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SHRM-SCP history - SHRM Senior Certified Professional Updated: 2024

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SHRM-SCP SHRM Senior Certified Professional

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Question: 86
----- is a work stoppage that is neither authorized nor supported by the union.
A. Economic strike
B. Wildcat strike
C. Sympathy strike
D. Cross the picket line
Answer: B
A wildcat strike is a strike undertaken by unionized workers without union leadership's authorization, support, or
approval C it is illegal.
Crossing the picket line means to go to work while other employees at one's place of work are picketing. An economic
strike is a legal strike where employees strike in order to obtain some economic concession from the employer such as
higher wages, shorter hours, or improved working conditions. The following strikes are legal under Section 7 of the
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA): Economic
strikes, in which employees attempt to pressure the employer to concede to their demands for improvements in wages,
benefits or working conditions; and Unfair labor practice strikes, in protest of an employer's committing an unfair
labor practice.
Question: 87
Employees at the Fawn corporation are canvassing for the establishment of the --------- principle in the disciplinary
procedure of the company. The employees state that the principle provides that employees should be treated fairly,
given clear expectations, and provided an opportunity to defend themselves for a dischargeable offense.
A. Distributive justice
B. Due process
C. Duty of good faith and fair dealing
D. Dual representation
Answer: B
In the employment context, due process involves two basic principles: that employees are entitled to know the nature
of their alleged misconduct or poor performance, and that employees should be given a reasonable opportunity to
respond to those allegations before any decisions are made regarding imposition of discipline. In the U.S.A., public
employees that have a property interest in their job are entitled to pre-termination due process as a matter of law. This
typically comes into play when there is a disciplinary action taken against a government employee whose employment
terms are spelled out in a contract, often negotiated by a union.
Question: 88
In which stage of strategic planning do managers develop action plans and assign staff members to projects?
A. Evaluation
B. Development
C. Implementation
D. Formulation
Answer: C
During the strategy implementation phase of strategic planning, the plan is put into action. Managers develop action
plans and allocate resources toward achieving organizational objectives.
Question: 89
The HR specialist prepares a business case to support an initiative. The case includes descriptions of the project's goals
and benefits, method, budget, and time-line.
What other information would have been good to include?
A. Endorsements from organization stakeholders
B. Communication plan the project team will use
C. Detailed description of the methodology that will be used
D. Analysis of the initiative's possible risks
Answer: D
The business case should include some discussion of possible risks and approaches to managing them. Detailed
descriptions are not suitable for this audience. Endorsements are not usually part of a business case.
Question: 90
The evaluation level of learning characterizes changes in what?
A. Knowledge
B. Engagement
C. Productivity
D. Performance
Answer: A
The learning level of the Kirkpatrick training evaluation model evaluates how the training has developed the trainees'
knowledge, skills, and abilities based on the learning objectives. The reaction level helps to measure how engaged the
trainees were, how actively they contributed, and how they reacted to the training. The behavior level helps to
understand how well employees applied what they learnt. The results level includes training outcomes which
demonstrate a good return on investment (ROI), and improvements in organizational productivity.
Question: 91
What branding proposition best answers the question why a talented individual would want to work for a particular
A. Develop an employee value proposition
B. Leverage current employees and alumni network
C. Cultivate a strong onboarding process
D. Offer learning and development opportunities
Answer: A
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) refers to the rewards and benefits received by employees in return for their
performance at the workplace. An Employee Value Proposition (EVP) as a set of associations and offerings provided
by an organization in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organization.
Developing an EVP is crucial to an effective employer brand strategy.
Question: 92
What talent strategy ultimately emphasizes the organization's needs when considering an employee's career path?
A. Training and development
B. Career management
C. Career planning
D. Talent management
Answer: B
Career management is an employer-driven talent strategy that involves preparing, implementing, and monitoring
employee career paths with a primary focus on the goals and needs of the organization. Career planning is an ongoing
process whereby an individual sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them - it is the individual's
responsibility. Talent Management is the full-scope of integrated HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate,
retain, and deploy productive employees to achieve organizational goals.
Question: 93
What budgeting method categorizes according to enterprise undertakings as opposed to standard departments?
A. Zero-based budgeting
B. Formula-based budgeting
C. Capital budgeting
D. Activity-based budgeting
Answer: D
Activity-based budgeting records, researches, and analyzes activities that lead to costs for a company and thereafter
prepares the budget based on the result. With activity-based budgeting, corporate activities are thoroughly analyzed to
predict costs. With zero-based budgeting, all expenses must be justified for each new period.
Question: 94
What is the role of HR when conducting an investigatory interview?
A. Risk manager
B. Compliance officer
C. Procedural advisor
D. Subject matter expert
Answer: A
Allegations of serious misconduct leads to workplace investigation which include investigatory interviews which are
crucial to a fair outcome. When investigatory interviews are done correctly, they can uncover essential information for
or against allegations of wrongdoing. However, when carried out poorly, they can lead to serious consequences for a
company, including substantial damage, back pay awards or even full reinstatement of an employee.
Question: 95
What is the best way to increase confidence in stakeholders regarding business continuity and disaster recovery?
A. Engagement survey of company readiness in the event of a disaster
B. Conducting training drills
C. Developing a business case
D. Provide metrics from benchmarking disaster recovery plans of similar companies
Answer: B
By conducting training drills it shows a preparedness for business continuity and disaster recovery situations.
Question: 96
Why would the Human Resource function perform a benefits needs assessment?
A. It enables the organization to understand competitors' benefits practices
B. It prioritizes the employer's strategic perspective of employee benefits
C. It determines the best benefits selection and design, industry-wide
D. It is crucial to attracting and retaining top talent
Answer: D
A needs assessment should be conducted to determine the best benefits selection and design based on the needs and
wants of the employees. The needs assessment may include an employer's perception of employee benefits needs,
competitor's benefits practices, and tax laws and regulations.
Question: 97
What key determination must be made prior to outsourcing a function?
A. What is the cost of resources and technology required to keep the function in-house?
B. Is there a service level agreement in place?
C. Does it involve a competency core to the firm?
D. Has a needs assessment been completed?
Answer: C
The purpose of outsourcing is to ensure best practice in key business components such as data processing, supply-
chain management, warehousing, etc. By divesting themselves of these non-core activities, companies can focus their
energy on core business areas where they have the competitive advantage, while taking advantage of cost savings from
the outsourced functions. Core activities are the vital activities of an organization. If the organization outsourced its
core functions, it would be creating a competitor or dissolving itself.
Question: 98
What should a HR professional do prior to initiating a major, sweeping, controversial change initiative?
A. Infuse accurate information about the change initiative into the grapevine
B. Evaluation of the initiative
C. Needs assessment
D. Pilot program
Answer: D
The purpose of conducting a pilot study is to examine the feasibility of an initiative before it is implemented on a
larger scale. A pilot study is usually carried out on small select members of the relevant population.
Question: 99
When considering a Reduction In Force (RIF), what offer might be made?
A. COBRA benefits must be provided by all employers to all employees subject to the RIF
B. give employees the option to volunteer
C. Compliance requirements such as a severance package
D. Last In - First Out (LIFO) layoff system per the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA)
Answer: B
COBRA does not apply to every employer but to employers with 20 or more employees. Severance packages are
voluntary and not compliance-related. The OWBPA does not require a LIFO system in RIFs - the OWBPA protects
the employee benefits of older workers.
Question: 100
The HR professionals in a corporation have updated their tools to include an advanced analytics tool that displays
important, high-level, real-time HR metrics using interactive data visualizations that can be configured to show how it
correlates with strategic goals.
This tool is most likely a;
A. Dashboard
B. Predictive analytics
C. Balanced scorecard
D. Performance data tool
Answer: A
A HR dashboard is an advanced analytics tool that displays important HR metrics using interactive data visualizations.
Turning to a professional online dashboard, HR professionals can keep a close eye on employee performance,
recruiting, and talent management processes.

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Fri, 05 Jan 2024 03:59:00 -0600 en text/html
Why Join SHRM?

Professional membership dues in the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) are $160 per year. Student membership costs just $35 per year. Here's just some of what you get!

Information Resources

  • HRMagazine: Twelve monthly issues of this full-color magazine featuring in-depth articles on human resource management.
  • HRNews: Twelve monthly issues of this award-winning newspaper featuring the latest trends and issues in the field, as well as legal updates.
  • HR Week : Weekly e-bulletin highlighting critical HR issues.

  • Free Bibliographies: Bibliographies generated free of charge for specific HRM courses to cut down your research time. National student members can contact the Society's Information Center toll-free at 1-800-283-SHRM. Identify yourself as a national student member and supply your membership ID number to access the service. Also, browse the growing collection of Information Center White Papers, available on the SHRM web site.
  • SHRM® Book Service: Discounted prices on HRM/general management publications. A catalog of publications is published periodically in HR News and is also available online.

Networking Opportunities

Annual Conference: The SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition featuring over 150 educational sessions, a one-day student conference, and attendance of over 10,000 professionals and 250 students. The conference is held in June and national student members can attend at a substantial discount. Information and registration forms are mailed to all national student members each January.

Online Member Directory: Searchable database helps you locate SHRM professional members around the country and the world. Exclusively for SHRM members. If you already belong to the Society, click here to use the directory.

SHRM Online's HR Talk: Exclusively for members of SHRM. Go online to discuss issues affecting the HR profession. If you are already a member, click here to enter HR Talk.

State & Regional Conferences: Student and professional educational conferences held around the country sponsored by local SHRM chapters.

Other Benefits

Membership card: An official SHRM membership card including your membership number which allows you to access your membership services.

Scholarships/Awards: Annual awards recognizing outstanding student leaders. Award winners receive $1000-$5000. Scholarships & Awards Website

SHRM Global Forum: For an extra fee, students can join SHRM Global, which has a special focus on the practice of HR overseas and in multinational corporations. They are honored to have Lisbeth Claus, Associate Professor of Global Human Resources here at Atkinson Graduate School of Management. Professor Claus is currently serving as the 2003 President of SHRM Global. You can visit the SHRM Global Forum home page.

Conversion Dues: Graduating members can convert their membership to professional status for only $80 for one year of membership, half off the regular membership fee of $160! Note: A conversion application must be submitted within six months of the expiration of student membership to receive this special rate. For more information about conversion, click here.

Careers: Have questions about careers in Human Resources? Go the SHRM's Career Center for help.

Tue, 05 Sep 2023 01:16:00 -0500 en text/html Human Resource Training for Fire Department Company Officers

Company officers find themselves in the lower middle management of the fire department hierarchy. Their responsibilities are sweeping, and in asking them to execute these responsibilities, they become the first line of representation of management.

According to the International Association of Fire Chiefs’ Firefighter to Supervisory Fire Officer Transition Plan, the officers’ duties generally fall within the areas of administration, apparatus, facilities, operations and training. Of these, administration—and more pointedly, the human resource (HR) aspects of administration—are overlooked most often, although they arguably are the most impactful for a healthy and liability-free firehouse environment. Therefore, the application of administrative HR is a pertinent training need in the fire service.

Supervisory fire officers play a pivotal role in the development and sustainability of their subordinates. The gray area of personnel management includes interpersonal conflict, reviews, individual development/succession planning and discipline/enforcement of standard operating guidelines (SOGs). All of these translate into the capture (or loss) of the three tenets of cultural success: engagement, trust and buy-in. Officers face these in-station challenges regularly and, as such, are deeply influential to the cooperative success of the department and its individuals. However, more often than not, officers are left with few tools to wield.

These duties are best labeled as HR. At the fire department station level, HR could be defined as assisting the management of the employee life cycle. However, this ambiguous definition, the lack of understanding of this complex skill set and the absence of complete, identifiable metrics lead the fire service to underappreciate and, to a degree, avoid the subject matter.


How do they best teach officers to handle potentially difficult HR situations? Create and introduce a formal HR training program for line officers. The end goal is to meet the department’s mission statement, vision statement and values by having well-trained, high-performing line officers. The stakeholders in developing this training would be operations chief, administrative chiefs, battalion chiefs and HR personnel.

The foundation of the training is for line officers to understand the importance of their relationship with their department and their subordinates. The following guidelines should be considered benchmarks:

  • The company officer is the direct line of command that exists in a de facto domestic setting. It is acknowledged that this is a challenging relationship.
  • Always maintain fidelity toward your position and the department.
  • Adhere to the department’s rules and regulations and enforce that your subordinates do the same.
  • Hold yourself and the members accountable.
  • Be consistent.
  • Be fair and equitable. Subordinates must trust that you will do the right thing and be discreet when required.

The real HR training should consist of a presentation session that’s followed by hands-on training.

The presentation session allows for the introduction of the material and initial information that’s shared between the instructor and students. Comprehension and retention could be best achieved by offering a platform that provides a comfortable space for questions, discussions and case examples.

Hands-on training allows for situational practice for line officers to enhance their abilities and acknowledge and address their weaknesses. Hands-on training consists of real-world-based participant scenarios, to provide situational examples, role-playing opportunities and learning repetitions for line officers.

HR training should cover six essential subjects.

Policy knowledge

Although a strong understanding of policies is valuable, it’s more important that line officers have the ability to access and reference the appropriate information in a timely manner. Simply memorizing and knowing reference material doesn’t equate to understanding it and doesn’t necessarily lead to good decision-making and positive HR outcomes.

Setting expectations

Expectations equate to firefighters having a better understating of roles and responsibilities.

Set expectations early, make them meaningful and attainable, and make certain that your personnel understand them. The “why” of expectations’ intent and purpose must be understood by all of the parties. This creates a shared value and builds engagement, trust and buy-in. Use the department’s mission statement, vision statement, and values to explain and support rules and regulations.


The purposes of both coaching and feedback are to help to Strengthen the performance and attitude of employees, to develop and Strengthen an employee’s ability to perform, and to correct poor performance.

The professional expectation is to always be firm, fair and friendly.

It’s best not to let performance issues linger. By being an involved supervisor, you spend less time, maybe no time, on discipline.

Frequent feedback is crucial. Ongoing engagement and information-sharing with employees should be emphasized, because it allows for immediate direction.

Importantly, the supervisor should never take an issue personally, even when the subordinate does. Remember, a bad act or behavior doesn’t always equal a bad person. Look for the real problem behind the symptoms that you are given.

Lastly, the goal is to solve a problem, but the other person must be motivated to take part in the solution.

Performance review

This is a key element of the employee development process.

Line officers should be familiar with the official performance review documents prior to the evaluation. They also should be instructed to take a rational, even-handed, objective viewpoint for each subordinate. Honest and meaningful commentary is crucial for the employee’s growth and an obligation of the officer.

The department’s goal should be that no one is surprised by his or her annual performance review. Furthermore, these reviews could be available to future commanding officers as a reference to current or future behavior depending on policy guidelines.


This is the difficult part of the job, but the fire department is a professional workplace, and as the boss, officers have a responsibility to the department, its employees and its customers.

A thorough understanding of the department’s discipline steps or process is required and must be followed. Consider a “hazmat” approach toward discipline: Step back and take the time to figure out all of the information before acting.

There should be an option for consultation with a superior officer. This allows for a third-party view of the situation.

A focus should be on how to best handle varied disciplinary situations and how to best deal with each unique individual, while following policy.


Documentation is the written and retained record of an employee’s employment history. It describes the actions that were taken in notable instances. These range from providing formal employee recognition to taking disciplinary action.

Maintaining documentation allows the employer and employee to preserve a written record that might be necessary to support workers’ compensation events, employee pay raises, and cancer, heart or behavioral trust claims. An employee-specific file helps to organize and track the employees’ trajectory, which assists with management of the employees.

Filing e-mails and documents for later reference is conducive to accuracy and timeliness.

Finally, the effect of poor documentation, both administratively and legally, should be established.

Other potential training subjects

In addition to the aforementioned six main courses to be covered in HR training, subject matter can include employee counseling, SOG application, interpersonal conflict, and when required, behavioral remediation. Some of the educational tenets should be explaining the intent and purpose (the why), taking the right tone, being constant and direct with feedback, and documenting exchanges in detail.

A successful culture

Company officers’ responsibilities are difficult. Often, officers have the motivation to apply appropriate HR influence but not the ability. Therefore, there is a training gap. By creating and implementing effective HR training, departments create better cultural success.

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 23:09:00 -0600 text/html
In The Know: News, updates from Greenville area businesses and nonprofits

Greenville HR Society Recognizes Award Winners

The Greenville Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management has announced the winners of its annual HR Awards.

Greenville HR Society award winners, from left, Ron Doney of ThinkUp Consulting; Robyn Knox; Kay Dudley-Culbreath; Danielle DiFino; and Holly Berry.

“This year’s winners represent the very best of the HR profession, and it gives GSHRM great pleasure to celebrate them and their contributions,” said incoming Greenville SHRM President Courtney Goforth.

Winners of the 2023 Greenville SHRM HR Awards are:

The HR Rising Star Award celebrates an HR Professional with less than 10 years in the field. The winner is Danielle DiFino, SHRM-CP, HR Manager, Standard Motor Products.

DiFino has helped develop and implement changes for recruiting and hiring that resulted in substantial savings for her company. She leads a program that supports employee growth and career development and filled a key leadership role temporarily while managing her normal responsibilities.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award goes to ThinkUp Consulting.

The locally owned company is LGBT-owned and -operated with a majority of women in senior leadership. The company launched a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging team to educate employees with DEIB knowledge to serve each other and their clients. Efforts include monthly micro-training and communications, blog posts on courses like Black History Month tools for educators, mindfulness stations and Women’s Equality Day. ThinkUp has representation on both the Advisory Board and Board of Directors of the Upstate S.C. LGBT+ Chamber.

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Unsung Hero Award celebrates an individual who champions DEI culture in and outside the workplace. The winner is Kay Dudley-Culbreath, SHRM-SCP, LSSBB, CEO, HR Concierge Consulting.

With more than 25 years of HR leadership experience, Dudley-Culbreath is a DEI Consultant helping industries drive inclusive culture, design measurable objectives and report results. She has spoken at conferences, taught courses about leading diverse workforces, and been an advocate for women and girls. She co-chaired GSHRM’s DEI Committee for the past two years; serves as Executive Director of The Period Project; and volunteers with organizations including Juneteenth GVL, Vernon Veteran Services, and the Urban League of the Upstate.

The Human Resources Professional of the Year Award goes to Holly Berry, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, Chief Human Resource Officer, United Community Bank.

Berry has more than 23 years of HR experience and has held leadership positions at brand-name companies. Among her achievements, she recently created a comprehensive paid parental leave program that ensures 100% income replacement for new parents of all genders and those who have adopted. She also spearheaded a paid volunteer time-off program.

Berry mentors seniors at Legacy Early College High School, reads to children at Legacy Early College Elementary School, volunteers with Greenville Habitat for Humanity, and supports the United Women Make a Difference Campaign.

The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Robyn Knox, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, RCC, President, The HR Business Connect.

Knox has been a member of GSHRM since the 1990s and national SHRM since 2002. She serves as District Director for the S.C. SHRM State Council, representing four chapters. She previously filled a similar role for four Midlands District chapters and served as the state’s Workforce Readiness Director.

She co-founded and co-hosted the VET Summit, was an SRHM Pinnacle Award Finalist in 2020; helped develop Cracking the Code, a veterans workforce program that earned GSHRM the esteemed SHRM Workplace Impact Award in 2021; and orchestrated S.C. SHRM’s collaboration with Junior Achievement of the Carolinas, which was recognized as a SHRM Pinnacle Award finalist.

Knox has been honored by the S.C. Chamber of Commerce, the S.C. SHRM Council as the 2017 South Carolina Human Resource Professional of the Year, and as the GSHRM 2016 HR Professional of the Year.

Greenville SHRM has 500 members. It provides a forum for leadership and learning that helps the Upstate attract and retain world-class companies and talent. GSHRM provides educational opportunities and networking.

First Presbyterian HostsEve nt About Safety, Security

First Presbyterian Church of Greenville will host a Venue and Event Safety and Security Training Conference from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 13.

Lunch is included.

Mark Herrera, Director of Safety and Security with the International Association of Venue Managers, will lead. courses include “Situational Awareness and Team Engagement,” “Verbal De-escalation,” “Active Threat/Shooter Preparedness,” “Building Resilient Security Culture,” and “Trained Crowd Management Training.”

This event will focus on courses relevant to all venues. The training will discuss how to anticipate safety challenges and provide tools to mitigate and react to risks.

“It is important to be aware of issues that threaten their assembly spaces,” says Mike Templeton, Executive Director, First Presbyterian Church. “Those who come into their spaces need to be assured that they are doing everything they can to keep them safe.”

The event also will cover threats such as electrical outages, fires, and natural disasters, and teach venue leaders to move large groups through their spaces.

Herrera has been a law enforcement officer and represents the Department of Homeland Security of Infrastructure Protection as the current chair of the Public Assembly Sub-Sector Council.

Engenius Designs Website For DoubleDay Aviation

Engenius, a Greenville-based web design agency, launched a new website for DoubleDay Aviation, a Greenville-based charter flight service company specializing in pilot training, aircraft management, airplane brokerage, and acquisition services.

Engenius was hired by DoubleDay Aviation to create a website that showcases the company’s aviation experience, expertise, and capabilities and to drive traffic to the site through digital marketing.

“Our new website effectively showcases their passion and experience in aviation," said Tim McConnell, founder and CEO of DoubleDay Aviation.

Engenius has helped over 500 businesses revamp their online presence with web design and digital marketing services. It is celebrating 15 years in business.

Sports Bar, Brewery Open At BridgeWay

BridgeWay Brewing Co. has become the first food and beverage establishment to open at BridgeWay Station in Mauldin.

The business opened Dec. 22. Bridgeway Brewing Co. is a full-service restaurant and sports bar with indoor and outdoor seating, an on-site brewery, and duckpin bowling lanes.

The menu features elevated bar food such as burgers, wings, crab cakes, soft pretzels, egg rolls and more. The in-house brewery crafts a variety of beers, ranging from blondes and IPAs to seasonal brews. A full bar offers an extensive bourbon list and craft cocktail menu. The bar also features 15 televisions along with four duckpin bowling lanes that can be rented.

Owner Michelle Dodge, a commercial banking executive turned entrepreneur, is partnering with industry veteran Nate Tomforde.

Lunch & Learn Explores Transit Hub At GSP

The Upstate Mobility Alliance, with funding from the S.C. Department of Transportation, is conducting a Feasibility Study to explore the establishment of a transit hub at Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport.

The Lunch & Learn will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 25 at the Upstate Mobility office in Greenville. Attendees may learn more about the project, provide input and network.

State Disability Rights Launches Voting Campaign

Disability Rights South Carolina, a nonprofit organization that advances the legal, civil, and human rights of people with disabilities, has launched its Voting is My Right campaign.

A young woman using a wheelchair can vote at a machine.

The statewide campaign promotes voter registration, voter education, and voter encouragement among young people with disabilities.

According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, more than 11% of voters with disabilities had trouble voting in 2020, despite early voting and access to mail-in voting due to COVID-19.

The mission of the campaign is to inform young people with disabilities about their rights, the voting process, and accommodations available to them.

“We want people with disabilities to know that voting is more accessible than ever,” says Beth Franco, Executive Director of Disability Rights South Carolina.

“With curbside voting, early voting and absentee voting by mail, people with disabilities have more options to vote and make a difference,” she said. “Voting is a right, not a privilege. Our goal at Disability Rights South Carolina is to build a society where all people, regardless of type or severity of disability can exercise their right to vote independently and privately.”

Riggs Partners Seeks Pro Bono Marketing Clients

Riggs Partners in Columbia will hold its 26th annual CreateAthon event to benefit Midlands- and Upstate-area nonprofits on March 7 and 8.

CreateAthon is a 24-hour marathon during which professionals provide marketing services to nonprofit organizations on a pro bono basis.

Nonprofits may apply to the program by Jan. 19. As part of the application, nonprofits can submit a video sharing how they feel CreateAthon can best serve their organization. Application details are available at

CreateAthon began as a Riggs Partners’ service program in 1998 and is now a national organization with 100 marketing and communications agencies, universities, professional organizations and corporate marketing teams.

Businesses Asked To Take Survey

The S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce and the S.C. Chamber of Commerce is conducting its final monthly Palmetto Business Barometer Survey that allows large and small businesses to share their opinions with state government leaders and policymakers. The survey is brief and easy to submit.

Owners or managers can fill out the survey. Answers are confidential. Go to:

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: In The Know: News, updates from Greenville area businesses and nonprofits

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 20:03:00 -0600 en-US text/html
What is human resources? The ultimate guide

Human resources (HR) plays a key role in a company when it comes to recruiting, hiring and managing employees. Ensuring your HR team has efficient processes helps to meet business goals, whether it’s to remain in compliance or to cultivate a healthy work culture. 

Knowing exactly why human resources is important, its role in a company and whether outsourcing it is a better fit can help your business attract and retain high-quality employees. 

What is human resources (HR)?

Human resources is a department or team within a company that helps to manage potential and current employees. HR professionals work on specific tasks to attract, hire, onboard and retain qualified employees. 

The department focuses on human resource management (HRM) strategies to try and reach the long-term goals of the business, like improving the quality of talent it attracts and hiring quality employees to boost productivity.   

Why is human resources important?

Think of human resources as the backbone of a business’ success. In order to run a business smoothly, it needs highly qualified and motivated employees and it needs to understand how to best leverage an organization’s human capital. Effective HR increases the chances an organization remains competitive, remains compliant and other critical components that boost success. 

In other words, HR is not only a department that processes payroll and answers questions on employee benefits. It often needs to consider other factors, such as:

  • Employment trends like increased work/life balance desires.
  • Technology.
  • The economic environment and how it affects staffing needs.
  • New and changing employment laws.

What does HR do?

Aside from record keeping and managing employee communications, some of the major roles HR teams play include retention, employee training and managing employee compensation and benefits.

Staffing and retention

Staffing includes tasks that range from attracting to hiring employees. More specifically, HR teams may work on any of the following: 

  • Developing a staffing plan to hire based on company goals and revenue projections. 
  • Developing processes to create fair and equitable hiring practices. 
  • Attracting and recruiting candidates to fill any open job positions. 
  • Arranging interviews with the appropriate parties.
  • Assisting in salary and benefits package negotiations. 

Another important part of managing staff is to find effective strategies to retain them. Retention entails tasks that help to motivate and encourage employees to stay with the company.  

Some ways HR teams tackle this challenge include understanding and communicating workplace culture and helping to open the channels of communication between managers, employees and the HR department. 

Compensation and benefits

HR teams need to work to ensure compensation is fair and competitive within their industry and with similar companies. It also needs to be comparable to similar types of jobs in order to attract people to work for your company. Compensation doesn’t only include pay — other types of benefits are equally as important. 

Depending on your company, industry and job position, benefits can include:

  • Health benefits.
  • Employer-sponsored retirement plans.
  • Vacation and sick days off.
  • Tuition reimbursement.
  • Professional development training and bonuses. 

HR professionals may occasionally look at salary trends and what their competitors are offering so that they can work with management or decision-makers to update compensation if need be.

Training and development

Training and continuing to develop skills are essential to retaining employees and ensuring they have what they need to do their job well. Training can include onboarding tasks like learning about the organization, legal and compliance, as well as relevant ethics training. 

Ongoing professional development can look like updating employees on new best practices, hiring a speaker for a wellness event or leading a workshop with an expert on trends in your company’s industry. 

Developing workplace policies

All businesses have workplace policies to foster a positive work culture and to promote fairness and quality between employees. The HR department isn’t solely responsible for developing these policies (executives or managers can play an active role). It is, however, responsible for helping to work on the language around these policies and recognizing when there needs to be updates or changes. 

For example, if there has been confusion regarding personal internet usage during work breaks, HR can work with management on how to develop more specific verbiage in an updated employee handbook. Other policies HR teams can work with management on include dress code, time off and the discipline process. 

Compliance and workplace safety

HR departments need to be aware of workplace laws that can affect the organization. Whether it’s federal or state labor laws, healthcare requirements, discrimination laws or minimum wage requirements, HR teams need to be caught up on changes and communicate them in an efficient manner to the entire management team. 

Should you outsource human resources?

Outsourcing your human resources tasks will depend on factors such as the size of your business, industry and whether you feel you can trust a third party to handle tasks. 

Some of the common benefits to outsourcing include:

  • Cost savings compared to staffing your own internal HR department.
  • Streamlining operations when you have a small team. 
  • Getting access to specialists who are well-versed in the latest regulations. 

If you already have other efficient business processes and have the capacity to handle HR tasks internally, you may feel better having more control over them. That being said, there’s no need to outsource all of your HR tasks. Your business can take advantage of companies that handle specific tasks so you don’t have to take it all on.

When deciding to outsource HR tasks, look at what your current systems and processes are. Then, consider if you need to outsource all of them or only any of the following tasks:

  • Managing and processing payroll. 
  • Completing and updating legal compliance duties. 
  • Recruiting tasks. 
  • Creating and updating employee handbooks. 
  • Conducting background checks.

Helpful HR solutions

The most helpful HR solutions tackle your most pressing tasks, are cost-effective and keep track of pertinent data. The following three HR solutions are based on research they conducted on over 25 options. offers users the ability to customize tasks such as recruiting and onboarding employees, managing employee information and tracking time off. It can even give you a high -level view of what your employees are working on, so managers can allocate tasks accordingly. 

Users can take advantage of resources such as 24/7 customer support and live webinars to train them on the platform. Its interface makes it a user-friendly platform to use. If you want to use other HR tools, supports popular integrations like LinkedIn and JobFlows. 

A free plan is available for two seats only. If you have three seats or more, it will cost $10 per month per seat when billed monthly.


ClickUp is a project management platform HR teams can use to track past, current and ongoing projects. For example, teams can use it to create company-wide documents, create goals for the organization and keep key players in the loop when developing and updating HR processes. ClickUp AI can also help HR teams streamline creating HR-related documents like employee handbooks and feedback on other potential changes. Like, ClickUp offers 24/7 support and free training on how to use their platform. The company offers a free plan, but this is only for personal use. If you have a business, you will need to pay $10 per member per month for its basic plan.


GoCo touts itself as an all-in-one HR tool offering features to help your business with tasks like: 

  • Payroll. 
  • New hire onboarding. 
  • Benefits management. 
  • Compliance. 
  • Performance management. 
  • Time tracking. 
  • Document management. 
  • Accessing personalized HR advice and resources. 

For example, you create an automated workflow to hire and onboard employees, from sending an offer letter to collecting data such as signed documents before the employee’s official start date. Customer service options include email and phone during working hours.  

Pricing starts at $5 per month per employee, though you will need to contact GoCo for a customized quote based on the features you want. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The purpose of human resources is to ensure companies remain in compliance, to attract and retain employees and to help promote a positive work environment. 

The main types of tasks in human resources include: 

  • Attracting and recruiting employees. 
  • Onboarding and retention. 
  • Training and development. 
  • Compliance with workplace laws and regulations.
  • Developing workplace policies.
  • Managing benefits and compensation.
  • Workplace safety.
  • Tracking employee performance.
  • Overseeing payroll.

Human resource management, or HRM, is when a dedicated team manages a company’s employees. The aim of HRM is to implement systems and processes to ensure an organization meets its goals. 

HRIS stands for human resource information system. It is software used to house employee and human resource data such as recruiting, benefits, training and payroll. 

The following are common challenges HR departments may face: 

  • Attracting highly qualified candidates.
  • Ensuring employees learn new skills to remain competitive.
  • Retaining and engaging employees. 
  • Communicating changes in management with employees.
  • Managing employee well-being.

Sarah Li Cain is a finance and small business writer currently based in Jacksonville, Florida whose articles have been published with outlets such as Fortune, CNBC Select, the Financial Planning Association and Zillow.

Bryce Colburn is a USA TODAY Blueprint small business editor with a history of helping startups and small firms nationwide grow their business. He has worked as a freelance writer, digital marketing professional and business-to-business (B2B) editor at U.S. News and World Report, gaining a strong understanding of the challenges businesses face. Bryce is enthusiastic about helping businesses make the best decisions for their company and specializes in reviewing business software and services. His expertise includes courses such as credit card processing companies, payroll software, company formation services and virtual private networks (VPNs).

Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:20:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Human Resource Management

Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management

Developed in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization's guidance on diversity and inclusion for organizations, the Certificate in Diversity and Inclusion in HR Management provides a foundation for creating a workplace where all employees are respected and appreciated as valuable members of the organization, are able to participate in work-related opportunities, can follow career paths that use their skills and knowledge to the fullest, and receive fair compensation. The courses explain how diverse and inclusive workplaces are more productive, innovative, creative, and profitable, and that fostering an inclusive culture produces higher employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention rates. The certificate explores the responsibilities of leaders, the workforce, and other stakeholders in recognizing diversity, working and communicating inclusively, reducing unconscious biases, acting accountably, and assessing diversity and inclusion initiatives using qualitative and quantitative methods.

Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:20:00 -0500 en-gb text/html
9 Futuristic Ideas for an AI Startup No result found, try new keyword!Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undeniably transformative, redefining how they approach their daily lives and professional activities. AI’s integration across diverse sectors is more than a glimpse into ... Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:36:00 -0600 en-us text/html

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