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1D0-735 questions - CIW JavaScript Specialist Updated: 2024

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CIW JavaScript Specialist
CIW JavaScript questions

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1D0-735 CIW JavaScript Specialist
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Question: 103
What is the expected result of executing the following code block in a Web browser?
A. A pop-up alert box will display lunch tune
B. A pop-up alert box will display Work time.
C. There is an error in the code, no pop-up alert box will appear
D. Two pop-up alert boxes will appear, one will display Lunch time and one will display work time.
Answer: D
Question: 104
Consider the following code:
Which of the following is true based on the above code?
A. fever = (temp > 98.7) ? "a fever": "no fever"; is not a valid statement
B. Entering 98.7 results in the statement. "You have no fever "
C. The default value of 0 will be displayed when the page loads
D. The checktemp function will not run because it was called upon before it was defined
Answer: A
Question: 105
Consider the following code:
Ginger needs to write a script to display a pop-up alert box with the type of credit card the user selected Which of the
following code blocks should she use?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: C
Question: 106
Consider the following code:
What does line 9 do?
A. Nothing it must written as supportTicket. prototype, this, resolve = resolve; to add the properly resolved to the
custom supportTicket object
B. it add the property resolved to the original instantiated custom supportTicket object ticket1.
C. it add the property resolved to the newly instantiated custom supportTicket object ticket1.
D. it add the property resolved to all instances instantiated custom supportTicket object ticket1 and ticket2.
Answer: B
Question: 107
Juan is testing his JavaScript application, which includes the following code:
Assuming Juan enters August for his birth month and his name for firstname, what is the value of birthMonth after
executing this code?
A. August
B. Juan was born in August
C. Juan was born in August
D. What month were you born? What is your first name?
Answer: A
Question: 108
What is the expected result when executing the following scripts in a web browser?
A. A pop-up alert box will display Fair followed by a pop-up alert box displaying Bad
B. A pop-up alert box will display Poor
C. There is an error in the code, no pop-up alert box will appear
D. Two pop-up alert boxes will appear one will display Fair and one will display Poor
Answer: A
Question: 109
Which script will display Configurations, you won! In the browser when the script is run?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: B
Question: 110
Kirken needs to write a script to construct custom objects that store user account information such as a username.
password and e-mail address for a Web site.
What should he add to the following code to set these properties?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: C
Question: 111
Consider the following code:
What is the expected result of this script?
A. The word "Welcome" will be displayed in a prompt when the page loads
B. A welcome message will appear when the page loads
C. When you click the alert a welcome message will appear
D. When you click the welcome message a welcome alert will load
Answer: C
Question: 112
Jaime needs to write a script to remove all the non-digit characters from a phone number so that all that remains are
the numbers She knows that she will need to use a regular expression to search for non-digit characters and can use a
method to remove all the non-digit characters.
Which code should she use?
A. Option A
B. Option B
C. Option C
D. Option D
Answer: B
Question: 113
Consider the following code:
What change should be made to ensure that it correctly displays the value of name in all uppercase letters?
A. Line 2 should be changed to name = name . toUpperCase () ;
B. Line 2 should be changed to name .prototype . toUpperCase () ;
C. Line 3 should be changed to document. write (NAME) :
D. Line 1 should be changed to var name = new sting("Jaccb");
Answer: C
Question: 114
Consider the following code:
What text will display in the alert dialog box?
A. Ear J
B. Ar Jo
C. Ear Jo
D. Ar J
Answer: A
Question: 115
What basis code is needed to define the JavaScript function avgGrades?
A. Function avgGrades () {}
B. avgGrades function ()
C. avgGrades (){ }
D. var = function avgGrades () {}

CIW JavaScript questions - BingNews Search results CIW JavaScript questions - BingNews What's the Best JavaScript Book? Recommendations from an Expert No result found, try new keyword!With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget Do you want to learn JavaScript but don’t know where to start? Or are you tired of those long boring ... Thu, 04 Jan 2024 10:00:00 -0600 en-us text/html 36 Questions on the Way to Love

Grab a partner — friend, lover or stranger — and get ready to get intimate.

With this app, drawn from a study discussed in The New York Times and designed in consultation with the study's first author, you and a partner can test if mutual vulnerability brings you closer together.

Before you begin, you or your partner should read the following instructions aloud:

  1. For each question, one of us should read the prompt aloud, and then they should each take a turn answering before moving on.
  2. It is important to answer each question, in order.
  3. The questions are divided into three sets. Each set lasts 15 minutes.
  4. After the third set of questions, there is an optional final task.
  5. We should not rush through the questions but answer each at a normal, conversational pace.
  6. We probably won’t get to all 12 questions in each set, and that’s perfectly O.K.

For inspiration, read Mandy Len Catron's Modern Love essay, “To Fall In Love With Anyone, Do This,” the study by Arthur Aron, Edward Melinat, Elaine N. Aron, Robert Darrin Vallone and Renee J. Bator, originally published in the Personality and Social Psychology Journal (PDF) and a blog post on how the study came to be.

Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:00:00 -0600 text/html
40 Questions To Ask A Mentor

Imagine you approached someone you admired, and boldly asked that person to mentor you. And the answer was “Yes!” But a year into the relationship, those monthly mentoring sessions might not invigorate you like they used to, and aren’t quite as energizing for the mentor, either.

4 Types Of Questions To Ask A Mentor

1. Stories

To break the ice, have your mentor tell a story from his or her own career. Hey, everybody likes to talk about themselves! For example, you could inquire: “How did you get to where you are today?” or “How did you land your current role?” But you could also ask more specific questions that address your career objectives and concerns. Some questions to consider:

• Was there a time you messed up and felt like you’d failed? How did you bounce back?

• How did you learn to embrace risk-taking?

• Tell me about a accurate business setback. How did you recover?

• Think back to five years ago. Did you envision your career as it is today?

• Was there ever a role you applied for and landed, but weren't 100% qualified to do? How did you proceed?

• What do you wish you had known before taking your first management role?

• Which leadership skills were the most difficult to develop?

• Can you tell me about a time when you had a difficult boss? How did you handle the situation?

• What’s the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned and how has it proven invaluable?

• How did you develop the skill of speaking so engagingly in front of groups?

2. Situations

Now that the conversation is flowing, get more granular in your requests and bring a specific situation to your mentor--one that you’d like help navigating. For example:

• I tried to delegate a task last week and it did not go well. Can they work through what to do differently next time?

• Who are the people I need to align with in this organization to achieve success?

• My boss said I need to be more strategic. What does that mean?

• How can I let my boss know that I don’t need to be micromanaged?

• How can I stay connected to key influencers who do not work in same office or geographical area?

• When trying to gain buy-in to implement a new program, what tactics have worked for you?

• My performance review is coming up. What type of preparation do you most appreciate seeing from your employees?

• I have two very different career path options available to me. Can you weigh in to help me make a final decision?

• I'm considering a career transition. What are some other areas of the business that might be a good fit for me?

• I’ve heard that taking a stretch assignment could help my career trajectory. What are the pros and cons?

3. Self-Awareness

One of the greatest gifts you can supply yourself is the gift of self-awareness, meaning the ability to see yourself as others view you. That way, if you like how you’re perceived, you can embrace it and take steps to strengthen that positive perception. If you don’t like how you are currently perceived, you can take steps to shift that perception to a more positive one that supports, rather than undermines, your career and leadership goals.

After starting with the obvious question: “How do you think others perceive me?” become more specific, so your mentor can assist by “holding up the mirror” and providing detailed feedback on how your actions and communication are impacting the way others see you. Ask questions such as:

• How am I viewed? In other words, what's my personal brand in their organization?

• Where do you see my strengths?

• What do you see as some of my blind spots and how can I improve?

• How I am viewed by leadership?

• What do people say about me when I’m not in the room?

• Could you offer feedback on ways to Excellerate my executive presence?

• Do I come across as strategic or tactical in my day-to-day communication?

• Am I viewed as high-maintenance when I send my boss weekly status updates?

• How could I have communicated my idea more clearly?

• When I presented at the last meeting, how did I do? Did my communication style support the message I intended to deliver?

4. Skill-Building

Is there a skill you’re currently working to enhance, such as project management, long-term strategic planning, delegating, or public speaking? Use questions like these to ask your mentor for advice and resources to help you polish that skill:

• How can I become a more assertive negotiator?

• Can they role-play asking for a raise and a promotion?

• How can I become better at managing people who do not report to me?

• Do you have any quick tips for re-energizing an overworked team?

• Can you recommend a book or resource for dealing with difficult conversations?

• What practices can you recommend for dealing with nervousness when speaking to groups?

• I have been asked to facilitate a team-building activity at a staff retreat. What are some keys to success?

• What’s a good methodology or tool for project management and tracking team commitments?

• Do you have a template that you use for long-range visioning and strategic planning?

• What new skills do I need to move ahead?

With these four types of questions and their accompanying examples, you’ll never sit through another mentoring conversation wondering if the other person is finding the discussion useful. And supply this list to those whom you mentor, encouraging them to use it to maximize the value of the time you spend together.

Sun, 25 Mar 2018 07:04:00 -0500 Jo Miller en text/html
How To Ask More Powerful Questions

“I got this.”

This was my go-to line when I knew what I was doing and wanted to get my boss off my back. What I couldn’t see was how it highlighted a major mistake. I wasn’t evaluating the situation, I wasn’t asking questions. I assumed I knew all the answers, and I was usually wrong.

I didn’t realize the error in my ways until a major client rollout flopped and I had no one to blame but myself — my own stubborn belief that “I got this,” even though I clearly didn’t.

In a debrief with my boss, he said, “Aaron, when you say 'I got this' and have no concerns about a situation, that is when I get concerned.”

What he meant was that as soon as I stop asking compelling questions, I assume I know what’s going to work and stop evaluating potential outcomes and solutions. It’s a tendency they all have when they want to take the quick route. It’s what holds us back from being powerful leaders.

Why is asking powerful questions an essential leadership habit?

It provides leaders with a means to mitigate their confirmation biases and dive deep into the evaluation of a situation, a person or their team as a whole.

I had biases for how the rollout was going to play out. I’d done this before; I knew what was going to happen, so why should I look further into it? I wish I could say this was unique to me, but they all do this. Our brains are wired to jump to outcomes, to look for shortcuts.

Not sure if this relates to you? Watch this quick video to test yourself.

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize-winning behavioral economist who was the first to highlight these biases, states, “Confirmation bias comes from when you have an interpretation, and you adopt it, and then, top down, you force everything to fit that interpretation.”

This bias can be disastrous for leaders; it can hinder their decision making ability and blindside them completely. Asking powerful questions is their way around it. It can help us avoid this common miscalculation.

What does a powerful question look like?

I’m going to share a definition of and the criteria for a powerful question, but I also want to be clear there is no script for asking a powerful question. Powerful questions evoke clarity, create greater possibility, reveal new learning and generate action. Here are a few ways to determine if a question is powerful or not.

A powerful question …

Is open-ended: Ask what, when or how instead of asking a yes or no question.

Comes from a beginner’s mindset: Start by telling yourself, “I don’t know the answer.”

Is clear and succinct: Keep it simple, don’t use too many words.

Is impactful: It’s important to remember that not every question in a conversation should be powerful. In a 30-minute conversation, aim for 2-3 powerful questions.

Happens in the moment: Here is probably the most crucial point to remember about powerful questioning. You can’t plan it! Formulaic questions outlined before the conversation won’t work. You have to be in the moment.

There is no script for asking powerful questions. There is, however, an often-overlooked trait that will set you up to ask powerful questions in any situation.

What’s the trait?

Curiosity. Want to discover a master of curiosity? Find any 3-year old and watch them for an hour. They ask what, why and how to nearly everything they see in the world around them. They want to know more and do not limit themselves to the societal expectations of what’s right or wrong. They just ask.

As they get older, they are trained to lose their curiosity when it becomes clear it’s not acceptable to ask all the questions that come to mind. Instead, they go about their days having surface-level conversations, rarely digging more in-depth with a co-worker, client or even a friend.

The secret to asking more powerful questions is digging deeper. It’s triggering their 3-year old selves and reconnecting with their curiosity.

I found it hard to come up with a way to share this concept with you. I realized it’s so hard to explain because, as adults, there are very few situations where they are curious. Then I remembered riddles. They are a great way to bring the curiosity right back. Try this one out.

“What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?”

As you are studying this, trying to figure out the answer, your mind is swirling with questions and possibilities.

What kind of animal has no legs?

Is it an animal?

What else could it be?

What sorts of things have tails?

The series of questions running through your head is your curiosity showing up. It’s the little kid inside of you wanting to understand, to know. Curiosity is the genuine desire to learn more -- to explore.

To be able to evaluate people, teams or situations with greater fidelity, go back to the curious part of you that wants to explore. Instead of restricting yourself, open yourself up and allow your mind to ask any question.

Allow yourself to ask the powerful questions. You already have them in you.

Sometimes it may take priming yourself with a riddle to get you there.

“What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?”

A penny.

Mon, 18 Dec 2017 23:00:00 -0600 Aaron Levy en text/html
VA Loan and Mortgage Questions No result found, try new keyword!Do you have questions about VA loans? This section provides answers to some of the common questions regarding the VA loan process. If you're ready to move forward, your lender can answer questions ... Mon, 17 Aug 2020 20:45:00 -0500 en text/html 8 smart questions to ask before buying long-term care insurance
Senior man in rocking chair on front porch
Be sure to ask the right questions before purchasing a long-term care insurance policy. Getty Images

When preparing for retirement, the focus tends to be on your finances. After all, you need to save enough money to cover all of your expenses, which can be a tough task. But while your savings are a very important part of your retirement planning, money isn't the only factor to focus on.

As you age, the chances of needing assistance with your daily living activities increase, and if you need this care, it can be quite costly. You don't want those expenses to eat into your retirement income, so planning for the future should include the possibility of needing long-term care. And that's where long-term care insurance comes in. 

Long-term care insurance helps cover the expenses related to these types of services, whether you need skilled nursing, occupational therapy or help with dressing and eating. As such, this type of coverage can be a crucial component of your retirement plan. But before you purchase a long-term care insurance policy, it's essential to ask the right questions to make an informed decision.

Ready to get started? Learn more about your long-term care insurance options here.

8 smart questions to ask before buying long-term care insurance

Don't purchase a long-term care insurance policy before asking these important questions:

What does the long-term care insurance policy cover?

Understanding the coverage of any insurance policy is vital — and that goes for long-term care insurance, too. Before you purchase a policy, be sure to inquire about the specific services and facilities covered, such as nursing homes, assisted living, home healthcare and adult day care. You should have a clear understanding of what is included and excluded from the policy to ensure that it aligns with your needs and wants. Otherwise, the policy may not do much good if you need it in the future.

Find out what long-term care insurance options are available to you here.

When should I purchase my long-term care insurance policy?

The timing of a long-term care insurance policy is crucial, as your premiums (and policy approval) are based in large part on your age when you apply. So, be sure to explore when it's best to buy a policy, as waiting too long may result in higher premiums or potential health issues affecting eligibility. Early planning can be more cost-effective, and in many cases, the younger you are when you apply, the lower your policy costs will be.

How much coverage do I need?

Determining the amount of coverage you need is also an important part of purchasing a long-term care insurance policy. If you have too much coverage, you could be paying for benefits you don't need, but if you have too little coverage, you could end up paying a lot more out of pocket than expected if you need to use your policy in the future. 

To determine how much coverage is necessary, you may want to assess your potential long-term care needs based on factors like family health history, lifestyle and personal preferences. It may also help to consider your financial situation and decide whether you want your policy to cover the entire cost or just a portion of it.

What is the benefit amount and benefit period?

Before you purchase a policy, be sure to determine the maximum daily or monthly benefit the policy provides and the total benefit amount over the policy's lifetime. Understanding these details will help you gauge whether the coverage aligns with your potential long-term care costs — and if it doesn't, you can move on to a policy or insurer that better aligns with what you want and need.

Are there inflation protection options?

Inflation issues can erode the value of your coverage over time, as rising healthcare costs caused by inflation can quickly outpace the coverage your policy offers if you aren't careful. Luckily, many issuers offer inflation protection options as part of their policies, which typically increase your policy's benefit amounts to protect against the rising cost of care. 

So, as you shop for a policy, be sure to inquire about any inflation protection options offered by the insurer. This may be especially important if you're purchasing a policy when you're young and less likely to need quick access to your policy benefits.

What are the waiting or elimination periods?

The waiting or elimination period tied to your policy is the time you must wait after becoming eligible for benefits before coverage kicks in. Nearly every long-term care insurance policy will have some time-based restrictions in place prior to your coverage being active, and it's important to understand how that works for any policy you're considering. As you search for the right coverage, be sure to ask about the duration of the waiting period and how it may impact your out-of-pocket expenses during that time.

Is home care coverage included?

Many people prefer receiving care in the comfort of their homes rather than in a nursing home or assisted living facility. If you would prefer to be at home for your care, be sure to check whether the policy covers home care and find out if there are any restrictions or conditions associated with it.

Are there additional riders or customization options?

You should also explore any additional riders or customization options available with the policy. This could include features like shared care, where couples can pool benefits, or a return of premium rider if benefits are not used.

The bottom line

Purchasing long-term care insurance requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the policy's terms and conditions. By asking the questions outlined above, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term care needs, financial situation and personal preferences. So, take the time to research and compare policies to find the one that provides the best coverage for you.

Tue, 19 Dec 2023 05:19:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Your Top Health Questions of 2023, Answered

One thing I love about editing the Ask Well column is the camaraderie of it. Every week they answer a health question: Why am I so congested all the time? (I’ve wondered that, too!) Why does my sleep get worse as I age? (I’m right there with you.) Is my coffee habit in need of an intervention? (Pour me another while they figure it out.)

When I survey their inbox, I’m amazed at what comes in — questions that cover the joys, agonies, confusions and vulnerabilities of being a person. And luckily for us all, they get to seek out the answers.

Here are 10 of the most popular health questions of 2023.

The answer depends on your hair texture, how oily it is, whether it’s color-treated and more.

“While it may seem that getting the scalp squeaky clean and without any oils is optimal,” said Dr. Murad Alam, a dermatologist at Northwestern University, “keep in mind that the scalp is a living part of your body, and not a dinner plate in your dishwasher.”

Pain, stiffness and swelling of the joints are common complaints for older adults — and they can be the first sign of a dreaded diagnosis: arthritis. This umbrella term describes more than 100 conditions that cause inflammation in the joints. But it doesn’t have to be an inevitable result of aging. Here are some steps you can take to reduce your risk.

Maybe you stayed up too late doomscrolling, or you whipped your sheets into a tornado replaying an uncomfortable conversation. Either way, you’re wondering: Will a midday nap make up for those precious hours of lost shut-eye? The answer is complicated, they found. Here’s what naps can — and can’t — do for your health.

So you wake up every morning all stuffed up and you want to know what’s going on. Is it that cold you (and everyone else) seem to have? The anatomy of your nose? Allergies? Chronic congestion is tricky to treat, experts say, because any number of things could be causing it. But there are some ways to find relief.

If that stuffiness is indeed caused by a cold, turn to foods and drinks that are hydrating, nourishing and comforting (hello, chicken noodle soup!). Here’s a look at how nutrition can help fight your infection, along with what foods and drinks to avoid.

As a flagrant tosser and turner, I’ve noticed that the older I get, the less likely I am to wake up refreshed. It turns out there are medical reasons for that: An aging brain, certain health conditions, hormones and lifestyle changes could all be the cause. The good news is that sleepless nights are not a fate you have to live with.

Any activity that interrupts your regular eating or sleeping schedule risks backing you up. Dehydration, immobility, changing time zones and an altered diet are typically to blame. Here’s how to get things running a little more smoothly when you’re out and about.

If you spend any time on the personal-care side of social media, you’ll see video after video of influencers dousing themselves in an entire medicine cabinet’s worth of products. But simpler is often better when it comes to taking care of your face. Here’s what dermatologists say you actually need.

Raise your hand if you’re drinking coffee while studying this. Keep it raised if you’re on your second (or third or fourth) cup of the day. Coffee contains thousands of chemical compounds that may be linked to good health. But it’s also a major source of caffeine, which in excess can cause issues like jitteriness, anxiousness, nausea and trouble sleeping. While experts say that dangerous side effects from coffee-drinking are rare, it’s still possible to overdo it. Here’s how to know if you’ve poured yourself too much.

Have more questions for their health journalists? Ask Well.

Mon, 25 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
In-Season Tournament: Frequently Asked Questions

NBA In-Season Tournament Explained

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the inaugural NBA In-Season Tournament. For more information, read the In-Season Tournament 101 summary.

> What is the NBA In-Season Tournament?
The NBA In-Season Tournament is a new annual competition for all 30 teams that will debut in the 2023-24 season.

> Why is the NBA adding the In-Season Tournament?
The In-Season Tournament will provide players and teams with another competition to win, engage fans in a new way and drive additional interest in the early portion of the regular-season schedule.

> When is the In-Season Tournament?
The inaugural In-Season Tournament will tip off on Friday, Nov. 3 and culminate with the Championship on Saturday, Dec. 9. The complete schedule is here.

> Where will the In-Season Tournament be played?
All tournament games will be played in NBA team markets except the Semifinals and Championship, both of which will be held at a neutral site (T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas).

> Which teams will participate in the In-Season Tournament?
All 30 teams will participate in the first stage of the tournament, Group Play. Eight teams will advance to the second and final stage, the single-elimination Knockout Rounds.

> What does the champion of the In-Season Tournament receive?
The champion will receive a new trophy, the NBA Cup. In addition, a prize pool will be allocated to players on teams that qualify for the Knockout Rounds, with allocations increasing depending on how far a team progresses in the tournament.

> Will top performers from the In-Season Tournament be honored?
After the Championship is played, the NBA will name the Most Valuable Player of the In-Season Tournament and the All-Tournament Team. Selection will be based on the players’ performance in both Group Play and the Knockout Rounds.

> What is Group Play?
All 30 teams have been randomly drawn into groups of five within their conference based on won-loss records from the 2022-23 regular season. Each team will play four designated Group Play games – one game against each opponent in its group, with two games at home and two on the road.

Group Play games will be played on “Tournament Nights,” which will take place every Tuesday and Friday from Nov. 3-28 (with the exception of Election Day on Nov. 7). The only NBA games played on Tournament Nights will be Group Play games.

In-Season Tournament Group Draw Results

> How were the groups determined?
Before the Group Play draw, each team was placed into a “pot” based on its record from the prior regular season (2022-23). In each conference, one team from each pot was randomly selected into each of the three groups in that conference. Pot 1 had the teams with the three best prior-season records in a conference, Pot 2 had the teams with the fourth- through sixth-best prior-season records in a conference, and so on through Pot 5.

> Which teams advance to the Knockout Rounds?
Eight teams will advance to the Knockout Rounds: the team with the best standing in Group Play games in each of the six groups and one “wild card” team from each conference. The wild card will be the team from each conference with the best record in Group Play games that finished second in its group.

> What are the Knockout Rounds?
The Knockout Rounds will consist of single-elimination games in the Quarterfinals (Dec. 4-5), Semifinals (Dec. 7) and Championship (Dec. 9).

> How does the In-Season Tournament affect the regular season?
Every team will still play an 82-game regular season. All In-Season Tournament games will count toward the regular-season standings except the Championship, which will sit outside the regular season.

> Why are there two games labeled as “TBD” on each team’s 2023-24 regular-season schedule?
Every team will play two regular-season games (including the In-Season Tournament Quarterfinals and Semifinals for qualifying teams) during the week of Dec. 4. The 22 teams that do not qualify for the Knockout Rounds will play two regular-season games during tournament off nights that week (Dec. 6 & 8). The four teams that lose in the Quarterfinals will play a regular-season game on Dec. 8.

> What is the schedule for Group Play?
The game and broadcast schedule for Group Play was announced on Aug. 15.

Sat, 08 Jul 2023 11:42:00 -0500 en text/html
ChatGPT struggles to answer medical questions, new research finds

CNN  — 

ChatGPT might not be a cure-all for answers to medical questions, a new study suggests.

Researchers at Long Island University posed 39 medication-related queries to the free version of the artificial intelligence chatbot, all of which were practice questions from the university’s College of Pharmacy drug information service. The software’s answers were then compared with responses written and reviewed by trained pharmacists.

The study found that ChatGPT provided accurate responses to only about 10 of the questions, or about a quarter of the total. For the other 29 prompts, the answers were incomplete or inaccurate, or they did not address the questions.

The findings were presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Society for Health-Systems Pharmacists in Anaheim, California.

ChatGPT, OpenAI’s experimental AI chatbot, was released in November 2022 and became the fastest-growing consumer application in history, with nearly 100 million people registering within two months.

Given that popularity, the researchers’ interest was sparked by concern that their students, other pharmacists and ordinary consumers would turn to resources like ChatGPT to explore questions about their health and medication plans, said Sara Grossman, an associate professor of pharmacy practice at Long Island University and one of the study’s authors.

Those queries, they found, often yielded inaccurate – or even dangerous – responses.

In one question, for example, researchers asked ChatGPT whether the Covid-19 antiviral medication Paxlovid and the blood-pressure lowering medication verapamil would react with each other in the body. ChatGPT responded that taking the two medications together would yield no adverse effects.

In reality, people who take both medications might have a large drop in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness and fainting. For patients taking both, clinicians often create patient-specific plans, including lowering the dose of verapamil or cautioning the person to get up slowly from a sitting position, Grossman said.

ChatGPT’s guidance, she added, would have put people in harm’s way.

“Using ChatGPT to address this question would put a patient at risk for an unwanted and preventable drug interaction,” Grossman wrote in an email to CNN.

When the researchers asked the chatbot for scientific references to support each of its responses, they found that the software could provide them for only eight of the questions they asked. And in each case, they were surprised to find that ChatGPT was fabricating references.

At first glance, the citations looked legitimate: They were often formatted appropriately, provided URLs and were listed under legitimate scientific journals. But when the team attempted to find the referenced articles, they realized that ChatGPT had given them fictional citations.

In one case, the researchers asked ChatGPT how to convert spinal injection doses of the muscle spasm medication baclofen to corresponding oral doses. Grossman’s team could not find a scientifically established dose conversion ratio, but ChatGPT put forth a single conversion rate and cited two medical organizations’ guidance, she said.

However, neither organization provides any official guidance on the dose conversion rate. In fact, the conversion factor that ChatGPT suggested had never been scientifically established. The software also provided an example calculation for the dose conversion but with a critical mistake: It mixed up units when calculating the oral dose, throwing off the dose recommendation by a factor of 1,000.

If that guidance was followed by a health care professional, Grossman said, they might supply a patient an oral baclofen dose 1,000 times lower than required, which could cause withdrawal symptoms like hallucinations and seizures.

“There were numerous errors and “problems’ with this response and ultimately, it could have a profound impact on patient care,” she wrote.

The Long Island University study is not the first to raise concerns about ChatGPT’s fictional citations. Previous research has also documented that, when asked medical questions, ChatGPT can create deceptive forgeries of scientific references, even listing the names of real authors with previous publications in scientific journals.

Grossman, who had worked little with the software before the study, was surprised by how confidently ChatGPT was able to synthesize information nearly instantaneously, answers that would take trained professionals hours to compile.

“The responses were phrased in a very professional and sophisticated manner, and it just seemed it can contribute to a sense of confidence in the accuracy of the tool,” she said. “A user, a consumer, or others that may not be able to discern can be swayed by the appearance of authority.”

A spokesperson for OpenAI, the organization that develops ChatGPT, said it advises users not to rely on responses as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

The spokesperson pointed to ChatGPT’s usage policies, which indicate that “OpenAI’s models are not fine-tuned to provide medical information.” The policy also states that the models should never be used to provide “diagnostic or treatment services for serious medical conditions.”

Although Grossman was unsure of how many people use ChatGPT to address medication questions, she raised concerns that they could use the chatbot like they would search for medical advice on search engines like Google.

“People are always looking for instantaneous responses when they have this at their fingertips,” Grossman said. “I think that this is just another approach of using ‘Dr. Google’ and other seemingly easy methods of obtaining information.”

For online medical information, she recommended that consumers use governmental websites that provide reputable information, like the National Institutes of Health’s MedlinePlus page.

Still, Grossman doesn’t believe that online answers can replace the advice of a health care professional.

“[Websites are] maybe one starting point, but they can take their providers out of the picture when looking for information about medications that are directly applicable to them,” she said. “But it may not be applicable to the patients themselves because of their personal case, and every patient is different. So the authority here should not be removed from the picture: the healthcare professional, the prescriber, the patient’s physicians.”

Sat, 09 Dec 2023 23:49:00 -0600 en text/html

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