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CBDE exam success - BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: CBDE BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum exam success January 2024 by team

CBDE BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum

This exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours and is a performance-based evaluation of Ethereum Development skills and knowledge. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides.

Scores and Reporting

Official scores for exams come immediately following the exam from Pearson VUE. A passing score is 70%. exam results are reported PASS/FAIL and you will be provided your percentage. Blockchain Training Alliance does not report scores on individual items, nor will it provide additional information upon request.

The Certified Blockchain Developer - Ethereum (CBDE) exam is an elite way to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in this emerging space. Additionally, you will become a member of a community of Blockchain leaders. With certification comes monthly industry updates via email and video.

The CBDE exam is a 70 question multiple-choice exam that lasts 1.5 hours and is performance-based evaluation of Ethereum Development skills and knowledge. Internet access is not provided during the exam, nor is any course material or study guides.

A person who holds this certification demonstrates their ability to:

Plan and prepare production ready applications for the Ethereum blockchain

Write, test, and deploy secure Solidity smart contracts

Understand and work with Ethereum fees

Work within the bounds and limitations of the Ethereum blockchain

Use the essential tooling and systems needed to work with the Ethereum ecosystem

This exam will prove that a student completely understands how to:

Implement web3.js

Write and compile Solidity smart contracts

Create secure smart contracts

Deploy smart contracts both the live and test Ethereum networks

Calculate Ethereum gas costs

Unit test smart contracts

Run an Ethereum node on development machines
BTA Certified Blockchain Developer Ethereum
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BTA Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum
Question: 91
What are Private Keys used for?
A. To Protect the Public Keys by being cryptographically significant.
B. To Sign Transactions And To Derive an Address From.
C. To Generate An Address which can sign transactions.
Answer: B
Question: 92
Public Keys vs. Private Keys. Which statement is true?
A. The Public Key is for Signing Transactions, the Private Key must be given out to verify the signature.
B. The Private Key signs transactions, the Public Key can verify the signature.
C. The Private Key is to generate a Public Key. The Public Key can sign transactions, the address is here to verify
the transactions.
Answer: B
Question: 93
A Hashing Algorithm is deterministic. What does it mean?
A. it always produces the same output given the same input.
B. it uses equally distributed data to produce the output given a long input.
C. it shouldn’t be possible to re-generate the input given the output.
Answer: A
Question: 94
DApps are:
A. great, because they cut the middle man, run on a trusted platform, apply logic to the blockchain where already
economic assets are running and thus allow peer to peer trade.
B. an amazing way to create new applications. Those applications run entirely separated from other applications on
the platform and allow for logical interactions. They can’t access any funds to add an additional layer of trust.
C. a new way of applying logical operations for banks and big financial institutions. This way they can reduce the staff
while operating at increased security.
Answer: B
Question: 95
To get most out of the blockchain, it is best:
A. to use it for the whole business logic. It’s always best to have everything in once place.
B. to use it only for things which need the benefits of the blockchain.
Answer: B
Question: 96
Which statement is true about the EVM?
A. While the EVM is Sandboxed, it isn’t as powerful as the Bitcoin Network, because it’s not Turing Complete.
B. The EVM can’t access hardware layers or anything outside a blockchain node because it’s sandboxed.
C. The EVM is extremely powerful, turing complete and perfect for doing computational intensive things, because
of the direct access to the graphics card.
Answer: C
Question: 97
Which is the right order for Denominations?
A. Wei, Finney, Szabo, Ether, Tether.
B. Finney, Szabo, Mether, Gwei.
C. Gwei, Szabo, Finney, Ether.
Answer: C
Question: 98
The nonce-field in a transaction is used:
A. to protect against replay attacks.
B. to have an additional checksum for transactions.
C. to sum up all ethers sent from that address.
Answer: A
Question: 99
Solidity gets compiled:
A. to bytecode that can’t be understood by humans.
B. to bytecodes which are essentially opcodes running instruction by instruction.
Answer: B
Question: 100
Having a bug-bounty program early on:
A. can help to engage the community in testing your smart contracts and therefore help to find bugs early.
B. might be a burden as it is an administrative overhead mainly.
C. is completely useless. Who wants to test beta-ware software? It’s better to start with the bug-bounty program
after the contract is released on the main-net.
Answer: A
Question: 101
Consensus is reached:
A. by the miner nodes which make sure that a transaction is valid.
B. by every single node in the blockchain network executing the same transaction.
C. by a cryptographic secure signature algorithm called ECDSA which makes sure that cheating is impossible.
Answer: B
Question: 102
Smart Contracts can be written in:
A. Java, C++, Solidity and JavaScript, because the Ethereum Blockchain is completely language agnostic and cross
compilers exist for every major language.
B. Solidity, Viper, LLL and Serpent, because those are high level languages that are compiled down to bytecode.
C. Solidity and JavaScript, because those are the official first implementations for Distributed applications and the
Blockchain supports those languages fully.
Answer: B
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BlockChain Blockchain exam success - BingNews Search results BlockChain Blockchain exam success - BingNews The Future of Blockchain: Predictions and Trends to Watch Out For

Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of blockchain and travel through time? Buckle up, because we’re about to take a peek into the crystal ball and discover the future of this revolutionary technology. From cryptocurrencies soaring to new heights, to blockchain penetrating industries they never thought possible – get ready for predictions and trends that will blow your mind! Whether you’re an avid investor or just someone curious about what’s coming next, grab a front-row seat as they unveil what lies ahead in “The Future of Blockchain: Predictions and Trends to Watch Out For.”

Blockchain technology, also known as distributed ledger technology, is a revolutionary concept that is changing the way they think about data storage and transfer. It was first introduced in 2008 by an unknown person or group of people under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, as a core component of the digital currency Bitcoin. Since then, it has gained widespread attention and adoption for its potential to transform various industries.

At its core, blockchain technology is essentially a decentralized database that maintains a continuously growing list of records called blocks. These blocks are linked and secured using cryptography, making them resistant to tampering and revision. This means that once data has been recorded on the blockchain, it becomes immutable, making it extremely secure and transparent.

Understanding the Basics of Blockchain

Blockchain technology has gained a lot of attention in latest years, and its potential to revolutionize various industries is becoming increasingly evident. In this section, they will delve into the basics of blockchain to help you understand what it is and how it works.

What is Blockchain?

At its core, blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that records transactions between parties in a permanent and verifiable manner. It allows data to be recorded and shared securely among individuals or organizations without the need for intermediaries like banks or government institutions. The information stored on a blockchain network is distributed across many computers, making it virtually impossible to alter or hack.

How Does Blockchain Work?

The working principle of blockchain can be compared to that of a Google document shared among multiple users. Any changes made by one user are automatically updated for all other users in real-time. Similarly, any new transaction added to the blockchain network is instantly validated by each node (a computer connected to the network) and recorded as a block of data within the chain.

The process begins when two parties initiate a transaction – let’s say Bob wants to send Alice one bitcoin. This transaction will first be Checked by nodes on the network using complex mathematical algorithms called “hash functions.” Once verified, the transaction will be bundled with other transactions into a block and added chronologically to existing blocks on the network.

Each block contains a unique code called “hash,” which links it back to the previous block, creating an unbreakable chain where every change made can easily be traced back to its origin. This makes it impossible for anyone to tamper with past transactions without changing the entire chain’s history, making fraud and hacking almost impossible.

Why is Blockchain Important?

One of the main benefits of blockchain technology is its decentralized nature. Traditional systems rely on a central authority to validate and process transactions, which can be slow, expensive, and prone to errors. With blockchain’s distributed ledger system, all participants have access to the same information at the same time, cutting out intermediaries and reducing costs.

Another essential aspect of blockchain is its transparency. Every transaction on the network is recorded permanently and cannot be altered or erased. This makes it easy for individuals or organizations to verify the authenticity of any data or transaction recorded on the blockchain, promoting trust between parties without relying on third-party verification.

Current Applications and Industries using Blockchain

Blockchain technology has rapidly gained traction in various industries since its inception, primarily due to its ability to securely store and share data in a decentralized manner. This revolutionary technology has disrupted traditional systems by providing a more transparent, efficient, and secure way to conduct transactions. As blockchain continues to evolve and mature, it is expected to have an even more significant impact on various industries.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the current applications and industries that are already leveraging the power of blockchain:

1. Financial Services:
The financial sector was among the first industries to adopt blockchain technology. The most well-known application of blockchain in finance is cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. These decentralized digital currencies allow for peer-to-peer transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks. Blockchain also enables faster cross-border payments, reduces transaction fees, and increases security for financial institutions.

Moreover, blockchain-based solutions like smart contracts are being used in complex financial processes such as trade finance, supply chain financing, identity verification, and insurance claims management.

2. Supply Chain Management:
Blockchain brings greater transparency and traceability to supply chains by creating an unalterable record of all the steps involved in sourcing raw materials, production, shipping, storage, distribution, sales, etc. This allows businesses to track their products’ journey throughout the supply chain accurately.

Using blockchain-powered platforms like Provenance or VeChain provides consumers with information about products’ origins while ensuring ethical sourcing practices through complete accountability.

Predictions for the Future of Blockchain

As they continue to witness the rapid growth and adoption of blockchain technology, it’s clear that this revolutionary technology is here to stay. With its ability to provide decentralized, secure, and transparent solutions for various industries, the potential for blockchain is virtually endless. But what does the future hold for this innovative technology? In this section, they will explore some predictions for the future of blockchain and how it will shape their world in the years to come.

1. Mainstream Adoption:

One of the most significant predictions for the future of blockchain is its mainstream adoption by businesses and governments worldwide. Currently, many companies are still in the early stages of exploring blockchain technology, but as more success stories emerge, they can expect a more widespread implementation of this disruptive technology across various industries. With increased adoption comes improved efficiency and cost savings, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge.

2. Interoperability among Blockchains:

Interoperability refers to the ability of two or more systems or networks to communicate with each other seamlessly. In terms of blockchain, this means different blockchains can work together to exchange data and assets securely without compromising security or transparency. As new use cases continue to emerge for blockchain applications, interoperability will become crucial in ensuring seamless integration between different systems and networks.

3. Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi):

Decentralized finance or DeFi has been gaining popularity in latest years as a way to disrupt traditional financial services such as banking and lending. By leveraging blockchain technology, DeFi platforms offer users the ability to access financial services without the need for intermediaries. As the technology matures, they can expect to see a rise in DeFi applications and services, making financial transactions more accessible, secure, and cost-effective.

4. Governments Embracing Blockchain:

While many governments are still skeptical of cryptocurrencies, they have been showing increasing interest in blockchain technology. Several countries are exploring ways to leverage blockchain to Improve government services, enhance transparency and reduce fraud. In the future, they can expect more governments to adopt and regulate cryptocurrency and blockchain use, which will further legitimize this technology.

5. Greater Adoption of Smart Contracts:

Smart contracts are self-executing agreements that automatically enforce contractual terms using code on a blockchain. They have the potential to revolutionize traditional contract-based processes by automating tasks and reducing reliance on third parties. As more businesses recognize the benefits of smart contracts such as increased efficiency and cost savings, they can expect their adoption to increase significantly in various industries.

Trends to Watch Out For in the Coming Years

The world of blockchain technology is constantly evolving and growing, with new advancements and developments being made every day. As they move into the future, there are several trends that are expected to emerge and shape the landscape of blockchain technology in the years to come. In this section, they will take a closer look at some of the most significant trends to watch out for in the coming years.

1. Mass Adoption of Blockchain Technology

One of the biggest trends that is expected to dominate the blockchain space in the coming years is mass adoption. While blockchain technology has gained significant traction and attention in latest years, it is still largely seen as a niche technology primarily used for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, as more industries and businesses realize the potential of this decentralized system, they can expect to see widespread adoption across various sectors.

From finance and healthcare to supply chain management and voting systems, blockchain has tremendous potential to revolutionize traditional processes and bring about greater efficiency, transparency, and security. As more organizations start implementing blockchain solutions into their operations, it’s only a matter of time before it becomes mainstream.

2. Interoperability Between Blockchains

Currently, most blockchains operate independently from one another, making it challenging for them to communicate or share data seamlessly. This lack of interoperability poses a significant challenge when trying to implement large-scale applications that require multiple blockchains working together.

However, as more enterprises adopt blockchain technology and demand for interconnected networks increases, developers are actively working on creating solutions for cross-chain communication. There are already several projects in development that aim to bridge the gap between different blockchains, making it easier to transfer value and data across different networks.

3. Rise of Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is a term used to describe financial applications built on top of blockchain networks. These applications use smart contracts to automate traditional financial services, such as lending, borrowing, and trading without the need for intermediaries like banks or other financial institutions.

As more people become disillusioned with the traditional banking system and seek alternative ways to manage their finances, they can expect to see a significant rise in DeFi applications in the coming years. Some even predict that decentralized finance could eventually replace traditional banking altogether.

4. Increased Focus on Security and Privacy

With the rise of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, the need for robust security measures has become increasingly important. As more sensitive data is stored on blockchains, there is an increased risk of cyberattacks targeting these systems.

To combat this threat, developers are working on implementing improved security measures such as advanced encryption methods and authentication protocols. Additionally, privacy concerns have also become prominent in latest years, leading to the development of privacy-focused blockchains that allow users to transact anonymously.

Potential Impact of Blockchain on Various Industries

Blockchain technology, best known for its associations with cryptocurrency, has been making waves in the tech world for quite some time now. But beyond just revolutionizing their financial systems, this groundbreaking technology has the potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, from healthcare to supply chain management.

Here are some of the potential impacts that blockchain could have on various industries:

1. Financial Services:
The financial services industry is perhaps the most obvious and direct beneficiary of blockchain technology. By using distributed ledger systems, banks and other financial institutions can streamline their processes and reduce costs associated with processing transactions. Blockchain also offers increased security and transparency, which could help mitigate fraud and Improve customer trust.

2. Healthcare:
Healthcare providers are constantly burdened by challenges related to data silos and privacy concerns. Blockchain offers a solution by providing a secure platform for storing patient data, allowing for greater interoperability between different healthcare organizations. This could result in more efficient processes and better outcomes for patients.

3. Supply Chain Management:
The supply chain industry is ripe for disruption through blockchain technology. With its ability to track products from origin to final destination in real-time, blockchain can significantly Improve supply chain visibility and transparency. This would not only benefit companies by reducing costs but also give consumers peace of mind about the origins and authenticity of their products.

Challenges and Limitations

1. Scalability Issues:
One of the major challenges facing blockchain technology is its scalability issue. Blockchain is a decentralized system, which means that all nodes on the network have to reach a consensus before a transaction can be added to the ledger. As more and more transactions are added, it becomes increasingly difficult for nodes to reach a consensus in a timely manner. This results in slower processing times and higher transaction fees.

To address this issue, developers have been working on various solutions such as sharding, sidechains, and off-chain scaling solutions like Lightning Network. However, these solutions are still in their early stages and need further development and testing before becoming widely adopted.

2. Interoperability:
With multiple blockchains being developed for different purposes, there is currently no standard protocol for communication between them. This lack of interoperability poses a challenge when it comes to achieving widespread adoption of blockchain technology. It also limits its potential use cases where different blockchains need to work together.

To overcome this challenge, several projects are working towards creating better interoperability protocols that allow different blockchains to communicate with each other seamlessly.

3. User Adoption:
The success of any technology ultimately depends on its user adoption rate. While blockchain has gained significant traction in latest years, there is still limited understanding among the general public about its functionality and benefits. Moreover, using blockchain-based applications often requires technical knowledge or skills that can be intimidating for some users.


As they move into the future, blockchain technology is set to transform various industries and create new opportunities. The predictions and trends discussed in this article give us a glimpse of what’s to come and how disruptive this technology can be. From increasing efficiency and transparency in supply chains to revolutionizing digital voting systems, the potential for blockchain seems limitless. It will be exciting to see how it unfolds and impacts their society in the years to come.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 02:08:00 -0600 Hillary en-US text/html
This South Korean entrepreneur is making waves in blockchain analysis


Meet Ju Ki-young, a South Korean tech entrepreneur who co-founded the blockchain analysis firm CryptoQuant.

About Ju: Born in 1992, Ju, an alumnus of Pohang University of Science and Technology, co-founded CryptoQuant with fellow alumni in April 2019. Before becoming its CEO and entering the blockchain sphere, he was a software engineer who offered analyses for businesses.

What CryptoQuant does: CryptoQuant, which South Korea's Chosun Daily dubs as the "Bloomberg of Crypto," provides on-chain and market data gathered from blockchain and major cryptocurrency exchange platforms. The company keeps track of every transaction that occurs in the market.

Making a name: Using on-chain data analysis, CryptoQuant says it was the first to notice the impending crash of the Terra-Luna cryptocurrency in May 2022 and the potential bankruptcy of FTX months after.

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Ju raised the red flag in an X post, pointing out how Terraform Labs' nonprofit, Luna Foundation Guard, transferred around 37,000 Bitcoins (approximately $1.59 billion in today's exchange) to Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange. A few days after making the post, Terraform Labs' Luna, the sister token of stablecoin TerraUSD, crashed to virtually $0.

With its success, CryptoQuant signed a partnership deal with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME Group), the world’s largest derivatives and options exchange, as the latter’s on-chain data provider in July of the same year.

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Helping solve crimes: Ju hopes that CryptoQuant could also aid governments and financial authorities in tracking cyber financial crimes. In 2019, the company used its expertise to uncover the e-wallets of those involved in the “Nth Room” scandal, leading to the arrest of masterminds Cho Ju-bin, Moon Hyung-wook and others.

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Wed, 03 Jan 2024 09:32:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Etherscan Expands Blockchain Data Services With Solscan Acquisition

In a significant development, Etherscan, a key player in Ethereum blockchain data services, has officially acquired Solscan, a block explorer dedicated to the Solana blockchain.

This strategic move is part of Etherscan's overarching strategy to expand its capabilities and support across multiple blockchain networks.

Etherscan and Solscan: Unveiling Features and Background

Etherscan, established in 2015, functions as a block explorer for the Ethereum blockchain, facilitating users in accessing, searching, and filtering transaction data.

Blockchains, essentially digital ledgers, create an immutable historical record of transactions across various nodes.

While renowned for their roles in major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, blockchains also play a crucial role in supporting transactions related to nonfungible tokens (NFTs), representing ownership of digital assets.

Solscan, founded in 2021, mirrors Etherscan's features, specifically tailored for the Solana blockchain. According to Silicon Angle, it provides comprehensive transactional data, including detailed address information, token data, and NFT metadata.

Solana's Emergence and Solscan's Success Story

Solana, positioned as a competitor to Ethereum, distinguishes itself by offering high transaction speeds and low fees for decentralized applications and NFTs.

Solscan quickly emerged as the preferred block explorer for Solana, establishing itself as the go-to choice for users seeking profound insights into the Solana ecosystem.

Matthew Tan, CEO and founder of Etherscan, highlighted Solscan's proven expertise, emphasizing their shared commitment to making blockchain data accessible and user-friendly.

Strategic Vision and Collaborative Synergy

Solscan, backed by a $4 million funding round in December 2021, introduced an analytics dashboard, enhancing the overall user experience in viewing blockchain data.

The collaboration between Etherscan and Solscan aims to actualize Etherscan's vision, providing robust analysis and services across a spectrum of blockchains.

The acquisition is positioned as a "collaborative merging," focusing on offering credibility-neutral and equitable access to blockchain data. Etherscan envisions reinforced support for various blockchains, reflecting its unwavering commitment to user-friendly accessibility and data insights.

According to The Daily Hodl, Etherscan charts a strategic course for the future amidst the acquisition, detailing essential goals following the latest purchase. These include an unwavering commitment to executing its mission by providing impartial and fair access to blockchain data.

Moreover, Etherscan seeks to enhance user experiences by integrating valuable features across various explorers, aiming to elevate user support to unprecedented heights. The latest development comes on the heels of the explorer's integration of ChatGPT.

The press release concludes with a solid commitment to fostering the broader blockchain community's growth and adoption. Etherscan expresses confidence that this new addition to its team will significantly contribute to the ecosystem's vitality and resilience.

Photo: Kanchanara/Unsplash

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 20:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Global payment solutions are better with blockchain

Ripple has hailed the way in which blockchain can be leveraged to settle international transactions. It has been said that IT service businesses will largely feel the positive impact. Per an estimate by Ripple, worldwide spending on IT services is expected to touch $1.5 trillion this year. Companies have started looking overseas for new talent, thereby removing all geographical barriers to a person working for a company.