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CWM_LEVEL_II Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II student |

CWM_LEVEL_II student - Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: CWM_LEVEL_II Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II student January 2024 by team

CWM_LEVEL_II Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II

The objective of the Chartered Wealth Manager® Program is to equip candidates with both basic and advanced skills required by a Wealth Manager in performing his tasks and duties as a Wealth Manager, Private Banker and Wealth Advisor.

a. Acquiring core understandings in and across the disciplines that contribute to the domain of Wealth Management including Wealth Creation, Wealth Enhancement, Wealth Preservation and Wealth Transfer.

b. Relating these conceptual frameworks to dimensions of practical areas on the ground.

c. Providing candidates with opportunities to encounter and critically engage with instances of both challenging problems and attempted interventions by a Wealth Manager.

d. Engage with the complex financial markets, human attitudes and investment lifecycles.

e. Explore the ethical and personal dimensions of Wealth Advisory and understand the fiduciary responsibilities of a Wealth Manager.

UNIT 10 : Equity Analysis

UNIT 11 : Use of Alternative Products in Wealth Management

UNIT 12 : Use of Behavioral Finance in Wealth Management

UNIT 13 : Real Estate Valuation and Analysis

UNIT 14 : Relationship Management by a Wealth Manager

UNIT 15 : International Taxation

UNIT 16 : Portfolio Management Strategies

UNIT 17 : Wealth Management Planning

UNIT 18 : Advanced Wealth Management

LEVEL II – Advanced Level


Unit 10- Equity Analysis

Equity as an asset class always features as the first choice in almost every portfolio. Considering the importance Equity possesses in investment management space this unit would focus at enabling the investment professional understand the various aspects of Equity including Equity Analysis by Technical & Fundamental Methods. The unit would help the investment professional in analysing the equity and its related products in a comprehensive & holistic manner. The unit would enhance the knowledge of the wealth manager regarding this premier asset class so that they can comprehensively advise clients on equity investments in conjunction with risk and return parameters.

Unit 11- Use of Alternative Products in Wealth Management

This course aims at explaining and discussing the importance of alternative assets in a client’s portfolio. As the market for Alternatives is growing rapidly they would try to focus on how inclusion of alternate assets has affected the risk and return composition of global clients. The unit would also focus on studying the various alternate channels of investment and their applicability globally.

Unit 12- Use of Behavioral Finance in Wealth Management

This unit is focused on behavioral and psychological factors which influences the investment decision making of a client. This unit would further exemplify how the client behavior changes to different situations prevailing in the financial markets which would help a wealth manager in evaluating how to handle and manage the client’s responses. The unit would also include case studies covering the behavioral biases shown by the clients and how a wealth can approach and mitigate the same.

Unit 13- Real Estate Valuation and Analysis

The purpose of the unit is to make an investment professional gain an understanding of the economic forces that drive Real Estate asset and how the niche characteristics of real estate can provide an excellent fitment in a client’s portfolio. The unit would encompass the concepts, tools, and techniques for evaluating individual real estate assets. The Unit would also feature the different mechanisms through which a wealth manager can guide his client with respect to this asset class-Direct and Indirect.

Unit 14- Relationship Management by a Wealth Manager

Relationship management is the back-bone of wealth management business so the concept of Customer relationship management (CRM) is widely implemented by wealth management business outfits for managing relationship and interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. The unit discusses techniques to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the wealth manager already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.

Unit 15- International Taxation

The unit would help the financial market and investment management professional in assessing the applicability of various taxation aspects for an individual investor before deciding on the portfolio allocation of the client in the international space. The unit would cover the tax structures in few of the prominent investment zones across the globe like US, UK, Singapore and Mauritius. The latter part of the unit would make an investment professional understand in requisite detail the implications of Tax treaties, cross border taxation and on creating tax efficient structures for tax planning in multiple jurisdictions.

Unit 16- Portfolio Management Strategies

The unit would serve as a foundation for understanding of Portfolio Management process of an individual. This unit would cover the fundamental concepts of risk and return and their application in the context of overall portfolio of a client which would help the wealth manager in making efficient asset allocation with respect to client’s risk and return objectives. This endeavor of the unit would be to guide the investment professional in drafting the Investment Policy Statement which is one of the most important tool of investment advisory arena. The latter part of the book would feature the various portfolio managing strategies both for Equity as well as Debt.

Unit 17- Wealth Management Planning

This unit covers the different aspects of managing and planning wealth management business across the globe. It focuses on analyzing and studying the various key profitability drivers like Clients, Products, Distribution and Organization of any wealth management business and how each of the drivers can impact the efficiency of the business. The unit would also feature the wealth management landscape globally in different markets and with specific focus on different business models.

Unit 18- Advanced Wealth Management

This unit builds upon the foundations in Wealth Management concepts covered under CWM® Program. The unit would provide an excellent platform to the wealth manager for constructing a comprehensive Wealth Plan for his client with specific focus on each of the 6 steps of the wealth management process covered in Level 1. This unit would make the investment professional understand the application of the each of the earlier units through different enriching live case studies. The unit would also provide handful tools drafted by AAFM (Performa for Portfolio Review) which can be used by an investment professional right from the start till the end of the wealth management process.
Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level II
AAFM Certification student

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Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM) Certification Level
Question: 90
Section B (2 Mark)
Mr. Manish purchased a residential house for Rs.3 lakh on 1-4-1972. Its market value on 1-4-1981 was, however,
Rs.12 lakh. He sells the house during the financial year 2011-12 for Rs.98 lakh. Calculate the taxable long term capital
gain. [CII-12-13: 852,11-12: 785,10-11:711]
A . Rs. 12,90,000/-
B . Rs. 10,90,000/-
C . Rs. 3,80,000/-
D . Rs. 7,10,000/-
Answer: C
Question: 91
Section A (1 Mark)
A well-diversified portfolio is defined as
A . One that is diversified over a large enough number of securities that the nonsystematic variance is essentially zero.
B . One that contains securities from at least three different industry sectors.
C . A portfolio whose factor beta equals 1.0.
D . A portfolio that is equally weighted.
Answer: A
Question: 92
Section A (1 Mark)
Which of the following is true regarding the resistance level?
A . It tends to develop due to profit taking.
B . It is the level at which a significant decrease in demand is expected.
C . It is the level at which a significant increase in supply is expected.
D . It usually develops after a stock reaches a new low.
Answer: C
Question: 93
Section A (1 Mark)
The difference between the cash price and the futures price on the same asset or commodity is known as the
A . Basis
B . Spread
C . Yield spread
D . Premium
Answer: B
Question: 94
Section B (2 Mark)
Amount of liability of payment of gratuity is calculated at the rate of
A . One month’s wage for each completed year of service
B . 20days wages for each completed year of service
C . Half a month’s wage for each completed year of service
D . 15 day’s wage for each completed year of service
Answer: D
Question: 95
Section B (2 Mark)
Manish is thinking of acquiring some shares of ABC. Ltd.
The rate of returns is as follows:
Calculate the variance and the standard deviation
A . 16, 8
B . 8, 16
C . 7.4, 54.3
D . 35.04, 5.92
Answer: D
Question: 96
Section A (1 Mark)
Response of listening falls under which one of the following categories?
A . It can be verbal
B . It can be nonverbal
C . It can be verbal or nonverbal
D . It can neither be verbal nor nonverbal
Answer: C
Question: 97
Section B (2 Mark)
You have been asked to estimate the market value of an apartment complex that is producing annual net operating
income of Rs44,500. Four highly similar and competitive apartment properties within two blocks of the subject
property have sold in the past three months. All four offer essentially the same amenities and services as the subject.
All were open-market transactions with similar terms of sale. All were financed with 30-year fixed-rate mortgages
using 70 percent debt and 30 percent equity.
The sale prices and estimated first-year net operating incomes were as follows:
What is the indicated value of the property using direct capitalization?
A . Rs 3,30,000
B . Rs 3,90,351
C . Rs3,75,000
D . Rs 3,57,000
Answer: B
Question: 98
Section A (1 Mark)
The first step of portfolio management is:
A . To assess market conditions.
B . To determine objectives, constraints and preferences.
C . To develop strategies and implement them.
D . To adjust the portfolio as necessary.
Answer: B
Question: 99
Section A (1 Mark)
Which of the followings are the important features of Real estate Investment?
A . Property rights
B . Time horizon
C . Geographic Area
D . All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 100
Section B (2 Mark)
The _________ is a plot of __________.
A . CML, individual stocks and efficient portfolios
B . CML and both efficient and inefficient portfolios, only
C . SML and individual securities and efficient portfolios
D . SML and individual securities, inefficient portfolios, and efficient portfolios.
Answer: C
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AAFM Certification student - BingNews Search results AAFM Certification student - BingNews Teaching Certification

Pre-certification, Initial Preparation Program

All students seeking teaching certification must be formally admitted to the Pre-certification, Initial Preparation Program (Pre-CIP). Admission to the program can occur after the student has completed 12 Bucknell University courses or their equivalents, including two courses in mathematics, one course in British or American literature, and one in composition; and achieved for the three preceding semesters an overall grade point average of at least 3.0. Appeals to this requirement may be made to the chair of the Department of Education.

* Candidates must also pass the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment tests in reading, writing and math. Students should apply to Pre-CIP as soon as they begin considering a career in education, and no later than the start of the first semester of their junior year. Students are notified of their acceptance or rejection at the end of their sophomore year.

GPA Requirements

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania generally requires an overall grade point average of 3.0 upon completion of the program prior to recommendation for certification to teach.

Specific Requirements for Each Certification Area

All students seeking certification must take two mathematics intensive courses, one English/American literature course and one W1 writing course (in addition to the literature course).




The following are considered to be "add-on" certifications that require students to concurrently pursue certification in one of the areas above:

  • General Science (requires concurrent certification in biology, chemistry or physics): Required courses
  • ESL Program Specialist, K–12 (requires concurrent certification in Pre-K–4 or one of the 7–12, or K–12 programs listed above): Advising Worksheet and Portfolio


In addition to completing an approved program and successfully demonstrating the prescribed role competencies, the prospective teacher must be a "person of good moral character" who "possesses those personal qualities and professional knowledge and skills which warrant issuance of the requested certificate."

It is the student's responsibility to satisfy these criteria. Students should note that prior to placement in student teaching or any other field experience, they will be required to submit results of a child abuse clearance, criminal background check and fingerprinting pursuant to requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Results must indicate that there are no criminal or child abuse records.

Students in Education classes with field experiences can get help navigating the clearance process by contacting the departments Director of Professional Education.

Act 151: PA Child Abuse History Clearance

Act 34: PA Criminal History Record Check

FBI Criminal History (Fingerprint)

Certification Exams (Praxis or Pennsylvania Education Certification Test)

In addition to coursework, students must complete and submit scores from required Praxis or Pennsylvania Education Certification Test examinations to the Department of Education. Specific examinations required for each area of certification vary. Although members of the department will advise students concerning examinations, the student is responsible for taking those examinations that meet certification program requirements.

Learn more about certification testing

Applying for a Teaching Certificate in Pennsylvania

After completing the approved program of courses, the student submits an application for a Pennsylvania teaching certificate through the online Teacher Information Management System website not earlier than the first day of the month of graduation.

Following a review of the student's program, the student may be recommended for certification by the designated officer at Bucknell. As noted above, the student must pass all the competency tests required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the desired certificate.

Bucknell's certification officer is able to recommend for certification students who successfully completed one of Bucknell's teacher certification programs, passed the appropriate tests and met all other certification requirements within five years of the student's date of graduation. Because state requirements and/or curricula may change, it may not be possible to make recommendations for certification outside of this five-year window.

Applying for a Teaching Certificate in Other States

Students who desire certification in states other than Pennsylvania must understand that teacher certification is governed by state law and that each state has different requirements. Obtaining a Pennsylvania teaching certificate, by completing an approved program and meeting all other requirements, does not ensure that students will be certified in another state.

Although members of the Bucknell education department will assist students in obtaining information concerning certification in other states, as well as Pennsylvania, it is the student's responsibility to obtain current information and to meet all the certification requirements of any state.

* These requirements may be modified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) due to COVID-19.

Tue, 06 Aug 2019 00:02:00 -0500 en text/html
Certification in Special Education

Drexel University School of Education - Online

There is a great need for special education teachers as states all across the country are experiencing shortages. Today's special education teachers must be highly-skilled individuals who not just understand the complexities of their students’ needs, but can modify curriculum, and provide supplemental instruction.

Drexel University’s School of Education certification in special education program prepares special education teachers for these challenges.

​What ​Can ​You ​Do ​with ​a ​Special ​Education (SPED) ​Certification?

Drexel’s online Special Education (SPED) certification program seeks to produce professionals who are equipped with the fundamental skills, knowledge, and competencies they require to meet the needs of students at risk for school failure and students with disabilities in multiple settings. The program is intended for those interested in gaining greater skills and expertise and a teaching certification in the area of special education.

The responsibilities of special education teachers typically include:​an

  • Assess the skills of a student and develop an Individual Education Program (IEP) that meets their educational needs and make updates based on student progress
  • Teach students individually, or in small group and whole class settings
  • Discuss IEP’s with the student’s parents, teachers, and appropriate school staff
  • Mentor and train teaching assistants who work with students with special needs
  • Transition students from one grade to the next

How ​to ​Get ​Certified ​in ​Special ​Education

Special Education Certification Eligibility and Admissions Requirements

This online Special Education certification program is for actively certified teachers seeking Pennsylvania's Special Education PreK-12 certification. Candidates must have an active PA Instructional I or Instructional II teaching certificate.

Out-of-state teachers are welcome to participate in the Special Education Program as non-PA certification students.

To be admitted into the Special Education certification program, students must also have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Required Materials

  • Completed graduate school application
  • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher (graduate GPA will be considered along with the undergraduate GPA)
  • If you do not meet this requirement, you’re still encouraged to apply and your file will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Program Director
  • Official transcripts from all universities or colleges and other post-secondary educational institutions (including trade schools) attended
  • Two letters of recommendation—professional or academic
  • An essay describing why the applicant is interested in pursuing graduate study in this field

Special ​Education ​Certification ​Program Curriculum

The Special Education Certification program is a part-time online program consisting of 27 graduate credits. For students that have not completed the prerequisite courses, the program will require 36 credits: 27 credits in Core Special Education Certification courses and 9.0 credits in prerequisites for certification in special education. The certification areas are Special Education PreK-8 and Special Education 7-12.

Course​ ​descriptions​ ​may​ ​be​ ​found​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Drexel​ ​University​ ​Catalog.

Most of the coursework in this program requires field hours. Students must have the necessary clearances in order to begin the program.

Learning Outcomes and Program Benefits

There are multiple learning outcomes and benefits of enrolling in the Special Education Certification Program offered at Drexel University School of Education. Through the program, students will:

  • Gain the skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary to meet the needs of students at risk for academic failure and students with disabilities in multiple settings
  • Prepare to teach special education at all grade levels from PreK-12
  • Complete all the courses required under state and federal regulations, as well as the PA General Standards for Special Education and the standards outlined by the Council of Exceptional Children (CEC).

How ​Long ​Does ​it ​Take ​To ​Get ​Certified ​in ​Special Education?

The Special Education certification program is a part-time, accelerated program. Students, on average, complete the program in about a year and a half.


For certified teachers in Pennsylvania, a special education certification follows the same renewal cycle as the teacher’s original teaching certification. If a teacher converts their Instructional I teaching certification to Instructional II, their special education certification will also be converted.

Teachers in Pennsylvania must complete their Act 48 requirements every 5 years to renew their certification. This includes 6 semester hours of college credit (there is a conversion for quarter hours), or 180 hours of continuing education programming, i.e., professional development.


Special Education certification is a great program for teachers who are looking to expand their skills to understand how to teach students with special needs. It also a requirement for teachers who would like to become certified special education teachers. Teachers looking for a rewarding career as a special education teacher would also benefit from this program.

Master​ ​of​ ​Science​ ​in​ ​Special​ ​Education

Credits​ ​earned​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Special​ ​Education​ ​Certification​ ​program​ ​may​ ​be​ ​applied​ ​to​ ​the Master​ ​of​ ​Science​ ​in​ ​Special​ ​Education​ ​graduate​ ​program​.​ ​The​ ​MS​ ​program​ ​offers four​ ​concentrations:​ ​Applied Behavior Analysis; Autism​ ​Spectrum​ ​Disorders;​ ​Collaborative​ ​Special​ ​Education Law​ ​&​ ​Process;​ and ​Dyslexia Specialist (Wilson® Level 1 certification).​ ​Students​ ​may​ ​also​ ​work​ ​with​ ​their​ ​academic​ ​advisor​ ​to​ ​develop​ ​a customized​ ​concentration​ ​to​ ​meet​ ​specific​ ​objectives.

How ​to ​Apply ​to ​the ​Special ​Education ​Certification Program

The Special Education certification program is offered 100% online. you can get started by filling out the Drexel Online Application.

Wed, 23 Aug 2017 15:12:00 -0500 en text/html
Student Teaching / Education Department

Student teaching is the culminating experience in your preparation to become a teacher, allowing you to put theory into practice with guided teaching under the direction of a cooperating teacher and college supervisor.

We offer student teaching both fall and spring semesters. All students seeking teacher certification spend at least one semester (15–16 weeks) in a full-day student teaching assignment appropriate to their level and subject specialty. This experience is part of the Professional Semester, which includes:

  • Student teaching placement
  • Student Teaching Seminar
  • Perspectives in Education (Educ 500)
  • Senior Seminar (unless taken in a previous semester)

You’ll work with at least one cooperating teacher (and up to three) who is experienced and highly qualified in his or her content area. You’ll also be assigned to and observed by a highly qualified, experienced college supervisor. The college supervisor will visit you four to six times during the 12-week placement and is responsible for assigning your final grade. Major departments are also encouraged to observe secondary student teachers during the experience.

Student Teaching Placements

K–5 or K–8 Certification

Students seeking K–5 or K–8 certification are assigned to an elementary or middle school classroom.

Students seeking elementary certification with an endorsement in learning disabilities or emotional impairments complete one student teaching assignment in a general elementary education classroom and a second in the appropriate special education classroom.

  • During the fall semester, students take a five-week, six-credit special education block followed by 11 weeks of student teaching
  • During the spring semester, the special education majors follow the Professional Semester configuration and complete 15–16 weeks of student teaching

Secondary Certification

Students seeking 6–12 certification are assigned a secondary (middle or high school) assignment in their area(s) of endorsement.

Students also seeking K–12 endorsements in music, visual arts, physical education or dance are given an assignment in their area of endorsement which includes experiences at both the elementary and secondary levels.

Spanish education majors who are following the elementary track/K–12 endorsement are required to complete a student teaching placement in an elementary classroom as well as an assignment in Spanish at the secondary level.

Special education majors following the secondary certification track will student teach in a special education setting at the middle or high school level. Efforts will be made to provide a student teaching opportunity in the minor area of study as well.

The Student Teaching Seminar

During the student teaching experience, student teachers are required to register for and attend the weekly evening Student Teaching Seminar. Some of the sessions are general in nature (e.g., resume writing, certification, portfolio design, etc.). Others are grade level specific (elementary, secondary and special education). In the grade-level meetings syllabus such as classroom management, conferencing, and teaching and learning strategies are presented. Students also discuss and reflect on their current classroom teaching experiences.

The NASDTEC Interstate Agreement facilitates the mobility of educators among the states and other jurisdictions that are members of NASDTEC and have signed the Agreement. Although there may be conditions applicable to individual jurisdictions, the Agreement makes it possible for an educator who completed an approved program and/or who holds a certificate or license in one jurisdiction to earn a certificate or license in another state or jurisdiction. Receiving states may impose certain special requirements which must be met in a reasonable period of time. Visit the NASDTEC site  to review specific state-by-state requirements for teachers: 

Sun, 16 Aug 2020 18:27:00 -0500 en text/html
Earn top-flight IT certifications with this CompTIA training bundle for under $65 No result found, try new keyword!Macworld Certification is key among IT professionals. But while more than 90% of IT experts have at least one certification, fewer than 25% hold a coveted CompTIA A+ certification, an entry-level ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:44:28 -0600 en-us text/html Financing Your Education

Enrollment Certification

Student Veteran Services is here to help you access your VA benefits. The three mostly commonly used VA educational benefits are:

To use your benefits, you must go through the VA certification process. A student's VA certification is completed once he or she has registered for classes. Students must request VA certification each semester through the online form. Students using VR&E or Post-9/11 G Bill should also request a tuition deferral with Student Accounts. Certification is a two-step process that helps to decrease the amount of debt to the institution and the VA:

  1. After registering for classes, the student submits certification to start payment of Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and book stipend.
  2. After the drop date has passed, the Student Veteran Services office will report tuition and fees (including any Yellow Ribbon Scholarship)

Students who drop or add courses throughout the semester should contact the coordinator of Student Veteran Services as soon as possible to avoid overpayment.

New Student Certification

Like continuing students, new students should first meet with their academic advisor and then contact the coordinator of Student Veteran Services for the next steps.

Using eBenefits

eBenefits is a joint VA and DoD Web portal that provides self-service resources for student veterans. Through eBenefits, you can also access your up-to-date Enrollment Entitlement to track the time you have left for your GI Bill benefits. All students using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits are encouraged to set up an account.

Yellow Ribbon Scholarships

Each year, The New School awards Yellow Ribbon Scholarships to all qualifying students. The scholarship is a match-to-match payment provided by The New School and the VA that covers the tuition and fees not covered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill. 

To qualify for Yellow Ribbon, students must:

  • Have 100 percent eligibility from the Post-9/11 GI Bill
  • Be enrolled in a degree-seeking program
  • Have at least one semester of benefits remaining
  • Submit an updated Enrollment Entitlement outlining remaining benefits
  • Full-time status is preferred

Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance (TA) is a benefit paid by the DoD and is usually the first education benefit available to military members. Each service has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process, and restrictions.

Return of Unearned Military Tuition Assistance

TA is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student using military tuition assistance withdraws, they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded. To comply with the U.S. Department of Defense policy, The New School will return any unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least 60 percent of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds will be returned to the service member’s branch of service (the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, or Air Force). In instances when a service member stops attending because of a military service obligation, The New School will work with them to find solutions to avoid a student debt for the returned portion.

More Options

For additional financial options, visit Student Financial Services or email [email protected].

Wed, 17 Oct 2018 01:47:00 -0500 en text/html
Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification

UAB will only recommend students for certification if they have successfully completed a State-approved teacher education program and other University requirements. Each student is responsible for submitting a completed certification packet to the Office of Student Services during the semester they intend to finish their approved program. A student who does not apply for their Professional Educator Certificate within five years (60 months) after completing a state-approved program may be required to fulfill additional requirements (i.e., testing and/or coursework).

The Office of Student Services will verify that each student meets all degree and certification requirements after graduation and submit completed certification packets to the Alabama State Department of Education.



Check UAB e-mail during your final semester for announcement from certification specialist.


Submit your educator certification application and the supporting documentation to the Office of Student Services via UAB Box.


Your application will be audited by the certification specialist to ensure you meet the current certification requirements.


Upon conferral of your degree, you will receive an e-mail notification from the certification specialist once your application has been mailed to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) for processing.


Watch for your mailed certificate.

When to Apply

The best time to apply for your Professional Educator certificate is during your last term of enrollment. This timeline will ensure that your paperwork will be submitted to the Alabama State Department of Education(ALSDE) on time.


Completed certification application packets are processed and mailed to the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE)in the order they are received.

The term you plan to graduate: The application is due:
Fall (December graduation) November 1
Spring (May graduation) April 1
Summer (August graduation) August 1

Recertification of an Alabama Teaching Certificate

Please call the Alabama State Department of Education at 334-694-4557.

The level of courses you take (300, 400, 500, 600, etc.) will be dependent on your last certification, so communicating with one of their program directors is essential.

Important: You are responsible for sending the needed documentation to the state to complete the recertification process.

Fri, 06 Sep 2019 14:08:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Enrollment Certification

Enrollment Certification for Loan Deferment

The National Student Clearinghouse processes deferment forms. If you need an enrollment certification for deferment of a student loan, mail the forms to the Office of Student Services, Lyons Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 or stop by Lyons Hall. Your deferment form will be forwarded to the National Student Clearinghouse. If the enrollment certification does not require an official school seal or signature, you may process the certification through

Thu, 30 Nov 2023 21:56:00 -0600 en text/html
Testing Requirements for Initial Teacher Certification

In order to be eligible for Alabama teacher certification, the Alabama State Department of Education requires students in undergraduate and Alternative Master's teacher education programs to complete a series of tests. These tests evaluate students' mastery of content knowledge in a specific certification area (Praxis Subject Assessments); and readiness to teach (Educative Teacher Performance Assessment ( edTPA)). These tests are taken at different points throughout the UAB Teacher Education Program. Please consult the guide below to confirm when the tests should be taken.

Praxis Subject Assessments

About the Praxis Subject Assessments

In order to receive teacher certification from the Alabama State Department of Education, undergraduate and Alternative Master's students must receive a passing score on the Praxis Subject Assessment in their given certification area. Praxis Subject Assessments are administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS).

When do I take this test?

Undergraduate Students: (Prior to Student Teaching)

Undergraduate students must receive a passing score as defined by the Alabama State Department of Education on the Praxis Subject Assessment(s) in their given certification area prior to starting student teaching.

* Students pursuing certification in Elementary/Early Childhood are also required to pass the Praxis Teaching practicing prior to beginning student teaching.

Alternative Master's Students: (Prior to Admission)

Alternative Masters’ students must receive a passing score as defined by the Alabama State Department of Education on the Praxis Subject Assessments(s) in their given certification area prior to beginning coursework.

* Students pursuing certification in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education are required to pass the Praxis Teaching practicing prior to beginning student teaching.

What is a Passing Score?

Qualifying score requirements can be found on the ETS website. To locate the qualifying score for your certification area, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the section titled Tests Required for Specific Certification Areas
  3. Select your certification area and look under the column titled Qualifying Score

Study Resources

Visit the ETS website for information about Praxis study resources.

Register for the Praxis Subject Assessment(s)

Educative Performance Assessment (edTPA)

About the Educative Performance Assessment (edTPA)

edTPA is a pre-service assessment process designed by educators that includes a review of a teacher candidate’s authentic teaching materials as the culmination of a teaching and learning process that documents and demonstrates each candidate’s ability to effectively teach his/her subject matter to all students. Candidates must receive a passing score on the assessment as defined by the Alabama State Department of Education.

When do I take this test?

Undergraduate Students: (edTPA: During Student Teaching)

Undergraduate students must receive a passing score on the edTPA as defined by the Alabama State Department of Education during student teaching.

Alternative Master's Students: (edTPA: During Student Teaching)

Alternative Master's students must receive a passing score as defined by the Alabama State Department of Education during student teaching.

Sat, 24 Aug 2019 23:25:00 -0500 en-US text/html
Forms for Students

Wed, 19 May 2021 02:12:00 -0500 en text/html
Bachelor’s Degree in Education – Non-Teaching Certification

Drexel University School of Education

From non-profits to government agencies, the field of education offers a wide range of fulfilling career options beyond the teaching profession. Drexel’s Bachelor of Science in Education non-certification degree program is designed for civically-minded students who want to make a difference in the world of education but may not want to pursue a career as a teacher. 

The BS in Education non-certification program offers great flexibility as it is available as a part-time online or as a full-time on-campus degree program. Through their comprehensive plan of study, students will receive an education-focused degree with the ability to take electives or minor in several education-related fields such as Sociology, Psychology, Sport Coaching Leadership, or Modern Language, to name a few. Graduates are prepared for success in careers in non-profit, government, and corporate sectors that focus on education. Students will not need to complete any student teaching experiences. 

The curriculum for the BS in Education non-certification program prepares students to analyze educational problems and work to suggest viable solutions. Students will develop collaboration and management skills as well as a deep understanding of the role of formal and information education in developing community and citizenship. 

Course titles and descriptions can be found in the Drexel Course Catalog.

What Can You Do with a BS in Education- non certification degree?

The BS in Education non-certification program offers students more elective credits than the BS in Education certification program. By offering more elective credits, students can choose classes that fit their career interests. Career paths could include:

  • Education non-profit
  • Local or federal departments of education
  • Youth service organizations
  • Community advocate
  • Social entrepreneur
  • Academic advisor/counselor

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I need to complete field experiences?

Students will complete courses that have field experiences which will include observing and assisting in classrooms, these are considered Stages 1 & 2 fieldwork. BS in Education non-certification students will not take Pre-student Teaching or Student Teaching field experiences.

Can I tailor this program to my various interests in education?

The BS in Education non-certification program has free electives that can provide flexibility that allows for customizing one's course selections so they can be tailored to the student's interests.

How many transfer credits are allowed?

BS in Education non-certification track also provides a higher amount of acceptable transfer credits into the free elective section. Students can apply a maximum of 90 transferable credits into the program allowing transfer students to complete their degree faster.

After completing this program, will I be eligible to teach in public schools?

The BS in Education non-certification track program does not lead towards state teacher licensure and/or the eligibility to teach in public school systems, however graduates might be eligible to teach PK-4 in schools that do not require certified teachers.

How to Apply for the BS in Education non-certification degree

Prospective students interested in the full-time on-campus BS in Education non-certification program must be accepted for admission to Drexel University. You can start your application for full-time or part-time admission by visiting Drexel Undergraduate Admissions.

Students interested in applying for the part-time online BS in Education non-certification program may start the application process by visiting Drexel Online.

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