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IFSEA-CFM learn - IFSEA Certified Food Manager Updated: 2024

Just memorize these IFSEA-CFM questions before you go for test.
Exam Code: IFSEA-CFM IFSEA Certified Food Manager learn January 2024 by team

IFSEA-CFM IFSEA Certified Food Manager

Passing Percent – 70%

Number of questions – 80

IFSEA reaches beyond common culinary and restaurant professions, assisting professionals working behind the scenes and those seeking management roles as well. They hold annual conferences, culinary competitions, and award ceremonies to network and discuss current happenings, but mostly to have fun.

We also work on charitable programs such as certifications for homeless veterans. Our connections in the industry have helped countless individuals.

IFSEA membership is perfect for executive chefs, restaurant owners, catering directors, food suppliers, professionals, or students new to the industry. Let us help you broaden your skills and foster relationships needed to reach executive levels within the food service and hospitality industry. Other advantages include:

Culinary Competition

Meeting New Professionals & Life-Long Friends

Education Seminars

Training Programs

Updates on Industry Trends & News

Access to Job Openings & Postings

Assisting with the Development of the Food Service Profession

Food Service Executive Certifications

Student Scholarships & Mentorships

Culinary Competitions

IFSEA Meetups

Students are required to be in a room, monitored by someone who is NOT
providing the direct instruction for the certification, except under extremely limited conditions.
If only one individual is approved by IFSEA as a proctor, then the teacher of the material may
proctor the exams and must be independently monitored by a second individual who does not
provide direct instruction for the certification content to the individuals taking the test.

There are 932 questions in the Classmarker databank, spread across 9 GFI tests and 4 IFSEA
tests. Most of the tests these questions came from have 80 questions, two have 150 questions.
Those questions came from this bank of questions, which were not changed at all, the same
questions reside on one of the 8 other subjects that GFI and IFSEA use. With their experience
about what you need to “know, be and do,” they selected from the data bank questions in 5
subjects – food safety, food service management, customer service, culinary nutrition and
culinary. There are 16 questions in each of those areas. The test was recently updated,
keeping in mind what would be good things for someone new or fairly new to their industry to

In order to provide the teachers with the material to provide the 150 hours of training required, they will
provide them with the PowerPoint slide shows for each of the 5 testing areas. For adults, each
of those takes 6 to 8 hours of training, a full day. The teachers can pick out of this information,
what information they would like to use. They will also provide the shorter (90 or so slides) slide
show which is more test specific. They also have a spreadsheet indicating on that short version,
where the questions are answered, which will help the teachers to cover the broad subject
matter to be taught, being sure to cover the specific questions as well.

IFSEA Certified Food Manager
Food Certified learn

Other Food exams

ACF-CCP ACF Certified Cooking Professional
FSMC Food Service Manager Certification
IFSEA-CFM IFSEA Certified Food Manager
NRA-FPM NRA ServSafe Food Protection Manager

We are doing great struggle to provide you genuine IFSEA-CFM dumps with real questions and answers, alongside explanations. Each question on has been confirmed by IFSEA-CFM certified specialists. They are exceptionally qualified and confirmed people, who have numerous times of expert experience identified with the IFSEA-CFM exam. Memorizing their real questions is enough to pass IFSEA-CFM test with high marks.
IFSEA Certified Food Manager
Question: 68
Sarah is making pasta salad for a school picnic. How should she cool the cooked
pasta before using it in the salad?
A. By placing the pasta in the refrigerator
B. By placing the pasta in an ice-water bath
C. By leaving it on the kitchen counter until it cools
D. Any of these methods is safe
Answer: B
Sarah should cool the pasta for her pasta salad by placing it in an ice-water bath.
Cooked food must cool from 135F to below 70F within the first 2 hours of
cooling time. Pathogens grow faster in this temperature range. Food then has four
hours to safely cool from 70F to below 41F. Hot pasta placed in the refrigerator
may not cool fast enough to prevent the growth of pathogens.
Question: 69
Which of the following is a safe method for handling ice used for service?
A. Scooping ice from ice machine with a serving glass
B. Using bare hands to scoop ice from ice machine
C. Storing the ice scoop inside the ice machine
D. None of the above methods is safe
Answer: D
None of the above methods is safe for handling ice used for service. Ice should
only be removed from the ice machine using a clean sanitized scoop that is only
used for handling ice. The ice scoop should be stored in a protected location
outside the ice machine. Never use hands or a serving glass to scoop ice from the
ice machine.
Question: 70
For an IPM program to be successful, what must pests be denied?
A. Food and water
B. Access to the building
C. A safe hiding place
D. All of the above
Answer: D
For an IPM program to be successful, pests must be denied food and water, access
to the building and a safe hiding place. Keeping pests out of your operation is
easier than eliminating an infestation. A PCO can work with you to make the
operation less attractive to pests.
Question: 71
When receiving raw frozen fish shipped on ice, how should you check the
temperature of the fish?
A. By checking the ice temperature
B. By inserting a thermometer into the fish
C. By inserting a thermometer under the fish
D. By wrapping a frozen fish around the thermometer
Answer: B
When receiving raw frozen fish shipped on ice, you should check the temperature
of the fish by inserting a thermometer into the fish. You should insert the
thermometer into the thickest part of the fish. If the fish is not frozen properly, the
shipment should be rejected.
Question: 72
The container that raw shucked shellfish is shipped in should be labeled with the
packers name, address and what other piece of information?
A. Website address
B. Phone number
C. Certification number
D. All of the above
Answer: C
The container that raw shucked shellfish is shipped in should be labeled with the
packers name, address and certification number. This label indicates to the
receiver that the shellfish is from a reliable source. If the label information is
missing or incomplete, the shipment should not be accepted.
Question: 73
How long does sushi-grade fish need to be frozen at -4F?
A. At least 15 hours
B. At least 24 hours
C. At least 4 hours
D. At least 1 hour
Answer: B
Sushi-grade fish needs to be frozen at -4F for at least 24 hours. Sushi-grade fish
has specific handling instructions to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. The fish
supplier is required to provide records of the freezing process to ensure the fish
was handled safely.
Question: 74
Cliff is always looking for ways to work more efficiently. While receiving his
restaurants food shipment, he decides to prop open the freezer door. Is this a
good idea?
A. Yes, food will be moved to the freezer faster.
B. No, propping the door open will lower the freezer temperature.
C. No, the propped open door is a trip hazard.
D. Yes, the receiving area will be cooled by the open door.
Answer: B
While Cliff is receiving his restaurants food shipment, it is a bad idea to prop
open the freezer door because the open door will lower the freezer temperature.
The freezer door should be firmly closed between trips in and out of the freezer.
Cold air curtains can be added if keeping the door closed is not enough to
maintain freezer temperature.
For More exams visit
Kill your test at First Attempt....Guaranteed!

Food Certified learn - BingNews Search results Food Certified learn - BingNews Champaign County Food Safety Training Classes offered

Submitted story

Did you know OSU Champaign County Extension office offers in-person food safety training and certification classes?

The Ohio Department of Health now requires all food service facilities licensed at a ‘Risk Level 3 or higher’ to have a least on staff person who has completed an ODH approved level 2 food safety training course.

Champaign County Extension Office can offer ServSafe™ in person classes, or the online courses at your own speed and schedule, then proctor an test at their office.

To learn more about the food safety training classes they offer please contact their office at 937-484-1526 to be provided a brochure, or you can review details online at

Submitted by OSU Extension/Champaign County

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 09:21:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Jan. 10: Learn about the employment and training services available to SNAP recipients

MANCHESTER, NH – Join us on Wednesday, January 10 to learn about the NH SNAP Employment and Training Services (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Food Stamps)

Individuals who receive NH SNAP may be eligible for employment and training support services.  New Hampshire SNAP Employment and Training (SNAP E&T)

is a voluntary workforce program for SNAP recipients aimed to Improve the economic mobility of every participant by providing high-quality job training, education, and support services.

Dina DiGregorio Karlon, the Career & Training Coordinator for SNAP E&T Program will be here to discuss the services available to your participants.

Who: Anyone who works with individuals and/or families with low/moderate income should attend

When: Wednesday, January 10, 2024  –  9:30 – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Manchester Community Resource Center (MCRCnh), 434 Lake Avenue

RSVP:  on or before 1/8/2023 

For more information on SNAP E&T,

Snow Date will be January 11, at 9:30 a.m. 

Tue, 26 Dec 2023 03:14:00 -0600 Press Release en-US text/html
Learning to Love What Nourishes My Son

For me, the most important thing about the holidays is food. I love cooking almost as much as I love eating. For Thanksgiving, I cook turkey. For Christmas, prime rib. And the stars of the show are the side dishes: green beans, mashed potatoes, roasted Brussels sprouts, and, of course, pie. As a mother, when I serve my family food, it isn’t just food—it represents love.

But that perception was challenged when my son, James, was born with medically intensive disabilities. I wanted my son to have a positive relationship with food, even though he is fed through a tube. To do that, I had to tackle my own emotional baggage about what it means to feed my family.

James’ relationship with food is complicated. He was tube fed for most of his early life, first with formula, and later with food processed in a blender. Now, at age 12, he gets about half of his calories from food and relies on Pediasure—vitamin-fortified formula—to get enough calories. For years, I felt guilty about the Pediasure. Every can made me feel like I was failing to deliver him “real” food. It took me years to accept that food doesn’t have a moral value. Feeding your child easily digestible food so they get adequate nutrition isn’t a weakness. Food doesn’t have to be a source of joy. It can simply be a source of nourishment.

This isn’t so much a story about how my son learned to eat as it is a story about how I came to terms with how he eats. The fact that my son hated food from a young age because his disabilities made the act of eating painful and scary made every mealtime hard. And for the longest time, I blamed myself.

Guilt in the NICU

In my rational mind, I know that I’m a good mother. But maternal guilt—especially around dietary choices—is common. My guilt around feeding started when my son was in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). I wanted to breastfeed. I’d memorized the adage “breast is best,” especially for the tiniest and sickest babies. I had breastfed my older child and easily transitioned to pumping when I went back to work. But the stress of pumping for a NICU baby was overwhelming. The hospital where my son spent most of his first year was a three-hour drive from their home. When I arrived at the hospital, I was desperate to see him, but I had to go to the pumping room instead. I couldn’t hold my own baby, and he couldn’t cry because of the tubes down his throat. So I played YouTube videos of babies crying to try and trigger the letdown reflex. It didn’t work. I could never release enough milk.

In my rational mind, I knew I wasn’t failing my son. All his medical needs were being met, and he was growing. But the decision to stop pumping and feed my son formula was hard. I felt so much pressure to keep pumping. It didn’t help that my son rejected every normal formula and had to be fed expensive specialty formula directly into his small intestines because of near-constant vomiting.

A Tube-Feeding Odyssey

During the early years, tube feeding solved a problem. My son was tiny and sick. To get better, he had to grow. To do that, he needed calories.

But tube feeding also created problems. My son had severe oral aversion—anything that touched his mouth triggered his gag reflex. He wouldn’t take a bottle or a pacifier or even put his fingers in his mouth. That meant he missed out on forming the neural-motor connections that pave the way for eating and speaking.

As a pathological overachiever, I didn’t want to just tube feed my child. I wanted to be the best at tube feeding. As they struggled to find a formula that worked, my son’s doctor suggested a blended-food diet but didn’t provide much guidance on how to do it. I started with baby food, then slowly started blending normal food and putting it through the tube. Through trial and error, I figured out the best, most calorically dense and nutritionally complete blended diet. The whole family worked to blend a month’s worth of food, made from bananas, carrots, spinach, eggs, and flax seed.

All the work I put into blending food was important for my son’s health—and my mental health. Having normal food in his stomach solved James’ constant vomiting and made the process of feeding him somewhat more normal. At a meal, everyone else would eat food from a plate and he would have blended food through the tube to his stomach. For me, making blended food instead of just opening a can and pouring it into the feeding pump made me feel like I was doing my job as a mom.

Learning to Eat

Swallowing involves about 50 tiny muscles in the mouth, tongue, and throat. Dysphagia is when something goes wrong in that process. Treating dysphagia in a medically fragile baby who’s never eaten and can’t understand detailed instructions is incredibly difficult.

There are formal therapy programs that are supposed to help children like my son learn to eat. But there aren’t enough speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists who specialize in children, especially those with special health care needs. Our local hospital had feeding therapists with special training in medically complex children. But their program had a years-long waitlist. Feeding therapy teaches children to overcome their aversion to tastes and textures by breaking down the process of chewing and swallowing food into small steps the child can practice.

There was another barrier to getting feeding therapy. My son needed to pass a swallow study (a medical test to make sure the things he swallowed went to his stomach and not his lungs). But he couldn’t pass a swallow study because he didn’t know how to swallow. The system wasn’t set up to work, so it fell to me to fix it.

To get my son to eat, I had to help him overcome his oral aversion. To do that, I tried to present him with different kinds of food to eat consistently and without pressure. I did OK with consistency, but I put pressure both on him and on myself. Our parent-child dynamic worked with mobility and speech because he wanted to move and communicate. The dynamic fell apart with food because he didn’t want to eat. The textures, tastes, and physical skills needed were overwhelming for him, and so was the pressure I put on him.

In the end, it was Pediasure that started my son’s journey toward enjoying food. One day, he discovered the taste of Pediasure from chewing a hole in his feeding pump line when he was teething. He became willing to eat vanilla Pediasure. He didn’t have the oral skills to suck on a bottle or drink from a cup, but the feeding pump could deliver a few drops of formula into his mouth at a time in a way that didn’t scare him.


As he grew, James alternated between hating food and wanting to participate in the thing everybody else was doing. He was particularly obsessed with frozen yogurt shops. He would be so excited to pull the yogurt handle and scoop the toppings that he would promise to eat it. Then he would get his perfect, beautiful frozen yogurt and cry. It was heartbreaking. Until one day, at age 4, he took his first bite of frozen yogurt. It was a single bite, and he didn’t like it, but it was a really big deal.

I pinned all my hopes on an inpatient feeding program at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, a five-hour drive from where they live in California’s Central Valley. The program is the only one of its kind in California and is created specifically for medically complex children who didn’t learn to eat as babies. My son went through the program the summer after kindergarten. Usually, kids stay with their parent in a special room that is set up to feel more like home than a hospital, but my son had to sleep in the ICU because of his ventilator. Those were the hardest three weeks of my life because it was all about food and it was all out of my control. In reality, it had always been out of my control.

The inpatient program worked enough to be considered a success. When my son entered the program he could only eat a single graham cracker. He left the program able to eat a white-bread-and-American-cheese sandwich with the crusts cut off. It took him about half an hour to do that. However, eating food was physically exhausting for the muscles in his jaws and he still needed to chug a Pediasure for concentrated calories.

I still felt like a failure. Now, instead of nutritionally and calorically perfect blended food in his tube, he was living on Pediasure and graham crackers. He knew how to eat, but it was a Pyrrhic victory because now every mealtime was a battle of wills. He was willing to eat food, but he resented it and physically struggled with each bite. Meanwhile I was genuinely afraid that he wasn’t consuming enough calories to live. That fear wasn’t in my head. Medically fragile kids are frequently underweight, because being sick all the time burns a ton of calories. At every medical appointment, James was weighed and I was tasked with figuring out a way for him to eat more and gain more weight.  

It turned out that vegetarian food was key to getting him to eat more.  Meat and other protein-dense foods are harder to chew and swallow than starchy foods. Vegetarian entrées like beans and tofu were easier for him to manage, with the side benefit of being healthy for the rest of the family. He started to enjoy trips to the farmers market, and could eat a few bites of whatever he chooses (and wash it down with Pediasure).

I wish I could say there was something I did that made him turn the corner, but I think it was just time. After a couple years of seeing eating as a chore, James got good enough at it to start actually enjoying some foods. That was always my goal: I didn’t want him to just eat food, I wanted him to love food.

The process was a learning experience for me. I had to relax and let him progress at his own pace. I had to understand that even when he loves a new food, he still needs to rely on “safe” and easy foods for most of his calories. Plain communication also helped. If James doesn’t like a lasagna I’ve made, for example, he’ll tell me.

These days, my son doesn’t love all the holiday foods, but he does eat the things he likes. He skips the Halloween candy because it has too many weird textures, but he enjoys trick-or-treating. For Thanksgiving he’ll eat a few bites of anything as long as it’s covered in gravy. During Christmas season, there is one dessert he adores: vanilla meringue cookies that are soft enough to melt in your mouth. His palate may not be expansive, but for me the most important thing is that he’s finally able to find joy in food. That’s all I ever wanted for him.

This story was produced in collaboration with the California Health Report.

Tue, 02 Jan 2024 07:59:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Clark County to offer free composter-recycling training in 2024

Clark County’s Composter Recycler program is accepting applications for a no-cost seven-course training program.

Participants who complete the training become certified Composter Recyclers and join a group of environmental advocates who want to learn about low-waste living and share sustainability information with the community.

The training prepares participants to take steps to reduce food waste, replace chemical products with do-it-yourself green cleaners, and collect contaminant-free recyclables at home. Certified Composter Recyclers will then share what they learn with the community through volunteer service hours.

As part of the training, participants receive a compost bin and a green cleaning kit. The classes will be held in-person from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday evenings.

The trainings include the following: preventing food waste (Jan. 31); backyard composting (Feb. 7); worm bin composting (Feb. 21); lasagna garden composting (Feb. 28); green cleaning (March 6); reduce, reuse, recycle (March 13); and sustainability ambassador orientation (March 20).

For more information about the program call 564-397-7333 or email

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 05:41:00 -0600 text/html
How to shop for the best food for dogs, according to experts No result found, try new keyword!The best dog food of 2024 includes wet, dry and grain-free dog food from brands like Purina, Royal Canin, The Farmer's Dog, Merrick and more. Wed, 03 Jan 2024 08:51:42 -0600 en-us text/html The best dry food for your dog depends on their breed size, age and more No result found, try new keyword!The best dry dog food to keep your pet satisfied and healthy. Shop Hill’s, Iams, Purina, Royal Canin and more at retailers like Chewy, Petco and Amazon. Tue, 02 Jan 2024 08:12:48 -0600 en-us text/html Restaurants, Food and Drink

A new year is upon us, and while that may be daunting for some, there’s nothing like a little liquid courage to help you hit the ground running in 2024. From wine tastings and festivals to educational events and delectable dinners, here’s a sampling of local beer and wine events to check out in the coming months.

Napa Valley Mustard Celebration: January through March, various Napa Valley venues. Enjoy three months of special events including mustard inspired culinary delights, wine tastings and art exhibitions. Prices vary according to event.

Food & Wine Pairing Lab: 3 p.m. Jan. 7, Domenico Winery, 1697 Industrial Road, San Carlos. Can you create perfect pairings or are you paralyzed by the rules? Come play with your food and wine at this fabulous event featuring a live class with Master Sommelier David Glancy, a guided tasting of 6 Domenico wines, and a selection of small bites for pairing. $150.

Bordeaux Around the World: 7:30 p.m. Jan. 12, The Academy SF, 2166 Market St., San Francisco. Join Wine Director Michael Wells for an exclusive seated wine tasting featuring five Bordeaux-style wines from around the world. From classic French elegance to bold global expressions, each pour promises a journey through unique terroirs. $45.

Napa Truffle Festival: Jan. 12-15, various Napa Valley venues. Savor some of the finest truffle cuisine in the world, paired with magnificent wines amidst the splendor of world-class Napa wineries. Learn the trade traits of truffles from the best Michelin star and master chefs, explore a working truffle orchard and see where and how truffles are harvested. Prices vary according to event.

Winter Wineland: Jan. 13-14, various Sonoma County locations. Explore Sonoma’s Wine Road at the 30th anniversary Winter Wineland. Taste current vintages, restock your cellar and chat with other wine lovers while exploring more than 50 local wineries. $75-$95.

Sonoma Cutrer Wine Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Jan. 18, 1520 Lakeside Drive, Oakland. Lake Chalet Seafood Bar & Grill is proud to partner with Sonoma Cutrer’s Award Winning Wines for a five-course wine dinner prepared by Executive Chef Ray Wurtz and hosted by Sonoma Cutrer’s Head Winemaker, Cara Morrison. $110.

Wine Class World Tour – Tokaj: 6:30 p.m. Jan. 18, Compline Wine Shop, 1300 First St., Napa. Get ready to tour the legendary wine region of Tokaj with Eric Danc, one of America’s premier Tokaj importers. Learn all about Furmint while tasting some of Hungary’s most historic wines in a range of dry to sweet styles. $75.

Napa Valley Restaurant Week: Jan. 19-28, various Napa venues. For ten full days, Napa Valley’s world-class restaurants will be offering exclusive deals on inventive epicurean meals and experiences. Celebrate the gastronomy of Napa Valley with this showcase of premium ingredients and farm-fresh produce presented by talented chefs. Prices vary according to event.

Forest Bathing and Wine Tasting: 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 20, 1000 Vineyard Lane, Sonoma. Kick back with an immersive forest bathing and wine tasting experience. A certified Nature Therapy Guide will guide you through Japanese meditative practices, and afterwards, you’ll be seated for a curated tasting of local wines. $150.

Burgundy Masterclass: 6 p.m. Jan. 25, Napa Valley Wine Academy, 2501 Oak St., Napa. Join Mary Margaret McCamic, Master of Wine, in a comprehensive exploration of Burgundy. Using six wines from this revered wine region, she will dive into the relevance and determinants of quality, sense of place, winemaking trends and evolving styles. $129.

Seafood & Sips Mendocino: Jan. 26-Feb. 4, various Mendocino venues. This annual salute to the sea offers an extravaganza of all things crustacean. Belly up for a round-up of epicurean adventures including a Sparkling Wine & Oyster Celebration, a Crab Cake Cook-Off & Wine Tasting Competition and a family-style Cioppino Feast. Prices vary according to event.

Pinots for Paws: Jan. 27-28, Dutton Estate Winery, 8757 Green Valley Road, Sebastopol. Sip, savor, and support the Sonoma County Humane Society during this event which features wine tastings, a puppy kissing booth and pet supply drive. Free admission, RSVP required.

Lodi Wine & Chocolate Weekend: Feb. 2-4, various Lodi venues. Fall in love with this premiere winegrowing region while sampling renowned Lodi wines and delicious chocolate pairings at one of Northern California’s most popular and decadent weekend experiences. Event offerings include various winery experiences, tours and the crowd favorite Winemaker’s Toast. $75-$125.

Dry Creek Vineyard Barrel Tasting: 12 to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 3, 3770 Lambert Bridge Road, Healdsburg. Deconstruct the rich history and techniques of classical winemaking in Dry Creek Valley with tastes directly from the barrel. Enjoy the ambience of the cellar as you interact with the winemaking team, taste barrel samples, sip limited-production wines and nibble delicious bites. $40.

Calistoga Wine Experience: 1 to 4 p.m. Feb. 3, Fort Mason Center for Arts & Culture, San Francisco. Come out for this rare opportunity to taste Calistoga wines with the genuine winemakers and winery owners, plus enjoy an array of artisan cheeses, charcuterie and other small bites to pair with these world-class wines. $125-$250.

Great Sonoma Crab and Wine Fest: 4 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 3, Sonoma County Fairgrounds, 1350 Bennett Valley Road, Santa Rosa. Come out to the 34th annual festival for fabulous pairings of wine, gourmet hors d’oeuvres, fresh Sonoma Coast crab and accompaniments and a live auction. $150.

V. Sattui Barrel Tasting & New Release Party: 6 to 9:30 p.m. Feb. 3, 1111 White Lane, St. Helena. Taste the 2023 vintage straight from the barrel during this party that features tastes from more than 60 wines, hearty food stations and live music from the Calvin Keys Quartet. $135-$150.

Winter & Wine – 6th Annual Sip with Soroptimist: 6:30 to 10 p.m. Feb. 3, 1189 Washington St., Benicia. Enjoy an evening of winter fun and wine tasting at the charming Benicia Clock Tower. Indulge in a variety of exquisite wines while enjoying the cozy atmosphere and mingling with fellow wine enthusiasts. $85.

Chinese New Year at Breathless Wines: 5 p.m. Feb. 9, 499 Moore Lane, Healdsburg. Celebrate the Year of the Dragon at Breathless Wines with dim sum, tarot readings and tons of sparkling Lunar New Year delights. $35.

Sierra Nevada Brewing's Can vs. Tap Taste Off during the 2012 SF Beer Week Opening Celebration, February 10, 2012, Concourse Exhibition Center, San Francisco, CA. Photo by Brian Stechschulte.
Sierra Nevada Brewing’s Can vs. Tap Taste Off during the 2012 SF Beer Week Opening Celebration, February 10, 2012, Concourse Exhibition Center, San Francisco, CA. (Photo by Brian Stechschulte). 

SF Beer Week 2024: Feb. 9-18, various Bay Area locations. This 10-day event celebrates the vast community of Bay Area beer lovers and brew makers with hundreds of tours, tastings, whimsical events and more. Prices vary according to event.

The Bistro 24th Double IPA Festival: 12 to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 10, 1001 B St., Hayward. Enjoy an epic celebration of craft beer promising to be every hop lover’s paradise. This street festival offers a remarkable selection of over 80 Double IPAs from renowned local breweries to sip and savor. $80 to $100.

Sweethearts Beer and Wine Festival: 12 to 5 p.m. Feb. 10, 335 North Eighth Ave., Oakdale. This annual festival offers a vast selection of beer and wine from local breweries and wineries, showcasing the finest flavors of the region. Discover new favorites, trial unique blends, and learn about the art of brewing from experts in the field. $50 to $100.

Anderson Valley White Wine Weekend: Feb. 17-18, various Anderson Valley venues. Escape to the beautiful Anderson Valley for a weekend of white wine, sparkling, rose, and more. Wineries along the wine road will welcome you with exclusive wine flights, food pairings and special library tastings. $95-$145.

Sip And Sketch Happy Hour: 4 p.m. Feb. 24, 2301 Hardies Lane, Santa Rosa. Come out to Schulz Museum for a fun day of drinking and drawing. Get inspiration from the museum galleries and work with professional cartoonist Justin Thompson to learn how to draw emotions while enjoying adult beverages.

Pigs & Pinot: March 15-16, Hotel Healdsburg, 25 Matheson St., Healdsburg. This celebratory weekend offers a series of intimate dining and educational events hosted by the highly acclaimed Chef Charlie Palmer. A cast of Master Sommeliers, iconic winemakers and celebrity chefs will showcase some of the world’s greatest Pinot Noirs with perfect pork pairings. $275.

San Mateo Wine Festival: March 23-24, 1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo. Come out to the grand San Mateo Event Center to raise a glass and enjoy a weekend designed to indulge your passion for wine, spirits, casual bites, shopping and live music. $79-$99.

Pebble Beach Food & Wine: April 4-7, Pebble Beach Resorts. Land. Sea. Food. Wine. Over the course of four days, 125 global chefs, 150 wineries, mixologists, sommeliers, and beverage personalities will gather for this premier food and wine destination event.  Find updated ticket information at

Have a wine, beer or spirits event to add? Submit it online at

Fri, 05 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0600 Brittany Delay en-US text/html
Where Food Comes From, Inc. Acquires Upcycled Certified® Program as Reducing Food Waste Through Upcycling Becomes Fastest Growing Consumer Trend

CASTLE ROCK, Colo., Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Where Food Comes From, Inc. (WFCF) (Nasdaq: WFCF), the most trusted resource for independent, third-party verification of food production practices in North America, today announced it has acquired the Upcycled Certified® Program from the Upcycled Food Association.

Upcycled Certified, the world’s first and largest provider of certification for upcycled food, has emerged as a dynamic force that is reshaping the way manufacturers valorize all parts of the food chain and avoid food waste. Upcycled Certified is now one of the fastest-growing certification seals in the food industry, providing consumers a tangible solution to shop sustainably. There are currently 93 companies with more than 480 products certified to the standard, including leading Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies such as Del Monte and Kerry Ingredients. These products are responsible for diverting an average of 390,000 tons of food waste annually since the Program’s launch less than three years ago.

The acquisition comes at a time when upcycling is gaining in relevance and popularity. Over the last three years upcycling consistently tops food trends lists, including Food Tank, Kroger, Forbes and Whole Foods Market. Data from retail insights firm SPINs show that 51% of consumers are more likely to buy a product identified as Upcycled Certified, signifying significant consumer acceptance and demand.

“The upcycled food movement is closely aligned with broader sustainability trends in the United States and around the world,” said John Saunders, chairman and CEO of Where Food Comes From. “This acquisition enables Where Food Comes From to meet growing consumer demand for products that contain upcycled food ingredients. As the exclusive certification body for the standard since early 2021 – and as the most diverse food verification body in the country with more than 17,000 customers – they are ideally suited to take Upcycled Certified to the next level of growth. Our first order of business following the ownership transition will be to make it easier and more cost effective for brands, grocery retailers and foodservice operators to engage with the standard, ultimately expanding the offering of upcycled products and making it easier for consumers to eat well and be a part of the food waste solution. Our long-term objective is to make Upcycled Certified a ubiquitous standard and a meaningful component of their overall revenue mix.”

Angie Crone, CEO of the Upcycled Food Association (UFA), added, “UFA is thrilled that Upcycled Certified has become part of the Where Food Comes From family of certifications. Given the scale of the food waste crisis, growing demands on their natural resources, and increasing food insecurity, they need to work collaboratively and as quickly as possible to transform their food system into one where food is valued and never wasted. Due to its high profile in the food verification industry, they believe WFCF is the ideal partner to help further their mission to accelerate the upcycled food movement for impact at scale.”

The Upcycled Standard, developed by the Upcycled Food Association, is designed to reduce food waste by promoting the upcycled food economy. Upcycled products use ingredients that have full nutritional value and are safe but for various reasons would have gone to waste. Operators that grow, produce, manufacture, process, and trade in food, beverages and other food-related products are eligible to apply for Upcycled Certified. These operators must demonstrate that ingredients they handle have been procured and produced using verifiable supply chains.

According to Project Drawdown, decreasing food waste is the number one solution to reducing the need for land and resources used to produce food as well as the greenhouse gases released in the process. Yet, in the U.S. alone an estimated 40% of all food grown annually is unsold or uneaten. ReFED, a leading food waste research organization, estimates that the U.S. has 80 million tons of food that is wasted annually with a financial loss of $310 billion.

Upcycled products in the US marketplace include food and beverages, dietary supplements, pet food, cosmetics, personal care products, and household cleaners. A Future Market Insights report estimates the value of the upcycled food industry to be more than $46 billion and growing.

Where Food Comes From, Inc. is America’s trusted resource for third party verification of food production practices. Through proprietary technology and patented business processes, the Company estimates that it supports more than 17,500 farmers, ranchers, vineyards, wineries, processors, retailers, distributors, trade associations, consumer brands and restaurants with a wide variety of value-added services. Through its IMI Global, Validus Verification Services, SureHarvest, WFCF Organic, and Postelsia divisions, Where Food Comes From services verify food claims, optimize production practices and enable food supply chains with analytics and data driven insights.

About the Upcycled Food Association
The Upcycled Food Association is a nonprofit focused on reducing food waste by growing the upcycled food economy. Through research, standardization, and consumer education, the Upcycled Food Association is building a food system in which all food is elevated to its highest and best use. UFA’s member businesses represent the next generation of sustainable food. To learn more, visit

This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, based on current expectations, estimates and projections that are subject to risk. Forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and genuine events could differ materially from the Company’s predictions. Important factors that could cause genuine events to vary from predictions include those discussed in their SEC filings. Specifically, statements in this news release about industry leadership and demand for, and impact and efficacy of, the Company’s products and services on the marketplace; expectations for growth and expansion of the Upcycled Certified program; expectations for continued consumer interest in upcycled products; plans to simplify and lower costs of compliance for Upcycled Certified; and plans to make Upcycled Certified a meaningful component of revenue mix are forward-looking statements that are subject to a variety of factors, including availability of capital, personnel and other resources; competition; governmental regulation of the agricultural industry; the market for beef and other commodities; and other factors. Readers should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect new information or developments. For a more extensive discussion of the Company’s business, please refer to the Company’s SEC filings at

Company Contacts:

Jennifer Moore
Marketing Manager
Phone: 720-893-7324
Toll-free: 866-395-5883

Investor Contact:

Jay Pfeiffer
Pfeiffer High Investor Relations, Inc.
Direct: 303-880-9000

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Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:00:00 -0600 en text/html
The Wild Fight Over Processed Food and Raw Milk No result found, try new keyword!A faction of social-media influencers is rebelling against Big Food by going raw. Experts say that the trend isn’t likely any healthier—and could be dangerous. Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:00:00 -0600 en-us text/html Food science and technology alum finds success in food and drink industry

Kimi Votaw ’20 developed a passion for food science at a young age. As a child, she watched cooking shows, then begged her mother to show her how to make foods and snacks.  

“I really started taking an interest in the science behind food when I discovered the show Good Eats with Alton Brown,” Votaw said. “The way he explained so clearly the science behind what was happening while cooking enthralled me, and I would watch that show as often as I could.”

Later, Votaw gravitated toward the sciences in school, yet the prospect of a career in food science didn’t initially cross her mind until her father pointed it out.  

“After looking into it, food science sounded like everything I could’ve wanted in a career, so I found the program and Texas A&M and dove right in,” she said. 

Votaw as an udergraduate 

Votaw was a reserved and soft-spoken undergraduate student in the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Department of Food Science and Technology, but her scientific curiosity and strong desire to learn about the food and flavor industry made her a standout, said Stephen Talcott, Ph.D., professor of food chemistry in the department.

“Kimi had incredible curiosity about food and agriculture along with exceptional leadership abilities,” Talcott said. “She grew tremendously during her time at Texas A&M and became more confident in herself and her abilities, becoming a student leader and a top academic student.”

Votaw graduated in January of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in food science and technology, focusing on food microbiology.

Finding the right food science technician

In early 2020, Greg Berndt, CEO of ClearMask USA, a food flavor and flavor masking company based in Moxee, Washington, sought a leader for the company’s research and development efforts. He approached Talcott at an annual food technologist supplier exposition in Frisco for suggestions, and Talcott recommended some top candidates, one of whom was Votaw.

“I come to Texas each year for the expo,” said Berndt. “This gives me the opportunity to interact with industry people as well as Texas A&M food science students.”

After phone and in-person interviews with Votaw, Berndt knew he had found the right person. 

“Kimi was whip smart and I knew she took her lessons from Texas A&M to heart,” he said. “But as importantly, I saw she had the critical thinking skills and creativity I felt they needed in order to develop and craft solutions for the food and beverage industry.”  

Berndt said Votaw also showed her ability to apply the technical lessons acquired during her undergraduate studies and demonstrated the personality traits and “soft skills” needed to effectively engage with both colleagues and customers.

Applying food science lessons learned at work

Having been with ClearMask USA for nearly four years, Votaw leverages the lessons she learned about food processing, chemistry, microbiology, engineering and food product development at Texas A&M to address critical taste and aroma challenges for food companies across the U.S.     

Reflecting on her education, she said one of the most valuable lessons she learned in food science and technology at Texas A&M was the importance of experimentation.

“During their lab time in classes, they were encouraged to design their own small experiments along the way and try them out,” she said. “We had ample opportunities for undergraduate research or extracurricular product development projects. They were always encouraged to think outside the box and to attempt to create things. That hands-on experience with creative thinking made working a product development job a lot easier, especially one that requires a lot of problem-solving, like mine.”

She acknowledged the influential role of instructors such as Talcott, Rebecca Creasy, Ph.D., Matthew Taylor, Ph.D., Peter Murano, Ph.D. and Elsa Murano, Ph.D., crediting them as the educators who influenced her the most during her academic journey.  

Votaw’s work at ClearMask USA 

From the start, Votaw’s primary roles with ClearMask USA have been as director of research and development and director of quality assurance.

For the research and development side, she analyzes trends in the food industry to pinpoint potential new products for the company. She then researches new ingredients and combinations and engages in product development.  

On the quality side, she is responsible for maintaining and creating all documentation for each product, including nutrition facts and specification sheets. She oversees the company’s food safety plan, fields customer inquiries and vets the raw ingredients for product development.

“ClearMask USA primarily does research into flavor modification and flavor masking,” Votaw said. “We look for new compounds and ingredients that can help us target specific ‘off notes’ in foods. Our focus on flavor modifiers helps us tailor solutions specifically for newer functional ingredients to use in the food world.”

Some of her previous projects have involved strategies to mask bitterness in coffee, enhance the sweetness of energy beverages and conceal the taste of collagen-based dietary supplements.

Votaw’s latest work is to modify flavors in theacrine and ashwagandha. She is also working on creating a sweetener blend with a newer high-intensity sweetener that balances flavors seamlessly, providing a more natural sugar taste experience.

She said customers frequently submit product for improvement, presenting her with opportunities to experiment with how to enhance them.

“Because I have a wide range of responsibilities, I am frequently able to work on something exciting that I might not have done before, so it gives me a chance to continue learning,” she said. “I also love getting the opportunity to solve problems for their customers.”

Ongoing collaboration with Texas A&M

Since joining Clear Mask USA, Votaw has returned to the Texas A&M campus several times to collaborate with Department of Food Science and Technology faculty and students. Together, they have helped solve taste and aroma issues for products already on the market, as well as newly developed foods that have not yet hit the shelves.

Most recently, Talcott collaborated with Votaw and ClearMask USA to develop a zero-calorie antioxidant-enhanced flavored water that recently debuted on the retail market.

“Although Kimi is a former student, she has independently gained a tremendous amount of knowledge on her own while working in the food industry,” Talcott said. “Now I consider her a valuable resource and subject matter expert in flavor applications and flavor masking, such as sweetness enhancement, bitterness reduction and hiding aftertastes in foods.”   

Talcott emphasized the unique advantage of the food science and technology program at Texas A&M, which actively engages with numerous food companies nationwide and globablly.

“We have had a long-term relationship with ClearMask and a number of other companies that come to Texas A&M looking for talent for technical positions in food science,” Talcott said. “They appreciate the hands-on training they provide, as well as the depth and breadth of knowledge they impart to their students.”

About the food science major

Talcott said food science offers students like Votaw a chance to combine scientific method and creativity.

It is a hands-on major encompassing food chemistry, food bacteriology, product development technology and real-world problem-solving skills, he said. This spans from understanding how processing alters products to deciphering the chemical reactions that occur within them.

“We teach the steps and procedures to ideate, create, manufacture and sell a new food product for the marketplace,” Talcott said. “We also work to ensure the food industry provides a safe product for the consumer.”  

Talcott said an estimated 25% of all jobs in America are centered around food, and food science and technology students can find careers in a variety of related fields. He said some of these careers include quality control, quality assurance, product development, production supervision, ingredient manufacture, business development, procurement and management.

“Every time you go to a grocery store, in each product you will see the work of a food scientist — from its color, flavor, texture, packaging, quality, price and shelf life to the assurance that the product is safe and nutritious,” he said. “There you see the fruits of their innovation and hard work.”

Thu, 04 Jan 2024 10:22:00 -0600 en text/html

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