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3X0-103 Linux Networking (Level 1) exam success |

3X0-103 exam success - Linux Networking (Level 1) Updated: 2024

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Exam Code: 3X0-103 Linux Networking (Level 1) exam success January 2024 by team
Linux Networking (Level 1)
Sair Networking exam success

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3X0-103 Linux Networking (Level 1)
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Linux Networking (Level 1)
Question: 152
Which of the following is FALSE about IMAP?
A. IMAP manipulates the mail on the server without creating a local mailbox.
B. IMAP alters the messages after storing them in a local mailbox.
C. Messages can be deleted directly on the server.
D. IMAP requires continuous access to the Internet while users access their e-mail
Answer: B
Question: 153
POP3 allows a client computer to retrieve e-mail from a POP3 server through TCP/IP.
Answer: A
Question: 154
INNis an implementation of which of the following protocols?
A. ftp
B. http
C. nntp
D. smtp
E. None of the above.
Answer: C
Question: 155
Which of the following Web browsers can be used with Linux?
A. Amaya
B. Arena
C. Netscape Communicator
D. Lynx
E. Xmosaic
F. All of the above.
Answer: F
Question: 156
Which of the following is a text-based Web browser?
A. Netscape
B. Mozilla
C. Lynx
D. Arena
E. Textix
F. All of the above.
Answer: C
Question: 157
Small programs that allow Web browsers to play audio and view video are known as:
(Select the best answer.)
A. Plugins
B. Cookies
C. Proxies
D. Modules
E. All of the above
Answer: A
Question: 158
In order to share a directory with a Windows machine, the _____ file must be edited to
include data on the path of the directory, the permissions of the directory, the name of the
share, the name of the computer, etc.
A. smb.conf
B. smbpasswd
C. win.conf
E. netconfig.samba
Answer: A
Question: 159
What is Kibitz?
A. A benchmarking tool that allows a user to test the performance of networking
B. A configuration tool that allows a user to manipulate network settings.
C. A system administration tool that allows the superuser to recompile the kernel
D. A networking tool that allows users to communicate.
E. All of the above
Answer: D
Question: 160
For which of the following is WvDial primarily used? (Select the best answer.)
A. It configures a Linux system to utilize a direct connection to the Internet.
B. It configures a Linux system to utilize a dial-up connection to the Internet.
C. It configures a Linux system for ISDN support.
D. It configures a Linux system for IP telephony.
Answer: B
Question: 161
Sid attempts to ping a remote host by name. Ping does not produce any output and Sid can
only recover from it by pressing CONTROL-C. Which of the following are reasons for
this? (Choose two.)
A. Sid forgot to append the " -F" (force) option to the command.
B. The target host is refusing to accept ICMP packets.
C. Sid's name server(s) is not functioning properly.
D. The gateway or router is dropping packets due to buffer overruns.
Answer: B, C
Question: 162
Will wants to display an xterm on the remote host, trombone, from his local client, star.
He issues the following command: "[will@star]$ xterm -display trombone:0" and
receives the errors below. Which of the following will more than likely correct BOTH of
these errors AND allow Will to accomplish his goal?
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server xterm Xt error: Can't open display:
A. On star, run the command "xterm -display trombone:1".
B. On trombone, run the command "xterm -display star:1".
C. On trombone, run the command "xhost +star."
D. On star, run the command "xhost +trombone."
Answer: C
Question: 163
Katie can only connect to remote hosts from her workstation by using IP addresses.
Which of the following are possible reasons for this? (Choose two.)
A. The named daemon on Katie's machine is not running.
B. The network cable is bad.
C. The "/etc/hosts" file may have some errors.
D. The "/etc/resolve.conf" file has the following file permissions: -rw-r--r--.
E. The name server is not responding.
Answer: C, E
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Sair Networking exam success - BingNews Search results Sair Networking exam success - BingNews How Networking Before A Major Career Pivot Can Increase Your Success

Pivoting in a career can be a terrifying situation if approached in the wrong way. Many people don’t even realize they are in a transitional career phase. A way to mitigate the anxiety of the pivot is to prepare for the inevitable. An example of pivoting is if you’re looking for a job in a new field or transitioning to a different position within your current industry.

How can you prepare for a pivot when you’re not even looking for a new job yet?

Regarding professional advancements, networking is essential for landing your next role. It can seem overwhelming; however, viewing it more as developing relationships versus networking will help make it more natural.

Leaders across multiple industries have expressed that people are only as strong as their network. Unfortunately, some people associate networking with just getting to know someone on a business level and only for the sole purpose of benefiting their career. They approach the situation with the WIIFM, what’s in it for me, mindset. Although it may help in the interim, reputations can be tarnished.

Others view networking as an opportunity to develop and foster relationships to succeed in the long game; it is more than just a one-off situation and is regarded as a two-way relationship.

Networking is more than attending an event and hoping someone will reach out from the hundreds of business cards handed out. Social capital, the quality of a person’s network, is more prominent than it has been over the last decade. Today’s society is about continuously fostering relationships through frequent coffee meet-ups, friendly emails, and extensions of invites to events and parties. These are the moments when collaborations emerge and when personal lives are explored.

It does take time to get to know someone. And it does take patience, but in the end, you’ll have a greater return on your investment. Great networkers are always more curious about the other person than they are about sharing information about themselves. Intentionally practicing active listening will allow you to hear the other person and ask questions that drive the conversation. In doing so, you find out what they are working on, how you could add value to their projects, and if they are open to collaboration.

Increase Visibility

The more people you meet and share who you are and what you do, the more you make yourself visible to potential employers and recruiters. Think of this as part of your personal marketing strategy. People don’t know what you’re up to or looking for unless you share it with them.

Develop A Positive Reputation

People support those that they believe in and trust. Your reputation is the opening to meet leaders in a company or industry you want to work for in your next position. Successful people treat their reputation as an asset to increase their social capital.

Find a Sponsor

Networking in the right groups can help you connect with a sponsor. A sponsor goes beyond the typical mentorship. This person provides advice and guidance while also saying your name in a room full of opportunities; they vouch for you and put their reputation on the line when recommending you for a job or connecting you with someone from their network.

Pivoting in and of itself can be a stressful period in a person’s life; it’s even more challenging when you don’t have the right connections to help elevate the value you bring to an organization. So implement developing relationships into your career strategy and watch how more opportunities come your way.

Networking is your friend, not your foe.

Thu, 26 Jan 2023 01:55:00 -0600 Cheryl Robinson en text/html
How exam Success Masks Lack Of Writing Skills
Photo by Olu Eletu

The A-level exam results are out in the UK. Over 350,000 teenagers have been placed on undergraduate courses, according to UCAS, the organization that manages applications to UK full-time higher education courses. And while they jump for joy, excited at the prospect of going to university, some social commentators and education critics are harrumphing.

They feel that despite their success, these exam-savvy youngsters are woefully ill-prepared for the real world. And that the ones who go to university are simply entering outdated institutions that don’t prepare them for the world of work.

Most university courses aren’t vocational. Yet, the debts that mount up throughout a course (an average of £50,000) are forcing students to create a “personal brand” and a portfolio of work before they leave – so that they have a chance of competing in a crowded marketplace once they graduate.

In the past, students were only expected to step-up their writing, thinking and analytical skills while at university. Now, they’re expected to take Instagram-worthy internships and use social media to network their way to success. They’re expected to document their skills and capabilities across a range of social media so that they can effectively secure work opportunities.

A report from the Department of Education showed that in 2017, graduates and postgraduates had higher employment rates than non-graduates. And that the average, working-age graduate earned £10,000 more than the average non-graduate.

So good, so far. But this emphasis on securing work is contributing to a hole in their university life. This manifests as poorer quality reading and writing skills on the essays they write throughout their course. And the writing they do in the business world. This is not new. And it’s not down to youngsters spending more time on Snapchat than perusing the abridged works of Shakespeare. But it’s a skill gap that doesn’t seem to be closing.

Many arrive at university after years of teachers “teaching to the test”. Students haven’t necessarily been given the opportunity to think for themselves. At least, not in an academic sense. Their teachers have been judged on results throughout their teaching careers. So, their primary task hasn’t been to help students to write fluently, or accurately. In fact, while 26.4% of exams scored an A or A*, just 1.8% of English language exams were graded A*. Overall, the teachers have done their jobs, which has been to get their pupils to pass. And the overall pass rate for 2018 sits at 97.6%.

But when school leavers get to university, many will find themselves in a quandary. It’s likely that they’ll feel a pressure “to get their money’s worth”. Yet, they’ll also be faced with a barrage of new concepts and theories. And they may not have the writing skills to communicate them effectively. Ironically, this can hamper their chances in the job market.

A Royal Literary Fund report called “Writing Matters” labeled the writing skills of students “shocking” and “inadequate”. What’s more, an academic survey cited in this report found that 90% of lecturers said it was necessary to teach writing skills to students. Yet, university is structured so that the teaching of writing skills is not embedded into courses. It’s a veritable chicken-and-egg situation.

In any case, qualifications alone don’t sell themselves anymore. So, students need to see themselves as a package, not as a vessel for their exam results. They need to hone their soft skills – their ability to think well, write well, be emotionally intelligent and communicate with themselves and others.  Employers want to hire people who are creative, resourceful and resilient.

So, as students crack open the prosecco and celebrate their results – I say they provide them a break. Going to university is a massive life transition in itself, as is starting work for the first time. It’s easy to forget the days when you couldn’t boil an egg. And it’s easy to forget that it’s the system itself that isn’t teaching students the writing and communication skills they need to truly succeed in life and work.

Thu, 16 Aug 2018 00:03:00 -0500 Greta Solomon en text/html
Networking & Focusing Your Search

Just as networking plays an important role in securing an academic position, it is of essential importance to learn more about different industries, career pathways, and positions outside of the academic job market. This is also something that can be particularly daunting and anxiety-inducing. Many enter into networking situations feeling that they need to make an inauthentic sales pitch for themselves with the goal of getting something explicit from the conversation. Individuals feel the need to jump into a transactional approach rather than the long-term relationship cultivation of a true network.

Relationship Development, Not Transactions

The first challenge to overcome when approaching networking comes in re-framing what you hope to accomplish. Conversations you aspire to facilitate should not be viewed as transactions where you hope to get an immediate referral, interview, internship, etc., but as the first step in developing a professional relationship. For example, contacting a random person on LinkedIn at a company you would like to work at with a transparent goal of securing one of the aforementioned opportunities will often yield little response.

Effective networking requires a deeper intentionality and connection when you reach out to people. Consider starting with individuals with whom you share something in common, such as:

  • Your department
  • Your graduate or undergraduate institution
  • Your field or discipline

Calling immediate attention to those commonalities will increase your chance of receiving a response. Keep in mind, those you choose to reach out to are potential peers and colleagues in an industry or at an organization you hope to, at a minimum, learn more about.

Maintain Authenticity

Consider how to be authentic and maintain your values when reaching out to strangers. Though the bulk of initial networking conversations will be focused on your contact, you should have your own narrative prepared. Commonly referred to as an elevator pitch or professional introduction, take time and think through:

  • How research and other professional experiences led you to explore outside fields
  • How to tailor your story based on the individual you are reaching out to and their field
  • What you enjoy most about your research
  • How your current work could tie to outside industries and what experiences you have in the industry you hope to enter (past positions, internships, contract work, etc.)

Having a well-thought-out narrative of yourself helps set the tone and direction for initial conversations.

Goal-driven Outreach

Show equal consideration to those with whom you connect. Devoting time to think about your interest in the person you are contacting is essential to facilitating an authentic exchange. What do you hope to learn from the person on the other side of your LinkedIn request, email exchange, or phone call? Think about questions you have about their day-to-day projects as opposed to asking about their general day.

Consider the following:

  • How and with whom do you collaborate?
  • How would you characterize your work environment?
  • What skills have you found help people be successful within their first six months, versus areas where there is room to grow and learn?

As an advanced degree candidate, you may want to target employees with graduate degrees in an industry or company you are exploring. You can then ask further tailored questions about challenges they encountered transitioning from academic research, primary differences, and ways they continue to apply training and experience gained during graduate school.

Notice that all of these questions are focused on gleaning advice and insight, not an interview. When you engage someone with a genuine interest in the information and expertise they have to offer, you set yourself up to have future points of contact. Not only that, you better understand how you need to craft your own story as you prepare to be a candidate in different spaces.

Through networking conversations, it is possible you will learn more about what you are not interested in, and remove options from your list. It is just as important to know what you do not want to do, as it is to recognize the directions you want to move towards. Keep notes as you connect with people. Start a spreadsheet and track who you spoke with, their role/affiliation, when you last connected, and notes from your conversation. Not only does this practice allow you to apply what you learned to your search, but the notes will also help you return for second and third conversations later. 

The most important thing to keep in mind when approaching networking is that referrals are made through relationships, not stand-alone conversations. As Joseph Barber from the University of Pennsylvania wrote in his article A Networking Rule to Live By:

Networking is not the process of reaching out to people. Networking is the process of thinking about whom to reach out to, why, with what goal.”

Joseph Barber
Director, Graduate Career Initiatives
University of Pennsylvania

Why Use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a widespread social media platform used as a tool by jobseekers, employees, and employers to establish and maintain professional online presences. For this reason, LinkedIn is a valuable tool for developing your network, seeking jobs and internships, and developing your career.

See the following links for guidance on how to:

Sat, 19 Aug 2023 10:04:00 -0500 en text/html
Networking Communication

While it is increasingly commonplace for professionals to include their LinkedIn contact information on their personal websites and in their email signatures and professional presentations, you can also use other contact information like an email address or phone number to find a known contact.


Northwestern Alumni groups on LinkedIn provide access to a database of more than 150,000 alumni. You can filter these alumni by location, industry, and major. If you find an alum you wish to connect with, you can look up their email address in the Our Northwestern alumni database or send a connection request.


Find active groups that are relevant to your interests and goals, including Northwestern groups (such as Northwestern University Alumni) and professional groups (such as region-specific professional organizations and marketing, media, and advertising professionals). You can send a message to someone in the same group even if you are not connected.

While many professionals and alumni are willing to connect with students, even if you have not met face-to-face, your chances of connecting increase if you express a genuine interest and intention. This should be brief and to the point, careful to articulate the reason for your interest in connecting. Make it about the person you are seeking to connect with and less about yourself.

Consider also how you are connecting with someone—is it in a LinkedIn message? Is it through an email? Always assume someone is going to be reading the communication quickly (and likely on their phone!). Here are four examples of how to draw a connection to why you are contacting a specific individual via a LinkedIn connection invitation:

  1. Hi ____, I am finishing my PhD at Northwestern in the spring. After graduation I hope to move into a data science role in San Francisco. I came across your profile and would love to connect.
  2. Hello Khadeejah, I am a NU student looking to learn more about careers in marketing and would love to add you to my network.
  3. Marco, It was so nice meeting you at the Northwestern University info session yesterday. I would like to add you to my network so they can stay connected.
  4. Jordan, You mentioned at the NU career panel today that you were open to students connecting. I appreciated what you had to share about finding your path to your current role and would love to stay in touch.

Continuing the Conversation

Once you have connected with a new contact, they might even reply. What now? It would be unusual, but not unheard of, for your new contact to reciprocate interest in you. You can carry on the conversation over LinkedIn or ask to have a live conversation in the form of an informational interview.

The first thing to consider when reaching out to someone new via email is the subject line. Put yourself in the shoes of the person receiving your communication. How can you set expectation from the start? Consider the following subject lines:

  • Opportunities with Apple
  • Advice for Northwestern PhD Student Interested in Instructional Design

The first invites a transaction only. If the recipient does not know of any openings or is uncomfortable engaging in that way with someone they are unfamiliar with, it is more than likely the email will go ignored.

The second subject line, however, is focused on information and expectation setting. Now consider a first vs. second draft of copy for each.

First draft:

I am a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University studying the transmigrational movements of artisans across Europe in the 17th century—focusing on how the written word and visual representations of concepts such as harmony and rebellion gained prominence in poetic form. I found your profile on LinkedIn and see that you work at Apple in Learning Design. I am very interested in learning more about the company and was wondering whether you could provide me some insight into your career field, and some advice on my résumé if I were interested in a role in industry. Would you be able to speak with me in the next few weeks?

Second draft:

I was exploring instructional design roles online and found your profile on LinkedIn. They both know Kate Flom Derrik from the Searle Center for Advancing Teaching & Learning, and she encouraged me to reach out to you. I have been exploring the different roles in education tech, and while I am learning a lot about this field from my online research, I would love to be able to understand more about the role from people established in the field. Your career path is extremely interesting, and I would value the opportunity to hear more about some of the experiences you have had with Apple. Would it be OK if I reached out by email with a couple of quick questions about your current position? Or could they perhaps find 15-20 minutes to connect on the phone?

Note that the first draft has no link to the person being contacted. The sender’s subject matter expertise is at the forefront, which does not help bridge a connection to why they are contacting that specific individual. It also puts undue pressure on the recipient. No need to send an application document before you have had a chance to build rapport.

The second draft, however, focuses instead of what draws the sender to the recipient. It is always ok to name drop when you have a contact in common! But it is also alright to send a cold connection absent a contact in common. While it may come up in conversation that the sender is currently actively looking for opportunities, the expectation set in this message needs to focus on advice, insight, and by doing so, will open the door for longer relationship development.

Additional Resource:

Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:01:00 -0500 en text/html
Networking for success: a complete guide in the art of networking

Do you regularly find yourself attending networking events in the hope that you will leave with a stack of business cards, fresh ideas and a potential new client, yet spend your time feeling awkward at the side of the room planning your exit?

Networking is a powerful skill that enables you to grow your career, keeping you visible, informed and open to opportunities. Love it or loathe it, like any other business skill, networking can be learnt and practised. This 2.5 hour interactive workshop will empower and inspire you to network strategically, effectively, authentically and nerve-free.

  • Develop a strategic, effective action plan for networking

  • Overcome networking nerves and boost your confidence
  • Utilise your own existing network more effectively and build it
  • Identify the right people in the right places to network
  • Work a room effectively and confidently
  • Make a positive, powerful and punchy impression
  • Create rapport, respect and win-win relationships
  • Follow-up, forge links, friendships, partnership & career opportunities


Rasheed Ogunlaru is a leading life coach, motivational and business coach. His clients include entrepreneurs, entertainers, Chief Executives, teachers, healers, organisations and the public. His unique ‘become who you are’ approach helps people of all backgrounds find lasting fulfilment – from within. Rasheed often speaks in the media including appearances on ITN and BBC News.

He is the Business Coach partner to the British Library’s Business & IP centre where he runs the ‘Networking for Success’ an inspiring and practical workshop for professionals and business owners. He is author of 'Soul Trader – Putting the Heart into Your Business' and 'The Gift of Inner Success'. His first career was in PR/ media – including being` Communications Manager, Press Officer, media spokesman and media trainer. He is a former Co-Director of Samaritans (Central London Branch).

Seminar fees

  • RIBA/CIAT members £65 + VAT
  • Non-RIBA members £92 + VAT
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Wed, 24 Jan 2018 10:35:00 -0600 en text/html
Exam Expectations

Students should double check the location of their exam prior to arriving at the Accommodated Testing Center. PTS uses other locations across campus as needed and will change the location in the PTS Student Portal. The PTS Accommodated Testing location is STEW G59.

Check-in Process

To check in for an exam, students will need the following items:

  • PUID (required for all testing appointments)
  • Pens/pencils, erasers, rulers, calculators, etc.*
  • Any materials students are allowed to use on their exam as specified by their instructor and/or accommodations

* PTS will not provide writing utensils or calculators. Students must bring their own supplies.

Students will be asked to place all of their electronics (i.e. cell phone, smart watch, etc.) into an envelope and turn them in to the Proctor prior to receiving their exam. If students have any questions during their exam or they feel as though their accommodation is not being met, they are asked to inform the PTS Staff immediately.

Student Expectations

Breaks: Students are expected to treat breaks as they would in most classrooms. Bathroom breaks will not be allowed unless specified otherwise. If students have concerns about breaks during examinations, they may contact their access consultant.

Food and Drink: Only a CLEAR water bottle will be allowed in the testing rooms.

Keeping Time During an Exam: Clocks will available on the walls in the exam rooms to keep track of the exam time. There will not be clocks at each individual seat. If a student feels the need to keep time at their seat, they may wear a non-smart watch that does not make noise. Their watch must be approved by the proctor in order to take it into the exam room. Official time of the exam will be kept by PTS staff.

Personal Belongings: All items (hats, purses, scarves, hoodies, etc.) will need to be stored in a bag provided to the student upon their arrival to the Testing Center. These bags are sized to fit under their testing station during their exam time.

We do ask students not to bring additional items other than what is required for their exam to the Testing Center.

We understand that students may be taking exams in-between classes and may have backpacks. In this case, they will need to store them in one of the bags provided by the PTS staff.

If a student is seen reaching into the provided bag during an exam, they are at risk of having their exam terminated as a possible breach of academic integrity. Students will continue to turn in their cell phones and smart watches to the proctor at the time of check-in as has been the procedure in the past.

Exam Start Time: Students must start their exam within 15 minutes of their scheduled start time. Failure to start on time may result in not being able to take the exam. Please be sure to take this into consideration when planning travel to the Testing Center.

PUID: Students are required to present their PUID to check-in for each exam. No other form of ID will be accepted and students will be at risk of not being able to take their exam without their PUID.

Scantrons: All scantrons must be completed within the allotted exam time. If students have an accommodation that requires PTS staff to fill out their scantron, the student must inform the proctors at time of turning in their exam. Failure to do so may result in a scantron not being filled out and answers not graded.

Fri, 04 Aug 2023 11:07:00 -0500 en text/html
The Learning Network

Student Opinion

How Do You Feel About High School?

Scroll through some work by the winning students and educators who participated in their “What High School Is Like in 2023” multimedia challenge. Then tell us how well the collection captures your experiences.


Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:07:00 -0600 en text/html
SLU LAW Recognized for Bar exam Success

Saint Louis University School of Law was recently featured on TaxProf Blog as being ranked 7th in the nation in a latest study identifying which law schools add the most value to ultimate bar passage rates for their students. 

The three-year study looked at the ultimate bar passage rate performance of 186 ABA-approved law schools for the period of 2017-2019. SLU LAW’s ranking reflects its overperforming predicted expectations for ultimate bar passage based on the undergraduate GPA and LSAT scores of incoming students.

A group of law students study together at the Vincent C. Immel Law Library in Scott Hall.

SLU LAW also recently posted its highest first-time Missouri bar passage rate in over a decade, with 94.6% of its first-time takers passing the July 2023 Missouri bar exam.

On the work done by SLU LAW to prepare students for the bar exam, the Director of Academic and Bar exam Success, Antonia Miceli said, “This ranking, along with their latest Missouri bar exam pass rate, is a reflection of so many things that make SLU LAW special - hardworking and dedicated students, faculty who apply a truly student-centered approach to their teaching, and a robust and comprehensive academic and bar exam success program that supports students from the summer before their 1L year clear through passing the bar exam. I am so proud to be a part of the SLU LAW community and to play my part in helping their students and alumni achieve their ultimate goal of becoming licensed attorneys.”

Professor Miceli is also the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to the Uniform Bar Examination (Wolters Kluwer 2021). Her work alongside Professor Petina Benigno, the Assistant Director of Academic and Bar exam Success, demonstrates SLU Law’s investment into its students success. For students of SLU LAW, please visit the Academic Resource Center to see materials about bar exam success.

If you are interested in donating to SLU LAW and being the reason their students have space to succeed following graduation, please visit the Academic Resource Services Support Fund. The Academic Resource Services Support Fund helps to assist students with costs associated with law school and the Bar Exam.

Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:53:00 -0500 en text/html
Our Network for Student Success

RIT Housing is part of a vast network of campus, academic, and auxiliary services that promote student success. New Student Orientation, on-site RIT Residence Life community staff, campus dining, and public safety patrol are some of the services that make RIT Housing the perfect choice for a secure, supportive, and inclusive living and learning environment for all RIT Tigers.

Fri, 09 Oct 2020 11:52:00 -0500 en text/html
Anthony Richardson goes through Steve Mariucci's 'Draw My Play' exam No result found, try new keyword!In a segment on 'NFL Total Access', NFL Network analyst David Carr breaks down Green Bay Packers quarterback Jordan Love's success against the Kansas City Chiefs. NFL Network Kurt Warner's film ... Fri, 03 Mar 2023 11:35:00 -0600 en-US text/html

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