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Fri, 15 Dec 2023 02:18:00 -0600 en text/html
Certified Paralegal test Preparation

This course is tailored for paralegals, legal assistants, aspiring legal professionals, and anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of federal law. Whether you're preparing for the Certified Paralegal test or simply aiming to bolster your legal expertise, this course can assist you towards successfully completing your goal.

Tue, 29 Aug 2023 11:39:00 -0500 en text/html
Examination advice

A typical examination question in Mathematics will have several parts to it. Some parts (most usually at the beginning of the question) test your knowledge, by asking you to reproduce "bookwork", i.e. material presented in the lectures. Really, these parts test how well you've revised. Occasionally, especially in certain more advanced courses, there are entire questions that are bookwork. In some courses, some pieces of bookwork come up in the test almost every year. In other courses, hardly any bookwork is set explicitly.

Tip: Figure out which pieces of bookwork come up most frequently, and make sure you can answer those questions easily and quickly.

You would be surprised how many poor attempts at routine bookwork questions they see every year. These are the parts of the questions that they expect students to be able to do.

Other parts of examination questions involve a "problem". In a "Methods" course, this will typically involve you applying a known technique from the course, and again this is something they expect you to be able to do. In a Pure Mathematics course, you might be asked to prove a result, or to apply a result in a particular setting.

Tip: Sometimes (but certainly not always!), the first part of the question is intended as a big hint as to how you should approach the second part.

Many test questions, especially those that are otherwise very routine, have a last part (a "rider") which is more challenging than the rest of the question. This is quite deliberate, and the intention is to test whether you've really understood the material.

Tip: Do try all the riders (they're not always so hard after all!) but don't waste too much time on them in an test if there are other things you can tackle instead.

Students sometimes seem to be annoyed that they have to do something clever to get 100% on a question. Don't forget, in many other subjects it's practically impossible to score 100% on a question!

Tip: Make sure you've answered all the parts of the question. Sometimes you're asked to do seven or eight things, and it's easy to overlook one.

Fri, 28 Aug 2020 05:22:00 -0500 en-GB text/html
Nursing test Pass Rates Appear to Be Rising. Why?

In January 2023, they reported on the reasons why nursing test pass rates fell in 2020 and 2021. In this report, they follow up on what has happened since.

During the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the share of candidates who passed the national licensure test to work as a registered nurse fell sharply, from 88.2% to 82.5%, for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, with a smaller decline -- from 72.8% to 68.9% -- for all candidates, including internationally educated and repeat test-takers.

In 2022, pass rates continued to drop, averaging 79.9% (8 percentage points lower than in 2019) for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, and 63.4% for all candidates, the lowest point in the last decade.

In 2023, to most experts' surprise, that spiral appears to be turning around.

Things Are Looking Up

The reason for this reversal depends on whom you ask. Test developers have argued that rates improved due to radical transparency and massive outreach to stakeholders, while some online critics have suggested the test simply got easier. Other nurse educators agreed that the increased transparency and outreach impacted rates, but worry those same measures exacerbated a culture of "teaching to the test."

Understanding trends in test pass rates also requires context.

Year-to-Date NCLEX Pass rates for 2023

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) produces the test that aspiring nurses take to gain licensure: the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). This test uses computerized adaptive testing, which means each test-taker gets virtually a different exam, the difficulty of which changes based on the response given.

Every 3 years, the NCSBN assesses the pass rates for the test and determines whether the current passing standard is appropriate. If the NCSBN's board of directors decides that the level of clinical judgment required of nurses in practice has increased, it can vote to raise the passing standard.

In December 2022, the NCSBN's board voted to keep the current passing standard on the NCLEX through March 31, 2026. Months later, on April 1, the NCSBN launched the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN), a new version of the NCLEX that aims to more effectively measure test-takers' clinical judgment.

Anytime a new test is introduced, pass rates tend to dip by a few percentage points in the first two to three quarters, explained Philip Dickison, PhD, RN, CEO of the NCSBN. He said he was naturally a bit concerned about a new test compounding the "drastic drop in the ability curve" seen during the pandemic, "but it was still the right thing to do."

Keith Rischer, PhD, RN, a nurse educator and owner of KeithRN, a nursing education company, recalled that the last major change to the NCLEX occurred when the passing standard was raised by 0.16 percentage points in 2012. Pass rates fell more than 7 percentage points -- from 90.34% for first-time candidates to 83.04% -- in a single year.

While the NCSBN kept the same passing standard in 2022, the stronger emphasis on clinical judgment and the "unique six-question case studies" in the NGN was predicted to increase the difficulty of the test in some respects.

"There was an anticipation that this was going to be another precipitous decline in NCLEX pass rates," Rischer said.

Post-Pandemic Rebound

However, that wasn't what happened. Instead, preliminary data showed a jump in pass rates, from 79.9% in 2022 to 88.6% in 2023, for all first-time U.S.-educated candidates. Importantly, the 2023 data exclude the fourth quarter of the calendar year, which typically has the lowest pass rate, experts noted.

Still, Dickison said he was "pretty amazed" at the speed of the recovery. Some viewed the change as a "huge increase," but he stressed that rates were starting from a low baseline following a 3-year period when other variables, namely pandemic-related disruptions, impacted pass rates.

"What I think you're seeing ... is that they have rebounded to pre-pandemic ability levels in their measurements," he said.

Dickison credits the rebound to NCSBN's decision to let educators, regulators, and -- controversially -- preparatory groups "under the hood" of the new test for several years before the NGN actually launched.

"The idea was to be as transparent as possible to all stakeholders," Dickison said. This meant leveraging opportunities at conferences and during webinars, and sharing what to expect of the new test -- from case studies and measurement models -- in newsletters. Dickison also credited educators for the big role they played in helping prepare students.

Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, executive director of the Florida Center for Nursing, said that while some nurse educators have noted the test has gotten "too easy," she suggested that perhaps the NGN is simply "a more logical way to measure what nursing students are being taught."

Similarly, she attributes the rise in pass rates to the focus on increased resources and preparation of candidates, including the implementation of "student success" coaching programs.

Teaching to the Test?

Rischer seemed to have a different view, pointing out that the NGN offers partial credit for certain "select-all-that-apply" multiple-choice questions. He said that he believes the real reason for improved pass rates is a shift in nursing education, though he added that his hypothesis is, at this point, "conjecture."

"What they have in the nursing literature for over almost 50 years ... is this widening gap between how nursing is taught in the university and college settings and how it's actually practiced at the bedside," he said. "We're not preparing their graduates for real-world practice realities."

Rischer said he grew even more concerned when he learned from online discussions that some professors were using NGN trial items to teach first-semester students.

"That's called teaching to the test," he argued. Instead of teaching students "alternative multiple-choice items, they need to be teaching their students the open-ended thinking of clinical practice."

For example, for a patient who had an appendectomy, Rischer said the appropriate steps are to take vital signs and conduct a head-to-toe assessment.

"There is not a 'select-all-that apply' multiple-choice item on your forehead that I could say, 'You know what? This is the correct answer,'" he added, noting that the NCSBN "is part of the problem." Currently, the primary mechanism that state nursing boards use to measure a program's performance is their first-time pass rate on the NCLEX, which only "reinforc[es] this unhealthy culture of teaching to the test."

The end result of that, as studies have shown, is that "currently less than 10% [of new nurses] have what practice partners would say is entry-level clinical judgment competency," Rischer said, citing a 2021 study. "Complications develop when a nurse doesn't notice or recognize what's most important until it's too late. So ... clinical judgment competency is a big deal. And teaching to the test ... isn't going to solve that."

He said one solution is to move away from first-time test-taker metrics and potentially allow students to take the test twice and then average their score.

Another, more dramatic, change would be to include a skills test or what Rischer calls "demonstrable competencies" for essential skills involved in clinical decision making, which could be evaluated by an "objective observer."

"It will take more time. It will take more money, but this is something that they can and should be doing," he said.

'Not the Only Measurement'

For his part, Dickison noted that the NGN, like any exam, has limitations.

While it "measures your cognitive and your thinking ability, their test does not measure the affective domain, doesn't measure character," he said. For example, the test cannot assess a "less-than-acceptable social interaction" a student has with a professor, nor does the test know which student is always late to class.

"If they don't show up to class on time every day, that might be a [sign] that they're not going to show up to a patient when they need to," Dickison explained. "That's why you have a regulatory system. That's why they have an education [system] ... these all have to work together. If you don't pass the NCLEX, you don't go to work, but it is not the only measurement that tells us they have a good nurse."

  • Shannon Firth has been reporting on health policy as MedPage Today's Washington correspondent since 2014. She is also a member of the site's Enterprise & Investigative Reporting team. Follow

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Document Examination


To determine authenticity and authorship.


The specifics of an investigation will depend on the nature of the document being studied (e.g., historical or personal) and the goals of the inquiry. Generally speaking, a document will be examined from three different aspects: historical, scientific, and stylistic.


Tips on how to authenticate a document by comparing handwriting.

Historical Analysis

It is virtually impossible to pinpoint the age of an undated document, but there may be clues to the era. If it is a printed piece - say a greeting card - the method of printing, address, and even the stamp may be important.

At the very least, materials and techniques must be consistent with place and time. Many forgeries are identified by the presence of materials that didn’t exist at the time alleged.

Scientific Analysis

A detailed paper analysis will detect every shred of physical evidence concealed in a document.

Stylistic Analysis

Comparisons of style are essential for authentication. Penmanship, cultural phrasing, and form of address can help to identify both the era and author. Handwriting comparisons can authenticate a signature or manuscript.

In some cases, all of it taken together can’t solve a historical puzzle. For example, there are five known manuscript copies of the Gettysburg Address. Testing has proved that all are authentic Lincoln documents. But it will never prove, definitively, which of the five Lincoln actually read from at Gettysburg.

Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:19:00 -0500 text/html
Office of the Registrar

General Final test Information

GeneralFinal exams will be generated by the Registrar’s Office according to an test matrix on or about the last day of the add/drop period for the term for any course that has 'Yes' indicated for a Final test in the catalog. The day and time of the first class meeting during the week determine the date and time for each exam. Courses that meet outside the normal university block scheduling will be scheduled within the time block that best fits the schedule without creating conflicts for students.

Exam times are as follows:

  • 8 – 11 a.m.
  • 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  • 3 – 6 p.m.
  • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

While test blocks are three hours long, the actual length of the test is determined by the instructor.

If examination days are postponed because of weather conditions, the first make-up day is documented on the academic calendar.

Faculty should review their test schedule just after the last day of add/drop. If an test was not generated or changes are needed, please email: Requests for final exams, combined exams, etc. will not be accepted after the mid-semester evaluation date for the term in question. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific date information.

Common Exams

  • Faculty should plan to administer a separate test for each section of a course that they are teaching.
  • Requests for common exams must be approved by the Dean AND the course must have, at minimum, three (3) class sections to be considered for common test scheduling. 
  • Requests should be submitted by email to: no later than the mid-semester evaluation date for said term, and all requests are subject to classroom availability.
  • Common Finals will need to be applied to all sections of a course not to individual instructors.
  • Common test Finals will be assigned to a common test block. 
    • Students who are scheduled for two common exams at the same time should check with their instructors to see which test has priority.

Note: Requests for combined exams will not be accepted after the mid-semester evaluation date for the term in question. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific date information.

Examination Conflicts

If a student has three (or more) finals scheduled on the same test day, the student has the right to ask that a make up test (or exams) be scheduled to reduce the number of exams in each day to two. Under these circumstances, required courses1 take priority, so the student should make every effort to arrange the make-up test for a non-required course with the respective instructor. Likewise, if a student has two finals scheduled in the same test period, the required course takes priority; the student should schedule a make-up test for the non-required conflicting course with the respective instructor. If for any reason a mutually agreeable solution between the student and the instructor cannot be achieved, the student should see his or her college dean immediately.

Students – If you have questions regarding any of your final exams, please contact your instructor directly. Instructors should reach out by email to: if an test update is needed in SiS.

1'Required courses' refers to whichever course is required toward that specific student’s degree pathway.

Final Exams for Hybrid and Virtual Class Sections

Exams (including final exams) for fully virtual classes should be administered virtually, as that is the modality which students selected. Exceptions to hold on-campus exams require deans' approval. An email (noting the approval) should be sent by email to: so that the test location may be updated – exceptions are subject to room availability. If approved, faculty must indicate the alternate test format in their course syllabus and accommodate students who are unable to attend in-person exams.

If a class section is hybrid (includes both an in-person meeting and either an online or virtual meeting pattern), then the final test will be assigned as in-person, but the instructor may request the final test to be virtual/online depending on the modes of instruction of the hybrid section. Hybrid courses also include courses that have more than one component with different modes of instruction (i.e., the lecture portion is virtual, but the recitation is in-person) and the instructor may decide whether or not the final test is in-person in this scenario as well. Any requests for final test updates should be sent by email to:

Undergraduate and Graduate Final Exams (Day-school Sections)

  • Faculty are not required to administer cumulative final examinations and should assess their students as appropriate to their discipline and course content. If an test is assigned and will not be taking place, please email:
  • Faculty who opts to administer final examinations must do so at the time and place specified by the Registrar's Office and listed in SiS. All day-school sections that are noted in the catalog with 'Yes' for final exam, will have a final test block generated.
  • Final take-home examinations or final papers must not be due earlier than the time that the Registrar's Office has scheduled the final examination for the course in question (although instructors may opt to allow such examinations or papers to be submitted early).
    • Note: If an academic program requires that students take final examinations for accreditation purposes, faculty are expected to adhere to the requirements of their accrediting organization.
  • Graduate class sections may opt to administer their final exams on the last day of regular class meetings (week prior to the final test period) but should contact scheduling if this is what they decide and need to remove a final test block that was generated for their class section.
  • For any course with a final test during the test period, no hour-examination (or major paper or project) shall be administered or due during the last five academic days of the semester unless the college dean has allowed an exemption.

Graduate, Online and Professional Studies Final Exams (GPS Sections)

Graduate, Online and Professional Studies sections (section number typically begins with '0') take place on the final on-campus meeting day for that section (usually the week prior to the final test period) – please see the on-campus course dates on Graduate, Online and Professional Studies website for the final meeting date (not to be confused with the course session dates).

If a GPS section is 'matched' (combined) with a day-school section (example ACCT 2010 201 and ACCT 2010 001), the final test will follow day-school guidelines and an test block will be assigned for both sections in SIS.

Classroom Reservations During the Final test Period

Classroom reservations for ad hoc needs during the final test period (review sessions, test accommodations, makeup exams, etc.) will be accepted one week prior to the final test period. Please email scheduling for these requests.

Makeup Examinations

Individual makeup exams should be coordinated between the student and instructor as needed and should take place through the UMass Lowell Testing Centers or in a department location (please do not use academic classrooms for individual makeup exams without a confirmed reservation).

If an entire class needs to makeup an test due to an unforeseen circumstance or emergency, the test should be rescheduled by emailing: Makeup exams for classes should take place during the regular examination period. 

The university final test makeup dates listed on the university calendar are only to be used for inclement weather or other unanticipated university closure and should not be used as final test dates for individual student or class makeup exams.

Disability Services Support & Resources

Students who are registered with the Disability Services Office and have been approved for an extended time accommodation: if you have two exams scheduled on the same day, you may reschedule one of the exams if it has been confirmed that both exams are scheduled to use the entire 3-hour block. Please refer to the instructions under Examination Conflicts listed above to do so. For any other accommodation or disability-related question or concern, please contact by email: or visit Disability Services website for faculty and student resources.

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:42:00 -0600 en text/html
Exam skills - applied anatomy and physiology


  1. Identify the equation to work out cardiac output (Q).
    • A) stroke volume × heart rate
    • B) blood pressure × heart rate
    • C) tidal volume × stroke volume
    • D) blood pressure × stroke volume
  2. Calculate the exercising cardiac output for a 10 km runner whose heart rate increases to 180 bpm and stroke volume increases to 120 ml. (2)
  3. Identify the muscle that forms an antagonistic pair with the triceps. (1)
  4. Describe the action of the diaphragm when breathing in. (2)
  5. Using the evidence from the graph below discuss how the cardiovascular system adapts to long term aerobic exercise participation. (8)


  1. A
  2. Q = HR x SV or 180 x 120 which equals Q = 21600 ml or 21.6l
  3. Biceps
  4. The diaphragm contracts (1) and flattens (1)
  5. Answer to include:
    • decreased resting BP
    • cardiac hypertrophy – increased stroke volume (SV), increased cardiac output (Q), decreased resting heart rate (HR) , increased max Q, increased HR reserve means the athlete can train at the same intensity at lower HR
    • capillarisation around the alveoli and skeletal muscle means greater O2 diffusion
    • increased strength of respiratory muscles, increased vital capacity, decreased breathing frequency (f), decreased tidal volume means greater amount of O2 available to working muscle
    • increased red blood cell production, increased haemoglobin level, increased O2 carrying capacity, increased gaseous exchange, means greater O2 carrying capacity
Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:01:00 -0600 en-GB text/html

CyberArk-EPM test format - CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) solution expert Updated: 2024

Looking for CyberArk-EPM test dumps that works in real exam?
Exam Code: CyberArk-EPM CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) solution expert test format January 2024 by team
CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) solution expert
CyberArk Privilege test format

Other CyberArk exams

CAU302 CyberArk Defender + Sentry
CAU201 CyberArk Defender
PAM-DEF CyberArk Defender
PAM-DEF-SEN CyberArk Defender PAM & Sentry
CAU305 CyberArk CDE Recertification
CyberArk-EPM CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) solution expert
PAM-CDE-RECERT CyberArk CDE Recertification (PAM-CDE-RECERT)

If you are confused that how to pass CyberArk-EPM CyberArk-EPM Exam? With the help of the CyberArk-EPM CyberArk-EPM VCE test Simulator you will learn how to polish your abilities. The majority of the certified professionals start identifying when they discover that they have to seem in IT certification. Our brain dumps are complete and to the point. The CyberArk-EPM CyberArk-EPM PDF documents make your imaginative and prescient large and assist you lots in instruction of the certification exam.
Question: 175
Which of the following application options can be used when defining trusted sources?
A. Publisher, Product, Size, URL
B. Publisher, Name, Size, URI
C. Product, URL, Machine, Package
D. Product, Publisher, User/Group, Installation Package
Answer: B
Question: 176
An EPM Administrator is looking to enable the Threat Deception feature, under what section should the EPM
Administrator go to enable this feature?
A. Threat Protection Inbox
B. Policies
C. Threat Intelligence
D. Policy Audit
Answer: B
Question: 177
An EPM Administrator would like to enable CyberArk EPM's Ransomware Protection in Restrict mode.
What should the EPM Administrator do?
A. Set Block unhandled applications to On.
B. Set Protect Against Ransomware to Restrict.
C. Set Protect Against Ransomware to Restrict and Set Block unhandled applications to On.
D. Set Control unhandled applications to Detect.
Answer: B
Question: 178
An EPM Administrator would like to enable a Threat Protection policy, however, the policy protects an application that
is not installed on all endpoints.
What should the EPM Administrator do?
A. Enable the Threat Protection policy and configure the Policy Targets.
B. Do not enable the Threat Protection policy.
C. Enable the Threat Protection policy only in Detect mode.
D. Split up the endpoints in to separate Sets and enable Threat Protection for only one of the Sets.
Answer: A
Question: 179
After a clean installation of the EPM agent, the local administrator password is not being changed on macOS and the
old password can still be used to log in.
What is a possible cause?
A. Secure Token on macOS endpoint is not enabled.
B. EPM agent is not able to connect to the EPM server.
C. After installation, Full Disk Access for the macOS agent to support EPM policies was not approved.
D. Endpoint password policy is too restrictive.
Answer: A
Question: 180
In EPM, creation of which user type is required to use SAML?
A. Local CyberArk EPM User
B. AD User
C. SQL User
D. Azure AD User
Answer: D
Question: 181
A company is looking to manage their Windows Servers and Desktops with CyberArk EPM. Management would like
to define different default policies between the Windows Servers and Windows Desktops.
What should the EPM Administrator do?
A. In the Default Policies, exclude either the Windows Servers or the Windows Desktops.
B. Create Advanced Policies to apply different policies between Windows Servers and Windows Desktops.
C. CyberArk does not recommend installing EPM Agents on Windows Servers.
D. Create a separate Set for Windows Servers and Windows Desktops.
Answer: D
Question: 182
Before enabling Ransomware Protection, what should the EPM Administrator do first?
A. Enable the Privilege Management Inbox in Elevate mode.
B. Enable the Control Applications Downloaded From The Internet feature in Restrict mode.
C. Review the Authorized Applications (Ransomware Protection) group and update if necessary.
D. Enable Threat Protection and Threat Intelligence modules.
Answer: C
Question: 183
What is the CyberArk recommended practice when deploying the EPM agent to non-persistent VDIs?
A. A separate set
B. a VDI advanced policy
C. a separate license
D. A separate computer group
Answer: A
Question: 184
If you want to diagnose agent EPM agent connectivity issues, what is the agent executable that can be used from the
command line?
A. vf_agent.exe
B. epm_agent.exe
C. vault_agent.exe
D. db_agent.exe
Answer: B
Question: 185
What unauthorized change can CyberArk EPM Ransomware Protection prevent?
A. Windows Registry Keys
B. Website Data
C. Local Administrator Passwords
D. Certificates in the Certificate Store
Answer: A
Question: 186
How does CyberArk EPM's Ransomware Protection feature monitor for Ransomware Attacks?
A. It compares known ransomware signatures retrieved from virus databases.
B. It sandboxes the suspected ransomware and applies heuristics.
C. It monitors for any unauthorized access to specified files.
D. It performs a lookup of file signatures against VirusTotal's database.
Answer: C
Question: 187
On the Default Policies page, what are the names of policies that can be set as soon as EPM is deployed?
A. Privilege Escalation, Privilege Management, Application Management
B. Privilege Management, Application Control, Threat analysis
C. Privilege Management, Threat Protection, Application Escalation Control
D. Privilege Management, Privilege Threat Protection, Local Privileged Accounts Management
Answer: D
Question: 188
An EPM Administrator would like to notify end users whenever the Elevate policy is granting users elevation for their
applications. Where should the EPM Administrator go to enable the end-user dialog?
A. End-user UI in the left panel of the console
B. Advanced, Agent Configurations
C. Default Policies
D. End-User UI within the policy
Answer: A
Question: 189
Can the EPM Set Administrator configure Audit Dialog Pop-ups for the Record Audit Video option?
A. Yes, when Audit Video recording started, when Audit Video recording stopped, and when Audit Recording video
reached size limit.
B. Yes, when Audit Video recording started, when not enough disk space to start the video recording, and when video
recording is initializing.
C. Yes, when Audit Video recording started, when Audit Video recording is uploaded to the EPM server, and when
audit recording cannot be initialized.
D. No, Audit Video is only available without the possibility of having End-User dialog pop-ups.
Answer: D
Question: 190
An EPM Administrator would like to exclude an application from all Threat Protection modules. Where should the
EPM Administrator make this change?
A. Privilege Threat Protection under Policies.
B. Authorized Applications under Application Groups.
C. Protect Against Ransomware under Default Policies.
D. Threat Protection under Agent Configurations.
Answer: D
Question: 191
When adding the EPM agent to a pre-existing security stack on workstation, what two steps are CyberArk
recommendations. (Choose two.)
A. Add any pre-existing security application to the Files to Be Ignored Always.
B. Add EPM agent to the other security tools exclusions.
C. EPM agent should never be run with any other security tools.
D. Create new advanced policies for each security tool.
Answer: A,B

CyberArk Privilege test format - BingNews Search results CyberArk Privilege test format - BingNews Final Exam

Final test solution

The Final test will be Monday, December 12 from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Prof. Hess will be available for last-minute questions on Monday in ME 3003B.

  • 9:30-10:30 am
  • 11:30 am - 1 pm
  • 1:30-3 pm

All students will take the test in CL50.

Some additional notes regarding the Final Exam:

  • The test will cover material from Lecture 30 (Gear Geometry) to Lecture 43 (GD&T) on the course schedule.
  • The test format will be similar to Exams 1 and 2 and to the exams posted on the course website: 25% short-answer questions and 75% work-out problems.
  • The test is closed-book and closed-note
    • Final test equation sheet (will be provided with the exam)
    • You may also bring an 8.5" x 11" crib sheet to the exam.  The crib sheet must be turned in with the exam.
  • The test will follow ME's calculator policy.

Final test from previous semesters

Fri, 01 Jul 2022 22:25:00 -0500 en-US text/html
CyberArk And Accenture Amplify Their Commitment To Identity Security

CyberArk and Accenture are taking their long-standing collaboration to new heights, aiming to deliver privileged access management solutions for clients worldwide. The two companies announced today an evolution of their collaboration, with Accenture expanding deployment of the CyberArk Identity Security Platform to include CyberArk Privilege Cloud.

Through their unified efforts, the two companies strive to foster a holistic approach to security, enabling zero trust at an enterprise scale through advanced solutions grounded in identity security and privileged access management.

A Fruitful Partnership Amplified

I spoke with Chris Moore, senior VP of global channels at CyberArk, and Harpreet Sidhu, senior managing director with Accenture, about the collaboration between the two companies and the crucial role of privileged access management.

The partnership is not recent; it has flourished for many years with tangible results. The working synergy has been leveraged from both ends, with Accenture becoming CyberArk's "go-to partner from a services perspective," according to Moore. Notably, Accenture is CyberArk's single largest enabled partner globally, spotlighting the deep-seated mutual trust and commitment at the heart of this collaboration.

Accenture's Harpreet, emphasized the proactive strategies and investment in privileged access capabilities, which have not only averted crises but also propelled sustainable growth. He stressed that the collaboration with CyberArk has addressed complex global environmental challenges and varying use cases with stellar efficiency, and streamlining identity security operations for global 2000 customers.

A press release announcing the collaboration explains, “By incorporating CyberArk Privilege Cloud into its own cyber defense-strategy, Accenture benefits from the same level of cybersecurity it delivers to clients, enabling sensitive data and critical systems to be well-protected. CyberArk enables Accenture to securely store, rotate and isolate credentials (for both human and non-human users).”

The Zero Trust Resurgence and Identity Security

I pointed out the current resurgence in focus on zero trust and how privileged access management and identity security are vital components for fostering the foundation of a zero trust environment. Sidhu likens a strong identity program to "the foundation for the house," emphasizing that without it, "you're leaving the front door open."

The progression toward zero trust is a multifaceted journey, entailing a conglomeration of capabilities, including good Identity Governance and assurance programs, certification attestation, and robust privileged access management capacities. Harpreet stressed that these essential elements safeguard an organization’s "crown jewels" while securing privileged access across different environments.

Moore shares this perspective, adding, “Identity security is everything and privilege is in the middle of that journey.” It oversees an extensive range, from workforce and customer access to identity management, which Moore believes makes CyberArk an indispensable tool in the voyage to zero trust.

Empowering Enterprises in Today's Macro Environment

In the rapidly evolving macro environment, the partnership seeks to empower enterprises to grow and adapt at the necessary speed. Sidhu noted the CyberArk platform's capacity to leverage automation and cloud capabilities—features essential for optimizing organization, staffing, and achieving desired outcomes in today's setting.

As part of a holistic strategy, the platform promises a continuum of identity security, covering a wide spectrum, and guarding against vulnerabilities from various attack paths. Moore emphasized, “Attackers are going to take the path of least resistance all the time,” and explained that the CyberArk platform delivers an integrated approach to handling complex enterprise stories and facilitating a seamless security journey.

Accenture: Customer Zero and a Learning Ground

Accenture has not only been a partner but also a learning ground. Moore and Sidhu shared the notion of “Customer Zero" and the importance of an organization leading the way by embracing and utilizing the technologies they provide to customers.

The vast experience and operational scale of the relationship between the two offers a unique playground for CyberArk, facilitating a reciprocative relationship grounded in learning and growing from mutual experiences. The collaboration helps to bring best of breed solutions to the fore, fine-tuned through experiences garnered in Accenture's extensive ecosystem.

Looking Forward: Market Synergies and Growth Prospects

Accenture and CyberArk are harmonizing their narratives, leveraging 700,000 personnel at Accenture to disseminate the collaborative story globally. Moving forward, they aim to foster a security-first narrative, originating from the board and C-level discussions, gradually permeating through the entire organization's fabric.

As Sidhu aptly mentions, this collaboration is not merely a "nice to have"; it is quintessential for business growth in today's environment. With a unified vision and a fortified partnership, CyberArk and Accenture feel they are poised to set new benchmarks in the cybersecurity landscape, championing innovation, efficiency, and a security-first approach in global business operations.

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Sample Entrance Exam
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Sample Entrance Exam

Word Police exams consist of questions similar to the ones below. Here beneath each question we've told you which answer is correct, and explained why.

When you are taking an actual exam, once you've answered all five questions, press the "Submit answers" button to have your responses scored. If you're not sure of the answer to any question, why not take your best guess? (No points are deducted for wrong answers.) You'll need to get at least four answers right to be allowed to proceed. On the next page, you will be asked a final question that you must answer correctly in order to pass the exam.

The actual exams provide a clue about the intent of the questions that isn't available here -- namely, that each of them is the test for a particular squad or division. The questions on the entrance test for any given squad will have to do with that squad's specialty. So, for example, on the entrance test for the Number Unit, the focus of the questions will tend to be grammatical number (say, "the Word Police is ..." or "the Word Police are ..."?).

1. When Word Police officers perform their duties properly, fewer/less crimes against the language occur.


Fewer is for things that can be counted ("one crime, two crimes ..."; "The fewer crimes the better"). Less is for things that pile up as amounts, not numbers of items, and aren't countable ("There hasn't been much criminal activity lately"; "There's been less criminal activity than usual"). Because crimes falls into the former class of things, fewer is the only correct choice here. (See pages 191-192 in Word Court.)

2. While on duty, you see your neighbor Mr. Smith discarding a candy wrapper on the sidewalk. You pick it up, say in your most cheerful tone, "You dropped something. Here you are!" and hand it back to him. Afterward, should you keep the matter between you and him, between he and the Word Police Force, or between you and he?

Between you and him
Between he and the Word Police Force
Between you and he

Any pronoun that comes after between ought to be one that can be used as a grammatical object (as in "The Word Police want us"), not one that is used as a subject (for example, "We want to join the Word Police"). He is a subjective pronoun, so neither the second nor the third answer can be correct. You can be either kind of pronoun, and him is objective, so "between you and him" is the right answer. (See pages 130-134 in Word Court.)

3. Which is correct?

"It's a dull officer who spends all their time shining their badge."
"It's a dull officer who spends all her time shining her badge."
"It's a dull officer that spends all its time shining its badge."

An officer can't be plural. Nor is an officer neuter (its). An officer certainly can be female, though, so "... spends all her time ..." is fine. The second answer is the correct one. (See pages 28-32 in Word Court.)

4. With which statement do you agree?

"A Word Police officer must see that poetic justice is done everyday."
"A Word Police officer can't concern himself with poetic justice on an every day basis."
"A Word Police officer must at least try to see that poetic justice is done every day."

Once again, the real issue here is which of these statements is worded correctly. See those variations of everyday? Everyday, one word, is an adjective, and so when that's the form used, it's supposed to be modifying a noun. Every day is an adverb or a noun phrase. In the first answer, the adjective everyday is being used as if it were an adverb, modifying a verb; and in the second one, the adverb every day is being used as if it were an adjective, modifying a noun. Only in the third answer does the adverbial form match an adverbial function; this answer is correct. (See pages 190-191 in Word Court.)

5. Is this alright?


Alright is a very informal spelling. Standard English calls for all right. So no, it's not all right, thank you very much. No, indeed. (See page 153 in Word Court.)

Proceed to the entrance exam
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