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Nursing exam Pass Rates Appear to Be Rising. Why?

In January 2023, they reported on the reasons why nursing exam pass rates fell in 2020 and 2021. In this report, they follow up on what has happened since.

During the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the share of candidates who passed the national licensure exam to work as a registered nurse fell sharply, from 88.2% to 82.5%, for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, with a smaller decline -- from 72.8% to 68.9% -- for all candidates, including internationally educated and repeat test-takers.

In 2022, pass rates continued to drop, averaging 79.9% (8 percentage points lower than in 2019) for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, and 63.4% for all candidates, the lowest point in the last decade.

In 2023, to most experts' surprise, that spiral appears to be turning around.

Things Are Looking Up

The reason for this reversal depends on whom you ask. Test developers have argued that rates improved due to radical transparency and massive outreach to stakeholders, while some online critics have suggested the test simply got easier. Other nurse educators agreed that the increased transparency and outreach impacted rates, but worry those same measures exacerbated a culture of "teaching to the test."

Understanding trends in exam pass rates also requires context.

Year-to-Date NCLEX Pass rates for 2023

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) produces the exam that aspiring nurses take to gain licensure: the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). This exam uses computerized adaptive testing, which means each test-taker gets virtually a different exam, the difficulty of which changes based on the response given.

Every 3 years, the NCSBN assesses the pass rates for the exam and determines whether the current passing standard is appropriate. If the NCSBN's board of directors decides that the level of clinical judgment required of nurses in practice has increased, it can vote to raise the passing standard.

In December 2022, the NCSBN's board voted to keep the current passing standard on the NCLEX through March 31, 2026. Months later, on April 1, the NCSBN launched the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN), a new version of the NCLEX that aims to more effectively measure test-takers' clinical judgment.

Anytime a new exam is introduced, pass rates tend to dip by a few percentage points in the first two to three quarters, explained Philip Dickison, PhD, RN, CEO of the NCSBN. He said he was naturally a bit concerned about a new exam compounding the "drastic drop in the ability curve" seen during the pandemic, "but it was still the right thing to do."

Keith Rischer, PhD, RN, a nurse educator and owner of KeithRN, a nursing education company, recalled that the last major change to the NCLEX occurred when the passing standard was raised by 0.16 percentage points in 2012. Pass rates fell more than 7 percentage points -- from 90.34% for first-time candidates to 83.04% -- in a single year.

While the NCSBN kept the same passing standard in 2022, the stronger emphasis on clinical judgment and the "unique six-question case studies" in the NGN was predicted to increase the difficulty of the exam in some respects.

"There was an anticipation that this was going to be another precipitous decline in NCLEX pass rates," Rischer said.

Post-Pandemic Rebound

However, that wasn't what happened. Instead, preliminary data showed a jump in pass rates, from 79.9% in 2022 to 88.6% in 2023, for all first-time U.S.-educated candidates. Importantly, the 2023 data exclude the fourth quarter of the calendar year, which typically has the lowest pass rate, experts noted.

Still, Dickison said he was "pretty amazed" at the speed of the recovery. Some viewed the change as a "huge increase," but he stressed that rates were starting from a low baseline following a 3-year period when other variables, namely pandemic-related disruptions, impacted pass rates.

"What I think you're seeing ... is that they have rebounded to pre-pandemic ability levels in their measurements," he said.

Dickison credits the rebound to NCSBN's decision to let educators, regulators, and -- controversially -- preparatory groups "under the hood" of the new exam for several years before the NGN actually launched.

"The idea was to be as transparent as possible to all stakeholders," Dickison said. This meant leveraging opportunities at conferences and during webinars, and sharing what to expect of the new exam -- from case studies and measurement models -- in newsletters. Dickison also credited educators for the big role they played in helping prepare students.

Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, executive director of the Florida Center for Nursing, said that while some nurse educators have noted the exam has gotten "too easy," she suggested that perhaps the NGN is simply "a more logical way to measure what nursing students are being taught."

Similarly, she attributes the rise in pass rates to the focus on increased resources and preparation of candidates, including the implementation of "student success" coaching programs.

Teaching to the Test?

Rischer seemed to have a different view, pointing out that the NGN offers partial credit for certain "select-all-that-apply" multiple-choice questions. He said that he believes the real reason for improved pass rates is a shift in nursing education, though he added that his hypothesis is, at this point, "conjecture."

"What they have in the nursing literature for over almost 50 years ... is this widening gap between how nursing is taught in the university and college settings and how it's actually practiced at the bedside," he said. "We're not preparing their graduates for real-world practice realities."

Rischer said he grew even more concerned when he learned from online discussions that some professors were using NGN trial items to teach first-semester students.

"That's called teaching to the test," he argued. Instead of teaching students "alternative multiple-choice items, they need to be teaching their students the open-ended thinking of clinical practice."

For example, for a patient who had an appendectomy, Rischer said the appropriate steps are to take vital signs and conduct a head-to-toe assessment.

"There is not a 'select-all-that apply' multiple-choice item on your forehead that I could say, 'You know what? This is the correct answer,'" he added, noting that the NCSBN "is part of the problem." Currently, the primary mechanism that state nursing boards use to measure a program's performance is their first-time pass rate on the NCLEX, which only "reinforc[es] this unhealthy culture of teaching to the test."

The end result of that, as studies have shown, is that "currently less than 10% [of new nurses] have what practice partners would say is entry-level clinical judgment competency," Rischer said, citing a 2021 study. "Complications develop when a nurse doesn't notice or recognize what's most important until it's too late. So ... clinical judgment competency is a big deal. And teaching to the test ... isn't going to solve that."

He said one solution is to move away from first-time test-taker metrics and potentially allow students to take the exam twice and then average their score.

Another, more dramatic, change would be to include a skills test or what Rischer calls "demonstrable competencies" for essential skills involved in clinical decision making, which could be evaluated by an "objective observer."

"It will take more time. It will take more money, but this is something that they can and should be doing," he said.

'Not the Only Measurement'

For his part, Dickison noted that the NGN, like any exam, has limitations.

While it "measures your cognitive and your thinking ability, their exam does not measure the affective domain, doesn't measure character," he said. For example, the exam cannot assess a "less-than-acceptable social interaction" a student has with a professor, nor does the exam know which student is always late to class.

"If they don't show up to class on time every day, that might be a [sign] that they're not going to show up to a patient when they need to," Dickison explained. "That's why you have a regulatory system. That's why they have an education [system] ... these all have to work together. If you don't pass the NCLEX, you don't go to work, but it is not the only measurement that tells us they have a good nurse."

  • Shannon Firth has been reporting on health policy as MedPage Today's Washington correspondent since 2014. She is also a member of the site's Enterprise & Investigative Reporting team. Follow

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Every HDR TV Format Explained

Pretty much every new TV and projector has the ability to decode HDR, or high dynamic range, video. In most cases, HDR content looks better than non-HDR material, though an individual display's ability to deal with the extra data can vary greatly. 

However, there isn't just one HDR format. There are a number, including Dolby Vision, HDR10, HLG and a couple of others. Few displays can decode them all, but all can decode the basic HDR formatting that all HDR content includes. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, along with 4K Blu-ray discs, can also support multiple formats, though often they only have one or two. 

The good news is, this isn't a format war. All HDR displays can watch all HDR content. However, some of the formats have additional features that can be used by compatible displays for an even better image. Knowing what each of the formats does, and what to look for on your own TV, can be very helpful. Here's everything you need to know

The basics

In CNET's TV and projector reviews, both the capabilities of the TV itself and the way HDR is used in the movie or TV show have a greater impact on image quality than the specific HDR format. Which is to say, just because a display can read a "better" HDR format, doesn't mean that display will look better than one that can't read that format. Here's a tour of the HDR landscape as it stands today.

  • It's not a full-fledged "format war," it's more like a slap fight.
  • Multiple HDR formats can exist in a single TV.
  • Everything supports HDR10, but many TVs and sources will also have at least one of the other formats.
  • One format might look "better" than another on paper, but in the real world the biggest factors are the TV's overall performance and the content itself.

Most new TVs have the ability to display HDR content, which has more detail in the bright and dark areas of the image, for a greater "dynamic range" compared to non-HDR content (i.e. pretty much everything you've ever watched). Older content is now referred to as "SDR," or standard dynamic range. HDR content on an HDR TV can look far more punchy and vibrant than traditional content.

Read more: How HDR Works

The dynamic range of what's captured by the camera (left) and what's possible on SDR and HDR displays. 


Just having an HDR TV isn't enough. You have to watch specific HDR content. Without HDR content, your HDR TV doesn't really know what to do with itself. Sure, it will look good, and maybe even artificially expand SDR content for perhaps a slight improvement. But to get the most out of your HDR TV, you need real HDR content. Thankfully, there's now a lot of it out there. Chances are your favorite new programs are available in HDR.


  • Supported by everything.
  • Better image quality potential than SDR, but perhaps not as good as HDR10 Plus or Dolby Vision.
  • Static metadata.

HDR10 is as close to a standard as we've got. It's free to use for manufacturers, so it's available everywhere. Every HDR TV can decode it, every HDR streamer can stream it. Pretty much all HDR content has an HDR10 version, in some cases along with a more "advanced" HDR format like Dolby Vision, which we'll discuss in a moment.  

HDR10's issue, if you can call it that, is that it has "static" metadata. This means that there's one HDR "look" for the entire movie or show. This is certainly better than SDR content, but it doesn't allow for, say, a really bright scene to look its absolute best, nor a dark scene its best, within the same movie. This one-size-fits-all aspect of static metadata is fine, but doesn't let the content nor the TV live up to its full potential. You need dynamic metadata for that, which most of the other formats have. 

Static metadata is sort of like if a football team all had to wear the same sized shirt. Maybe it looks good on the quarterback, and OK on the big linebacker and the diminutive kicker, but surely they'd all look better with a shirt in their own size.

HDR10 isn't backward-compatible with SDR TVs, so it's no good for broadcast. You'll find it available with streaming content and on 4K Blu-ray.

HDR10 Plus

  • Championed by Samsung.
  • Not widely supported.
  • Dynamic metadata.
  • Potentially better image than vanilla HDR10.

As you probably figured from the name, HDR10 Plus is like HDR10… but plus. The "plus" in this case is dynamic metadata, improving on HDR10's static version. This means that on a per-scene -- or even per-image -- basis, the content can provide the TV with all the information it needs to look its absolute best.

The catch is… this is a Samsung format. It's pushing it hard, and despite promising no licensing fees (so anyone can use it basically for free), this is a bit of a stumbling block. Hard to imagine a world where LG willingly supports a fledgling format backed by Samsung. Other TV companies have probably been hesitant to back it for the same reason. Yes, consumer electronics is as petty as junior high.

It's a little hard to tell from this graphic, but notice that the frames on the right show different levels of brightness in the sky. This is just an example, using a standard dynamic range image on your standard dynamic range screen. The idea with HDR10 Plus's dynamic metadata is that a filmmaker can determine how to best show each shot or scene. With HDR10's static metadata, a single setting is used, a compromise that has to cover the darkest and brightest scenes. 


Right now -- beyond Samsung -- Panasonic, TCL, and Hisense are the biggest display brands supporting the format in the US. On the content side, there's Amazon, Hulu, Paramount Plus, Apple TV Plus and Google. It's unlikely HDR10 Plus will ever become the standard dynamic metadata HDR format, but it does provide companies an alternative to the licensing fees of Dolby Vision.

Read more: What is HDR10 Plus?

Dolby Vision

  • Widely supported.
  • Potentially the best image quality of all the formats.
  • Less content than stock HDR10.

Dolby Vision, like HDR10 Plus, can have dynamic metadata. Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, Vudu and Apple TV Plus support it, and you can find it on some 4K Blu-rays. Aspects of Dolby Vision, like how it handles dynamic metadata and color, are optional for HDR formatting in the upcoming NextGenTV, aka ATSC 3.0

The issue with DV is that companies have to pay Dolby to use it. On the plus side to that, Dolby will then show them how to make their TVs look best when showing DV content. So for some companies, this is an easy way to get their TVs to look better than perhaps they would on their own. For larger companies (like certain Korean companies that begin with S), they don't need such assistance and would rather dump money into their own HDR format, thank you very much.

It's impossible to show you want an HDR image looks like on your current device, since it's SDR. This is an approximation, using two SDR images, of what you'd see if you placed an SDR and HDR TV side-by-side.


After HDR10, this is the most popular HDR format, but that doesn't mean it's universal. Samsung is the biggest holdout, for reasons mentioned above. Some companies might only offer Dolby Vision support on certain models. Generally speaking, if a company doesn't support Dolby Vision, they likely support HDR10 Plus, though some companies support both. There is far less Dolby Vision content than there is vanilla HDR10 content. Not a huge issue, but something to keep in mind.


  • From BBC and NHK.
  • Free to use.
  • Broadcast friendly.

Hybrid Log Gamma was created by Britain's BBC and Japan's NHK. Unlike the formats we've discussed so far, it's actually backward-compatible with SDR TVs. One signal that works on both older TVs and newer is a huge deal for broadcasters. Though as you can imagine, it's not without drawbacks. Mainly, that's in terms of picture quality. Like HDR10, HLG is likely better than SDR, but perhaps not quite the picture quality of the other HDR formats. It's part of the upcoming ATSC 3.0 standard.

A graphical representation of an SDR and HLG signal. The vertical axis is the signal, from broadcast, cable or satellite for example. "0" is black, "1" is bright white. The horizontal axis is the physical brightness coming out of your television. An SDR TV would see the HLG signal and think it was "normal," showing an image that had, perhaps better highlight detail. An HDR TV that's HLG-compatible would understand what to do with the HLG signal and show that brighter information as a physically brighter part of the image (i.e. how HDR normally works). 

Public Domain/Creative Commons

There's already wide TV support. Content is still in the early stages, however. If you can get the BBC's iPlayer (whether you're in the UK or using a VPN), that service has HLG support. DirecTV and YouTube also support HLG, but there's just not a lot of content so far. Since it's free, and fills an important niche, expect to see more HLG in the future. Some phones can record HDR via HLG, which you can playback on HLG-compatible displays.

For more info, and why it's so different from other methods, check out our explainer on hybrid log gamma.

Advanced HDR by Technicolor (SL-HDR1, 2 and 3)

  • Not widely supported.
  • Each "flavor" has its own niche.
  • Potentially useful, but they shall see.

Technicolor's Advanced HDR comes in multiple flavors: SL-HDR1 is similar to HLG, in that it's fully backward-compatible with SDR TVs, allowing for one signal to rule them all; SL-HDR2 has dynamic metadata like HDR10 Plus and Dolby Vision; SL-HDR3 uses HLG as a base, but adds dynamic metadata.

The path to SDR and HDR in one SL-HDR1 signal. The top is the content creation, the bottom is what your TV will do with it. The SDR content is automatically created from the HDR signal.


Content is limited to some NextGenTV broadcasts. It's unlikely it will get wide acceptance among streaming companies. 

Read more: What is Advanced HDR by Technicolor?

There can be only one. Or three. Or maybe five

A few things here are pretty easy to guess. HDR10 is the de facto base format. Nothing is likely to change that. Dolby Vision, with its wide industry support, especially on the content side, is likely to remain the "step-up" format. HDR10 Plus has increased in acceptance since its launch and is now a viable alternative to Dolby Vision.

NextGenTV continues its slow rollout, and it remains to be seen how much HDR content we'll get with over the air content, though both HLG and Advanced HDR are viable options. 

In reality the long-term outlook is, to be honest, one of universal playback and irrelevant content format. Do you care if your TV is showing Dolby Vision or HDR10 Plus, as long as it looks as good as possible and just like the other format? Since a TV's HDR performance is almost entirely based on its physical hardware, as long as the content looks good and can be shown properly, its specific format "language" doesn't matter. Well, it doesn't matter as long as your TV can speak it. 

As well as covering TV and other display tech, Geoff does photo tours of things like cool museums and locations around the world, including nuclear submarinesmassive aircraft carriersmedieval castles, epic 10,000-mile road trips, and more. Check out Tech Treks for all his tours and adventures.

He wrote a bestselling sci-fi novel about city-size submarines, and also Budget Travel for Dummies. You can follow him on Instagram and YouTube.

Tue, 27 Dec 2022 12:04:00 -0600 en text/html
Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board

Entering students who have demonstrated college level proficiency through Advanced Placement examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board may be granted university credit for scores of 5, 4, and 3. Credit will not be given for scores of 2 or 1.

The following is a listing of Advanced Placement Examinations for which the university grants course credit:

ATA exam format - Advanced Test Analyst 2023 Updated: 2024

Real ATA questions that showed up in test today
Exam Code: ATA Advanced Test Analyst 2023 exam format January 2024 by team

ATA Advanced Test Analyst 2023

Test Detail:
The ISTQB ATA (Advanced Test Analyst) certification exam is designed to validate the advanced knowledge and skills of software testers in test analysis and design techniques. This exam focuses on the application of test analysis principles and methods in real-world scenarios. The following description provides an overview of the ISTQB ATA certification.

Number of Questions and Time:
The ISTQB ATA exam typically consists of around 65 multiple-choice questions. The exact number of questions may vary, as ISTQB regularly updates the exam content. Candidates are given 180 minutes (3 hours) to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
To prepare for the ISTQB ATA exam, candidates can undergo training courses that cover advanced test analysis techniques and methodologies. These courses provide comprehensive knowledge and practical skills required to become proficient in test analysis. The course outline may include the following topics:

1. Testing Process:
- Test process fundamentals
- Test planning and control
- Test monitoring and control
- Test progress reporting and communication

2. Test Techniques:
- Specification-based techniques (boundary value analysis, decision table testing, etc.)
- Structure-based techniques (statement coverage, branch coverage, etc.)
- Experience-based techniques (error guessing, exploratory testing, etc.)
- Defect-based techniques (defect clustering, defect seeding, etc.)

3. Test Management:
- Test estimation, planning, and scheduling
- Test progress monitoring and reporting
- Test metrics and measurement
- Risk-based testing

4. Test Automation:
- Test automation concepts and benefits
- Automation planning and strategy
- Automation tools and frameworks
- Test automation implementation and maintenance

5. Defect Management:
- Defect life cycle and workflow
- Defect reporting and tracking
- Root cause analysis and defect prevention

Exam Objectives:
The ISTQB ATA exam aims to assess the candidate's advanced knowledge and skills in test analysis. The exam objectives include the following:

1. Apply test process fundamentals and participate in test planning and control activities.
2. Apply specification-based, structure-based, experience-based, and defect-based test techniques.
3. Understand and apply test management principles and practices.
4. Understand and apply test automation concepts and techniques.
5. Understand and apply defect management principles and practices.

Exam Syllabus:
The ISTQB ATA exam syllabus covers a wide range of advanced test analysis topics. The syllabus includes the following areas of study:

- Test process fundamentals
- Test planning and control
- Test monitoring and control
- Test progress reporting and communication
- Specification-based test techniques
- Structure-based test techniques
- Experience-based test techniques
- Defect-based test techniques
- Test management principles and practices
- Test automation concepts and techniques
- Defect management principles and practices

The ISTQB ATA exam format typically includes multiple-choice questions that require candidates to apply their knowledge and skills to solve practical testing problems. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their ability to analyze requirements, design effective test cases, and manage the testing process efficiently.
Advanced Test Analyst 2023
ISTQB Advanced exam format

Other ISTQB exams

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Advanced Test Analyst
Question #52 Section 1
What is the MOST important reason why test conditions should be understandable by stakeholders?
A. They should be able to review the test conditions and provide feedback to the test analyst
B. They should be able to use them as a basis for designing test cases
C. They should be able to use them to establish traceability to requirements
D. Test documentation should always be understandable by all stakeholders
Answer: A
Question #53 Section 1
Working together with the test manager during test planning, which of the following activities is NOT expected to
be performed by the test analyst?
A. Review the test estimates of the test manager
B. Review the test plan for non-functional testing
C. Organize adequate test resources
D. Being involved in risk management sessions
Answer: C
Question #54 Section 1
Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate action to mitigate product risks for a web application?
A. Initiate reviews of test design
B. Use professional and skilled testers with appropriate technical knowledge
C. Run tests in multiple operational environments
D. Allocate more time to high risk areas
Answer: A
Question #55 Section 1
Which of the following BEST explains the use of cause-effect graphing?
A. Useful to gain a graphical overview of a program's logical structure and are typically used as the basis for
creating decision tables.
B. Used with the purpose that with a limited set of test cases a reasonable level of coverage can be achieved.
C. Used to test the ability of the software to enter into and exit from defined states via valid and invalid
D. Used as a clear method to verify testing of all pertinent combinations of conditions and to verify that all
possible combinations are handled by the software
Answer: A
Question #56 Section 1
You are working as a tester on a project to develop a point-of-sales system for grocery stores. Which of the
following is a product risk that could be identified for such a system?
A. The arrival of a more reliable competing product on the market
B. Delivery of an incomplete test release to the first cycle of system test
C. An excessively high number of defect fixes fail during re-testing
D. Failure to accept allowed credit cards
Answer: D
Question #57 Section 1
Ken, an entrepreneur in Leeds finds the quality of the tea locally available so low, that he decides to research
superior teas around the world. He decides to market, sell and distribute these superior teas via the web. His market
strategy is to offer superior products on a well-designed website with graphics that are fast to load, has high
availability, superior usability and fast response times.
The website will offer the following:
-An innovative interactive catalogue of teas, which not only enables customers to buy the product, but also enables
them to provide feedback by rating the teas
(which will influence his stock purchasing levels)
Provide the customer with the ability to use secure credit card transactions
Provide the customer to provide general feedback
Ken selects an iterative model for the development of the prototypes. The team consists of three developers that are
experienced in web development. Ken, although he doesn't have technical skillset, is concerned with quality. He
doesn't believe a lot of documentation is necessary and he wants the website to be completed quickly.
The test basis contains the following:
-Story boards that show the information flow and page links through the site
-HTML pages developed to date.
-A statement of non-functional requirements.
With the strategy taking shape, Ken asks your advice on the specific testing techniques that should be used to
complete the required testing, bearing in mind the nature of the application and the nature of Kens overall
Answer: null
Question #58 Section 1
Ken, an entrepreneur in Leeds finds the quality of the tea locally available so low, that he decides to research
superior teas around the world. He decides to market, sell and distribute these superior teas via the web. His market
strategy is to offer superior products on a well-designed website with graphics that are fast to load, has high
availability, superior usability and fast response times.
The website will offer the following:
-An innovative interactive catalogue of teas, which not only enables customers to buy the product, but also enables
them to provide feedback by rating the teas
(which will influence his stock purchasing levels)
Provide the customer with the ability to use secure credit card transactions
Provide the customer to provide general feedback
Ken selects an iterative model for the development of the prototypes. The team consists of three developers that are
experienced in web development. Ken, although he doesn't have technical skillset, is concerned with quality. He
doesn't believe a lot of documentation is necessary and he wants the website to be completed quickly.
The test basis contains the following:
-Story boards that show the information flow and page links through the site
-HTML pages developed to date.
-A statement of non-functional requirements.
With the strategy taking shape, Ken asks your advice on the specific testing techniques that should be used to
complete the required testing, bearing in mind the nature of the application and the nature of Kens overall
How does phase containment contribute to reducing the cost of development?
A. By eliminating defects as early as possible to minimize defect propagation
B. By ensuring that the deliverables from any life cycle phase are tested only in that phase
C. By using specific test techniques at each level and only at that level
D. By concentrating the testing effort on the phases where failures occur
Answer: A
Question #59 Section 1
Ken, an entrepreneur in Leeds finds the quality of the tea locally available so low, that he decides to research
superior teas around the world. He decides to market, sell and distribute these superior teas via the web. His market
strategy is to offer superior products on a well-designed website with graphics that are fast to load, has high
availability, superior usability and fast response times.
The website will offer the following:
-An innovative interactive catalogue of teas, which not only enables customers to buy the product, but also enables
them to provide feedback by rating the teas
(which will influence his stock purchasing levels)
Provide the customer with the ability to use secure credit card transactions
Provide the customer to provide general feedback
Ken selects an iterative model for the development of the prototypes. The team consists of three developers that are
experienced in web development. Ken, although he doesn't have technical skillset, is concerned with quality. He
doesn't believe a lot of documentation is necessary and he wants the website to be completed quickly.
The test basis contains the following:
-Story boards that show the information flow and page links through the site
-HTML pages developed to date.
-A statement of non-functional requirements.
With the strategy taking shape, Ken asks your advice on the specific testing techniques that should be used to
complete the required testing, bearing in mind the nature of the application and the nature of Kens overall
Which of the following represents the best choice of testing techniques in this scenario?
A. Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis using the storyboard ideas as a basis to maximize
functional coverage.
B. Decision testing to ensure that there is no redundant code
C. Exploratory testing to maximize the value of the team’ experience
D. State transition testing to test the web site’s availability statuses
Answer: C
Question #60 Section 1
According to the ISTQB Advanced syllabus, which of the following would be the MOST effective method of
communication between test team members who are distributed across several time zones?
A. Accurate recording of defect information in the defect tracking system
B. Accepting frequent builds from the developers to keep all testers working on the same version at the same
C. Skype meetings for personal interaction
D. Weekly, mandatory meeting with all personnel present
Answer: A
Question #61 Section 1
You are testing the processing of a critical traffic control system to which various regulations apply. The
processing of the input variables is dependent of defined ranges within which the genuine retrieved data values can
Which of the following test techniques will you use to the processing functionality of the traffic control system?
A. defect taxonomies
B. exploratory testing
C. equivalence partitioning enhanced with boundary value analysis
D. state transition testing
Answer: C
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ISTQB Advanced exam format - BingNews Search results ISTQB Advanced exam format - BingNews Final Exam

Final exam solution

The Final exam will be Monday, December 12 from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Prof. Hess will be available for last-minute questions on Monday in ME 3003B.

  • 9:30-10:30 am
  • 11:30 am - 1 pm
  • 1:30-3 pm

All students will take the exam in CL50.

Some additional notes regarding the Final Exam:

  • The exam will cover material from Lecture 30 (Gear Geometry) to Lecture 43 (GD&T) on the course schedule.
  • The exam format will be similar to Exams 1 and 2 and to the exams posted on the course website: 25% short-answer questions and 75% work-out problems.
  • The exam is closed-book and closed-note
    • Final exam equation sheet (will be provided with the exam)
    • You may also bring an 8.5" x 11" crib sheet to the exam.  The crib sheet must be turned in with the exam.
  • The exam will follow ME's calculator policy.

Final exam from previous semesters

Fri, 01 Jul 2022 22:25:00 -0500 en-US text/html
JEE Advanced 2024 - Joint Entrance Examination Advanced, 2024


Joint Entrance Examination Advanced (JEE Advanced) 2024 will comprise two compulsory papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Each of the papers will have three separate sections: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. The examination will be conducted only in the Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. 

Both Paper 1 and Paper 2 of JEE Advanced 2024 will be of the duration of 3 hours for non-PwD candidates and 4 hours in case of PwD candidates. 

Details of the marking scheme will be provided during the examination in the “Instructions to Candidates” section. Negative marks may be awarded for some of the questions. 

The questions of JEE Advanced 2024 are designed to test the comprehension, reasoning and analytical ability of candidates. The question papers of JEE Advanced 2024 will be in both English and Hindi languages. Candidates will have the option to choose as well as switch between their preferred language anytime during the examination. In case of any discrepancies, the English version will prevail. 

Although sufficient care will be taken for the correctness of questions, in the event that a question(s) needs to be dropped, full marks for that question(s) will be awarded to all candidates.


What is the examination pattern of the JEE Advanced 2024 examination? 

JEE Advanced 2024 Examination Pattern

Mode of Examination

Computer Based Test (CBT) mode only

Number of Papers

Duration of Papers

For non-PwD candidates: 3 hours (each)

For PwD candidates: 4 hours (each)

Number of Sections in each paper

Subjects Covered

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics

Types of Questions

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Numerical Value Questions 

Marking Scheme

To be provided to the candidates along with instructions at the time of the examination 

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 20:52:00 -0600 en text/html
Sample Entrance Exam
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When you are ready, proceed to the current exam.

Read about the new Word Police training manual, Word Court, by Word Police Commissioner Barbara Wallraff.

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Read recent Word Court columns from The Atlantic Monthly, and browse the Word Fugitives archive, in The Court Record.

Sample Entrance Exam

Word Police exams consist of questions similar to the ones below. Here beneath each question we've told you which answer is correct, and explained why.

When you are taking an genuine exam, once you've answered all five questions, press the "Submit answers" button to have your responses scored. If you're not sure of the answer to any question, why not take your best guess? (No points are deducted for wrong answers.) You'll need to get at least four answers right to be allowed to proceed. On the next page, you will be asked a final question that you must answer correctly in order to pass the exam.

The genuine exams provide a clue about the intent of the questions that isn't available here -- namely, that each of them is the test for a particular squad or division. The questions on the entrance exam for any given squad will have to do with that squad's specialty. So, for example, on the entrance exam for the Number Unit, the focus of the questions will tend to be grammatical number (say, "the Word Police is ..." or "the Word Police are ..."?).

1. When Word Police officers perform their duties properly, fewer/less crimes against the language occur.


Fewer is for things that can be counted ("one crime, two crimes ..."; "The fewer crimes the better"). Less is for things that pile up as amounts, not numbers of items, and aren't countable ("There hasn't been much criminal activity lately"; "There's been less criminal activity than usual"). Because crimes falls into the former class of things, fewer is the only correct choice here. (See pages 191-192 in Word Court.)

2. While on duty, you see your neighbor Mr. Smith discarding a candy wrapper on the sidewalk. You pick it up, say in your most cheerful tone, "You dropped something. Here you are!" and hand it back to him. Afterward, should you keep the matter between you and him, between he and the Word Police Force, or between you and he?

Between you and him
Between he and the Word Police Force
Between you and he

Any pronoun that comes after between ought to be one that can be used as a grammatical object (as in "The Word Police want us"), not one that is used as a subject (for example, "We want to join the Word Police"). He is a subjective pronoun, so neither the second nor the third answer can be correct. You can be either kind of pronoun, and him is objective, so "between you and him" is the right answer. (See pages 130-134 in Word Court.)

3. Which is correct?

"It's a dull officer who spends all their time shining their badge."
"It's a dull officer who spends all her time shining her badge."
"It's a dull officer that spends all its time shining its badge."

An officer can't be plural. Nor is an officer neuter (its). An officer certainly can be female, though, so "... spends all her time ..." is fine. The second answer is the correct one. (See pages 28-32 in Word Court.)

4. With which statement do you agree?

"A Word Police officer must see that poetic justice is done everyday."
"A Word Police officer can't concern himself with poetic justice on an every day basis."
"A Word Police officer must at least try to see that poetic justice is done every day."

Once again, the real issue here is which of these statements is worded correctly. See those variations of everyday? Everyday, one word, is an adjective, and so when that's the form used, it's supposed to be modifying a noun. Every day is an adverb or a noun phrase. In the first answer, the adjective everyday is being used as if it were an adverb, modifying a verb; and in the second one, the adverb every day is being used as if it were an adjective, modifying a noun. Only in the third answer does the adverbial form match an adverbial function; this answer is correct. (See pages 190-191 in Word Court.)

5. Is this alright?


Alright is a very informal spelling. Standard English calls for all right. So no, it's not all right, thank you very much. No, indeed. (See page 153 in Word Court.)

Proceed to the entrance exam
Copyright © 2000 by The Atlantic Monthly Company. All rights reserved.
AP Test Name Score Equivalent Credits
African American Studies 3, 4 or 5 SOCI.1990 3
Art History 3, 4 or 5 ARHI.1010 3
Art Studio: Drawing Portfolio 4 or 5 ARTS.1550 3
Art Studio: Art 2-D Design 4 or 5 ARTS.1010 3
Art Studio: Art 3-D Design 4 or 5 ARTS.1020 3
Biology1 4 or 5 BIOL.1110
Calculus AB 4 or 5 MATH.1310 4
Calculus AB Subscore 4 or 5 MATH.1310 4
Calculus BC 4 or 5 MATH.1310 & MATH.1320 8
Chemistry 4 or 5 CHEM.1210
Chinese Language and Culture 3 or 4
WLCH.1050, WLCH.1060
WLCH.1050, WLCH.1060, WLCH.2050, WLCH.2060
Computer Science A2 4 or 5 COMP.1010 3
Computer Science AB2 3
4 or 5
COMP.1010 & COMP.1020
Computer Science Principles2 4 or 5 COMP.1990 3
Principles of Macroeconomics 4 or 5 ECON.2020 3
Principles of Microeconomics 4 or 5 ECON.2010 3
English Language & Composition 3 or 4
ENGL.1010 or ENGL.1990
ENGL.1010 & ENGL.1020
English Literature & Composition 3 or 4
ENGL.1010 or ENGL.1990
ENGL.1010 & ENGL.1020
Environmental Science 4 or 5 ENVI.1100, ENVI.1120L 4
European History 3, 4 or 5 HIST.1050 & HIST.1060 6
French Language and Culture 3 or 4
WLFR.1010, WLFR.1020
WLFR.1010, 1020, 2110, 2120
German Language and Culture 3 or 4
WLGE.1010 & WLGE.1020
WLGE.1010, WLGE.1020, WLGE.2110, WLGE.2120
Government & Politics: Comparative 3, 4 or 5 POLI.1120 3
Government & Politics: United States 3, 4 or 5 POLI.1010 3
Italian Language and Culture 3 or 4
WLIT.1010, WLIT.1020
WLIT.1010, WLIT.1020, WLIT.2110, WLIT.2120
Latin: Literature 3, 4 or 5 WLLA.3030 3
Latin: Virgil 3, 4 or 5 WLLA.3030 3
Music Theory 3, 4 or 5 MUTH.1010 3
Physics 1 3, 4 or 5 PHYS.1030 & PHYS.1030L 4
Physics 2 3, 4 or 5 PHYS.1040 & PHYS.1040L 4
Physics C - Mechanics 3, 4 or 5 PHYS.1410 & PHYS.1410L 4
Physics C - Electricity and Magnetism 3, 4 or 5 PHYS.1440 & PHYS.1440L 4
Psychology 3, 4 or 5 PSYC.1010 3
Spanish Language and Culture 3 or 4
WLSP.1010 & WLSP.1020
WLSP.1010, WLSP.1020, WLSP.2110, WLSP.2120
Spanish Literature and Culture 3, 4 or 5 WLSP.3010 & WLSP.3020 6
Statistics 3, 4 or 5 MATH.2830 3
United States History 3, 4 or 5 HIST.1110 & HIST.1120 6
World History 4 or 5 HIST.1070 & HIST.1080 6

1Exception: Biology exam taken in Spring 2020 will receive four credit for BIOL.1990 & BIOL.1990L; majors may contact department for credit by exam.

2Exception: Students majoring in Computer Science may not use Advanced Placement Credit to fulfill the Computing I or Computing II requirements.

Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:50:00 -0600 en text/html CBSE Board exam Date Sheet 2024: Timetable for Classes 10th and 12th released; obtain here CBSE Date Sheet 2024: In an official announcement, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the date sheet for the upcoming 2024 board examinations for both Class 10 and Class 12. Candidates appearing for the CBSE Class 10 and 12 board exams nationwide can now access the timetable here.
Exams for Classes 10 and 12 will be administered between February 15 and April 2, 2024. In order to maintain a consistent and standardised start time, all exams will begin at 10:30 AM (IST).
ALSO READ: CBSE Class 10, 12 Revised Date Sheet 2024 released at, check changes in exam dates
For Class 10th the main exams will commence on February 19, 2024, with Sanskrit, followed by Hindi on February 21, 2024. English will be held on February 26, 2024 and Science on March 2, 2024. Home Science is scheduled for March 4, 2024 followed by Social Science on March 7, 2024. The last two exams are Mathematics on March 11, 2024 and Information Technology on March 13, 2024.
ALSO READ: CBSE Class 10, 12 Practical Exams 2024 from January 1: 8 Tips to Excel

CBSE Board exam 2024: CBSE Class 10 Date Sheet for Important Subjects

Subject Code
February 19, 2024
119, 122
February 21, 2024
002, 085
February 26, 2024
101, 184
March 2, 2024
March 4, 2024
Home Science
March 7, 2024
Social Science
March 11, 2024
041, 241
March 13, 2024
Information Technology
165, 402, 417
As per the CBSE Class 12th Science Date Sheet 2024, exams commence on February 22, 2024, with English paper followed by Chemistry on February 27, 2024. Physics takes center stage on March 4, 2024 followed by Mathematics on March 9, 2024. Physical Education is slated for March 12, 2024 and Biology on March 19, 2024. The final exam for Computer Science is scheduled for April 2, 2024.
READ ALSO: CBSE Class 10, 12 Date Sheet 2024 Out: 8 Preparation Strategies for Last 60 Days

CBSE Class 12th Date Sheet 2024: Science Stream (Main Subjects)

Subject Code
February 22, 2024
001, 101, 301
February 27, 2024
March 4, 2024
March 9, 2024
041, 241
March 12, 2024
Physical Education
March 19, 2024
April 2, 2024
Computer Science

CBSE 12th Date Sheet 2024: Commerce Stream (Main Subjects)

Subject Code
February 22, 2024
001, 101, 301
March 9, 2024
041, 241
March 18, 2024
March 23, 2024
March 27, 2024
Business Studies 054, 833

CBSE Class 12th Date Sheet 2024: Humanities (Arts) Stream (Main Subjects)

Subject Code
February 19, 2024
Hindi Elective, Hindi Core
002, 302
February 22, 2024
English Elective, English Core, English Elective (Functional)
001, 301, 101
February 29, 2024
March 14, 2024
Various regional languages e.g. Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Sindhi, Marathi and others
March 18, 2024
March 22, 2024
Political Science
March 28, 2024
March 30, 2024
Sanskrit Core
April 1, 2024

ALSO READ: CBSE Class 12 Board exam 2024 to Clash with JEE Main 2024 Session 2? CBSE exam Controller Clears the Air
Exams for the Arts stream start on February 19, 2024, with the Hindi Elective and Hindi Core papers; English follows on February 22, 2024, per the CBSE Class 12th Humanities Date Sheet 2024. March 2024 is set aside for core humanities courses like geography, political science, economics, history, and Sanskrit. The sociology assignment is due on April 1st, 2024.
READ ALSO: Top tips to score high in Political Science Board Exam, along with trial paper
When creating the schedule, CBSE made sure that there were sufficient breaks between the subjects that students usually took in both classes. When creating the Class 12 date sheet, the board also considered competitive exams like JEE Main.
A major part of the preparation was steering clear of more than 40,000 possible subject combinations. By taking this precaution, scheduling conflicts are minimised as no student's examinations for two subjects are scheduled on the same day.
Direct link to obtain the Class 12th Date Sheet for 2024
The examinations, which cover a wide range of subjects important for students pursuing their class 12 and 10 education, will be held until April 2, 2024. Keep checking back for updates, and for any further guidance, visit the official CBSE website.
Direct link to obtain the Class 10th Date Sheet for 2024
CBSE extends its best wishes to all students appearing in both Class X and Class XII examinations. Watch Unveiling Destiny: CBSE Board exam Date Sheet 2024 for Classes 10th and 12th released
Thu, 04 Jan 2024 05:39:00 -0600 en text/html
Policies for Advanced Standing Through Exams

Students entering the university are eligible to receive credit for advanced standing through the exam programs listed below.

Students may receive a maximum of thirty (30) credits from CLEP, AP, IB, and credit by University of Massachusetts Lowell departmental challenge exams. Credits earned through external exams must be presented at the time of matriculation at the university.  After the first semester, students must submit an approved Undergraduate Academic Petition. Additional information, including limitations and requirements related to CLEP and departmental exams, is detailed in our Course Equivalency Examinations policy.

University departments reserve the right to refuse granting exam credit for requirements in the major, including laboratory components. 

Examination credit may not be used to reduce the university residency requirements of 15 credits in the major field and 30 credits in university courses. Under no circumstance will duplicate credit be granted to students who present formal coursework for transfer.

Students who wish to take courses at the University of Massachusetts Lowell instead of receiving advance standing credits may request removing exam credits in their first semester at the university by emailing Students understand that once credit is removed at their request, it may not be reinstated.

Thu, 03 Mar 2022 10:11:00 -0600 en text/html
JEE Advanced 2024 exam Date Out At Check Schedule And Other Details Here No result found, try new keyword!JEE Advanced 2024: The JEE Advanced exam dates have been released! According to the schedule, the exam will be held on May 26, 2024. Candidates interested in taking the exam can register on the ... Thu, 23 Nov 2023 16:34:00 -0600 en-us text/html

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