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NRA-FPM tricks - NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: NRA-FPM NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager tricks January 2024 by team

NRA-FPM NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager

Providing Safe Food

•Foodborne Illness

•​ How Food borne Illnesses Occur

•Keeping Food Safe

Forms of Contamination

•Biological, Chemical, and Physical Contaminants

•Deliberate Contamination of Food

•Responding to a Foodborne Illness Outbreak

•Food Allergens

The Safe Food Handler

•How Food Handlers Can Contaminate Food

•A Good Personal Hygiene Program

The Flow of Food: An Introduction

•Hazards in the Flow of Food

•Monitoring Time and Temperature

The Flow of Food: Purchasing, Receiving, and Storage

•General Purchasing and Receiving Principles


The Flow of Food: Preparation


•Cooking Food

•Cooling and Reheating Food

The Flow of Food: Service

•Holding Food

•Serving Food

Food Safety Management Systems

•Food Safety Management Systems

Safe Facilities and Pest Management

•Interior requirements for a Safe Operation

•Emergencies that Affect the Facility

•Pest Management

Cleaning and Sanitizing

•Cleaning and Sanitizing


•Cleaning and Sanitizing in the Organization


•Organisms That Cause Foodborne Illness

This Syllabus is strictly adhered to and there are no provisions for ‘practical experience.

I. Providing Safe Food including the ethical responsibility of operators to provide a safe product, how to produce
such a product, what can happen when sanitation is breached, common sense approach to maintaining good
sanitation, and the role of the NYS Board of Health in keeping the food supply safe, the FAT TOM concept.

II. Forms of Contamination including biological, chemical, and physical contaminants, how to prevent common
problems and outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, specific pathogens and their preferred growing environments, the
four phases of bacterial growth.

III. The Safe Foodhandler including effective training and protocols for staff to maintain good sanitation, the role of
personal hygiene in maintain safe food handling practices, making every day a "health inspection day".

IV. The Flow of Food
V. Food Prep and Service including the role of HACCP in the food safety arsenal, following potentially hazardous
foods through the operation from purchasing to post production reports.

VI. Food Safety Management

VII. The Safe Facility including modeling safe food handling practices, providing tools and training for safe food
handling, response to outbreaks of foodborne illness (perceived or real), discussion keeping the facility pest and
contaminant free including proactive tactics, how to read and use Material Safety Data Sheets.
VIII. Cleaning and sanitizing and National Certification test including the definitions of the terms clean versus
sanitary, different types of sanitizers including chlorides, and quaternary sanitizing agents and their uses,
sanitizing practices for major equipment, surfaces, service ware and hand tools.

NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager
Food Protection tricks

Other Food exams

ACF-CCP ACF Certified Cooking Professional
FSMC Food Service Manager Certification
IFSEA-CFM IFSEA Certified Food Manager
NRA-FPM NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager provide latest and updated practice questions with actual test Braindumps for new syllabus of NRA-FPM NRA-FPM Exam. Practice their real questions and braindumps to Boost your knowledge and pass your test with High Marks. They ensure your success in the Test Center, covering all the courses of test and build your Knowledge of the NRA-FPM exam. Pass 4 sure with their accurate questions.
NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager
Question: 225
Which of the following cooling methods is an unacceptable method for cooling
A. Using a plastic bag filled with ice cubes
B. Adding ice cubes to the food
C. Placing the food in a shallow dish the refrigerator
D. Placing the food in a shallow dish in the freezer
Answer: A
Using a plastic bag filled with ice cubes is not an acceptable method for cooling
food in a restaurant. If the plastic was to tear while cooling the food, this would
introduce a physical hazard to the food, forcing you to throw the food away.
Question: 226
Which of the following best protects against cross contamination?
A. Time and temperature controls
B. Using separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods
C. A sound pest management system
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Using a separate cutting board for raw and cooked meats best protects against
cross contamination when compared to other items listed above. While time,
temperature, and pest control are important, they are less effective to prevent
cross contamination than using separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
Question: 227
What is the minimum temperature at which duck and goose should be cooked
A. 170 F
B. 165 F
C. 155 F
D. 145 F
Answer: B
Duck and goose should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 F. This
ensures that all food pathogens associated with duck and goose is completely
killed during the cooking process.
Question: 228
Which of the following is an example of a physical contaminant?
A. Chicken bones
B. Cleaning chemicals
C. Pesticides
D. Sneezing
Answer: A
Chicken bones are an example of a physical contaminant. To reduce the incidence
of this physical hazard from affecting your food, make sure to thoroughly clean
the chicken when cutting for use.
Question: 229
What is the minimum temperature at which raw pork should be cooked
A. 165F
B. 160F
C. 155F
D. 145F
Answer: D
Raw pork should be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 145F to assure
that all pathogens associated with pork are completely killed. The FDA
previously recommended the minumim temperature to be 160F, but lowered it in
Question: 230
What is the minimum temperature at which bird stuffing should be cooked
A. 180 F
B. 165 F
C. 160 F
D. 145 F
Answer: B
Bird stuffing should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 F or higher. If
you plan on using the stuffing on a day other than the day you have prepared the
recipe, you should make sure to cool the stuffing as quickly as possible.
Question: 231
What is the minimum temperature at which fried eggs should be cooked
A. 165 F
B. 145 F
C. 160 F
D. Until yolks and whites are firm
Answer: D
The minimum temperature at which fried eggs should be cooked is until the yolks
and whites of the egg are firm. This technicality does not require a temperature
reading since the food is served very quickly and it is difficult to obtain an
accurate temperature studying with fried eggs. For this reason, federal guidelines
recommend that you cook the egg until the yolk and whites are firm.
Question: 232
The greatest threat of Salmonella contamination can be traced to which of the
following foods:
A. Eggs
B. Turkey meat
C. Chicken wings
D. All of the above
Answer: D
All of the above listed foods are potential sources of salmonella poisoning. Since
all of the foods are poultry derived, it is fair to expect that they are potential
sources of salmonella poisoning.
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Food Protection tricks - BingNews Search results Food Protection tricks - BingNews 20+ Tricks That Will Keep Bugs, Mice, And Other Pests Far Away From You No result found, try new keyword!If you don't want pests bugging you, click through the list to check out these tricks. Although cats love ... according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Studies find that this compound ... Mon, 18 Dec 2023 08:06:00 -0600 en-us text/html How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

The scientific name for the fruit fly is Drosophila melanogaster. The word “drosophila” means lover of dew. The species needs access to plenty of water in order to survive. 

What do fruit flies look like? Adult fruit flies have the typical fly body plan – they’re just much smaller than many other fly species. The average adult is 0.12 inches long and 0.08 inches wide.

The typical adult has a tan or black-brown body color and a rounded head. They have small antennae on their heads, three simple eyes, and large compound eyes. Their eyes are usually red. 

Fruit flies only have a single set of wings that come from the center of their abdominal region.

Gnats vs. fruit flies. Gnats are also members of the fly family. Compared to fruit flies, they have thinner bodies. They're darker – gnats are all black.

What do fruit flies eat? Fruit flies at all stages of development survive off of fruits. Adults also eat rotting plants. Freshly hatched larvae survive exclusively off of the food that they’re laid on. This is one of the main reasons they’re considered a common household pest.

Fruit flies originated in certain parts of the tropics. Human activity has spread them to every continent except Antarctica. They prefer temperate climates where they can access plenty of water. 

During colder months, you can find them trying to hide indoors, particularly in areas where you have a lot of food stored.

You likely have fruit flies because you have a lot of exposed food in an area. This is particularly true if you have fruit lying out in the open. They’re attracted to rotten and fermented fruits and vegetables as well as: 

Even unripened fruit is vulnerable to fruit flies. In fact, they prefer to lay their eggs on unripened fruit. This way, it will last until the eggs hatch.

No matter where in the U.S. you live, fruit flies can show up on your kitchen counters or inside your trash can. They are most common in the late summer and early fall. That's because they're attracted to ripe and rotting food.

Fruits and vegetables – especially bananas, melon, tomatoes, squash, and apples – are their favorites. Rotten onions and potatoes are also a big draw. 

An adult female fruit fly can lay up to 2,000 eggs on the surface of anything that's moist and rotting. The eggs hatch into larvae, which eat the decayed food. The larvae mature into adults within a couple of days. Two days after they emerge as adults, they're ready to mate, and the females can lay more eggs.

Fruit fly lifespan. Several things influence the fruit fly life cycle, including the air temperature. Depending on conditions, an adult fruit fly can live as long as 30 days.

Research shows that fruit flies can transfer germs from a dirty surface onto a clean one. Some of the bacteria they may carry include salmonella, E. coli, and listeria. These three germs each cause food poisoning. Severe cases may put you in the hospital and can even be life-threatening.

Fruit flies can become a huge financial burden when they invade food storage facilities. A large infestation can consume and destroy a lot of food in a relatively short period of time. 

In your own home, the main threat that fruit flies pose is in their ability to ruin your fruit. 

Do fruit flies bite? Fruit flies don't bite humans. 

To get rid of all the fruit flies in your home, you'll need to find where they are breeding:

Fruit flies in the bathroom. Fruit flies lay their eggs in moist areas, which means they can show up in your bathroom. A mop or bucket that has wet residue can attract them. Flies may be getting into your house through window screens. You may need 16 mesh or finer to keep them out. 

Fruit flies in drains. Drains are wet and may have scummy residue in them, which makes them an ideal fruit fly breeding spot. If you think a drain might be harboring fruit flies, tape a plastic food-storage bag over it and let the plastic sit overnight. If you find fruit flies trapped in the bag, the drain is infested. Clean your drains regularly and sanitize with boiling water. You may need to use a brush and industrial drain cleaner.

Fruit flies in plants. Dry the soil out to eliminate the breeding spot. Spreading sand on top of the soil may help. 

Fruit flies in the kitchen. Get rid of produce – bananas and tomatoes are common culprits – that are attracting the flies. Inspect anywhere you store fruit or vegetables, including potatoes and onions. Fruit flies can breed in drawers where you keep produce. Check under your refrigerator for spills. Wipe down counters and all surfaces. You may need to empty your garbage each night and clean out the can. Do the same with recycling bins. 

Fruit fly spray. You can buy sprays to kill fruit flies, but they will kill only the hatched adults, not the eggs or larvae. Look for products that contain pyrethrum.

Do-it-yourself fly traps for fruit flies are very easy to make, and they’re versatile, too. These homemade fly traps can be made from things you probably have at home already.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • A glass or plastic cup or jar. A clear container is best so you can see how well it’s working and when it’s time to switch it out for a new one.
  • A lid that fits snugly. This can be a plastic lid or some plastic wrap held on with rubber bands. The lid that typically comes with glass jars won’t work, as you need to be able to poke holes in it.
  • Rubber bands, if you’re using plastic wrap
  • Toothpicks or something equally thin and pointy
  • A liquid to attract the fruit flies. Fruit flies are most attracted to fermenting things, so water with yeast in it or apple cider vinegar are both excellent options. You can also use wine or a piece of over-ripe fruit.
  • Flypaper (optional)

How to make a fruit fly trap:

  1. Set out your jar or cup. If you’re using apple cider vinegar, fill it a few inches deep. If you’re planning to use yeast and water, pour a quarter of a cup to a third of a cup of warm water and add a package of dry activated yeast. Add a teaspoon of sugar to activate the yeast and mix. In a few moments, you’ll notice the mixture starting to foam. This is normal.
  2. If you’d like, you can also add a piece of flypaper inside the jar. This helps trap the bugs and makes sure they can’t escape.
  3. Cover the lid with plastic. If you’re using a plastic lid, make sure it’s snug. If you’re using something like plastic wrap or a plastic bag, secure it with a rubber band. For glass jars, you can also use a canning ring.
  4. Poke small holes in the lid. These holes can't be bigger than an eighth of an inch, or the flies may be able to escape. Toothpicks are great for this, but you can also use things like sharp pencils.
  5. Wait – the flies should arrive soon.
  6. The fruit flies that crawl into your trap won't be able to get out. Some of the captured females may lay eggs, which will hatch. 
  7. Your second-generation fruit flies will take about 10 days to mature. At this point, you may want to dump the contents of your trap. If you dump in down the drain, be sure to flush it with hot water. 
  8. If you still have fruit flies, make a new trap and start the process again. 

To prevent fruit flies from getting too comfortable in your house again:

  • Buy only what you're sure you'll eat. One spoiled potato or forgotten box of berries can lead to thousands of fruit flies. Once produce gets ripe, put it in your refrigerator until you eat it. Compost the leftovers or throw them away promptly.
  • Wash your produce when you get it home (to remove any eggs or larvae) and then store it in the refrigerator or an air-tight container.
  • Empty your kitchen trash can every day.
  • Clean up any spills right away (especially alcohol or fruit juices).
  • Rinse your recycling. Make sure all jars, bottles, and cans are free of food scraps.
  • Put screens on your windows and doors. Look for tight-fitting, 16-mesh models that can keep adult fruit flies from coming inside your home.
  • Turn off lights over your doors and windows. Light attracts newly adult fruit flies.
  • Seal all containers. If you preserve your own fruits and veggies or brew your own cider or beer, check that your lids are well sealed. If not, fruit flies can squeeze under them and lay eggs.
  • Squeeze out mops and cleaning towels thoroughly. 
  • Pick up and throw away any outside garden vegetables or fruit that has fallen to the ground and is rotting.
Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:01:00 -0600 en text/html
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Raised garden beds.

Both newbies and seasoned pros can use help planning a vegetable garden layout. Those new to gardening might need more tips and tricks, while those with decades of experience might be stuck in a rut and could benefit from new vegetable garden planning ideas. So whether you’ve planted your veggie garden the same way for years or this is your first time trying out your green thumb, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how to plan a vegetable garden.

Why Plan Your Vegetable Garden Before Planting?

Whenever you undertake a big venture, it’s always a good idea to have a plan and gardening is no exception. Researching various vegetable garden planning ideas will help you fine-tune the final layout. Planning ahead of planting can save you time, money and frustration.

Tips for Planning a Vegetable Garden

The ABCs of planning out a veggie garden layout are to choose a site, take a soil test, amend the soil as needed, choose your crops and before you plant anything, put it on paper.

  1. Choose the Location Carefully - The real estate saying, “location, location, location” is fitting when it comes to planning a vegetable garden. You need to plan for irrigation, soil conditions, sun exposure, and protection from the elements.

  2. Make Sure There’s Sunlight - Most veggies, such as sun-loving vegetables like tomatoes and peppers, need 6-8 hours of sun per day. Cool-weather crops like leafy greens require partial sun.

  3. Look for Level Ground - For the most part, vegetable crops thrive best in well-draining soil. The components of your soil are part of this equation but so is a level ground area. Level sites are less prone to erosion than sloping, although a slight slope towards the south can aid in warming and drying of the soil for spring planting.

  4. Don’t Forget About Water Access - Remember, your crops will need to be irrigated so you need to consider the location of your water source when planning the vegetable garden. Closer to the spigot is ideal and means less work for the gardener in the long run.

  5. You Want Air Flow, But Not Excessive Wind - Another consideration is protection from the high winds. Your crops will need space between them to allow for airflow but not an inordinate amount of wind. Seek out a site that is protected as much as possible from areas prone to gusting winds.

  6. Start Small - The size of your vegetable plot is also important especially if you are new to gardening. Newcomers should start small; after all, you don’t want to overtax your abilities nor are you feeding the world. If you feel over your head caring for a large garden, you may feel like a failure and deliver up entirely.

  7. Take a Soil Test - A soil test is a simple way to ensure your soil is in the best condition. While it is a simple process, many gardeners neglect to test their soil and later find out that was a mistake. Take the time to have your soil tested. Then you can amend the soil so it’s fertile enough to grow food.

  8. Grow Vegetables You Want to Eat - While this may seem obvious to some, there are those who think more is better and are then stuck with an excess of unwanted vegetables. Grow what you will eat. You don’t want to end up composting your hard work or begging your relatives to take the crop off your hands.

  9. Put It on Paper - Laying out your garden on paper might be the most important step in creating a garden, veggie or otherwise. Putting it all down on paper allows you to revise and add or subtract crops or other elements of the garden. An eraser is so much easier to use than trying to reconfigure an already-planted garden. Your plan should include garden size, space between crops and rows, planting dates, and seeded and transplanted crops.

  10. Pick a Layout That Works for Your Space - There are a couple of things here. It’s good to be able to work within your available space even if it is tiny. Second, you can always expand, add or change elements or crops the next year. Use the space you have to its best ability; even small spaces which can benefit from more vertical plantings or container gardening. You also want a layout that works for you, not works until it becomes a burden.

  11. Give Plants Enough Room - Allowing airflow between crops is extremely important. It aids with pollination and inhibits the transfer of diseases.

  12. Leave Room for Walkways - Remember you have to be able to access your crops so walkways become extremely important. Depending upon the crop, you may need access from the front, sides or rear of the plant to harvest, check for disease or pests or to water or fertilize.

  13. Try Companion Planting - Companion planting is the age-old practice of growing different species of plants near each other to benefit one or both. This practice can benefit the gardener as well as the crop since some companion plants aid in pollination, keep roots cool, act as supports for vining plants, amend the soil with nitrogen, and repel

  14. Amend Soil Before Planting - Remember that soil test? The results of a soil test will help you to decide if and how to amend your soil prior to planning. A soil test can tell you about the acidity, macronutrient levels, soil texture and organic amount so you can amend accordingly.

  15. Transplants Are Best for Beginners, But Seeds Are Cheaper - Seeds are indeed the least expensive way to start a veggie garden and there are many more options to choose from. Seeds are also fun and rather miraculous to watch grow, but they can be finicky. Often they become leggy or otherwise less than vigorous. They may get shocky upon transplanting. Plus, some plants just don’t do as well starting from seed. If you want to play with seeds, choose easy-to-grow crops that can be planted directly in the garden with no transplanting such as green onions (scallions) or radishes. Plant simple early season crops. To increase your chances of a successful crop, spend a little bit more for healthy, disease-resistant plants from the nursery for difficult-to-start crops like tomatoes.

Think Past the First Year

While you are planning this year's garden, don’t forget to consider the successive years of planting. Draw a map showing exactly how your crops are placed. Make spring, summer and fall garden plans.

Place taller crops and those requiring trellising on the north side of the garden so they don’t shade other crops. Group spring crops together so you will have room for a secondary planting when the first matures. Put perennial crops along the sides of the garden where they will be undisturbed by working the soil for planting.

Consider Crop Rotation

Rotate crops from the same family such as peas and beans. Don’t plant these legumes in the same area more than once in three years. Rotating crops reduces the incidence of pests and diseases being passed to successive crops.

Try Perennials

Perennial crops are the most economical as they deliver a return crop year after year. Crops like asparagus or raspberries can be planted once and will continue to grow and increase production each year.

Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
6 tips for healthy eating they added to their routines this year, from high-protein food favorites to hydration hacks No result found, try new keyword!Some diet hacks actually work. Try these simple and easy to incorporate tips to boost energy, cut back on junk food, and get more protein and vitamins. Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:08:01 -0600 en-us text/html Conservation Success Stories From 50 Years of the Endangered Species Act No result found, try new keyword!From soaring falcons to freshwater mussels, conservation scientists share their favorite success stories from 50 years of the Endangered Species Act. Thu, 28 Dec 2023 03:44:47 -0600 en-us text/html U.S. Army Medical Readiness Command, West

Medical Readiness Command, West MTFs

Brooke Army Medical Center, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Fort Hood, TX William Beaumont Army Medical Center, Fort Bliss, TX Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital, Fort Polk, LA Evans Army Community Hospital, Fort Carson, CO Gen. Leonard Wood Army Community Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, MO Irwin Army Community Hospital, Fort Riley, KS Weed Army Community Hospital, Fort Irwin, CA Reynolds Army Health Clinic, Fort Sill, OK McAfee Army Health Clinic, White Sands Missile Range, NM Munson Army Health Center Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, Fort Huachuca, AZ Public Health Command - Central, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX Dental Health Command - Central, JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, TX

Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
One restaurant had four violations: Ada County food service inspections Nov. 21-27, 2023 No result found, try new keyword!1 Insufficient food safety knowledge. 2 Certified Food Protection Manager — accredited course. 3 Illness/communicable disease reporting required. 4 Improper restriction and exclusion of ill food ... Mon, 11 Dec 2023 21:04:00 -0600 22 Google Maps Tricks You Need to Try

Google Maps has changed how they navigate the world. Its desktop and mobile apps have become more than just a way to get from point A to B via car, public transportation, or on foot: The ubiquitous Google service is also a geospatial search engine for the world around us.

Google continues to revamp and Boost its map product, but there are a ton of customizable tools and hidden functions already baked into Google Maps that you may not know about, such as Incognito Mode. Check out their tips for how to maximize your Google Maps power.

1. We're Doing It Live

screenshots of Search with Live View in Paris

Search with Live View (Credit: Google)

You can get an AR view of the street you're on, if that street is in Amsterdam, Dublin, Florence, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, San Francisco, Tokyo, or Venice. Open Maps, click the camera icon at the top, and hold your phone up to scan your location. You'll get an overlay of all the places you'd see on Maps, so you can easily find restaurants, shops, and more.

Meanwhile, Immersive View for routes, which rolled out in October, gives you a bird's-eye view of your route complete with 3D imagery along the way, whether you're walking, cycling, or driving. Look for it in select cities, including Amsterdam, London, New York, and Tokyo.

2. Inside Access

Google Maps zoomed in to Directory tab on JFK

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Google Maps isn't just for the great outdoors. You can navigate through malls, airports, and other big buildings by finding the location in Maps, clicking on it, then scrolling to Directory. You'll never get lost looking for a Cinnabon again. This feature is available in over 10,000 locations worldwide.

three screens showing how to use Live view

Navigating with indoor Live View (Credit: Google)

Some places even support Live View inside, where animated arrows will guide you around airports, train stations, and malls. It launched in 2021 in the US, Zurich, and Tokyo, and in early 2023, it announced plans to expand to more than 1,000 new locations in Barcelona, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Paris, Prague, São Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, and Taipei. Just lift your phone up in a supported region to jump into Live View.

3. Plot Multiple Locations on Google Maps

file path for plotting Multiple Locations on Google Maps

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Rarely do car trips consist of going from point A to B; more often, they are something like A-to-café-to-library-to-Joe's-house-to-B. Thankfully, Google makes it possible to anticipate real trips. To add multiple destinations in the Google Maps mobile app, enter your starting point and your ultimate destination, and then click the three-dot menu in the top-right corner. This prompts a pop-over menu with the option to "Add stop." Click that, and you can create a route with multiple stops. You can even drag and drop stops within your itinerary. (Note that this doesn't work when you're using the mass-transit option.)

4. Customize Your Vehicle Icon

screenshots of changing the car icon that shows up in the google maps app

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

When you're driving, Google lets you choose what kind of car shows up on your navigation in the iOS and Android apps. In the app, plug in your destination and start up driving directions. Tap the icon that shows your current location, and a pop-up menu appears with several car-icon options: a sedan, a pickup truck, or an SUV.

5. 'Hey Google, Where Am I Going?'

google assistant prompts in the google maps app

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

You might want to interact with Maps while you're driving, but you don't want to take your eyes off the road. With "OK Google" voice commands in the Google Maps Android app, you don't have to. For example, if you notice you're running low on gas, say "OK Google, find gas stations," and it will show gas stations on the map (which you can look at when you've come to a red light or pulled over). You can also ask questions like "What's my next turn?", "What's my ETA?", and "How's traffic ahead?" On Android, set up Google Assistant, and you're good to go. (You'll need a phone running Android Version 9.0 or higher with 4GB RAM or more.) On iOS (pictured above), tap the microphone icon at the top-right, then ask your questions via voice.

6. Access Google Maps Offline

screenshot of the  get option in the Google Maps mobile app

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Today, Maps is most useful on mobile, which brings up a problem: When you're in need of Maps, you may find yourself somewhere with limited (or—gasp—nonexistent) coverage. To help, Google Maps supports offline access. Type in an address or area, swipe up on the menu at the bottom of the screen, tap the ellipsis icon on the top right, and select Download offline map. If you have enough storage on your device, the map in question will be saved. To access it later, tap your avatar > Offline maps, and you can then get information about businesses in the region and turn-by-turn directions within the downloaded section.

7. Get Your Groceries

Get Your Groceries

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Google has incorporated grocery ordering and pickup functionality into Maps for select brands. Things kicked off a few years ago amid the boom in curbside pickup during the pandemic. That's still an option; in early 2023, Google touted the improvements it's made to the ETA function inside Google Maps for Kroger pickups. But grocery stores can also add a Place an order option to their Maps business profiles. In addition to Kroger stores (which also includes Fry's, Ralphs, and Marianos), it's also available for Albertson's and Fred Meyer locations.

8. Let Other People Drive

screenshot of Lyft options within the Google Maps app and then in the Lyft app

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Ride-sharing services are a big part of the modern transportation mix, so Google added ride options from companies such as Lyft (sorry, no more Uber) to its mobile app. Once you enter your destination, tap the little figure attempting to hail a taxi or the mass-transit option. You'll then be presented with nearby rideshare options, along with the estimated time of arrival and fare. Tap Open App to book your ride.

9. Find Accessible Transit Routes and Locations

screenshot of accessibility file paths in google maps

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Those with mobility issues can search for wheelchair-accessible transit routes by tapping Options > Wheelchair Accessible when looking for train or bus directions. When you get to your destination, meanwhile, the Accessible Places setting offers up wheelchair-accessibility information about that location.

Turn it on via Settings > Accessibility > Accessible Places. "When Accessible Places is switched on, a wheelchair icon will indicate an accessible entrance, and you’ll be able to see if a place has accessible seating, restrooms, or parking," Google says. "If it’s confirmed that a place does not have an accessible entrance, we’ll show that information on Maps as well."

10. Change The Font Size

Change The Font Size screenshots

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

If the words on Google Maps are too small to read, make them bigger.

On an iPhone, make sure you have iOS 15 or higher via Settings > General > About. Then go to Settings > Control Center. Under More Controls, you'll see Text Size. Tap the green plus icon on the left, which moves it to the top under Included Controls. Now, open Google Maps and swipe down from the upper right where you see the battery icon. Tap on the Text Size button (an icon of a small A next to a large A). On the bottom, select whether you want to increase the font size on just Google Maps or across all apps. You can then increase the font size with the white bars. Close out of Control Center and your font adjustments should update automatically.

On an Android, you can change the size of the font or display but this is going to be a universal change across all of the device's apps. Open Settings, then select Accessibility. You can make words larger by tapping Font Size and then setting your preferred letter size or change the display size by tapping Display Size and then setting your preferred icon size.

11. Remember Where You Parked

dropping an 'i parked here' pin in google maps

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Remember when the Seinfeld gang spent the whole half hour wandering around a parking garage looking for their parked car? That episode (along with many others) would not work in 2024, thanks to Google Maps.

At your destination, tap the blue location dot, and select Save parking, which adds a label to the Maps app identifying where you parked. On Android, tap that to add details such as the parking garage level and spot or the amount of time left before a meter expires. You can also set meter reminders, add a photo of where you parked, and send your parking location to friends.

To find it later, tap the search bar at the top, and select Parking location (Android) or Saved parking (iOS). Or tap the Driving arrow below, and look for Saved parking on iOS. Google will automatically delete the parking reminder after 8 hours, though you can manually get rid of it by tapping You parked here on the map and selecting Clear (iOS) or More info > Clear (Android).

12. What's the Parking Sitch?

google maps labels about whether parking is busy or not

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Google Maps can provide turn-by-turn directions based on live-ish traffic data, but it can also provide you with a glimpse of the parking situation. When you search for driving directions to a location on iOS or Android, you might see a P logo at the bottom of the screen along with one of three designations: limited, medium, and easy (plus On-site for retailers with large parking lots). This can help you decide how much time you'll need to allocate for parking or even whether another form of transportation would be a better option.

13. Share Your Location

Share Your Location on ios

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Google Maps lets you share your current location with people for specified periods of time. When you share your location with a certain contact, they'll see your icon moving in real time on their map. On mobile, tap your profile icon on the top right, and select Location sharing. Then choose with whom you want to share and for how long. (You may need to first allow notifications from Google Maps in your phone's settings menu.)

14. View (and Delete) Your Google Maps History

screenshot of the settings in the ios mobile app for deleting google maps history

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Google maintains a very detailed record of your digital activities. If you'd rather it lose your Maps data, you can erase it on desktop or mobile. On a desktop, go to Click the hamburger menu, and select Your data in Maps. You'll end up on a page titled Google-wide Controls, where you can go to Location History > See & delete activity. You'll see a map with a timeline of your activity. On the bottom-right of the map, click the trashcan icon to delete all your location history permanently.

As of December 2023, the first time you turn on location history, Google will default you to auto-delete your history every three months. To adjust that, navigate to Click Location History > Choose an auto-delete option, and choose how often Google will delete your data (every 3, 18, or 36 months) or turn auto-delete off completely.

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On mobile, go to Settings > Maps History, which will bring you to a Maps Activity page. Look for the Delete drop-down menu, where you can opt to delete your history from today, all time, or a custom range. Tap Auto-delete to select a timeframe for when Google will automatically delete Maps data

15. Go Incognito

incognito mode inside the google maps ios app

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

For a quick way to poke around Google Maps without leaving any obvious footprints, go Incognito. Google Maps won't save your browser or search history in your account or send notifications. Your searches and movements won't be added to location history or shared location. And Google won't use your activity while you're in Incognito Mode to personalize Maps. This mode has advantages when you want to peep a location without having it tangled up with your search history, but just as on web browsers, it doesn't make you invisible. To turn the mode on, tap your avatar and select Turn on Incognito mode; the Incognito icon appears in the search bar. Tap it and select Turn off Incognito mode to switch it off.

16. Time Travel With Google Maps

screenshot of the time travel feature in google maps on ios

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Street View has amassed a huge collection of street imagery over the years. In 2014, Google introduced Time Travel, a way for users to see how Street View has changed over time. And in 2022, it expanded from the desktop to mobile. To look back at a particular address, enter Street View and tap anywhere on the screen. At the bottom, tap See more dates. Where available, this should produce a series of photos. Scroll through and select the date you want to see.

17. Add Some Music

screenshot of music settings in google maps

If you've always got Google Maps navigation open while you're driving (or walking), you can add music to your trip without leaving the app. Sync music apps such as Spotify or Apple Music by opening the menu and navigating to Settings. On iOS, tap Navigation > Music playback controls to connect Apple Music or Spotify. On Android, tap Navigation settings > Assistant default media provider, where you can link a number of music-streaming services, including YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, iHeartRadio, Pandora, and Deezer. Once you do, a pop-up to your app of choice should appear as you're driving for a quick tap to get your music started. Be sure to create your playlists beforehand so you can keep your eyes on the road!

18. Find Electric-Vehicle Charging Stations

screenshot showing how to search for EV charging stations on Google Maps

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

More and more electric vehicles (EVs) are taking to the road, and Google Maps is adapting. You can search "EV charging" or "EV charging station" in Google Maps, and it suggests the best station for you based on traffic conditions, your charge level, and the expected energy consumption. You can filter by types of plugs, and if you're in a rush, you can select Fast Charge to find the charging stations with the most voltage. If you use Android Auto in an EV, meanwhile, it will no longer show gas stations.

19. Request Fuel-Efficient Routes

fuel efficiency settings in google maps

(Credit: Google/PCMag)

Want to make sure that next road trip is fuel-efficient? Turn on this setting in Google Maps and the app will prioritize fuel- or energy-efficiency over other factors like real-time traffic and road conditions. "So besides showing you the fastest route, it will also show you the most efficient one, even if they aren't the same," Google says.

Go to Settings > Navigation / Navigation settings and toggle Prefer fuel-efficient routes to on. Here, you can also tell Google Maps your engine type: gas, diesel, electric, or hybrid. Google will then serve up routes based on that engine type to help you save fuel.

20. Find Safe Drug-Disposal Locations

Find Safe Drug Disposal Locations

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Google Maps is doing its part to fight the opioid crisis with a search tool to help users find safe drug-disposal locations. Type "drug disposal" into the search bar to pull up pharmacies, medical centers, and local authority locations where you can safely dispose of excess pills.

21. Share Your Favorite Places

screenshots of creating a list and sharing that list within the google maps ios app

(Credit: PCMag/Google)

Google Maps lets you share some of your favorite places with a friend. Just tap the share icon on the location's Google Maps card to send it to them via text, email, or your app of choice. Save favorite places by tapping the Save icon; they then show up in the Saved option in the menu bar.

If you want to share more than one favorite location, you can create a Pinterest-like list within Google Maps. When you save a favorite place, tap New List to create a collection (like "Thai restaurants in Brooklyn") or add it to an existing collection. You'll find them in the Saved tab under Your lists; tap the three-dot menu and then Share List to send a link to friends.

22. Become (or Consult) a Local Guide

Think you know your neighborhood better than Google's algorithm? Then consider becoming a Local Guide. Although anyone can leave reviews and tips in Google Maps, being a Local Guides allows you to earn points for leaving more insights and data, which—as you go up the ladder—can result in "rewards and early access to new features," Google says.

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