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CSSBB exam plan - Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - CSSBB Updated: 2024

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CSSBB Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - CSSBB

Each certification candidate is required to pass an examination that consists of multiple-choice questions that measure comprehension of the Body of Knowledge.

Computer Delivered - The CSSBB examination is a one-part, 165-question exam, and is offered in English only. 150 questions are scored and 15 are unscored. Total appointment time is four-and-a-half-hours, exam time is 4 hours and 18 minutes.

Paper and Pencil - The CSSBB examination is a one-part, 150-question, four-hour exam and is offered in English, Spanish, and Mandarin in certain locations.

These are the minimum expectations of a Certified Six Sigma Black Belt.

I: Organization-wide Planning and Deployment

Will understand how to deploy six sigma within a project.

Will be able to implement tools and techniques to deploy strategic directions for initiatives.

Will understand the roles and responsibilities for six sigma projects and how each group influences project deployment, and will be able to support communications about the project deployment.

Will be able to apply operational change management techniques within their defined scope or domain.

II: Organizational Process Management and Measures

Will be able to define various types of benchmarking.

Will be able to describe various types of performance measures, and select an appropriate financial measure for a given situation and calculate its result.

III: Team Management

Will understand the components and techniques used in managing teams, including time management, planning and decision-making tools, team formation, motivational techniques and factors that demotivate a team, performance evaluation and reward.

Will be able to describe elements that can result in a teams success.

Will be able to use appropriate techniques to overcome various group dynamics challenges.

IV: Define

Will be able to select data collection methods and collect voice of the customer data, and use customer feedback to determine customer requirements.

Will understand the elements of a project charter (problem statement, scope, goals, etc.) and be able to use various tools to track the project progress.

V: Measure

Will be able to define and use process flow metrics and analysis tools to indicate the performance of a process.

Will be able to develop and implement data collection plans, and use techniques in sampling, data capture, and processing tools.

Will be able to define and describe measurement system analysis tools.

Will apply basic probability concepts, and understand various distributions.

Will be able to calculate statistical and process capability indices.

VI: Analyze

Will be able to analyze the results of correlation and regression analyses.

Will be able to define multivariate tools.

Will be able to perform hypothesis tests for means, variances and proportions and analyze their results.

Will understand the components and concepts for ANOVA, Chi-square, contingency tables, and non-parametric tests.

Will understand the elements and purpose of FMEA and use root cause analysis tools.

Will be able to identify and interpret the 7 classic wastes.

Will be able to use gap analysis tools.

VII: Improve

Will be able to define and apply design of experiments (DOE) principles, and distinguish among the various types of experiments.

Will be able to apply various lean tools and techniques to eliminate waste and reduce cycle time.

Will understand how to implement an improved process and how to analyze and interpret risk studies.

VIII: Control

Will be able to apply, use, and analyze the various statistical process control (SPC) techniques.

Will understand total productive maintenance (TPM) and visual factory concepts.

Will be able to develop control plans and use various tools to maintain and sustain improvements.

IX: Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) Framework and Methodologies

Will understand common DFSS and DFX methodologies, and elements of robust designs.
Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - CSSBB
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The best and most convenient way to pass CSSBB exam on internet is CSSBB dumps that contain real exam questions and answers. These dumps are sufficient to pass the CSSBB exam. You need to memorize CSSBB dumps, practice with CSSBB VCE exam simulator and sit the exam.
Certified Six Sigma Black Belt - CSSBB
Question: 219
What is the value of the test statistic?
A. 0.898
B. 1.251
C. 0.429
D. 3.57
E. none of the above
Answer: D
Question: 220
If the value of the test statistic had been 0.185, what action should have
been taken regarding the null hypothesis?
A. rejected
B. accepted
C. none of the above
D. all of the above
Answer: C
Question: 221
If the value of the test statistic had been 7.03, what action should have been
taken regarding the null hypothesis?
A. rejected
B. accepted
C. not rejected
D. none of the above
Answer: A
Section 16: Sec Sixteen (222 to 224)
Here is an experimental design with results:
Question: 222
This experimental design is:
A. full factorial
B. half factorial
C. quarter factorial
D. none of the above
Answer: B
Question: 223
The number of factors, levels and replications:
A. 3, 3, 3
B. 2, 3, 2
C. 3, 2, 2,
D. 3, 2, 3
E. 2, 2, 2
F. none of the above
Answer: D
Question: 224
An indication of the experimental error is available because the design has:
A. multiple replications
B. multiple levels
C. multiple factors
Answer: A
Question: 225
The average number of defects is 21.6. Find the upper control limit for the
A. 26.4
B. 24.6
C. 18.8
D. 26.2
E. none of the above
Answer: E
Question: 226
An x-bar and R chart is used to monitor a process. One week ago a new
type of raw material was introduced and since that time 60 points have
been plotted on the xbar chart and all are in the middle third of the chart.
The corresponding 60 points on the R chart are all below the average range.
This indicates that:
A. the operator has been plotting the points incorrectly
B. it is time to recalibrate the gage used
C. it is time to recalculate the control limits
D. the material manager should be asked to go back to the previous raw
material so the charts will more accurately reflect the process
Answer: C
Question: 227
Here is a partial ANOVA table. Use a = 0.05.
The values of x, y and z should be:
A. 200, 20, 3.22
B. 12, 1.2, 4.06
C. 200, 20, 4.06
D. none of the above
Answer: A
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ASQ Certified exam plan - BingNews Search results ASQ Certified exam plan - BingNews New Cardiology Certification Board: What's the Plan?

The proposal by the major cardiovascular societies in the US to form a new board of cardiovascular medicine to manage initial and ongoing certification of cardiologists represents something of a revolution in the field of continuing medical education and assessment of competency. 

Five US cardiovascular societies — the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the American Heart Association (AHA), the Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA), the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), and the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions (SCAI) — have now joined forces to propose a new professional certification board for cardiovascular medicine, to be known as the American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine (ABCVM)

The ABCVM would be independent of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), the current organization providing maintenance of certification for cardiologists as well as many other internal medicine subspecialties. The ABIM's maintenance of certification process has been widely criticized for many years and has been described as "needlessly burdensome and expensive." 

The ABCVM is hoping to offer a more appropriate and supportive approach, according to Jeffrey Kuvin, MD, a trustee of the ACC, who has been heading up the working group to develop this plan. 

Kuvin, who is chair of the cardiology at Northwell Health, Manhasset, New York, a l arge academic healthcare system, explained that maintenance of certification has been a subject of discussion across the cardiovascular community for many years, and the ACC has a working group focused on the next steps for evaluation of competency, which he chairs.

"The subject of evaluation of competence has been on the mind of the ACC for many years and hence a work group was developed to focus on this," Kuvin noted. "A lot of evolution of the concepts and next steps have been drawn out of this working group. And now other cardiovascular societies have joined to show unification across the house of cardiology and that this is indeed the way that the cardiovascular profession should move." 

"Time to Separate from Internal Medicine"

The general concept behind the new cardiology board is to separate cardiology from the ABIM. 

"This is rooted from the concept that cardiology has evolved so much over the last few decades into such a large multidimensional specialty that it really does demarcate itself from internal medicine, and as such, it deserves a separate board governed by cardiologists with collaboration across the entirely of cardiology," Kuvin said. 

Cardiology has had significant growth and expansion of technology, tools, medications, and the approach to patients in many specialities and subspecialties, he added. "We have defined training programs in many different areas within cardiology; they have their own guidelines, their own competency statements, and in many cases, cardiology exists as its own department outside of medicine in many institutions. It's just time to separate cardiology from the umbrella of internal medicine." 

The new cardiology board would be separate from, and not report to, the ABIM; rather, it would report directly to the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS), the only recognized medical certification body in the US. 

What Are the Proposed Changes

Under the present system, managed by the ABIM, clinicians must undergo two stages of certification to be a cardiologist. First, they have to pass the initial certification exam in general cardiology, and then exams in one of four subspecialties if they plan to enter one of these, including interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, advanced heart failure or adult congenital heart disease

Next, clinicians enter the maintenance of certification phase, which can take three different forms: 1) taking another recertification exam every 10 years; 2) the collaborative maintenance pathway — a collaboration between ACC and ABIM, which includes evaluation, learning and a certified exam each year; or 3) longitudinal knowledge and assessment — in which the program interacts with the clinician on an ongoing basis, sending secured questions regularly. 

All three of these pathways for maintenance of certification involve high stakes questions and a set bar for passing or failing. 

Under the proposed new cardiology board, an initial certification exam would still be required after fellowship training, but the maintenance of certification process would be completely restructured, with the new approach taking the form of continuous learning and assessment of competency. 

"This is an iterative process, but they envision with a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, they will pick up where the ABIM left off," Kuvin notes. "That includes an initial certifying examination for the five areas that already exist under the ABIM system but with the opportunities to expand that to further specialties as well."

He points out that there are several areas in cardiology that are currently not represented by these five areas that warrant some discussion, including multimodality imaging, vascular heart disease, and cardio-oncology. 

"At present, everybody has to pass the general cardiology exam and then some may wish to further train and get certified in one of the other four other specific areas. But one subject that has been discussed over many years is how do they maintain competency in the areas in which clinicians practice over their lifetime as a cardiologist," Kuvin commented. 

He said the proposed cardiology board would like to adhere to some basic principles that are fundamental to the practice of medicine. 

"We want to make sure that they are practicing medicine so that their patients derive the most benefit from seeing a cardiologist," he said. "We also want to make sure, however, that this is a supportive process, supporting cardiologists to learn what they know and more importantly what they don't know; to identify knowledge gaps in specific area; to help the cardiologist fill those knowledge gaps; to acknowledge those gaps have been filled; and then move on to another area of interest. This will be the focus of this new and improved model of continuous competency."

The proposed new board also says it wants to make sure this is appropriate to the area in which the clinician is practicing.

"To take a closed book certified exam every 10 years on the world of cardiology as happens at the current time – or the assessments conducted in the other two pathways – is often meaningless to the cardiologist," Kuvin says. "All three current pathways involve high stakes questions that are often irrelevant to one’s clinical practice." 

Lifelong Learning

"The crux of the changes they are proposing will be away from the focus of passing a test towards a model of helping the individual with their competency, with continuous learning and evaluation of competency to help the clinician fill in their knowledge gaps," he explains.

He described the new approach as "lifelong learning," adding that, instead of it being "a punitive pass/fail environment with no feedback, which causes a lot of discontent among clinicians," it will be a supportive process, where a clinician will be helped in filling their knowledge gaps. 

"I think this would be a welcome change not just for cardiology but across medical specialties," Kuvin said. 

He also pointed out the ABMS itself is considering a continuous competency approach, and the proposed new cardiology board aims to work with the ABMS to make sure that their goals of continuous competency assessment are matched. 

"The world has changed. The ability to access information has changed. It is no longer imperative for a clinician to have every piece of knowledge in their brain, but rather to know how to get knowledge and to incorporate that knowledge into clinical practice," Kuvin noted. "Competency should not involve knowledge alone as in a closed book exam. It is more about understanding the world that they live in, how to synthesize information, where they need to Boost knowledge and how to do that." 

Kuvin acknowledged that asking clinicians questions is a very helpful tool to identify their knowledge base and their knowledge gaps. "But they believe the clinician needs to be given resources – that could be a conference, an article, a simulation - to fill that knowledge gap. Then they could ask clinicians some different questions and if they get those right then they have provided a service." 

Tactile skills for cardiologists needing to perform procedures – such as interventionalists or electrophysiologists may be incorporated by simulation in a technology-based scenario.

On how often these assessments would take place, Kuvin said that hadn't been decided for sure. 

"We certainly do not think an assessment every 10 years is appropriate. They envision, instead of an episodic model, it will be rather a lifelong journey of education and competency. This will involve frequent contact and making sure knowledge gaps are being filled. There are criteria being set out by the ABMS that there should be a certain number of touch points with individuals on an annual as well as a 5-year basis to make sure cardiologists are staying within specific guardrails. The exact nature of these is yet to be determined," he said. 

Kuvin added that it was not known yet what sort of hours would be required but added that "this will not be a significant time burden."

What is the Timeframe?

The application to the ABMS for a separate cardiology board is still ongoing and has not yet received formal acceptance. Representatives from the five US cardiovascular societies are in the initial stages of formulating a transition board. 

"The submission to the ABMS will take time for them to review. This could take up to a year or so," Kuvin estimates. 

This is the first time the ABMS has entertained the concept of a new board in many years, he noted. "It will be a paradigm shift for the whole country. I think that cardiology is really at the forefront and in a position where they can actually do this. If cardiovascular medicine is granted a new board, I think this will help change the approach of how physicians are assessed in terms of continuous competency not just in cardiology but across all specialties of medicine."

He added: "We are confident that they can work within the construct of the ABMS guidelines that have been revised to be much more holistic in the approach of continuous competence across the board. This includes thinking beyond rote medical knowledge and thinking about the clinician as a whole and their abilities to communicate, act professionally, work within a complex medical system, utilize medical resources effectively. These all have to be part of continuous competence."

How Much Will This Cost?

Noting that the ABIM has received criticism over the costs of the certification process, Kuvin said they intend to make this "as lean a machine as possible with the focus on reducing the financial [burden] as well as the time burden for cardiologists. It is very important that this is not cumbersome, that it is woven into clinical practice, and that it is not costly." 

But he pointed out that building a new board will have significant costs. 

"We have to think about developing initial board certification examinations as well as changing the paradigm on continuous certification," he said. "This will take some up-front costs, and their society partners have decided that they are willing to provide some start-up funds for this. They anticipate the initial certification will remain somewhat similar in price, but the cost of ongoing continuous competency assessment will be significantly reduced compared to today's models."

Kuvin said the collaboration of the five participating US cardiovascular societies was unprecedented. But he noted that while the transition board is beginning with representatives of these individual societies, it will ultimately be independent from these societies and have its own board of directors. 

He suggested that other societies representing other parts of cardiology are also interested. "Cardiology has recognized how important this is," he said. "Everybody is excited about this."

Thu, 07 Dec 2023 08:53:00 -0600 en text/html
Symantec Retools Certification Plan

Under the new program, a solution provider with a passing grade on a Symantec security exam plus an approved vendor-neutral certification can earn one of Symantec's certifications, said Allyson Seelinger, Symantec vice president of enterprise and consumer channels. "This will help us get new partners into the program and help them get certified quickly," she said.


Symantec's Allyson Seelinger says partners will be certified more quickly.

For example, the Symantec Product Specialist (SPS) certification requires a Symantec exam plus either the Security++certification from CompTIA or the System Security Certified Practitioner certification from the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2.

Symantec overhauled its certification program in response to feedback from partners who expressed "angst" with the growing number of vendor-specific certifications in the security industry, Seelinger said.

Other vendor-neutral certifications that Symantec accepts include the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) from (ISC)2 and certain types of the SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Global Information Assurance Certification.


>> Recognizes vendor-neutral certifications.
>> Tests a broad security knowledge instead of specific products.>> Free instructor-led training for tier-one and tier-two Symantec partners.

Cupertino-based Symantec also reduced the number of certification exams to four in broad security areas such as firewall/VPN technologies and intrusion-detection, from 12 mostly product-specific tests.

In addition, the vendor is offering instructor-led training for free to its Enterprise Security and Enterprise Solutions Partners. That training usually costs about $1,000 to $2,000 per class, depending on length.

"With the large number of different certifications available, it's refreshing to see a company like Symantec build its certification process on top of robust, industry-recognized certifications," said Andrew Brinkhorst, a Lexington, Ky.-based independent security consultant and certified Symantec Technology Architect. "Customers will benefit from the more strategic or holistic approach to security that the new certification process will emphasize."

Chris Ellerman, vice president of professional services at Meridian IT Solutions, Schaumburg, Ill., said the company already has many Symantec certifications but agreed that the vendor is making the right moves.

"It makes a lot of sense because it's not just a certification that you understand Symantec products but [also] that you understand Symantec products in relation to security concepts," he said. "The security world is a process, not just a product."

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 04:37:00 -0600 text/html
Exam Procedures

Your exam invitation, or Notice to Schedule (NTS), email from Meazure Learning will have links for you to check your computer system. If you take your exam online, it is important to verify that your computer meets the minimum requirements and that you have reliable access to the Internet. An internet connection disruption will suspend the exam session. 

IMPORTANT: If taking the exam online, you must use a computer on which you have full admin access.


  • You must be alone in the room throughout the test
  • You are required to have a webcam installed on your exam workstation
  • PC computers are recommended; however MACs are also acceptable
  • Chromebooks, tablets, iPads, dual/multiple monitors, and projectors are not permitted to be used as a testing device
  • Your computer must meet the system and equipment requirements listed here

Additional Resources

  • Preview the Candidate Experience with ProctorU
  • Browse the ProctorU Resource Center 

​If you have computer system questions after following the instructions provided by Meazure Learning's schedule confirmation email, please contact Meazure Learning at +1 919-572-6880 or

Note: Meazure Learning, Scantron, and ProctorU are all one-and-the-same organization.

  • Your valid, government issued photo ID (e.g., driver's license, passport, state-issued ID card) 
  • The printed exam confirmation notice you received from Meazure Learning
  • No other items can be brought into the exam environment 
    • A calculator and any other necessary resource materials will be provided on the computer for those taking the exam electronically
    • No reference material will be allowed in any test room
    • Please note that storage space will be limited

For all CCST level exams, Units Conversion Tables will be provided to candidates in either paper format (paper/pencil exams) or accessible within the electronic test interface for reference during the exam. Click here to review the Units Conversion Tables.

It is important to be certain when selecting the method and time you want to take the exam. You may incur fees if you change the time and method of testing. Exams must be scheduled in advance as follows: 

  • Candidates in the United States and Canada: you must submit your scheduling request at least two calendar days prior to your desired exam date
  • Candidates in other countries: you must submit your scheduling request at least five calendar days prior to your desired exam date

If you are within your exam window or eligibility period, you may reschedule your exam appointment before the online and Exam Center reschedule cut-off times via the online exam scheduling system. If you are outside your exam window and want to request an extension, please contact

Changing from online exam to another online exam

There is no rescheduling fee. However, it must be changed no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment date and time.

Changing from online exam to Exam Center exam

There is no rescheduling fee. However, it must be changed at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment. Additionally, you must reschedule the new appointment no less than two calendar days in advance of the new appointment at a Meazure Learning test center.

Changing from Exam Center exam to another Exam Center exam

You will incur a rescheduling fee of 50 USD. Rescheduling fees are payable to Meazure Learning via a secure e-commerce site (credit card). The reschedule cut-off time is no later than two calendar days prior to the exam appointment. Additionally, if you are scheduling a new online exam appointment, it must be done no less than 24 hours prior to the new appointment date and time.

Reschedule Fees:

CAP Associate and CST Associate:
  • ISA members: 76 USD
  • Non-members: 95 USD
All other Certificate Programs:
  • ISA members: 120 USD
  • Non-members: 150 USD
CAP Certification Program:
  • ISA members: 108 USD 
  • Non-members: 135 USD
CCST Certificate Programs:
  • ISA members: 116 USD
  • Non-members: 145 USD

You can cancel an exam through Meazure Learning's online exam scheduling system.

  • Online exam appointments must be cancelled no less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled appointment date and time. There is no cancellation fee
  • Exam center appointments must be cancelled no less than two calendar days prior to the scheduled testing appointment. There is a cancellation fee of 50 USD payable to Meazure Learning via a secure e-commerce site (credit card)

You may retest as many times as needed, if you do not pass or if you miss your scheduled exam, within your exam window or eligibility period. However, there is a fee each time that is payable to ISA. If you need to retest or have missed your exam, you must submit a request to

If a candidate fails their exam, they may retest as many times as needed within their 12-month certification exam window or six-month certificate eligibility period. There is a fee each time retesting is needed. If a candidate does not pass the exam within the program exam deadline, the applicant must reapply for that certification or register again for the certificate course to sit for the exam.

If you fail to appear for a scheduled exam or arrive more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, you will be considered a no-show and forfeit your exam. However, you may retake a missed exam by paying a rescheduling fee to ISA if you are within your exam window or eligibility period. To request a rescheduled exam, email with your request. See exam procedures section #4, Rescheduling an Exam, for reschedule fee costs.

You may qualify for an exception if you meet certain conditions and submit documentation to Meazure Learning no later than five calendar days after the scheduled exam appointment. If the exception is approved, there will be a no-show exemption fee of 50 USD payable via secure e-commerce (credit card) and collected by Meazure Learning. Please contact Meazure Learning by phone at +1 919-572-6880 or email for more details.

All ISA certification exams are closed-book and have multiple choice questions.  They apply a modified Angoff Method to determine the pass point for each exam (learn more about the modified Angoff Method below). Our certification exams last between 3 and 4 hours and their certificate exams last two hours.

ISA does not provide a passing score; you are only notified whether you passed or failed. If you fail an exam, you will receive a score report that lists the domains and indicates the percentage of questions answered correctly within each domain. Note that the percentages are not used to calculate a candidate’s passing score.

You will see your exam results on the screen at the completion of the exam. You will also receive your exam results immediately via email from ( If you do not receive an email containing your results within 24 hours, please contact Meazure Learning by phone at +1 919-572-6880 or email for assistance. 

If you pass your exam, you will receive an email containing a digital badge from within one business day of completing the exam. To access, manage, and/or share your secure digital badge, use your email address and password to enter your BadgeCert portfolio. If it is the first time accessing your portfolio or if you have forgotten your password, click “Request new password?” on their login page to create your password. More information about using your digital badge can be found here.

Be advised that they update their databases and systems with the previous month’s exam data in the first part of the following month.  ISA will update your credential status on the “My Credentials” tab from your ISA account and in ISA's Credential Directory within the first ten (10) business days of the following month you took your exam.

Modified Angoff Method

The modified Angoff Method uses expert judgements to determine the difficulty level of the exam. The easier the exam, the higher the pass point. Likewise, the more difficult the exam, the lower the pass point. The following is a basic outline of the modified Angoff Method (some details have been omitted):

  • A group of subject matter experts (SMEs) independently rate each exam question within a given form of the exam. The ratings are defined as the probability, or likelihood, that an acceptably (minimally) competent person with the requisite education and experience will answer the question correctly. An acceptably (minimally) competent person is defined as someone who adequately performs all job functions safely and requires no further training to do so.
  • The SMEs review each exam question as a group. A statistical consensus is reached for the difficulty rating of each exam question.
  • After the data is refined, the final step is to calculate the mean, or average, of all the exam question ratings. This becomes the overall pass point estimation.
Fri, 16 Jun 2023 11:37:00 -0500 en text/html
CISSP Certification Requirements And Cost

Editorial Note: They earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect their editors' opinions or evaluations.

The Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) credential demonstrates mastery of developing and overseeing large-scale cybersecurity programs. When it comes to the best cybersecurity certifications, many consider CISSP the industry’s gold standard. Individuals who meet CISSP requirements can earn the certification and qualify to take on more professional responsibility in their cybersecurity jobs.

This guide offers information on CISSP certification requirements, including experience, suggested preparation times and CISSP certification exam costs.

What Is CISSP Certification?

CISSP certification, offered by (ISC)², is an advanced credential for information systems and cybersecurity professionals. This certification highlights an individual’s ability to create, deploy and manage cybersecurity efforts for large organizations.

CISSP certification requirements include a significant amount of professional experience and passing a lengthy exam. This credential suits experienced workers over entry-level and mid-level professionals.

Though this certification is not required by employers, it can boost candidates’ earning power and help them qualify for advanced roles in information security. CISSPs often work in positions like chief information security officer (CISO), network architect, security auditor and security manager, among others.

CISSP Certification Requirements

Aspiring CISSPs should familiarize themselves with the certification’s requirements before pursuing this credential.

Gain Experience

CISSP certification requirements stipulate that each candidate must have a minimum of five years of relevant professional experience. (ISC)² specifies eight security domains:

  • Domain 1: Security and risk management
  • Domain 2: Asset security
  • Domain 3: Security architecture and engineering
  • Domain 4: Communication and network security
  • Domain 5: Identity and access management
  • Domain 6: Security assessment and testing
  • Domain 7: Security operations
  • Domain 8: Software development security

Prospective CISSPs must accumulate experience in two of the eight domains to meet CISSP certification requirements. They can also apply (ISC)²-approved four-year college degrees and other credentials, which may qualify as a year of experience. Paid and unpaid internships also count toward the CISSP requirement.

Pass the Certification Exam

The CISSP exam covers the eight domains of security in a four-hour test comprising 125 to 175 required responses. These appear as multiple-choice questions and advanced innovative items. Test-takers must earn a 700 out of 1,000 to pass. Candidates register to take the exam with Pearson VUE.

Get Endorsed

After passing the exam, individuals can apply for endorsement online. The endorsement must come from an (ISC)²-certified professional who can advocate for your professional experience as a credential-holder in good standing. Individuals must receive endorsements within nine months of passing the exam.

Cost of Becoming a CISSP

Earning CISSP certification can deliver many professional benefits, but individuals should also understand the costs associated with pursuing the credential. Along with the required time investment, consider the following CISSP certification exam costs and any required payments relating to preparation and recertification.

CISSP Certification exam Prep

Many organizations offer prep courses for the CISSP certification exam, and their costs vary drastically. Make sure to include exam prep costs, which may range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand, in your CISSP budget. (ISC)² offers several exam prep methods, including self-paced, instructor-led and team-based options.

CISSP Certification exam Cost

The CISSP certification exam costs $749. Individuals can receive vouchers from partner organizations after completing CISSP exam training courses.

Recertification Cost

Individuals must meet CISSP recertification requirements every three years to maintain their credentials. Each certification holder must earn 120 continuing professional education (CPE) credits over this three-year period. Costs relating to CPEs can vary significantly, but each certified individual must pay an annual $125 fee to (ISC)².

Common Careers for CISSPs

Individuals who have met CISSP requirements and earned their credentials can pursue work in many information security and cybersecurity roles. As of 2023, the number of open cybersecurity roles far outpaces the number of qualified professionals, indicating strong continued demand in the sector.

We sourced salary information for this section from Payscale.

Data from indicates that among current cybersecurity openings requiring certification, CISSP ranks as the most in-demand credential. The following section explores roles for CISSP certification-holders.

Chief Information Security Officer

Average Annual Salary: Around $173,500
Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity, information security or a related field; master’s preferred
Job Description: CISOs rank among the top positions in information security for responsibility and salary. This C-suite role reports directly to the CEO and requires significant experience, practical skills and expertise in information security.

CISOs oversee their organizations’ information security efforts. Often referred to as “chief security officers,” they supervise teams of infosec workers, set organizational directives, establish company-wide best practices and manage resource allotment. CISOs working in large, international businesses may interact with government agencies and congresspeople to ensure compliance with legal standards for information security.

Information Technology Director

Average Annual Salary: Around $125,000
Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field, MBA degree often preferred
Job Description: IT directors oversee departments of IT workers and manage organizations’ computer systems operations. They provide solutions to companies’ computer-related issues, including software upgrades, security concerns and general technical issues. IT directors communicate with executives to ensure company-wide directives are carried out successfully.

These directors research new IT software and hardware to keep their organizations up to date and safe. They track metrics for managing IT professionals, along with storage, hardware and software. IT directors also handle employee schedules and budget planning. As department heads, they must possess strong communication skills to interact with mid-level professionals and C-suite executives.

Security Analyst

Average Annual Salary: Around $73,500
Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity, computer and information technology or a related field
Job Description: Security analysts work in computer systems, networks and information security departments to prevent, monitor and respond to security breaches. This broad professional title refers to workers who handle a variety of tasks in computer and network security.

These professionals work in many industries as “first responders” for cyberattacks. They must demonstrate deep knowledge of hardware, software and data storage to understand potential vulnerabilities and security solutions. Security analysts may help design security systems and handle encryption efforts for businesses to protect sensitive information.

Network Architect

Average Annual Salary: Around $126,000
Required Education: Bachelor’s degree in network engineering or a related field; master’s in cybersecurity or a related field often preferred
Job Description: Network architects design and implement organizations’ security infrastructures. These professionals test and analyze existing safety structures to identify vulnerabilities and improvements. They install and maintain computer systems, including interconnected devices like firewalls and routers.

Before deploying any updates or upgrades, these information security professionals create models to test their networks in a controlled environment. Modeling allows network architects to forecast security and traffic issues before implementing their infrastructures in the real world. They also train and educate IT workers on organizational best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions About CISSP Requirements

What are the requirements to become CISSP-certified?

The two primary CISSP requirements are passing the exam and gaining five years of relevant professional experience.

No. CISSP certification suits experienced cybersecurity and information security professionals, requiring a minimum of five years of experience in the field.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 01:12:00 -0600 Matt Whittle en-US text/html
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Tue, 29 Aug 2023 11:39:00 -0500 en text/html
Undergraduate Teacher Certification Requirements

Undergraduate Teacher Certification Requirements

Drexel offers a number of education certification and degree programs that prepare students for formal teacher certification. Once a student has successfully completed their undegraduate course of study and all qualifying teacher certification exams required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), Drexel recommends the student to the PDE for the appropriate teaching certificate.

Teaching Certification GPA Requirements

The School of Education requires that students maintain at least a "B" average (3.0 GPA) in content courses needed for teacher certification in addition to earning a grade of "B" or better in each core pedagogy course required for certification.

Pennsylvania Teacher Certification Requirements

All undergraduate students are required to obtain and submit updated and current copies of the required clearances to the School of Education annually in order to participate in classroom observations and student teaching in Pennsylvania. All full-time undergraduates will receive assistance in gaining these clearances during their first term. Non-PA students should contact their state's department of education or school district office for a list of clearances required in their state.

Teacher Certification Process

Instructional I Certification

This initial certification qualifies a teacher to teach for a maximum of six years. The six years need not be continuous. To continue teaching after the six years are completed, the teacher must receive an Instructional II Certification.

Instructional II Certification

The Instructional II Certification is considered a permanent certification. A teacher applying for Instructional II Certification must have:

  • Instructional I Certification
  • A minimum of three years and a maximum of six years of teaching experience on an Instructional I Teaching Certificate
  • 24 semester-hour (or 36 quarter-hour) credits beyond a bachelor’ degree
  • Completion of an induction program (generally provided by the teacher’ school of employment)

Elementary Certification (Grades PreK–4) and Special Education Certification (Grades PreK–8 and Grades 7–12)

The Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (PECT) are required for Grades PreK–4 and Special Education. All undergraduate and dual degree BS/MS students are required to pass the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) basic skills exam. In addition, students will be required to take the appropriate assessment exam for each area of certification they wish to obtain.

For more information about examinations and registration:

Middle Level Certification (Grades 4–8) and Secondary Certification (Grades 7–12)

All undergraduate and dual degree BS/MS students seeking certification in middle (grades 4–8) or secondary (grades 7–12) levels are required to pass exams from the PA Education Certification Tests (PECT) and the Praxis II Series. Students must pass both the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) basic skills assessment exam and the appropriate Praxis II Content Knowledge test for each area of certification they wish to obtain.

For more information about examinations and registration:

Pennsylvania Act 48 Requirements

To maintain Instructional I and Instructional II Certifications, the PDE requires a teacher to complete one of the following every five years:

  • Six semester-hour (or nine quarter-hour) credits. Credits must be acquired from an accredited, four-year, degree-granting college or university.
  • 180 hours of professional development
  • A combination of credits and professional development hours every five years.

Note: For those working to acquire Instructional II Certification, the 24 semester credits or 36 quarter credits needed to apply for Instructional II may also count toward Act 48 requirements.

Download the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Frequently Asked Questions about Act 48 [PDF].

Mon, 27 Mar 2023 02:53:00 -0500 en text/html
How To Get PMP Certification: Is PMP Certification Worth It?

Editorial Note: They earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. Commissions do not affect their editors' opinions or evaluations.

Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification can make you stand out against the competition in the field of project management. If you’ve wondered how to get PMP certification, know that you must first complete work experience, training courses and an exam.

But is PMP certification worth it? In this article, we’ll explore what it takes to get certified, how much you might have to pay and how PMP certification can help you level up your project management career.

What Is PMP Certification?

Professional certifications verify your career skills and allow you to learn more about important concepts and industry best practices that can help in your day-to-day operations.

PMP certification is the most widely recognized in the world of project management. It’s available through the Project Management Institute (PMI), which publishes the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK). The PMBOK is the Holy Grail of knowledge when it comes to project management concepts.

PMP certification demonstrates a strong understanding of the concepts set forth in the PMBOK and other reference materials. This designation can help you distinguish yourself from your peers and gain respected credentials in your field. Along the way, you’ll learn about concepts like Agile, waterfall project scheduling, leadership and business management.

How to Sign Up for PMP Certification

The first step to earning PMP certification is to begin work in the field of project management. PMP certification requires months of work experience. Precise requirements vary depending on your level of education. If you have a bachelor’s degree, you’ll need 36 months of relevant project experience to qualify for the PMP credential. Without a degree, you must complete 60 months of experience.

If you have this work experience or are working toward it, the next step is to complete at least 35 hours of formal PMP training, also called “contact hours,” or hold a current CAPM certification. You can complete contact hours through a PMP certification course, which you may take online or in person. These courses take a few weeks to a few months to complete, and they teach the concepts you should understand before taking the PMP certification exam.

Below, we’ll discuss how to get a PMP certification in more detail, including prerequisites and PMP exam costs.

PMP Certification Requirements

You must accomplish a certain amount of professional experience and formal training before you qualify for PMP certification.

If you have completed high school or an associate degree but not a bachelor’s, PMP certification requirements are as follows.

  • 60 months leading projects
  • 35 contact hours

If you have a bachelor’s degree, you must complete the following before pursuing PMP certification.

  • 36 months leading projects
  • 35 contact hours

PMP Cost

Most PMP certification training programs (through which you can earn your contact hours) range in cost from around $300 to around $3,000. Courses offered through well-known colleges and universities tend to cost more, but many also offer for-credit programs that result in undergraduate or graduate certificates. Consider a program that holds GAC accreditation when searching for courses. Free PMP certification training is available through some resources, but usually only for short trial periods.

To sit for the exam, the cost is $405 for PMI members or $575 for nonmembers.

PMP Time Commitment

How long does it take to get PMP certification? The most time-consuming part of the PMP certification process is completing the required work experience. Start documenting your work experience as soon as you consider applying for PMP certification. Once you get that experience under your belt, the rest of the certification process involves studying and scheduling your test. The time spent on this step can vary depending on your schedule and study habits, location and testing center availability.

Most PMP certification training courses take only a few weeks to a few months to complete. After that, it’s up to you how much time you spend studying for the certification exam. Retakes cost $275 for PMI members and $375 for nonmembers, so it’s best to go into the exam as prepared as possible.

PMP Renewal Costs

Once you’ve passed the PMP exam, you must complete a certain level of continuing education to keep your certification active. The renewal fee, due every three years, is $60 for PMI members or $150 for nonmembers.

Is PMP Certification Worth It?

To determine whether PMP certification is worth it to you, weigh the costs of certification against the potential benefits. Since we’ve listed the costs of PMP certification above, you likely have a good idea of the investment you’d need to make to get certified. Now, it’s time to consider your potential return on that investment.

Benefits of PMP certification

  • Salary increase. PMPs in the U.S. earn about 32% more than their non-certified peers in project management.
  • Greater respect in the industry. The Project Management Institute is the leading organization for project management knowledge and the publisher of the PMBOK. Earning PMP certification through PMI carries lots of weight in the project management industry.
  • Greater career opportunities. Holding PMP certification should make you more marketable when it comes to looking for better or different positions in project management.

Consider Your Career

Are you looking to make a career change? Move into a higher role in your current team? In either case, PMP certification could be just what you need to level up your career. As part of the certification process, you’ll learn industry best practices that you can start incorporating into your day-to-day work life immediately.

Look at Earning Potential vs. Certification Cost

According to PMI, PMP-certified professionals in the U.S. earn a median annual salary of $123,000, compared to a median of $93,000 for their non-certified colleagues. This translates to a 32% salary increase for certified PMPs.

Multiply your current salary by 1.32 to estimate your potential PMP certification salary. You can then weigh that salary increase against the cost of PMP certification training and the PMP exam. This cost vs. benefit analysis can help you understand whether PMP certification would be worth it for you.

Mon, 11 Dec 2023 23:13:00 -0600 Christin Perry en-US text/html
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Teaching Certification

Pre-certification, Initial Preparation Program

All students seeking teaching certification must be formally admitted to the Pre-certification, Initial Preparation Program (Pre-CIP). Admission to the program can occur after the student has completed 12 Bucknell University courses or their equivalents, including two courses in mathematics, one course in British or American literature, and one in composition; and achieved for the three preceding semesters an overall grade point average of at least 3.0. Appeals to this requirement may be made to the chair of the Department of Education.

* Candidates must also pass the Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment tests in reading, writing and math. Students should apply to Pre-CIP as soon as they begin considering a career in education, and no later than the start of the first semester of their junior year. Students are notified of their acceptance or rejection at the end of their sophomore year.

GPA Requirements

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania generally requires an overall grade point average of 3.0 upon completion of the program prior to recommendation for certification to teach.

Specific Requirements for Each Certification Area

All students seeking certification must take two mathematics intensive courses, one English/American literature course and one W1 writing course (in addition to the literature course).




The following are considered to be "add-on" certifications that require students to concurrently pursue certification in one of the areas above:

  • General Science (requires concurrent certification in biology, chemistry or physics): Required courses
  • ESL Program Specialist, K–12 (requires concurrent certification in Pre-K–4 or one of the 7–12, or K–12 programs listed above): Advising Worksheet and Portfolio


In addition to completing an approved program and successfully demonstrating the prescribed role competencies, the prospective teacher must be a "person of good moral character" who "possesses those personal qualities and professional knowledge and skills which warrant issuance of the requested certificate."

It is the student's responsibility to satisfy these criteria. Students should note that prior to placement in student teaching or any other field experience, they will be required to submit results of a child abuse clearance, criminal background check and fingerprinting pursuant to requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Results must indicate that there are no criminal or child abuse records.

Students in Education classes with field experiences can get help navigating the clearance process by contacting the departments Director of Professional Education.

Act 151: PA Child Abuse History Clearance

Act 34: PA Criminal History Record Check

FBI Criminal History (Fingerprint)

Certification Exams (Praxis or Pennsylvania Education Certification Test)

In addition to coursework, students must complete and submit scores from required Praxis or Pennsylvania Education Certification Test examinations to the Department of Education. Specific examinations required for each area of certification vary. Although members of the department will advise students concerning examinations, the student is responsible for taking those examinations that meet certification program requirements.

Learn more about certification testing

Applying for a Teaching Certificate in Pennsylvania

After completing the approved program of courses, the student submits an application for a Pennsylvania teaching certificate through the online Teacher Information Management System website not earlier than the first day of the month of graduation.

Following a review of the student's program, the student may be recommended for certification by the designated officer at Bucknell. As noted above, the student must pass all the competency tests required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the desired certificate.

Bucknell's certification officer is able to recommend for certification students who successfully completed one of Bucknell's teacher certification programs, passed the appropriate tests and met all other certification requirements within five years of the student's date of graduation. Because state requirements and/or curricula may change, it may not be possible to make recommendations for certification outside of this five-year window.

Applying for a Teaching Certificate in Other States

Students who desire certification in states other than Pennsylvania must understand that teacher certification is governed by state law and that each state has different requirements. Obtaining a Pennsylvania teaching certificate, by completing an approved program and meeting all other requirements, does not ensure that students will be certified in another state.

Although members of the Bucknell education department will assist students in obtaining information concerning certification in other states, as well as Pennsylvania, it is the student's responsibility to obtain current information and to meet all the certification requirements of any state.

* These requirements may be modified by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) due to COVID-19.

Tue, 06 Aug 2019 00:02:00 -0500 en text/html

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