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ABPN-VNE American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology exam learner |

ABPN-VNE learner - American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology exam Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: ABPN-VNE American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology exam learner January 2024 by team

ABPN-VNE American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology Exam

The One-Day Family Medicine Certification Examination is divided into four separate sections of equal length and 100 minutes of pooled break time is available to be used between sections.

Exam Section exam Section Format Time Allotted

Section 1 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes

Section 2 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes

Section 3 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes

Section 4 75 Multiple Choice Questions 95 Minutes

It is administered and proctored by staff at Prometric in approximately 350 locations around the United States and 180 international locations.

You do not need to have extensive familiarity with computers, but you should have experience with the use of a computer keyboard and mouse. Computer-based testing functions include the ability to navigate forward and backward through the examination, mark items for further review, highlight/strikeout question content, review answered, unanswered and marked items. A listing of completed questions, incomplete questions, and marked items may be accessed at any time during the examination for the currently active section. You must review or change items prior to the time expiration for each section. Once you end an exam section, or the exam has timed out, you cannot return to the questions in that section. The computer-based examination contains a clock showing the time remaining in the top center of the exam screen.

The test plan specifications for the current Secure One-Day Family Medicine Certification Examination administered in a test center, provides you with the targeted percentage of questions in each content category of your examination. The test plan specifications outline also includes the list of available modules that will be available during your examination. You will have the opportunity to select one of these modules prior to starting section two of your examination.

Prometric also offers a "Test Drive," if you wish to become familiar with the testing process and the testing center before your exam day. This is a 30-minute orientation in which the Prometric staff will allow you to experience the check-in/registration process, take a 15-minute non-medical related demo test, and introduce you to the staff and surroundings, such as parking and entrances

Cardiovascular 12%

Endocrine 8%

Gastrointestinal 7%

Hematologic/Immune 3%

Integumentary 6%

Musculoskeletal 12%

Nephrologic 3%

Neurologic 3%

Nonspecific 9%

Psychogenic 7%

Reproductive—Female 4%

Reproductive—Male 1%

Respiratory 13%

Special Sensory 2%

Population-based Care 5%

This includes Topics such as biostatistics and
epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, prevention,
health policy and legal issues, bioterror, quality
improvement, and geographic/urban/rural issues.

Patient-based Systems 5%

This includes Topics such as clinical decision-making,
communication and doctor-patient interaction, family
and cultural issues, ethics, palliative care,and end-of-life
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology Exam
Certification-Board Psychiatry learner

Other Certification-Board exams

BCBA Board Certification in Business Valuation (BCBA)
CDL Commercial Drivers License
DMV Driver Motor Vehicle
FSOT Foreign Service Officer Test
ICTS Illinois Certification Testing System
ISEE Independent School Entrance Examination
MTEL Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure
NCE National Counselor
SBAC Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
STAAR State of Texas Assessments ofAcademic Readiness
BCB-Analyst Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
ABCTE American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence Exam
ABFM Family Medicine Board Certification Exam
ABPN-VNE American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular Neurology Exam
CSLE National-Interstate Council Cosmetology Licensing Exam
NAB-NHA Nursing Home Administrator (NAB)
NCC Certified in NeuroCritical Care (ABEM)
NLN-PAX Nursing School Entrance Test
NRP Nationally Registered Paramedics (EMT)
RACP Royal Australasian College of Physicians exam (FRACP)
TCRN Trauma Certified Registered Nurse Exam

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American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Vascular
Neurology Exam
Question: 502
Recovery of motor function following stroke with severe hemiparesis:
A. May Excellerate signifi cantly between 6 and 24 months.
B. Cannot be predicted at 1 month.
C. Is essentially complete at 6 months.
D. Is independent of patient age.
Answer: C
Although improvement over years is recognized, functional recovery generally remains constant after 6 months. Th e level of 6-
month recovery can be reliably predicted at 1 month to within 86%. Recovery is better in younger patients.
Question: 503
Th e Extremity Constraint-Induced Th erapy Evaluation (EXCITE) trial:
A. Used constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) on patients in the
B. Constrained the nonparetic leg to maximize function in the paretic leg.
C. Found benefi t with CIMT that persisted for at least a year.
D. Used CIMT for 6 months to show any benefi t.
E. Found no statistically signifi cant diff erence between the two therapies
Answer: C
Th e Extremity Constraint-Induced Th erapy Evaluation (EXCITE) trial was a randomized multicenter trial comparing usual
rehabilitation therapy with constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT). Th e patients wore a restraining mitt on the nonparetic
hand for 3 to 9 months after an ischemic stroke. Th erapy was continued for 2 weeks and showed persistent, statistically signi?
cant bene? ts.
Question: 504
Th e Barthel scale:
A. Measures acute neurologic dysfunction.
B. Measures activities of daily living.
C. Is a predictor of functional independence when the score is below 20.
D. Must be administered by a physician.
E. Requires face-to-face contact with the patient to administer.
Answer: B
Th e Barthel score measures walking, dressing, feeding, grooming, and bowel and bladder control. Th e maximum score is 100. A
score of above 60 represents relative independence, with a score of 100 being the best level of function. It does not measure
acute neurologic dysfunction. It is relatively simple to administer, not requiring specialized medical training, and can be determined
by telephone with a reliable patient or a caretaker. It is frequently used in clinical trials as an outcome measure.
Question: 505
Which of the following may be an eff ective adjunct to speech and languagetherapy in post-stroke aphasia?
A. Transcranial magnetic stimulation.
B. Piracetam (Nootropil, Myocalm).
C. Donepezil (Aricept).
D. Bromocriptine (Parlodel).
E. All of the above.
Answer: E
Th e supplementation of those neurotransmitters required for synaptic plasticity is an attractive idea for the pharmacotherapy of
aphasia, and there have been some reports of utility for all of the agents listed However, clinical trial results are not particularly
encouraging. Although some studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation have shown bene? t, di? culties with treatment
blinding hamper interpretation of the data. Piracetam, a ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA) derivative, has shown some weak bene? t
but the drug is not readily available in the United States. Donepezil, a centrally acting reversible acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor,
may be of bene? t but there have been no randomized trials in aphasic stroke patients. Th e dopamine D2 receptor agonist,
bromocriptine, has been evaluated with con? icting results.
Question: 506
Match the disorder of speech and language with its best defi nition. Useeach answer only once.
A. A. Aphasia Impairment of speech intelligibility.
B. B. Dysarthria Disturbance of semantics, phonology or syntax.
C. C. Apraxia Impaired speech planning and programming.
D. D. Aphonia Inability to speak.
E. E. Abulia Decreased speech and movement.
Answer: A 2, B 1, C 3, D 4, E 5.
Cerebrovascular disease can cause multiple speech disorders. Aphasia and apraxia of speech are caused by dominant
hemispheric lesions. Dysarthria can be due to multiple di? erent upper or lower motor neuron lesions. Bilateral subcortical infarcts
can cause aphonia. Abulia, a decrease in spontaneous speech and movement, is associated with lesions of the cingulate gyrus or
the supplementary motor area.
Question: 507
Which statement best describes recovery after rehabilitation following cerebellarinfarction?
A. Patients with cerebellar infarcts in general have poor functional recovery.
B. Patients with cerebellar hemorrhage have better functional outcome than
C. Patients with infarcts in the territory of the posterior inferior cerebellar
D. Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores generally do not reach a
Answer: C
Patients with posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) infarcts (Wallenberg syndrome) generally have better recovery than
patients with superior cerebellar artery (SCA) infarcts. Patients with cerebellar infarcts in general have good recovery, with FIM
scores compatible with independence at the time of discharge and continued improvement after discharge. Patients with ischemic
cerebellar infarcts have shorter inpatient stays and better outcome following rehabilitation than do patients with cerebellar
hemorrhages. Cerebellar edema from either hemorrhage or infarction, with herniation and hydrocephalus that is not surgically
treated, can signi? cantly worsen outcome.
Question: 508
Which statement best describes post-stroke depression?
A. Th e defi nition of post-stroke depression is a worsening of the Hamilton
B. Approximately 25% of potential patients are excluded from trials of poststroke
C. Antidepressants should be used with caution following stroke, because
D. should be changed after 6 weeks if no improvement is noteAntidepressants
Answer: D
Trials of depression after stroke have failed to yield clear treatment recommendations for several reasons. Th e use of
appropriate diagnostic criteria, including depression scales, has not been systematically applied to post-stroke depression patients.
A full 50% of stroke patients have been excluded from trials because of communication problems. Th e duration of treatment has
been inadequate, with the average total duration of treatment being only 6 weeks. Th ere has also been inadequate duration of
follow-up to determine relative outcomes following treatment. Th e American College of Physicians suggests that antidepressants
should be continued for 4 months or more beyond improvement and that treatment should be switched if no clinical improvement
is seen by 6 weeks. Several antidepressive agents may have neuroprotective e? ects, but clinical e? cacy for the prevention of
depression after stroke or for improved stroke recovery has not been proven.
Question: 509
Which statement about brain plasticity is true?
A. Stimulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors may be detrimental.
B. -Aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptor antagonists may increase plasticity
C. Serotonin has no impact on plasticity.
D. Mechanisms involved in plasticity are consistent throughout brain cortical
Answer: B
?-Aminobutyric acid (GABAA) antagonism stimulates long-term potentiation (LTP). Glutamate is an important excitatory
neurotransmitter that has multiple mechanisms related to acute brain injury and recovery. Animal studies have shown N-methyl-
d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists to be neuroprotective in acute cerebral ischemia, but translational studies to humans
have been disappointing. Glutamate is an excitatory neurochemical that excites NMDA receptors and enhances brain plasticity.
Th e inhibition of glutamate following stroke is a complex topic, because glutamate may enhance acute neuronal damage but may
be necessary for recovery and plasticity. Serotonin may enhance plasticity, and trials of this category of antidepressant are
underway as a treatment to ameliorate post-stroke depression while enhancing recovery. Th e mechanisms for brain plasticity are
highly variable among di? erent cortical regions of the brain.
Question: 510
Which statement best describes brain plasticity?
A. Animal studies have demonstrated improved performance in animals exposed
B. Animal studies suggest motor activity (e.g., wheel running, etc.) is more
C. Learning and repetition will increase the number of dendritic spines in
D. Transient alterations of cortical representation areas may be common in
Answer: D
Transient alterations of cortical representation areas have been demonstrated with learning tasks in human volunteers. Animal
studies have demonstrated that an enriched environment is useful to stroke recovery, even when introduced as late as 15 days
following stroke. Social interaction appears more important than motor activities. Repetitive activities do result in an enlarged area
of cortical representation for that activity.
Question: 511
Stem cells:
A. Are found in the brains of adult rodents but not adult humans.
B. Are found in adult human brains but are not capable of diff erentiating.
C. Are found in adult human brains and can diff erentiate into glial cells but
D. Are found in adult human brains and can diff erentiate into neurons.
Answer: D
Stem cells in adult brains were ? rst identi? ed in rodents but have now been found in human brains. Di? erentiation into neurons
has been observed in the dentate gyrus. Th e clinical implications of manipulation of endogenous stem cells is a subject of
speculation at present.
Question: 512
Pilot studies with hyperbaric oxygen following acute stroke suggest:
A. B. trend toward worsened outcome that does not reach statistical signifi -
B. A trend toward worsened outcome that does not reach statistical signifi -
C. Increased incidence of claustrophobia in treated versus sham patients.
D. Th e occurance of signifi cant barotrauma in approximately half of treated
Answer: B
Although statistical signi? cance was not reached, the trend suggests that hyperbaric oxygen treatment does not help patients with
acute stroke and may result in clinical worsening. Claustrophobia was the same in treated and sham patients as all entered the
hyperbaric chamber. Only a single treated patient had symptoms of barotrauma. Trials of hyperbaric oxygen to Excellerate chronic,
established neurologic de? cits due to ischemia are underway.
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Certification-Board Psychiatry learner - BingNews Search results Certification-Board Psychiatry learner - BingNews Addiction Psychiatry: Training, Certification, and Internet Resources

ABPN Added Qualifications in Addiction Psychiatry

The ABPN published a memorandum and schedule in October 1996 providing information about board-certification testing through the year 2000.[8,9] The last written examination that may be taken without completing any formal addictions training, either a non-ACGME or an ACGME program (ie, the practice pathway), is scheduled for April 7, 1998. The regular application deadline for the April 1998 examination is September 1, 1997 and a second "late" application deadline, which will require an extra fee, is October 1, 1997.

After that examination, the next scheduled examination will be on April 4, 2000. The application deadline is September 1, 1999, and the "late" application deadline is October 1, 1999. Proof of successful completion of formal addictions training (either a non-ACGME or an ACGME program) will be required to take the examination. All examinations given after the year 2000 will require proof of completion of an ACGME-accredited addiction psychiatry residency.

In addition to the aforementioned practice or training program requirements, the physician must attain ABPN General Psychiatry Board Certification prior to taking the Added Qualifications in Addiction Psychiatry examination. Further information about the certification process can be obtained from the ABPN at: 500 Lake Cook Rd., Suite 335, Deerfield, IL 60015, 847-945-7900.

The Added Qualifications in Addiction Psychiatry status is valid for 10 years. After the 10-year period, the physician must successfully complete a recertification examination to maintain board-certified status.

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Board of Professional Certification

The primary objectives of the Society’s certification program are serving the needs of ecologists who wish to establish and validate their credentials in the context of their ecological activities; guiding biologists, government agencies, courts and the public in defining minimum standards of education and experience for professional ecologists, and of encouraging all practicing ecologists to meet such standards; creating and maintaining public confidence in the advice and opinions of certified ecologists as educated and experienced professionals; and assisting the public in identifying ecologists.

The certification program is administered by the Board of Professional Certification, which is responsible for:

  • Providing the program with the guidance and oversight of professional scientists from a variety of career fields—practitioners, academics, educators and others
  • Establishing a procedure for critical peer evaluation based upon defined minimum education, experience and ethical standards
  • Evaluating the merits of providers of continuing education units (CEU) based on scientific and professional content for rigor and suitability to the professional development needs of professional ecologists
  • Reviewing and approving applications for certifications, including verifying completion of CEU requirements
  • Censuring, suspending, and revoking certifications


  • Chair: The Board of Professional Certification shall elect from its membership a chair, who shall serve a one-year term and may be re-elected for additional consecutive term. The chair is the primary liaison with staff between meetings and is sometimes, as both subject matter expert and leader of the board, invited to meet with partner organizations or potential content providers.
  • Members: Up to 11 members elected by ESA’s membership. Each nominee for the Board of Professional Certification must be a certified Ecologist. Each Board member shall serve a three-year term and is eligible for re-election to one additional consecutive term. Terms commence in January following the year of election and terminate three Decembers after.

    Members meet with staff approximately monthly to complete any necessary discussion of applicants, review content of potential CEU providers and discuss other ESA business, including opportunities to enhance the program’s function and visibility.


  • Arvind Bhuta (2024-2026)
    USDA Forest Service
  • Justin Compton (2022-2024)
    Springfield College
  • Audrey Mayer (2024-2026)
    U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Drew Rayburn (2023-2025)
    Nature Conservancy in Colorado
  • Susan Sherrod (2022-2024)
    BioHabitats, Inc. and University of Colorado Denver
  • Kat Superfisky (2023-2025)
    City of Los Angeles, CA
  • Roger Viadero (2024-2026)
    Western Illinois University

The BPC is supported by staff, whose responsibilities include:

  • Marketing the program to ecologists who may be interested in certification
  • Meeting and negotiating with potential CEU providers
  • Providing review of applications and verification of continuing education per the standards set by the BPC and Governing Board, and escalating necessary applications to the BPC
  • Updating program details and requirements per BPC determinations
  • Serving as point of contact for certified ecologists
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 21:51:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Behavior analysis licensure

Licensure in most states is based upon your BACB® certification. Although most states recognize graduating from a VCS-approved program and holding a BACB® certification to be sufficient evidence that an application to licensure meets the educational and experience requirements for licensure in their jurisdiction, some state boards have additional requirements beyond ABAI VCS requirements.

Students may be able to meet specific educational requirements while enrolled in the Behavior Analysis Program in the Global Institute for Behavior Analysis by tailoring their electives and securing practical experiences that will meet the requirements of the licensure board for the given state to which you are applying.

If you intend to pursue licensure in Nevada or in another state, we highly advise you to contact the applicable state licensing board to familiarize yourself with its specific requirements and to determine its eligibility criteria.

Contact information for every state licensing board is provided in the table below.

Wed, 28 Sep 2022 11:33:00 -0500 en-us text/html
Certification Grievances Appeal Process

If an ISA CAP® or CCST® applicant feels he/she was wrongly denied certification, original or renewal, from the CAP or CCST program, then he/she has the right to appeal.

Appeals Procedures

All appeals shall be in writing.

  1. The notice of appeal must be delivered to the Certification Board, addressed to the attention of the ISA Executive Director, by the close of business on the 21st day after the receipt date of the notice of denied certification.
  2. The appeal should include the date the notice of denied certification was received and must state the reasons the applicant believes the denied certification was in error.
  3. The appeal should indicate whether or not the applicant requests a hearing.
    1. If a hearing is requested, the applicant must explain why a hearing is needed, identify the issues to be resolved at a hearing, list names of prospective witnesses, and identify documentation and other evidence to be introduced at the hearing before the Board.
  4. The Chair of the Certification Board will select a three-member panel of the Board to become the Review Panel, one of whom shall be appointed Chair and will be the final vote in the event of a tie during the ruling.


The Review Panel will review the appeal and any request for a hearing. The Review Panel will grant a hearing in connection with the appeal, if requested.


  1. The Chair of the Review Panel will determine the time and location of the hearing within 90 days after determination that a hearing is warranted and will notify the applicant within the first 21 days. The applicant will be notified of the hearing time and location at least 20 days prior to the time determined for the hearing.
  2. The applicant may be represented by counsel or represent him/herself at the hearing. The applicant may offer witnesses and documents and may cross-examine any witness.
  3. The Review Panel may consider any evidence it deems relevant without regard to strict application of legal rules of evidence.
  4. The applicant is urged to submit a written brief (four copies) 10 days prior to the hearing to the Certification Board, addressed to the attention of the ISA Executive Director, for distribution to the panel in support of his/her position. However, written briefs are not required.


  1. If the applicant or Review Panel desires to take a deposition prior to the hearing of any voluntary witnesses who cannot attend the hearing, the deposition of a witness may be applied for in writing to the Chair of the Review Panel together with a written consent signed by the potential witness that he or she will supply a deposition for one party and a statement to the effect that the witness cannot attend the hearing along with the reason for such unavailability.
  2. The party seeking to take the deposition of a witness shall state in detail as to what the witness is expected to testify.
  3. If the Chair of the Review Panel is satisfied that such deposition from a possible witness will be relevant to the issue in question before the Panel, then the Chair will authorize the taking of the deposition. The Chair will also designate a member of the Panel to be present at the deposition.
  4. The deposition may be taken orally or by video. Any refusal of the taking of the deposition by the Chair shall be reviewed by the Panel at the request of the applicant.
  5. The party requesting the deposition will pay for the cost connected with taking the deposition.

The applicant will be notified of the result of the Review Panel within 30 days of the meeting.

Final Review

  1. If the Review Panel makes a decision adverse to the applicant, the applicant may appeal to the full Certification Board for a final review by the close of business on the 21st day after the notice of decision is issued. Such appeal shall follow the same procedures as the initial appeal to the extent possible with the Chair of the Board serving as the Chair of the Final Review Panel. The Chair will once again select a three-member panel, one of whom shall be himself, to become the Review Panel, and the final vote in the event of a tie during the ruling shall be his.
  2. If the applicant does not petition the Board for review or request a hearing before the Board regarding the recommendation of rejection of the application within the time allowed by these rules, the original decision by the Review Panel shall stand.
Mon, 03 Jul 2023 20:58:00 -0500 en text/html
National Board Certification FAQs

Should I take EDCI 5515 or EDCI 5959 credits?

EDCI 5515 credits should be taken if you want to use the National Board Certification toward your Master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction. EDCI 5959 credits are for continuing education only and will NOT be accepted on your Program of Study for the Master's degree in C&I. 

Will there be classes offered to help me proceed through the National Board Certification process?

Yes, a series of seminars and workshops are offered through the Wyoming National Board Certification Initiative each semester. Information about these seminars and workshops is posted and updated on the Wyoming NBC website. Graduate level Curriculum and Instruction credit is available for these seminars (courses listed as EDCI 5515). These courses are designed to support teachers as they grow as professionals and simultaneously proceed through the Board Certification process and the UW Master’s program.  

Where will the classes be offered?

The classes are offered around the state of Wyoming to allow participation across the state. Dates and locations for upcoming seminars and workshops can be found on the Wyoming NBC website. Participants enroll in the courses through UW Outreach Credit Programs (toll free phone number: 1-800-448-7801). Up to 9 total credit hours of the seminars can be taken by enrolled graduate students. Up to 9 total seminar/workshop credit hours may be applied as electives in the Curriculum and Instruction Master’s program.  

Who will teach these classes?

The seminars are taught by Barbara Maguire, a Nationally Board Certified teacher and expert in the NBC process.

How many times can I take the NBC class?

Graduate students/National Board Candidates can enroll in the seminars as many times as necessary/desired. For those seeking graduate degrees, up to 9 credits can be applied to the Curriculum and Instruction Master’s degree program as elective hours dependent upon the student’s committee approval.

What about tuition?

Students will pay regular graduate tuition for the seminar classes. View the current UW fee schedule

Will I need to complete a Thesis or Plan B paper to finish my C&I degree? No, the NBC Portfolios will be accepted in Lieu of a Plan B Paper for teachers pursuing NBC Certification and a UW Master’s degree simultaneously. This acceptance is dependent upon committee approval (not acceptance by the National Board). An agreement to utilize this procedure and maintain portfolio confidentiality has been reached between UW and the NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards). The NBC portfolio must be submitted and defended (in a meeting with the student’s graduate committee) prior to initial submission to the NBPTS.  The committee’s portfolio copies will be destroyed after the defense.

Note: The Rubric for Assessment of the presentation  is provided below.

If I am already a National Board Certified teacher, can I apply my NBC work retroactively to a graduate degree?

No, the program is designed for those working on National Board Certification and a C&I Master’s degree simultaneously.

How do I apply for a UW Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Program?

 The graduate application and other information can be found here.

What if I have Additional Questions?

 If you have additional questions, please contact the UW Department of Curriculum and Instruction (; 307-766-6371).

Assessment Checklist for National Board Certification (NBC)

Portfolio & Presentation 

Committee members will evaluate the following areas and will determine if the student/NBC candidate accomplished each of these aims/activities at a level sufficient to warrant the substitution of the NBC portfolio and presentation for the Plan B requirement. S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) will be assigned  for each area, and an overall evaluation of “S” must be achieved for portfolio to serve in lieu of the Plan B paper.  

______ Overall evaluation of the portfolio and presentation as suitable substitutes for Plan B

paper/project and defense

Presentation of NBC Portfolio to Master’s Committee:

______Student provides a brief overview of National Board Certification process and portfolio

______Student describes process of working on the portfolio (including connections to C&I courses

taken, time commitment, assessments and data analysis, and reflections)

______ Student presents at least one explicit connection between the portfolio documentation and

his/her C&I Master’s Degree coursework (e.g. assessment strategy learned in literacy specific

course was used to evaluate student work included in NBC portfolio), and explains ways processes informed each other

_____ Student describes challenges, pleasures, difficulties associated with the NBC process

_____Student summarizes learning derived from portfolio process and completion


 More information on National Board Certification:

Visit our Course Schedule page to view projected MA core and emphasis course offerings

Sun, 12 Nov 2023 09:24:00 -0600 en text/html
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Advanced Practice (PMHNP-BC): Review for Certification

Date TBA - Via Live Webcast

This two-day certification review course will provide participants with an overview of all materials covered in the PMHNP certification exam as defined in the ANCC's Test Content Outline and will prepare participant to sit for the exam by reviewing knowledge and critical thinking skills necessary to successfully maneuver through the exam.


  • Exam Preparation; Basic and Applied Sciences; Neuroscience & Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders; Advanced Health Assessment Across the Lifespan.
  • Psychiatric & Mental Health Assessment and Diagnosis Across the Lifespan.
  • Application of Nursing and Psychological Theories to Practice.
  • Principles of Clinical Pharmacology; Pharmacologic Agents for Managing General Health Problems.
  • Pharmacologic Agents for Managing Psychiatric Disorders.
  • Principles of Patient-Centered Care; Health Promotion/Disease Prevention.
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Advanced Nursing Practice; Professional Role Responsibilities; Leadership.
  • Quality Improvement & Safety; Health Policy & Advocacy; Information Technology & Literacy Issues; Healthcare Delivery Systems.

8:00 a.m.–5:15 p.m. Both Days


$319 Tuition Includes:

  • Comprehensive handouts
  • Contact Hour Certificate

Cancellation Policy:
Any cancellations will require a $50 cancellation fee, no exceptions.
If less than 2 weeks before the course, no refund provided.
Questions contact Elizabeth Diaz at


  • William J. Lorman, JD, PhD, PMHNP-BC, CARN-AP, FIAAN

Lorman is a graduate of MCP-Hahnemann University (now Drexel University) with a Master's Degree in Nursing and is a board certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and is certified as an advanced practice addictions specialist (CARN-AP). He completed his doctoral studies at the American University in Santa Ana, California and also has completed work at the Philadelphia School of Psychoanalysis as a Freudian psychoanalyst. He maintains a private practice in addition to being on the faculty of Drexel University in the graduate nursing program. Lorman is on the medical staff at Livengrin Foundation in Bensalem, Pennsylvania where he also holds the position of Vice President & Chief Clinical Officer. In his position he is responsible for all clinical staff and programming for this Addiction Treatment/Dual Diagnosis facility which provides detoxification, residential rehabilitation and outpatient services at eight locations in the region. In his private practice, he works with adults who suffer from a full range of psychiatric disorders — mild depression to severe psychosis — and he specializes in addiction psychiatry. He also works with patients who develop psychiatric symptoms as a result of medical conditions. He utilizes a psychoanalytic-medical model and provides services that include individual & group psychotherapy, psychiatric evaluations and medication management. In addition to his academic and clinical experience, Lorman has presented seminars on various mental health topics, has written multiple articles and textbook chapters and is a management and clinical consultant to several major corporations where he provides therapeutic and group facilitation services.


To enable the nurse to demonstrate competence through success on the Psychiatric Mental Health certification exam.

Target Audience
Registered nurses interested in Psychiatric-Mental Health certification.

Overall program objective
Discuss key Topics which are examined during the Psychiatric-Mental Health advanced practice certification exam.

Contact hours
15.0 Contact Hours


Drexel University (DREXEL) College of Nursing and Health Professions, Division of Continuing Nursing Education is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP13661 for 15.0 contact hours.

Standards for Integrity and Independence

The provider will collect information from all individuals in a position to control content regarding financial relationships with ineligible companies, analyze the data for relevant financial relationships related to the educational content; and mitigate relevant financial relationships. The results of this analysis will be reported in the course presentation materials.

Sun, 16 Aug 2020 18:48:00 -0500 en text/html
New police board revokes certification for six officers in first meeting

Dec. 13—During their first time meeting as a group Wednesday, members of a newly formed state police board revoked the certification of six officers — and one law enforcement communication worker — from around the state.

The board also issued certification suspensions — from 30 hours to 180 days — to eight officers or dispatchers and dismissed four disciplinary cases.

They were the first steps in a process that could shape law enforcement statewide for years to come — changes that could include the overhaul of rules that govern law enforcement policies, discipline and training.

In the short term, Wednesday's moves cut down some of the backlog in disciplinary cases for the Law Enforcement Certification Board, a product of state legislation earlier this year that split the former Law Enforcement Academy Board into two different groups that each oversee different functions of the state's police academy program.

The other newly formed body — the Standards and Training Council — met in latest weeks to begin its review of police training around the state.

One of the actions the board took Wednesday was a temporary suspension of certification for Brad Lunsford, a Las Cruces police officer who recently was indicted on a voluntary manslaughter charge after he was accused of shooting and killing a man.

The board requested the academy's staff to expedite an investigation into Lunsford's disciplinary case.

Board members voted on the disciplinary cases after spending more than three hours in private discussions. The closed session also included discussion of four pending court appeals challenging suspensions or revocations by the former board, as well as one pending lawsuit from an Albuquerque Police Department officer whose certification-by-waiver was rejected by the former board in latest years.

The new certification board is made up of sheriffs and police chiefs from around the state as well as civil rights attorneys and academics.

Board member and attorney Joseph Walsh called the new board structure "effectively a new paradigm that's trying to be implemented to hopefully be a model for law enforcement."

He added the new board structure can bring "true accountability."

The board began a process to hire a CEO for the academy Wednesday with the approval of a job description to be posted for recruiting. Members expressed hope the position would be filled in six months to a year.

A CEO will act as the "enforcement mechanism" of the board's directives at the academy, Walsh said, and make business decisions such as hiring and firing.

Until the position is filled, the board authorized academy director Sonya Chavez to make decisions.

Chavez, who began in the position Oct. 30, previously served as the U.S. Marshal of New Mexico. Before that, she worked as a special agent in the FBI.

"What we're involved in I think is going to be monumental for law enforcement in New Mexico," Chavez told the board Wednesday.

The board's misconduct investigations and hearings are still conducted according to administrative rules set decades ago for the former board, which was for years led by the state Attorney General.

On Wednesday, board members voted to form a four-member working group to draft changes to the rules.

The two members tasked with drafting changes to the rules for the board's disciplinary actions are public defender Julie Ball and Cody Rogers, a Las Cruces-based attorney. Rule changes pertaining to certification qualifications were assigned to be reviewed and redrafted by John Soloman, a criminal justice program director at Central New Mexico Community College, and Carly Lea Huffman, a training coordinator at the Bernalillo County Emergency Communications Center.

The rulemaking process is expected to generate new administrative rules for the board to be in place by the end of 2024.

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:01:00 -0600 en-US text/html
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Requirements for pharmacy technicians vary by state, but most require certification, registration or licensure. Earning your certification from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) provides a valuable, industry-recognized credential that meets most states’ requirements.

Sun, 27 Mar 2022 10:32:00 -0500 en text/html
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Dr. Pichot is Director and Dr. Starck and Dr. Harris are Addiction Psychiatry Residents at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Dr. Benzick is a Resident at the US Air Force Wilford Hall Medical Center General Psychiatry Residency Program, Lackland Air Force Base, Tex. The views expressed are those of the authors and are not US Air Force policy or the policy of any other Department of the Federal Government.

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
New police board revokes certification for six officers in first meeting

Dec. 13—During their first time meeting as a group Wednesday, members of a newly formed state police board revoked the certification of six officers — and one law enforcement communication worker — from around the state.

The board also issued certification suspensions — from 30 hours to 180 days — to eight officers or dispatchers and dismissed four disciplinary cases.

They were the first steps in a process that could shape law enforcement statewide for years to come — changes that could include the overhaul of rules that govern law enforcement policies, discipline and training.

In the short term, Wednesday's moves cut down some of the backlog in disciplinary cases for the Law Enforcement Certification Board, a product of state legislation earlier this year that split the former Law Enforcement Academy Board into two different groups that each oversee different functions of the state's police academy program.

The other newly formed body — the Standards and Training Council — met in latest weeks to begin its review of police training around the state.

One of the actions the board took Wednesday was a temporary suspension of certification for Brad Lunsford, a Las Cruces police officer who recently was indicted on a voluntary manslaughter charge after he was accused of shooting and killing a man.

The board requested the academy's staff to expedite an investigation into Lunsford's disciplinary case.

Board members voted on the disciplinary cases after spending more than three hours in private discussions. The closed session also included discussion of four pending court appeals challenging suspensions or revocations by the former board, as well as one pending lawsuit from an Albuquerque Police Department officer whose certification-by-waiver was rejected by the former board in latest years.

The new certification board is made up of sheriffs and police chiefs from around the state as well as civil rights attorneys and academics.

Board member and attorney Joseph Walsh called the new board structure "effectively a new paradigm that's trying to be implemented to hopefully be a model for law enforcement."

He added the new board structure can bring "true accountability."

The board began a process to hire a CEO for the academy Wednesday with the approval of a job description to be posted for recruiting. Members expressed hope the position would be filled in six months to a year.

A CEO will act as the "enforcement mechanism" of the board's directives at the academy, Walsh said, and make business decisions such as hiring and firing.

Until the position is filled, the board authorized academy director Sonya Chavez to make decisions.

Chavez, who began in the position Oct. 30, previously served as the U.S. Marshal of New Mexico. Before that, she worked as a special agent in the FBI.

"What we're involved in I think is going to be monumental for law enforcement in New Mexico," Chavez told the board Wednesday.

The board's misconduct investigations and hearings are still conducted according to administrative rules set decades ago for the former board, which was for years led by the state Attorney General.

On Wednesday, board members voted to form a four-member working group to draft changes to the rules.

The two members tasked with drafting changes to the rules for the board's disciplinary actions are public defender Julie Ball and Cody Rogers, a Las Cruces-based attorney. Rule changes pertaining to certification qualifications were assigned to be reviewed and redrafted by John Soloman, a criminal justice program director at Central New Mexico Community College, and Carly Lea Huffman, a training coordinator at the Bernalillo County Emergency Communications Center.

The rulemaking process is expected to generate new administrative rules for the board to be in place by the end of 2024.

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:01:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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