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Worldwide IT certification
Question: 69
There are many different sources of CMBS. Conduits and aggregate pools generally consist of loans newly originated,
purchased or held by investment bankers until the pool is large enough for an efficient execution. Government
agencies such as the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
(FHLMC) are important sources of:
A. Residential financing
B. B2B financing.
C. Commercial financing.
D. Mortgage loans
Answer: A
Question: 70
What represent the ownership interests in the net assets of the subsidiary held by persons outside the controlling
entities’ structure?
A. External control
B. Minority interests
C. Permanent stockholder
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Question: 71
A substantial investment is defined as any investment comprising more than 15 percent of an enterprise’s voting shares
or greater than 35 percent of its equity.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 72
What are designed primarily to accumulate a fund for eventual liquidation via annuitization, so the savings element is
A. Variable annuities
B. Deferred annuities
C. Immediate annuities
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Question: 73
The value of the capital stock shown in the stock life insurance company’s statutory basis balance sheet equals the par
value per share multiplied by the number of issued shares.
In the case of no-par stock:
A. The stated value per share is used (or liquidation value, for no-par preferred capital stock)
B. The Total value of shares is used (or liquidation value, for par preferred capital stock)
C. The market value per share is used (or liquidation value, for no-par preferred capital stock)
D. Capital stock may be sold to the public for an amount greater than par or stated value
Answer: A
Question: 74
Outgoing premiums less return premiums arising from reinsurance purchased from other insurance entities are called:
A. Rating premiums
B. Direct premiums
C. Assumed reinsurance premiums
D. Ceded reinsurance premiums
Answer: D
Question: 75
When policy periods expire, the premiums written are earned and are recognized as:
A. Liabilities
B. Expenses
C. Revenues
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Question: 76
Which projection method uses paid losses plus reserves on outstanding claims?
A. Average losses
B. Loss ratio
C. Incurred loss
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Question: 77
The SEC rules clarify that management’s assessment and report is limited to internal control over financial reporting.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 78
The magnitude of the variable annuity benefits provided by a deferred annuity depends on the size of the account value
at the end of the accumulation phase.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 79
Audit risk consists of:
A. Risk of material misstatement
B. detection of risk
C. Both A & B
D. Neither A nor B
Answer: C
Question: 80
Structured settlements are agreements characterized by the periodic payment of fixed amounts to a claimant in
connection with the settlement of a legal claim. Such payments may last for the lifetime of the payee or they may be
for a particular period of time, depending upon the terms of the settlement.
The party responsible for making structured settlement payments may make payments:
A. Directly
B. To a claimant
C. Any one of these
D. None of these
Answer: C
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SOFE certification resources - BingNews Search results SOFE certification resources - BingNews Better Training and Education is Fundamental

Safety training and education is a key component of high-quality safety programs and efforts to reduce collisions, injuries, and claims. Expanding and improving your safety training and education in 2024 to engage workers will likely result in fewer incidents.
By David Biderman

Leaders in the solid waste and recycling industry frequently say that “nothing they do is more important than safety.” But when push comes to shove, companies and sanitation departments often do not provide sufficient or adequate education and training that provides employees with the tools to prevent collisions, injuries, and claims.

Solid waste and recycling employers frequently must make difficult decisions about how to deploy resources. With a new year starting, let me suggest that providing more and better safety education and training is not only a great investment with immediate ROI (return on investment), but it is also the right thing to do. Solid waste collection employees have had one of the highest workplace fatality rates in the U.S. for more than a decade. There are tens of thousands of collisions and injuries annually. Each collision, injury, and claim is an expense, many of which are preventable. These events are not good for the industry’s reputation and make it more difficult to recruit and retain employees.

Regular safety meetings are a crucial part of every safety program. Safety meetings are an opportunity to review the basics and discuss timely safety concerns and issues.
Photo courtesy of Will Flower.
Safety meeting at Liberty Ashes, Queens NY, October 2023.
Photo courtesy of David Biderman.

Developing a Strong Safety Program
Safety education and training in the solid waste industry currently ranges from “here’s the vest, don’t get hurt” to weeks of initial classroom training and ride-a-longs. In my new role as a consultant, I see that many companies and local governments want to Excellerate their safety education and training, but lack the internal resources or expertise to do so. Some provide non-waste-related educational materials to their workers, and then wonder why their drivers and helpers are not engaged in their safety program or their claims are increasing.

A strong safety education and training program in the solid waste industry should include the following components:

  1. Initial Training—A new employee should receive training on all of the safety hazards associated with the tasks they will be performing. This training should have both classroom and field components, and, ideally, include periodic reviews or tests to make sure that the new employee understands the training.
  2. Refresher Training—On at least an annual basis, every frontline solid waste employee should receive some sort of training on the key safety hazards associated with their jobs. For example, a helper should be reminded about how to lift properly, the importance of wearing high-visibility clothing, and not using their cell phone while on the job.
  3. Safety Meetings—Solid waste employers should hold periodic safety meetings, ideally on a monthly basis, to review leading safety hazards, latest incidents, and to remind employees about the importance of working safely every day. These meetings also provide valuable opportunities to listen and respond to workers about their safety concerns.
  4. Communications—Companies and sanitation departments should be communicating frequently and consistently about the importance of workplace safety, not just at the monthly safety meeting. These communications play a critical role reminding frontline workers about safety issues and hazards. Remember, not every worker attends each monthly safety meeting.

Documenting all these program components is important from both a human resources and OSHA compliance perspective.

Internalize Safety Messaging
Over the past few months, I have spoken at dozens of safety meetings at solid waste companies and sanitation departments. When I participate in these meetings, I focus on three items: (1) informing the attendees they work in the 7th most dangerous job in the U.S.; (2) reminding them of the key safety rules, including staying off their cell phone, wearing a safety belt, and complying with applicable safety rules such as speed limits; and (3) their health and safety is important to their spouses, children, and families.

Although most frontline solid waste collection employees are aware that their job can be dangerous, they are typically amazed that it is on a federal top 10 list. And though they usually know most of the safety rules, very few know the ANSI Z245.1 guideline on when a helper should not be on the riding step. Also, they freely admit not everyone wears a safety belt or stays off their cell phone all the time.

Reminding workers that they need to be safe for their families is a great way to help employees better internalize safety messaging and reduce unsafe behaviors. Pictures and videos are often more powerful than words, and showing photographs of an overturned garbage truck or a truck rear-ending another vehicle is a great way to keep workers paying attention during a safety meeting.

At the End of the Day
Every day in the solid waste industry brings new challenges. A truck breaks down. Heavy rain delays the route. A fire occurs at a recycling facility. The focus on daily operations can distract companies and municipal solid waste agencies from developing robust safety education and training programs that help protect employees from injuries and the communities they serve from harm. It should not. Nothing they do is as important as having a happy and healthy productive employee go home to their family at the end of each day. | WA

David Biderman is the President of Biderman Consulting, LLC in Fairfax, VA, and the former Executive Director of the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). He can be reached at
[email protected].

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 04:55:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Malaysia's Occupational Safety and Health training programme to be upgraded: HR Minister

The aim of the upgrade is to help meet the needs of the industry as well as enhance the effectiveness and access of NIOSH's training programmes.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will be upgrading its current Occupational Safety and Health Training (OSH) programme to cater to the needs of the industry, as well as leverage digital platforms to enhance the effectiveness and access of its training programme.

This was announced by Human Resources Minister YB. Steven Sim on Wednesday (3 January 2024) during his first official visit to the NIOSH headquarters. At the time of writing, no details on the timeline have been provided.

Additionally, the Ministry of Human Resources will continue to enhance the OSH programme to safeguard the welfare and wellbeing of the nation's workforce.

Currently, there are four types of training programmes provided by NIOSH:

  • OSH Practitioners Programmes
  • Competency / Certificate Programme
  • Trainer’s Programme
  • Safety Passport Programmes

Also present during the visit were Deputy Minister of Human Resources YB. Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Mohamad, Deputy Secretary General of KSM (Policy and International) Datuk Amran Ahmad, Deputy Secretary General of KSM (Operations), Datuk Norison Ramli, and Executive Director of NIOSH Tuan Haji Ayop Salleh.

ALSO READ: Malaysia to kick off Progressive Wage Policy project in June 2024

Lead photo / 123RF

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Tue, 02 Jan 2024 17:29:00 -0600 en text/html
Recognizing human trafficking, training sessions available in Steuben County No result found, try new keyword!In recognition of National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, local Safe Harbour programs are offering free in-person sessions to recognize human trafficking in the local ... Fri, 05 Jan 2024 04:18:36 -0600 en-us text/html Cleveland granted millions to replace lead-tainted windows and doors No result found, try new keyword!Compliance with Cleveland's lead-safe law is lagging, but city officials hope a state grant can get more landlords on board. Fri, 05 Jan 2024 03:44:00 -0600 en-us text/html Building Resilience: Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health and Safety in Construction

Mental health and safety are being increasingly recognized as vital focus points for leaders in the construction industry. Firstly, there’s a clear duty of care involved if employees and members of your staff experience psychological and emotional pressures on the job. Mental unwellness can also seriously disrupt projects.

This is why it’s so important to help your workers to build mental resilience. By giving your staff the tools to thrive, you’re likely to see a boost in worker satisfaction and retention. Not to mention that it helps build the kind of culture of safety that positively impacts your business’ success.

Let’s look at how to approach this practically. What strategies should you use to enhance mental health and safety?

Maintain and Communicate Safety Protocols

Enhancing mental health and safety doesn’t just require your business to focus on the psychological or emotional components. When applied on their own, they can come across as superficial and may not have a long-term impact. As with so much in life, it’s better to start by creating a strong foundation to build the mental wellness elements on.

In this case, adopting a solid set of construction health and safety protocols provides a secure environment and shows you’re prioritizing wellness. A couple of the key elements of these protocols include:

Responsible parties: Your health and safety protocols should outline that everyone has a role to play in maintaining wellness. However, it should also highlight specific members of staff who are responsible for different aspects of health and safety, including mental health. This gives workers clarity on who to contact in the event of concerns and issues.

Training processes: Solid staff training is key to safe functioning on a construction site. Your protocols must outline the types of education required for each role, how this is delivered, and how frequently they should occur. It’s also wise to include training on maintaining health matters, including coping mechanisms for mental wellness.

From here you need to communicate your protocols to your workers. Produce clear documentation, perhaps hosted on the cloud so your staff has access to it wherever they are. Work with leadership to ensure discussions about these protocols are part of everyday working practices. This sets a great forum for conversations about mental health to take place.

Adopt Burnout Prevention Measures

Alongside the more general measures, it’s important to look at the specific challenges of mental health in construction. One of the most prevalent of these is burnout. 

When staff are subject to relentless workplace stress and excessive demands, they’re likely to experience emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. This could result in both acute symptoms and the more serious long-term effects of burnout. Alongside mood swings and loss of motivation, workers might wind up living with gastrointestinal distress and high blood pressure, among other conditions.

This is not just problematic because it affects workers’ quality of life and workplace engagement. In construction, their experiences of burnout-related fatigue could put themselves and colleagues at risk of injury.

So, how can you boost resilience in the face of burnout in construction? Some of the actions you take could include:

Promote work-life balance: Spending too much of their life at work, particularly with overtime under crunch conditions, can contribute to staff members’ burnout. Make it a point of policy to promote a healthy work-life balance. Aim to assert hard boundaries on maximum working hours. Perhaps offer flexible scheduling options if it’s practical.

Maintain open communication: It’s vital to make certain that your staff feel comfortable about raising concerns about working conditions that contribute to burnout. Make it clear that there are no consequences to staff who want to express that they feel performance expectations are too high. Use this as an opportunity to find solutions together.

Wherever possible, make avoiding burnout a mutual responsibility. When staff recognize the signs of burnout, this enables them to be more vigilant of these in themselves and their colleagues.

Provide a Range of Mental Health Resources

Mental resilience is not something that only occurs within workers’ own minds. They need practical assistance to truly build the fortitude that helps them thrive. Consider creating wellness programs that provide workers a range of resources that are relevant to maintaining their mental health.

These could include:

Mindfulness and meditation applications: Taking a few minutes each day to center oneself and focus on the present is a powerful psychological and emotional tool. However, this might not always be practical in noisy and bustling construction environments. Providing staff with mobile apps so they can take a break, put on headphones, and receive audio guidance may help them maintain regular wellness routines.

Peer allies: Colleagues can be invaluable sources of mental health support. They understand the nuanced pressures of the construction industry and how this affects mental and emotional wellness. Initiating a formal peery ally program can bolster this by highlighting dedicated colleagues for conversations and support. You’ll need to provide these workers training on how to provide psychological support and direct colleagues to other resources.

It’s also essential to be open to your staff’s suggestions here. They’ll have insights into the types of challenges they face on a daily basis and what resources are likely to be useful to them. Create channels for suggestions and be transparent about assessing and implementing these.


Boosting psychological resilience among your workforce benefits everybody involved. Commit to adopting strategies that tackle both the specific mental challenges of construction and are consistent with wider safety protocols. Perhaps the most important thing to consider, though, is encouraging workers to genuinely engage with mental wellness programs. Empower them to not just be beneficiaries of services, but also influencers of them. You’re likely to see a greater cultural impact that’s positive for everyone involved.

Sam Bowman writes about people, tech, workers, and how they merge. He enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore.


Fri, 05 Jan 2024 02:09:00 -0600 text/html
Terra to host ServSafe, TIPS training No result found, try new keyword!The free courses are designed for anyone working in the food service and hospitality industry who wants to earn or renew their ServSafe or TIPS training and certification. Thu, 04 Jan 2024 20:19:00 -0600 en-us text/html WKYT Investigates: Are school resource officers outgunned? No result found, try new keyword!The Custodian of Records for Fayette County said they have no proof of patrol rifle certification and no list of anyone certified to use them. In their weapons policy for 2024, dated October of 2023, ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 07:46:14 -0600 en-us text/html How to Keep Your Company Safe From Cyber Attacks No result found, try new keyword!Cyber attacks are a legitimate threat to businesses nationwide. Fifty-four percent of companies have faced at least one cyber attack in the past 12 months. Small businesses are often vulnerable to ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 06:00:02 -0600 en-us text/html Global Aerospace's SM4 Aviation Safety Program Offers Insights into the Changing Landscape of Mental Health in Aviation

A Flight Toward Well-Being: The Changing Landscape of Mental Health in Aviation

Morris Plains, New Jersey--(Newsfile Corp. - January 4, 2024) - As the Global Director of Aviation Health at MedAire, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible strides their industry has made in addressing mental health issues among pilots.

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The GermanWings accident in 2015 was a turning point, unveiling some fragile links in aviation safety regarding pilot mental health issue detection and management. The aeromedical community reacted in concert, with scientists and regulators sitting at the same table with pilots to address the problem. As a result, in Europe, EASA required the implementation of mandatory peer-support programs in the aviation industry.

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flight crew with aircraft

Supporting Pilots in the U.S.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been instrumental in this progress in the United States, reflecting a broader societal shift toward recognizing and addressing mental health concerns.

FAA regulations require pilots to undergo a medical test with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) every six months to five years, depending on their flying type and age. These exams include assessing the pilot's mental health, and pilots must disclose all existing physical and psychological conditions and medications. If an AME has concerns about a pilot's mental health, they can request additional psychological testing or defer the application to the Office of Aerospace Medicine for further evaluation.

To reduce the stigma associated with mental health and encourage pilots to seek help, the FAA has invested resources in increasing mental health training for medical examiners, supporting industry-wide research and clinical studies on pilot mental health and hiring additional mental health professionals. The FAA has also announced plans to ease aeromedical rules for mental health concerns, making it easier for pilots to regain their medical certificates and decrease wait times for pilots grounded for mental health issues.

In addition, comprehensive medical assistance and training programs, like ours at MedAire, are designed to help pilots understand and manage their mental health, ensuring they are fit to fly and capable of handling any situation that may arise in the cockpit.

Our mental health training programs help pilots become self-aware of the signs of mental health issues, understand the importance of seeking help and learn strategies for managing stress and maintaining mental wellness. They offer access to mental health professionals who can advise, support and assist in arranging psychological counselling or treatment.

Addressing Mental Health Throughout Aviation

In my career, I have seen the profound impact that mental health issues can have on pilots and their ability to perform their duties. I have also seen the incredible resilience of these individuals and the positive effects of providing them with the support and resources they need. Moreover, they understand the potential impact of mental health issues on a pilot's work and the need for a trust-based relationship to identify problems and address them accordingly without fearing negative repercussions upon one's career.

At MedAire, they are committed to continuing their work in this area, providing comprehensive mental health and emotional support services to pilots and aviation professionals. Our "Fit to Fly" program is designed to ensure pilots are not only physically fit but also mentally prepared to take on the challenges of their profession.

Mental health is not a one-size-fits-all issue, and seeking personalized support that meets the unique needs of each individual is critical. Many options are available, such as counseling services and training on stress management techniques, with professionals available to support aviation personnel every step of the way.

And mental health is not just an issue for pilots, of course, but the entire aviation industry. They must continue their commitment to working with airlines, regulatory bodies and other industry stakeholders to promote mental health awareness and provide support for all aviation professionals. This includes training and resources to help flight crews and ground-based support understand and manage their mental health and support their colleagues.

Reducing the Stigma and Encouraging Action

Creating an environment where mental health is openly discussed and addressed is essential for their industry. They believe that by doing so, they can all help reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues and encourage pilots and others to seek the help they need.

As regulators evolve their approach to mental health in aviation, MedAire will continue to provide pilots with the training and support to navigate these changes. They believe that addressing mental health openly and proactively can help create a safer, healthier aviation industry for everyone.

About Global Aerospace SM4 Aviation Safety Program
The Global Aerospace SM4 Safety Program has revolutionized the way insurance certified help their clients achieve higher levels of operational safety. SM4 was built on the concept of integrating four critical safety components: planning, prevention, response and recovery. Its mission is to help organizations manage risk, enrich training efforts, strengthen safety culture and Excellerate safety management systems.

Global Aerospace SM4 Aviation Safety Program Media Contact
Suzanne Keneally
Vice President, Group Head of Communications
+1 973-490-8588


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Thu, 04 Jan 2024 14:25:00 -0600 en text/html Workforce Development in Rochester getting $475,000 grant for training programs

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Almost $4 million in state grants are going to 16 community and non-profit organizations to expand Minnesota’s workforce.

The money is from two funding programs, Southeast Asian Economic Disparities Relief and Getting to Work grants. 

The Southeast Asian Economic Disparities Relief fund program awarded $475,000 in competitive grants to help four nonprofit organizations increase training capacity within the communities they serve.  The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) says the grants will fund training programs that provide workforce recruitment and development, job creation, and community outreach.

Receiving a $475,000 grant for specific workforce development training programs are: 

-          Workforce Development Inc. in Rochester will provide training and support in the following job and functions: forklift operation, welding, manufacturing, food and beverage service safety, and Certified Nursing Assistants.

-          CAPI USA in Minneapolis will provide training for the following jobs and job functions: nursing assistants, property maintenance (boiler operator and pool operator licensing), and Information Technology support training.

-          Karen Organization of Minnesota in Roseville will partner with Adult Basic Education and local employers to provide incumbent workers with tailored literacy development, resulting in promotion and wage increases.

-          Hmong American Partnership in St. Paul will provide health care-related training in medical terminology, medical office procedures, CPR/first aid and basic life support, and Information Technology-related training.

“DEED’s grant enables the Hmong American Partnership to empower low-income Southeast Asians in the seven-county metro area with skills and opportunities for economic advancement that can transform their lives,” says Hmong American Partnership President and CEO May yer Thao.  “We are honored to steward these funds in developing their clients’ talents and helping employers access this valuable, skilled workforce. Together, they are creating professional opportunities that strengthen both Southeast Asian communities and their overall economy.”

Getting to Work grants are awarded to organizations to establish and operate programs that provide, repair or maintain motor vehicles to assist economically disadvantaged individuals ages 22 and older in obtaining or maintaining employment.  Grant recipients must also offer workshops or counseling services covering Topics such as financial literacy, credit counseling, budgeting for vehicle ownership, vehicle maintenance, and repair training.

Grant recipients are:

“The Getting to Work program covers a significant gap by providing vehicle repair support for those with financial needs, and the results are quickly felt by the Minnesotans they serve,” says Theresa Flinck, Tri-County Action program director of family resources.  “The program helps people who have jobs to maintain their employment without lengthy disruptions when they need vehicle repairs, makes the search process more effective for job seekers who need reliable transportation for interviews, and helps many households remain connected with their communities through family activities that would otherwise be on hold due to vehicle repair needs.”

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 02:49:00 -0600 en text/html

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