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CCRA Certified Credit Research Analyst

The Certified Credit Research Analyst (CCRA) designation is a professional certification offered by the Association of International Credit and Trade Finance Professionals (ICTF). The CCRA certification is designed to validate the knowledge and skills of credit professionals in conducting credit research and analysis. Here is an overview of the test details, course outline, test objectives, and test syllabus for the CCRA certification:

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The CCRA test consists of multiple-choice questions. The exact number of questions may vary, but typically ranges between 100 and 120 questions.

- Time: Candidates are usually given a specific time limit to complete the CCRA exam. The allotted time is typically around 2.5 to 3 hours.

Course Outline:
The CCRA certification program covers a comprehensive range of syllabus related to credit research and analysis. The course outline typically includes the following key areas:

1. Financial Statement Analysis:
- Understanding and interpreting financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
- Analyzing financial ratios, trends, and key performance indicators to assess the financial health of a company.

2. Credit Risk Assessment:
- Evaluating credit risk factors, including industry analysis, business models, competitive positioning, and management quality.
- Assessing the creditworthiness and financial stability of borrowers or counterparties.

3. Credit Research and Analysis Methods:
- Conducting thorough credit research and gathering relevant information from various sources.
- Utilizing qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques to evaluate credit risk and make informed credit decisions.

4. Credit Documentation and Risk Mitigation:
- Understanding the importance of credit documentation, including loan agreements, credit policies, and risk mitigation strategies.
- Identifying and mitigating credit risk through collateral, guarantees, and credit enhancement techniques.

Exam Objectives:
The objectives of the CCRA certification test are as follows:
- Assessing candidates' understanding of credit research and analysis concepts, methodologies, and best practices.
- Evaluating candidates' ability to analyze financial statements, assess credit risk, and make informed credit decisions.
- Validating candidates' knowledge of credit documentation and risk mitigation strategies.

Exam Syllabus:
The CCRA test syllabus covers various syllabus related to credit research and analysis. The specific syllabus may include:

1. Financial Statement Analysis:
- Financial statement components and analysis techniques.
- Financial ratios and their interpretation.
- Cash flow analysis and forecasting.

2. Credit Risk Assessment:
- Industry and sector analysis.
- Business and competitive analysis.
- Management assessment.

3. Credit Research and Analysis Methods:
- Gathering and analyzing financial and non-financial information.
- Credit scoring models and credit rating methodologies.
- Credit risk measurement techniques.

4. Credit Documentation and Risk Mitigation:
- Credit agreements and documentation.
- Collateral valuation and monitoring.
- Credit risk mitigation strategies.

The CCRA certification aims to enhance the professional competence and credibility of credit professionals in the field of credit research and analysis. By obtaining the CCRA designation, professionals demonstrate their expertise in assessing credit risk, making informed credit decisions, and contributing to effective credit management practices.
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Certified Credit Research Analyst
Question: 76
Statement 1: The Yields on the MBS PTCs are normally higher than the yields on the corporate bonds of similar
ratings. Statement 2: The reason for difference in yields on the corporate bonds and similarly rated PTCs is on
account of the optionality in the PTC, the unfamiliarity of the structure and uncertainties in respect of legal and
structural issues. Which of the above statements is correct?
A. None of the statements
B. Both the statements
C. Only Statement 2 is correct
D. Only Statement 1 is correct
Answer: D
Question: 77
Which of the following is NOT a conceptual definition of credit risk on which credit models are based?
A. Default Mode Paradigm
B. Value-at-Risk paradigm
C. Mark-to-Market Paradigm
Answer: B
Question: 78
Which of the following is false in case of credit enhancements?
A. It reduces the default risk of the borrowing entity for the lender, thereby deteriorating the overall credit
worthiness of the borrower
B. Credit enhancement could be implicit or explicit
C. Credit enhancement is a mechanism whereby external cash flows is extended by an entity which has a stringer
credit profile, so that it benefits the fund raising entity
Answer: A
Question: 79
Short term rates are determined by____________
A. All of the other options
B. Liquidity position caused by seasonal demand supply for credit
C. Foreign portfolio investment inflows and outflows
D. Bunching of tax and government payments
Answer: B
Question: 80
Which of the following factor is considered while undertaking management evaluation?
A. All of the other options
B. Corporate Strategy
C. Performance of group concerns
D. Past track record
Answer: D
Question: 81
The _______ cycle is the length of time between the company's outflow on raw materials and the manufacturing
expenses and the inflow of cash from the sale of goods.
A. Cash flow mismatch
B. Money
C. Running
D. Operating
Answer: D
Question: 82
Step up upon feature will lead to
A. no change as step is not linked to issuers rating
B. positive basis because the bond holder is compensated
C. negative basis given that the bondholder is not compensated
D. Will lead to a change only if there is a linkage to the issuer's rating
Answer: B
Question: 83
Provisioning Coverage Ratio (PCR) is essentially the ratio of provisioning to ______ and indicates the extent of
funds a bank has kept aside to cover loan losses.
A. total loan portfolio
B. gross non-performing assets
C. total assets
Answer: B
Question: 84
__________Strategy consists of buying a bond with maturity longer than the investment horizon (for investor) or
buying a long-maturity bond with short-term funding through repo (for speculator).
A. Barbell, Ladder and Butterfly
B. Yield Spread Anticipation
C. Rate Anticipation with Maturity Mismatch
D. Riding the yield curve
Answer: D
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If your business is built around the creation of a product, managing the manufacture of that item dictates the degree of success your business enjoys. Understanding a variety of production management techniques gives you a toolbox for approaching bottlenecks and improvements. Even if you run a small business, understanding methodologies used by major manufacturers may benefit your company.

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Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

When I first started my clinical training as a psychologist, some of the first techniques I learned were relaxation exercises. These are concrete, specific behaviors that clients can use to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Relaxation exercises often target physical symptoms of anxiety such as hyperventilating and muscle tension but can also help with emotional symptoms such as panic and nervousness. One interesting debate has been whether to use relaxation exercises for anxiety or whether they can be counterproductive.

Let’s start with a few examples of relaxation exercises. The most common technique is probably diaphragm breathing, also called belly breathing or deep breathing. Diaphragm breathing has clients breathe using more of their diaphragm, the big muscle that helps the lungs move air in and out of the body. One version of this technique has clients put a hand on their chest and the other on their stomach and try to breathe so that the hand on the chest does not move (or moves minimally) and the hand on the stomach moves more. Diaphragm breathing helps prevent hyperventilating and the other symptoms that go with it such as dizziness. Another technique, one that was a mainstay of my training, is progressive muscle relaxation or PMR. PMR has the client progressively tense and relax different muscle groups until all their muscles are relaxed. Depending on how the muscles are grouped, PMR can take 10 to 30 minutes. Clients will often use a recording to guide them through the muscle groups. Other relaxation techniques include imagery and even some forms of meditation.

Image by Melk Hagelslag from Pixabay

Initially, it can seem like relaxation techniques should be great for anxiety because they reduce anxiety. Reducing anxiety, though, might not always be helpful. I’ve written before about how anxiety is a normal part of life and trying to reduce normal levels of anxiety can be counterproductive. If relaxation techniques are being used to avoid anxiety instead of facing it, then they can be unhelpful. Another situation in which relaxation exercises might not help is during exposure therapy. In exposure therapy, a client gradually faces situations that cause anxiety so they can gain experience showing that they are able to cope with the situation and the anxiety. If relaxation exercises are used too much in exposure therapy to the point that the client does not feel anxiety, then it can cancel out the exposure exercise. Situations with mild to moderate levels of anxiety might not need relaxation exercises.

Relaxation exercises still have many uses. For someone experiencing a high level of anxiety, these techniques can help reduce the anxiety to a more manageable level. For people trying exposure therapy but who have a high level of anxiety even for beginning levels of exposure, relaxation techniques can be extremely helpful so they can get started on facing those feared situations. The key is not necessarily using a specific technique but rather finding one that works for you.

As with any specific therapy technique including relaxation exercises, always check with your mental health provider first. You might have to try several different techniques before you find one that works for you. And you might have to try using relaxation exercises in several different situations before figuring out when it helps you and when it does not help.

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Intermediate Investing Techniques

Most people feel like they have to become long-term investors or day traders. However, both of those approaches feel imperfect for some investors. They don't want the higher frequency activity of day trading. However, these same individuals also don't want to get stuck with stocks during a correction. Intermediate investing offers a middle ground for investors who don't want to commit to day trading or long-term investing. This guide will explore how intermediate investing works and ways to increase your returns.

What are Investment Strategies?

The goal of every investment is to grow. You can plan these with different goals, timelines and risks. Three of the most common investment strategies include:

  • Growth investing: Focus on companies that exhibit signs of above-average growth.
  • Value investing: Buy securities that appear to be trading for less than their intrinsic or book value.
  • Buy-and-hold: Don't let the market turbulence get you down — buy securities with solid fundamentals and hold them over a long period of time.

Best Investing Strategies: Growth Investing

Growth investing focuses on companies that are positioned to grow at an above-average pace. These companies often have a great value proposition — offer something that competitors cannot easily replicate. Investing in these companies means betting on their ability to build an "economic moat" around their competitive advantage. Tech companies often fall into this category.

Growth stocks often fly high in the mature stages of a market cycle. Although their valuations are high, this is justified by the promise of growth.

Be extra careful when picking growth stocks. The biggest risk from growth investing is not low quality or high volatility. It's paying prices that are too high. To learn growth investing and other strategies, regardless of your current knowledge, check out their take on best investment strategy courses.

Understand and Use the Priority of Money

Successfully managing your tax exposure can make big differences over the years. For that purpose, it is important to understand the tax benefits certain investment vehicles offer. These benefits can be a deferral of current taxes, like a traditional IRA or 401(k) or avoiding future taxes (like a Roth IRA). Check out how brokerage accounts are taxed.

Understand the Risks and Benefits of a Major Asset

There are three major asset classes — each with its own risks and benefits:

  • Equities: A buyer becomes a shareholder of a company — domestic or international. These offer the highest risk but also the highest reward.
  • Bonds: These assets provide you exposure to debt. The value comes from a promise to repay and earn interest at a set date. The most common bonds are government, municipal and corporate bonds. They yield modest returns (sometimes barely outpacing inflation) but low risk. Some bonds also have tax breaks.
  • Cash and cash investments: These come in the form of checking and savings accounts, certificates of deposit and, short-term treasury bills (T-bills). They are prone to inflationary risk but address living expenses or act as reliable emergency funds.

How to Invest Your Savings for Short-Term or Long-Term Goals

The following table shows potential preferences for the investment timeline.

   Asset  Risk Profile
Short term (1-3 years)  Savings accounts, money market accounts, short-term U.S. government bonds Low
Medium term (3-10 years)  ETF bonds, peer-to-peer loans, certificates of deposit (CDs) Low-to-Medium
Long term (over 10 years)  Equities, equity ETFs, index funds, robo-advisors Medium-to-High

Top 10 Strategies for Investing

Here are the top guidelines to keep in mind when approaching an investment plan.

1. Bring Balance Into Your Financial Plan

Too much of anything is not going to work great on average. Stay vigilant regarding your goals and don't be afraid to get overweight in an asset class when the opportunity arises — but have an open-minded, balanced approach.

2. Invest in What You Understand

Warren Buffett invests only in what he thoroughly understands. It is hard to expect that you can match the knowledge of a 90-year-old legend, but every investor has a field of interest. That can be a fantastic starting point.

3. Start Investing as Early as Possible

Time is your greatest ally. The sooner you start, the sooner will the power of compounding take you to your goal and beyond.

4. Add a 401(k) Match to Your Mix

The only thing better than money that grows over time is free money that grows over time. If you have matching benefits from your employers, take them! It is likely the easiest money you will ever get.

5. Set Up and Stick with Sound Cash Flow Management

As soon as you have a stable income, start automatically setting some money aside for investments. Habitual investing is a big step toward financial freedom.

6. Separate Emotions from Objectives

Do not get married to your positions! Periodically reassess your investments (at least quarterly) and be objective. Your positions are not your goals. They are vehicles that take you to your goals.

7. Turn Discretionary Spending Into Investing

Separate needs from wants. It takes a lot to stay disciplined today with advertisements bombarding you from all sides.

8. Put Investments and Cash Reserves in Separate Buckets

Needing money at the wrong time can seriously lengthen the journey to your investment goals. By keeping the funds separate in a savings account and investments diversified you will have enough liquidity even in emergency situations.

9. Make Stocks a Cornerstone of Your Strategy

Despite dire straits during specific time periods throughout history, the stock market returned 10.7% annualized returns over the last 30 years. From the risk management perspective, when it comes to building wealth, it's hard to match a well-managed stock portfolio.

10. Diversify for a Smoother Ride

It's smart to diversify across the asset classes as well as within the asset classes. But, just like everything, it needs to be balanced. A rule of thumb for stocks is that it takes 20 to 30 different companies to be adequately diversified.

Principles of Investment Strategies

Determining the investment strategy is like going on a journey. You need to know your start and your destination. Then you will come up with the most convenient path to follow to get there.

Long-Term Goals vs. Short-Term Goals

Long-term investments have goals that are years or even decades away. The most important one for most beginners is saving enough money to retire. The biggest advantage that long-term investments have is that you don't have to worry about short-term fluctuations.

On the flip side, short-term dips might provide you with an opportunity to average down on your best ideas. Short-term investments can be proactive, like saving for a down payment on a house or reactive, like paying off credit card debt.

Active vs. Passive Investing Strategies

The decision between active or passive investing comes down to your time and knowledge. How much do you know about investing? How much are you willing to learn? How involved do you want to be?

If you are a beginner, you might opt for robo-advisors — low-cost automated services based on your preferences. Check out their take on the best robo-advisors.

If you have the knowledge (or are willing to learn), be ready to spend a lot of time gathering the data, researching and formulating investment ideas. It is a lot of work. While the returns might be higher than average, they can also be lower. Like most things, investment research also has diminishing returns. Particularly talented active investors might want to learn intermediate options strategies.

Low-Risk vs. High-Risk Investing Strategies

Risk is inevitable with any investment. Even the U.S. government bond still carries a minuscule (but existing) risk that it won't be repaid. Although researchers tried to explain risk with volatility — it is a flawed comparison, as volatility just magnifies the range of outcomes without necessarily affecting them.

Relationship between risk and return, Author: Howard Marks

When planning risk, the key is to assess the magnitude of the outcome(s) and their probability. Then it needs to be cross-compared with the investment horizon. Investing for the short-term goals should lean toward lower risk while investing for the long-term can have higher risk.

All-in on Financial Responsibility

Investing is a game of poker, and professional players do not believe in luck. They rely on expected value. They have partial information (cards in their hand) just like you — the investor (funds and risk tolerance). When faced with a tough decision, a player will backtrack their opponent's action and assign them a range. Then, they will compare their cards with that range and come to the expected value of the play.

That is exactly what an intelligent investor does. You need to gauge the market probability, compare it to your personal risk tolerance and calculate the expected value. Regardless of the hand you are holding — there are always options. After all, the key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted.

Frequently Asked Questions


According to the “father of value investing” Benjamin Graham, the 3 principles are:

  • Always invest with a margin of safety.
  • Expect volatility and profit from it.
  • Know what kind of investor you are.


These are the 5 stages of investing:

  1. Put-and-take account: First saving when you begin making money
  2. Beginning to invest: After establishing No. 1 and not running out of money in your checking account after each paycheck
  3. Systematic investing: Usually investing a set dollar amount from every paycheck
  4. Strategic investing: Diversification; expanding the scope of investments
  5. Speculative investing: High risk–high reward; associated with investments like penny stocks or collectibles


The best stock strategy is one that fits your personality. This will depend on your risk tolerance, time horizon and time available for the research. If you are looking for a training course, check out their guide on financial investment training for beginner investors.

Wed, 13 Dec 2023 10:01:00 -0600 en text/html
4 Certified Senior Designations Worth Holding

In latest years, the number and scope of professional designations available have grown, and many financial advisors are now unsure of which credential will serve them most effectively. This is especially true for specialized designations for retirement planning and working with the specific financial needs of older adults. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes, the major driver of the growth in jobs for financial advisors is the aging population. The large baby boomer generation is on the way to retirement, and longer life spans are leading to prolonged retirements, adding to the demand for financial planning services aimed at older adults. Here, they take a closer look at some of the designations used and whether they are worth pursuing for those looking to offer financial advice on retirement planning, retirement income, longevity planning, and estate planning.

Key Takeaways

  • Many financial advisors are specializing in retirement planning and income.
  • As a result, these advisors have sought targeted training and education to validate their expertise and signal their skills to those who need it.
  • Several professional credentials and designations are now available for financial planning for older adults, with certified senior advisor (CSA) being the most recognized.
  • Chartered advisor for senior living (CASL) was a popular certification no longer available for new applicants (though existing license holders are still required to continue their education).
  • Some designations, like the certified senior specialist (CSS), face restrictions from state bodies and are not recognized as valid in some areas.
  • Another well-rounded certification option is the chartered senior financial planner (CSFP).

What Are Designations Focused on Older Adults?

Several designations have been created in the financial planning industry in latest years. Designations focused on the needs of older adults primarily involve financial strategies for individuals aged 50 and older.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) do not officially recognize any professional titles such as “retirement advisor” that financial professionals use. Nevertheless, this financial planning consumer demographic has been increasingly targeted from almost every direction by the financial services industry, including banks, insurance companies, and independent financial and estate planners.

With potentially larger portfolio balances, given their longer investment timeline and a growing need for retirement and succession planning services, there are ample needs and opportunities for working with older clients.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) does not approve or endorse any professional designation. The designation's inclusion in its database doesn't mean that FINRA considers the designation acceptable for use by a registered representative.

4 Main Designations

Here are four main designations that financial professionals may use to signal expertise in the financial planning needs of older adults:

Certified Senior Advisor

Offered and recognized by the Society of Certified Senior Advisors (SCSA), a CSA is the best-known advisory certification on this list. Candidates need to pass a certification examination on the social, medical, cultural, financial, and legal aspects of aging to become a license holder.

There is no prescribed training or education program, but the SCSA offers resources like textbooks and live course training. Preparation for the test usually takes 50–60 hours. Candidates must also complete 30 hours of continuing education and pass a criminal background check every three years to maintain their certification.

CSAs are typically professionals in different fields who work exclusively or frequently with the aging and want to supplement their professional knowledge with the designation. Many advisors who earn this designation work primarily with fixed or indexed annuities. However, some nonfinancial professionals, including estate planning attorneys, healthcare professionals, and administrators, carry this designation. CSAs must inform consumers that the designation alone does not imply financial, health, or social expertise. 

Chartered Advisor in Senior Living (CASL)

Offered by The American College, CASL applicants need to have worked with older adults for a minimum of three years before they can take the required examination. Applicants must also adhere to The American College's code of ethics.

A CASL advisor is tested on retirement distributions from pensions and Social Security, planning for health and long-term care needs, and effective estate planning strategies. The CASL designation is no longer offered to new students. However, existing certificate holders are required to participate in the Professional Recertification Program to keep their credentials.

Certified Senior Specialist (CSS)

CSS requires more course work than the others in retirement planning, estate tax planning, annuities, Social Security, and Medicare. The test covers long-term care and issues related to the care of adults 80 and over, the demographics of the population of older adults, charitable estate planning techniques, and reverse mortgages.

The CSS license is issued by Certified for Senior Studies, although not all jurisdictions recognize the designation. For example, California treats this license differently than the CSA since the designation can't be used by agents or brokers to sell insurance to adults 65 and over. For this reason, the CSS license holds much less value than some of the other licenses.

Chartered Senior Financial Planner (CSFP)

Issued by the Association of Chartered Senior Financial Planners, the CSFP designation trains recipients in advanced retirement and estate planning strategies. To take the exam, trainees must have two years of insurance experience, two years of securities experience, or be a licensed attorney or CPA. Three-day training sessions are available before the exam, and 16 hours of continuing education are required every two years.

Like other exams, the CSFP designation prescribes a code of ethics and demonstrates a holder's proficiency in preretirement, post-retirement, and asset protection strategies.

Broad Based Designations That Serve Seniors

While designations for expertise in the financial needs of older adults may differ substantially in the academic training, none of them can compare to the curricula for established and respected designations such as Chartered Financial Planner (CFP), Chartered Life Underwriter, or Chartered Financial Consultant.

If you wish to position yourself as an expert in financial planning for anyone, including older adults, you should first consider earning one of the more traditional, comprehensive designations. Afterward, you could earn one of the designations focusing on older adults. At that point, your competence in the needs of this demographic would mean a great deal more as you've honed in on a specific syllabu while having a broad background in financial planning. You would also be subject to a code of ethics that can be enforced.

Pending Consequences

Given they often have access to savings that are meant to take them through their retirement years, older adults are frequently targeted by scam artists and charlatans. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that in 2022, there were 88,262 complaints of fraud, resulting in $3.1 billion in losses from people age 60 and over. This may vastly underrate the problem, given that such frauds often go unreported, according to the NCOA. The most common scams involve impersonating government officials, supposed sweepstakes winnings, and robocalls.

As a result, state and federal regulators have taken notice of inadequate training and the business approach many certificate holders take to the financial matters of older adults. One of the main limits regulators face when dealing with this problem is that no overarching agency monitors the financial designation community like there is for insurance or securities licensing. Therefore, any “rogue” credential must be dealt with state-by-state.

What Is the Best License Designation for Working With Older Adults?

The Certified Senior Advisor (CSA) designation is the most recognizable professional license. Though it still falls well short of the breadth and depth of wide-scale professional licenses, it remains a strong option for those looking for specific certification in the financial matters of older adults.

Is It Worth Getting a Designation for Working With Older Adults?

There are mixed opinions on the value of these license designations. Some argue any sort of formal training and test provides value and boosts your credibility as a financial planner. Others point out the gap in education between these license designations and broader financial planner certifications. As long as your clients understand the limits of what the designation means, there is some value in pursuing them.

Are All Designations for Working With Older Adults Recognized?

No, such license designations are often recognized on a state-by-state basis. Each state will have its own reporting requirements, and many limit the recognition of some designations. When a designation is limited in a state, the financial advisor can't use that title while pursuing sales of insurance or securities. To check whether your license is recognized in a specific state, check with that state's Department of Insurance.

The Bottom Line

While the differences between designations such as the CFP and CSA may be apparent to those in the business, most people looking for financial advice may have difficulty comprehending the gap in training between the two. Although it would be unfair to label every financial professional who holds a designation for advising older adults as dishonest, the increasing pressure from state regulators is making the future of these designations uncertain.

Advisors considering whether to pursue a designation for working with older adults may want to check with their state's insurance commissioner and securities bureau before enrolling in a program. While bogus designations can fool prospects and clients at least temporarily, regulators are certain to rectify the situation eventually.

Thu, 14 Dec 2023 08:34:00 -0600 en text/html
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There is an increasing nationwide demand for certification credentials in the environmental arena. Besides natural resource management, ecological expertise is needed on a host of other current environmental problems, including: biotechnology, ecological restoration, ozone depletion, global climate change, ecosystem management, nitrogen deposition, species extinction and loss of biological diversity, invasive species, habitat alteration and destruction, and sustainable ecological systems. This expertise is provided by ecologists in academia, government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector. 

Read this Frontiers editorial by the Board of Professional Certification

Certified ecologist Arona Bender poses at the side of a lake in the autumn

“As an aspiring marine biologist, it is important to me to develop interdisciplinary skills to better manage the environmental challenges they face in today’s world. I chose to be certified to establish my scientific credibility and demonstrate within the science community and society that I have developed the necessary education, skills. and experience required to apply ecological principles in my professional career.”

— Arona Bender, Ecologist in Training

It has been shown that only a small minority of individuals with graduate degrees find full-time employment in academic institutions. Private environmental companies, federal, state and local environmental and natural resource agencies, applied research laboratories, and non-governmental organizations, including private foundations, offer major employment opportunities for ecologists.

Recognizing this new direction for professional ecologists, the Ecological Society of America provides the certification program for its members, as well as nonmembers and the public who desire a statement of their professional qualifications. They aim:

  • To serve the needs of ecologists who wish to establish and validate their professional credentials.
  • To guide biologists, government agencies, courts, and the public in defining minimum standards of education and experience for professional ecologists, and to encourage all practicing ecologists to meet such standards.
  • To create and maintain public confidence in the advice and opinions of certified ecologists as well as educated and experienced professionals who have pledged to uphold the Code of Ethics of the Ecological Society of America and to act in the best interest of the public.
  • To assist the public in identifying ecologists by establishing a procedure for critical peer evaluation based upon defined minimum education, experience and ethical requirements.

ESA leader and certified ecologist Carmen Cid poses for a professional photo“My work in protecting urban ecosystems requires frequent interaction with many stakeholders who are not familiar with the ecological literature. Being certified  as a Senior Ecologist for 20 years has effectively validated my expertise to diverse workforce and community audiences with varied understanding of environmental assessment credentials.”

— Carmen Cid, PhD, Senior Ecologist

The Benefits of ESA Certification

Certification through the Ecological Society of America is a way for ecologists, at all levels of education and training, to add a credential to their resume, demonstrate their expertise, and exhibit their skill level to potential employers, clients or colleagues. The goals of the certification program are to:

  1. Establish and validate the credentials for certified ecologists.
  2. Recognize individuals whose education, training, and experience meet ESA’s certification standards.
  3. Attest that certified ecologists have met minimum education and experience requirements for their certification levels; further attest that each certified ecologist acknowledges adherence to the ESA Code of Ethics.
  4. Foster the incorporation of ecological principles in the decision-making processes for consultancies, environmental and national resource agencies, applied research labs, government agencies and NGOs, foundations, and other organizations requiring the expertise of certified ecologists.
  5. Provide public access to a directory of professional ecologists for advice and technical guidance on public policy and regulatory issues facing society.

Certified ecologist Tanzeel Farooqi posing with plant specimens in a forest

“It’s my prime career goal to be a well-known professional in forest ecology at the national and international level, which has enhanced after getting the certification as Ecologist from [ESA]. The certificate [has] boosted my professional reorganization in both the public and private sectors. Most importantly, it helps me enhance my professional excellence while practicing the science of ecology. “

— Tanzeel Farooqi, PhD, Certified Ecologist

Get Started

Review the requirements, look through these frequently asked questions, and start to collect your materials to apply! If you have any questions, please contact

Wed, 04 Dec 2019 13:51:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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