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IIA-CIA-Part2 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement test format |
Sun, 27 Dec 2015 21:39:00 -0600text/html Certified Paralegal test Preparation

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Tue, 29 Aug 2023 11:39:00 -0500 en text/html
Document Examination


To determine authenticity and authorship.


The specifics of an investigation will depend on the nature of the document being studied (e.g., historical or personal) and the goals of the inquiry. Generally speaking, a document will be examined from three different aspects: historical, scientific, and stylistic.


Tips on how to authenticate a document by comparing handwriting.

Historical Analysis

It is virtually impossible to pinpoint the age of an undated document, but there may be clues to the era. If it is a printed piece - say a greeting card - the method of printing, address, and even the stamp may be important.

At the very least, materials and techniques must be consistent with place and time. Many forgeries are identified by the presence of materials that didn’t exist at the time alleged.

Scientific Analysis

A detailed paper analysis will detect every shred of physical evidence concealed in a document.

Stylistic Analysis

Comparisons of style are essential for authentication. Penmanship, cultural phrasing, and form of address can help to identify both the era and author. Handwriting comparisons can authenticate a signature or manuscript.

In some cases, all of it taken together can’t solve a historical puzzle. For example, there are five known manuscript copies of the Gettysburg Address. Testing has proved that all are authentic Lincoln documents. But it will never prove, definitively, which of the five Lincoln actually read from at Gettysburg.

Mon, 20 Mar 2023 10:19:00 -0500 text/html
Nursing test Pass Rates Appear to Be Rising. Why?

In January 2023, they reported on the reasons why nursing test pass rates fell in 2020 and 2021. In this report, they follow up on what has happened since.

During the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the share of candidates who passed the national licensure test to work as a registered nurse fell sharply, from 88.2% to 82.5%, for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, with a smaller decline -- from 72.8% to 68.9% -- for all candidates, including internationally educated and repeat test-takers.

In 2022, pass rates continued to drop, averaging 79.9% (8 percentage points lower than in 2019) for first-time U.S.-educated candidates, and 63.4% for all candidates, the lowest point in the last decade.

In 2023, to most experts' surprise, that spiral appears to be turning around.

Things Are Looking Up

The reason for this reversal depends on whom you ask. Test developers have argued that rates improved due to radical transparency and massive outreach to stakeholders, while some online critics have suggested the test simply got easier. Other nurse educators agreed that the increased transparency and outreach impacted rates, but worry those same measures exacerbated a culture of "teaching to the test."

Understanding trends in test pass rates also requires context.

Year-to-Date NCLEX Pass rates for 2023

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) produces the test that aspiring nurses take to gain licensure: the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). This test uses computerized adaptive testing, which means each test-taker gets virtually a different exam, the difficulty of which changes based on the response given.

Every 3 years, the NCSBN assesses the pass rates for the test and determines whether the current passing standard is appropriate. If the NCSBN's board of directors decides that the level of clinical judgment required of nurses in practice has increased, it can vote to raise the passing standard.

In December 2022, the NCSBN's board voted to keep the current passing standard on the NCLEX through March 31, 2026. Months later, on April 1, the NCSBN launched the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN), a new version of the NCLEX that aims to more effectively measure test-takers' clinical judgment.

Anytime a new test is introduced, pass rates tend to dip by a few percentage points in the first two to three quarters, explained Philip Dickison, PhD, RN, CEO of the NCSBN. He said he was naturally a bit concerned about a new test compounding the "drastic drop in the ability curve" seen during the pandemic, "but it was still the right thing to do."

Keith Rischer, PhD, RN, a nurse educator and owner of KeithRN, a nursing education company, recalled that the last major change to the NCLEX occurred when the passing standard was raised by 0.16 percentage points in 2012. Pass rates fell more than 7 percentage points -- from 90.34% for first-time candidates to 83.04% -- in a single year.

While the NCSBN kept the same passing standard in 2022, the stronger emphasis on clinical judgment and the "unique six-question case studies" in the NGN was predicted to increase the difficulty of the test in some respects.

"There was an anticipation that this was going to be another precipitous decline in NCLEX pass rates," Rischer said.

Post-Pandemic Rebound

However, that wasn't what happened. Instead, preliminary data showed a jump in pass rates, from 79.9% in 2022 to 88.6% in 2023, for all first-time U.S.-educated candidates. Importantly, the 2023 data exclude the fourth quarter of the calendar year, which typically has the lowest pass rate, experts noted.

Still, Dickison said he was "pretty amazed" at the speed of the recovery. Some viewed the change as a "huge increase," but he stressed that rates were starting from a low baseline following a 3-year period when other variables, namely pandemic-related disruptions, impacted pass rates.

"What I think you're seeing ... is that they have rebounded to pre-pandemic ability levels in their measurements," he said.

Dickison credits the rebound to NCSBN's decision to let educators, regulators, and -- controversially -- preparatory groups "under the hood" of the new test for several years before the NGN actually launched.

"The idea was to be as transparent as possible to all stakeholders," Dickison said. This meant leveraging opportunities at conferences and during webinars, and sharing what to expect of the new test -- from case studies and measurement models -- in newsletters. Dickison also credited educators for the big role they played in helping prepare students.

Rayna Letourneau, PhD, RN, executive director of the Florida Center for Nursing, said that while some nurse educators have noted the test has gotten "too easy," she suggested that perhaps the NGN is simply "a more logical way to measure what nursing students are being taught."

Similarly, she attributes the rise in pass rates to the focus on increased resources and preparation of candidates, including the implementation of "student success" coaching programs.

Teaching to the Test?

Rischer seemed to have a different view, pointing out that the NGN offers partial credit for certain "select-all-that-apply" multiple-choice questions. He said that he believes the real reason for improved pass rates is a shift in nursing education, though he added that his hypothesis is, at this point, "conjecture."

"What they have in the nursing literature for over almost 50 years ... is this widening gap between how nursing is taught in the university and college settings and how it's actually practiced at the bedside," he said. "We're not preparing their graduates for real-world practice realities."

Rischer said he grew even more concerned when he learned from online discussions that some professors were using NGN trial items to teach first-semester students.

"That's called teaching to the test," he argued. Instead of teaching students "alternative multiple-choice items, they need to be teaching their students the open-ended thinking of clinical practice."

For example, for a patient who had an appendectomy, Rischer said the appropriate steps are to take vital signs and conduct a head-to-toe assessment.

"There is not a 'select-all-that apply' multiple-choice item on your forehead that I could say, 'You know what? This is the correct answer,'" he added, noting that the NCSBN "is part of the problem." Currently, the primary mechanism that state nursing boards use to measure a program's performance is their first-time pass rate on the NCLEX, which only "reinforc[es] this unhealthy culture of teaching to the test."

The end result of that, as studies have shown, is that "currently less than 10% [of new nurses] have what practice partners would say is entry-level clinical judgment competency," Rischer said, citing a 2021 study. "Complications develop when a nurse doesn't notice or recognize what's most important until it's too late. So ... clinical judgment competency is a big deal. And teaching to the test ... isn't going to solve that."

He said one solution is to move away from first-time test-taker metrics and potentially allow students to take the test twice and then average their score.

Another, more dramatic, change would be to include a skills test or what Rischer calls "demonstrable competencies" for essential skills involved in clinical decision making, which could be evaluated by an "objective observer."

"It will take more time. It will take more money, but this is something that they can and should be doing," he said.

'Not the Only Measurement'

For his part, Dickison noted that the NGN, like any exam, has limitations.

While it "measures your cognitive and your thinking ability, their test does not measure the affective domain, doesn't measure character," he said. For example, the test cannot assess a "less-than-acceptable social interaction" a student has with a professor, nor does the test know which student is always late to class.

"If they don't show up to class on time every day, that might be a [sign] that they're not going to show up to a patient when they need to," Dickison explained. "That's why you have a regulatory system. That's why they have an education [system] ... these all have to work together. If you don't pass the NCLEX, you don't go to work, but it is not the only measurement that tells us they have a good nurse."

  • Shannon Firth has been reporting on health policy as MedPage Today's Washington correspondent since 2014. She is also a member of the site's Enterprise & Investigative Reporting team. Follow

Sun, 31 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
'Isolation' During Examination- The New Normal No result found, try new keyword!Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish’s works are seeped in the sights and sounds and sorrows of his beloved homeland. Author, scholar and thinker Hussein Barghouthi, diagnosed with lymphoma ... Wed, 02 Sep 2020 04:39:00 -0500 en-US text/html Office of the Registrar

General Final test Information

GeneralFinal exams will be generated by the Registrar’s Office according to an test matrix on or about the last day of the add/drop period for the term for any course that has 'Yes' indicated for a Final test in the catalog. The day and time of the first class meeting during the week determine the date and time for each exam. Courses that meet outside the normal university block scheduling will be scheduled within the time block that best fits the schedule without creating conflicts for students.

Exam times are as follows:

  • 8 – 11 a.m.
  • 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
  • 3 – 6 p.m.
  • 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

While test blocks are three hours long, the real length of the test is determined by the instructor.

If examination days are postponed because of weather conditions, the first make-up day is documented on the academic calendar.

Faculty should review their test schedule just after the last day of add/drop. If an test was not generated or changes are needed, please email: Requests for final exams, combined exams, etc. will not be accepted after the mid-semester evaluation date for the term in question. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific date information.

Common Exams

  • Faculty should plan to administer a separate test for each section of a course that they are teaching.
  • Requests for common exams must be approved by the Dean AND the course must have, at minimum, three (3) class sections to be considered for common test scheduling. 
  • Requests should be submitted by email to: no later than the mid-semester evaluation date for said term, and all requests are subject to classroom availability.
  • Common Finals will need to be applied to all sections of a course not to individual instructors.
  • Common test Finals will be assigned to a common test block. 
    • Students who are scheduled for two common exams at the same time should check with their instructors to see which test has priority.

Note: Requests for combined exams will not be accepted after the mid-semester evaluation date for the term in question. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific date information.

Examination Conflicts

If a student has three (or more) finals scheduled on the same test day, the student has the right to ask that a make up test (or exams) be scheduled to reduce the number of exams in each day to two. Under these circumstances, required courses1 take priority, so the student should make every effort to arrange the make-up test for a non-required course with the respective instructor. Likewise, if a student has two finals scheduled in the same test period, the required course takes priority; the student should schedule a make-up test for the non-required conflicting course with the respective instructor. If for any reason a mutually agreeable solution between the student and the instructor cannot be achieved, the student should see his or her college dean immediately.

Students – If you have questions regarding any of your final exams, please contact your instructor directly. Instructors should reach out by email to: if an test update is needed in SiS.

1'Required courses' refers to whichever course is required toward that specific student’s degree pathway.

Final Exams for Hybrid and Virtual Class Sections

Exams (including final exams) for fully virtual classes should be administered virtually, as that is the modality which students selected. Exceptions to hold on-campus exams require deans' approval. An email (noting the approval) should be sent by email to: so that the test location may be updated – exceptions are subject to room availability. If approved, faculty must indicate the alternate test format in their course syllabus and accommodate students who are unable to attend in-person exams.

If a class section is hybrid (includes both an in-person meeting and either an online or virtual meeting pattern), then the final test will be assigned as in-person, but the instructor may request the final test to be virtual/online depending on the modes of instruction of the hybrid section. Hybrid courses also include courses that have more than one component with different modes of instruction (i.e., the lecture portion is virtual, but the recitation is in-person) and the instructor may decide whether or not the final test is in-person in this scenario as well. Any requests for final test updates should be sent by email to:

Undergraduate and Graduate Final Exams (Day-school Sections)

  • Faculty are not required to administer cumulative final examinations and should assess their students as appropriate to their discipline and course content. If an test is assigned and will not be taking place, please email:
  • Faculty who opts to administer final examinations must do so at the time and place specified by the Registrar's Office and listed in SiS. All day-school sections that are noted in the catalog with 'Yes' for final exam, will have a final test block generated.
  • Final take-home examinations or final papers must not be due earlier than the time that the Registrar's Office has scheduled the final examination for the course in question (although instructors may opt to allow such examinations or papers to be submitted early).
    • Note: If an academic program requires that students take final examinations for accreditation purposes, faculty are expected to adhere to the requirements of their accrediting organization.
  • Graduate class sections may opt to administer their final exams on the last day of regular class meetings (week prior to the final test period) but should contact scheduling if this is what they decide and need to remove a final test block that was generated for their class section.
  • For any course with a final test during the test period, no hour-examination (or major paper or project) shall be administered or due during the last five academic days of the semester unless the college dean has allowed an exemption.

Graduate, Online and Professional Studies Final Exams (GPS Sections)

Graduate, Online and Professional Studies sections (section number typically begins with '0') take place on the final on-campus meeting day for that section (usually the week prior to the final test period) – please see the on-campus course dates on Graduate, Online and Professional Studies website for the final meeting date (not to be confused with the course session dates).

If a GPS section is 'matched' (combined) with a day-school section (example ACCT 2010 201 and ACCT 2010 001), the final test will follow day-school guidelines and an test block will be assigned for both sections in SIS.

Classroom Reservations During the Final test Period

Classroom reservations for ad hoc needs during the final test period (review sessions, test accommodations, makeup exams, etc.) will be accepted one week prior to the final test period. Please email scheduling for these requests.

Makeup Examinations

Individual makeup exams should be coordinated between the student and instructor as needed and should take place through the UMass Lowell Testing Centers or in a department location (please do not use academic classrooms for individual makeup exams without a confirmed reservation).

If an entire class needs to makeup an test due to an unforeseen circumstance or emergency, the test should be rescheduled by emailing: Makeup exams for classes should take place during the regular examination period. 

The university final test makeup dates listed on the university calendar are only to be used for inclement weather or other unanticipated university closure and should not be used as final test dates for individual student or class makeup exams.

Disability Services Support & Resources

Students who are registered with the Disability Services Office and have been approved for an extended time accommodation: if you have two exams scheduled on the same day, you may reschedule one of the exams if it has been confirmed that both exams are scheduled to use the entire 3-hour block. Please refer to the instructions under Examination Conflicts listed above to do so. For any other accommodation or disability-related question or concern, please contact by email: or visit Disability Services website for faculty and student resources.

Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:42:00 -0600 en text/html
IIA Qatar conducts training on emerging enterprise risks

Participants during the ‘Emerging Enterprise Risks with Evolving and Effective Control’ webinar, recently.

Doha, Qatar: The Institute of Internal Auditors Qatar Chapter conducted training on ‘Emerging Enterprise Risks with Evolving and Effective Control’ by Tejjashree Rao, Chief Internal Auditor of British American Tobacco, UK, Middle East and Africa Regional Operations and Global Technology. The session focused on three areas: Emerging Risks Landscape, Controls and effective management of emerging risks.

Tejjashree mentioned the Emerging risks landscape as “The perfect storm of high-impact interlocking risks faced by organizations.” Top risks were listed as macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty, Digital Transformation, Cyber and data security, Human capital and talent management, and ESG.

“The emerging risks to move from reactive (measure & manage) to proactive (sense and respond) risk management. Predictive risk identification requires techniques like Horizon Scanning and Key Risk Indicators (KRI), Continuous monitoring, and Data analytics for audit risk assessments. Dynamic Risk Prioritization involves using risk velocity to gauge which emerging risks need immediate attention and warrant an audit. Adaptive Risk Response uses Agile Audit Principles to refine the design of controls as the risk evolves,” Tejjashree explained.

Macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty risk-related controls that should be in place are scenario planning, liquidity management, financial modeling, and operational resilience. The consideration for audit is continuous monitoring with stakeholders.

Digital transformation risk requires control by aligning project benefits to the organization’s strategic goals and a robust program Governance, Oversight, and Status Reporting. “Internal audit should add more ‘Advisory reviews’ on the plan for key projects to provide real-time inputs as the project progresses through its lifecycle,” stated Shree as a solution.

Cyber and Data Security risk mitigation controls consist of Cyber Incident Response and Recovery Plans, Identity and Access Management Policies and Standards, and Cyber threat intelligence and monitoring procedures. Internal audits should consider Automated Continuous Control Monitoring reports to provide a more real-time view of vulnerable areas.

Human capital and talent management risk cannot be taken lightly by auditors. Conducting thematic culture audits covering identified hotspots and additional audit ratings for management risk awareness and control culture is recommended. “During all audits, evaluate how the Function/business area is mitigating People risks,” Shree enforced.

The main aspects of ESG risks and controls are to monitor progress made against ESG goals and regulatory requirements from international laws on ESG. Focus is to be given to ESG Data Management, especially on those metrics that are externally reported.

“The training imparted invaluable insights into emerging risks, effective internal control, and internal audit preparedness. Shree emphasized auditors deliver value through planned assurance and continuous controls monitoring, insights & foresight through increased automation & data analytics, and an improved organizational risk & control culture. The perspectives provided were compelling, relatable, and adaptable,” Sundaresan Rajeswar, Board Member, said in his concluding remarks.

Girish Jain, seminar chair, conducted the Question and Answers session and opened the meeting. Robert Abboud, Past President of the IIA, spoke during the closing session.

Sun, 17 Dec 2023 21:41:00 -0600 en text/html
‘Conduct detailed inquiry into GSSSB test irregularities’ Ahmedabad: After one more instance of irregularities in exams conducted by the Gujarat Subordinate Services Selection Board (GSSSB) came to the fore, the Gujarat high court has ordered the recruiting agency to get the home department to either conduct a comprehensive inquiry into it or probe through a specialized agency to restore its credibility.
Justice Nikhil Kariel ordered the government to take a decision about the probe by Tuesday, failing which the court will pass an appropriate order.
The GSSSB conducted a recruitment process for the posts of assistant tribal development officer in 2022. However, 11 selected candidates were not given the appointments.
When they found themselves higher in the merit list than those appointed, one of them approached the HC through advocate Rajvi Patel, who complained that the recruiting agency did not even respond why her client was not given the appointment.
When the HC inquired, the state government submitted that complaints of malpractice were received in the examination and upon preliminary inquiry, it was found that there were certain OMR sheets, in which the same answers were given to 150 questions. The board also suspected an “insider job”.
Upon hearing this, Justice Kariel on Wednesday inquired why the recruitment process was not cancelled if the board felt that there was something suspicious about it.
“How can you say that this is restricted to only this exam? If a person resorts to illegal means in one exam, he would do it in other exams too. If there is irregularity in one process, why would that not be in the other exams?” the judge questioned.
The HC asked GSSSB to rope in the state home secretary for a comprehensive inquiry “failing which all the selection processes conducted by this body would fall under the realm of suspicion. It would not be that all the employees would be compromised, but it is about the integrity of the entire body”.
The judge further said this was serious and questioned, “Why heads should not have rolled by now? Why are you still groping in the dark?” Lately, GSSSB has been mired in controversy over paper leaks in different recruitment processes.
We also published the following articles recently
High court halts selection process of 250 PGTs conducted by HPSC
The Punjab and Haryana high court has restrained the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) from conducting subject knowledge test for the post of Post Graduate Teachers (PGT). The court passed these orders while reserving its order on the plea filed by Parmila, a resident of Neerpur, Mahendergarh district, Haryana. The petitioner is aggrieved on account of the alleged arbitrariness in the selection process being undertaken by the HPSC.
BSE Odisha 10th Board test 2024 date sheet announced; AI-powered cameras to monitor the conduct of exams
AI-powered cameras will be installed in strong rooms and examination centres to monitor the conduct of class 10 board exams in Odisha. The footage will be web-casted to the Board of Secondary Education (BSE) headquarters. BSE president announced that 5,51,611 students have registered for the exams at 2,991 centres. The exams will be held from February 20 to March 4. The first language Odia paper test will be on February 20, while the Mathematics paper will be on February 26. Evaluation process starts on March 15.
NTA to conduct UGC NET December 6 test tomorrow for Chennai and Nellore candidates: Here is why
The UGC NET test 2023, conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), has been rescheduled to December 14 for candidates from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, and Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, who were affected by Cyclone Michaung. This decision was made due to the significant logistical challenges caused by the cyclone's landfall, preventing many candidates from reaching their test centers. The cyclonic storm caused extensive damage across Chennai, coastal Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. The additional test on December 14 will cover all subjects originally scheduled for December 6, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for the affected candidates.
Thu, 14 Dec 2023 23:57:00 -0600 en text/html

IIA-CIA-Part2 test format - Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement Updated: 2024

Pass4sure IIA-CIA-Part2 dumps real question bank
Exam Code: IIA-CIA-Part2 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement test format January 2024 by team

IIA-CIA-Part2 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement

Test Detail:
The IIA-CIA-Part2 exam, also known as Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2: Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement, is a certification test offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA). It is designed to assess the knowledge and skills of internal auditors in planning, executing, and reporting on internal audit engagements. The test evaluates candidates' understanding of the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and their ability to apply internal audit principles in real-world scenarios.

Course Outline:
The IIA-CIA-Part2 course provides comprehensive training on conducting internal audit engagements. It covers various courses related to the planning, execution, and reporting phases of an internal audit engagement. While the specific course content may vary, the following is a general outline of the key courses covered:

1. Governance and Risk Management:
- Understanding the role of internal audit in governance and risk management.
- Assessing the effectiveness of internal controls.
- Identifying and evaluating risks in the organization.
- Developing an internal audit plan based on risk assessment.

2. Conducting the Engagement:
- Gathering and analyzing relevant information for the audit engagement.
- Planning the audit approach and scope.
- Executing the audit procedures and testing controls.
- Documenting audit findings and workpapers.

3. Communication and Reporting:
- Preparing clear and concise audit reports.
- Communicating audit findings to management and stakeholders.
- Following up on audit recommendations and actions.
- Demonstrating professionalism and ethical behavior in reporting.

4. Fraud Risks and Controls:
- Understanding fraud risks and the role of internal audit in fraud prevention and detection.
- Evaluating fraud risks and implementing appropriate controls.
- Conducting investigations and reporting on fraud incidents.

5. Internal Audit Engagement Tools and Techniques:
- Utilizing data analytics and technology in internal audit engagements.
- Applying sampling techniques and statistical analysis.
- Using software and tools for audit documentation and workflow management.

Exam Objectives:
The IIA-CIA-Part2 test evaluates candidates' knowledge and skills in conducting internal audit engagements. The test objectives include, but are not limited to:

1. Internal Audit Engagement Planning:
- Developing an engagement plan based on risk assessment.
- Identifying audit objectives, scope, and resource requirements.
- Applying the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

2. Execution of the Engagement:
- Performing audit procedures and testing controls.
- Evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls.
- Gathering and analyzing relevant information for the audit.

3. Communication and Reporting:
- Preparing audit reports and communicating findings.
- Documenting workpapers and audit evidence.
- Following up on audit recommendations and actions.

4. Fraud Risks and Controls:
- Understanding fraud risks and implementing appropriate controls.
- Conducting investigations and reporting on fraud incidents.
- Applying ethical principles and professional conduct.

The IIA-CIA-Part2 course syllabus provides a detailed breakdown of the courses covered in the training program. It includes specific learning objectives, case studies, and practical exercises. The syllabus may cover the following areas:

- Governance and Risk Management
- Conducting the Engagement
- Communication and Reporting
- Fraud Risks and Controls
- Internal Audit Engagement Tools and Techniques
Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement
IIA Conducting test format

Other IIA exams

CCSA Certification in Control Self-Assessment (IIA-CCSA)
CFSA Certified Financial Services Auditor (IIA-CFSA)
IIA-CIA-Part1 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 1, The Internal Audit Activitys Role in Governance, Risk, and Control
IIA-CIA-Part2 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the Internal Audit Engagement
IIA-CIA-Part3 Certified Internal Auditor - Part 3, Business Analysis and Information Technology
IIA-CRMA Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA)
IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing
IIA-CRMA-ADV Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA Advanced)

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Certified Internal Auditor - Part 2, Conducting the
Internal Audit Engagement
Question: 500
During an audit of a retail organization, an internal auditor found a scheme in which the warehouse director and the
purchasing agent diverted approximately $500,000 of goods to their own warehouse, then sold the goods to third
parties. The fraud was not found earlier since the warehouse director updated the perpetual inventory records and
then forwarded receiving reports to the accounts payable department for processing. Which of the following
procedures would have most likely led to the discovery of the missing materials and the fraud?
A. Select a random trial of receiving reports and trace to the recording in the perpetual inventory records.
Note differences and investigate by type of product.
B. Select a random trial of purchase orders and trace to receiving reports and to the records in the
accounts payable department.
C. Take an annual physical inventory, reconciling amounts with the perpetual inventory records. Note the
pattern of differences and investigate.
D. Select a random trial of sales invoices and trace to the perpetual inventory records to see if inventory
was on hand. Investigate any differences.
Answer: C
options are clearly written.
Question: 501
Which of the following factors would increase the confidence level in a variables sampling plan?
A. A larger trial size.
II. A stratified sample.
III. A larger standard deviation.
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III
Answer: A
proper answer.
Question: 502
In a sampling application, the group of items about which the auditor wants to estimate some characteristic is
called the.
A. Population.
B. Attribute of interest.
C. Sample.
D. Sampling unit.
Answer: A
answer is perfect.
Question: 503
An internal auditor would most likely use attributes sampling when testing which of the following?
A. Accounts receivable balances.
B. Correct coding of accounts payable disbursement vouchers.
C. Year-end inventory value.
D. Fixed asset book value.
Answer: B
answer is perfect.
Question: 504
An audit department has received anonymous information that an employee has allegedly been able to steal and
cash checks sent to the organization by customers. What is the most efficient way for an auditor to determine how
this type of fraud could occur and who might be the perpetrator?
A. Confirm accounts receivable.
B. Confirm accounts payable.
C. Review the endorsements and banks of deposit on customers canceled checks.
D. Flowchart and analyze key controls in the cash receipts process.
Answer: D
Best answer.
Question: 505
If an auditor used nonstatistical sampling instead of statistical sampling to estimate the value of inventory, which
of the following would be true?
A. The confidence level could not be quantified.
B. The precision would be larger.
C. The projected value of inventory would be less reliable.
D. The risk of incorrect acceptance would be higher.
Answer: A
Question: 506
Which of the following audit techniques provides for continuous monitoring and analysis of computer transactions
for detailed auditing?
A. Integrated test facility.
B. Parallel simul-ation.
C. Test data.
D. Embedded audit routines.
Answer: D
answer is right.
Question: 507
Access control software on an organizations mainframe computer records detailed information concerning both
successful and unsuccessful log-on attempts to applications. Which of the following audit tools would be best
suited to review the access information that has been recorded?
A. Generalized audit software.
B. Flowcharting.
C. Integrated test facility.
D. Test data.
Answer: A
Question: 508
Which of the following would provide the greatest assurance of the accuracy of a computer programs computation
of freight charges for catalog sales?
A. Use discovery sampling, selecting transactions from invoices which should have freight charges added to
B. Use either test data or parallel simul-ation to test the computer application.
C. Use difference estimation, selecting transactions from invoices which should have freight charges added to
D. Use generalized audit software to select a monetary-unit trial of invoices that have been billed to
Answer: B
absolute answer.
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Final test solution

The Final test will be Monday, December 12 from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Prof. Hess will be available for last-minute questions on Monday in ME 3003B.

  • 9:30-10:30 am
  • 11:30 am - 1 pm
  • 1:30-3 pm

All students will take the test in CL50.

Some additional notes regarding the Final Exam:

  • The test will cover material from Lecture 30 (Gear Geometry) to Lecture 43 (GD&T) on the course schedule.
  • The test format will be similar to Exams 1 and 2 and to the exams posted on the course website: 25% short-answer questions and 75% work-out problems.
  • The test is closed-book and closed-note
    • Final test equation sheet (will be provided with the exam)
    • You may also bring an 8.5" x 11" crib sheet to the exam.  The crib sheet must be turned in with the exam.
  • The test will follow ME's calculator policy.

Final test from previous semesters

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Sample Entrance Exam
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Sample Entrance Exam

Word Police exams consist of questions similar to the ones below. Here beneath each question we've told you which answer is correct, and explained why.

When you are taking an real exam, once you've answered all five questions, press the "Submit answers" button to have your responses scored. If you're not sure of the answer to any question, why not take your best guess? (No points are deducted for wrong answers.) You'll need to get at least four answers right to be allowed to proceed. On the next page, you will be asked a final question that you must answer correctly in order to pass the exam.

The real exams provide a clue about the intent of the questions that isn't available here -- namely, that each of them is the test for a particular squad or division. The questions on the entrance test for any given squad will have to do with that squad's specialty. So, for example, on the entrance test for the Number Unit, the focus of the questions will tend to be grammatical number (say, "the Word Police is ..." or "the Word Police are ..."?).

1. When Word Police officers perform their duties properly, fewer/less crimes against the language occur.


Fewer is for things that can be counted ("one crime, two crimes ..."; "The fewer crimes the better"). Less is for things that pile up as amounts, not numbers of items, and aren't countable ("There hasn't been much criminal activity lately"; "There's been less criminal activity than usual"). Because crimes falls into the former class of things, fewer is the only correct choice here. (See pages 191-192 in Word Court.)

2. While on duty, you see your neighbor Mr. Smith discarding a candy wrapper on the sidewalk. You pick it up, say in your most cheerful tone, "You dropped something. Here you are!" and hand it back to him. Afterward, should you keep the matter between you and him, between he and the Word Police Force, or between you and he?

Between you and him
Between he and the Word Police Force
Between you and he

Any pronoun that comes after between ought to be one that can be used as a grammatical object (as in "The Word Police want us"), not one that is used as a subject (for example, "We want to join the Word Police"). He is a subjective pronoun, so neither the second nor the third answer can be correct. You can be either kind of pronoun, and him is objective, so "between you and him" is the right answer. (See pages 130-134 in Word Court.)

3. Which is correct?

"It's a dull officer who spends all their time shining their badge."
"It's a dull officer who spends all her time shining her badge."
"It's a dull officer that spends all its time shining its badge."

An officer can't be plural. Nor is an officer neuter (its). An officer certainly can be female, though, so "... spends all her time ..." is fine. The second answer is the correct one. (See pages 28-32 in Word Court.)

4. With which statement do you agree?

"A Word Police officer must see that poetic justice is done everyday."
"A Word Police officer can't concern himself with poetic justice on an every day basis."
"A Word Police officer must at least try to see that poetic justice is done every day."

Once again, the real issue here is which of these statements is worded correctly. See those variations of everyday? Everyday, one word, is an adjective, and so when that's the form used, it's supposed to be modifying a noun. Every day is an adverb or a noun phrase. In the first answer, the adjective everyday is being used as if it were an adverb, modifying a verb; and in the second one, the adverb every day is being used as if it were an adjective, modifying a noun. Only in the third answer does the adverbial form match an adverbial function; this answer is correct. (See pages 190-191 in Word Court.)

5. Is this alright?


Alright is a very informal spelling. Standard English calls for all right. So no, it's not all right, thank you very much. No, indeed. (See page 153 in Word Court.)

Proceed to the entrance exam
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