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AAMA-CMA AAMA Certified Medical Assistant

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Content Outline for the CMA (AAMA)® Certification Exam

I. A–G General

A. Psychology

1. Understanding Human Behavior

a. Behavioral theories

(1) Maslow

(2) Erikson

b. Defense mechanisms

(1) Common types

(2) Recognition and management

2. Human Growth and Development

a. Normal developmental patterns/milestones

3. Death and Dying Stages

B. Communication

1. Therapeutic/Adaptive Responses to Diverse Populations

a. Visually impaired

b. Hearing impaired

c. Age specific

(1) Geriatric

(2) Pediatric/adolescent

d. Seriously/terminally ill

e. Intellectual disability

f. Illiterate

g. Non-English speaking

h. Anxious/angry/distraught

i. Socially/culturally/ethnically diverse

2. Nonverbal Communication

a. Body language

(1) Posture

(2) Position

(3) Facial expression

(4) Territoriality/physical boundaries

(5) Gestures

(6) Touch

(7) Mannerisms

(8) Eye contact

3. Communication Cycle

a. Sender-message-receiver-feedback

b.Listening skills

(1) Active/therapeutic

c. Assess level of understanding

(1) Reflection

(2) Restatement

(3) Clarification

(4) Feedback

d. Barriers to communication

(1) Internal distractions

(a) Pain

(b) Hunger

(c) Anger

(2) External/environmental distractions

(a) Temperature

(b) Noise

4. Collection of Data

a. Types of questions

(1) Exploratory

(2) Open-ended

(3) Closed/Direct

5. Telephone Techniques

a. Call management

(1) Screening/gathering data

(2) Emergency/urgent situations

b. Messages

(1) Taking messages

(2) Leaving messages

6. Interpersonal Skills

a. Displaying impartial conduct without regard to race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, physical challenges, special needs, lifestyle choices

b. Recognizing stereotypes and biases

c. Demonstrating empathy/sympathy/compassion

C. Professionalism

1. Professional Behavior

a. Professional situations

(1) Displaying tact, diplomacy, courtesy, respect, dignity

(2) Demonstrating responsibility, integrity/honesty

(3) Responding to criticism

b. Professional image

2. Performing as a Team Member

a. Principles of health care team dynamics

(1) Cooperation for optimal outcomes

(2) Identification of the roles and credentials of health care team members

b. Time management principles

(1) Prioritizing responsibilities

D. Medical Law/Regulatory Guidelines

1. Advance Directives

a. Living will

b. Medical durable power of attorney

c. Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)

2. Uniform Anatomical Gift Act

3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

4. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

5. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA '88)

6. Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA)

7. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

a. Health insurance portability access and renewal without preexisting conditions

b. Coordination of care to prevent duplication of services

8. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act

a. Patient's right to inspect, amend, and restrict access to his/her medical record

9. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

a. Controlled Substances Act of 1970

10. Medical Assistant Scope of Practice

a. Consequences of failing to operate within scope

11. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)

12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

13. Consumer Protection Acts

a. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

b. Truth in Lending Act of 1968 (Regulation Z)

14. Public Health and Welfare Disclosure

a. Public health statutes

(1) Communicable diseases

(2) Vital statistics

(3) Abuse/neglect/exploitation against child/elder

(a) Domestic abuse

(4) Wounds of violence

15. Confidentiality

a. Electronic access audit/activity log

b. Use and disclosure of personal/protected health information (PHI)

(1) Consent/authorization to release

(2) Drug and alcohol treatment records

(3) HIV-related information

(4) Mental health

16. Health Care Rights and Responsibilities

a. Patients' Bill of Rights/Patient Care Partnership

b. Professional liability

(1) Current standard of care

(2) Standards of conduct

(3) Malpractice coverage

c. Consent to treat

(1) Informed consent

(2) Implied consent

(3) Expressed consent

(4) Patient incompetence

(5) Emancipated minor

(6) Mature minor

17. Medicolegal Terms and Doctrines

a. Subpoena duces tecum

b. Subpoena

c. Respondeat superior

d. Res ipsa loquitor

e. Locum tenens

f. Defendant-plaintiff

g. Deposition

h. Arbitration-mediation

i. Good Samaritan laws

18. Categories of Law

a. Criminal law

(1) Felony/misdemeanor

b. Civil law

(1) Contracts (physician-patient relationships)

(a) Legal obligations to the patient

(b) Consequences for patient noncompliance

(c) Termination of medical care

(i) Elements/behaviors for withdrawal of care

(ii) Patient notification and documentation

(d) Ownership of medical records

(2) Torts

(a) Invasion of privacy

(b) Negligence

(c) Intentional torts

(i) Battery

(ii) Assault

(iii) Slander

(iv) Libel

c. Statutory law

(1) Medical practice acts

d. Common law (Legal precedents)

E. Medical Ethics

1. Ethical Standards

2. Factors Affecting Ethical Decisions

a. Legal

b. Moral

F. Risk Management, Quality Assurance, and Safety

1. Workplace Accident Prevention

a. Slips/trips/falls

2. Safety Signs, Symbols, Labels

3. Environmental Safety

a. Ergonomics

b. Electrical safety

c. Fire prevention/extinguisher use/regulations

4. Compliance Reporting

a. Reporting unsafe activities and behaviors

b. Disclosing errors in patient care

c. Insurance fraud, waste, and abuse

d. Conflicts of interest

e. Incident reports

G. Medical Terminology

1. Word Parts

a. Basic structure

(1) Roots/combining forms

(2) Prefixes

(3) Suffixes

2. Definitions/Medical Terminology

a. Diseases and pathologies

b. Diagnostic procedures

c. Surgical procedures

d. Medical specialties

II. H-M Administrative

H. Medical Reception

1. Medical Record Preparation

2. Demographic Data Review

a. Identity theft prevention

b. Insurance eligibility verification

3. Handling Vendors/Business Associates

4. Reception Room Environment

a. Comfort

b. Safety

c. Sanitation

5. Practice Information Packet

a. Office policies

b. Patient financial responsibilities

I. Patient Navigator/Advocate

1. Resource Information

a. Provide information about community resources

b. Facilitate referrals to community resources

c. Referral follow-up

J. Medical Business Practices

1. Written Communication

a. Letters

b. Memos/interoffice communications

c. Reports

2. Business Equipment

a. Routine maintenance

b. Safety precautions

3. Office Supply Inventory

a. Inventory control/recordkeeping

4. Electronic Applications

a. Medical management systems

(1) Database reports

(2) Meaningful use regulations

b. Spreadsheets, graphs

c. Electronic mail

d. Security

(1) Password/screen saver

(2) Encryption

(3) Firewall

e. Transmission of information

(1) Facsimile/scanner

(2) Patient portal to health data

f. Social media

K. Establish Patient Medical Record

1. Recognize and Interpret Data

a. History and physical

b. Discharge summary

c. Operative note

d. Diagnostic test/lab report

e. Clinic progress note

f. Consultation report

g. Correspondence

h. Charts, graphs, tables

i. Flow sheet

2. Charting Systems

a. Problem-oriented medical record (POMR)

b. Source-oriented medical record (SOMR)

L. Scheduling Appointments

1. Scheduling Guidelines

a. Appointment matrix

b. New patient appointments

(1) Identify required information

c. Established patient appointments

(1) Routine

(2) Urgent/emergency

d. Patient flow

(1) Patient needs/preference

(2) Physician preference

(3) Facility/equipment requirements

e. Outside services (e.g., lab, X-ray, surgery, outpatient procedures, hospital admissions)

2. Appointment Protocols

a. Legal aspects

b. Physician referrals

c. Cancellations/no-shows

d. Physician delay/unavailability

e. Reminders/recall systems

(1) Appointment cards

(2) Phone calls/text messages/e-mail notifications

(3) Tickler file

M. Practice Finances

1. Financial Terminology

a. Accounts receivable

b. Accounts payable

c. Assets

d. Liabilities

e. Aging of accounts

f. Debits

g. Credits

h. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)

i. Relative Value Units (RVUs)

2. Financial Procedures

a. Payment receipts

(1) Co-pays

b. Data entry

(1) Post charges

(2) Post payments

(3) Post adjustments

c. Manage petty cash account

d. Financial calculations

e. Billing procedures

(1) Itemized statements

(2) Billing cycles

f. Collection procedures

(1) Aging of accounts

(2) Preplanned payment options

(3) Credit arrangements

(4) Use of collection agencies

3. Diagnostic and Procedural Coding Applications

a. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

(1) Modifiers

(2) Upcoding

(3) Bundling of charges

b. International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modifications (ICD-CM) (Current schedule)

c. Linking procedure and diagnosis codes

d. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS Level II)

4. Third-Party Payers/Insurance

a. Types of plans

(1) Commercial plans

(2) Government plans

(a) Medicare

(i) Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN)

(b) Medicaid


(3) Managed care organizations (MCOs)

(a) Managed care requirements

(i) Care referrals

(ii) Precertification

[a] Diagnostic and surgical procedures

(iii) Prior authorization

[a] Medications

(4) Workers' compensation

b. Insurance claims

(1) Submission

(2) Appeals/denials

(3) Explanation of benefits (EOB)

III. N-V Clinical

N. Anatomy and Physiology

1. Body as a Whole

a. Structural units

b. Anatomical divisions, body cavities

c. Anatomical positions and directions

d. Body planes, quadrants

2. Body Systems Including Normal Structure, Function, and Interrelationships Across the Life Span

a. Integumentary

b. Musculoskeletal

c. Nervous

d. Cardiovascular, hematopoietic, and lymphatic

e. Respiratory

f. Digestive

g. Urinary

h. Reproductive

i. Endocrine

j. Sensory

3. Pathophysiology and Diseases of Body Systems

a. Integumentary

b. Musculoskeletal

c. Nervous

d. Cardiovascular, hemtopoietic, and lymphatic

e. Respiratory

f. Digestive

g. Urinary

h. Reproductive

i. Endocrine

j. Sensory

O. Infection Control

1. Infectious Agents

a. Bacteria

b. Viruses

c. Protozoa

d. Fungi

e. Parasites

2. Modes of Transmission

a. Direct

b. Indirect

c. Airborne

d. Droplet

e. Inhalation

3. Infection Cycle/Chain of Infection

4. Body's Natural Barriers

5. Medical Asepsis

a. Hand hygiene

(1) Hand washing

(2) Alcohol-based hand rub

b. Sanitization

c. Disinfection

6. Surgical Asepsis

a. Surgical scrub

b. Sterilization techniques/Autoclave

(1) Preparing items

(2) Wrapping

(3) Sterilization indicators

7. Standard Precautions/Blood-borne Pathogen Standards

a. Body fluids

b. Secretions

c. Excretions

d. Blood


e. Mucous membranes

f. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

(1) Gowns

(2) Gloves

(3) Masks

(4) Caps

(5) Eye protection

g. Post-exposure plan

8. Biohazard Disposal/Regulated Waste

a. Sharps

b. Blood and body fluids

c. Safety data sheets (SDS)

d. Spill kit

P. Patient Intake and Documentation of Care

1. Medical Record Documentation

a. Subjective data

(1) Chief complaint

(2) Present illness

(3) Past medical history

(4) Family history

(5) Social and occupational history

(6) Review of systems

b. Objective data

c. Making corrections

d. Treatment/compliance

Q. Patient Preparation and Assisting the Provider

1. Vital Signs/Anthropometrics

a. Blood pressure

(1) Technique

(2) Equipment

(a) Stethoscope

(b) Sphygmomanometer

b. Pulse

(1) Technique

(a) Pulse points

(b) Rate and rhythm

c. Height/weight/BMI

(1) Technique

(2) Equipment

d. Body temperature

(1) Technique

(2) Equipment

e. Oxygen saturation/pulse oximetry

(1) Technique

(2) Equipment

f. Respiration rate

(1) Technique

2. Recognize and Report Age-Specific Normal and Abnormal Vital Signs

3. Examinations

a. Methods

(1) Auscultation

(2) Palpation

(3) Percussion

(4) Mensuration

(5) Manipulation

(6) Inspection

b. Body positions/draping

(1) Sims

(2) Fowlers

(3) Supine

(4) Knee-chest

(5) Prone

(6) Lithotomy

(7) Dorsal recumbent

c. Pediatric test

(1) Growth chart

(a) Measurements

(i) Techniques

b. OB-GYN test

(1) Pelvic exam/PAP smear

(2) Prenatal/postpartum exams

4. Procedures

a. Procedure explanation and patient instructions

b. Supplies, equipment, and techniques

(1) Eye irrigation

(2) Ear irrigation

(3) Dressing change

(4) Suture/staple removal

(5) Sterile procedures

(a) Surgical assisting

(b) Surgical tray prep

(c) Antiseptic skin prep

(d) Sterile field boundaries

(e) Surgical instruments

(i) Classifications

(ii) Instrument use

5. Patient Education/Health Coach

a. Health maintenance and disease prevention

(1) Diabetic teaching and home care

(a) Home blood sugar monitoring

(2) Instruct on use of patient mobility equipment and assistive devices

(3) Pre-/post-op care instructions

(4) Patient administered medications

(5) Home blood pressure monitoring and lifestyle controls

(6) Home anticoagulation monitoring

(7) Home cholesterol monitoring

b. Alternative medicine

6. Wellness/Preventive Care

a. Cancer screening

b. Sexually transmitted infections

c. Hygienic practices

(1) Hand washing

(2) Cough etiquette

d. Smoking risks and cessation

e. Recognition of substance abuse

f. Osteoporosis screening/bone density scan

g. Domestic violence screening and detection

R. Nutrition

1. Basic Principles

a. Food nutrients

(1) Carbohydrates

(2) Fats

(3) Proteins

(4) Minerals/electrolytes

(5) Vitamins

(6) Fiber

(7) Water

b. Dietary supplements

2. Special Dietary Needs

a. Weight control

b. Diabetes

c. Cardiovascular disease

d. Hypertension

e. Cancer

f. Lactose sensitivity/intolerance

g. Gluten free

h. Food allergies

3. Eating Disorders

S. Collecting and Processing Specimens

1. Methods of Collection

a. Blood

(1) Venipuncture

(a) Site selection

(b) Site prep

(c) Equipment

(i) Evacuated tubes

(ii) Tube additives

(iii) Needles

(2) Capillary/dermal puncture

b. Urine

(1) Random

(2) Midstream/clean catch

(3) Timed 24-hour collection

(4) Catheterization

(5) Pediatric urine collector

c. Fecal specimen

d. Sputum specimen

e. Swabs

(1) Throat

(2) Genital

(3) Wound

(4) Nasopharyngeal

2. Prepare, Process, and Examine Specimens

a. Proper labeling

b. Sources of contamination

c. Specimen preservation

(1) Refrigeration

(2) Fixative

d. Recordkeeping

e. Incubator

f. Centrifuge

g. Microscope

h. Inoculating a culture

i. Microbiologic slides

(1) Wet mount

3. Laboratory Quality Control/Quality Assurance

a. Testing protocols

b. Testing records and performance logs

c. Daily equipment maintenance

d. Calibration

e. Daily control testing

f. Monitor temperature controls

g. Reagent storage

h. CLIA-waived tests

4. Laboratory Panels and Performing Selected Tests

a. Urinalysis

(1) Physical

(2) Chemical

(3) Microscopic

(4) Culture

b. Hematology panel

(1) Hematocrit

(2) Hemoglobin

(3) Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

(4) Automated cell counts

(a) Red blood cell (RBC)

(b) White blood cell (WBC)

(c) Platelet

(5) Coagulation testing/INR

c. Chemistry/metabolic testing

(1) Glucose

(2) Kidney function tests

(3) Liver function tests

(4) Lipid profile

(5) Hemoglobin A1c

d. Immunology

(1) Mononucleosis test

(2) Rapid Group A Streptococcus test

(3) C-reactive protein (CRP)

(4) HCG pregnancy test

(5) H. pylori

(6) Influenza

e. Fecal occult blood/guaiac testing

T. Diagnostic Testing

1. Cardiovascular Tests

a. Electrocardiography (EKG/ECG)

(1) Perform standard 12-lead

(2) Lead placement

(3) Patient prep

(4) Recognize artifacts

(5) Recognize rhythms, arrhythmias

(6) Rhythm strips

b. Holter monitors

c. Cardiac stress test

2. Vision Tests

a. Color

b. Acuity/distance

(1) Snellen

(2) E chart

(3) Jaeger card

c. Ocular pressure

d. Visual fields

3. Audiometric/Hearing Tests

a. Pure tone audiometry

b. Speech and word recognition

c. Tympanometry

4. Allergy Tests

a. Scratch test

b. Intradermal skin testing

5. Respiratory Tests

a. Pulmonary function tests (PFT)

b. Spirometry

c. Peak flow rate

d. Tuberculosis tests/purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests

6. Distinguish Between Normal/Abnormal Laboratory and Diagnostic Test Results

U. Pharmacology

1. Medications

a. Classes of drugs

b. Drug actions/desired effects

c. Adverse reactions

d. Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)

e. Storage of drugs

2. Preparing and Administering Oral and Parenteral Medications

a. Dosage

(1) Metric conversion

(2) Units of measurements

(3) Calculations

b. Routes of administration

(1) Intramuscular

(a) Z-tract

(2) Subcutaneous

(3) Oral/sublingual/buccal

(4) Topical

(5) Inhalation

(6) Instillation (eye-ear-nose)

(7) Intradermal

(8) Transdermal

(9) Vaginal

(10) Rectal

c. Injection site

(1) Site selection

(2) Needle length and gauge

d. Medication packaging

(1) Multidose vials

(2) Ampules

(3) Unit dose

(4) Prefilled cartridge-needle units

(5) Powder for reconstitution

e. Six Rights of Medication Administration

(1) Right patient, right drug, right route, right time, right dose, right documentation

3. Prescriptions

a. E-prescribing

b. Controlled substance guidelines

4. Medication Recordkeeping

a. Reporting/documenting errors

5. Immunizations

a. Childhood

b. Adult

c. Recordkeeping

(1) Vaccine information statement (VIS)

d. Vaccine storage

V. Emergency Management/Basic First Aid

1. Assessment and Screening

a. Treatment algorithms/flow charts

b. Triage algorithms/flow charts

2. Identification and Response to Emergencies

a. Bleeding/pressure points

b. Burns

c. Cardiac and respiratory arrest

d. Foreign body obstruction

e. Choking

f. Diabetic ketoacidosis

g. Insulin shock

h. Bone fractures

i. Poisoning

j. Seizures

k. Shock

l. Cerebral vascular accident (CVA)

m. Syncope

n. Vertigo

o. Wounds

p. Cold exposure

q. Heat exposure

r. Joint dislocations/sprains/strains

s. Asthmatic attack

t. Hyperventilation

u. Animal bite

v. Insect bite

w. Concussion

3. Office Emergency Readiness

a. Equipment

(1) Crash cart supplies

(2) Automated external defibrillator

b. Emergency response plan

(1) Evacuation plan
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AAMA Certified Medical Assistant
Question: 454
Which of the following values is considered a desirable cholesterollevel?
A. 0 mg/dl
B. 180 mg/dl
C. 230 mg/dl
D. 250 mg/dl
E. 300 mg/dl
Answer: B
A level less than 200 mg/dl is desirable. Cholesterol is necessary in the body for several reasons. A level of 0 mg/dl
(A) would be detrimental to the body. Levels 200239 mg/dl are considered borderline high (C). Levels of 240
mg/dl and above are considered high (D and E).
Question: 455
Using sterile instruments to perform a breast biopsy is an exampleof
A. surgical asepsis
B. sterilization
C. medical asepsis
D. personal protective equipment
E. sanitization
Answer: A
Surgical asepsis is removing all organisms prior to entering the body. This is done by using sterile technique and
sterile instruments in a procedure. Medical asepsis (C) is disposing of organisms aer they leave the body, as in the
correct disposal of biohazardous waste. Sterilization (B) is the removal of all organisms from objects, not people.
Sanitization (E) is the removal of debris from objects. Personal protective equipment or PPE are items such as
gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection (D).
Question: 456
Wearing a mask, gown, and gloves when working with a patient isan example of using
A. barrier method
B. standard procedure
C. personal protective equipment
D. body substance isolation
E. surgical asepsis
Answer: C
Equipment that serves as protection for health care workers is called personal protective equipment. This includes
gowns, gloves, face masks, eye protection, shields, and hair and shoe covers.
Question: 457
Applying an elastic or ACE wrap to a sprained ankle is an exampleof
A. bandaging
B. applying a dressing
C. splinting
D. casting
E. treating a wound
Answer: A
An elastic or ACE wrap is an example of bandaging. The function of bandaging in this case would be to provide
even pressure and support to the ankle by applying a bandage made of elastic cloth.
Question: 458
Which one of the following is the correct angle for a needle to enterthe vein for venipuncture?
A. 5 degrees
B. 15 degrees
C. 30 degrees
D. 45 degrees
E. 90 degrees
Answer: B
A 15-degree angle is optimal for placing the needle in the center of the selected vein. A 5-degree angle (A) is
utilized when seating the needle during placement of a butterfly-winged infusion device. A 30-degree angle (C) is
too much for venipuncture. This angle may cause the needle to go through the vein by puncturing the posterior wall
resulting in a hematoma. A 45-degree angle (D) is utilized for subcutaneous injections. A 90-degree angle (E) is
utilized during an intramuscular injection.
Question: 459
Which of the following is a Gram-positive cocci that grows inclusters?
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. Neisseria meningitidis
C. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
D. Escherichia coli
E. Streptococcus pneumoniae
Answer: A
Staphylo- is a Greek term that denotes bunch of grapes. Staphylococci are round bacteria that grow in grapelike
clusters. Neisseria meningitidis (B) is a gram-negative bacterium. Mycobacterium tuberculosis (C) has a straight,
curved, or branched rod shape and requires an acid-fast stain. Escherichia coli (D) is a gram-negative bacillus.
Streptococcus pneumoniae (E) is a gram-positive bacterium, but this species grows in chains.
Question: 460
A scraping of the superficial layer of skin is called a/an
A. abrasion
B. avulsion
C. laceration
D. incision
E. contusion
Answer: A
A scraping of the superficial layer of skin is called an abrasion. An avulsion (B) is a flap of skin that is forcibly
torn or separated. A laceration (C) is a jagged or irregular tear of the tissues due to trauma. An incision (D) is a
clean cut with a sharp object. A contusion (E) is an injury involving bleeding into the tissues without breaking the
Question: 461
When preparing the skin for a minor surgical procedure, themedical assistant should
A. wash the skin with antiseptic soap in an up and down motion
B. wash the skin with antiseptic soap from the inner area to the
C. wash the skin with alcohol and air dry
D. wash the skin with antiseptic soap applying sterile gloves
E. wash the skin with a disinfectant solution from the inner area
Answer: B
You should wash the skin with an antiseptic soap in a circular manner from the inside to the outside, not going
back once you have moved further out. Up and down (A) is inappropriate direction. You would not use alcohol (C)
or a disinfectant solution (E), and sterile gloves (D) are not necessary for this procedure.
Question: 462
Which one of the following diseases is confirmed by a positiveVDRL and RPR?
A. Hepatitis
B. Mononucleosis
C. Syphilis
D. Rheumatoid arthritis
E. Systemic lupus erythematosus
Answer: C
Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) and rapid plasma regain (RPR) are both serological tests that detect
syphilis. Hepatitis (A) detection utilizes a serological test. Mononucleosis (B) testing detects the heterophil
antibody within 6 to 10 days of the disease. Rheumatoid arthritis (D) can be detected by testing for rheumatoid
factor. Systemic lupus (E) diagnosis requires antinucleotide antibody.
Question: 463
If the medical assistant notices a small tear in her sterile gloveduring a procedure, she should
A. put a piece of sterile tape over the hole in the glove
B. alert the physician that she is not able to assist any longer
C. ask a coworker to put on sterile gloves and take over for her
D. continue the procedure but do not pick up sterile objects with
E. step away from the procedure and replace her gloves with
Answer: E
If a tear is noted, the assistant needs to replace the gloves. Putting tape over the tear (A) will not restore sterility.
Continuing the procedure (D) is an unlikely option since most procedures require two hands. Involving a coworker
(C) is unnecessary in a routine procedure. Alerting the physician (B) may not be needed if the physician is present
for the procedure
Question: 464
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. A. spirometer is used to measure the relative humidity of
B. The specific gravity of urine is part of the microscopic
C. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a means of identifying
D. Hematocrit is expressed in mm/sec.
E. Hemoglobin measures the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood
Answer: E
Hemoglobin is measured by weight and is expressed in grams per deciliter (g/dl). A spirometer (A) is a device used
to measure lung capacity by tracking the volume and flow of exhaled air. The specific gravity of urine (B) is part of
the physical examination of urine. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR (C), measures the time it takes for red
blood cells to settle in a specimen and is expressed in millimeters per hour (mm/hr); elevated times are associated
with inflammatory processes. Hematocrit (D) is measured aer centrifuging a specimen and is expressed as a
percentage of red blood cells in a specimen; normal adult hematocrit values are 3655 percent.
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Kill your test at First Attempt....Guaranteed!

Medical Certified certification - BingNews Search results Medical Certified certification - BingNews Alabama judge puts a temporary hold on medical marijuana companies

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — A judge has temporarily blocked Alabama from issuing licenses to medical marijuana facilities amid an ongoing legal battle over how the state selected the winning companies.

Montgomery Circuit Judge James Anderson issued a temporary restraining order late Wednesday to stop the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission from issuing licenses for “integrated” facilities that grow, transport and sell medical marijuana. The coveted licenses will be on hold while he hears a challenge to the selection process.

Companies that were not selected to receive one of the five available integrated licenses have challenged the selection process, saying the commission violated its own rules when selecting winners. The commission has attempted to award the licenses three times and rescinded the first two selections during the legal dispute.

Anderson said he is sympathetic to concerns about delaying the availability of medical marijuana but said a pause on the licenses is merited.

“While the court understands those parties’ frustrations, the court also notes that all three rounds of awards have been challenged as legally infirm: the first two rounds of awards were abandoned by action of the Commission itself, and now there is a serious question as to whether the third round is also invalid,” Anderson wrote.

The restraining order is the latest development in a legal battle that has plagued the start of Alabama’s medical marijuana program. Alabama lawmakers voted to allow medical marijuana in the state in 2021. Commission officials are aiming to make the products available in 2024 after a series of delays.

“We remain determined and hopeful that the availability of medical cannabis products, recommended by certified physicians to qualified Alabama patients, is right around the corner,” Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission Director John McMillan said in a statement.

The Wednesday order only affects the licenses for the facilities that perform multiple functions from “seed to sale.” The judge last week put a hold on licenses for dispensaries in order to hear a similar challenge. The commission has issued licenses for growers, processors, transportation companies and laboratory testing.

McMillan said the delay on having any licensed dispensaries to sell medical marijuana products also delays the ability of Alabama doctors to get certified to recommend medical cannabis to patients. He said the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners requires the issuance of at least one cultivator, processor, secure transporter, and dispensary license before the board will issue medical cannabis certification permits to physicians.

“We remain hopeful that the Court will swiftly permit the issuance of all licenses awarded by the Commission,” McMillan said.

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:35:00 -0600 Associated Press en text/html
Mobile CPR training stations teach lifesaving skills

The News10NBC Team details breaking News, Traffic and Weather.

VICTOR, N.Y. – Tuesday marks one year since Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field during their game against the Cincinnati Bengals.

And that started a flurry of people learning and becoming certified in CPR and using an automatic external defibrillator or AED.

Now, the University of Rochester Medical Center and the American Heart Association are expanding CPR accessibility at the Eastview Mall. The two organizations put a mobile, hands-only CPR training station in the mall right outside of Dick’s House of Sport for people to learn and practice on.

The machine runs through a training and practice session and then a 30 second test. Overall, the whole experience may take five minutes, but you’ll have the knowledge for a lifetime.

“It doesn’t take long to do. And it just makes you feel like, yes, I know what this is like. I can do this,” Judy Dumar, who used the machine said.

Dumar and Joy Jennejohn both used the machine, and decided they wanted to become CPR certified after finishing.

“It’s physically harder than I thought, but it’s simple,” Jenne John said.

“My heart is still beating from doing this. So yay to first responders and doctors and nurses. I congratulate you, but I’m glad that I did this,” Dumar said.

And Cardiologist Robert Rosenblatt says that when someone knows CPR and administers it, it can increase the survival rate of the person who needs it by 20 to 30 percent.

“Survival rates historically for cardiac arrest are pretty poor. About one in ten people or 10% of people survive. And out-of-hospital, cardiac arrest, early CPR and just, you know, good CPR awareness from bystanders and initiation of CPR can increase the survival rates two to three times,” Rosenblatt said.

And not only are these available a year after Damar Hamlin collapsed, but it’s also been two weeks since a 15-year-old Monroe High School student collapsed on the court during his JV basketball game.

“There’s many reasons for a young athlete to go down, like what happened to Damar, and I think what happened to that 15-year-old was commotio cordis, I think he got hit in the chest and it it happens. It’s not that infrequent. And they have had several cases locally, I think years before. I think there was a kid that went down in Brighton, if I remember correctly, you know, in years gone by, unfortunately the survival rate for that was very low,” Rosenblatt said.

This is why Rosenblatt says it is extremely important to learn CPR and have these machines in an accessible place like the mall.

The mobile station will be available for people to use through January 31.

And if you’re looking to get CPR certified, you can find a list of classes in the Rochester area here.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:53:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Munson Medical Center certified as stroke center No result found, try new keyword!Munson Medical Center recently announced that it has been certified by The Joint Commission as the “first ever and only comprehensive stroke center” in the region. The designation places the center ... Wed, 27 Dec 2023 08:36:00 -0600 en text/html Australian Market Opens Up To Clever Leaves With GMP Certification For Cannabis Manufacturing No result found, try new keyword!Colombian medical cannabis company Clever Leaves has been granted Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The certification allows ... Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:04:32 -0600 en-us text/html 52 Arkansas State Police recruits finish classes, begin field training

You don't just become an Arkansas state trooper.

That's what 52 recruits found out over a 10-week and 760-hour program before graduating last week from the Arkansas State Police's training school at Camp Robinson in North Little Rock.

The class of certified officers, meaning they all have law enforcement backgrounds, was the largest produced by the state police since 1977 and brought the total number of troopers in the state to 560.

Those 52 graduates -- including two women -- are what remain of 230 aspiring applicants and 67 recruits who started the school.

There are "a lot of firewalls" when it comes just to the screening process for being accepted into the trooper school, said Capt. Craig Teague, the assistant commander over training and recruiting for the state police.

"The hiring process is super hard," said Teague, who has been with the state police for 15 years and went through the process himself when he was 24. "It's five-and-a-half months."

First, when it comes to certified recruits, they have to be off probation with their previous department.

"They at least had to be an officer at their prior department for 18 months before they came," Teague said.

Recruits start by going through a physical training test. That's followed by a written test, a polygraph test and a background check.

"Then you have an interview with a trooper panel," Teague said. "Then you go through psychological and medical screening, all these steps. It's very tough."

Then comes school.

For certified officers, it lasts 10 weeks. For those who are noncertified, it's 21 weeks.

The recruits wake up each day at 4:30 a.m., and, aside from a morning workout session and breaks for lunch and dinner, they're in classes until 8 or 9 p.m.

According to Teague, it costs about $1.5 million to put on one round of trooper school. The state police aim to have two sessions a year when the budget allows for it.

A new graduate starts off making $54,000 a year, according to the Arkansas Department of Public Safety's website.

The latest graduation class was "special" with its number of graduates, as a typical class is usually between 20 and 30.

Fifteen recruits didn't make it to the end of the 10 weeks.

"These [15 recruits] were all already law enforcement officers and they were leaving their agencies because they wanted to be at the highest level in law enforcement," said Cindy Murphy, spokesperson for the Department of Public Safety. "So even with that drive, that's 15 people who left their agencies that didn't make it through the process. And so I think that speaks to the results they get and the expectations."

Over the course of the 10 weeks, recruits undergo training in "the Arkansas State Police forms" of policing.

Courses include how to do paperwork, accident investigations, traffic stops and firearms training.

"The biggest one, which is a hot syllabu all the time with everybody, is their driving," Teague noted. "We have a very, very rigorous course. Training and driving, even for certified officer. A lot of those guys, they may be a senior county guy and they haven't driven at the speeds that they drive, and of course TVI training, threshold braking and high-speed courses."

The TVI, or "tactical vehicle intervention," is sometimes called the precision immobilization technique or PIT maneuver, and involves ramming a fleeing vehicle to spin it off the road or otherwise prevent the driver from fleeing.

In Arkansas, four times this year a driver fleeing from state police has died as a result of a crash -- making this year the deadliest year for state police pursuits since at least 2016. Three of those deaths came after a trooper used a tactical vehicle intervention to try and end the chase.

Teague said training troopers in the PIT "is one of their main focuses."

"It's not only the speed you're going, but the placement of the car, is it safe to do so?" Teague said. "So they really harped on those guys during that training, be it certified or noncertified. With the certified school, everything's more enhanced, so it's quicker."

Teague said he wishes that "every trooper would get to do a [PIT] with their [field training officer] with them. But maybe they don't. It really depends.

"If a trooper here in Troop A [located in Little Rock], when he's going through FTO program, there's a very increased chance that they would perform a [PIT] in Central Arkansas, just due to that's where a lot more people run. But you could have a trooper go down into Nevada County down in Prescott, that's where I grew up, he may not have an opportunity to perform a [PIT]. With that being said, they do reevaluate that stuff, and not that they wouldn't release him off his FTO due to him not being able to do a PIT with his FTO, but he's still certified to be able to do that."

Once the recruit is certified in the PIT and everything else needed to graduate, the officer is still not immediately left unsupervised.

The graduates will report for duty at their respective troop headquarters, one of 12 in the state. The new troopers will be placed with certified departmental field training officers. Every troop has more than one.

"For their certified officers ... they have [what's] called a fast-track program," Teague said. "The minimum they're there is five weeks for the pre-certified guy. They'll be with multiple FTOs; they're not just with one trooper in their training. They could be with three or four troopers for the five weeks, which is a good thing because different troopers offer different strengths."

Those strengths could be anything from dealing with DWIs to driving.

During this time, the graduates will take what they learned over the previous 10 weeks and use it in a "real-world application" as they have items checked off on a "training matrix."

"It's anything you can think of," Teague said. "It's driving capabilities. How well do they know Arkansas traffic and criminal code books? There are 10 codes they use on the radio, how they talk on the radio. What they look like ... they expect their troopers to look professional at all times, their brass polished, their boots polished. Their uniforms pressed, their cars immaculate, clean, everything. ... [The] FTO is really looking at that stuff."

The FTO training period culminates in a one-week "ride check."

That's when the FTO will ride along with the new trooper, but won't offer any advice or insight.

"That's a very important week," Teague said. "They're not talking. There's no 'Well, I would do this or I wouldn't do that.' Or 'Have you ever thought about maybe trying this?' The check ride is where they feel the trooper's ready to be out there on their own. And the FTO is basically sitting in the car and just evaluating and they're watching everything, but they're not giving any advice."

From his time as a recruit, Teague says the biggest change in the process of becoming a trooper is "we're a little bit more thorough now to make sure all these guys, be they certified or a noncertified guy, are seeing everything they need to see out there and ... kind of having that real-world application knowing that when they get released on their own they're 100% prepared to do their job."

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:18:00 -0600 en text/html
TRRC Grant tapped to expand healthcare training at P&HCC
Pictured: Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) students practice skills such as feeding patients to prepare them for the work they will do upon receiving credentials.

Patrick & Henry Community College (P&HCC) has been awarded $149,140 from the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission to expand healthcare training capacity in Nurse Aide, Clinical Medical Assistant, Medication Aide, and Phlebotomy Technician programs. These programs lead to short-term credentials that quickly allow students to enter high-demand health careers in the region. 

“We are grateful for the continued support of the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission. Their partnership and support of P&HCC ensures their students have access to programs and training that lead to high demand careers in their area,” said P&HCC Foundation executive director Tiffani Underwood.

The expansion of programming both on P&HCC’s main campus and in partnership with programming at The Franklin Center in Rocky Mount will increase credentials and help place medical professionals in jobs in the area.

“Career opportunities in the healthcare industry are abundant and pay well, providing economic mobility for their graduates and their families. Patrick & Henry Community College has a strong history of preparing students for these careers, and they are excited to partner with Franklin County and the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission to offer healthcare certification programs at The Franklin Center. Once a faculty member is hired, P&HCC plans to offer healthcare programming that meets both the interests of students and needs of employers,” said P&HCC vice president for workforce, economic and community development Rhonda Hodges.

P&HCC Foundation will provide a dollar-for-dollar match to supplement TRRC funding.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:53:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Inside the battle over B Corp certification, the business world’s do-good badge of honor

After years of reporting on climate change, I have become slightly obsessed with being a more eco-friendly consumer. I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit researching everyday household items such as dish soap, toothpaste and toilet paper.

It turns out that I’m not alone. Marketing phrases like “eco-friendly,” “sustainable” and “fair trade” are on the rise as consumers claim to want to do better by their warming planet.

As I delved deeper into so-called ethical consumption, a tiny logo of a capital “B” inside a circle caught my eye. It popped up on my dish soap bottles, toothpaste tubes and yes, even toilet paper.

Chances are, you’ve probably seen it too — plastered on the shopping bags of Erewhon, the upscale Los Angeles grocer known for its $18 Hailey Bieber smoothie (read a 2022 review by their food columnist, Lucas Kwan Peterson, from when the smoothie was $17 — inflation is real, y’all) and on frosty cartons of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

The B stands for certified benefit corporation or B Corp. The designation has become shorthand in the business world for companies claiming to be eco-friendly, ethical and sustainable. Companies pay thousands of dollars to nonprofit organization B Lab to verify that they meet high standards across their operations on issues including product packaging and labor practices.

Hi, I’m Jie Jenny Zou, an investigative reporter with the L.A. Times’ Washington bureau. Today, I’ll be telling you what I learned about B Corp certification while reporting my story, “Nespresso, Dr. Bronner’s and the battle over B Corp certification, the coveted ethical and eco-friendly seal.

The L.A. and D.C. connection

The seal has become a hit with celebrities and politicians alike. Kendall Jenner’s 818 Tequila became a certified B Corp earlier this year. And former U.S. Labor Secretary Marty Walsh has shouted out the Biden administration’s support for B Corps as what he called the “model of what an employer should look like.”

The idea for B Lab, according to its founders, came from their previous experience at AND1, a basketball apparel company that became known in the late 1990s for its “trash-talking” T-shirts.

B Lab was born in 2006 as the brainchild of AND1 co-founder Jay Coen Gilbert; the company’s former president, Bart Houlahan; and investor Andrew Kassoy. The three men met while they were students at Stanford University.

Houlahan’s wife, Chrissy Houlahan, who also attended Stanford and currently represents Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District in the House, previously worked as chief operating officer at AND1 and B Lab.

All four have said that running AND1 as a socially responsible business inspired them to create a framework for other companies looking to be more ethical, sustainable and transparent.

B Corp standards and rapid growth

But as I looked into B Corps, it was unclear what standards were being used to judge companies that received the designation and what enforcement efforts, if any, B Lab implemented to ensure businesses followed through with a pledge to be a “force for good.”

Though the certification is built on the idea of transparency, B Lab doesn’t fully detail how companies achieve their final scores on a scale of 200 points, or how much businesses pay in order to call themselves B Corps.

Being a B Corp is more popular than ever. In the last five years, the B Corp ranks have nearly tripled to more than 7,800 businesses worldwide, spanning over 160 industries and 92 countries.

Since their article published just two weeks ago, more than 100 companies have been certified, according to the B Corp website.

Some B Corps have become fierce critics of the rapid growth. Several companies spoke to me about their concerns over the certification of multinational companies including Nespresso and Danone, the dairy giant behind Dannon and Activia yogurt, and whether the designation is simply a marketing gimmick.

In 2022, multiple B Corps made headlines for allegations of labor violations and other workplace issues, prompting calls to B Lab to investigate or strip companies of their status.

Among them is Amy’s Kitchen, the popular organic foods company in California that has faced calls for a boycott, and Sama, an artificial intelligence company now facing several lawsuits alleging worker exploitation and union busting.

How did B Lab respond to the criticism it has received from within its ranks? Read the full story.

The latest from the campaign trail

— Months after a humiliating vote by his own party to oust him as speaker of the House, longtime GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy is days away from exiting Congress on Dec. 31, leaving confusion over who is eligible to run for his seat in a conservative Central Valley district. A dozen people have jumped into the race, but McCarthy’s chosen Republican successor was barred from the ballot and on Friday sued the California secretary of state in an attempt to reverse the decision, Laura J. Nelson reports.

— Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting Nevada and South Carolina next month, two of the earliest states on the Democratic presidential calendar, where she’ll court voters she and President Biden hope to win over, the Associated Press reports.

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The view from Washington

— In a setback for special counsel Jack Smith, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday turned down his request for a fast-track ruling on whether former President Trump may be prosecuted for having allegedly conspired to block then-President-elect Biden from being certified as the winner of the 2020 election, David G. Savage reports.

— With just 27 bills and resolutions signed into law, not counting a few board appointments, 2023 brought one of the most do-nothing sessions of Congress in recent times, the Associated Press reports.

The view from California

— Gov. Gavin Newsom granted 35 prisoners a “medical reprieve,” a form of clemency the Democratic governor created during the pandemic to show mercy for the sick and elderly. They were handpicked by the Newsom administration to access a new path to freedom that amounts to an experiment in California’s ongoing effort to shrink the prison population without compromising public safety. But as the pandemic wanes and Newsom confronts the limited time he has left in office, the second-term governor is grappling with whether to extend the new form of clemency to more inmates, Mackenzie Mays reports.

— A group of seniors ranging in age from 68 to 92 gathered recently at a clubhouse in their Walnut Creek 55-and-older community to discuss President Biden, politics and what it’s like to watch folks advancing in their years, Mark Z. Barabak writes in his column.

— Many leading California Democrats have been clamoring to jettison Donald Trump from the state’s election ballot, but Gov. Gavin Newsom has made it clear he is against the move, James Rainey reports. “There is no doubt that Donald Trump is a threat to their liberties and even to their democracy,” Newsom said, “but in California, they defeat candidates at the polls. Everything else is a political distraction.”

Sign up for their California Politics newsletter to get the best of The Times’ state politics reporting. Email Jie Jenny Zou at

Wed, 27 Dec 2023 01:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
House fire leads Conn. student to become certified EMT

December 30, 2023 12:00 PM

By John Penney
The Day

NEW LONDON, Conn. — New London High School senior Avery Pitts was 11 years old when a fire ripped through his family’s Mystic home several years ago.

“I saw the glass on the ground and firefighters doing their overhaul work,” Pitts, now 17, said on Thursday. “Instead of being traumatized by that, I learned from it.”

But it was a quieter moment about two years later that galvanized Pitts’ love for emergency services work.

“I was a Boy Scout and took a group of Cub Scouts to a firehouse,” he said. “The firefighters were letting them play with their jackets and boots and letting them sit on the rigs. Watching that interaction, that’s when I fell in love with the fire service.”

Avery this month became the first New London High student to be awarded a national EMT certification after completing a school-based EMT course in 2023, at the time one of the few such programs offered in a high school class setting.

The intensive 200-hour course included a year of classroom work and a series of ride-alongs with the New London Fire Department that culminated with the written and practical exams he passed earlier this month.

Course instructor Joshua Beebe, a veteran paramedic who teaches bio-medical classes at the New London High Multi-Magnet School, said he introduced the EMT program partly to address the declining numbers of EMTs serving in volunteer fire and ambulance departments across the country.

“At the time, there were very few high schools offering this program, but now there’s 25 in the state doing it,” said Beebe, the EMS program coordinator for Eastern Connecticut State University who also works for the Mohegan Tribal Fire Department and American Ambulance.

Beebe, 47, started his first EMT class at the high school in 2021 with 11 students and saw 12 more students sign up for the most recent class. He said one big advantage to offering the program at the school is accessibility.

“This is a $1,500 class that they can offer for free to students and they end up with four college credits,” Beebe said.

Pitts joined the Old Mystic Fire Department as a junior volunteer at age 14 working at the department as an emergency medical responder. That job typically entails taking a patient’s vitals and medical history.

Now, with an EMT certification under his belt, Pitts can administer a small number of drugs — oral glucose, oxygen, nitroglycerin, aspirin — and assist with leading medical calls.

“I was ecstatic when I heard I passed the (EMT tests),” he said. “There was so much studying and the questions got harder as you went along. I started out confident I passed and then began second-guessing myself.”

Beebe had no such reservations.

“I had no doubt, which is why I made him my teacher’s assistant for the second EMT class,” he said.

Pitts said he plans to continue adding to his fire and emergency medical resume with college degrees in paramedic and fire science.

“I want to start as a fire medic and can see myself one day being a teacher,” he said.

New London Fire Chief Thomas Curcio, whose firefighters work closely with the EMT students, said he first raised the idea of a high school EMT program about three years ago, just about the time Beebe also began working on the same initiative.

“I graduated from New London High and was born and raised here, so I want to see New London students get into this work,” he said on Friday. “For students not college-bound, they can get an EMT card after graduating high school and go on to work as transporters, as emergency room techs and at fire departments.”

Curcio, who said he’d like to start an introductory fire service class at the high school at some point, said his paid department is not immune to hiring issues faced by emergency volunteer agencies.

“We struggle with hiring, too,” he said. “I’d love to get some New London residents excited about this kind of work and hired by the city.”

Beebe said he sees the high school course as an antidote to the recruiting and retention “struggles” facing volunteer departments. He said the classes also address another problem: A lack of diversity in the EMT field.

“I’ve always been blunt about the need for getting more people of color into that field, especially in a diverse city like New London,” he said, adding that several students of color were members of the first two school EMT courses. “Kids really want to be in this field and this is a way to lower the barriers for them. And they get homegrown EMTs ready to work in Connecticut .”

(c)2023 The Day (New London, Conn.)
Visit The Day (New London, Conn.) at
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Sat, 30 Dec 2023 02:59:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Inspire Medical adds Intuitive CMO Dr. Myriam Curet to its board
A portrait of Intuitive Surgical Chief Medical Officer Dr. Myriam Curet.
Intuitive Surgical Chief Medical Officer Dr. Myriam Curet [Photo courtesy of Intuitive Surgical]
Inspire Medical Systems (NYSE:INSP) announced today that it appointed Dr. Myriam J. Curet as an independent board director.

Curet’s appointment went into effect on Dec. 21, 2023. She currently serves as EVP and chief medical officer at surgical robotics pioneer Intuitive Surgical. Curet spoke to Medical Design & Outsourcing this year to explain the secret behind Intuitive’s surgical robotics success.

“We are excited to add Dr. Curet, a practicing, board-certified minimally invasive general surgeon with extensive business and executive leadership experience in the medical device industry to their board of directors,” said Tim Herbert, president and CEO of Inspire Medical Systems. “Dr. Curet brings significant experience in developing and commercializing scalable solutions for minimally invasive surgery and they look forward to her guidance, expertise and contributions to their board as they advance Inspire therapy to treat the many patients affected by [obstructive sleep apnea].”

In addition to her position at Intuitive, Curet serves as a professor of surgery at Stanford University. She also previously held a faculty role at the University of New Mexico. On top of her board duties at Inspire Medical, she serves on the board of another surgical robotics company, Stereotaxis. Additionally, Curet is on the board at biopharmaceutical company Nektar Therapeutics.

Minneapolis-based Inspire Medical develops minimally invasive implantable products for treating obstructive sleep apnea. It offers an alternative to the traditional CPAP machines made by the likes of Philips and ResMed. Inspire Medical’s reputation has grown over the past several years as Philips dealt with a massive CPAP recall and people moved away from that method of treatment.

The company was in the news recently for negative reasons as investors filed class action lawsuits alleging misleading statements.

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 00:41:00 -0600 Sean Whooley en-US text/html
Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos Scholarship for Healthcare Students Opens Opportunities for Aspiring Medical Professionals

DAKOTA DUNES, SD / ACCESSWIRE / January 4, 2024 / The Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos Scholarship for Healthcare Students, an esteemed initiative from the accomplished hand surgeon Dr. Manon-Matos, is now accepting applications for the 2024 academic year. This scholarship, valued at $1,000, aims to support dedicated undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in healthcare disciplines.

Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos, a highly respected board-certified hand surgeon with over 15 years of experience, is committed to fostering the next generation of healthcare professionals. His passion for healthcare education, coupled with a desire to alleviate financial barriers for aspiring students, has led to the establishment of this scholarship.

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be currently enrolled in good standing at an accredited institution of higher education, pursuing a degree in a healthcare discipline. Maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is imperative, as is the demonstration of financial need through supporting documentation and personal essays.

Applicants are required to submit a compelling 750-word essay addressing key prompts, including academic goals, financial need, and a passionate commitment to a healthcare career. Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos emphasizes the importance of these essays in understanding the aspirations and challenges faced by each applicant.

In addition to financial support, the scholarship serves as a platform for students to showcase their dedication to healthcare. The chosen essay prompts provide applicants the opportunity to articulate their academic goals, discuss specific financial challenges, and express their unwavering passion for making a difference in the lives of others through healthcare.

Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos, the driving force behind this scholarship, earned his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School and completed his fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the University of Louisville. He maintains his certification in Surgery of the Hand by the American Board of Surgery.

Dr. Manon-Matos has dedicated himself not only to his medical practice but also to healthcare education. He has served as clinical instructor at the University of Louisville School of Medicine and is currently attending hand surgeon at CNOS in Dakota Dunes, SD.

The Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos Scholarship for Healthcare Students is a one-time award of $1,000, with a deadline for applications set on August 15, 2024. The scholarship recipient will be announced on September 15, 2024.

For detailed eligibility criteria, application instructions, and to apply for the scholarship, please visit

Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos remains committed to supporting the dreams of aspiring healthcare professionals and invites eligible students to seize this opportunity. The impact of this scholarship extends beyond financial assistance, providing a stepping stone for students to realize their academic and professional aspirations in the field of healthcare.

About Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos:

Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos is a highly respected board-certified hand surgeon with over 15 years of experience. He received his medical degree from Dartmouth Medical School and fellowship in hand and microsurgery at the University of Louisville. Dr. Manon-Matos is dedicated to providing the best possible care to his patients and is passionate about helping them regain their function and independence.

For more information, visit

Contact Info:

Spokesperson: Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos
Organization: Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos Scholarship

SOURCE: Dr. Yorell Manon-Matos Scholarship

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