes, bank and credit cards, plus third-party apps like PayPal and Square

  • Availability

    Accessible from any web browser and also offered in both the App Store (for iOS) and on Google Play (for Android)

  • Security features

    Verisign scanning, password-protected login, firewall protected servers and the same encryption technology (128 bit SSL) used by the world's top banks. QuickBooks also offers multiple permission levels that you can set for additional users' access


  • Offers a 30-day free trial
  • Syncs to your bank accounts, credit cards and third-party apps like PayPal and Square
  • Offers real-time dashboards so you can stay updated on all financial transactions related to your business
  • The most basic "Simple Start" plan tracks income, sales and expenses, organizes receipts, creates invoices, helps you prepare your taxes, categorizes your business and personal trips, offers a QuickBooks Cash account, runs reports like P&Ls and balance sheets and includes 1 user
  • "Essentials" plan, in addition to the above, helps you pay your bills, clock employee time and billable hours and includes up to 3 users
  • "Plus" plan, in addition to the above, lets you oversees projects, track inventory and includes up to 5 users
  • "Advanced" plan, in addition to the above, provides business analytics and insights, speeds up transactions, gives users access to VIP service QuickBooks Priority Circle that includes a dedicated account team and free online QuickBooks training, includes up to 25 usersQuickBooks offers a fourth "Self-Employed" plan for freelancers
  • Security features include Verisign scanning, encryption technology (128 bit SSL) used by the world's top banks and customized access for other users


  • Costs range from $15 per month to $100 per month, depending on the plan
  • Some user reviews complain of glitches in app and a not so user-friendly interface

Most User-Friendly


  • Cost

    Free for up to 25 SmartScans of receipts per month. For unlimited SmartScans, pricing is as follows: six-week free trial then for employees, individual pricing is $4.99 per month. For companies, group pricing starts at $5 per user, per month

  • Standout features

    Individuals can track receipts and submit expenses to their employer. Users scan their receipts and the app will automatically read the receipt then translate it into a logged expense. Also offers mileage and GPS tracking and automatic credit card importing

  • Categorizes your expenses

    Yes, but users can customize

  • Links to accounts

    Yes, bank and personal/company credit cards

  • Availability

    Offered in both the App Store (for iOS) and on Google Play (for Android)

  • Security features

    Two-factor authentication so users input a generated code when logging in; banking data is protected by world-class security standards and compliant with Privacy Shield and GDPR requirements


  • Free to use for up to 25 SmartScans per month
  • Offers a six-week free trial for unlimited SmartScans
  • Designed to help you get your expenses done quickly while on the go and in real time
  • Expensify website claims expense reports with Expensify take 83% less time
  • One-click receipt scanning and SmartScan automatically transcribes receipt details with the date, merchant and amount
  • Receipts are automatically coded and categorized once user takes photo and assigns to a report or emails their receipts to
  • Users can split their expenses by using the ExpensePoint feature to split the cost
  • Allows users to track their mileage by manual entry, odometer readings or by using the GPS
  • Web dashboard shows spending by different categories and uses time references
  • Automatically generates and submits expense reports for automatic next-day reimbursement
  • Users can share or print documents/expense reports from the app for review
  • Syncs to your bank accounts and credit cards
  • Lets users send and receive money via Venmo
  • Connects to apps like Uber, Lyft and HotelTonight for automatic receipt import and transcription
  • Security features include two-factor authentication, world-class security standards and Privacy Shield / GDPR compliance
  • With a group plan, employers can integrate with their accounting software, including QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite and others
  • Two plans offered for individuals: "Track" is $4.99 per month, with unlimited SmartScans, automatic mileage tracking and categorizing expenses; "Submit" is $4.99 per month and, in addition to the above, automatically submits reports for reimbursement, submits receipts
  • Two plans offered for groups: "Collect" is $5 per user, per month and, in addition to the above, automates receipt collection and reimbursement, auto-syncs to accounting software and offers free Expensify card with auto-reconciliation; "Control" is $9 per user, per month and, in addition to the above, manages approval workflows


  • Costs $4.99 per month for individuals and starts at $5 per user, per month for groups
  • Some user reviews report that the interface isn't intuitive

Pricey but powerful


  • Cost

    14-day free trial, then plan options include: Now! Plan for $12 per user per month, for 1-25 employees; Professional plan, which can work for teams of 25-200 people, comes with a monthly service fee and a $1,500-$3,500 implementation fee; Enterprise plan also has an implementation as well as variable fixed cost

  • Standout features

    Excellent video tutorials via the Certify Training Camp, integrations with Quickbooks, Uber, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle NetSuite, and others. You can also use Certify to book travel

  • Categorizes your expenses

  • Links to accounts

    If your business uses Oracle Netsuit Integration, Paycor Integration, Quickbooks Desktop Connector, Sage X3 Connector or UKG Integration, you'll be able to sync Certify with your existing business and accounting systems

  • Availability

  • Security features

    Certify uses industry-standard firewalls, secure web servers and data encryption to protect your data


  • The exclusive ReceiptParseÂź technology allows you to take a photo or upload your receipts, and information like location, date and category are extracted, which is then used to categorize expenses for reports.
  • Offers a tight audit trail for your team's accounting.
  • Automation means you don't have to keep manually entering commonly used tasks.  


  • Pricing structure is confusing.
  • Pricy set-up fee.
  • May need to train staff on Certify's other features.

For more advanced users

SAP Concur Expense 

  • Cost

    30-day free trial; minimum fee for an organization to purchase Concur Expense product for the first time is approximately $83 per month (around $8 per employee for a company with 10 employees)

  • Standout features

    High-quality image capture for receipts; easy-to-track mileage

  • Categorizes your expenses

  • Links to accounts

    SAP Concur can be linked with third-party systems, including ADP, QuickBooks and NetSuite

  • Availability

    Web, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone

  • Security features

    SAP Concur is cloud-based and uses a framework of audited processes and controls to protect user information; the program also only collects a minimal amount of personally identifiable information


  • Works seamlessly with other SAP products, such as SAP Travel and SAP Invoice 
  • User benefits include discounts on travel-related sites
  • Can book and expense travel in the app


  • Interface isn't as inviting as Expensify or Freshbooks 
  • Reviewers say entering expense reports can be time-consuming 
  • Team will need to trained on software 


What is expense tracking software?

Need to expense a meal with a client or track the mileage you put on the company van? Simply put, expense tracking software eliminates the need for manual entry of receipts and makes it easy for managers to check in on employee spending and track company spending. 

In addition, your business is going to need expense tracking software that can integrate (or at least not conflict) with your existing accounting software so your team's accountant can easily keep a  tax-complaint trail of your business expenses. 

How much does this software cost?

Expense tracking software can vary in price depending on the size of your business, the complexity of reports, department structure, categories (e.g. travel, office supplies) and functionality. When choosing their recommendations, they focused on 10 popular pieces of software that offer free trials so you can test them out before you choose the tier that's best for your company's needs. 

Why is this software good for small businesses? 

If you've got a small business, your project manager or accountant may have their hands full and would rather not spend valuable time sorting through receipts, invoices and reams of paperwork. The aim of this software is to reduce the time that your team spends tracking and logging expenses for reimbursement (and making life easier for managers who have to approve them). 

With the exception of Expensify, they chose software that offers more than just the ability to create invoices and photograph or scan receipts. As your business grows, you're going to want software that can grow in complexity to suit your needs, growing expense categories and expanding team. 

Why should small business owners track their expenses?

Expenses are more than just coffees and trips to conventions. If your small business is on a lean budget, tracking and approving expenses can make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars in your annual budget. This software can reduce time wasted on paperwork and most importantly, increase employee satisfaction by not having them just through hoops to get reimbursed.  

Our methodology 

The apps we've chosen receive Good Marks for being:

  • Beginner-friendly
  • Available for Android, iOS and web
  • Easy to navigate interface
  • Helpful integrations with other business software
  • Easy to customize according to your company's needs and policies

To test the software, they downloaded the apps and tested the functionality by creating an invoice, adding expenses using a receipt and generally testing how easy the whole process is for a small business to get started. 

We watched dozens of brand tutorials to see if they did a good job of explaining advanced features and spoke with users who use these products every day to understand the pros and cons of the software. 

The five apps Select chose offer a free trial and have a version that costs $10 or under per employee, per month. They each have at least 1,000 reviews in both the App Store and on Google Play, as well as a rating of 4 stars (out of 5) or higher on both platforms.

To determine the best expense tracking software for small businesses, Select reviewed six top reviewed applications and zeroed in on their cost, ease of use and ease of access on multiple devices, as well as extra features. 

Note: Unless indicated otherwise, all the pricing is for what you'd be billed annually, which is less expensive than you would pay if billed monthly.

Editorial Note: Opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Select editorial staff’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any third party.

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 17:59:00 -0600 en text/html

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