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WPT-R learning - Wonderlic Personnel Test Updated: 2024 WPT-R Brain Dumps with Real Questions
Exam Code: WPT-R Wonderlic Personnel Test learning January 2024 by team

WPT-R Wonderlic Personnel Test

The full version of the Wonderlic Personnel test is a timed 12-minute test made up of 50 questions.

Youll take this test on-site and under supervision. In some cases youll have already taken the WPT-Q to qualify yourself for the interview.

Your results on the Wonderlic Personnel Test (WPT-R) will be compared to other candidates results during the interview process and can be the deciding factor in the hiring decision.

As with the quicktest, the average test-taker answers less than 50% of the questions correctly (the average score is about 21) and only a small fraction of people even finish all 50 questions.

Instead, there are a series of different Wonderlic tests. The most common one is the Wonderlic Personnel Test, which is also called the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability test. When you hear someone talk generally about “The Wonderlic Test” (and that probably happens most during NFL draft season), this is the test theyre talking about.



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Wonderlic Personnel Test
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Wonderlic Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test
WPT-R Wonderlic Personnel Test offers valid and updated WPT-R practice test with real test Questions and braindumps for new syllabus of WPT-R WPT-R Exam. Just Practice their WPT-R dump questions to Strengthen your know-how and pass your WPT-R test with High Marks. They make sure your to Strengthen your knowledge about the subjects of WPT-R test and build your confidence of the WPT-R exam. Pass 4 sure with their WPT-R dumps.
Wonderlic Personnel Test
Question: 177
How long will it take for Rons $37,353 investment to double if he expects 9%
A. 5 years
B. 8 years
C. 9 years
D. 9.5 years
E. 10 years
Answer: D
To calculate this answer mentally, use the Rule of 72. Divide 72 by the rate of
growth. In this example, Rons money would double in 8 years (72/9). The rule of
72 is a quick mental calculation tool that provides an estimate of how long it
would take an investment to grow double. Key Takeaway: For a few days,
practice this every time you see a growth rate in the news paper or at work.
Question: 178
If the speed of a car is 200 km per hour, how may minutes does it take to travel 60
A. 3 1/3 hours
B. 20 minutes
C. 18 minutes
D. 22 minutes
E. 24 minutes
Answer: C
18 minutes. The quickest way to do this problem is to divde 60 by 200. You can
quickly reduce that to 3/10. Then multiply 3/10 by 60 to get 18 minutes.
Key Takeaway: Again, they can't emphasize the value of being really comfortable
with the time units. 60 breaks down nicely with fractions as it is divisible by 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30.
Question: 179
A business has decided to resurface a floor section in their warehouse. The section
is a square that measures 15 feet on one side. How much is the area that needs to
be resurfaced?
A. 30 square feet
B. 60 square feet
C. 215 square feet
D. 225 square feet
E. 250 square feet
Answer: D
15 x 15 is 225 square feet. Key Takeaway: To square any number that ends in 5,
use this trick. Take the first digit of the number, in this case 1. Multiply that by
itself and the next consecutive digit, which is 2. So far, they have 1 x (1+1) = 1 x 2
= 2. Then, simply put 25 on the end, which results in 225. This trick works for
squaring any number that ends in 5.
Question: 180
What is the mean for the following expenditures? $79.84, $278.99, $342.16,
$466.25, $111.39, $502.47, $98.12
A. $278.99
B. $268.46
C. $354.22
D. $317.54
Answer: B
The mean for the data set above is $268.46. The median or middle number when
the numbers are in ascending order ($79.84, $98.12, $111.39, $278.99, $342.16,
$466.25, $502.47) is $278.99.
Question: 181
On a trip to the Netherlands you spend 275 per night in a hotel, 37.58 per day
on meals and 50 per day on transportation. If you were there for four days and
three nights, and the exchange rate from U.S. dollars to euros was $1.00 :
0.7515, about how much did you spend altogether, in U.S. dollars?
A. $1,564
B. $1,175
C. $1,702
D. $1,398
Answer: A
An expense of 1175, at an exchange rate of $1.00 : 0.7515, would total $1564.
The total expenses were (275 x 3) + (37.58 x 4) + (50 x 4), with the final sum
being 1175.32. If the exchange rate was $1.00 : 0.7515, then 1175.32 is
75.15% of the total expense in U.S. dollars. Cross-multiply 1175.32 to find the
dollar value of the expense. (1175.32 x 100) 75.15 = $1563.97.
Question: 182
Jacqueline and Lee are meeting for the weekend somewhere between their cities,
which are 420 miles apart. Jacqueline drives 80 mph for the duration of her trip. If
they both left home at 10 a.m. and met at 1 p.m., what speed did Lee drive to
reach their meeting spot?
A. 75 mph
B. 70 mph
C. 65 mph
D. 60 mph
Answer: D
Lee drove 180 miles at 60 mph to reach the meeting place where Jacqueline
arrived after driving 240 miles at 80 mph. Jacqueline drove 80 mph for three
hours, which is 240 miles altogether. If she drove 240 miles, then Lee drove what
remained of their 420-mile distance, which is 180 miles. She had three hours to
complete that distance which means she traveled 60 miles each hour.
Question: 183
The division of your company that you oversee contains 18 employees whose
total salary last year was $855,000. The average salary of all company employees
with the same level of responsibility and qualifications is $50,000. Is your
department above or below the company average?
A. Below by 20%
B. Above by 10%
C. Below by 5%
D. Above by 15%
Answer: C
The average salary of a worker in your department is $47,500, which is 5% below
the company average. Divide your workers' total salary by the number of workers.
There is a $2,500 difference between the average salary in your division and the
company's average. $2,500 is 5% of $50,000.
Question: 184
If Martin invests $20,000 for 20 years and his investment earns 20% interest
compounding quarterly, what will it be worth at the end of his investment period?
A. $991,228.82
B. $120,000.00
C. $244,529.20
D. $424,872.36
Answer: A
A $20,000 investment that earns 20% interest compounded quarterly would be
worth $991,228.82 at the end of a 20-year investment period. The equation for
compound interest is A = P(1 + r/n)nt in which A is the amount including interest,
P is the principle investment, r is the interest rate expressed in decimal form
(0.12), n is the number of times interest is added per year, and t is the number of
years for which the principal is invested. A = $20,000(1+.2/4)80. = $991,228.82.
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Wonderlic Wonderlic learning - BingNews Search results Wonderlic Wonderlic learning - BingNews Multimedia Learning

How to present information to Strengthen learning.

Multimedia learning describes learning through the use of pictures and words. Examples of multimedia learning include watching a PowerPoint presentation, watching a pre-recorded lecture or reading a physics textbook.

The multimedia principle serves as the foundation for Multimedia Design Theory. This principle asserts that deeper learning occurs from words and pictures than from just words. Simply adding images or graphics to words does not assure a deeper level of learning, however. Multimedia instructional content is more likely to create a meaningful learning experience if the content is developed with the following assumptions from cognitive science in mind:

  • Active processes assumption
    Active learning entails carrying out a coordinated set of cognitive processes during learning.
  • Dual-channel assumption
    Dual channels, one for visual/pictorial and one for auditory/verbal processing.
  • Limited-capacity assumption
    Each channel has limited capacity for processes.

From Mayer, 2005, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning.

Working memory is the part of memory that consciously processes information. Working memory is severely limited (see Memory and Learning). Because much of the instructional content presented to students is novel, faculty must remember the limitations of working memory when they design instructional materials. Lessons developed with consideration for the limitations of students working memory are more likely to be effective than lessons developed without. For example, if you provide students with written instructions for small-group activities, instead of simply stating the instructions one time, students will not need to remember the instructions as they work.

One problem that can arise when words and pictures are presented together is a situation called cognitive overload. In this scenario, the processing demands associated with the learning task exceed the learner’s cognitive processing capacity. There are three types of cognitive load: extraneous, intrinsic and germane. Poor instructional design can increase each of these.

  • Extraneous cognitive load
    This type of cognitive load results when students are asked to use working memory for tasks other than the primary learning objective. Such designs fail to steer working memory resources towards schema construction and automation. From the example above, students must use working memory to remember the instructions for the small-group activity, instead of focusing on the key concepts that the faculty just taught.
  • Intrinsic cognitive load
    This type of cognitive load result from the inherent complexity of the information that must be processed. For example, understanding a complex equation that includes Greek symbols means the student must be able to remember and keep track of the mathematical meaning of each symbol. Instructional design can’t eliminate intrinsic load, but faculty should realize that they have automated many skills and concepts that students must still use working memory to understand and process.
  • Germane cognitive load
    This type of cognitive load results from effortful learning, leading to schema production and automation. This is different from intrinsic load which is the inherent work involved in the task, while germane cognitive load is the work involved in learning from the task. For example, a multiplication problem has the same intrinsic load for a fifth grade student and a teacher, but higher germane cognitive load for the young student who is learning more from the task.

When presenting multimedia content to students, faculty can take certain steps to reduce cognitive load and to help ensure an effective transmission of the material. Mayer & Moreno (2003) outline nine specific strategies to reduce the cognitive load of multimedia presentations:

  • Off-loading
    Move some essential processing from the visual channel to the auditory channel, or vice versa if there is too much verbal explanation given. Learning is more effective when information is presented as audio rather than as text on the screen.
  • Segmenting
    Take time to pause between small content segments to allow students time to process information. Learning is more effective when a lesson is presented in small pieces rather than as a continuous entity.
  • Pre-training
    Include relevant names and characteristics of system components. Learning is better when students are aware of names and behaviors of various system components.
  • Weeding
    Eliminate extraneous, albeit interesting, material. Learning is more effective without the inclusion of extraneous information. At least one study has shown, however, that up to 50% additional extraneous material did not harm learner performance if it was interesting or motivating.
  • Signaling
    Include cues for how to process material to avoid processing extraneous material. Learning is more effective when signals are included. For example, add directions for how to move through a system diagram that does not have a clear linear path.
  • Aligning
    Place written words near corresponding graphics to reduce the need for visual scanning. Learning is more effective when words are placed near corresponding image parts.
  • Eliminate redundancy
    Don’t present identical streams of spoken or written words. Learning is more effective when information is presented as audio as opposed to as audio and on-screen text. For example, don’t read your PowerPoint slides to students.
  • Synchronizing
    Present audio and corresponding images simultaneously. Learning is more effective when images and narration are presented simultaneously as opposed to successively.
  • Individualizing
    Assure that students possess skill for holding mental representations.
Tue, 28 Nov 2023 01:56:00 -0600 en text/html
University Learning Center

The University Learning Center (ULC) is dedicated to providing academic support to The New School’s diverse student population through one-on-one tutoring sessions, workshops, and more. Our primary goal is to help students become stronger and more independent learners, so that they succeed in achieving their academic goals. Here is a short video introduction to their services.

Individual tutoring sessions are offered in the following areas: general and graduate-level writing, computer programming and software, math and economics, ESL services, oral presentations, time management, and ADHD coaching.

The ULC is open by request from Monday, December 18 through Friday, December 22, and from Tuesday, January 2 through Friday, January 19. To schedule an appointment during this time, email [email protected] at least 24 business hours before the time when you’d like your appointment to be, let us know what you’d like to work on,  provide at least three times you are available, and tell us if there is a specific tutor you’d like to work with. Appointments for the spring semester will be available for self-booking before the semester begins, on January 22. 

For tips for approaching the semester, we've put together a learning strategies guide to help you make the most of your courses. They also offer videos with tips for preparing for your online classestime management, being engaged and staying connected, and learning to learn.

We are available to answer any questions you have and look forward to working with you and helping you in any way that they can!

Wed, 02 Aug 2023 21:50:00 -0500 en text/html
The Learning Network

Student Opinion

How Do You Feel About High School?

Scroll through some work by the winning students and educators who participated in their “What High School Is Like in 2023” multimedia challenge. Then tell us how well the collection captures your experiences.


Mon, 01 Jan 2024 17:49:00 -0600 en text/html
The Best Online Learning Platforms for 2024

Online learning sites enable us to expand their minds and creative spirit. No matter where you are in the world or how little prior experience you have with a subject, you can learn just about anything, so long as you have an internet connection. They test and review dozens of online learning platforms, and here they list the best ones for all kinds of non-matriculated learning.

"Learning" isn't limited to the education taught in school. There are sites where you can pick up new software skills, become a better manager, study the art of memoir writing, watch a tutorial on how to set up a sewing machine, and listen to a world-renowned master in their field explain how they got there. Are you looking for practical skills? Business skills? Professional development? Inspiration? Or are you a student who needs tutoring in AP History? You can learn any of these things and more.

Read on for the top services we've tested, followed by everything you need to know about online learning.

Deeper Dive: Our Top Tested Picks


Best for Inspiration

Why They Picked It

Everything about MasterClass deserves an A+. Instructors are among the top names in their fields. Each class is designed in painstaking detail. The production quality is superb. And what you learn from MasterClass is a combination of practical skill and inspiration.

Who It's For

MasterClass is for anyone who has a curiosity and desire to learn, from teenagers on up. It's for people who want insight into a chosen field, as well as those open to learning what they can from the highest achievers in other fields. Whether you're passionate about standup comedy, filmmaking, leadership, baking, music, or scholarship, you can find wonderful insight from MasterClass.


  • A-list celebrity instructors
  • Supremely high production values in videos
  • Well-thought-out course structure
  • Great breadth of topics


  • Video and course run times and year filmed should be clearer
  • Ads for other MasterClass classes are frustrating and senseless


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free

Khan Academy

Best for Free Academic Learning

Why They Picked It

Khan Academy is one of the best online learning sources because it clearly and strategically helps you learn academic subjects for free. Whether you need to master a mathematical concept or advance your understanding of macroeconomics, Khan has you covered. The videos, readings, and interactive components it uses to teach are well thought out and delivered with care.

Who It's For

Khan Academy focuses on learning materials for students in kindergarten through early college. That doesn't mean other people can't use it or find immense value in it. When you look at the available courses, however, you will notice that many of them closely map to the US education system. So for example, there are courses under the heading High School Physics. Khan Academy is especially adept at teaching math, science, computing, economics, history, and personal finance, among a few other subjects. You get sequential material, too, so you can work through one lesson at a time in order until you've learned what you need to know.


  • Free
  • No account necessary
  • Uses video lectures, readings, and quizzes
  • Impressive test-prep and college-prep resources
  • Generous language support


  • Missing some subjects, such as foreign languages and music
  • Caters uniquely to the US education system and needs


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Free Access to University Courses

Why They Picked It

Coursera is different from many other online learning sites because it hosts real courses from prestigious universities and makes many of them available for free. In other words, you can get all the lectures (recorded to video) and reading materials from a class at, say, Yale University without paying anything at all. Coursera has other kinds of classes, too, but the university material is really what sets it apart. For some courses, there are options to pay for it and earn a professional certificate, bachelor's degree, or master's degree. If you don't pay, you still get the exact same learning materials, but you don't get any interaction with instructors or any grades on your assignments.

Who It's For

Coursera is for people who want access to real university classes and have the self-discipline to follow through on all the assignments, which can often take weeks or months to complete. You mostly learn through videos, readings, quizzes, and assignments. If you use Coursera for free, you may be able to get feedback on your assignments from other learners, but not the instructor. Coursera is best for learners who can handle college-level course material.


  • Offers real courses from universities for free
  • Partners with private corporations for job-specific skills
  • Reasonably priced certificate courses


  • Interface dated in some areas


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Quizzes and Games

Why They Picked It

We picked Kahoot! as one of the best online learning platforms because it lets you create games, quizzes, and other interactive content for your learning materials. Whether you are designing games and quizzes or playing them, Kahoot! is easy to use. They love that it adds engagement to all kinds of get-togethers, whether in the classroom, meeting room, or living room.

Who It's For

Kahoot! is an ideal platform for businesses that need to teach something, as well as educational instructors who want to make their content more engaging. Once you have an account, you'll see other fun ways to use the platform to create, for example, trivia for family gatherings or activities at conferences


  • Encourages interaction in a fun way
  • Variety of uses, from business training to student learning
  • Easy to use as creator or player
  • Players don't require an account


  • Strict 120-character limit on question text field
  • No auto-advance option; host must manually move to next question or slide


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Creatives Learning Practical Skills

Why They Picked It

Skillshare's videos teach you skills to lead a creative life. It covers everything from creative hobbies to tips for running a creative online business. This site offers short videos, sometimes as part of a much longer series, where you learn and practice mostly hands-on skills. You get additional materials, such as PDF handouts, and sometimes community forums where you can upload examples of your work to get feedback from other learners. While its pricing has jumped around over the years, Skillshare now has a reasonable annual cost.

Who It's For

Skillshare is for people who want to develop creative skills or need help learning the ins and outs of running a creative business. It's especially good at helping people with drawing, painting, digital arts, photography, cooking, writing, sewing, and other crafts. One aspect of Skillshare that they appreciate is that it does have some very short courses or lessons within courses that you can complete as a one-off. For example, if you just want to practice drawing cacti for five minutes, Skillshare has videos that will indulge your creative cravings.


  • Varied content subjects all suited to creative types
  • Optional assignments and community interaction
  • Some free courses


  • Feedback from other learners is rarely insightful or instructional
  • No guarantee that instructors participate in community features


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Programming and Vocational Skills

Why They Picked It

We picked Udacity as one of the best online learning platforms because it teaches highly specific, job-focused skills and gives learners an opportunity to create trial work to prove it. Udacity delivers rigorous courses, called Nanodegrees, that teach highly specific job-related skills, mostly in the tech arena. Some of the Nanodegrees have been created in partnership with big-name companies, like IBM Watson and Google. Learners come away not only with new skills but also—fairly often—sample projects to show their work, perhaps for a job interview.

Who It's For

Udacity is clearly for job seekers who want to work in a specific technical field and perhaps for a specific employer. How specific? There's a course called Self-Driving Car Engineer, developed in partnership with Mercedes-Benz, Nvidia, Uber, and other companies. Udacity does offer some more general business courses on subjects such as marketing. That said, Udacity is best for people who are willing to pay a few hundred dollars per month to complete one of its highly targeted Nanodegrees.


  • Focused on specific job skill development, especially in programming and computer science
  • Nanodegree learners come away with relevant work samples
  • Self-service cancellation, data download, and account deletion


  • Expensive
  • Difficult to measure the value for job seekers
  • Less inspirational and motivational than other learning sites


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Curious Minds

Why They Picked It

Wondrium is a subscription-based video streaming service that focuses on educational programming. Wondrium was formerly called The Great Courses Plus, and while it has expanded its catalog in latest years, it still has everything that The Great Courses Plus had. The courses come across as a series of TV lectures or simple documentaries. You can watch video courses not only on your computer, but also via Apple TV, Roku, and other devices. The service has an overwhelming amount of content on subjects such as philosophy, religion, and the natural world.

Who It's For

The best way to describe Wondrium is to call it couch-side edutainment. It's not geared toward teaching you hands-on skills or helping you achieve a specific learning goal (though it does have some skills-focused classes). Instead, Wondrium feeds your curiosity with videos that explore ideas that perhaps you know nothing about. In that sense, it's wonderful for beginners or people who don't have any prior knowledge of the subjects it covers.


  • Excellent accessibility options
  • TV quality production values
  • Variety of content


  • No free account or content
  • Prices somewhat high


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free


Best for Taking One-Off Courses

Why They Picked It

We included Udemy in this list of the best online learning platforms because it sells discrete video courses on an array of topics. Many people end up using Udemy because they met an instructor through another context, and the instructor pointed them to Udemy to purchase their course. Generally speaking, Udemy's content covers both personal and professional development, with excellent lessons in management training, software use, and programming. They like that you can pay for Udemy courses one by one, with prices varying per course, or you can get access to a catalog of content with a business subscription. Regrettably, the subscription prices are high, and you need a minimum of five people for a business account.

Who It's For

Udemy is for three kinds of people: 1) those with a business subscription to the site who can simply explore what it has to offer, 2) people who are interested in a specific course offered on the site, and 3) instructors who want to host and sell their courses on Udemy. For the third use case, they didn't do detailed testing or analysis, instead focusing on Udemy from the learner's perspective.


  • Great learning courses for hard and soft professional skills
  • Interesting array of content
  • Clear resources for instructors


  • No subscription for individuals; pricing is per class
  • Price for Business accounts somewhat high, with a minimum of 5 people


User Created Classes
Some Celebrity Instructors
Some Courses Free

Buying Guide: The Best Online Learning Platforms for 2024

How Effective Is Online Learning?

All the sites included in this roundup use video as the primary teaching method. Some add interactive quizzes, PDFs, links to additional resources, and discussion areas (usually little more than a section for comments) so that everyone engaged with the material can learn from one another.

Videos can be standalone, although usually, they're part of a series. A course might contain several hours of videos, but they're always broken up into parts. The best learning sites take care to plan out how much content goes into each video as well as the sequence of videos. In this way, your learning is cumulative. You're typically building new ideas or concepts on top of what you've already learned.

When quizzes are available, they can be private to you or shared with an administrator or instructor if your login is part of a business account or associated with a formal class or tutoring (in the case of Khan Academy). They help you track how well you've retained new information. Some sites offer certificates upon completion. They are not widely accepted by other institutions, but they may be helpful to you in some cases. For example, if your employer pays for you to have a subscription to a learning website, you can offer these certificates as evidence of using it.

A note on language learning: There are so many excellent websites and apps for learning a foreign language that they have a separate article for them. When you want a language app, you'll have specific questions, such as: Which one offers the language I want? How much time do I need to spend on it each day? How much does it cost? You might also want to know which apps are better for developing a base vocabulary versus advancing existing skills. Our roundup of the best language learning apps and websites covers all these points and more.

Similarly, PCMag has a separate article on the best courses for learning to create websites. It's another concrete skill that comes with specific questions. They have another entire article dedicated to the best online courses for Photoshop.

Stills of MasterClass videos

(Credit: MasterClass/PCMag)

Is MasterClass Worth the Money?

MasterClass is an on-demand learning website where you get hours and hours of video featuring top talent talking about their fields. Everything about it is extremely well made, and if you're interested in even one course, they think it's worth paying for a year's subscription. You will certainly find other courses if interested once you get into the catalog.

MasterClass is simultaneously binge-worthy, educational, and thought-provoking. The quality alone leaves you whispering, "How is this so good?"

In the latest past, MasterClass has done a good job of improving its lineup of instructors to include more top talent who are people of color and women (it was previously weak in this regard). The catalog of classes is growing all the time. The content is top rate, and the quality is exceptional.

Where Can You Take Real College Classes Online?

Coursera is one of the best online learning sites that offers plenty of free video courses and materials. It also partners with universities to make some of their degree programs available online. If you want the degree, you have to apply to the program and pay tuition to the school, just as if you were an in-person student. However, if you don't care about getting the degree and you just want access to real courses and materials from the likes of Yale, University of Singapore, and Sciences Po in France, then you can create a free Coursera account and have access to them.

No matter how you attend, you get video lectures, reading materials, quizzes, and in some cases the opportunity to submit assignments for peer-review (when you audit a course) or grades (with paid enrollment).

Recommended by Our Editors

Coursera interface

(Credit: Coursera/PCMag)

Coursera partners with private companies, too, to offer accessible education in a variety of fields from programming to designing with AutoCAD. Other examples of classes you can take include Introduction to Food and Health, Google IT Automation with Python, and Introduction to International Criminal Law.

What Are the Best Online Learning Platforms for Specific Job Skills?

If you need to learn specific job skills, there are two online sites that they recommend. One is Udacity because it teaches highly specific, job-focused skills. If you are aiming to get a job from one of the companies that Udacity partners with, the Udacity courses could supply you a leg up. While Udacity offers a handful of courses that aren't technical in nature, the majority are, and they are highly specific. How specific? There's a course called Self-Driving Car Engineer, developed in partnership with Mercedes-Benz, Nvidia, Uber, and other companies.

The other site is LinkedIn Learning. They like it best for brushing up on general job skills, such as public speaking and developing interviewing strategies; they also love its video tutorials on learning creative software, such as Photoshop. Many of those software programs come from, which was acquired by LinkedIn some years ago. was the best resource for learning software for many years, and we're happy it lives on today at LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Learning

(Credit: Microsoft/PCMag)

Learn at Your Own Pace

The next time you feel like you need some fresh ideas, take a spin through one of these sites and learn something new. You might find yourself caught up in wonderment at new and interesting ideas or taking notes on something useful. The beauty of online learning sites is that they don't require any commitment, so you can learn what you want at your own pace.

Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Infant and Preschool Learning News

Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life is proven to protect both mother and child health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 2015 and 2021, 48% of mothers ...

New research shows that children who are too short for their age can suffer reduced cognitive ability from as early as six months old.  Researchers compared the 'visual working memory' in ...

Whether a mouse is a good or bad parent can be traced back to imprinted genes in key neurons in the 'parenting hub' in the brain, according to a new ...

Scientists  examining the evolutionary roots of language say they've discovered chimp vocal development is not far off from ...

There is evidence that some form of conscious experience is present by birth, and perhaps even in late pregnancy, an international team of researchers has ...

Grandparent childcare for toddlers doesn’t have an impact on the wellbeing of their mothers, a new study ...

A new study shows that babies learn to imitate others because they themselves are imitated by ...

Fundamental questions of agency -- acting with purpose -- have perplexed some of the greatest minds in history including Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. Now, human babies provide groundbreaking ...

Children of a parent with alcohol or drug use disorder have a greater risk of intellectual disability, even if the problem only lies with the father, researchers report. According to the study, ...

Nineteen-month-old toddlers already use natural logical thinking, even before they learn to speak, to deal with uncertainties about the world. This natural logic contributes to their learning ...

New research has shown how a complex component of milk that can be added to infant formula has been shown to confer long-term cognitive benefits, including measures of intelligence and executive ...

Modern day parenting pressures and expectations are leading to the death knell for children enjoying spontaneous play, according to a new ...

In a small, exploratory study, levels of certain types of microbes in babies' guts were shown to be associated with performance in tests of early cognitive ...

In experiments using neonatal mice, researchers have identified a fatty molecule in breast milk that triggers a process in which stem cells in the brain produce cells that create new white matter, ...

Infants who nap a lot have smaller vocabularies and poorer cognitive skills -- according to new ...

New mothers can expect sleep deprivation in the first few years of baby's life. But too little sleep can take a toll on the health of both mother and child. A new study looks at maternal and ...

A new study has shown that hardship experienced by mothers during their own childhood or during pregnancy is reflected in the composition of their 2-year-old children's gut microbiome. It was ...

Study findings suggest that even babies feel the impact of being at a live show, through both musicians' interactions with an audience and the social experience of being in a ...

A common childhood injury has been shown to slash school completion rates, adding to evidence that found being hospitalized can have a long-lasting effect on young ...

A new study suggests young children are more vocal when interacting with toys and household items, highlighting their importance for developing language ...

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Wed, 06 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Learning Outcomes

Understanding and setting goals for students.

Learning outcomes explain what students should be able to achieve by the end of a course. This may be changes in their knowledge, skills, attitude or behaviors. Learning outcomes are the first element to Strengthen in course design because assessments and activities will subsequently align to these.

In some cases, learning outcomes are supplied by a department or program, in others, instructors are able to write or revise outcomes themselves. In both instances, the goal is to ensure that appropriate and high-quality outcomes will have benefits for academic programs, instructors and students.

  • Instructor: Determining and defining learning outcomes makes it easier to choose or align content and activities.
  • Students: Clear learning outcomes help students understand why and how specific activities will contribute to their understanding. Learning outcomes establish student expectations and increase motivation when students understand the reason for, and value of, what they are doing.

To Strengthen learning outcomes, ensure that they are clear, well-written, and align with the assessment and activities you want students to do.

While the above resources may help ensure that a learning outcome is well written, they do not determine the content students should learn in your course. For example, an instructor’s goal may be for students to memorize roles and relationships in an ecosystem. Another might be to analyze the function of these roles, while another may be for students to reflect on their own roles and how they might affect change in their local ecosystem. While the content is the same, goals differ by complexity and focus.

There are several frameworks that attempt to categorize types of learning and the cognitive complexity of activities, but these ultimately rely on the instructor to make choices. Overall, it is best to use a variety of outcomes based on your goals for students and their current ability level. The following frameworks will help you better understand the complexity and focus of your learning outcomes and provide further options for you to consider.

Your goals for students, and your field often require more than just cognitive complexity. For example, a future doctor needs to know how to deliver information to patients, not just the information. This taxonomy categorizes other aspects of learning besides cognition such as caring, learning how to learn, and learning about yourself and others.

Step 1:
Review and choose one or more of the above-mentioned taxonomies.

Step 2:
Using the course planning sheet draft your learning outcomes following the structure and characteristics of quality outcomes listed above. If you already have learning outcomes, ensure that they follow the same structure and quality.

Step 3:
Identify the specific level within Bloom’s, Fink’s or another taxonomy. Determine if you have an appropriate variety of cognitive complexity or outcome categories, and that these align to your instructional goals.

Now that you have drafted learning outcomes, the next step is determine assessments to measure student achievement.

Wed, 27 Sep 2023 23:12:00 -0500 en text/html
How Machine Learning Will Transform Your Industry

CTO, Caresoft Global Technologies, Inc.

Machine learning is a rapidly growing field with endless potential applications. In the next few years, they will see machine learning transform many industries, including manufacturing, retail and healthcare.

In manufacturing, machine learning can be used for quality control, automation and customization. For example, machine learning can be used to detect defects in products before they reach consumers. It can also be used to automate repetitive tasks such as assembly line work. And finally, manufacturers will increasingly use machine learning to customize products for individual consumers.

In retail, machine learning can be used for data analysis to help businesses make better decisions about inventory and pricing. Personalization will become more common, with retailers using machine learning to recommend products to customers based on their past behavior. Robotics will also become more prevalent, with machine learning being used to automate tasks such as shelf stocking and order picking.

In healthcare, machine learning can be used for diagnostics, treatment and prevention. For example, machine learning can be used to diagnose diseases earlier and more accurately. It can also be used to develop personalized treatments based on a patient's characteristics. Machine learning can also be used for preventative care, such as identifying risk factors for disease and providing tailored recommendations for healthy living.

So far they have only scratched the surface of what is possible with machine learning. As technology continues to evolve, they will see even more amazing applications of this transformative technology.

Machine Learning In Manufacturing

In the past, quality control for manufactured goods was a time-consuming and expensive process that required human inspectors to examine each item for defects. However, machine learning can be used to automate this process by training algorithms to identify defects from images or other data sources. This can help reduce the cost of quality control while also increasing the accuracy of the inspection process.


Machine learning can also be used to automate manufacturing processes. For example, robots that are equipped with machine learning algorithms can be trained to perform tasks such as welding or fabricating parts. This can lead to a more efficient manufacturing process and can free up human workers for other tasks.


Another way that machine learning is transforming manufacturing is by enabling customization at scale. In the past, it was difficult and expensive to create customized products due to the need for manual labor and individualized production lines. However, machine learning algorithms can now be used to automatically generate custom designs based on customer specifications. This allows manufacturers to quickly and easily produce personalized products without incurring significant additional costs.

Machine Learning In Retail

In the past, retailers have relied on data from customer surveys and transactions to make decisions about their business. However, this data is often incomplete and doesn't provide a full picture of customer behavior. Machine learning can help solve this problem by analyzing large data sets to identify patterns and trends. This information can be used to Strengthen customer service, optimize stock levels and make other strategic decisions.


Machine learning can also be used to personalize the shopping experience for customers. For example, Amazon uses machine learning to recommend products that customers may be interested in based on their previous purchase history. This helps shoppers find what they're looking for more quickly and makes the overall shopping experience more enjoyable.


Robots are increasingly used in retail settings to perform shelf stocking and order fulfillment tasks. While these machines cannot replace human workers completely, they can free up employees' time to focus on more critical tasks, such as helping customers. In the future, robots may become even more involved in the retail sector as machine learning technology develops.

Machine Learning In Healthcare

Machine learning is already being used in healthcare to diagnose diseases. For example, Google has developed an algorithm that can detect breast cancer based on images. In the future, machine learning will be used to diagnose more complex conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and cancer.


Machine learning can also be used to develop new treatments for diseases. For example, a company called Insilico Medicine is using machine learning to develop new drugs for cancer and other diseases. In the future, machine learning will be used to develop more effective and personalized treatments for patients.


In addition to diagnosing and treating diseases, machine learning can also be used to prevent them. For example, IBM's Watson system is being used to predict patients' risk of developing certain diseases. In the future, machine learning will be used to create more personalized and effective prevention plans for individual patients.


Machine learning is set to transform a wide range of industries in the coming years. In retail, machine learning will enable more accurate data analysis, personalization of products and services and even the use of robotics in stores. In healthcare, machine learning will revolutionize diagnostics, treatment and prevention. And in manufacturing, machine learning will Strengthen quality control, automate processes and allow for greater customization. These are just a few examples of how machine learning will change the landscape of the industry as they know it. So whatever sector you're in, it's time to start preparing for the machine learning revolution.

While ML and associated technologies like natural language processing are gaining traction in current workflows, it's important to pay close attention to ethical standards that differentiate humans from machines. Today, ML has come to a point where it can replace humans in many intelligent tasks. The future is clearly AI/ML-driven, and it will eventually become part of their lives to the degree the mobile phone is. They will take it for granted. Given all of this, those using and developing AI must keep ethics in mind when dealing with it, whether that's focusing on consumer privacy rights or keeping up to date with laws and regulations surrounding the technology in this space.

Forbes Technology Council is an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Do I qualify?

Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:30:00 -0600 Richard Ambadipudi en text/html
Academic Support and Learning Advancement

Explore your opportunities

Academic strategies programming provides undergrads with sustained small-group mentoring, individual coaching, and interactive workshops.

Course support offers undergrads weekly small study groups and drop-in study and tutoring help.

Make an appointment with one of their staff members to help you find the best resources and develop a plan to achieve your goals.

Tue, 02 May 2023 22:50:00 -0500 en text/html
The Best Language Learning Apps for 2024

The Best Language Learning Software Deals This Week*

*Deals are selected by their commerce team

What language do you want to learn? Have you already learned a little, or are you starting from scratch? Is your goal to know the language so well that you can speak, hear, read, and write it like a native speaker, or do you have a different goal? Does the language you're learning use a different script? Is it hard for you to make unfamiliar sounds? Answering all these questions is crucial to finding the right apps for learning and practicing a language—yes, apps, plural. If you want to make real progress with a language, whether you're learning for school, travel, family, or personal enrichment, you need a variety of tools.

As with all kinds of education, learning a language takes dedication. Picking the right tools sets you up for success. Read on to learn which apps scored highest in their testing, as well as everything you need to consider when choosing the right language-learning tools for you.

Deeper Dive: Our Top Tested Picks

Rosetta Stone

Best Paid App for Beginners

Why They Picked It

Rosetta Stone is one of the best software programs for learning a language, especially for beginners. It excels at introducing new words and basic grammar, like conjugation and agreement, in a way that's compelling. When learning is going well, you don't even realize all the work that has gone into creating a program that introduces you to new ideas at the right time, and that's a huge part of what makes Rosetta Stone so good. Rosetta Stone also does an excellent job of getting you to commit to learning and studying for about 30 minutes per day with its wonderfully clear and structured lessons, which are laid out in an order you should follow.

Who It's For

Rosetta Stone is best for beginners and some students at the early intermediate level. Once you know a language well enough to converse a little and read with some fluidity, you're probably beyond what Rosetta Stone has to offer. But when you're just getting started with a new language and are still uncomfortable with it, that's when Rosetta Stone is best.


  • Excellent user experience
  • Highly intuitive
  • Polished interface on desktop and mobile
  • Optional online tutoring sessions
  • Great bonus content


  • No placement test
  • Repetitive at times


Best Free Language App

Why They Picked It

There really is no better free language learning app than Duolingo. Having tested dozens of language learning apps, they have no doubt that Duolingo would still be one of the best if you paid for it—which you can do with Duolingo Plus if you prefer to have a slightly improved experience with no ads, a special mode for practicing your mistakes, and other perks. What makes Duolingo so good? The content is strong and the design of the app makes it so that you can pick up and practice for a few minutes per day or sit down for longer study sessions. They love Duolingo's podcasts and Stories feature for the languages that have it. No matter what other tools you use to learn a language, you should incorporate Duolingo for daily practice.

Who It's For

Duolingo really is great for all language students. It's available on all major platforms and works great on mobile devices. You can learn as many languages as you want for free, and there are more than 30 languages to choose from. It works very well for beginners and intermediate-level students. And it's free. How can you go wrong with that?


  • Free with few limitations
  • No limit to how many languages you can learn
  • Clear structure, great exercises
  • Can test out of lessons that are too easy
  • Excellent podcasts
  • Low price for paid subscription


  • Quantity of material varies by language
  • Grammar lessons could be more prominently placed


Price Includes All Languages, All Levels
Style of Program Interactive Exercises
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 37
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 4


Best for Group Classes

Why They Picked It

Lingoda offers small group and one-on-one classes via Zoom for very reasonable prices. More importantly, however, the classes are highly structured. You get PDFs of all the materials before the class, and the instructor works their way through the same PDF during the class. What Lingoda offers is completely different from tutoring, where a student often brings to the table subjects they want to practice or learn. In Lingoda, however, the class material is set ahead of time, and students work their way through all the classes in a particular level before advancing to the next one.

Who It's For

Lingoda is one of very few online language learning programs that's appropriate for beginners, intermediate, and advanced level students. If you've studied a language for several years but need so-called maintenance classes, Lingoda will do the trick. If you're just starting out with a language, Lingoda is also suited for you—although do expect to work on the language in your own time to supplement the practice you get in Lingoda. They don't recommend using only Lingoda for new speakers. Pair it with another class or learning app to get the best results.


  • Affordable
  • Small group and one-on-one language classes via Zoom
  • Qualified, enthusiastic instructors
  • Excellent learning materials
  • Placement test provided


  • Classes for only a few languages
  • Doesn't include a software-based course


Price Includes Small Group Classes and Materials
Style of Program Live Video Call Classes
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 3
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 60

Sign It ASL

Best for Sign Language

Why They Picked It

We tested quite a few apps and websites for learning American Sign Language, and Sign It ASL is by far the best. Working through a lesson feels a little like watching a television show because there are segments with characters who essentially perform short skits in ASL with narration and closed captioning to help you learn. After each skit are interactive sessions for practicing and quizzing yourself on what you've learned. Sign It ASL includes a lot of information about etiquette, culture, and other aspects of ASL that are essential to learning this language, and it does so wonderfully.

Who It's For

Sign It ASL is for teen and adult learners looking to learn American Sign Language. Because Sign It uses both narration and closed captioning, you can be hard of hearing or deaf and use this program. You can also be hearing. The team that makes Sign It ASL also has programs and YouTube videos for young children learning ASL called Signing Time. Sign It ASL is also appropriate for parents and family members of deaf infants and very young children who will need adult support in acquiring the language as they grow, and there's a special application process for those parents to get Sign It ASL for free.


  • Excellent content and compelling format
  • Accessible to deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing people
  • Free for parents of deaf children under 36 months
  • Wonderful cast of instructors and actors
  • Buy once, own forever


  • No mobile apps
  • Small improvements to interactive quiz design would help


Price Includes Video Lessons
Style of Program Quizzes
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 1
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 45-60


Best for Instructor-Led Videos

Why They Chose It

If you've ever tried Rosetta Stone and felt that it just wasn't for you, Fluenz is the best alternative. It is just as good as Rosetta Stone at teaching beginners and intermediate level students what they need to know about a language, but the teaching approach is completely different. In Fluenz, you get a virtual instructor in short class-style videos. Then you move into interactive practice modules, which are tougher than Rosetta Stone's and don't use the deductive method of learning that gives Rosetta Stone its unique feel.

Who It's For

If you learn better with a teacher than a game-like app, then Fluenz is for you. It's best for beginner and intermediate-level students. Fluenz doesn't offer too many languages, however, only Chinese (Mandarin with Pinyin only), French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Latin American Spanish, and European Spanish.


  • Excellent core content
  • Well suited for beginners and for long-term use
  • Thorough
  • App design prevents distractions


  • Limited number of languages
  • Only basic voice recording
  • No live web classes


Price Includes 1 Level
Style of Program Exercises
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 7
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 45


Best for Audio-Based Learning

Why They Picked It

Pimsleur uses a unique teaching method developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur, for whom the program is named. The Pimsleur method introduces you to words and concepts, has you repeat them, and then waits a specific amount of time before asking you to recall them again. The idea is that these timed intervals between moments of learning and recall strengthen your memory. Pimsleur courses have great content to boot.

Who It's For

Some adult learners start up with a new language and have a really hard time with pronunciation because they continue to say the letters and sounds they see as if they were in their native tongue. For those people, Pimsleur is exceptional. Pimsleur gives you the opportunity to hear words and practice saying them before you see them. This audio-focused language app is also ideal for people who need to practice a language while multi-tasking or who simply prefer audio-based learning. Pimsleur has courses for beginner, intermediate, and upper intermediate level students.


  • Excellent for learning to speak and hear spoken languages
  • Superb structure
  • Programs for 50 languages, plus ESL courses


  • Expensive
  • Difficult to learn new scripts


Price Includes All Languages, All Levels
Style of Program Audio
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 50
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 30


Best for Inexpensive Tutoring

Why They Picked It

Rype is an online marketplace where language students find tutors and then sign up for low-cost sessions. They like that you can find tutors in a variety of languages with plenty of availability for a very good rate. It makes finding a tutor and attending a lesson extremely convenient.

Who It's For

Because Rype offers tutoring and not classes, it's best for language learners who are not true beginners. Intermediate level speakers and higher will get the most out of Rype. If you're a beginner level speaker who's at least ready to have short conversations or you have specific questions about the language that you want answered, then Rype may be a good option.


  • Inexpensive one-on-one tutoring
  • Good tools for finding instructors


  • Short sessions
  • May take time to find the right instructor


Price Includes Individual Lessons
Style of Program One-on-One
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 9
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 30

Transparent Language Online

Best for Hard-to-Find Languages

Why They Picked It

Where do you turn when you need to learn a language that other language apps don't teach? Go to Transparent. It specializes in courses and lessons that teach boutique and hard-to-find languages. The amount of content for languages varies greatly, however. Transparent is better than some other language apps in terms of its speaking and listening exercises. It is more expensive than many other apps, and generally speaking, it's more challenging.

Who It's For

Transparent Language is for people who can't find the language they need to learn anywhere else. The only other app that offers close to as many languages as Transparent is Mango Languages, and Transparent is hands-down better.


  • Offers instruction in more than 100 languages
  • Clear learning path and structure
  • Excellent speech analysis
  • Appropriately challenging


  • Writing and spelling exercises could be more polished
  • Some languages have more content than others
  • Pricier than others


Price Includes 12-Month Subscription
Style of Program Interactive Exercises
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 100
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 10


Best for Getting Videos in the Native Language

Why They Picked It

Unlike most other language learning apps and services, Yabla takes a video-first approach. Diving into Yabla's material is more like going to YouTube than cracking open a text book. You learn by watching videos, some of which are in the style of a language learning lesson but many others are just interesting content—music videos, cooking segments, travel shows—in the language you're learning. What makes Yabla different from YouTube is the interactive questions you can answer after you finish a video to test what you learned.

Who It's For

While Yabla has some content for beginners, they think it's best for intermediate and higher speakers. Beginners with a few months of learning under their belt would do all right with Yabla too. It's refreshing for people who have grown tired of other language learning apps that drill you in the standard listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar lessons.


  • Excellent for sharpening language-listening skills
  • Provides exposure to new words and expressions
  • Uses a variety of speakers and accents
  • Videos with conversational pace


  • Lacks structure
  • Inconsistent quality
  • Few languages offered


Price Includes 1-Month Subscription
Style of Program Videos
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 5
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) varies


Best for Challenging Content

Why They Picked It

Babbel has a web app and mobile apps that help you learn and practice a new language at your own pace, even if that pace is quite fast. Interactive exercises can feel tedious at times, but they are also more challenging than what most other language apps offer. With Babbel, you learn concepts, words, and phrases unique to the language at hand—it's not a cookie-cutter course for each language, the way many of its competitors are. Bring a pen to take notes, and get ready to learn a lot.

Who It's For

Babbel is best for people who find learning languages somewhat easy, possibly people who grew up speaking two or more languages and are now studying a language in a familiar language family. This app is tough, so if you find most language learning apps to be too easy or too slow, then Babbel is one you should try.


  • High-quality lessons unique to each language
  • Helpful instructional blurbs for true beginners
  • Live classes available
  • Challenging content


  • Total amount of content varies by language
  • Layout could be clearer
  • Unmemorable lessons
  • Not a great value for the money


Price Includes Subscription
Style of Program Exercises
No. of Languages Offered (Not Incl. English) 13
Average Duration of Lesson (Mins) 5

Buying Guide: The Best Language Learning Apps for 2024

What Is the Best Language Learning Software?

The best app for learning a foreign language depends on your needs and your goals. Apps and online services let you learn at your own pace and in spaces where you're most comfortable. The trick is figuring out what you need to work on at different stages.

When you first start out, you might like a program that tells you exactly what to study for an intensive 30 minutes per day. Rosetta Stone and Fluenz are both exceptional at that. Add in a mobile app with more bite-sized content so you can refresh your memory in short bursts. Duolingo is especially good for practicing on the go, as is the study aid Quizlet

Some language learners find that looking at written language trips up their pronunciation. In that case, you might be better off starting with an audio-focused program, such as Pimsleur or Michel Thomas. Between the two, Pimsleur rates higher in their testing.

If you're already an intermediate or advanced speaker, small group classes or one-on-one conversations with a tutor are excellent options. Lingoda offers one-hour small classes and one-on-one sessions, all conducted over Zoom. Babbel now has similar classes that it sells separately from its app subscription. Between them, they recommend Lingoda more highly. Another place to get human instruction is Rype, which focuses on one-on-one tutoring in 30-minute sessions. Not quite ready to converse? Try Yabla, a site that's flush with videos of native speakers, which can help you acclimate your ear and expand your vocabulary.

Sometimes, you need resources that are specific to the language you're learning. For example, when learning American Sign Language, you really need either a live instructor or videos. Sign It ASL, an online course whose video lessons have the feel of a television show, is extremely effective. 

Similarly, for languages with a script that's new to you, it's best to find an app that includes content for teaching reading and writing. In some cases, you might pick up two apps, one that focuses solely on reading and writing and another that teaches speaking and listening. There are plenty of apps that teach only writing for Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Hindi, and other non-Roman scripts.

How Do You Learn Language Best? 

One of the hardest parts about learning a different language is that if you succeed 100% of the time, it's not difficult enough. If it's too easy, you're not learning. It's uncomfortable for many people, but it's another reason you need to explore all your options and language learning apps and resources that match your skill level. 

For example, podcasts are a great way to push yourself beyond your comfort zone. Babbel and Duolingo both have good podcasts. If you can understand about 80% of what's being said, that's right where you should be. If you're not into podcasts in the first place, you might get frustrated and supply up.

A few apps, including Lingoda, offer placement tests so you can find out which level is the most appropriate place for you to start.

Duolingo quiz with sound

Duolingo is the best free language learning app, offering bite-sized interactive sessions. (Credit: Duolingo)

What Is the Best Free Language Learning App?

The best free app for learning a language is Duolingo, hands down. They recommend it enthusiastically, no matter your level or language goals, as it has just about everything. You won't become fluent using only Duolingo, but it is excellent for helping you study and keep up your skills.

It's available as a web app and mobile app, and it works well whether you're a total beginner or already have experience. You can study as many languages as you like on Duolingo. It has more than 30 languages with instruction in English, plus more options if your preferred language of instruction is something else.

If you're not a beginner, Duolingo lets you take a placement test to find the right place to start. It also makes it easy to practice specific skills because it has lessons that focus not only on vocabulary themes (Family, Hobbies) but also on verb tenses and grammatical rules (Past Imperfect, Dative Case).

You can practice exercises in bite-size lessons or explore content for intermediate and advanced speakers, including Stories and podcasts, which are only available for some languages. Duolingo also has some gamification aspects, so you can set a goal for yourself and compete against others. The more you hit your goal, the more bonus points you earn. It's a wonderful app that's totally free. You can support Duolingo by paying for a Plus account, but it's not necessary to get everything this app has to offer.

Is Rosetta Stone Worth the Price?

Rosetta Stone is the most polished language-learning app, with plenty of extras. Among paid programs, it continues to be their top pick, with Fluenz being a close second. Rosetta Stone is often on sale, so you can expect to pay less than the list price to get it. If you and your family members study multiple languages often, the Lifetime membership is a good deal because it gives you access to all of Rosetta Stone's languages for your lifetime for one flat rate (usually you can get it for about $179 on sale).

Rosetta Stone is reliable, accurate, and thorough, with more than 20 languages. They like its rigor, especially for beginners. You know what to do every day, and you can plan to spend about 30 minutes per day completing your lesson. If you follow this routine, Rosetta Stone has enough content to keep you busy for months. Again, you won't become fluent in a language using only Rosetta Stone, but it's superb at getting you started and helping you build a foundation so that you can add more tools to further your learning.

For all these reasons, Rosetta Stone is ideal for anyone who is new to a language and wants to develop a base vocabulary and grammar. It's well-structured, clear, and moves at a deliberate pace. Use Rosetta Stone faithfully for a few months, and you'll learn to speak, read, write, and understand basic words and phrases.

Rosetta Stone Spanish storyboard

Rosetta Stone uses an immersion teaching style in its interactive software. (Credit: Rosetta Stone)

The Best Language Software With a Virtual Teacher

Some learners do best when they have an instructor to guide them. When you're starting with a language, seeing another human being speak it, watching their facial movements, and seeing their smile can make it feel less intimidating. Fluenz gets it. This program uses videos of a teacher to introduce new lessons and review concepts, then follows them up with interactive learning exercises and quizzes. It's as rigorous as Rosetta Stone, but it uses a completely different approach, which some people prefer.

Fluenz quiz screen

Fluenz has prerecorded video-based lessons with an instructor, plus interactive exercises. (Credit: Fluenz)

As Fluenz progresses, the instructor walks you through lessons in not only pronunciation and grammar but culture, too. If you learn best when you see a familiar face, Fluenz is a great program to pick.

Fluenz offers seven language courses: Chinese (Mandarin with Pinyin writing only), French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Latin American Spanish, and European Spanish.

Lingoda interactive class on Zoom

Lingoda's small group classes are limited to five students. (Credit: Lingoda/Zoom/PCMag)

The Best App for Group Classes and Speaking Practicing

Lingoda is their top pick for live, video-based group classes designed to get you speaking. With Lingoda, you take a placement test and then commit to a package of classes, which you pay for upfront. Classes take place over Zoom and are limited to five students. One-on-one sessions are also available for a higher per-class cost.

The curriculum and levels used in Lingoda are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Lingoda offers classes in French, German, Spanish, English, and Business English.

Babbel multiple choice question

Babbel is the best language learning app for people who like challenging content. (Credit: Babbel)

What Is the Most Challenging Language Instruction App?

One app stands out for having lessons that are harder than others: Babbel. While testing this app, they kept a notebook by their side and quickly filled it with words and phrases just to keep up. Not everyone can jump into tough language-learning content, but some people can and like it.

For example, if you're learning a language that's linguistically close to the one you already speak, such as German and Dutch or Spanish and Portuguese, tougher content might be best for you. Additionally, experienced language learners might find Babbel's content just the right speed.

Babbel has 13 languages, assuming your language of instruction is English. You can learn Danish, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish. There's also a course for learning English, with instruction available in French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish.

Recommended by Our Editors

If you've studied a language before and find that most language learning apps are too easy, you might want to try an app that gives you movies and TV shows in your target language, plus some tools to help you learn the words, phrases, and expressions that are new to you. Two good apps offer this: Yabla and Lingopie (which didn't score high enough to be included in their final list of the 10 best language apps). Both Yabla and Lingopie let you watch videos with the option to show closed captioning in the native language as well as English subtitles. You can look for content from a particular country or region if you're trying to acclimate your ear to a certain dialect or accent.

Yabla conversation quiz screen

Yabla helps experienced learners practice listening and comprehension. (Credit: Yabla)

What makes them different? Yabla offers six languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, plus an English program for Spanish speakers. When you sign up, you choose just one language. Lingopie has six languages as well (French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish). When you pay for an account, you get access to all the content in all the languages. Yabla has more interactive exercises for practicing the new words you learn, and in terms of genre, it offers both instructional learning videos and entertainment. Lingopie has only entertainment—no lessons on grammar or anything else—and only flashcards for interacting with new words you learn along the way.

The Best Audio-Focused Language Apps

If you're the kind of person who can get immersed in podcasts and audiobooks, you might consider an audio-focused language learning program. Two that stand out are Pimsleur and Michel Thomas. (Michel Thomas did not score high enough to be included in their top ten.) Each is named after the person who created the learning technique used in the program. Both were sold as tapes, then as CDs, and now as apps.

Pimsleur app screens showing lesson breakdown and example phrases

Pimsleur offers audio-focused lessons, plus interactive app content for select languages. (Credit: Pimsleur/PCMag)

Pimsleur, named for Dr. Paul Pimsleur, uses a spaced repetition method. In other words, the program uses specific intervals of time between when you first learn a word and when you're asked to recall it, and these intervals are designed for maximum language retention. Each lesson takes about 30 minutes, and you're supposed to do exactly one lesson per day. For select languages, you can find a version of the Pimsleur app with interactive exercises, too.

The method used in the Michel Thomas app is different. Michel Thomas was a polyglot who developed a method of informal teaching. It involves putting people into a classroom and teaching them words that can be used as building blocks. That way, you get to speaking quickly and can mix and match the words you've learned to say in several sentences. When you buy the Michel Thomas program, you hear the recording from one of these classrooms, and you're supposed to play along as if you were there in person.

Mango Languages conversation lesson

For learning a language that isn't widely taught, Mango Languages is one of the best places to look. (Credit: Mango Languages)

The Best Apps for Hard-to-Find Languages

Most language-learning software is available for Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. What do you do if you need to learn Igbo or Ojibwe?

When you're in a bind to find an app for a language you want to learn, there are two sources to try: Transparent Language Online and Mango Languages (which didn't make the cut for this list). Transparent has programs for more than 100 languages. Some of those programs are short, but the company is adding to them over time. Mango Languages is an option if you're stuck, though it's not an app they highly recommend. For some languages, however, it may be your only option.

The Best App for Learning ASL

There are several useful apps for learning American Sign Language, but their clear favorite is Sign It ASL. This app meets the unique challenges of teaching fingerspelling as well as more complex signs, grammar, culture, and etiquette. 

Sign It ASL video lesson with lesson breakdown

Sign It ASL is the best service we've tested for learning American Sign Language. (Credit: Sign It ASL)

As you might guess, the content is entirely video-based, using pre-recorded and professionally produced videos. Sign It ASL manages to convey a lot of information in relatively long (up to an hour) video lessons that are entertaining and engaging.

Make Sure Your Apps Are Tough Enough

However you choose to learn a language, stick with it! Don't be afraid to change the app you use as you progress. When an app feels too easy, it's time to stretch yourself in new ways.

If any of the apps in this list sounds right for you, click the link for an in-depth review. If you're looking to learn something other than a language, from coding to sewing, see their roundup of the best online learning services.

Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
The best piano apps in 2024: top apps for learning how to play
A closeup view of piano keys.
Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

The piano remains one of the world’s most loved and most played instruments. It’s a versatile instrument that can be used to make beautiful music by beginners and virtuosos alike, and it can accompany almost any instrument and perform in pretty much any genre.

Many would-be pianists find it daunting to take that initial step and start learning how to play. Fortunately, a glut of excellent piano-learning apps out right now can help you take your first, second, or third steps. Here are the best piano apps to help you learn the piano in 2024.


Learning piano in Synthesia.
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Learning the piano doesn’t have to involve learning to read sheet music, and you can get a start on learning the rhythms, finger techniques, and tunes you want by using Synthesia. Essentially a rhythm-beat game disguised as a learning app, Synthesia challenges you to tap the correct keys as they fall from above. You can play it on your touchscreen or link it to a digital piano. It’s free to use, but getting the ability to add and play any song will cost you $39 one time, which is a fair amount if you find yourself hooked.

Android iOS


Playing Wellerman on OnlinePianist.
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OnlinePianist takes a slightly different approach from other apps, as while you can learn the piano with this app, the larger approach is on learning how to play certain songs and impress friends. To this end, there’s a massive range of songs, including those from popular TV shows and artists, and you can store your favorites in your own personal playbook. But don’t think it’s skimped on the learner resources as a result. You can make a wide range of customizations, including playing speed and altering for individual hands. You’ll get access to free songs without paying, but you’ll need a subscription to get them all. The subscription comes in three flavors: Three months ($30), six months ($42), or a year ($60).

Android iOS

Perfect Piano

What’s great about Perfect Piano is that you can use it in one of two ways: either with the built-in virtual keyboard that has you tapping on your phone’s screen or with a MIDI (musical instrument digital interface) keyboard, such as the Yamaha P105, Roland F-120, or Xkey. Either way, it offers a fun and accessible way of learning thousands of popular songs on the piano. This best piano app allows you to choose different guidance patterns for you to play along to songs with, including traditional sheet music. It also lets you slow down the playback speed, so you can work your way through songs at your own pace. The built-in virtual keyboard includes all 88 keys of a classical grand piano and can also be given various sounds, from grand piano to pipe organ and synth. Another nice touch is that the app includes a multiplayer mode so that you can compete with friends to see who can play songs most fluently.

Android iOS

Simply Piano

Aimed at everyone from beginners to more experienced pianists, Simply Piano offers courses that are broken down into a series of lessons. It also lets you learn a wide variety of songs and compositions, which lets you put what you’ve learned in the lessons into practice. Unlike some other piano apps, it starts from the beginning, walking you through the basics (such as playing with both hands) and providing personalized five-minute workouts tailored to your skill level. The app is free to get and use, but you must subscribe to its premium version to access all courses, which will set you back $150 for a whole year.

Android iOS


Available for both Android and iOS, Skoove offers a very comprehensive and personalized piano-learning experience. What sets it apart from the crowd is that it uses AI to recognize what you’re playing and offers appropriate exercises to Strengthen any mistakes you might be making. It includes over 400 lessons for premium users and over a thousand instructional videos, so you can pick an area you’d most like to work on and develop your skills from there. Like the other best piano apps, it includes a wide library of songs for you to learn, from Beethoven and Mozart to The Beatles and Adele. Helpfully, it includes lessons and tips for recognizing notes and playing music by ear. The app is compatible with USB/MIDI and acoustic keyboards and includes a virtual on-screen keyboard option. The premium plan costs $20 a month or $12 a month if you buy a one-year subscription.

Android iOS

Piano Academy by Yokee Music

Offering an on-screen virtual keyboard and MIDI-keyboard support, Piano Academy is another comprehensive piano-learning app that offers something for everyone. Its lessons are broken down according to theory or method, while it offers a wide selection of tutorial videos delivered by an instructor who helps to demonstrate what you’re actually trying to learn. One nice touch is that the app listens to you as you play, providing you with feedback on how accurately you’re playing music. It also includes a range of enjoyable games for learning the basics of piano playing, such as hand coordination. The app lets you learn hundreds of songs using an indicator with sheet music that moves from note to note as you play. It’s a very accessible and useful app with premium plans starting at $20 a month.

Android iOS


Complete with video tutorials, interactive lessons, and hundreds of songs, Flowkey offers pretty much everything you’d want in a piano-learning app. Aimed at everyone from beginners to more advanced players, it includes step-by-step lessons and instructions on various areas of technique, from reading music to chords and improvisation. It also monitors your playing for advice on improving, regardless of whether you’re using an acoustic piano or one with a MIDI connection. The app is free to get and use, but accessing the full range of learning material and content will require a Premium subscription, which is $20 per month and $120 for 12 months.

Android iOS

Piano by Gismart

Here’s a piano-learning app aimed specifically at people who don’t own a piano or keyboard. Piano is a keyboard simulator app that includes an on-screen piano for you to learn how to play, helping you to get a taste of whether you might like to take the plunge and buy your own piano. It includes a range of lessons on basic skills, such as learning how to play particular chords, while it also has a range of fun mini-games to make the whole learning process a little more enjoyable. Like other apps, Piano lets you learn several famous songs, but it also offers a novel way of doing this via its Magic Tiles game, in which virtual tiles fall on the keyboard, indicating which keys to play and when. Ultimately, it may not be quite as exhaustive as other apps, but it’s certainly fun. The full version of the app costs $4 a week or $30 per year, letting you access new songs weekly and more sounds for your virtual keyboard (and removing ads).

Android iOS

Vivace: Learn to Read Music

Yes, it’s not particularly fun, but learning to read sheet music is essential if you want to become an accomplished pianist. Vivace lets you do just this, providing various illustrated tutorials and customized lessons for recognizing notes. It teaches you how to understand note pitch and duration and includes lessons on learning the different musical staffs and all 15 key signatures. The app is available only for Android, although a good iOS alternative is Notes! — Learn to Read Music.


Piano by Yousician

A beginner lesson in Yousician Piano.
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It may have a more popular app for guitarists, but Yousician’s piano app is just as comprehensive and useful. It works by using your phone’s microphone to listen to your piano or keyboard, but it also has a built-in keyboard if needed. It offers more than 1,500 exercises, lessons, and games for you to develop your piano-playing skills and also boasts a wide roster of popular songs that you can play and practice along with. Helpfully, it includes lessons and pointers on music theory and how to read sheet music, so it covers pretty much all bases. It’s free to get and use, but the full range of content is available only to those who shell out for a subscription of $140 per year.

Android iOS

Playground Sessions For Piano

Playground Sessions For Piano offers structured piano lessons straight from expert instructors. The lessons are high-quality and easy to understand, so anyone from beginners to ace players can find this helpful. The app lets you learn both popular pop tracks and classic tunes from the past — so there’s something for everyone. You also get real-time feedback on your technique to ensure you’re moving forward on the right path. You get a 14-day free trial to test the app, but the lessons are only accessible through the $18-per-month or $120-per-year subscription. You can also get a lifetime membership for $290.


Functional Ear Trainer

This isn’t a piano-learning app per se, but it’s all but essential if you want to be a well-rounded musician capable of improvising with others and playing music by ear. Its approach is fairly simple, teaching you how to recognize tones and intervals in any musical key. This is extremely helpful for learning how to work out songs since as long as you have the right tonic note (i.e., the first note of any given key), the ability to recognize the distinctive tones of other notes will help you crack the rest of the song. Also, this isn’t something you need to spend much time on, since using this app for only 10 minutes per day should Strengthen your listening substantially after a while.

Android iOS

LUMI Music

LUMI Music key app for iOS
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LUMI Keys is a compact keyboard that is specifically designed for beginners. It is now also available in a studio edition, which is perfect for more experienced professionals. The keyboard can be easily connected to supported mobile devices like an iPad. It is an excellent tool to learn how to play the piano without having to purchase a full-size keyboard or piano. The app is user-friendly and engaging. It includes scales, chords, techniques, and more to help you learn. You can only use the LUMI Music app with the keyboard.

Android iOS

Editors' Recommendations

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