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PDDM information search - Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing information search January 2024 by team

PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing

This comprehensive digital marketing course, delivered 100% online, teaches key digital marketing skills required for the modern workplace. Learn Google Ads, social media marketing and SEO, Google Analytics, mobile marketing and much more.

How is digital marketing defined in the current market? Whats the best way to get in front of potential customers? How can you create a campaign that combines the best of traditional and digital marketing? How do you distinguish from inbound and outbound marketing?

In this module, youll master the fundamentals. You will learn how to navigate the buyers journey. And you will acquire actionable, practical information.

- Principles of Digital Marketing

- Developing Objectives

- Connecting with the Customer

- Digital Research

- Cultural Research

Digital media is fascinating and powerful because its super person-orientated, yet also data driven – you get to engage with how people think and also see how and what they do.

This module is about creating content that speaks to people, but also about sending it out into the big wide digital world at the right time and via the right channels. Best of all, you get the superpower ability to see what works.

- Content Marketing Concepts and Strategy

- Developing a Content Marketing Plan

- Publishing and Distributing Content

- Using Content Research to Find Opportunities

- Creating and Curating Content

- Metrics and Performance

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Module Info & Overview

You must be found. Which means you must make yourself found. Search Engine Optimization is all about getting on that first Google page, staying top of the list and top of mind. Learn the tricks of the trade such as keywords, what kind of content attracts, how to create more engagement and the magical art of conversion. There is so much to ‘like.

- SEO Fundamentals

- Keywords and SEO Content Plan

- Measuring SEO Performance

- Aligning SEO and Business Objectives

- Optimize Organic Search Ranking

Display and Video Advertising

Module Info & Overview

YouTube. Because they have eyes to see. Learn how to set up, manage, analyse and optimise a channel worthy of much viewing. Also release the sales power of Google Display Network and more. Visual is where its at.

- Fundamentals of Display and Video Advertising

- Google Display Network and Video Ad Formats

- Creating and Managing a YouTube Channel

- Creating Display and Video Campaigns

- Targeting Display and Video Campaigns

- Measurement and Optimization

Website Optimization

Module Info & Overview

What makes a winning website? This module gives you the skills to create a simple, well-designed, optimised WordPress site that not only looks good but also delivers for your business – goals and solutions stay lined up, nice and clear. Also, lets get user-centric with best practice UX and go deep with data; activity tracking means insight - and insight is power.

- Web Design and Website Optimization

- Design Principles and Website Copy

- Publishing a Basic Website

- User-Centered Design and Website Optimization

- Website Metrics and Developing Insight

Digital Marketing Strategy

Module Info & Overview

We supply you capability, influence, reach, data, insight and tools, tools and more tools. But you still need solid objectives, otherwise you are drunk on power, driving a high performance sports car round and round in circles on your way to the supermarket. Thats why they tie it all together with a Strategy module. Have a big and clear vision of where you really want to go, and make it actionable with budget, channel and media plans, Key Performance Indicators and more.

- Digital Strategy Fundamentals

- Setting Strategy Objectives and KPIs

- Digital Strategy Research

- Developing a Creative Strategy

- Executing a Digital Marketing Strategy

- Communicating a Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Institute courses are white hot,
created with insight from those who are already
out there doing it. They bring you expert thought and
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Once upon a time digital marketing was a wild
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and its working. Bluechip global brands, innovators,
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90 countries recognise and use Digital Marketing
Institutes Certification Framework.

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Ɉ Gives you powers you may not
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Principles of Digital Marketing

↗ Inbound and Outbound Strategies

↗ Digital Media Examples

↗ Traditional vs. Digital Marketing

↗ Principles of DMIs 3i Methodology

↗ Digital Channels

Developing Objectives

↗ SMART Objectives

Digital Research

↗ Audience Research

↗ Social Listening Platforms

↗ Social Listening and Audience Research Tools

Cultural Research

↗ Competitive Research Platforms and Tools

↗ Industry Trend Research

↗ Digital Research

Connecting with the Customer

↗ The Buyers Journey

↗ Five Marketing Functions

↗ 360 Digital Marketing Campaign

↗ Marketing Functions and Buyer Journey Stages

↗ Digital Marketing Concepts, Principles, Procedures and Tools

Content Marketing Concepts and Strategy

↗ Benefits of Content Marketing

↗ Qualities of Effective Content

↗ Types of Content

↗ Content Alignment with the Buyers Journey

↗ Community Management

↗ Content Marketing Strategy

Using Content Research to Find Opportunities

↗ Social Listening

↗ Competitor Content Analysis

↗ Content Audit

Developing a Content Marketing Plan

↗ Content Marketing Goals

↗ Content/Business Goal Alignment

↗ Customer Personas

↗ Content Topics

↗ Content Calendar

↗ Content Management Systems

Creating and Curating Content

↗ Content Stakeholders

↗ Content Types and Formats

↗ Content Tools

↗ Content Creation and Curation

↗ Content Creation Best Practice

↗ Brand Components

↗ Content Personalization

Publishing and Distributing Content

↗ Content Platforms

↗ Benefits and Challenges of Content Seeding

↗ Content Scheduling Techniques and Tools

↗ Content Promotion Strategies

Metrics and Performance

↗ Content Marketing ROI

↗ Content Marketing Metrics

↗ Metrics and Content Marketing Strategy

Key Social Platforms for Digital Marketing

↗ Benefits of Social Media Marketing

↗ Social Media Marketer Responsibilities

↗ The Buyers Journey Stages

↗ Influential Social Media Platforms

↗ Key Terminology

Setting up a Social Media Experience for a Business

↗ Best Social Media Account Practices

↗ Facebook for a Business

↗ Twitter for a Business

↗ LinkedIn for a Business

↗ Instagram for a Business

↗ Snapchat for a Business

Growing and Engaging an Audience

↗ Community Techniques and Best Practices

↗ Content Sharing Best Practices

↗ Sharing Stories Best Practices

↗ Video Content Best Practices

↗ Hashtag Usage Best Practices

↗ Twitter Content Best Practices

↗ LinkedIn Content Best Practices

↗ Instagram Content Best Practices

↗ Snapchat Content Best Practices

Creating and Optimizing Social Media Campaigns

↗ Campaign Set-up

↗ Facebook and Instagram Business Manager

↗ Twitter Ads Manager

↗ LinkedIn Campaign Manager

↗ Snapchat Ad Manager

Developing Data-Driven Audience and Campaign Insights

↗ Campaign Tools Analysis

↗ Facebook Tools and Analytics

↗ Twitter Tools and Analytics

↗ LinkedIn Tools and Analytics

↗ Instagram Tools and Analytics

↗ Snapchat Analytics and Campaigns

SEO Fundamentals

↗ Paid and Organic Search

↗ Key SEO Components

↗ Search Engine Introduction

↗ Common Search Query Types

↗ SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) Components

Aligning SEO and Business Objectives

↗ SEO Objective Types

↗ Create and Implement SEO Objectives

Keywords and SEO Content Plan

↗ Keyword Research Benefits

↗ Short and Long Tail Keywords

↗ Conduct Keyword Research

↗ Convert Keywords into SEO Content

Optimize Organic Search Ranking

↗ Technical Components for Visibility

↗ On-page Optimization

↗ Off-page Optimization

↗ SEO Audit

Measuring SEO Performance

↗ Traffic Sources

↗ SEO Metric Types

↗ Success Measurement

Fundamentals of Paid Search

↗ Paid vs. Organic Search

↗ Customer Use of Search Engines

↗ Paid Search Benefits

↗ Elements of Paid Search Campaigns

↗ Paid Search Campaign Creation with Google Ads

↗ Google Ads Manager Account vs. Child Account

↗ Google Ads Best Practice

↗ Google Ads Account Elements

↗ Paid Search and SEO Keyword Research

↗ Google Ads and Paid Search Campaigns

Search Campaign Management

↗ Advertising Budget Management

↗ Google Ads Bidding

↗ Google Ads Bid Simulator Tool

↗ Optimize Paid Search Campaigns

↗ Google Ads Editor

Paid Search Campaign Measurement

↗ Paid Search KPIs

↗ Conversion Tracking

↗ Success Metrics

↗ Google Analytics Measurement

↗ Google Analytics and Search Console Reporting

Fundamentals of Display and Video Advertising

↗ Key Concepts, Benefits and Value

↗ Key Advertising Platforms

↗ Advertising Buying Mechanisms

↗ Strategy Objectives

Creating and Managing a YouTube Channel

↗ YouTube Channel Setup

↗ Video Best Practices

↗ Content Management Best Practices

↗ YouTube Analytics and Reporting

Google Display Network and Video Ad Formats

↗ Google Display Network Campaign Types

↗ Ad Formats and Sizes

Creating Display and Video Campaigns

↗ Google Ads Display Ad Campaign

↗ Responsive and Non-responsive Ads

↗ YouTube Channel and Google Ads Linking

↗ Standard Video Ad Campaigns

↗ YouTube Ads

Targeting Display and Video Campaigns

↗ Targeting Types

↗ Audience Targeting

↗ Contextual Targeting

↗ Advanced Google Ads Features

↗ Configure Ad Exclusions

↗ Remarketing Options

↗ Bidding Strategy

Measurement and Optimization

↗ Key Display Campaign Metrics

↗ Video Campaign Metrics

↗ Performance Analysis of Display Campaigns

↗ Performance Analysis of Video Campaigns

↗ Impact Performance Analysis

↗ Campaign Optimization

Email Marketing Fundamentals

↗ Key Concepts

↗ Inbound Email Marketing

↗ Legislation and Regulations e.g. Permissions

and Data Protection

Tools and Strategy

↗ Key Strategy Principles

↗ Email Service Providers

↗ Recipient Sources

↗ Contact Databases

Email Design

↗ Email Writing and Design

↗ The Buyers Journey Alignment

↗ Subject Lines

↗ Copy Essentials

↗ Design Best Practices

↗ Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

↗ Image Best Practices

Creating an Effective Email Campaign

↗ Email Campaign Creation

↗ Delivery Factors

↗ Delivery and Placement Challenges

↗ Campaign Management Best Practices

Testing and Optimizing an Email Campaign

↗ Test Components

↗ A/B Testing

↗ Key Campaign Measurement Metrics

↗ Optimize Open and Click Through Rates

↗ Mobile Optimization

↗ Bounce Rates and Unsubscribes

Marketing Automation

↗ Benefits of Automation Tools

↗ Key Process Building Blocks

Web Design and Website Optimization

↗ Website Optimization and SEO

↗ Optimization and Digital Marketing Strategy

↗ Design, Construction, Maintenance and

Optimization in a Marketing Context

↗ Key Components of Web Design

Publishing a Basic Website

↗ Website Hosting Options

↗ Setup

↗ WordPress Themes

Design Principles and Website Copy

↗ Web Design Principles

↗ Mobile-First Design and SEO

↗ Copy Best Practice

↗ A/B Best Practice Testing

User-Centered Design and Website Optimization

↗ UX and UI Design, Benefits and Principles

↗ UX Assessment

↗ User Experience Improvement and UserCentered Design Methods

↗ Key Optimization Performance Factors

Website Metrics and Developing Insight

↗ Website Monitoring

↗ Evaluation Tools

↗ Implement Monitoring and Optimization Best


Web Analytics Fundamentals

↗ Insight Types for Digital Marketers

↗ Analytics Tools for Data Collection,

Measurement and Analysis

↗ Google Analytics Benefits and Limitations

↗ Analytics Reporting Terminology

↗ Legal Requirements, Responsibilities and Best


Creating and Configuring a Google Analytics


↗ Account Setup

↗ Tracking Code Installment

↗ Key Settings and Navigational Functions

↗ Account Settings and Filters

↗ Benefits and Risks of Sharing Access

↗ Linking Google Analytics and Other Tools

Setting Goals with Google Analytics

↗ Setup Goals

↗ Match Website Activity to Goals

↗ Use Goal Funnels to Analyze Customer

Conversion Journey

Monitoring Campaigns with Google Analytics


↗ Campaign Types

↗ Audience, Acquisition, Google Ads, Behavior,

Events and Conversion Reports

↗ Multichannel Funnels Reporting

Analyzing and Recording Google Analytics Data

↗ Track Traffic Changes in Real-Time

↗ Custom reporting, Annotations and Custom


↗ Standardized Data Process

Digital Strategy Fundamentals

↗ Core Digital Marketing Strategy Components

↗ Strategy Purpose

↗ Strategy for plan communication

↗ Digital Marketing and Digital Media

↗ Resource Mapping

↗ Budget Planning

↗ ROI and Success Metrics

Setting Strategy Objectives and KPIs

↗ Common Business Objectives and Campaign


↗ Identify and Distinguish KPIs

↗ Past Performance and Industry Benchmarks for


↗ Regular Performance Reviews

Digital Strategy Research

↗ Key Research Activities

↗ Research Mapping

↗ Strong Research vs. Potentially False Reports

↗ Owned, Accessed and Desk Research

↗ Audit Factors

↗ Audience and Competitor Research

↗ Social Listening Study

↗ Creative vs. Media Brief

Developing a Creative Strategy

↗ Key Creative Strategy Ingredients

↗ Maximize and Repurpose Creative Output

↗ Content Strategy Elements

↗ Creative Format Specifications

Executing a Digital Marketing Strategy

↗ Strategy Objectives

↗ Optimize Channel and Budget Mix

↗ Media Planning for Paid Channels

↗ Key Campaign Components

Communicating a Digital Marketing Strategy

↗ Stakeholder Communication Tools

↗ Digital Marketing Strategy Best Practice

Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing
DMI Professional information search

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PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing

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Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing
Question: 95
Which one of the following would be considered as a traditional marketing channel?
A. Billboard Advertising
B. Email marketing
C. Social media marketing
D. Mobile marketing
Answer: A
Question: 96
Digital Marketing campaigns are often based on a process sequence from Launch to Review
to Adjustment and finally to Re-Launch. What is this process known as?
A. Iteration
B. Perfection
C. Reflection
D. Refinement
Answer: A
Question: 97
Traditional marketing is sometimes characterized as a broadcast approach. What does this
mean? Choose one of the following:
A. One-to-Many
B. Message driven
C. Interruption model
D. One-to-One
Answer: A
Question: 98
Digital marketing channels often __________ consumers from schedules and constraints
associated with standard broadcasting channels. Fill in the blank to complete the sentence by
choosing one of the following:
A. Liberate
B. Constrain
C. Separate
D. Exclude
Answer: A
Question: 99
"Digital Marketing heralds a new departure for marketing today. To really engage with
consumers in the online world you need to be ________ and ________ " Choose one of the
following to fill in the blanks and complete the sentence:
A. Open and transparent
B. Strategic and calculating
C. Radical and original
D. Transparent and apologetic
Answer: A
Question: 100
Emergent digital technologies have been characterized as disruptive. What does this mean?
Choose the correct explanation of the following:
A. Shift in power to the consumer
B. Strengthening of power for the business
C. Share of power between consumer and business
D. Share of power between consumers only
Answer: A
Question: 101
Which digital marketing tactic develops engagement with the target audience across a range
of different networks, forums and devices? Choose the appropriate digital marketing tactic
from the Digital Marketing Institute Framework using the numbered options given.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
Answer: A
Question: 102
It has been said that effective digital marketing is concerned with market reality, and not just
market research because every user action online is . Fill in the blank to complete the
sentence by choosing one of the following:
A. Traceable
B. Verifiable
C. Explicable
D. Auditable
Answer: A
Question: 103
Which one of the following is NOT considered as a primary digital marketing channel?
Choose one of the following:
A. Direct mail shots
B. Social media marketing
C. Mobile marketing
D. Search Engine Optimization
Answer: A
Section 6: Sec Six (104 to 109)
Details:Topic 10, Strategy and Planning
Question: 104
Your CEO has asked you to set out some concrete business objectives for the upcoming
social media marketing campaign. Choose TWO such objectives from the list below:
A. Leads
B. Revenue
C. Click-Through-Rate
D. Social mentions
E. Reputation
Answer: A, B
Question: 105
Recently there has been significant mentions about one of your products on Twitter. Which
tool will help you measure and manage this? Choose one of the following
A. Twitalyzer
B. Google Media Planner
C. TweetPic
D. Google AdWords Keyword Planner
Answer: A
Question: 106
Select two steps from the Digital Marketing Institute's Digital Marketing Plan from the
options shown below:
A. Situation Analysis
B. Brand
C. Research
D. Standards
E. Information Gathering
Answer: A, E
Question: 107
You want to adopt an appropriate communication style and tone. Match the style of
communication with the target group below:
Question: 108
You wish to measure the effectiveness of your Digital Marketing Plan. Which tool will
help? Choose one of the following:
A. Google Analytics
B. Google Alerts
C. Google AdWords Keyword Planner
D. Google Webmaster Tools
Answer: A
Question: 109
You have been attempting to build an audience persona and have taken into account factors
such as: age, gender, social background. What is the general term used to describe this?
Choose one of the following:
A. Demographics
B. Infographics
C. Pictographics
D. Profile Graphics
Answer: A
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DMI Professional information search - BingNews Search results DMI Professional information search - BingNews Additional Information

The contents of the WebMD Site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the WebMD Site ("Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the WebMD Site!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. WebMD does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by WebMD, WebMD employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of WebMD, or other visitors to the Site is solely at your own risk.

Tue, 21 Nov 2017 05:01:00 -0600 en text/html
Professional Licensure Information

A green hard hat with a UAB Blazers sticker. UAB has many degree programs (both on-campus and online) that can lead to professional licensure or certification (PLC). Licensure requirements vary from state to state and by professional organization. UAB is working to develop an online, publicly accessible database, to assist in providing this state-by-state information. In the meantime, if you are interested in learning about potential professional licensure requirements in your state for a specific degree program, please contact the UAB State Authorization office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling (205) 934-7217.

The specific requirements for engineering licensure can differ from state to state. For information on the licensure process in each state, consult the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) website.

NSPE does not license Professional Engineers. Licensing authority and requirements for PEs fall under the jurisdiction of the licensing board for the state, district, or country in which an engineer practices. The national organization that represents the state boards is the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES).

Sat, 15 Jun 2019 08:00:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Information Technology

Did you know that one in three IT jobs now require management and business skills? Through this Professional Skill Track, you can gain the in-demand personal leadership and technical savvy needed to enter or advance in either front-end web development or cybersecurity.

Technical Skills courses are offered in-person, or in some cases, a hybrid of in-person and online. Essential Skills courses are self-paced and offered entirely online. The Continuing Professional Education team is available to help you select the courses and tracks that best fit your professional development goals.

In response to COVID-19, all Continuing Professional Education face-to-face courses and certifications will be offered online via live remote delivery for the fall term (September - December). Winter course delivery will be determined on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pennsylvania Department of Health and Philadelphia Department of Public Health. If you have any questions or concerns about your course enrollment, please e-mail

Half of all job openings paying more than $75k/year show demand for coding skills.

Fri, 11 Oct 2019 02:24:00 -0500 en text/html
Do you search compulsively for health information online? You could have this common disorder

In the age of "Dr. Google," it can be tempting to click your way to self-diagnosis — but an overload of health information can cause its own set of symptoms.

"Cyberchondria," a subset of health anxiety, is described as a condition in which an individual excessively searches for health information online

While cyberchrondria may not start as a physical disease, it can cause intense levels of anxiety and fear that can negatively impact a person's health, according to Dr. Maggie Williams, a family physician in Scottsdale, Arizona, and medical director for MDLIVE Virtual Primary Care.


Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, said he and his colleagues used to call the condition "medical students' disease."

An overload of health information can cause its own set of symptoms called "cyberchondria," or heightened health anxiety.  (iStock)

"When you know a little, but not enough, you imagine you have everything and constantly worry," he told Fox News Digital.

Although cyberchondria is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a formal diagnosis, it’s thought to be closely related to hypochrondria, a more general heightened anxiety about one’s health.


In 2014, two U.K. researchers, Eoin McElroy and Mark Shevlin, created a "cyberchrondria severity scale" that measures a person's score across eight areas: compulsion, distress, excessiveness, reassurance seeking and mistrust of medical professionals.

Growing prevalence of cyberchrondria

As Siegel pointed out, the condition is becoming more common over time. 

"The invention of the internet and then the perfection of search engines created a global hypochondria, where patients searched to find possible explanations for their symptoms," he said.

"The invention of the internet and then the perfection of search engines created a global hypochondria, where patients searched to find possible explanations for their symptoms," a doctor told Fox News Digital. (iStock)

"It especially increased during the pandemic, when dogma abounded and everyone was suddenly an expert," Siegel added.

A study published in JIMR Formative Research last year found that COVID-19 caused a spike in the condition in spring 2020, as people experienced higher levels of "cyberchondria-related distress and compulsion during the pandemic."

"The invention of the internet and then the perfection of search engines created a global hypochondria, where patients searched to find possible explanations for their symptoms."

One user shared experiences with cyberchrondria on Reddit: "I thought that I might see something that will ease my mind, but … it makes it all worse and worse. Out of the 100 times I checked a symptom online, only 10 of them kinda made me feel safe."

Another user wrote, "I'm pretty sure I have this. The pandemic definitely made my health anxiety worse. Unfortunately, the pandemic also made it harder to get in to see a doctor in a timely manner and so the internet is the next logical place to look for answers."

In one study, more than half of respondents said they searched online instead of going to the doctor — and more than two in five turned to social media to ask about their symptoms. (iStock)

In a small study by MDLIVE Virtual Primary Care, more than half of respondents said they searched online instead of going to the doctor, and more than two in five (42%) turned to social media to ask about their symptoms.

Another 22% said they rely on artificial intelligence for medical answers.


Nearly half of the 518 respondents, who provided data in August 2023, said they have misdiagnosed or mistreated an issue based on information they found online.

As Siegel warned, online medical information "isn't often accurate, and it isn't filtered, and it lacks clinical judgment."

Telltale signs of cyberchondria

Several signs may indicate that people are experiencing cyberchondria, Williams said.


"Most people may not recognize the symptoms before it’s too late, after they’ve invested hours, delayed access to the doctor and worsened their overall anxiety," she told Fox News Digital.

One warning sign is spending one to three hours or more at a time searching for symptoms online.

A quarter of survey respondents said that when experiencing a health issue, they spend more than one hour searching for their symptoms online. (iStock)

A quarter of the survey respondents said that when experiencing a health issue, they spend more than one hour searching for their symptoms online.

Obsessive medical searches may also get in the way of day-to-day activities, Williams noted.

In the MDLIVE study, 41% of respondents said that compulsively searching for symptoms has gotten in the way of their daily tasks.

"Most people may not recognize the symptoms before it’s too late, after they’ve invested hours, delayed access to the doctor and worsened their overall anxiety."

"You may feel a compulsion to search online constantly, often rechecking symptoms multiple times, despite having completed an exhaustive search," Williams said.

Another symptom of cyberchrondria is high levels of distress and anxiety when searching for symptoms online — an rather than easing of concerns.

It’s best to consult with a health care professional at the onset of any symptoms, a doctor advised.  (iStock)

Fifty-eight percent of the participants in MDLIVE’s study said that searching online for their symptoms made them more anxious. 

"You may also have a heightened fixation on a particularly serious disease or condition, despite any evidence that you are suffering from it," Williams added.

Addressing or preventing cyberchondria

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of cyberchondria, Williams said it’s important to set boundaries on the time spent searching for health information online. 

"Resist the urge to check and recheck symptoms," she advised.


She also recommends avoiding "deep diving" into online forums or threads where people share "worst-case scenarios." 

"These tend to be exceptions rather than the rule, which can unnecessarily increase your anxiety," she said.

It’s best to consult with a health care professional at the onset of any symptoms, Williams advised. 

For those who might have trouble physically getting to a doctor’s office, a doctor suggested setting up a telehealth visit to address concerns in a timely manner, which will reduce the temptation to dive into online searching. (iStock)

"They can provide accurate information about your health concerns, potentially helping you to sidestep the slippery slope of cyberchondria," she said.

Siegel noted that as a physician, one of his jobs is to help patients sort through their fears and worries and put them in perspective of real risk and disease. 

"You may also have a heightened fixation on a particularly serious disease or condition, despite any evidence that you are suffering from it."

"This is even more the case with social media, where you end up searching through videos — especially TikTok — and become convinced you have a disease," he said. "This all increases anxiety and is bad for health."

For those who might have trouble physically getting to a doctor’s office, Williams suggested setting up a telehealth visit to address concerns in a timely manner, which will reduce the temptation to dive into online searching.


It's important to address cyberchrondria seriously, just as you would with any other health issue, she said.

"If you're experiencing anxiety related to your health, you may find it helpful to speak with a mental health professional."

For people suffering from cyberchondria, experts recommend finding a trustworthy doctor who can guide them. (iStock)

While there are some reputable sources of health information on the internet, not all online information is factual or trustworthy.

"I still rely on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes for Health, Mayo Clinic, NYU Langone and CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy)," said Siegel.


That said, he warned that even vetted medical websites can still sometimes be wrong.

For those suffering from cyberchondria, Siegel advised them to find a doctor they can trust who can help guide them, while at the same time pulling back from online sources.

For more Health articles, visit

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Join Pratt Institute School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS) for a virtual information session to learn more about spring course offerings.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

5:30 PM ET – 6:30 PM ET

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Monday, December 18, 2023

5:30 PM ET – 6:30 PM ET

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SCPS offers programs and certificates aimed at professional development, personal enrichment, and supplementary skill-building that enhances existing professional pursuits.

Information session presenters include Pratt SCPS instructors and program directors with extensive expertise and professional experience in their respective disciplines. Sessions include plenty of time for questions and answers. Registration is free and easy on Eventbrite. And, attendance on Zoom is always free.

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Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:30:00 -0600 en-us text/html
Practical Data Science for Information Professionals

The growing importance of data science, and the increasing role of information professionals in the management and use of data, are brought together in Practical Data Science for Information Professionals to provide a practical introduction specifically designed for information professionals.

Data science has a wide range of applications within the information profession, from working alongside researchers in the discovery of new knowledge, to the application of business analytics for the smoother running of a library or library services. Practical Data Science for Information Professionals provides an accessible introduction to data science, using detailed examples and analysis on real data sets to explore the basics of the subject.

Content covered includes:

  • the growing importance of data science
  • the role of the information professional in data science
  • some of the most important tools and methods that information professionals may use
  • an analysis of the future of data science and the role of the information professional.

This book will be of interest to all types of libraries around the world, from large academic libraries to small research libraries. By focusing on the application of open source software, the book aims to reduce barriers for readers to use the lessons learned within.

Mon, 12 Apr 2021 06:34:00 -0500 en text/html
Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals

Crossref Citations

This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.

Furrer, Frank J. 2019. Future-Proof Software-Systems. p. 21.

Carvalho, Paulo Rito Lima, Solange Álvarez Sabucedo, Luis Santos-Gago, Juan M. and Silva, João Marco C. 2020. Towards a holistic semantic support for context-aware network monitoring. Computing, Vol. 102, Issue. 12, p. 2565.

Pastor-Sánchez, Juan-Antonio 2021. Wikidata como herramienta para elaborar ontologías y vocabularios controlados. Anuario ThinkEPI, Vol. 15, Issue. ,

Wed, 04 Oct 2023 19:11:00 -0500 en text/html
Do you search compulsively for health information online? You might have ‘Cyberchondria’

In the age of “Dr. Google,” it can be tempting to click your way to self-diagnosis — but an overload of health information can cause its own set of symptoms.

“Cyberchondria,” a subset of health anxiety, is described as a condition in which an individual excessively searches for health information online. 

While cyberchondria may not start as a physical disease, it can cause intense levels of anxiety and fear that can negatively impact a person’s health, according to Dr. Maggie Williams, a family physician in Scottsdale, Arizona, and medical director for MDLIVE Virtual Primary Care.

Dr. Marc Siegel, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center and a Fox News medical contributor, said he and his colleagues used to call the condition “medical students’ disease.”

“When you know a little, but not enough, you imagine you have everything and constantly worry,” he told Fox News Digital.

Although cyberchondria is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a formal diagnosis, it’s thought to be closely related to hypochondria, a more general heightened anxiety about one’s health.

In the age of “Dr. Google,” it can be tempting to click your way to self-diagnosis. Getty Images/iStockphoto

In 2014, two U.K. researchers, Eoin McElroy, and Mark Shevlin, created a “cyberchrondria severity scale” that measures a person’s score across eight areas: compulsion, distress, excessiveness, reassurance seeking, and mistrust of medical professionals.

Growing prevalence of cyberchondria

As Siegel pointed out, the condition is becoming more common over time.

“The invention of the internet and then the perfection of search engines created a global hypochondria, where patients searched to find possible explanations for their symptoms,” he said.

“It especially increased during the pandemic, when dogma abounded and everyone was suddenly an expert,” Siegel added.

A study published in JIMR Formative Research last year found that COVID-19 caused a spike in the condition in spring 2020, as people experienced higher levels of “cyberchondria-related distress and compulsion during the pandemic.”

“Cyberchondria,” a subset of health anxiety, is described as a condition in which an individual excessively searches for health information online.  Getty Images

One user shared experiences with cyberchondria on Reddit: “I thought that I might see something that will ease my mind, but … it makes it all worse and worse. Out of the 100 times I checked a symptom online, only 10 of them kinda made me feel safe.”

Another user wrote, “I’m pretty sure I have this. The pandemic definitely made my health anxiety worse. Unfortunately, the pandemic also made it harder to get in to see a doctor in a timely manner and so the internet is the next logical place to look for answers.”

In a small study by MDLIVE Virtual Primary Care, more than half of respondents said they searched online instead of going to the doctor, and more than two in five (42%) turned to social media to ask about their symptoms.

Another 22% said they rely on artificial intelligence for medical answers.

Nearly half of the 518 respondents, who provided data in August 2023, said they had misdiagnosed or mistreated an issue based on information they found online.

“The invention of the internet and then the perfection of search engines created a global hypochondria, where patients searched to find possible explanations for their symptoms,” Dr. Marc Siegel said. Getty Images

As Siegel warned, online medical information “isn’t often accurate, and it isn’t filtered, and it lacks clinical judgment.”

Telltale signs of cyberchondria

Several signs may indicate that people are experiencing cyberchondria, Williams said.

“Most people may not recognize the symptoms before it’s too late after they’ve invested hours, delayed access to the doctor, and worsened their overall anxiety,” she told Fox News Digital.

One warning sign is spending one to three hours or more at a time searching for symptoms online.

A quarter of the survey respondents said that when experiencing a health issue, they spend more than one hour searching for their symptoms online.

Obsessive medical searches may also get in the way of day-to-day activities, Williams noted.

In the MDLIVE study, 41% of respondents said that compulsively searching for symptoms has gotten in the way of their daily tasks.

“You may feel a compulsion to search online constantly, often rechecking symptoms multiple times, despite having completed an exhaustive search,” Williams said.

Another symptom of cyberchondria is high levels of distress and anxiety when searching for symptoms online — rather than easing concerns.

Fifty-eight percent of the participants in MDLIVE’s study said that searching online for their symptoms made them more anxious. 

“You may also have a heightened fixation on a particularly serious disease or condition, despite any evidence that you are suffering from it,” Williams added.

Addressing or preventing cyberchondria

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of cyberchondria, Williams said it’s important to set boundaries on the time spent searching for health information online. 

“Resist the urge to check and recheck symptoms,” she advised.

She also recommends avoiding “deep diving” into online forums or threads where people share “worst-case scenarios.” 

“These tend to be exceptions rather than the rule, which can unnecessarily increase your anxiety,” she said.

It’s best to consult with a health care professional at the onset of any symptoms, Williams advised. 

“It especially increased during the pandemic, when dogma abounded and everyone was suddenly an expert,” Siegel added. Getty Images/iStockphoto

“They can provide accurate information about your health concerns, potentially helping you to sidestep the slippery slope of cyberchondria,” she said.

Siegel noted that as a physician, one of his jobs is to help patients sort through their fears and worries and put them in perspective of real risk and disease. 

“This is even more the case with social media, where you end up searching through videos — especially TikTok — and become convinced you have a disease,” he said. “This all increases anxiety and is bad for health.”

It’s important to address cyberchondria seriously, just as you would with any other health issue. Getty Images

For those who might have trouble physically getting to a doctor’s office, Williams suggested setting up a telehealth visit to address concerns in a timely manner, which will reduce the temptation to dive into online searching.

It’s important to address cyberchondria seriously, just as you would with any other health issue, she said.

“If you’re experiencing anxiety related to your health, you may find it helpful to speak with a mental health professional.”

Siegel (not pictured) noted that as a physician, one of his jobs is to help patients sort through their fears and worries and put them in perspective of real risk and disease.  Getty Images

While there are some reputable sources of health information on the internet, not all online information is factual or trustworthy.

“I still rely on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes for Health, Mayo Clinic, NYU Langone, and CIDRAP (Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy),” said Siegel.

That said, he warned that even vetted medical websites can still sometimes be wrong.

For those suffering from cyberchondria, Siegel advised them to find a doctor they can trust who can help guide them, while at the same time pulling back from online sources.

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 00:57:00 -0600 en-US text/html KitchenAid Professional 600 KP26M1X Mixer

The KitchenAid Professional 600 KP26M1X is part of the Mixers test program at Consumer Reports. In their lab tests, Stand mixers models like the Professional 600 KP26M1X are rated on multiple criteria, such as those listed below.

Bowl size Manufacturer's claimed bowl volume, to the next highest half-quart.

Claimed speeds Manufacturer's claimed speeds.

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Sun, 02 Aug 2015 05:48:00 -0500 en-US text/html

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