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NCIDQ-CID exam plan - NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer Updated: 2024 NCIDQ-CID Brain Dumps with Real Questions
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NCIDQ-CID NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer

Test Detail:
The NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer exam is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate the competency of interior designers in various areas of professional practice. It tests the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to create safe, functional, and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces.

Course Outline:
The NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer course provides comprehensive training to prepare candidates for the exam. The course covers a wide range of syllabus related to interior design practice and theory. The following is a general outline of the key syllabus covered:

1. Building Systems and Codes:
- Understanding building codes and regulations.
- Knowledge of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.
- Fire safety and life safety codes.
- Accessibility and universal design principles.

2. Design Application:
- Space planning and layout principles.
- Material selection and specification.
- Lighting design and fixtures.
- Furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) selection.

3. Construction and Renovation:
- Understanding construction methods and processes.
- reading architectural drawings and blueprints.
- Project management and coordination.
- Contract administration and documentation.

4. Professional Practice:
- Ethics and professional responsibilities.
- Client relations and communication.
- Budgeting and cost estimation.
- Project scheduling and time management.

Exam Objectives:
The NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer exam evaluates candidates' proficiency in the following key areas:

1. Design Concepts and Theory:
- Understanding design principles and elements.
- Knowledge of color theory and psychology.
- Spatial relationships and human factors.
- Historical and contemporary design styles.

2. Building Systems and Integration:
- Application of building codes and regulations.
- Integration of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.
- Knowledge of HVAC systems and acoustics.
- Fire safety and life safety requirements.

3. Construction and Project Coordination:
- Interpreting architectural drawings and specifications.
- Project management and coordination.
- Construction methods and materials.
- Contract administration and documentation.

4. Professional Practice and Ethics:
- Professional ethics and responsibilities.
- Communication and collaboration with clients and stakeholders.
- Budgeting and cost estimation.
- Project scheduling and time management.

Exam Syllabus:
The NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer exam syllabus provides a detailed breakdown of the syllabus covered in the exam. It includes specific knowledge areas, tasks, and skills that candidates are expected to demonstrate proficiency in. The syllabus may cover the following areas:

- Design Principles and Elements
- Building Codes and Regulations
- Building Systems Integration
- Space Planning and Layout
- Material Selection and Specification
- Lighting Design
- Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E)
- Construction Methods and Processes
- Contract Administration and Documentation
- Professional Ethics and Responsibilities
NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer
NCIDQ Certified exam plan

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NCIDQ-CID NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer

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NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer
Question: 183
American Disability Act requires certain standards are made for those that are
sight impaired when using an elevator. Which of the following are some of those
A. The keypad has color contrasted from elevator cab, flooring finish change at
entrance, lighting contrast in cab to designate floors.
B. A sign on both door jams on every floor and in raised Braille and raised letters,
emergency intercom identified by Braille and raised letters.
C. Voice activation for each floor, textured surface for each floor button.
D. A Elevator service person available on request to aid those sight impaired.
Answer: B
A sign on both door jams on every floor and in raised Braille and raised letters,
emergency intercom identified by Braille and raised letters.
Question: 184
For people interested in architecture or design for the disabled and using the
ANSI standards, it is helpful to understand the difference between accessibility
and adaptability. Which description best describes Adaptability in the ANSI
A. The placement of building elements and structure to allow a disabled person to
adapt to their environment.
B. The building, site, facility or portion thereof that can be approached, entered by
physically disabled people.
C. Flexibility of certain building elements, such as kitchen counters, sinks and
grab bars to be modified to accommodate the needs of people with different types
or degrees of disability
D. Variability in respect to, or under the influence of, external conditions;
susceptibility of a space whereby it becomes suited to or fitted for its conditions
for a disabled person.
Answer: C
ANSI A117.1-1986
Question: 185
The floor level to the bank is 1 foot above the ground. How long does the
wheelchair ramp need to be?
A. 8 feet
B. 12 feet
C. 16 feet
D. 20 feet
Answer: B
The floor level to the bank is 1 foot above the ground. How long does the
wheelchair ramp need to be 12 feet.
Question: 186
The ________ serves as a temporary haven from the effects of a fire or other
A. Kitchen
B. Area of Refuge
C. Locked fireproof Room
D. Safe Room
Answer: B
The area of refuge serves as a temporary haven from the effects of a fire or other
Question: 187
The number of exits required for a building is dependent on the size of the
building, the use of the building and the number of occupants. The minimum
number is of exists that every building must have for each floor is?
A. One
B. Two
C. Four
D. Six
Answer: B
The minimum number is of exists that every building must have for each floor is
Question: 188
A hospital wants to know if a fabric retains bacteria or not so they can prevent a
fabric that may make people susceptible to more germs. What is the agency that
performs that test?
A. Furniture Manufactures Association
B. American Society of Interior Designers
C. American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorist
D. American Chemist Society
Answer: C
American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorist
Question: 189
A restaurant wants to have a buffet line but their space is not very large. What is
the minimum clear space required for the aisle and yet allow for accessibility?
A. 36 inches
B. 42 inches
C. 54 inches
D. 60 inches
Answer: A
The minimum clear space required for the aisle and yet allow for accessibility is
36 inches.
Question: 190
An older couple wants to retire and decides it would be great to run a small motel.
They find an older place and find it is not up to ADA standards. The amount of
rooms the motel will have is 32 rooms. How many of those sleeping rooms will
be required to be ADA accessible?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: B
A motel with 32 sleeping rooms would be required to have two room be
accessible to meet ADA standards.
Question: 191
Stairways serving an occupant load of 50 or more must be at least ___" wide or as
wide as determined by multiplying the occupant load by 0.3.
A. 36 inches
B. 44 inches
C. 60 inches
D. 54 inches
Answer: B
44 inches is the minimum clear width for a stairway with 50 or more occupants.
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NCIDQ Certified exam plan - BingNews Search results NCIDQ Certified exam plan - BingNews New Cardiology Certification Board: What's the Plan?

The proposal by the major cardiovascular societies in the US to form a new board of cardiovascular medicine to manage initial and ongoing certification of cardiologists represents something of a revolution in the field of continuing medical education and assessment of competency. 

Five US cardiovascular societies — the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the American Heart Association (AHA), the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA), the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) — have now joined forces to propose a new professional certification board for cardiovascular medicine, to be known as the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCVM)

The ABCVM would be independent of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), the current organization providing maintenance of certification for cardiologists as well as many other internal medicine subspecialties. The ABIM's maintenance of certification process has been widely criticized for many years and has been described as "needlessly burdensome and expensive." 

The ABCVM is hoping to offer a more appropriate and supportive approach, according to Jeffrey Kuvin, MD, a trustee of the ACC, who has been heading up the working group to develop this plan. 

Kuvin, who is chair of the cardiology at Northwell Health, Manhasset, New York, a l arge academic healthcare system, explained that maintenance of certification has been a course of discussion across the cardiovascular community for many years, and the ACC has a working group focused on the next steps for evaluation of competency, which he chairs.

"The course of evaluation of competence has been on the mind of the ACC for many years and hence a work group was developed to focus on this," Kuvin noted. "A lot of evolution of the concepts and next steps have been drawn out of this working group. And now other cardiovascular societies have joined to show unification across the house of cardiology and that this is indeed the way that the cardiovascular profession should move." 

"Time to Separate from Internal Medicine"

The general concept behind the new cardiology board is to separate cardiology from the ABIM. 

"This is rooted from the concept that cardiology has evolved so much over the last few decades into such a large multidimensional specialty that it really does demarcate itself from internal medicine, and as such, it deserves a separate board governed by cardiologists with collaboration across the entirely of cardiology," Kuvin said. 

Cardiology has had significant growth and expansion of technology, tools, medications, and the approach to patients in many specialities and subspecialties, he added. "We have defined training programs in many different areas within cardiology; they have their own guidelines, their own competency statements, and in many cases, cardiology exists as its own department outside of medicine in many institutions. It's just time to separate cardiology from the umbrella of internal medicine." 

The new cardiology board would be separate from, and not report to, the ABIM; rather, it would report directly to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the only recognized medical certification body in the US. 

What Are the Proposed Changes

Under the present system, managed by the ABIM, clinicians must undergo two stages of certification to be a cardiologist. First, they have to pass the initial certification exam in general cardiology, and then exams in one of four subspecialties if they plan to enter one of these, including interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, advanced heart failure or adult congenital heart disease

Next, clinicians enter the maintenance of certification phase, which can take three different forms: 1) taking another recertification exam every 10 years; 2) the collaborative maintenance pathway — a collaboration between ACC and ABIM, which includes evaluation, learning and a certified exam each year; or 3) longitudinal knowledge and assessment — in which the program interacts with the clinician on an ongoing basis, sending secured questions regularly. 

All three of these pathways for maintenance of certification involve high stakes questions and a set bar for passing or failing. 

Under the proposed new cardiology board, an initial certification exam would still be required after fellowship training, but the maintenance of certification process would be completely restructured, with the new approach taking the form of continuous learning and assessment of competency. 

"This is an iterative process, but they envision with a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, they will pick up where the ABIM left off," Kuvin notes. "That includes an initial certifying examination for the five areas that already exist under the ABIM system but with the opportunities to expand that to further specialties as well."

He points out that there are several areas in cardiology that are currently not represented by these five areas that warrant some discussion, including multimodality imaging, vascular heart disease, and cardio-oncology. 

"At present, everybody has to pass the general cardiology exam and then some may wish to further train and get certified in one of the other four other specific areas. But one course that has been discussed over many years is how do they maintain competency in the areas in which clinicians practice over their lifetime as a cardiologist," Kuvin commented. 

He said the proposed cardiology board would like to adhere to some basic principles that are fundamental to the practice of medicine. 

"We want to make sure that they are practicing medicine so that their patients derive the most benefit from seeing a cardiologist," he said. "We also want to make sure, however, that this is a supportive process, supporting cardiologists to learn what they know and more importantly what they don't know; to identify knowledge gaps in specific area; to help the cardiologist fill those knowledge gaps; to acknowledge those gaps have been filled; and then move on to another area of interest. This will be the focus of this new and improved model of continuous competency."

The proposed new board also says it wants to make sure this is appropriate to the area in which the clinician is practicing.

"To take a closed book certified exam every 10 years on the world of cardiology as happens at the current time – or the assessments conducted in the other two pathways – is often meaningless to the cardiologist," Kuvin says. "All three current pathways involve high stakes questions that are often irrelevant to one’s clinical practice." 

Lifelong Learning

"The crux of the changes they are proposing will be away from the focus of passing a test towards a model of helping the individual with their competency, with continuous learning and evaluation of competency to help the clinician fill in their knowledge gaps," he explains.

He described the new approach as "lifelong learning," adding that, instead of it being "a punitive pass/fail environment with no feedback, which causes a lot of discontent among clinicians," it will be a supportive process, where a clinician will be helped in filling their knowledge gaps. 

"I think this would be a welcome change not just for cardiology but across medical specialties," Kuvin said. 

He also pointed out the ABMS itself is considering a continuous competency approach, and the proposed new cardiology board aims to work with the ABMS to make sure that their goals of continuous competency assessment are matched. 

"The world has changed. The ability to access information has changed. It is no longer imperative for a clinician to have every piece of knowledge in their brain, but rather to know how to get knowledge and to incorporate that knowledge into clinical practice," Kuvin noted. "Competency should not involve knowledge alone as in a closed book exam. It is more about understanding the world that they live in, how to synthesize information, where they need to Excellerate knowledge and how to do that." 

Kuvin acknowledged that asking clinicians questions is a very helpful tool to identify their knowledge base and their knowledge gaps. "But they believe the clinician needs to be given resources – that could be a conference, an article, a simulation - to fill that knowledge gap. Then they could ask clinicians some different questions and if they get those right then they have provided a service." 

Tactile skills for cardiologists needing to perform procedures – such as interventionalists or electrophysiologists may be incorporated by simulation in a technology-based scenario.

On how often these assessments would take place, Kuvin said that hadn't been decided for sure. 

"We certainly do not think an assessment every 10 years is appropriate. They envision, instead of an episodic model, it will be rather a lifelong journey of education and competency. This will involve frequent contact and making sure knowledge gaps are being filled. There are criteria being set out by the ABMS that there should be a certain number of touch points with individuals on an annual as well as a 5-year basis to make sure cardiologists are staying within specific guardrails. The exact nature of these is yet to be determined," he said. 

Kuvin added that it was not known yet what sort of hours would be required but added that "this will not be a significant time burden."

What is the Timeframe?

The application to the ABMS for a separate cardiology board is still ongoing and has not yet received formal acceptance. Representatives from the five US cardiovascular societies are in the initial stages of formulating a transition board. 

"The submission to the ABMS will take time for them to review. This could take up to a year or so," Kuvin estimates. 

This is the first time the ABMS has entertained the concept of a new board in many years, he noted. "It will be a paradigm shift for the whole country. I think that cardiology is really at the forefront and in a position where they can actually do this. If cardiovascular medicine is granted a new board, I think this will help change the approach of how physicians are assessed in terms of continuous competency not just in cardiology but across all specialties of medicine."

He added: "We are confident that they can work within the construct of the ABMS guidelines that have been revised to be much more holistic in the approach of continuous competence across the board. This includes thinking beyond rote medical knowledge and thinking about the clinician as a whole and their abilities to communicate, act professionally, work within a complex medical system, utilize medical resources effectively. These all have to be part of continuous competence."

How Much Will This Cost?

Noting that the ABIM has received criticism over the costs of the certification process, Kuvin said they intend to make this "as lean a machine as possible with the focus on reducing the financial [burden] as well as the time burden for cardiologists. It is very important that this is not cumbersome, that it is woven into clinical practice, and that it is not costly." 

But he pointed out that building a new board will have significant costs. 

"We have to think about developing initial board certification examinations as well as changing the paradigm on continuous certification," he said. "This will take some up-front costs, and their society partners have decided that they are willing to provide some start-up funds for this. They anticipate the initial certification will remain somewhat similar in price, but the cost of ongoing continuous competency assessment will be significantly reduced compared to today's models."

Kuvin said the collaboration of the five participating US cardiovascular societies was unprecedented. But he noted that while the transition board is beginning with representatives of these individual societies, it will ultimately be independent from these societies and have its own board of directors. 

He suggested that other societies representing other parts of cardiology are also interested. "Cardiology has recognized how important this is," he said. "Everybody is excited about this."

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 08:53:00 -0600 en text/html
Exam Procedures

Your exam invitation, or Notice to Schedule (NTS), email from Meazure Learning will have links for you to check your computer system. If you take your exam online, it is important to verify that your computer meets the minimum requirements and that you have reliable access to the Internet. An internet connection disruption will suspend the exam session. 

IMPORTANT: If taking the exam online, you must use a computer on which you have full admin access.


  • You must be alone in the room throughout the test
  • You are required to have a webcam installed on your exam workstation
  • PC computers are recommended; however MACs are also acceptable
  • Chromebooks, tablets, iPads, dual/multiple monitors, and projectors are not permitted to be used as a testing device
  • Your computer must meet the system and equipment requirements listed here

Additional Resources

  • Preview the Candidate Experience with ProctorU
  • Browse the ProctorU Resource Center 

​If you have computer system questions after following the instructions provided by Meazure Learning's schedule confirmation email, please contact Meazure Learning at +1 919-572-6880 or

Note: Meazure Learning, Scantron, and ProctorU are all one-and-the-same organization.

  • Your valid, government issued photo ID (e.g., driver's license, passport, state-issued ID card) 
  • The printed exam confirmation notice you received from Meazure Learning
  • No other items can be brought into the exam environment 
    • A calculator and any other necessary resource materials will be provided on the computer for those taking the exam electronically
    • No reference material will be allowed in any test room
    • Please note that storage space will be limited

For all CCST level exams, Units Conversion Tables will be provided to candidates in either paper format (paper/pencil exams) or accessible within the electronic test interface for reference during the exam. Click here to review the Units Conversion Tables.

It is important to be certain when selecting the method and time you want to take the exam. You may incur fees if you change the time and method of testing. Exams must be scheduled in advance as follows: 

  • Candidates in the United States and Canada: you must submit your scheduling request at least two calendar days prior to your desired exam date
  • Candidates in other countries: you must submit your scheduling request at least five calendar days prior to your desired exam date

If you are within your exam window or eligibility period, you may reschedule your exam appointment before the online and Exam Center reschedule cut-off times via the online exam scheduling system. If you are outside your exam window and want to request an extension, please contact

Changing from online exam to another online exam

There is no rescheduling fee. However, it must be changed no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment date and time.

Changing from online exam to Exam Center exam

There is no rescheduling fee. However, it must be changed at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment. Additionally, you must reschedule the new appointment no less than two calendar days in advance of the new appointment at a Meazure Learning test center.

Changing from Exam Center exam to another Exam Center exam

You will incur a rescheduling fee of 50 USD. Rescheduling fees are payable to Meazure Learning via a secure e-commerce site (credit card). The reschedule cut-off time is no later than two calendar days prior to the exam appointment. Additionally, if you are scheduling a new online exam appointment, it must be done no less than 24 hours prior to the new appointment date and time.

Reschedule Fees:

CAP Associate and CST Associate:
  • ISA members: 76 USD
  • Non-members: 95 USD
All other Certificate Programs:
  • ISA members: 120 USD
  • Non-members: 150 USD
CAP Certification Program:
  • ISA members: 108 USD 
  • Non-members: 135 USD
CCST Certificate Programs:
  • ISA members: 116 USD
  • Non-members: 145 USD

You can cancel an exam through Meazure Learning's online exam scheduling system.

  • Online exam appointments must be cancelled no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment date and time. There is no cancellation fee
  • Exam center appointments must be cancelled no less than two calendar days prior to the scheduled testing appointment. There is a cancellation fee of 50 USD payable to Meazure Learning via a secure e-commerce site (credit card)

You may retest as many times as needed, if you do not pass or if you miss your scheduled exam, within your exam window or eligibility period. However, there is a fee each time that is payable to ISA. If you need to retest or have missed your exam, you must submit a request to

If a candidate fails their exam, they may retest as many times as needed within their 12-month certification exam window or six-month certificate eligibility period. There is a fee each time retesting is needed. If a candidate does not pass the exam within the program exam deadline, the applicant must reapply for that certification or register again for the certificate course to sit for the exam.

If you fail to appear for a scheduled exam or arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, you will be considered a no-show and forfeit your exam. However, you may retake a missed exam by paying a rescheduling fee to ISA if you are within your exam window or eligibility period. To request a rescheduled exam, email with your request. See exam procedures section #4, Rescheduling an Exam, for reschedule fee costs.

You may qualify for an exception if you meet certain conditions and submit documentation to Meazure Learning no later than five calendar days after the scheduled exam appointment. If the exception is approved, there will be a no-show exemption fee of 50 USD payable via secure e-commerce (credit card) and collected by Meazure Learning. Please contact Meazure Learning by phone at +1 919-572-6880 or email for more details.

All ISA certification exams are closed-book and have multiple choice questions.  They apply a modified Angoff Method to determine the pass point for each exam (learn more about the modified Angoff Method below). Our certification exams last between 3 and 4 hours and their certificate exams last two hours.

ISA does not provide a passing score; you are only notified whether you passed or failed. If you fail an exam, you will receive a score report that lists the domains and indicates the percentage of questions answered correctly within each domain. Note that the percentages are not used to calculate a candidate’s passing score.

You will see your exam results on the screen at the completion of the exam. You will also receive your exam results immediately via email from ( If you do not receive an email containing your results within 24 hours, please contact Meazure Learning by phone at +1 919-572-6880 or email for assistance. 

If you pass your exam, you will receive an email containing a digital badge from within one business day of completing the exam. To access, manage, and/or share your secure digital badge, use your email address and password to enter your BadgeCert portfolio. If it is the first time accessing your portfolio or if you have forgotten your password, click “Request new password?” on their login page to create your password. More information about using your digital badge can be found here.

Be advised that they update their databases and systems with the previous month’s exam data in the first part of the following month.  ISA will update your credential status on the “My Credentials” tab from your ISA account and in ISA's Credential Directory within the first ten (10) business days of the following month you took your exam.

Modified Angoff Method

The modified Angoff Method uses expert judgements to determine the difficulty level of the exam. The easier the exam, the higher the pass point. Likewise, the more difficult the exam, the lower the pass point. The following is a basic outline of the modified Angoff Method (some details have been omitted):

  • A group of subject matter experts (SMEs) independently rate each exam question within a given form of the exam. The ratings are defined as the probability, or likelihood, that an acceptably (minimally) competent person with the requisite education and experience will answer the question correctly. An acceptably (minimally) competent person is defined as someone who adequately performs all job functions safely and requires no further training to do so.
  • The SMEs review each exam question as a group. A statistical consensus is reached for the difficulty rating of each exam question.
  • After the data is refined, the final step is to calculate the mean, or average, of all the exam question ratings. This becomes the overall pass point estimation.
Fri, 16 Jun 2023 11:37:00 -0500 en text/html
Symantec Retools Certification Plan

Under the new program, a solution provider with a passing grade on a Symantec security exam plus an approved vendor-neutral certification can earn one of Symantec's certifications, said Allyson Seelinger, Symantec vice president of enterprise and consumer channels. "This will help us get new partners into the program and help them get certified quickly," she said.


Symantec's Allyson Seelinger says partners will be certified more quickly.

For example, the Symantec Product Specialist (SPS) certification requires a Symantec exam plus either the Security++certification from CompTIA or the System Security Certified Practitioner certification from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2.

Symantec overhauled its certification program in response to feedback from partners who expressed "angst" with the growing number of vendor-specific certifications in the security industry, Seelinger said.

Other vendor-neutral certifications that Symantec accepts include the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from (ISC)2 and certain types of the SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Global Information Assurance Certification.


>> Recognizes vendor-neutral certifications.
>> Tests a broad security knowledge instead of specific products.>> Free instructor-led training for tier-one and tier-two Symantec partners.

Cupertino-based Symantec also reduced the number of certification exams to four in broad security areas such as firewall/VPN technologies and intrusion-detection, from 12 mostly product-specific tests.

In addition, the vendor is offering instructor-led training for free to its Enterprise Security and Enterprise Solutions Partners. That training usually costs about $1,000 to $2,000 per class, depending on length.

"With the large number of different certifications available, it's refreshing to see a company like Symantec build its certification process on top of robust, industry-recognized certifications," said Andrew Brinkhorst, a Lexington, Ky.-based independent security consultant and certified Symantec Technology Architect. "Customers will benefit from the more strategic or holistic approach to security that the new certification process will emphasize."

Chris Ellerman, vice president of professional services at Meridian IT Solutions, Schaumburg, Ill., said the company already has many Symantec certifications but agreed that the vendor is making the right moves.

"It makes a lot of sense because it's not just a certification that you understand Symantec products but [also] that you understand Symantec products in relation to security concepts," he said. "The security world is a process, not just a product."

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 04:37:00 -0600 text/html
Online Interior Design Bachelor’s Degree No result found, try new keyword!Interior designers can earn professional certification with the NCIDQ. To sit for the certification exam, candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree in interior design must have at least 3,520 ... Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:42:00 -0500 What Is CISSP Certification? Qualifications, Benefits And Salary

Editorial Note: They earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect their editors' opinions or evaluations.

IT security professionals looking to advance their careers or dive deeper into the realm of cybersecurity should consider the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification. Organizations across industries need to protect their data and proprietary information from cyberattacks, making CISSP-certified professionals a valuable asset to any company.

CISSP certification signals to employers that you know how to best protect web-based information systems and command a strong IT security team. Read on to learn all you need to know about earning CISSP certification.

Who Should Get CISSP Certification?

As an early-career IT security professional, you may be tempted to jump into the CISSP certification process soon after completing an undergraduate degree or spending just a few years working entry-level cybersecurity jobs. However, you’ll have to meet certain benchmarks before qualifying to become a CISSP.

(ISC)², which administers CISSP certification, requires candidates to have completed either five years of full-time employment or four years of employment plus an undergraduate degree (such as a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity) or another approved credential.

(ISC)² also created the Body of Knowledge (CBK), which holds nearly all the information a seasoned cybersecurity professional should know. The CBK lists eight primary domains, including asset security and software development security. To become a CISSP, your past work experience must be within one or more of these eight domains.

Earning CISSP certification is not an easy process. From passing the exam to paying annual fees, this certification requires an investment of time, energy and money. On the other hand, CISSP certification is among the most common cybersecurity credentials required by employers.

Whether you plan to become a chief information officer or an independent security consultant, knowing your “why” can help you stay the course as you work toward earning CISSP certification.

Benefits of CISSP Certification

A CISSP certification is among the gold standards for IT and cybersecurity professionals. This credential can lead to higher salaries, a competitive advantage in the job market and knowledge of the latest industry advancements.

Increase Your Earning Potential

Salaries for CISSP-certified professionals vary by job title and location. On average, these workers earn around $128,000 per year in North America, according to Payscale.

CISSP-certified professionals are some of the most well-paid IT professionals in the industry. This is because employers understand the rigorous process required to become a CISSP, and the credential is recognized on a global scale.

Become a More Competitive Job Candidate

Adding CISSP certification to your cybersecurity resume signifies to recruiters and employers that you are among the top candidates in the information security industry. This credential also guarantees that you have at least four or five years of hands-on experience.

Some professionals plan to earn certification to pursue roles outside of their current organizations. (ISC)²’s 2023 workforce study indicates that 17% of respondents pursue credentials for a position with another company, while 15% considered certification to qualify for promotions.

Build Cybersecurity Expertise

Part of the CISSP certification process is becoming intimately familiar with all relevant information in the world of cybersecurity, both to pass the exam and to maintain certification.

After earning their certification, CISSPs must accumulate a set number of continuing education credits. Continuing education helps build expertise and ensure that CISSPs have current, relevant skills.

Participants in (ISC)²’s workforce study reported that their teams recognize the following benefits of employing cybersecurity professionals with certifications like the CISSP.

  • These workers have a deeper knowledge of critical cybersecurity topics.
  • Certified workers increase confidence in their teams’ ability to handle security challenges.
  • Hiring professionals with cybersecurity certifications ensures current knowledge and practice of information security trends.
  • Certification allows organizations to hire high-level workers with demonstrated expertise in cybersecurity.

Network with Other CISSPs

All CISSPs must become (ISC)² members, granting access to networking opportunities. More than 168,000 cybersecurity professionals are members of (ISC)².

What is the Current Demand for Cybersecurity Professionals?

Between 2021 and 2022, cyberattacks and data breaches increased by 41.5%. This spike in cyberattacks among companies of all types highlights both the need for expert cybersecurity professionals and the gap in supply.

Despite the field’s increasing popularity, the (ISC)²’s workforce study found that 67% of cybersecurity professionals say a shortage of cybersecurity professionals is putting their organizations at risk. (ISC)² estimated a global cybersecurity workforce gap of 3.9 million in 2023.

One potential reason for this workforce gap is that most cybersecurity job requirements include certifications such as the CISSP. Earning certification involves considerable time and effort, making it tougher to close this workforce gap. Meanwhile, technological advances used by malicious parties continue to outpace the rate at which IT and cybersecurity professionals enter the field and develop the expertise necessary to secure data against these attacks.

The Demand for CISSPs

CISSP professionals are in high demand across industries due to their advanced knowledge and ability to defend against data breaches and Excellerate security measures.

According to CyberSeek, CISSP certifications see the most demand among all current cybersecurity job openings requiring certification. As of December 2023, more than 85,000 cybersecurity job listings request CISSP certification.

How to Earn CISSP Certification

To earn CISSP certification, you must first meet requirements for work experience, education and professional credentials. Candidates may have five years of relevant work experience or four years if they also hold a related undergraduate degree or an (ISC)²-approved credential.

If you do not meet these requirements but are still interested in taking the CISSP exam, you can work toward becoming an Associate of (ISC)². Associates have passed the exam but cannot become fully certified until they have fulfilled the work experience requirements.

Pass the Certification Exam

Each candidate has four hours to complete the CISSP certification exam, which comprises 125 to 175 questions. You can find ample preparation resources, including practice exams and study materials, on (ISC)²’s website.

When the time comes, you can register online to take the exam, though the exam itself will take place in person at a Pearson VUE testing center. Note that the exam fee is $749.

To pass, you must score at least 700/1,000 or higher. If you do not pass the CISSP exam the first time, you’re in good company—many test-takers attempt the exam multiple times. You can retake the CISSP exam 30 days after your first try and up to four times within a 12-month period.

Get Endorsed

After passing the CISSP exam, you must obtain an endorsement from a current certification-holder before becoming certified yourself.

This endorsement validates that you have completed the necessary work experience to earn CISSP certification. You have nine months to find an endorsement after passing the exam. In the event you are unable to find someone, (ISC)² may act as your endorser.

Maintain Certification

Like many professional accrediting bodies, (ISC)² requires its members to stay up to date on the latest trends and research in cybersecurity. You must earn at least 120 continuing professional education (CPE) credits every three years to maintain CISSP certification. Many members earn their CPEs by attending courses or conferences, volunteering or teaching.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About CISSP Certification

A CISSP professional maintains an organization’s IT security systems, securing data against external threats. Responsibilities may also include running security audits, gathering data on security performance, managing teams of IT security professionals and creating security reports for stakeholders.

Is CISSP a good certification?

Yes, the CISSP credential is one of the most respected certifications in the cybersecurity field. Its rigor and high standards are well-known in the industry, and many organizations place a high value on recruiting CISSPs.

No, CISSP certification requires five years of professional experience in a cybersecurity-related role or a combination of work experience and education.

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Prepare for the CCST Exam
  • The correct answer is D, A/D converter. A digital controller requires a digital signal as its input. A 4-20 mA transmitter outputs an analog signal. Therefore, a device to convert an analog (A) signal to a digital (D) is required. This class of device is referred to as an A/D converter.

    An I/P transducer is used to convert an analog current (I) signal to a pneumatic (P) signal, as for actuation of final control elements. A P/I transducer is used to convert a pneumatic signal (P) to an analog current (I) signal, as for a pneumatic transmitter in a programmable logic controller loop. A DP transmitter is a differential pressure transmitter, which can output a pneumatic, an analog, or a digital signal, depending on the model of transmitter used.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is C, "sample conditioning system." Answers A and C are items not generally associated with extractive field analyzers. Capillary tubes are used for collecting small samples (water, for instance) from a larger container. There are special capillary tubes that can be used in the analyzer chamber of a gas chromatograph, but they are not constructed from glass. Smooth-walled pipe is important for reducing friction losses in piping systems.

    A demo probe calibration system is important to the overall function and maintenance of an extractive field analyzer. However, these systems are not used to prepare the demo for analysis, but rather to provide a mechanism to verify and maintain analyzer performance.

    A demo conditioning system can contain devices, such as filters, demisters, flow regulators, and heaters. demo conditioning systems are used to bring the demo to the ideal process conditions for accurate measurement in the analyzer itself. The demo conditioning system can be a key maintenance item in an analyzer system, since each device needs to be calibrated, cleaned, etc.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is B, "equal to." In order for air to be discharged from the end of a bubbler purge tube, the air pressure in the tube must be equal to (or higher than) the pressure exerted by the liquid head in the tank.

    As the tank level is decreased, the liquid head pressure at the tip of the purge tube decreases, and more bubbles per unit of time can escape. The corresponding reduction in pressure in the purge tube is proportional to the level in the tank. Therefore, the point at which the liquid head pressure and the purge tube pressure are equal is the highest level (URV = 100%) that the device will measure.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is A, "51 K ohms ± 5%."

    The four-color band coding is:
    Color    Value    Multiplier
    Black    0    1
    Brown    1    10
    Red    2    100
    Orange    3    1000
    Yellow    4    10 K
    Green    5    100K
    Blue    6    1 M
    Violet    7    10 M
    Gray    8     
    White    9     
    Gold    ± 5%    0.1
    Silver    ± 10%    0.01

    So a resistor with four bands, green-brown-orange-gold, has a value of: 5 1 x 1000 ± 5% or 51 KΩ.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is D, series and energized. To measure current, you must connect the two leads of the ammeter in the circuit so that the current flows through the ammeter. In other words, the ammeter must become a part of the circuit itself. The only way to measure the current flowing through a simple circuit is to insert your ammeter into the circuit (in series) with the circuit energized.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is A; it prevents the formation of a second temperature measurement junction.

    A thermocouple measurement junction is formed wherever two dissimilar metals are joined. KX-type thermocouple extension wire is made of the same metals as the K-type thermocouple (chromel and alumel). When extending the thermocouple leads with an extension wire back to the control system input card, KX thermocouple extension wire must be used, and the chromel wire and the alumel wire must be joined to the wire of the same metal in the extension cable. If JX or another type of extension wire is used, another measurement junction is formed. For instance, if JX extension cable is used in the example in this problem, the point where the iron and chromel wires are joined would form another thermocouple. This will negatively affect the intended measurement signal. Proper installation of thermocouple extension wires also requires special terminal blocks to prevent additional junctions from being formed.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is B, "hydraulic actuation." Although many pneumatic actuators can provide a large force, they require either a large diaphragm area (in the case of a diaphragm actuator) or a large cylinder (in the case of a rack and pinion actuator).

    Hydraulic actuators are driven by a high-pressure fluid (up to 4,000 psig) that can be delivered to the actuator by a pump that is remote from the actuator itself. Hydraulic cylinders can deliver up to 25 times more force than a pneumatic cylinder of the same size.

    Manual actuation is accomplished by turning a valve handle, and is limited to the amount of force that an operator can exert on the lever or hand wheel.

    Electric actuation delivers high torques for rotary-style valves, but electric actuators tend to be large and heavy compared to hydraulic actuators.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is D; they measure pressure by sensing the deflection of the diaphragm. For most pressure applications, changes in pressure are detected by the change in deflection of a measuring diaphragm.

    The deflection is converted into an electrical signal (voltage) by a piezoelectric or capacitance device. The small electrical current is converted to a standard signal (e.g., 4-20 mA or a digital signal) by a transmitter. Therefore, answer B is not correct.

    Answer A is not correct, because pressure sensors can measure very small pressure changes (inches of water) and in some cases, millimeters of water.

    Pressure measurement devices are not affected by volume, since they are measuring force over an area only. Many pressure sensors are sensitive to temperature (capillary tubes are filled with fluids that can expand with temperature). Therefore, answer C is not correct.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is C, "Gather information about the problem." Once a problem is identified, data must be gathered and analyzed to determine a viable set of potential actions and solutions.

    The logical analysis troubleshooting method consists of (in order):
    1. Identify and define the problem.
    2. Gather information about the problem.
    3. Evaluate the information/data.
    4. Propose a solution or develop a test.
    5. Implement the solution or conduct the test.
    6. Evaluate the results of the solution or test.
    7. If the problem is not resolved, reiterate until the problem is found and resolved.
    8. If the problem is resolved: document, store/file, and send to the appropriate department for follow up if required.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • The correct answer is B, “location, elevation, and tag number.” Instrument location plans are most often used to support new plant installations and deliver the installer information about the genuine physical location of the installation of an instrument, the elevation of installation (at grade, on a platform, at what height on a process line, etc.), and the tag number of the instrument to be installed.

    Specification numbers (part of answers C and D) are usually indicated on instrument lists and instrument installation details. Wiring plans (part of answer A) are typically shown on conduit and wiring schedules or cabling diagrams. Although these details are useful in the installation of a plant, they are not part of the instrument installation plans.

    Reference: Goettsche, L.D. (Editor), Maintenance of Instruments and Systems, Second Edition, ISA, 2005.

  • Thu, 02 Dec 2021 09:44:00 -0600 en text/html
    How To Get PMP Certification: Is PMP Certification Worth It?

    Editorial Note: They earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect their editors' opinions or evaluations.

    Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification can make you stand out against the competition in the field of project management. If you’ve wondered how to get PMP certification, know that you must first complete work experience, training courses and an exam.

    But is PMP certification worth it? In this article, we’ll explore what it takes to get certified, how much you might have to pay and how PMP certification can help you level up your project management career.

    What Is PMP Certification?

    Professional certifications verify your career skills and allow you to learn more about important concepts and industry best practices that can help in your day-to-day operations.

    PMP certification is the most widely recognized in the world of project management. It’s available through the Project Management Institute (PMI), which publishes the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). The PMBOK is the Holy Grail of knowledge when it comes to project management concepts.

    PMP certification demonstrates a strong understanding of the concepts set forth in the PMBOK and other reference materials. This designation can help you distinguish yourself from your peers and gain respected credentials in your field. Along the way, you’ll learn about concepts like Agile, waterfall project scheduling, leadership and business management.

    How to Sign Up for PMP Certification

    The first step to earning PMP certification is to begin work in the field of project management. PMP certification requires months of work experience. Precise requirements vary depending on your level of education. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you’ll need 36 months of relevant project experience to qualify for the PMP credential. Without a degree, you must complete 60 months of experience.

    If you have this work experience or are working toward it, the next step is to complete at least 35 hours of formal PMP training, also called “contact hours,” or hold a current CAPM certification. You can complete contact hours through a PMP certification course, which you may take online or in person. These courses take a few weeks to a few months to complete, and they teach the concepts you should understand before taking the PMP certification exam.

    Below, we’ll discuss how to get a PMP certification in more detail, including prerequisites and PMP exam costs.

    PMP Certification Requirements

    You must accomplish a certain amount of professional experience and formal training before you qualify for PMP certification.

    If you have completed high school or an associate degree but not a bachelor’s, PMP certification requirements are as follows.

    • 60 months leading projects
    • 35 contact hours

    If you have a bachelor’s degree, you must complete the following before pursuing PMP certification.

    • 36 months leading projects
    • 35 contact hours

    PMP Cost

    Most PMP certification training programs (through which you can earn your contact hours) range in cost from around $300 to around $3,000. Courses offered through well-known colleges and universities tend to cost more, but many also offer for-credit programs that result in undergraduate or graduate certificates. Consider a program that holds GAC accreditation when searching for courses. Free PMP certification training is available through some resources, but usually only for short trial periods.

    To sit for the exam, the cost is $405 for PMI members or $575 for nonmembers.

    PMP Time Commitment

    How long does it take to get PMP certification? The most time-consuming part of the PMP certification process is completing the required work experience. Start documenting your work experience as soon as you consider applying for PMP certification. Once you get that experience under your belt, the rest of the certification process involves studying and scheduling your test. The time spent on this step can vary depending on your schedule and study habits, location and testing center availability.

    Most PMP certification training courses take only a few weeks to a few months to complete. After that, it’s up to you how much time you spend studying for the certification exam. Retakes cost $275 for PMI members and $375 for nonmembers, so it’s best to go into the exam as prepared as possible.

    PMP Renewal Costs

    Once you’ve passed the PMP exam, you must complete a certain level of continuing education to keep your certification active. The renewal fee, due every three years, is $60 for PMI members or $150 for nonmembers.

    Is PMP Certification Worth It?

    To determine whether PMP certification is worth it to you, weigh the costs of certification against the potential benefits. Since we’ve listed the costs of PMP certification above, you likely have a good idea of the investment you’d need to make to get certified. Now, it’s time to consider your potential return on that investment.

    Benefits of PMP certification

    • Salary increase. PMPs in the U.S. earn about 32% more than their non-certified peers in project management.
    • Greater respect in the industry. The Project Management Institute is the leading organization for project management knowledge and the publisher of the PMBOK. Earning PMP certification through PMI carries lots of weight in the project management industry.
    • Greater career opportunities. Holding PMP certification should make you more marketable when it comes to looking for better or different positions in project management.

    Consider Your Career

    Are you looking to make a career change? Move into a higher role in your current team? In either case, PMP certification could be just what you need to level up your career. As part of the certification process, you’ll learn industry best practices that you can start incorporating into your day-to-day work life immediately.

    Look at Earning Potential vs. Certification Cost

    According to PMI, PMP-certified professionals in the U.S. earn a median annual salary of $123,000, compared to a median of $93,000 for their non-certified colleagues. This translates to a 32% salary increase for certified PMPs.

    Multiply your current salary by 1.32 to estimate your potential PMP certification salary. You can then weigh that salary increase against the cost of PMP certification training and the PMP exam. This cost vs. benefit analysis can help you understand whether PMP certification would be worth it for you.

    Mon, 11 Dec 2023 23:13:00 -0600 Christin Perry en-US text/html
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