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S90.01A test - Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing Updated: 2024

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S90.01A Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing

Exam: S90.01A Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The exam consists of approximately 40 multiple-choice questions.
- Time: Candidates are given 60 minutes to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
The S90.01A Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing exam focuses on assessing professionals' understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and service-oriented computing. The course covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to SOA
- Key concepts and principles of SOA
- Benefits and value proposition of SOA
- Service-oriented architecture vs. traditional architectures
- SOA reference architecture

2. Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Service identification and modeling
- Service-oriented analysis techniques
- Service composition and orchestration
- Design patterns for SOA

3. Service-Oriented Technologies and Platforms
- Web services standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI)
- RESTful services and APIs
- Service containers and registries
- Messaging and event-driven architectures

4. Service-Oriented Governance and Quality Assurance
- Service governance principles and practices
- Service versioning and compatibility
- Service lifecycle management
- Service-level agreements (SLAs) and quality metrics

Exam Objectives:
The exam aims to assess candidates' understanding and proficiency in the following areas:

1. Fundamental concepts and principles of SOA
2. Service-oriented analysis and design techniques
3. Knowledge of service-oriented technologies and platforms
4. Understanding of service-oriented governance and quality assurance

Exam Syllabus:
The exam syllabus covers the following topics:

- Introduction to SOA
- Key concepts and principles of SOA
- Benefits and value proposition of SOA
- Service-oriented architecture vs. traditional architectures
- SOA reference architecture

- Service-Oriented Analysis and Design
- Service identification and modeling
- Service-oriented analysis techniques
- Service composition and orchestration
- Design patterns for SOA

- Service-Oriented Technologies and Platforms
- Web services standards (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI)
- RESTful services and APIs
- Service containers and registries
- Messaging and event-driven architectures

- Service-Oriented Governance and Quality Assurance
- Service governance principles and practices
- Service versioning and compatibility
- Service lifecycle management
- Service-level agreements (SLAs) and quality metrics
Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing
SOA Service-Oriented test

Other SOA exams

S90.01A Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing
S90.02A SOA Technology Concepts
S90.03A SOA Design & Architecture
S90.04A SOA Project Delivery & Methodology
S90.05A SOA Technology Lab
S90.08A Advanced SOA Design & Architecture
S90.09A SOA Design & Architecture Lab
S90.18A Fundamental SOA Security
S90.19A Advanced SOA Security
S90.20A SOA Security Lab
C90-06A Cloud Architecture Lab

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Fundamental SOA & Service-Oriented Computing
Question: 84
From an organizational impact perspective, SOA initiatives can introduce: SELECT ALL
A. new processes
B. new roles
C. new skill-sets
D. change to how project teams are structured
Answer: A, B, C, D
Question: 85
Non-agnostic solution logic is logic that is considered single-purpose because it is unique
to a specific task, and therefore not useful to other tasks. Select the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 86
Which of the following statements are false? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Service compositions are aggregates of non-service-oriented applications that are
grouped together and exposed as a service.
B. Service compositions are aggregates of services that are grouped together to carry out
a specific task.
C. Service compositions can be classified as service-oriented solutions.
D. Service composition design is not a common consideration with SOA projects. The
emphasis of service-orientation is on producing services that are solely optimized for
point-to-point data exchange.
Answer: A, D
Question: 87
Service-oriented computing aims to reduce the burden of IT upon the organization as a
whole by reducing waste, operational cost, and overhead associated with the governance
and evolution of the IT enterprise. Select the correct answer
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 88
Which of the following statements are true? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. A service inventory establishes a boundary for a collection of services.
B. Service inventories represent collections of related services that are independently
standardized and governed.
C. The quantity of services within a service inventory will increase as new services that
belong within the service inventory boundary are delivered.
D. Service inventories are ideally planned and modeled ahead of time via the creation of
service inventory blueprints.
Answer: A, B, C, D
Question: 89
Agnostic solution logic is logic that is considered single-purpose because it is unique to
one task. Select the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 90
The goals of service-oriented computing are focused on tactical (short-term) benefits, as
opposed to strategic (long-term) benefits. Select the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 91
A service can be a service consumer. Select the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 92
A service can be designed to access or invoke: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
A. a database
B. a distributed application
C. a legacy system or resource
D. other services
Answer: A, B, C, D
Question: 93
A common performance consideration when designing agnostic services is the fact that
they contain generic processing logic which can decrease performance overhead, thereby
reducing performance requirements. Select the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 94
Which of the following statements are true? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. "Service-oriented computing" is an umbrella term that encompasses SOA and service-
B. Service-oriented computing can be considered a distinct form of distributed
C. Because of its emphasis on agnostic services, service-oriented computing can be
viewed as a departure from the traditional silo-based approach to application design.
D. There are several goals associated with service-oriented computing, one of which is
IT Burden.
Answer: A, B, C, D
Question: 95
Service A is invoked by Desktop Application A, which requests a data value from
Service A. In order for Service A to retrieve this data value, it must invoke Service B,
which retrieves the value from Database A. Which participant(s) in this scenario are
considered service consumers? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Service A
B. Service B
C. Desktop Application A
D. Database A
Answer: A, C
Question: 96
A service consumer must exist as a service-oriented software program. Select the correct
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 97
The application of service-orientation can affect the design of a service contract. Select
the correct answer.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 98
Which of the following statements are true? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. A service can be comprised of one or more components.
B. A service inventory is comprised of a collection of services.
C. A service composition is comprised of a set of aggregated services.
D. A service-oriented solution is comprised of a set of service inventories.
Answer: A, B, C
Question: 99
Which of the following statements are false? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. Services benefit from up-front analysis because this allows them to be modeled before
they are developed and deployed.
B. Services benefit from design standardization because this supports service-oriented
computing goals, such as Increased Intrinsic Interoperability.
C. Services benefit from a "contract first" approach because this allows the contract to be
the first part of the service that is installed and further enables the contract to be
subsequently changed without impact to service consumers.
D. Services benefit from being concurrently invoked by different service compositions
because this decreases their performance requirements while increasing their availability.
Answer: C, D
Question: 100
Which of the following SOA myths are false? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY
A. "An application is considered service-oriented if it uses Web services."
B. "It is required that you stick with a single SOA vendor platform in order to
successfully achieve the strategic goals of service-oriented computing."
C. "SOA projects always require enterprise-wide standardization and enterprise-wide
global data models."
D. "The successful adoption of SOA will help an organization become more agile and
Answer: A, B, C
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SOA Service-Oriented test - BingNews Search results SOA Service-Oriented test - BingNews Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

Cellebrite sees silver lining in the NetSuite cloud

It’s only natural that companies invest in business software solutions to bring about growth in their organisation. But in times of uncertainty, the narrative is around doing more with less, how to increase productivity and efficiency through automation, and how to get better control of supply chains. They see how one company is doing just that Continue Reading

Fri, 21 Aug 2020 05:19:00 -0500 en text/html
Service Oriented

Joe McKendrick is an author and independent analyst who tracks the impact of information technology on management and markets. As an independent analyst, he has authored numerous research reports in partnership with Forbes Insights, IDC, and Unisphere Research, a division of Information Today, Inc. Joe speaks frequently on cloud, data, and enterprise computing courses at industry events and Webcasts. He is co-author, along with 16 leading industry leaders and thinkers, of the SOA Manifesto, which outlines the values and guiding principles of service orientation. In a previous life, Joe served as director of the Administrative Management Society (AMS), an international professional association dedicated to advancing knowledge within the IT and business management fields. He is a graduate of Temple University.

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:01:00 -0600 en text/html
HP, SAP Expand Their SOA Bond

HP's new SAP program follows the latter company's service-oriented architecture blueprint for improving workflow, automating business processes, and distributing information throughout an organization. The components supported by HP include SAP NetWeaver Portal, Exchange Infrastructure, and Business Intelligence.

The SAP-based services include HP's tools and applications for SOA quality testing, governance, security, and management. The latest offerings are part of HP's full life cycle of SAP services, which stretch from strategy and design through implementation, integration, and management.

HP's SOA service partners include chipmaker Intel and IDS Scheer, a specialist in business process management.

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:35:00 -0600 text/html
ITIL & ITSM: How IT is becoming more service-oriented

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April 2019

In this e-guide, they shine the light on the state of IT service management (ITSM) and the framework upon which it is effectively built, the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL). They explore how ITSM is being changed by machine learning, how it can be used in the cloud and the datacentre, and the role ITIL could play in digital business transformation.

  • Prepare for ITIL framework updates in version 4
  • IT service managers see a role for ITIL in digital business transformation
  • Don't let datacentres be a waste of space
  • ITSM in the cloud: Using ITSM best practices to optimise cloud usage
  • IT service management effectiveness hampered by lack of metrics
  • How machine learning is changing IT service management
Tue, 30 Apr 2019 04:03:00 -0500 en text/html
Burnout Test (Service Fields)

You have 100 things to do by tomorrow. The pressure is mounting, expectations are high, and the phone won't stop ringing. Are you sailing along smoothly, or are you heading towards a meltdown? Burnout is on the rise in modern society due to increasing workloads, longer work hours, lack of sleep, and pressure to balance work, family and a social life. More and more workers are taking time off on stress leave...and you don't want to be next! Find out whether you are at risk with this burnout test.

If you are not in the service industry, please use the test for non-service fields in the "Careers" category.

Examine the following statements and indicate to what degree they apply to you. In order to receive the most accurate results, please answer each question as honestly as possible.

After finishing this test you will receive a FREE snapshot report with a summary evaluation and graph. You will then have the option to purchase the full results for $6.95

This test is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or for the treatment of any health condition. If you would like to seek the advice of a licensed mental health professional you can search Psychology Today's directory here.

Fri, 03 Mar 2017 05:16:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Service-Oriented Architectures Take Center Stage At BEA eWorld

In his opening speech to kick off his company's ninth annual technology conference, Alfred Chuang, Systems founder, chairman and CEO of BEA, introduced the vendor's vision for Liquid Computing, previously code-named Project Sierra, as a long-term strategy to provide software and technology to build and deploy SOAs.

Chuang's talk, which outlined in-depth Liquid Computing's three principles of enterprise compatibility, active adaptability and breakthrough productivity, sounded like an SOA primer linking BEA's software to the very idea itself.

One analyst attendee called the speech BEA's effort to own the SOA message. "He is trying to connect the [SOA] trend to what BEA is doing so BEA is not hostage to IBM's message," said John Rymer, research director at Forrester Research.

Indeed, IBM, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard and every other major technology vendor has jumped on the SOA bandwagon over the past several months, professing that they will either support the architecture going forward or that they've been doing it all along in some way, shape or form.

In a question-and-answer session after his keynote, Chuang defended BEA against the suggestion that the company has arrived late to the SOA party, since both IBM and HP outlined SOA strategies earlier this year. Chuang said BEA has been providing software for building SOAs since the release of its WebLogic Platform 8.1 software last year.

"Talk is cheap," Chuang said. "Every one is talking about SOA. However, they are the one that is selling the platform that has done SOA for several quarters. We're not talking about how we're going to support SOA. They sell an SOA platform right now and 1,500 customers have deployed them."

Chuang positioned Liquid Computing and SOA as a replacement for traditional integration technology by providing an environment that leverages standard technologies and can adapt quickly and effortlessly to constantly changing business needs. This Holy Grail of melding business effectiveness and IT will enable every VAR and developer that touches applications in a system to change business processes and applications in minutes rather than hours, days or months, he said.

"The fundamental promise of SOA is to close the IT gap with users--that struggle between the demands of the business and what IT can deliver," Chuang said. "We need IT systems that drastically reduce the time needed to address business change. The current situation is unacceptable."

CRN reported last week that BEA would introduce Liquid Computing, as well as another project Chuang outlined in his talk, Project Quicksilver (see story). Quicksilver is a project aimed at building software that combines messaging, Web services management and monitoring technology into one product.

In his keynote, Chuang also unveiled Project Alchemy, a project for an occasionally connected mobile browser that he said Adam Bosworth, BEA's chief architect, are scheduled to detail in a keynote Wednesday.

Late last year, Bosworth disclosed details of Alchemy but not the code name in a CRN interview, describing it as a wireless browser that can allow applications to be updated in the background, allowing for better performance of Web-based applications on wireless devices (see story).

Bosworth said at the time that BEA was attempting to build a persistent browser that can download e-mails and other information sent via a wireless network in the background immediately when it is sent so users can receive information on demand.

Following Chuang's keynote, Hewlett-Packard Chief Strategy and Technology Officer Shane Robison unveiled new HP software and services for the deployment of SOAs in his address to attendees. The new software, Real-Time Information Director, leverages BEA WebLogic Server to apply business rules in realtime, while integrating, cleansing, aggregating and distributing critical business data across company, supplier and partner systems.

Robison also unveiled a plan with BEA that makes HP OpenView the preferred network management software platform for BEA WebLogic. However, in his question-and-answer session after the keynote addresses, BEA's Chuang said that while HP is the primary network-management software to be integrated with WebLogic, BEA also would support a host of other network-management software on its platform, including products from Computer Associates International and BMC.

In other eWorld news Tuesday morning, BEA CTO Scott Dietzen announced that the Apache Software Foundation accepted BEA's Project Beehive and will oversee work on the project. Under Project Beehive, which was announced last week, BEA is open-sourcing the application framework of its WebLogic Workshop tool, including Workshop controls and runtime.

Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:35:00 -0600 text/html
The Disadvantages of a Results-Oriented Work Environment

Melinda Hill Sineriz has been writing professionally for over 10 years. She worked as an editorial assistant for Forward Movement Publications in Cincinnati, Ohio. She wrote for several years for and edited and wrote a chapter for a book with Wooster Press. She graduated from Miami University in Ohio with a Bachelor of Arts in English. She has a master's degree in teaching.

Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:02:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Evive Brands Acquires The Brothers that just do Gutters, Expanding Its Community of Service-Oriented Brands Evive Brands Acquires The Brothers that just do Gutters, Expanding Its Community of Service-Oriented Brands

PR Newswire

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Dec. 7, 2023

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Dec. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Evive Brands, a community of premier franchise brands, today announced the acquisition of The Brothers that just do Gutters, a leader in gutter installation and maintenance. This move expands Evive's portfolio, which includes Executive Home Care, Assisted Living Locators, and Grasons, collectively representing over 200 franchise locations across the U.S.

Based in Scottsdale, AZ, Evive Brands, LLC was founded on the values of connection, community and care. The company’s premier franchise brands include Executive Home Care, one of the nation's leading in-home care providers; Assisted Living Locators, a nationally acclaimed senior placement and referral agency; and Grasons Co., a respected estate sales and business liquidation service, which together include more than 200 franchise locations across the U.S. With private equity investment from Th (PRNewsfoto/Executive Home Care Holdings)

"The integration of The Brothers that just do Gutters into their family of brands represents a significant step in their strategy to offer comprehensive services for home and personal well-being," said Jason Weidder, Chief Growth Officer at Evive Brands. "This acquisition not only extends their reach into the home maintenance sector but also aligns with their mission to support and enhance the lives of their clients."

Founded in 1999, The Brothers that just do Gutters is recognized for its exceptional gutter installation and maintenance services, setting industry standards for quality and customer service.

"We are excited to become part of Evive Brands and to contribute to its vision of enhancing the quality of life for clients," said Ryan Parsons, CEO of The Brothers that just do Gutters. "Joining Evive provides us with new opportunities to expand and evolve, enabling us to reach and serve more homeowners."

In a notable leadership development, Ryan Parsons will assume the role of CEO at Evive Brands, leveraging his extensive experience to steer the company's growth in residential services.

This acquisition underscores Evive Brands' commitment to building a robust portfolio of service-oriented franchises, further establishing the company as a leader in providing essential services to enhance the lives of individuals and families.

About Evive Brands

Evive Brands is a community of brands focused on increasing the well-being of its clients and their families. Its portfolio includes premier franchise brands like Executive Home Care, Assisted Living Locators, and Grasons, with a collective presence of over 200 franchise locations across the United States. Evive is committed to providing support and services that help people live and thrive. For more information about Evive Brands, visit

About The Brothers that just do Gutters

The Brothers that just do Gutters is a full-service gutter company, known for its meticulous attention to detail and dedication to customer satisfaction. Established in 1999, the company has expanded its services to over 300 locations, offering comprehensive gutter solutions. For more information, visit

Media Contact: Rhonda Grundemann, 602-739-8810,

Cision View original content to download multimedia:

SOURCE Evive Brands

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 04:31:00 -0600 en text/html

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