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2B0-202 ES Net Sight Atlas techniques |

2B0-202 techniques - ES Net Sight Atlas Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: 2B0-202 ES Net Sight Atlas techniques January 2024 by team
ES Net Sight Atlas
Enterasys Sight techniques

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2B0-011 ES Router Configuration
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2B0-020 ES NetSight Atlas
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2B0-202 ES Net Sight Atlas

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ES Net Sight Atlas
Question: 58
In which Inventory Manager Option do you configure TFTP server parameters?
A. File Transfer Method
B. Database
C. Services
D. Updates
Answer: A
Question: 59
Which Compass search type is used to locate authenticated users in a User Personalized
A. IP Address
B. IP Subnet
C. MAC Address
D. User Name
Answer: D
Question: 60
What step should be taken after editing or deleting a redundant rule?
A. Click the Re-evaluate Reference Index button to seek additional redundancies to the
Reference rule
B. Click the Advance Reference Index button to start a new search
C. Click the Close button to exit the Find Redundant Rules window
D. No action is necessary
Answer: A
Question: 61
How are ACLs added to the Router Services Manager database?
A. Using the Import ACLs from Device option
B. Using the Verify option to retrieve ACLs from devices
C. Using File > Import > ACLs From File option
D. All of the above
E. A and C only
Answer: D
Question: 62
What is the name of the file that defines the absolute path to your NetSight Plug-In
A. PlugIn.details
B. common
D. Atlas.config
Answer: C
Question: 63
What service must be running to allow a successful firmware download operation?
B. SNMP trapd
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Question: 64
A FlexView table can be exported to which of the following formats?
A. Bar graph
B. Pie chart
C. gif
Answer: D
Question: 65
Which of the following network components is represented by a network object?
A. Range of IP addresses
B. Subnets
C. Dynamic objects
D. Hosts
E. All of the above
F. A, B and D
Answer: E
Question: 66
What are the three tabs in the left panel of Inventory Manager?
A. Devices, Traps, Archives
B. Network Elements, Firmware Management, Configuration Management
C. Details View, Archives, Chassis
D. Properties, VLAN, Compass
Answer: B
Question: 67
With SNMPv3, the source is authorized
A. to prevent disclosure of sensitive information while en route
B. to make sure the user has permission to access the device
C. to verify the message was not modified en route
D. to read or to modify subsets of the target data
E. Both B and D
Answer: D
Question: 68
Compass can be used to search devices, device groups and port groups.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 69
How is it possible to protect a map from accidental editing?
A. It is not possible to protect a map from accidental editing.
B. Edit the map properties to remove write privileges.
C. Click the Edit button to hide the Placement Panel.
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Question: 70
Compass search results list everywhere a particular user has been heard on the network in
just the last 60 minutes.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
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Enterasys Sight techniques - BingNews Search results Enterasys Sight techniques - BingNews Identify That Antenna By Sight

It’s a skill that radio amateurs pick up over years but which it sometimes comes as a surprise to find that is not shared by everyone, the ability to casually glance at an antenna on a mast or a rooftop and guess what it might be used for. By which of course I mean not some intuitive ability to mentally decode radio signals from thin air, but most of us can look at a given antenna and immediately glean a lot of information about its frequency and performance. Is this privileged knowledge handed down from the Elmers at the secret ceremony of conferring a radio amateur’s licence upon a baby ham? Not at all, in fact stick around, and I’ll share some of the tricks.

It’s The Size That Matters.

Anthorn radio station
A very low frequency needs a very large antenna. Anthorn radio station, here viewed from about three miles away, has one of the largest antennas in the UK for its 19.2kHz submarine transmitter. Even then it’s not a full quarter-wavelength.

We normally think of frequencies in megahertz, or sometimes in kilohertz or gigahertz. But the other side of the frequency coin is wavelength in metres, the length of one cycle as it travels in free space. A function of radio waves traveling at the speed of light is that the frequency corresponds to the number of cycles that can be fitted into the distance light travels in a second. Thus if they take the speed of light to be the taught-to-schoolkids 3 x 10^8 metres per second then, that means that the wavelength is 3 x10^8 divided by the frequency in hertz. a more practical version of the formula is that 300 divided by the frequency in megahertz returns the wavelength in metres, so for example the wavelength at 100 MHz is 3 metres. The lower the frequency the longer the wavelength, thus lower frequency antennas are larger than higher frequency ones.

Knowing the wavelength of a particular frequency immediately gives us a handle on the size of antenna required to use it, but it’s not quite as simple as a 3 metre antenna being designed for 100 MHz. Instead the archetypal antenna uses a fraction of the wavelength, usually a half or a quarter, so immediately an element of identifying the type of antenna comes into play. You’ll need to hone your skills in guessing dimensions at a difference, for this it’s useful that there is often a mast or other easily gauged structure for a reference.

Just What Am I Looking At

A dipole antenna
The description says that this dipole is for “1 to 4 GHz”, but looking at this we’d guess it’s set up for 1 GHz, roughly 15cm long. Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik, CC BY-SA 3.0.

The most basic of antenna designs will be familiar to many readers as the dipole, two conductors each a quarter wavelength long arranged in a straight line with a usually coaxial feeder connected between them in the centre. It’s the antenna from which many other designs are derived, so knowing how to spot it within those other antenna designs gives you an immediate handle on how long a quarter or a half wavelendth is at that frequency. A 100 MHz antenna is therefore half of the 3 metre wavelength, or around 1.5 metres long. If you cast your eye around the rooftops until you see someone with an FM radio dipole antenna for 88 to 108 MHz then, it will be somewhere about that size.

An FM boradcast Yagi antenna
An FM broadcast Yagi antenna. Sanjo, Public domain.

If you cast your eye around the antennas on rooftops, on utility buildings, and in other places, you’ll notice that few of them are dipoles. Many of them are long spiky affairs, a central boom with a ling of elements at right angles to it, or a triangular shaped array of elements yet again along a central boom. A rooftop TV antenna is a great example of the type, called a Yagi-Uda array after its inventors. They set out to create a wireless energy transmission system using radio waves, and found themselves instead creating a highly directional array in which a dipole was joined by a set of passive elements. The dipole is still the same though, so if you can estimate its size you can home in on the frequency.

A log-periodic antenna
A log-periodic antenna. This one is good for 250 to 2400 MHz. Schwarzbeck Mess-Elektronik, CC BY-SA 3.0.

There’s another type of antenna similar to the Yagi-Uda array, which looks extremely similar except for a characteristic triangular shape. This is a wideband antenna called a log-periodic, and it’s an array of dipoles of different frequencies. Yet again if you can estimate the size of each dipole it’s possible to work out the spread of frequencies by looking at the largest and smallest ones.

Both a Yagi-Uda and a log-periodic antenna are directional, so besides working out its frequency you can also tell where the station it’s communicating with is. I once spent a mildly enjoyable summer afternoon on a motorcycle combing the lanes of Oxfordshire to find the base station for the local village water plants this way, as each of them had a Yagi at about 450 MHz on a small mast By lining them all up on the map I was able to find the control point, not particularly surprisingly it was at the sewage plant in my local small town.

There’s a final type of antenna that you’ll see a lot of on vehicles and in other places, the vertical or whip antenna. The simplest of these is a quarter-wavelength springy wire making it easy to guess the frequency, but there are several complications which can put a guess off-course. You’ll often see whip antennas with coils either at the bottom or some point half way up, these can be loading or phasing coils to change the antenna’s performance. Usually they are to help pack a larger antenna into a smaller space, which makes the overall length less useful as a guide. If there’s a secret, it’s that most amateurs have seen enough antennas by now that they recognise the difficult ones by comparison to those we’ve seen. Apologies, maybe you do need an Elmer to pass this down after all.

Header: Bert Kaufmann from Roermond, Netherlands, CC BY 2.0.

Mon, 31 Oct 2022 19:40:00 -0500 Jenny List en-US text/html
Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

When I first started my clinical training as a psychologist, some of the first techniques I learned were relaxation exercises. These are concrete, specific behaviors that clients can use to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Relaxation exercises often target physical symptoms of anxiety such as hyperventilating and muscle tension but can also help with emotional symptoms such as panic and nervousness. One interesting debate has been whether to use relaxation exercises for anxiety or whether they can be counterproductive.

Let’s start with a few examples of relaxation exercises. The most common technique is probably diaphragm breathing, also called belly breathing or deep breathing. Diaphragm breathing has clients breathe using more of their diaphragm, the big muscle that helps the lungs move air in and out of the body. One version of this technique has clients put a hand on their chest and the other on their stomach and try to breathe so that the hand on the chest does not move (or moves minimally) and the hand on the stomach moves more. Diaphragm breathing helps prevent hyperventilating and the other symptoms that go with it such as dizziness. Another technique, one that was a mainstay of my training, is progressive muscle relaxation or PMR. PMR has the client progressively tense and relax different muscle groups until all their muscles are relaxed. Depending on how the muscles are grouped, PMR can take 10 to 30 minutes. Clients will often use a recording to guide them through the muscle groups. Other relaxation techniques include imagery and even some forms of meditation.

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

Initially, it can seem like relaxation techniques should be great for anxiety because they reduce anxiety. Reducing anxiety, though, might not always be helpful. I’ve written before about how anxiety is a normal part of life and trying to reduce normal levels of anxiety can be counterproductive. If relaxation techniques are being used to avoid anxiety instead of facing it, then they can be unhelpful. Another situation in which relaxation exercises might not help is during exposure therapy. In exposure therapy, a client gradually faces situations that cause anxiety so they can gain experience showing that they are able to cope with the situation and the anxiety. If relaxation exercises are used too much in exposure therapy to the point that the client does not feel anxiety, then it can cancel out the exposure exercise. Situations with mild to moderate levels of anxiety might not need relaxation exercises.

Relaxation exercises still have many uses. For someone experiencing a high level of anxiety, these techniques can help reduce the anxiety to a more manageable level. For people trying exposure therapy but who have a high level of anxiety even for beginning levels of exposure, relaxation techniques can be extremely helpful so they can get started on facing those feared situations. The key is not necessarily using a specific technique but rather finding one that works for you.

As with any specific therapy technique including relaxation exercises, always check with your mental health provider first. You might have to try several different techniques before you find one that works for you. And you might have to try using relaxation exercises in several different situations before figuring out when it helps you and when it does not help.

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Enterasys, InMon Forge Traffic Management Alliance

Through a new partnership between the two vendors, InMon's Traffic Server provides a front-end interface that enables customers to tap into the traffic data collected by Enterasys routers through NetFlow, a traffic accounting protocol developed by Cisco Systems, said Mark Pearce, router product marketing manager at Enterasys, Andover, Mass.

The combination of Traffic Server and X-Pedition routers can help customers Excellerate both network performance and security, Pearce said.

"We're auditing all of the traffic that flows across the network, and they have the capability to know who is on the network and what they are using it for," he said.

The InMon Traffic Server identifies bottlenecks that create network congestion, which are often caused by misuse of the network or malicious attacks, said Sonia Panchen, director of marketing at InMon, San Francisco.

"We take you from a guesswork situation to having specific data about who is causing a problem and what they are doing," Panchen said.

The products are not currently offered as a bundle, though channel partners can combine the two products to create bundled solutions for customers, Panchen said.

"This definitely would be a nice tool for us to have," said Amir Sohrabi, executive vice president of Managed Solutions Planning Xperts, a solution provider and Enterasys partner based in Arlington, Va. "Customers want to optimize their networks, figure out where they are bleeding--where usage is too high," Sohrabi said.

For Enterasys channel partners, InMon Traffic Server could create new service opportunities and help differentiate them from their competitors, Pearce said.

Enterasys hopes the partnership will help it nab market share from Cisco, Pearce said.

In the future, the vendor plans to incorporate some of its stand-alone security offerings--such as VPN, intrusion detection and firewall--into its routers, he said.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 08:42:00 -0600 text/html
Isolation Techniques in Microbiology No result found, try new keyword!Learn about the fundamentals of microbial isolation in their complete guide to microbial isolation techniques. Microbial isolation is a critical component in microbiology, essential for unraveling ... Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-us text/html Sight Care Reviews Exposed You Must Need To Know No result found, try new keyword!Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish’s works are seeped in the sights and sounds and sorrows of his beloved homeland. Author, scholar and thinker Hussein Barghouthi, diagnosed with lymphoma ... Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:17:00 -0500 en-US text/html One In Three VARs Says Has Fired A Vendor This Year

Surveying The Channel

Enterasys Networks recently revealed the results of its global channel partner survey, a set of technology- and vendor-related questions that were answered by 170 of its solution providers worldwide.

While some of the questions were specific to Enterasys, many were not, and they serve as an interesting (and sometimes shocking) demo of what's top-of-mind for solution providers today.

Ranging from partners' biggest vendor pet peeves to the existing technologies they're chasing, here's a look at some of Enterasys' most significant findings.

Cutting Ties

Bob Noel, director of global channel and field marketing at Enterasys, said the most surprising finding from the survey was the fact that 25 percent of solution providers have "fired" a vendor in the past 12 months. In North America, Noel said, that figure was an even larger 33 percent.

Survey-takers weren't asked to identify the specific vendors with which they cut ties, but they were asked to give the reasons for the split (hint: see next slide).

"In North America, one out of three VARs has fired a vendor this year," Noel said. "And there were five key reasons they validated as to why they had done that."

Vendor Headaches

The biggest complaint solution providers expressed about their vendor partners was a lack of vendor-provided leads, with 42.7 percent of survey-takers identifying the issue. An excessive number of competitive resellers and channel conflict was the second-biggest challenge with 33.6 percent, and poor service and support came in next at 31.3 percent.

Just shy of 30 percent of survey-takers said insufficient profitability or ROI was their biggest vendor challenge, while 27.5 percent said it was a lack of understanding of the partner business.

"[VARs are saying] if you as a vendor don't get the changing of my business model and don't support me with services and programs, then they are no longer in sync and I don't want to work with you," Enterasys' Noel told CRN.

Trust Issues

Enterasys' survey revealed three other reasons solution providers may choose to break things off with vendors. A lack of trust was one of the largest, with more than 48 percent of respondents identifying this as a pain point.

About 36 percent of solution providers said poor vendor services and support was another potential deal-breaker, and roughly 27 percent said they'll call it quits when there's lack of alignment between a vendor's business goals or go-to-market strategies and their own.

New Business Models A Priority

Of the 170 global solution providers surveyed by Enterasys, roughly 60 percent of them identified the move to selling integrated solutions as the top priority for them in 2013. For 20 percent of respondents, the biggest priority this year is transitioning to a new business model -- namely, away from one-off hardware sales and toward recurring revenue opportunities. Some 9 percent said industry or vertical specializations were a main focus.

Enterasys' Noel said the fact that integrated business solutions emerged as such a big priority for the channel was an eye-opener, and one that will push Enterasys to ensure its own solutions can interoperate with those from other vendors.

"One of their key takeaways was that, as a vendor, if you want to attract more VARs to your business, you need to make the interoperability and programmability easy," Noel said. "And not just by supporting standards, but by making open APIs available to the partner to create a business model that provides real value to their customer."

BYOD Is A Big Deal

Solution providers taking the Enterasys survey were asked to identify what they consider to be the top three technology trends for the year. Enterasys found that mobility is top-of-mind for many solution providers today, with 74 percent of respondents electing BYOD and 60 percent electing mobility, in general, as the biggest trends in technology this year.

Cloud computing also emerged as a mega-trend, with 60 percent of solution providers identifying the technology as one of the most significant for them this year.

Mon, 20 May 2013 22:35:00 -0500 text/html
Married at First Sight No result found, try new keyword!Married at First Sight' Season 17: Bride's Cold Feet Leaves Groom 'Jilted' at the Altar in a Series First (Exclusive) 'Married at First Sight' Alum Paige Banks Is Expecting Her First Baby ... Tue, 13 Oct 2015 03:02:00 -0500 en text/html Sight Care Reviews Supports Healthy Vision Read Before No result found, try new keyword!Using clinically-proven ingredients, Sight Care is an antioxidant powerhouse that boosts both immunity and eye health. If you're looking for a natural and organic eye health supplement ... Mon, 27 Mar 2023 05:36:00 -0500 en-US text/html The Best Bow Sights of 2023, Tested and Reviewed

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Bow sights today are more advanced and feature laden than at any other time in history. I remember in the early 1990s when the big advancement was the change from metal pins with painted balls on the tips to pins that had colored plastic cylinders at the ends. Those were game changers back in the day.

Today’s bowhunters can choose sights with fixed or movable pins, sights with digital sight tapes, sights with built-in rangefinders and electronic readout screens, and on and on. The options are nearly limitless.

What hasn’t changed, however, is the fact that a good sight won’t make up for lack of shooting skill or a lousy bow tune. A bow sight is a tool that functions best in the hands of a skilled worker. The better you become at archery, the better a good sight can help you move closer to perfection.

But not everyone is at the same point on that road to perfection, and so different people have different needs and capabilities. Not everyone needs the most expensive, most advanced bow sight. And that’s where the market has responded. Wherever you are in your archery journey, there’s a best bow sight for you.

The Best Bow Sights: Reviews and Recommendations

Best Overall: Axcel Landslyde 5-pin

See It

Key Features

  • Five fixed pins mounted on a movable vertical post
  • Two sight tape indicators can be set to mark the top and bottom pins
  • Movable rheostat
  • Long lengths of high-quality fiber optic
  • Adjustable on both second and third axes


  • Offers the best of both worlds – fixed pins that can be adjusted on the fly
  • Built like a tank
  • Super bright pins that can be quieted in bright sun
  • Comes with metal sight tapes


  • Expensive
  • Can be hard to find due to high demand

The Axcel Landslyde five-pin sight is the ultimate bowhunting sight. It offers the quick aiming of five-fixed-pins sight, and the adjustable precision of a sliding, single-pin sight. So if you’ve got your five pins set at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yards, you’ve got fixed aiming references if your target buck comes racing in to 20 yards, but then scoots out to 35 after you’ve come to full draw, but before you could shoot. Stay at full draw, and simply move to the gap between your 30- and 40-yard pins.

On the other hand, if you’ve got the time, you can dial your sight to the exact yardage that buck is standing at so you can paste a pin to the spot you want to hit. No gap shooting if you don’t want to gap shoot.

The micro-adjust system for moving each individual pin is ingenious and it takes minutes to sight in your bow. Each pin is held in place by a locking screw. Underneath the pin stack is a dial. You unlock one pin and turn the dial, and then only that pin moves up or down. You are able to make tiny adjustments with the dial, so you can get each pin in exactly the right place. Once a pin is set, tighten the locking screw, and it won’t budge.

The Axcel Landslyde is a refined slider sight for bowhunters
The pins smoothly micro adjust by loosening a set screw and turning a knob. P.J. Reilly

When you get the Landslyde in your hands, it’s easy to understand why it’s fairly expensive. You can feel the quality. The pins are bladed, so they won’t bend. The fiber optic is incredibly bright in even the dimmest light. And if it happens to be super bright outside and your pin is starbursting, you can slide the rheostat to cover up some of the fiber, which dulls the pin and eliminates the starburst.

Every sight comes with a good selection of metal and coated paper sight tapes. Odds are, one will work for your setup. If you can get a metal tape to work, you don’t ever have to worry about it getting wet or tearing. With the dual indicators, you can set the top arrow to mark your top pin and the bottom to match your bottom pin. That way, you can use your top pin as a single pin sight from 0-60 yards, and your bottom pin for aiming at anything beyond 60 yards.

We’ve chosen the five-pin sight as the best, but Axcel offers the Landslyde in three-pin and single-pin configurations. You choose what you prefer. You can also choose between versions where the sight bar mounts directly to the riser, or which slides through a mounting block so you can easily adjust how close to or far from the riser the scope sits.

Best Rangefinding Sight: Garmin Xero A1i Pro

See It

Key Features

  • Operated by the touch of a button attached to the bow’s grip
  • Can be set to account for multiple arrow setups
  • Choose red or green aiming dot
  • Choose single dot that appears at a ranged distance, or a stack of preset dots similar to a fixed-pin sight
  • Micro-adjust windage, elevation, and scope pitch
  • Quick disconnect cord so sight can be removed from the bow for travel


  • Incorporates rangefinding and aiming into one action
  • With the push of a button, puts an aiming dot precisely on your target
  • Can be preset to account for a light arrow and a heavy arrow
  • Instructions for setup are built into the menu


  • Can be intimidating to bowhunters not comfortable with advanced technology
  • Very expensive

The Garmin Xero A1i Pro is a bow sight that also functions as a rangefinder. It can be set to that when you press a button attached to the front of the bow grip to range a target, the distance will appear in a display, and an illuminated dot will appear on a screen in the scope housing at the exact spot where it would need to be to aim dead-on at that target. Or it can be set with a series of fixed aiming references set at 10-yard intervals and pressing the rangefinding button simply displays the distance to the target.

Outdoor Life’s gear editor field tests the Garmin Xero A1i Pro.

The Pro is the existing version of the Xero A1i, and includes micro-adjust capabilities for elevation, windage, and the pitch and yaw of the scope. The pitch and yaw ensure the display screen in the scope is perfectly flat to the user’s eye. That’s key for accurate rangefinding.

Setup for the Xero A1i Pro does take several steps, but you’re guided through those steps by on-screen directions. Follow those directions, and setup is not difficult.

The customization this sight affords is unparalleled. Besides choosing between single-pin or multi-pin aiming, you can choose the pin colors, set up an on-screen digital level if you want, and set the sight to account for normal or extended-range shooting, among other options. You can even set the sight to adjust for different arrow profiles.

You can read the full Garmin Xero A1i Pro review here.

Best Single Pin: Black Gold Pro Dual Trac

See It

Key Features

  • Pin Size: .019
  • Housing size: 1 3/4″
  • Weight: 9.4oz
  • Adjustment wheel
  • Includes a second, lower aiming reference that can be adjusted up or down
  • Dual indicators on sight wheel match each aiming reference
  • Solid gear system with zero slop
  • Pin fiber is protected under a clear plastic cover for maximum light gathering with maximum protection
  • Dovetail mount allows the sight to be removed for transportation and is Bridge-Lock compatible


  • Can set the aiming pin fast and easy
  • Separately adjustable lower pin
  • Lots of fiber to light up the pin at prime time
  • Skinny, bladed pins to minimize target blocking


  • Vertical bar could be longer to allow for longer shooting

The Black Gold Pro Dual Trac Dovetail Sight is a solid, but lightweight sight at just 9.4 ounces, making it a solid choice for bowhunters looking to minimize bow weight, but who still want a sight with all the bells and whistles. At its core, this is an adjustable, single-pin sight. You set up a sight tape, range your target and move your sight pin to the desired distance.

The Black Gold Pro Dual Trac has two stacked pins that provide the best aspects of multi and single pins in one sight. P.J. Reilly

However, Black Gold has added a second pin under the main pin, and that second pin is individually adjustable. On many sights that offer a second pin like this, it’s fixed, and you have to figure out the distance it’s set for as you move your main pin. On this sight, you set your main pin, and then you can adjust the second pin up or down to a distance that suits you. Two sight-tape indicators are adjustable so you can set them to match each pin. And those pins are bladed for strength, yet super skinny to the shooter’s eye to minimize how much the pins cover your target. 

The dovetail bar allows you to slide the scope closer to or farther from the riser so you can get your sight picture the way you want. Also, the dovetail is sized to work with any bow (currently only newer Mathews bows) featuring the Bridge-Lock sight mounting system.

Windage and elevation adjustments used for setup are both micro-adjustable. The fiber for each pin is housed inside a clear plastic container located on top of the scope for maximum light-gathering, yet keeping the fiber safe from the elements. Included in the pack are 54 stick-on sight tapes. With that many offerings, there’s likely one in the pack that will match your bow and arrow setup.

Best Budget: Redline RL4

See It

Key Features

  • Tool-free locking adjustment knobs
  • Precision click windage and elevation adjustments
  • Lightweight
  • Four fixed pins with lots of fiber
  • Multiple mounting points
  • Built-in level


  • Costs under $75
  • Solid construction
  • It can be leveled on the second and third axes
  • Light included


  • Pins aren’t the brightest in low light
  • Pins are thin wire, which could bend if a stick gets inside the scope

The Redline RL4 includes a lot of features bowhunters look for in a high-end sight, but it costs less than $75. It’s a four-pin sight with micro-adjust click dials for windage and elevation. And those adjustment dials can be locked and unlocked without using any tools. Hand-tighten knobs keep them secure.

The pins are made of thin wire, but keep debris out of the scope and you’ll be fine. Each pin has a good amount of fiber that’s all stored in a clear plastic case mounted to the top of the scope for optimum light gathering, while the fiber is also protected. In normal lighting situations, the pins glow nicely.

This sight can be adjusted to level it on the second and third axes, which is unusual for a sight in this price range. So bowhunters can rest assured that when the bubble is in the middle of the level, the sight truly is level.

Four sets of pre-drilled holes in the sight arm allow for attaching the sight to the bow, so the scope sits at different distances from the riser. This allows some customization in getting the sight picture through the peep the way you want it.

Best Lightweight Sight: CBE CX-5

See It

Key Features

  • High modulus carbon bar is ultralight but ultra strong
  • Five bladed pins
  • Dovetail mount so you can easily move the scope in and out from the riser
  • 12 inches of fiber per pin, and the fiber is protected in a clear plastic case on top of the scope
  • Lockable, micro-adjust towers for windage and elevation


  • Very light and still feature loaded
  • Pins are super bright and super strong
  • Can be leveled on the second and third axes
  • Comes with interchangeable, fluorescent scope rings—green, red, yellow and grey


  • Five pins, but only two colors—red and green

The CBE CX-5 is built for the hunter concerned about overall bow weight, but who still wants a sight that has all the features of the most advanced sights. Weighing just 9 ounces, the CX-5 is a five-pin sight that has a foot of fiber for each pin, a built-in level, micro-adjust drive systems for windage and elevation, and is adjustable on the second and third axes.

The sight features a 3-inch dovetail bar with four locking positions for moving the sight in and out of the mounting block that’s attached to the bow. This allows the user to fine-tune the scope distance from the riser to get the best sight picture through the peep.

On top of the scope, there’s a clear plastic case that houses all the pin fiber. The clear plastic allows light to get to each fiber strand, so they can light up the pin ends, but it also protects the fiber from tree branches, brush, and other outside elements which could break the fiber. Included with the sight is a blue light that attaches to the fiber case, in case artificial light is needed in low-light conditions.

Despite weighing only 9 ounces, the CX-5 is built strong. The carbon bar that cuts weight in super stiff and will not bend. To get the bladed pins to bend, something catastrophic would have to happen. The usual stick running through the scope isn’t going to affect these pins. CBE cut weight from a high-end bow sight, without stripping features or sacrificing strength.

Most Unique Looking: Dialed ARXOS

See It

Key Features

  • Adjustable, single pin sight which includes a second aiming reference below the main one, on the same sight post
  • Two yardage pointers, which can be individually set for each sight pin on the adjustment wheel
  • Twenty-degree angled vertical bar allows for greater shooting distance as compared to a straight vertical bar
  • The Void Dial is a large wheel that’s turned to raise the scope in setting the shooting distance. Inside the wheel is nothing, leaving a big hole in the sight
  • Scope level is mounted to the top of the scope to offer a greater field of view at the bottom
  • Cerakote finish in black, brown (Earth), olive (Sage) or gray (Smoke)


  • Solid, heavy-duty sight that can take a beating
  • Dual aiming points extend the sight’s range
  • Angled vertical bar extends the sight’s range


  • Expensive
  • Angled bar does extend the sight’s range, but not as much as you might think

The ARXOS sight by Dialed Archery is an eye-grabber. With its slanted vertical bar, the giant hole in it when viewed from the side and the cool matte colors, the ARXOS just doesn’t look like other compound bow sights.

The Dialed ARXOS is an adjustable, single-pin sight that offers a second, lower aiming reference on the sight post. So when you max out the sight’s distance, you can switch to the lower aiming point to gain yardage.

The angled bar allows for shooting at greater distances than a vertical one. P.J. Reilly

The 20-degree angle in the bar brings the scope closer to your eye as you lower it for longer distances. That move extends the sight’s range, as compared to a straight vertical bar. The horizontal distance between the lower and upper ends of the bar is not that great, and so many users are estimating they are getting about 5-10 more yards because of the angle. Just know that going in, as some hunters have thought they’d gain a lot more distance.

The Void Dial is the large wheel that’s turned to adjust the scope up and down. Dialed decided just to leave the inside of the wheel blank, which creates a unique look for this sight. They provide sight tapes, which stick to the sight tape ring. The ring features two adjustable indicator pins that can be individually set for each aiming reference. So when you adjust the scope, you’ll know exactly how far to shoot using the top pin and the lower pin.

The ARXOS sight, with its Cerakote finish, is built for backcountry hunting and Total Archery Challenge abuse. It’s sturdy and can take a beating.

Best Aftermarket Hunting Scope: UltraView UV3XL Hunting Scope

See It

Key Features

  • 41mm scope housing allows for large field of view favored by bowhunters and 3D shooters
  • Cartridge system allows for swapping between one and two pins, no pins and lenses
  • Five internal LEDs for pin and/or level illumination
  • Two batteries installed, plus two more included with the scope
  • Attaches to any sight that accepts 10-32 rods


  • Allows for multiple scope setups with one housing
  • Provides optimum sight picture for bowhunting and 3D shooting
  • Can be added to many sights on the market


  • Useless without a sight body
  • Expensive

Customization is the name of the game in archery today, and so many bowhunters aren’t satisfied with the standard scopes that come on various bowhunting sights. The UV3XL is a scope that can be added to many adjustable sights on the market, including ones made by Spot Hogg, Axcel, and HHA. The scope features one or two aiming references, a level, and a built-in light for illuminating the aiming pin and level, or either one individually.

The aluminum body can be customized with various inserts with one pine, two pins, or three pins. P.J. Reilly

It’s based around a 41mm scope housing, which is optimally sized for bowhunting in that it provides for a good field of view and light transmission to the shooter’s eye.

The scope has an aluminum body, which can then receive various cartridge inserts. The cartridges allow the shooter to choose between single or double-pin aiming references, a lens with a drilled center for a stick fiber, or a lens with a dot that glows when illuminated. All the cartridges feature baffling that reduces glare. The point being you pick how you want to aim.

The illumination on the UltraView scope. P.J. Reilly

The front of the scope comes with a light cartridge with 5 LEDs for illuminating your aiming reference and sight level. Two CR 2025 batteries power the light.

Essentially, the UV3XL provides the best sight picture possible for your bowhunting rig. Where typical hunting sights provide a better overall sight experience, the UV3XL focuses exclusively on sight picture issues.

HHA Tetra Ryz

See It

Key Features

  • Big ergonomic wheel for adjusting the pin
  • Includes a second, lower aiming reference useful for long-distance shooting and/or if an animal moves farther away after you come to full draw
  • Dual indicators on sight wheel match each aiming reference
  • Solid gear system with zero slop for precision dialing
  • Rheostat scope cover allows for adjusting pin brightness
  • Comes in direct mount or removable dovetail versions


  • Can set the aiming pin fast and easy
  • Second-axis adjustment screws are separate from the scope mounting screws
  • Lots of fiber to light up the pin at prime time
  • Aiming references are different colors


  • Rheostat is not the simplest to adjust
  • Paper sight tapes

The HHA Tetra Ryz is an adjustable single-pin sight that includes a second aiming dot at the base of the pin. That second aiming dot allows for extended range shooting. Two markers on the adjustable sight wheel are perfectly spaced to indicate the distance each aiming reference is set at as the sight is adjusted up and down.

The Ryz carries over all the features that made the 2021 version of the HHA Tetra so popular among bowhunters. It’s got a big wheel that turns easily and quickly to set the pin to the desired shooting distance. Turning the wheel drives the scope up and down on a vertical bar. Precision gears in the wheel mechanism mean there’s no wiggle as you zero in on the desired distance. When the sight-tape indicator hits the number you want, it sticks there.

The HHA Tetra RYZ scope
The HHA Tetra RYZ scope is easy to align with your peep and has two pins in one. P.J. Reilly

Quality fiber optic that wraps several times around the scope housing has ample surface area to capture maximum light so hunters can see the two aiming dots in low light when hunting often is best. A movable rheostat allows the hunter to control the light transmitted by the fiber in bright light.

Included with each sight are more than 50 sight tapes, which should mean there’s a tape for just about any hunter’s setup. The tapes are simply to apply to the wheel, and they’re easy to read.

Like all HHA Tetras, the Ryz allows for leveling the sight on both the second and third axes. Versions are available where the sight bar can be mounted directly to the riser, or you can mount a block to the riser, which receives a dovetail bar that can be set at different distances from the riser, and can be removed during transport in a case.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Bow Sight

The author aims his Axcel Landslyde

Pin Size

Bow sight pins come in a variety of sizes, but the three most common you’ll encounter are .010, .019, and .029 inches. The smaller the pin, the more precise you can be in aiming. That can be important, especially if you plan to shoot long range. A .029 pin is nice for aiming at a deer 15 yards away, but back up to 70, and that pin is likely to cover half the animal’s body.

However, the smaller the pin, the less light it is able to transmit. So if you’re a tree stand hunter under a heavy canopy, a .010 pin will go dark as prime time arrives in the evening substantially before a .029 pin. As you get older, those smaller pins go dark even sooner.

Think about your age, your eyesight and what you need and want to see while aiming when you choose the size of the pins in your sight.

Fiber Length and Exposure

When you look through a sight and see glowing red, orange, green and/or yellow dots at the sight pin heads, the glowing is thanks to fiber optic. The fiber optic used in bowsights is a thin strand of plastic. Anywhere that fiber is exposed to light, it is gathering light. Any light it gathers is transmitted to the end of the pin, which is what bowhunters use to aim.

The longer the fiber is, and the more that fiber is exposed to light, the more light it can gather. The shorter it is, the less light it will gather. So in low light – prime hunting time – a pin with lots of exposed fiber will be more visible that a pin with a shorter fiber, or fiber that has more length covered.

If most of your hunting is spot and stalk on the open prairie, fiber length is not a huge deal. But if you’re going to be hunting in the timber, having a sight with lots of fiber is critical.


As bowhunters, they chase game over uneven terrain, whether we’re aiming down from a tree stand or shooting across the side of a mountain. If your sight isn’t level to the Earth, then you can have problems with arrows hitting left or right of where you want them.

So getting a sight that allows you to level it on the second and third axes ensures that when you check your sight to get the bubble in the scope level into the middle while aiming, you know the sight truly is level. Leveling on the second axis involves pivoting the scope head up and down while the base is pinned to the sight bar. Leveling on the third axis involves pivoting the scope head like it’s a swinging door moving toward or away from the sight bar.

Not all sights include these leveling features. That’s ok, so long as you understand what you’re sacrificing. When you aim down from a tree stand, for example, you will have no way of knowing if the sight’s third axis is level, and so your arrow might impact left or right of where you’re aiming if it’s not level.

If you want to be confident the sight is true when you take aim, choose one that allows you the level the second and third axes.


Q: Should I go With Fixed pins or a Single Movable Pin?

The answer really is up to you. With a fixed-pin sight, you always have an aiming reference for the entire range of your preset pins. If you’ve got five pins, you can have aiming references preset for 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 yards. If your target animal moves after you come to full draw, just pick another pin for aiming. But if your target isn’t exactly at one of those distance, then you have to know how to gap shoot – aim by holding a pin high or low. With a single pin, you can set the pin to the exact distance of any target. But if an animal moves closer or farther after you set your pin, you have to reset it, which could cause you to miss a shot opportunity. It’s up to you to decide which setup you prefer.

How Much Does a Sight Cost?

Bow sights vary widely in cost from under $50 to over $1,000. The more expensive sights are going to have more and better features and capabilities. Take the Garmin Xero A1i. That’s got more technology built into it than many home appliances. You can find good quality sights really at any price point from $50-$1,500. Figure out what you want the sight to do and then shop accordingly. If you want to spend no more than $100, you can find a good sight in that range. Just understand it won’t be as bulletproof or feature laden as a $600 sight.

Do I want a Direct-Mount Sight or a Dovetail?

A sight is fastened to a bow essentially in one of two ways. Either the sight arm is mounted by screws directly to the bow, or a block is mounted to the bow, and the sight arm slides in and out of that block.
With a slide-in, slide-out sight, you can easily move the sight to adjust your sight picture through your peep. That is, you can adjust the sight so that when you look through the peep, the scope perfectly fills the peep. You get the scope ring to match the peep ring to know you are aligned.
Also, slide-in, slide-out sights can easily be removed for transport in a case. Turn a knob, and the sight slides out.
Direct-mount sights may or may not have multiple mounting positions to try to match the scope to your peep. If one doesn’t, then what you see through the peep is what you get. Your only option then is to change peep sizes.
However, you never have to worry about a direct-mount sight sliding because the holding knob came loose. The screws hold it in place. Period. They also tend to be quieter due to the direct connection.

Final Thoughts on the Best Bow Sights

Choosing the right sight for your bow is a critical piece to the accuracy puzzle. It is the last thing you’re looking through before an arrow is released, and often is the difference between filling a tag and going home with a sad story. But a sight can’t make up for poor shooting form or a bad bow tune. Work on those before diving into a high-end sight. When you get your shot and your tuning right, then one of the best bow sights can be just what’s needed to make you the most accurate bowhunter possible.

Wed, 06 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Married at First Sight

Network: Lifetime

Originally airing on A&E’s FYI channel from 2014 to 2016, reality television series Married at First Sight (MAFS) was moved to sister network Lifetime for its fifth season in 2017. The show features three to five couples who agree to get married immediately after being paired up by relationship experts. Upon returning home from their wedding and honeymoon, the couples live together for eight weeks — and decide whether they want to stay married or split.

Two spinoffs of the series were launched in 2018: Married at First Sight: Honeymoon Island and Married at First Sight: Happily Ever After. Several other spinoffs, such as Married at First Sight: Unmatchables and Married at First Sight: Couples’ Cam, have also aired on Lifetime.

Nearly 10 years after its premiere, Married at First Sight was renewed for seasons 16 and 17 in 2022.

Tue, 18 Aug 2020 05:00:00 -0500 en-US text/html

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