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Fri, 14 Aug 2020 12:15:00 -0500entext/html Books Keep calm and carry on watching: With their bottom-pinching and wolf-whistling, the

There are broadly two types of females in the world of traditional British comedy - battleaxes and nubile maidens; that's to say, crones or tarts, ratbags or nymphets. On the one hand, as it were, Hattie Jacques as Matron, pounding up the ward, and on the other, Barbara Windsor , 'joyous, earthy, funny', her assets, as Frankie Howerd said, for ever 'tittering on the brink'. As ours is a super-sensitive era of identity politics, however, the rollicking Carry Ons , with their bottom-pinching and wolf-whistling, are at serious risk of cancellation - so all praise to Gemma and Robert Ross, in The Carry On Girls, for defending the films as social history.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 10:00:00 -0600 text/html
Book Review No result found, try new keyword!The writer Terry Tempest Williams recommends books to help you explore the state’s many facets. By Terry Tempest Williams The fate of Harvard’s president is the latest evidence of a deep ... Tue, 02 Jan 2024 22:04:00 -0600 en text/html Rolling Thunder Book Bus

The Rolling Thunder Book Bus, presented by American Fidelity Assurance Company, is a state-wide outreach program that inspires children, grades kindergarten to 5th grade, to develop a love for reading. The Book Bus is a truck and custom-built trailer that carries over 2,000 fiction & non-fiction books. The exterior of the Book Bus is decked out with Thunder colors and built-in television that allows us to showcase videos. Inside, you’ll find the shelves loaded with books, a locker with player autographs, jersey, player shoes and Thunder swag.




Where does the Book Bus travel?

The Book Bus travels statewide, but during the school year they are limited to a 30-mile radius from the BOK Center in Tulsa and a 30-mile radius from Paycom Center in Oklahoma City. It visits schools, community centers, museums, parks, libraries, and other community sites. Please keep in mind that due to the high volume of requests they receive, the availability for the Book Bus is limited.

When can I request a Book Bus visit for the upcoming semester?

Book Bus registration is done in “block scheduling.” Registration for the upcoming semester (fall or spring) opens approximately one (1) month before that semester starts. Because requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, they recommend submitting requests shortly after registration opens. They will be visiting various locations throughout the state during each summer.

  • Fall registration opens on August 1
  • Spring registration opens on December 1

Do Thunder players, entertainers or other guests come on Book Bus visits?

On rare occasions, they have the privilege of hosting special guests aboard the bus. However, please be aware that the vast majority of Book Bus visits take place without Thunder players, entertainers or other guests aboard. If your request for a Book Bus visit has been approved, the confirmation is for a Book Bus visit only, not a player or entertainer visit.

What kind of books are on the Book Bus?

All the books on the Book Bus are purchased new from Scholastic and are arranged by studying levels, ranging from kindergarten through fifth grade studying levels.

How many times can I request a Book Bus visit?

The Book Bus may visit one location per academic semester. Priority will be given to those who have not had the Book Bus in consecutive semesters.

How many students/participants are allowed on a Book Bus visit?

For each visit, they require a minimum of 80 students/participants and a maximum of 120.

Does a Book Bus visit cost money?

Thanks to American Fidelity Assurance Company and as an initiative of their Community Engagement department, a Book Bus visit is absolutely free!

How long does a Book Bus visit last?

A Book Bus visit lasts approximately one hour unless you have made special arrangements with a Thunder representative.

What ages/grades attend Book Bus visits?

The Book Bus has books for kindergarten through fifth-grade studying levels.

What do I need to know before my Book Bus visit?

Each of your students will have the opportunity to go aboard the Book Bus and select a free book to take home! Prior to allowing students on the bus a Thunder representative will speak with the group regarding the book selection process for approximately 5 minutes. Meeting with the kids ahead of time allows us to familiarize them with the process and ensures Book Bus visits run as smoothly as possible. You should have received a confirmation email regarding all the details of your accepted Book Bus request, including the approved time, date and location. If you did not receive this email, please contact us at or 405.208.4714.

Thu, 28 Sep 2023 06:42:00 -0500 en text/html
Books & the Arts No result found, try new keyword!Jan 3, 2024 / Books & the Arts / James Duesterberg Raven Jackson’s remarkable debut is a poetic look into Black family life in the South. Jan 2, 2024 / Books & the Arts / Kelli Weston In ... Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 Kathy Chow en-US text/html Our Favorite Books of 2023

It’s hard to address important issues in their lives or in society if they are stressed, depleted, and isolated. Perhaps that’s why many of this year’s favorite books offer approaches for real self-care. They focus on how to manage stress, find more happiness in life, seek wonder and inspiration, appreciate art, understand their personal strengths, or change their mindset in healthy ways.

But their well-being isn’t just tied to what they do individually. It’s also dependent on the strength of their relationships and the organizations and workplaces they are part of. If any of these are suffering, they suffer, too. So, some of this year’s favorite books are aimed more toward bridging differences, preparing for a changing and challenging work environment, and cultivating a sense of “being in it together” to solve world problems.

In each of these books, the authors aspire to help us find greater health and happiness as they cope with life in the present, while working toward a healthier, more compassionate world for all.

Most of us think happy people don’t suffer. But, as Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey write in Build the Life You Want, experiencing sorrow and pain is inevitable. At the same time, they can still be happier if they learn to stop chasing the impossible and embrace life’s complexities.

“If you believe you have to eradicate your feelings of unhappiness before you start getting happier, you’re going to be unnecessarily held back by the perfectly normal negative feelings of everyday life,” they write. “Unmitigated happiness is impossible to achieve . . . and chasing it can be dangerous or deleterious to their success.”

To become happier, they argue, they must learn to deal better with life’s setbacks while focusing more on what matters—our relationships and meaning in life. To that end, they suggest learning emotion regulation strategies (like pausing and mindfully paying attention to your feelings when upset), finding the good even in the midst of difficult situations (practicing gratitude), and becoming less self-focused and more other-focused (by practicing kindness or finding purpose in life).

Applying these and other happiness practices to their lives may not bring us eternal joy, but will definitely move the happiness needle in the right direction.

In Chasing We-ness, University of Florida sociologist William Marsiglio raids research from multiple academic disciplines to summarize why and how people discover a sense of being part of a group and how that helps them build bridges with other groups. In the process, he traverses quite a lot of ground, making use of examples in almost every domain of life, from the family to work to sports to Congress to countries around the world.

From this research, Marsiglio identifies four strategies for cultivating healthy we-ness, represented by the acronym MEAL: Mindfulness, Empathy, Altruism, and Leadership. Why mindfulness? Because, he writes, “We must establish their own bearings first before they can find a clear path to appreciate their bonds with those in their immediate orbit or humanity more broadly.”

Empathy and altruism are two pillars of social connection that make groups good for their members. A leader, Marsiglio argues, is crucial to we-ness because they are the ones who take responsibility for finding the potential in people and getting those people to work on behalf of a common identity or group goals.

“Wanting to feel connected to others is who they are,” concludes Marsiglio. “But establishing we-ness with a loving, mindful intention that honors their interdependence is who they must become.”

How did humans evolve to be so commanding as a species? There are two common theories: First, they used their big brains to make fire, weapons, industrialization, and technology, making us the fittest to survive. Second, they developed language and culture, and figured out how to collaborate and take care of each other, which bestowed strength and power to the collective.

Cat Bohannon’s book, Eve, offers evidence to support the latter. Using data from fossils to modern medicine, she catalogues an extended lineage of slight, yet dramatically influential evolutionary shifts and incremental adaptations that have helped females (across animalia) handle challenges that ultimately posed extinction-level threats. She explains how human females ended up with outsized metabolic endurance and why gynecology and midwifery (assistance during childbirth) have been central to the survival of Homo sapiens.

“[Early humans] probably lived in collaborative groups, desperately trying to outlearn and outrun a world full of muscled, toothy things that were happy to eat them. . . . And they were surviving, in no small part because of the same sort of behavior that produced their stone tools: They were working together.”

Eve is a corrective for knowledge disproportionately focused on male bodies. With wit and warmth toward all gender configurations and identities, the book offers a deeper look into what it means to be human.

When it comes to spotting people’s potential, they often dismiss them too readily, not fully understanding what leads to greatness. In Hidden Potential, Adam Grant shows how anyone can get better at what they want to achieve by focusing on the right skills and having the right supports in place—meaning, nurture matters more than nature.

“Neglecting the impact of nurture has dire consequences,” he writes. “It leads us to underestimate the amount of ground that can be gained and the range of talents that can be learned.”

Grant challenges conventional wisdom around innate talent, hard work, or past performance as predictors of success. Instead, he argues, it’s those who’ve persevered through adversity, been willing to learn from mistakes, and sought out mentors who believe in them who tend to succeed.

His book provides tips for individuals who want to nurture their own hidden potential, and for organizational leaders who want to stop weeding out people who could make important contributions. His goal is to prevent underdogs or “late bloomers” from being overlooked and, instead, support their path toward growing into greatness—benefitting not just them, but all of us.

“Self-care” has been doled out as a cure-all for all types of stressors caused by their modern, fast-paced lives. But we’ve been hoodwinked with astonishing claims of the benefits of faux self-care, like juice cleanses, face creams, and spa retreats—especially women, explains psychiatrist Pooja Lakshmin in her book, Real Self-Care.

Lakshmin shares that real self-care involves ongoing internal self-reflection and regular practice of four principles: setting boundaries, practicing self-compassion, connecting with your values, and asserting your power. In her book, she includes numerous practices and strategies to put each principle into action—for example, scripts for saying no, naming your inner critic, and identifying what gives you hope.

Compelling personal stories of women from her private practice and her own journey of failing and succeeding in practicing real self-care help illustrate her points, while research grounds her message. Importantly, she shows how personal self-care is related to collective well-being.

“Internal and individual changes made by many are a prerequisite for system change,” she explains. “The two, individual and systemic, must occur together, but the good news is that they can form a positive feedback loop whereby individual changes inspire and deliver permission for women to make their own internal shifts, which in turn puts pressure on the system to reorganize.”

“Self-care” has been called a marketing gimmick, a product of privilege, and an individualistic indulgence. In the cultural scrum, few remember that the term “self-care” was formulated by Black feminist writer and activist Audre Lorde.

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” she writes in her book A Burst of Light.

In Self-Care for Black Men, Jor-El Caraballo takes that feminist proposition seriously and applies it specifically to the lives of a population of Americans who are more likely than any other group to become targets of violence and incarceration. What makes this book different from many self-help manuals is that Caraballo sees turning toward community as key to self-care for Black men.

He writes: “Black men face unique challenges in fostering community due to long-standing stereotypes of the ‘cool’ Black man who doesn’t need the same support and care that everyone else does. . . . Existing in-community gives you space to thrive and embrace radical healing. Being in spaces with other Black men enables you to embrace the kind of authenticity that other environments discourage or identify as harmful, unprofessional, or inappropriate.”

For Caraballo, as for Lorde, self-care is an act of resistance to the forces that “suppress hope and well-being”—as an essential step toward building stronger families and communities that can fight for their own needs.

About 30% of the population are highly sensitive people, which means they are more attuned to others’ emotions and to sensory information in their environment. Though this can be a gift in some ways, it can also lead to overwhelm—not to mention stigmatization and misunderstanding from others.

In Sensitive, Jenn Granneman and Andre Solo explain what high sensitivity means and uncover the superpowers of highly sensitive people. For example, sensitive people tend to be more empathic and creative, see patterns more easily, and feel more deeply, which can make their lives richer.

“If you are a sensitive person, your body and mind respond more to the world around you,” the authors write. “You respond more to heartbreak, pain, and loss, but you also respond more to beauty, new ideas, and joy.”

On the other hand, high sensitivity can also lead to overwhelm. The authors provide many tips to avoid that, including taking breaks when needed and self-soothing. But the book’s main goal is to make sure sensitive people are understood and supported—and not chastised for being themselves.

“Rather than seeing sensitivity as a weakness, they need to start seeing it for what it actually is—a strength,” write the authors. “It’s time they embrace sensitivity and all it has to offer.”

The longest-running happiness study in the world is the Harvard Study of Adult Development. White men from different parts of Boston were followed over decades to see how their attitudes and life circumstances affected their health and well-being over time.

The study’s findings, captured in Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz’s book, The Good Life, are somewhat surprising: “Contrary to what many people think, it’s not career achievement, or exercise, or a healthy diet” that makes for a good life—though those things matter. Instead, “one thing continuously demonstrates its broad and enduring importance: good relationships.”

Research shows how important social support is for resilience in the face of life’s hardships. That’s why the book promotes nurturing stronger social connection—whether with family, friends, or communities—and recommends things like paying more attention to the health of their relationships, adapting to changing social needs as they age, becoming more reflective (and less reactive) when facing conflicts, and letting people know how much they matter to us:

“Think about someone, just one person, who is important to you. . . . Now think about what you would thank them for if you thought you would never see them again. And at this moment—right now—turn to them. Call them. Tell them.”

We’ve all heard about “mind/body connection.” But do they fully understand its implications for their health and well-being?

Not according to Ellen Langer’s book, The Mindful Body. Langer reveals a whole world of fascinating research looking at how their beliefs about aging, risk for contracting disease, and the effectiveness of potential treatments affect health, and how changing their mindset can lead to surprisingly better results.

For example, one study found that giving people information about their (fictitious) level of risk for obesity changed their metabolism and how they felt about exercise and hunger (regardless of their actual level of risk). Another found that messing with people’s perception of time affected how much energy they expended doing a task.

In other words, expectations matter; so, they must be careful what they put in their minds lest it become a self-fulfilling prophecy. “Diagnoses, while useful, direct attention to only a fraction of lived experience; context influences their physical responses,” writes Langer.

To that end, she suggests they become more mindful about their inner experience and outer circumstances—and more skeptical of dire predictions. By paying attention to their ever-changing experience, she argues, they might all change the trajectory of their health—and enjoy happier lives.

Though this book came out late last year, it was too important not to mention for this year’s favorite books. Elissa Epel, a premier stress researcher, has put together a short primer on how to life a happier, healthier life through effective stress management.

As Epel writes, not all stress is inherently bad; so, they shouldn’t aim for a stress-free life. They need their physiological stress response to survive and to respond to challenging situations. But if they are constantly vigilant—which many of us are these days—it ages us unnecessarily.

How can they use stress to their advantage and soothe it when it’s overwhelming? Epel has several evidence-based tips, including learning how to embrace uncertainty, let go of uncontrollable outcomes, and recognize their stress response’s utility. They can also deliberately seek more joy, time in nature, small stressors (to build resilience), and occasional deep rest (where they are free from responsibility or their ubiquitous cell phones).

As Epel writes, “Anything worth doing will have aspects of stress woven through: challenge, discomfort, risk. They can’t change that. But what they can change is their response.” Changing your relationship to stress by taming it is key.

Now that workplaces are emerging from the intense demands of the pandemic, they are in an unprecedented position to reflect and try to transcend outdated approaches to organizational structure, policy, and culture. In Tomorrowmind, coauthors Gabriella Rosen Kellerman and Martin Seligman offer an abridged history of organizational thinking and design, then draw from scientific research, case studies, and in-depth interviews to share key insights and actionable strategies for real and impactful organizational transformation.

Part of what Tomorrowmind covers is the syllabu of thriving at work, the science behind it, and why it’s important. To promote thriving at work, the authors recommend several strategies to help organizations enhance resilience, strengthen connection, make sure people know they’re valued, and provide a courageous, aspirational shared vision.

To increase workplace resilience, for example, Tomorrowmind recommends slowing down and reinterpreting difficult experiences, doing the “Best Possible Self” practice to increase optimism, learning to put setbacks and failures into perspective, and acting with more self-compassion. 

With an eye toward future challenges—like AI and climate change—Tomorrowmind also offers clear strategic guidance to help organizations nurture a culture of thriving and recast traditional structures and policies to maximize creativity, minimize wasted effort and time, and “future-proof” themselves against possible catastrophe in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous landscape.

Even during their earliest history, humans made art. This suggests an evolutionary purpose—that engaging with art somehow helps us survive.

Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross’s book, Your Brain on Art, shows us why that might be the case. Appreciating or making art—in all its forms, whether viewed in a museum or crafted yourself—involves using many parts of your brain, including those that process their senses and are involved in emotion, memory, and cognition. It also brings us pleasure and insight.

“There is a neurochemical exchange that can lead to what Aristotle called catharsis, or a release of emotion that leaves you feeling more connected to yourself and others,” write the authors.

Studies show that engaging in art can do much for their brains and bodies. It improves their heart health and cognitive fitness, and helps us heal from illness and trauma. Art also nurtures curiosity and emotional intelligence, while making us think differently about life, embrace ambiguity, and feel awe.

This means they should all incorporate art into their daily lives for more well-being, argue the authors.

“The arts can transform you like nothing else. They can help move you from sickness to health, stress to calm, or sadness to joy, and they enable you to flourish and thrive.”

Also, though they don’t want to blow their own horn, they would be remiss if they didn’t mention two books that came out this year written by Greater Good staff: 

Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life, by Dacher Keltner, where Keltner reveals the science of awe and how it can make us happier and more connected to something greater than ourselves (Penguin Press, 2023, 335 pages; read an essay adapted from Awe).

Seek: How Curiosity Can Transform Your Life and Change the World, by Scott Shigeoka, where Shigeoka shows us the importance of being curious for bridging differences and transforming their world (Balance, 2023, 256 pages; read an essay adapted from Seek).

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
27 Best Mystery Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down 27 Mystery Books to Read in 2023 — Mystery Novels You Can't Put Down, via merchant (11)

We’re on the case

Nothing piques their curiosity and sets their minds to problem-solving mode quite like a good mystery. It’s why so many of us grew up playing detective alongside fictional favorites like Hercule Poirot, Sherlock Holmes, Encylopedia Brown and Nancy Drew. It’s also why Agatha Christie—queen of mystery books and the top female author—is the second bestselling author of all time, bested only by Shakespeare.

You’ll know a whodunnit when you read it. Typically, mystery books begin with a crime, offer several suspects and scenarios throughout the story, and culminate in a surprise ending. Compare that with true crime books, which (much like the name suggests) are nonfiction books based on real crimes. Thriller books are another distinct genre and often follow the threat of a future or potential crime from a known villain, with tension turned up to 10. A crime novel, on the other hand, focuses on apprehending a specific criminal.

To come up with their list of the best mystery books, they polled Reader’s Digest book editors (look for the Reader’s Digest Editor’s Pick seal!) and friends and combed through bestseller lists and five-star reviews. In this roundup, you’ll find new titles, some of the best books of all time and murder mystery books that were made into movies and have become part of popular culture. In short, discovering the best mystery books of all time was elementary, dear Watson.

Join the free Reader’s Digest Book Club for great reads, monthly discussions, author mp;amp;As and a community of book lovers.

1. Pay Dirt Road by Samantha Jayne Allen

There’s no mystery like a small-town mystery. Billed as Mare of Easttown meets Friday Night Lights, Allen’s debut novel, published in 2022, won the prestigious Tony Hillerman Prize for a first mystery novel set in the southwestern United States. Annie McIntyre has just graduated and returned to her hometown of Garnett, Texas. She soon finds herself investigating the disappearance of a local waitress alongside her grandfather, Leroy, who’s supposed to be retired from his private investigation firm. As Annie and Leroy work to discover the truth (and Annie gets drawn further into the family business), she must come to terms with her own past and her connection with her hometown. If you’d prefer to get out of your hometown (and out of this world), check out these science fiction books.

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Get Reader’s Digest’s Read Up newsletter for humor, cleaning, travel, tech and fun facts all week long.

2. Someone Had to Do It by Amber and Danielle Brown

This forthcoming 2022 mystery—it releases on Dec. 27—will have you turning pages as fast as you can. Brandi Maxwell is living her best life as an intern at the prestigious fashion house Simon Van Doren. It’s perfect—except for the racism, grunt work and terrible murder plot by Van Doren heiress Taylor, that is. Taylor will go to any lengths to get her hands on the family fortune, and Brandi is caught in the middle. With biting social commentary and critiques of capitalism and privilege, this juicy, intelligent novel is utterly compelling. For more great reads, check out the banned books everyone should read.

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3. The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocumb

A Good Morning America Book Club pick for 2022, The Violin Conspiracy follows Ray, a young Black man growing up in North Carolina with the dream of becoming a classical violinist. When he finds out his family’s beat-up old fiddle is actually a priceless Stradivarius, things start to come together. Determined to succeed despite the racism he faces, Ray is poised for success—until his precious violin is stolen the night before a prestigious competition, a ransom note left in its place.

Somehow, Ray must find a way to get his violin back and prove to himself that he is a real musician—with or without the “right” instrument. A beautiful coming-of-age story with a delicious mystery at the center, The Violin Conspiracy will appeal to anyone who loves the underdog tales of classic literature and will have you rooting for Ray until the very last page.

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Looking for your next great book? Read four of today’s bestselling novels in the time it takes to read one with Reader’s Digest Select Editions. And be sure to follow the Select Editions page on Facebook!

4. The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman

Fans of the massively popular Thursday Murder Club Mystery series will rejoice at the latest installment, 2022’s The Bullet That Missed. In this cozy mystery, the group is trying to crack a 10-year-old cold case. Things take a turn for the dangerous when danger visits Elizabeth. Can the group solve the whodunnit in time? You’ll race through this charming story to find out.

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5. The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill

Australian author Sulari Gentill thrills readers again with this 2022 gem set in the Boston Public Library. A woman’s scream rings out in the quiet library, and four strangers find themselves locked in a studying room while security investigates. They pass the time in conversation. But while each of them has something to hide, only one is hiding that they are a murderer. This mystery within a mystery is a tense, twisty journey with plenty of literary elements that will make word lovers and mystery lovers rejoice. You’ll never look at your local library the same way again! Calm your racing heart with one of these feel-good books afterward.

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6. 2 Sisters Detective Agency by James Patterson and Candice Fox

Master of mystery novels James Patterson partnered with Australian writer Candice Fox to create this fast-paced story of a woman who returns home after her father’s death to discover the detective agency she never knew he’d opened and the half-sister she never knew she had. The book, which was published in the fall of 2021, starts racing right out of the gate, taking the detective duo from a tense investigation to a surprising crescendo. Patterson’s signature short chapters keep this tale moving, and Fox’s vivid characters will have you hoping this turns into a series. Readers who like to listen to stories—say, during long commutes—will be pleased to know there’s an audiobook version too.

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7. Fallen by Linda Castillo

Fans of Linda Castillo’s New York Times bestselling Kate Burkholder series will love the latest entry, which was published in July 2021. The book begins with a grisly murder in Amish country. When the chief of police, Kate Burkholder, realizes she knew the victim, she sets out to catch the culprit and sets off a chain of events and reckonings no one expects—especially Kate. For more great reads, sign up for one of these book subscription boxes.

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8. My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

An instant favorite when it was released in 2018, My Sister, the Serial Killer tells the story of Korede, a Nigerian woman whose sister is prettier, more popular and quite possibly a serial killer. Hilarious and scary as heck at the same time, this novel has redefined murder mysteries for the better. When you’re done, read these other books by Black authors.

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9. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

Get ready for nonstop twists with Stieg Larsson’s 2005 international bestseller. Swedish journalist Mikael Blomkvist teams up with Lisbeth Salander—a tattooed, pierced, punk-rock hacker—to solve a crime that’ll leave you guessing until you hit the climax. What unravels is an atmospheric story filled with love, intrigue and family secrets. The compelling mystery makes this a quick read, but if you’re looking for something even quicker, try one of these short books.

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10. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

This 2018 international bestseller and Reese’s Book Club pick zeros in on a lone girl living in the marshes of North Carolina. When a handsome, popular local is found murdered in 1969, all eyes turn to the mysterious “Marsh Girl.” What unfolds is a story of love and loss, survival and the healing power of the natural world. And yet all that revolves around a suspenseful whodunnit. You’d be hard-pressed to find a reader who wasn’t enthralled by this gem of a story. Case in point: Of its more than 194,000 Amazon reviews, nearly 141,000 are five stars.

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11. Runner by Tracy Clark

Released in June 2021, the fourth book of Tracy Clark’s Chicago Mystery series is a fast-paced read that’ll take you from intrigued to engrossed in no time flat. Cass Raines returns as the cop turned PI who will stop at nothing to get justice. This installment centers on the search for a missing teen, set against the wintry backdrop of Clark’s native Chicago. It’s a breathtaking read as part of a series that doesn’t pull punches when it comes to race relations in America, but it’s perfect as a stand-alone novel too. If you’re tired of studying mystery books about old white guys, Cass, a Black woman, is a welcome departure.

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12. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” So begins Rebecca, one of the best mystery books of all time. Part ghost story, part suspense thriller, this 1938 book has enduring appeal. Daphne du Maurier spills the story of a young woman whose latest marriage to an older man is tarnished by the living memory of his first wife. The secrets of the past unravel with breath-stealing suspense. You’ll want to follow this one up with Alfred Hitchcock’s Academy Award–winning film and Netflix’s 2020 adaptation. In the mood for romance novels instead? Our roundup has you covered.

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13. Wherever She Goes by Kelley Armstrong

Hailed as a novel you can’t walk away from, Wherever She Goes earned a starred review in Publishers Weekly when it was released in 2019. Fans of Kelley Armstrong’s other New York Times bestselling mystery books will be compelled by this gripping tale of a missing child as well as its heroine, a woman with a complicated past who happens to be the lone eyewitness to the crime. Not sure what to read next? Pick a book based on your zodiac sign.

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14. A Spy in the Struggle by Aya de León

Winning accolades left and right—including the International Latino Book Award—this gripping 2020 mystery novel revolves around FBI agent Yolanda Vance, who struggles with spying on an activist group in her college town. With themes of poverty, feminism, climate justice, racism and more, this is a spy novel through an intersectional lens, making it a fresh entry into the genre. If you love this one, check out these other books by Latinx authors.

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15. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

This No. 1 New York Times bestseller debuted in 2012 and sparked a whole generation of copycats. There’s a reason you’ve heard of it even if you haven’t read it—it’s just that good. Here’s the spoiler-free gist of the book: A beautiful wife goes missing on her fifth wedding anniversary, and her husband, Nick, starts to look more and more like a suspect. The surprise ending is both clever and disturbing. You’ll blow through this in a matter of days—possibly hours—and will immediately ask for another of Gillian Flynn’s page-turning mystery books. Order them all; they make great beach reads.

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16. The Cutting Season by Attica Locke

Released in 2012 by acclaimed writer Attica Locke, The Cutting Season combines a modern murder mystery with historical intrigue. Caren Gray is a single mom who grew up on the Louisiana plantation she now runs as an event hall. When a staffer is found murdered, Caren is drawn into the investigation and the troubled past of this haunting place. Love both mystery books and historical fiction? This is a sure bet for you.

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17. The Laughing Policeman by Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö

This Swedish mystery novel, which was first published in 1968, is a classic work of international fiction and one you’ll want to pick up again and again. Part of a 10-book series, The Laughing Policeman tells the story of a mass murder on a Stockholm bus, diving into the complicated lives of the passengers and touching on Swedish history. It’s a smart whodunnit that manages to thrill more than half a century after its release.

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18. The Secret History by Donna Tartt

Like a lot of mystery books, Donna Tartt’s 1992 novel opens with a murder. Unlike most mystery books, the question isn’t who but why. College student Richard narrates this tale of his arresting professor, the misfits he calls friends and the murder they committed because—well, you’ll have to read to find out. Tartt won a Pulitzer Prize in fiction for The Goldfinch, and her enormous talent is on display in this, her gorgeous and suspenseful first novel. Need some new suggestions? Pull out your favorite tweed jacket and cozy up in your studying chair with one of these unputdownable dark academia books.

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19. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

It’s hard to choose a favorite among Agatha Christie’s stellar mystery books, but the numbers don’t lie: 1939’s And Then There Were None is Christie’s bestselling novel, with more than 100 million copies sold. The classic murder mystery featuring Christie’s beloved Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, follows a group of strangers who have been invited to an island and start to die off one by one. Looking for a modern, teen book take? Try Gretchen McNeil’s Ten.

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20. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

It’s 1954, and two U.S. Marshals are heading to Shutter Island to investigate the disappearance of a patient at the mental hospital there. But nothing—and they mean nothing—is as it seems. Dennis Lehane rocketed to fame with his 2001 novel Mystic River, and this 2003 mystery book is just as good. If you haven’t seen the Martin Scorsese film based on the book, wait to watch until you’ve turned the last page.

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21. The Guest List by Lucy Foley

An island. A murder. No, we’re not talking about Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None this time. This is the setup for Lucy Foley’s New York Times bestselling novel The Guest List. It’s a modern take on the classic tale, with a wedding party trapped on an island off the coast of Ireland, a dead body and a slowly building mystery as to who did it—and why. Published in 2021, the novel was picked up by Reese’s Book Club and lauded by critics as a must for Christie fans.

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22. A Dangerous Man by Robert Crais

Bestselling author Robert Crais’s mystery books are not to be missed (there’s a reason book recommendations often include his name!), and this 2019 novel is no exception. Joe Pike is about as tough and unflappable as they come, but even superhero-esque tough guys have to do mundane things—like their banking. It’s as Pike is leaving his local branch that he witnesses a woman being forced into a car. He charges into Good Samaritan mode and saves her but gets himself involved in a world of trouble. Once it starts, the action doesn’t stop.

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23. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty

If you loved Gone Girl, you’ll want to pick up a copy of Liane Moriarty’s 2015 novel. Yes, it’s now an HBO series starring Reese Witherspoon, Nicole Kidman and Meryl Streep, but don’t press “play” just yet; read the book first. Contemporary, stylish and relatable, Big Little Lies deftly weaves suspense, social class and feminism into an unforgettable tale.

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24. In the Woods by Tana French

Irish author Tana French cemented herself as one of the greatest crime writers with her debut novel, 2007’s In the Woods. In 1984, three children entered the woods. Only one came out. Two decades later, a young girl is found murdered in the same woods, and a Dublin detective with a murky past sets out to solve the crime.

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25. One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Published to huge acclaim in 2017 and now a TV series on Peacock, this young adult novel tells the story of five kids who walk into detention—and what happens when only four walk out. Think of it like a murder mystery version of The Breakfast Club. The No. 1 New York Times bestseller follows the teens as they become suspects in their classmate’s murder. It’s an exhilarating whodunnit that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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26. The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler

Published in 1939, this classic book introduced the world to the now-famous detective Philip Marlowe. The Big Sleep kicks off with a dying millionaire who hires the gumshoe to deal with a blackmailer. It’s at turns sexy, moody and pulpy and features the quintessential broody PI.

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27. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Mesmerizing from the get-go, Dan Brown’s tale begins with a curator who’s been murdered inside the Louvre. Near the body, a mysterious cipher is found. Enter Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who follows the clues with the hopes of uncovering a secret thousands of years in the making. The fast-paced story will have you furiously flipping pages. More than 80 million copies of the book have been sold since it was published in 2003, and it was adapted for film in 2006 and as a young adult novel in 2016. For more unputdownable tales, check out the best Stephen King books.

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Additional reporting by Chloë Nannestad.

Originally Published: November 23, 2021

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SC0-451 book - Tactical Perimeter Defense Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: SC0-451 Tactical Perimeter Defense book January 2024 by team

SC0-451 Tactical Perimeter Defense

Exam Specification:

- test Name: SC0-451 Tactical Perimeter Defense
- test Code: SC0-451
- test Duration: Varies (typically around 90-120 minutes)
- test Format: Multiple-choice questions

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Perimeter Defense
- Understanding the role and importance of perimeter defense in network security
- Exploring the key components and technologies used in perimeter defense
- Discussing the challenges and considerations in implementing effective perimeter defense strategies

2. Network Security Fundamentals
- Understanding common network security threats and vulnerabilities
- Exploring network security protocols and technologies
- Implementing network security best practices and controls

3. Perimeter Defense Techniques
- Implementing firewall technologies and configurations
- Configuring and managing intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS)
- Deploying virtual private networks (VPNs) for secure remote access

4. Network Access Control
- Understanding the concept of network access control (NAC)
- Implementing NAC solutions for authentication and authorization
- Managing network access policies and enforcement

5. Security Incident Response and Management
- Developing incident response plans and procedures
- Identifying and responding to security incidents
- Conducting forensic investigations and post-incident analysis

Exam Objectives:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of perimeter defense concepts and principles.
2. Implement effective firewall configurations and rules.
3. Configure and manage intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS).
4. Deploy secure virtual private networks (VPNs) for remote access.
5. Understand and implement network access control (NAC) mechanisms.
6. Develop incident response plans and effectively respond to security incidents.

Exam Syllabus:

The test syllabus covers the following Topics (but is not limited to):

- Introduction to Perimeter Defense
- Network Security Fundamentals
- Perimeter Defense Techniques
- Network Access Control
- Security Incident Response and Management
Tactical Perimeter Defense
SCP Perimeter book

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SC0-451 Tactical Perimeter Defense

Our SC0-451 test prep material gives all of you that you should take SC0-451 exam. Our SC0-451 SC0-451 test will deliver you test questions with affirmed answers that mirror the real exam. They at guaranteed to empower you to pass your SC0-451 test with high scores. You need to memorize all SC0-451 dumps questions they provide at your get section and practice with VCE test simulator.
Tactical Perimeter Defense
Question: 169
You are considering your options for a new firewall deployment. At which two layers
of the OSI model does a simple (stateless) packet filtering firewall operate?
A. Data Link
B. Application
C. Session
D. Presentation
E. Network
Answer: A,E
Question: 170
The following exhibit is a screen shot of a capture using Network Monitor. Examine
the details as shown for a frame and identify which of the statements that follow best
describes it.
A. This frame represents an ICMP echo message between the two hosts
B. This frame represents an IP broadcast trying to resolve the target IP address to its
MAC address
C. This frame represents an Ethernet broadcast trying to resolve the target IP address
to its MAC address
D. This frame represents a reply from the target machine with the appropriate
E. This frame represents the first fragment of the three-way handshake.
Answer: C
Question: 171
Which of the following is a potential weakness of a commercial firewall product that
is installed on a hardened machine?
A. That you will not be able to use it in conjunction with personal firewalls on user's
desktop machines.
B. You will have to deliver the vendor confidential network information.
C. You will be required to use the configuration that the vendor assigns you.
D. That the firewall's vendor may be compromised and your private information may
publicly available.
E. That it may be vulnerable to attacks targeting the underlying Operating System.
Answer: E
Question: 172
Which of the following is a potential weakness of a commercial firewall product that
is installed on a hardened machine?
A. That you will not be able to use it in conjunction with personal firewalls on user's
desktop machines.
B. You will have to deliver the vendor confidential network information.
C. You will be required to use the configuration that the vendor assigns you.
D. That the firewall's vendor may be compromised and your private information may
publicly available.
E. That it may be vulnerable to attacks targeting the underlying Operating System.
Answer: E
Question: 173
In order to perform promiscuous mode captures using the Wireshark capture tool on a
Windows Server 2003 machine, what must first be installed?
A. IPv4 stack
B. IPv6 stack
C. WinPcap
D. Nothing, it will capture by default
E. At least two network adapters
Answer: C
Question: 174
You have found a user in your organization who has managed to gain access to a
system that this user was not granted the right to use. This user has just provided you
with a working example of which of the following?
A. Intrusion
B. Misuse
C. Intrusion detection
D. Misuse detection
E. Anomaly detection
Answer: A
Question: 175
You have recently been contracted to implement a new firewall solution at a client
site. What are the two basic forms firewall implementations?
A. Chaining
B. Stateful
D. Stateless
Answer: B,D
Question: 176
You are considering your options for a new firewall deployment. At which two layers
of the OSI model does a simple (stateless) packet filtering firewall operate?
A. Data Link
B. Application
C. Session
D. Presentation
E. Network
Answer: A,E
Question: 177
Your organization has extensive resources that you must make available to authorized
users, through your ISA Server 2006. From the following answers, select the one that
is not a feature of ISA Server Content Publishing:
A. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Bridging
B. Web Caching and Delivery
C. Web Publishing Load Balancing
D. Enhanced Multi-factor Authentication
E. Robust Logging and Reporting
Answer: B
Question: 178
The exhibit shows a router with three interfaces EO, E1 and SO. Interfaces EO and
E1 are connected to internal networks and respectively
and interface SO is connected to the Internet. The objective is to allow only network to access e-commerce Web sites on the Internet, while allowing all
internal hosts to access resources within the internal network. From the following,
select all the access list statements that are required to make this possible.
A. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 80
B. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 53
C. access-list 113 permit tcp any eq 443
D. access-list 113 permit tcp any It 1023
E. int SO, ip access-group 113 in
F. int E1, ip access-group 113 in
G. int SO, ip access-group 113 out
Answer: A,B,C,G
Question: 179.
In your office, you are building the new wireless network, and you will need to install
several access points. What do wireless access points use to counter multipath
A. Multiple encryption algorithms
B. Multiple Antennas
C. Multiple radio frequencies
D. Duplicate packet transfer
E. Secondary transmissions
Answer: B
Question: 180.
One of the firewall choices you are thinking of implementing, in your network, is a
proxy server. A proxy server can accomplish which of the following statements?
A. Cache web pages for increased performance
B. Operate at the Application layer of the OSI model
C. Allow direct communication between an internal and external host
D. Permit or deny traffic based upon type of service
E. Filter executables that are attached to an e-mail
Answer: A,B,D,E
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SCP Perimeter book - BingNews Search results SCP Perimeter book - BingNews Roblox SCP Tower Defense Codes (January 2024)

Updated January 3, 2024

Added a new code!

SCP Tower Defense is a Roblox game inspired by the popular fictional secret organization SCP Foundation. Before starting your battle against the Scarlet King, you can check out their guide to find out all the valid codes you can use to get a headstart.

All SCP Tower Defense Codes List

Here are all the codes you can use to get Coins, Tokens, and Shards in SCP Tower Defense.

SCP Tower Defense Codes (Working)

  • xmas2023 – Redeem for Coins, Gems, and Tokens (New)
  • winter2023 – Redeem to get 1,000 Coins, 50 Tokens, and 100 Shards
  • ThanksFor55M – Redeem to get 1,500 Coins, 50 Tokens, and 150 Shards

SCP Tower Defense Codes (Expired)

  • core – This code is invalid
  • balance – This code is invalid
  • professor – This code is invalid
  • ThanksFor30M – This code is invalid
  • Doctor – This code is invalid
  • NewJourney – This code is invalid
  • chains – This code is invalid
  • dboi – This code is invalid
  • scarlet – This code is invalid
  • uiu – This code is invalid
  • ThanksFor20M – This code is invalid
  • rabbit – This code is invalid
  • flames – This code is invalid
  • xmas2022 – This code is invalid
  • antikill – This code is invalid
  • council – This code is invalid
  • unknown – This code is invalid
  • divine – This code is invalid
  • lily – This code is invalid
  • right hand – This code is invalid
  • library – This code is invalid
  • balefire – This code is invalid
  • badges – This code is invalid
  • skins – This code is invalid
  • evolution – This code is invalid
  • maz hatter – This code is invalid
  • ThanksFor10M – This code is invalid
  • shy guy – This code is invalid
  • Lake Blood – This code is invalid
  • Red Lake – This code is invalid
  • Gadgets – This code is invalid
  • ABLE – This code is invalid
  • ThanksFor3M – This code is invalid
  • RobloxReturns – This code is invalid
  • XKClass – This code is invalid

How to Redeem Codes in SCP Tower Defense

How to Redeem Codes in SCP Tower Defense.
Image Source: Roblox via Twinfinite
  1. Launch SCP Tower Defense in the Roblox app.
  2. Click the Logs icon on the left side of the screen.
  3. Select the Codes section.
  4. Copy and paste one of the working SCP Tower Defense codes into the text box.
  5. Click the green Send button to claim your reward.

How Can You Get More SCP Tower Defense Codes?

You can get more SCP Tower Defense codes by following the developer on X, @scp_td. The game also has an official Discord Server that you can join if you want to keep up with the latest updates.

Why Are My SCP Tower Defense Codes Not Working?

If your code is not working despite being on the valid list, you likely made a typo when typing the code. The easiest fix is to try again by copying and pasting the code directly from their list since all SCP Tower Defense codes are case-sensitive.

Other Ways to Get Free Rewards in SCP Tower Defense

Besides redeeming codes, you can also get free rewards from daily log-in. This menu will usually pop up the first time you launch the game, and you can get various resources, such as Coins and Tokens.

What Is SCP Tower Defense?

SCP Tower Defense is a Roblox game where you must defend your tower against the Scarlet King and his army. The title features four game modes, over 10 maps, and 75 types of enemies.

That’s everything you need to know about SCP Tower Defense codes. For more Roblox content, you should check out other code posts on Twinfinite, such as Ultimate Tower Defense and Fruit Tower Defense.

About the author

Gabriela Jessica

Gabriela has been a Freelance Writer for Twinfinite since 2023. She mainly covers Genshin Impact but also enjoys trying out new games. Her favorites are TOTK, Stardew Valley, RDR2, The Witcher 3, and RE4 Remake. Gabriela has a BA in English Literature from Ma Chung University and loves to spend her time studying novels and manga/anime.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 09:59:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Book Club No result found, try new keyword!What went down behind the scenes of Book Club — and how well the cast really knows Fifty Shades of Grey Diane Keaton hasn't dated since the 'Nixon era' in new Book Club trailer Diane Keaton ... Mon, 17 Aug 2020 12:10:00 -0500 en text/html The 50 Most Banned Books in America Right Now

Support banned books

Book banning and censorship are nothing new, but you may have noticed more discussion on the syllabu lately in the news and on social media. Maybe you’ve even joined a debate over why some of the best books are now off limits. It’s important to note that while schools and libraries—or even a store—may ban books, it does not make banned books illegal to acquire or read. Of course, sometimes a ban on a book makes it just that much more, well, intriguing. Some teens, whose literary access is significantly challenged by many of the bans, have even created their own banned books clubs.

Book banning and censorship often lead to a suppression of minority voices and an erasure of reality. In fact, among the top 11 banned books on their list, 10 of the authors and illustrators are women or nonbinary individuals, while four of the books were written by authors of color and four by LGBTQ individuals. Many recently banned books touch on violence and abuse, health and well-being, grief and death—topics that are crucial for kids and teens to explore.

As parents and school boards lead the effort to erase uncomfortable interpretations of reality (such as the Holocaust book Maus), discussions of gender identity (as with George M. Johnson’s All Boys Aren’t Blue) and provocative stories that could lead to political questioning (The Handmaid’s Tale, anyone?), they are not only limiting access but also perpetuating inequalities and dictating what stories have the right to be heard. Ready to see which of these books you have already read—and which you need to get your hands on ASAP? Read on for their countdown of the 50 most banned books in America.

How they came up with their banned books list

We created a list of America’s 50 most banned books from the first half of the 2022–2023 school year using data from PEN America, a nonprofit organization that keeps a comprehensive index of school book bans. (Data from the entire school year has yet to be released.) They mined the data so you don’t have to—and boy was there a lot of data. In the first half of the school term alone, PEN America found 874 different banned books and more than 1,477 instances of individual books banned (because some titles are restricted in multiple places).

So what counts as a banned book? PEN America’s definition here includes books that were challenged and temporarily removed, as well as those fully removed from school libraries and classrooms. These represent a range of genres, and as the organization notes, such censorship impacts a diverse set of identities, topics, concepts and stories.

Here, we’re listing them from the 50th most banned book in America to the No. 1 banned title (in alphabetical order where there were ties). How many have you read?

Join the free Reader’s Digest Book Club for great reads, monthly discussions, author mp;amp;As and a community of book lovers.

50. People Kill People by Ellen Hopkins

With five bans, Ellen Hopkins’s riveting People Kill People is the 50th most banned book in America in the first half of the 2022–2023 school year, tied with a few others, including Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and Malinda Lo’s Last Night at the Telegraph Club. In her author’s note for the book, Hopkins shared that she wanted to explore why someone “might be compelled to pull the trigger.” Not a thriller per se, the book explores the darkness within us all as it introduces readers to its cast of struggling teenagers—all of whom could conceivably pull the trigger of a gun that one of them has bought. But who bought it, and why? And what will happen next? It’s a taut, complex novel that tackles heavy ideas and challenges readers to think about what might make a person into someone who pulls the trigger.

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Sun, 27 Feb 2022 10:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
AP Books


Now available in paperback

“Titan of Tehran,” a richly reported and elegantly rendered story, presents a compelling central character, historic sweep and moments that read like chapters in a thriller.

The titan is Habib Elghanian – a self-made industrialist and the foremost Jew of his time in Iran, whom the Islamic theocracy targeted as the first civilian executed during the 1979 revolution.

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