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IAHCSMM-CRCST exam Questions - Certified Registered Central Service Technician 2023 Updated: 2024

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IAHCSMM-CRCST Certified Registered Central Service Technician 2023

Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST)

The Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) certification program is designed to recognize entry level and existing technicians who have demonstrated the experience, knowledge and skills necessary to provide competent services as a central service technician. CRCST's are integral members of the healthcare team who are responsible for decontaminating, inspecting, assembling, disassembling, packaging and sterilizing reusable surgical instruments or devices in a healthcare facility that are essential for patient safety.

To earn CRCST certification, candidates are required to successfully demonstrate skills through completion of hands-on work experience as well as successful completion of an examination developed to measure the understanding of general central services and infection prevention topics. CRCST certificants are required to recertify annually through completion of continuing education requirements.

The CRCST Certification is accredited by both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).

To prepare for the CRCST certification, the following options are available:

Online Course: Purdue University offers an online course that is designed to help prepare Central Service professionals for the CRCST exam. You can find out more about the course by calling 800.830.0269 or by visiting Purdue's website
Self Study: You may purchase reference materials and choose to study on your own to prepare for the CRCST exam. IAHCSMM's CS Technical Manual (8th ed.) was used as a reference in creating the exam, along with ANSI/AAMI's ST79 (2017 ed.), and AORN's Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices. You can order these publications through the IAHCSMM store and the AORN website.

Work Experience: You may take the exam based on your personal knowledge from experience in the field; it is not required that you take or pass a preparatory course nor study materials on your own. Applicants can apply directly to take the exam without purchasing study materials or enrolling in a course.

CRCST certification requires that you pass the certification exam and complete 400 hours of hands-on experience in a CS department. These hours can be completed before testing or within 6 months of passing the exam. IAHCSMM highly recommends completing, or at least beginning, your hours of experience before testing. Hands-on experience provides an invaluable resource with which to better understand the standards, knowledge, and practices needed to be successful in a CS department and on the CRCST Exam.

Content & Composition of the Examination

The CRCST exam will test your proficiency in these areas:

- Cleaning, Decontamination & Disinfection

- Preparation & Packaging

- Sterilization Process

- Patient Care Equipment

- Sterile Storage & Inventory Management

- Documentation & Record Maintenance

- Customer Relations
Certified Registered Central Service Technician 2023
IAHCSMM Registered exam Questions

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Certified Registered Central Service Technician
Question: 512
Which of the following sterilization quality assurance measurements is designed
to provide a written record of sterilizer cycle activity?
A. Biological tests
B. Bowie dick tests
C. Mechanical recording charts/printouts
Answer: C
Question: 513
Some plastics including formulations of spun-bonded polyolefin are intended for
use in ______ temperature sterilization processes.
A. High
B. Low
Answer: B
Question: 514
Paper-plastic pouches should NOT be labeled on the ______ side of the pouch.
A. Paper
B. Plastic
Answer: A
Question: 515
Tests which use live bacterial spores to challenge the efficacy of the sterilization
process and provide a direct measure of lethality are called:
A. Chemical indicator tests
B. Biological tests
C. Ampulization tests
Answer: B
Question: 516
When arranging instruments in an instrument tray, you should
A. Position the instruments in a manner that will facilitate sterilization
B. Arange the instruments in alphabetical order
C. Arrange the instruments in the order of their use
Answer: A
Question: 517
The process by which unwrapped instruments are steam sterilized for immediate
use when an emergency situation arises, is called:
A. Emergency sterilization
B. Flash sterilization
C. Core sterilization
Answer: B
Question: 518
Implantable devices:
A. Should be flash sterilized in extended cycles
B. Should only be sterilized usuing ethylene oxide
C. Should not be flash sterilized
Answer: C
Question: 519
Ethylene oxide has better penetration capabilities than ozone and hydrogen
peroxide gas plasma.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 520
In the event of a load recall, information about specific load contents can be
obtained from:
A. The central service supervisor
B. The procedure manual
C. The sterilization log
Answer: C
Question: 521
The most efficient type of dry heat sterilizer is
A. The gravity convection sterilizer
B. The mechanical convection sterilizer
C. The dynamic air removal sterilizer
Answer: B
Question: 522
Because shelf life is event related, stock rotation is no longer necessary.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
Question: 523
Temperatures in a sterile storage area should be 64 to 75 degrees F.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
Question: 524
Sterile packages should be stored no lower than 4-6 inches from the floor.
A. True
B. False
Answer: B
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An exam proctor will begin memorizing exam instructions approximately 15 minutes before the exam start time. Students must be in the exam room with their exam at this time. If taking the exam on a laptop, it must be booted up and have passed the security check. Hand writers must not have a laptop with them in an exam room, unless otherwise allowed according to the professor’s instructions. A student entering the exam room after the proctor begins memorizing instructions will not receive additional time for booting up their laptop, passing the security check, and/or memorizing exam instructions.

When instructed by the proctor, write your exam number on the cover page of your exam, bluebooks, and any scratch paper you turn in as part of your exam. Handwritten exam answers must be written in blue books in blue or black ink. Number the bluebooks you use (1 of 1, 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.). Proctors will allow time to read the professor’s instructions. Other than counting the number of pages of the exam, students are not permitted to turn the page of an exam past the instructions page until the proctor instructs them to do so.

When taking a closed-book exam, no books, outlines, book bags, purses, or scratch paper (other than the scratch paper provided) may be at your seat during the exam. These items must be left outside of the exam room or in the front or sides of the exam room. Students may not begin to write anything, including on scratch paper, before the proctor begins a closed-book exam.

Students taking in-class exams are prohibited from having any electronic communication device, other than a laptop as allowed per the professor's instructions, during the exam. Cell phones and smart watches must be turned off during the exam and placed in a bag or backpack. Violations of this rule may be considered an Honor Code violation. A clock in each exam room will be the official timekeeper for the exam.

Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in exam rooms; however, the container must have a lid.

After the exam instructions have been read and the exam begins, the proctor will remain in the room. Any student who has a question or problem during an exam should see the proctor.

Students may use the restroom or take a break during an exam. However, all exam materials must be left in the exam room and no additional time will be given. Students must sign in and out at the front of the room with the proctor.

Thu, 15 Jun 2023 00:20:00 -0500 en text/html
Sample exam questions - chemicals of the natural environment

You will sit two exam papers at the end of your GCSE Chemistry course. Paper 1 is called Breadth in Chemistry, and paper 2 is called Depth in Chemistry.

The Breadth paper will contain questions worth 1, 2 and 3 marks. The Depth paper will contain questions worth 1 to 5 marks, plus two 6-mark extended writing questions.

1. Each exam paper will contain questions that require you to recall what you've learnt.

You will need to remember, select and clearly communicate facts and explanations that you have learnt from studying.

2. Each exam paper will contain questions that require you to apply what you’ve learnt to an unfamiliar context.

These questions may, at first, appear to be about things you haven’t learnt. But the question will deliver you all the information you need to answer it when combined with your own knowledge and understanding.

When you see an unfamiliar situation in a question:

3. Each exam paper will contain questions that require you to analyse evidence or data and then make your own decision or conclusion

To get full marks on this type of question, you will usually have to do more than just processing data (eg doing calculations or plotting a graph) or describing it (eg describing the pattern in the results or the shape of the graph) - you will have to come up with your own conclusion or decision based on the evidence you have been given.

Sometimes, you may be asked whether you agree with a statement or a conclusion. You may not get any marks for simply stating that you agree or disagree - most or all of the marks will be given for explaining and justifying your decision. Your answer must make it clear that your decision is based on the evidence you have been given in the question and your own knowledge and understanding of chemistry.

Tue, 14 Mar 2023 15:31:00 -0500 en-GB text/html
Sample exam questions - energy - OCR Gateway

At the end of your GCSE Physics course, you will sit two exam papers. You will be entered for both papers at the same tier (either Foundation tier or Higher tier). Each paper:

This paper will cover the following topics:

Each paper is split into two parts, Section A and Section B.

This section is worth 15 marks, and only has multiple choice questions, each worth 1 mark.

You should spend no more than 30 minutes on this section.

This section is worth 75 marks, and has short answer questions. Each question is worth 1 to 5 marks, and include:

This section also has a six-mark extended Level of Response question.

This paper will cover the following topics:

Your knowledge of the syllabus covered in Paper 1 is also assumed for this paper, so these syllabus may also be assessed.

This section is worth 15 marks, and only has multiple choice questions, each worth 1 mark.

You should spend no more than 30 minutes on this section.

This section is worth 75 marks, and has short answer questions. Each question is worth 1 to 5 marks, and include:

This section also has a six-mark extended Level of Response question.

Thu, 01 Jun 2023 21:38:00 -0500 en-GB text/html
The Writer Who Couldn't Answer Standardized Test Questions About Her Own Work (Again)!

We are in standardized test season, and all across the country, students are taking the Big Standardized Test by which they, their schools, and their teachers will be judged. How absurd are these tests? Meet Sara Holbrook, the writer who couldn't answer test questions about her own work.

Back in 2017, Holbrook wrote an essay for Huffington Post entitled, "I Can't Answer These Texas Standardized Test Questions About My Own Poems." The writer had discovered that two of her poems were part of the Texas STAAR state assessment tests, and she was a bit startled to discover that she was unable to answer some of the questions.

One reason was simple inaccuracy. One question asked why the poet had inserted a stanza break in a particular spot-- and then didn't insert a stanza break in the testing materials. But there was a second issue. Holbrook is a performance poet, and she had inserted the break at the point where, in live readings, she pauses. That choice was not one of the choices available on the test.

In fact, much of Holbrook's issue with the questions was a sort of existential dilemma. Several questions asked, directly or indirectly, for the test taker to judge the author's intentions. The author knew some of her intentions, sort of remembered others, and had others that were layered and complex. But the manufacturers of the test--who had never asked her about any of this--provided only four choices that did not allow her to choose the answer that she knew to be correct.

Now, it's possible that Holbrook is such an angsty, tortured soul of a poet that she simply does not know her own mind as well as the test manufacturers. But Holbrook does not fit the stereotypical faux image of a poet as a fuzzy-headed artiste. She has held writing jobs in the real world, such as Director of Communications for legal giant Jones Dayand Public Information Officer for the public housing authority in Cleveland. She knows what it takes to succeed as a business writer, and she says, "the questions on these tests are not it." She works as an educator and consultant, bringing writing and performance skills into the classroom. Rather than conclude that she does not know her own work, they should instead conclude that the test designers write bad questions. Or as Holbrook herself puts it, "Anytime they ask questions about author intent, they have stepped off the pedagogical sidewalk and into muck."

I reached out to Holbrook recently because the same thing happened to her again. This time a poem of hers was included in a test prep package from Mentoring Minds, LP. The poem itself is called "Walking on the Boundaries of Change," from the book Walking on the Boundaries of Change, Boyds Mills Press, 1998. (Mentoring Minds LP is a Texas corporation, and the previous two poems included in the STAAR test are from the same book, so perhaps Holbrook has some Texas fans who are passing around one copy of her work.) The poem is printed here with the author's permission:

Walking on the Boundaries of Change

Day by day

a tightrope,

walking on the boundaries

of change.

One step --

firm, familiar,

the next step --

shaky, strange.

Some friends

will dare danger,

mock or push each step.

Some friends

knock your confidence.

Real friends

form a net.

It's a simple, sharp moment that captures an emotional picture in some simple images. It's hard to imagine dissecting this with test questions without beating some of the life out of it. Yet Mentoring Minds LD has come up with eight questions.

I cannot reproduce any of the eight questions accompanying the poem here, because the materials include a robust copyright notice that includes phrases such as "maximum extent of the law." But once again, the questions turn on the issue of word choice, central message, and which part of the poem does things "best," all of which hinge on the test taker's interpretation of the poet's intent. And all are multiple choice questions with four possible answers, the kind of test structure that, Holbrook says, causes "students to grow up believing the right interpretation of anything is out there on the internet, and to discredit their own thoughts."

Holbrook, as a poet and an educator, has several thoughts about remedies to these sorts of tests. "Parents, demand to see the test prep materials. Teachers, don't waste time on test prep: you can't teach nonsense. Administrators, take the money you are spending on test prep and spend it on classroom libraries instead. There are no quick fixes. Kids need to read and write voluminously." She advocates for transparency. "If a bike helmet fails to protect a child from injury, consumers can sue the manufacturer. These tests are injurious, but shrouded in secrecy and thereby beyond the reach of most teachers and all parents."

To approach any poem with the notion that each word has one and only one correct memorizing when language at its most rich involves shades and layers or meaning--what my old college writing professor called "the ambiguity that enriches"--is one way to stifle thinking in students. In many states, they are doing it in grades K through 12.

There are so many layers to Holbrook's situation. The test manufacturers could have contacted her and talked to her about her poem (though Common Core architect David Coleman would argue that doing so was both unnecessary and undesirable), but they didn't. So here they sit, in a bizarre universe where the test writer knows the "correct" answer for a question about a poem, but the person who wrote the poem does not. And at least Holbrook has the option of publicly saying, "Hey, wait a minute," which is more than the deceased authors used for testing can do. But she was only able to do so because somebody risked punishment by sharing test materials with her. Particularly ironic is Mentoring Minds' promise to build critical thinking skills in students, even as Holbrook, by taking reading, writing and speaking out to students in living, breathing, dynamic workshops, is doing far more to promote critical thinking than can be accomplished by challenging students to guess which one of four available answers an unseen test writer has deemed "correct."

Sun, 28 Apr 2019 08:03:00 -0500 Peter Greene en text/html
'Unsolvable' exam question meant for 11-year-old leaves adults defeated

A baffling exam question meant to test 11-year-old students has been leaving adults defeated - and the 'unsolvable puzzle will make you glad you're no longer in school

The question has left people baffed (stock photo)

A mind-bending maths question designed for school children has left adults stumped - with some saying the puzzle is completely 'unsolvable'.

Do you remember sitting your maths exams at school and scratching your head at the strange real-life quiz questions you'd be presented with? The questions are designed to encourage students to use logic to pick out the important parts of the often long-winded story and then figure out which maths discipline they need to use to find the correct answer.

They're not always easy and for many of us, they will have been the least favourite part of any exam. And it's no different for kids today either, as one maths question designed for 11-year-old students has been leaving children and adults alike baffled as they struggle to find the answer.

The question came from a Chinese exam paper that was designed for schoolchildren aged 11 in 2018. According to the BBC, a translation of the question asks: "If a ship had 26 sheep and 10 goats onboard, how old is the ship's captain?"

That's it. That's all the information you're given for this question - so try and answer it. Surely there must be some way to work it out, even though it certainly feels like you haven't been given enough details about the imaginary ship and its captain to truly reach a solution.

Other people who tried to work out the correct answer thought the same, and thanks to the South China Morning Post, they can even see some of the answers that clever students gave. One pupil argued: "The captain is 36 years old. He is quite narcissistic, so the number of animals corresponds to his age."

Another defied the question writers and refused to answer, as they said: "The number of the sheep and goats is irrelevant to the captain's age," and a third dejected student simply wrote: "The captain's age is ... I don't know. I can't solve this."

One answer from an adult on social media also tried to work the puzzle out using very sound logic, as they said: "In China, if you're driving a ship that cargo you need to have possessed a boat license for five years. The minimum age for getting a boat's license is 23, so he's at least 28."

But what is the correct answer? Well, there isn't one. Yep, that's right. Unfortunately, when they said this puzzle was "unsolvable", they meant it. As infuriating as it is, apparently the whole point of the question is that there's no way to work out the answer, and students will get the question right on their exam if they explain they don't have enough information to deliver a solution.

In a statement, Shunqing Education Department confirmed there was no answer, as they said: "The role of education is not to produce standardised spare parts ... Each answer can reflect a different personality. A question that can have different answers is a good question."

Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at

Sat, 18 Nov 2023 01:32:00 -0600 en text/html
36 Questions on the Way to Love

Grab a partner — friend, lover or stranger — and get ready to get intimate.

With this app, drawn from a study discussed in The New York Times and designed in consultation with the study's first author, you and a partner can test if mutual vulnerability brings you closer together.

Before you begin, you or your partner should read the following instructions aloud:

  1. For each question, one of us should read the prompt aloud, and then they should each take a turn answering before moving on.
  2. It is important to answer each question, in order.
  3. The questions are divided into three sets. Each set lasts 15 minutes.
  4. After the third set of questions, there is an optional final task.
  5. We should not rush through the questions but answer each at a normal, conversational pace.
  6. We probably won’t get to all 12 questions in each set, and that’s perfectly O.K.

For inspiration, read Mandy Len Catron's Modern Love essay, “To Fall In Love With Anyone, Do This,” the study by Arthur Aron, Edward Melinat, Elaine N. Aron, Robert Darrin Vallone and Renee J. Bator, originally published in the Personality and Social Psychology Journal (PDF) and a blog post on how the study came to be.

Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:00:00 -0600 text/html
Final exam Schedule

Spring 2024

For Fall semesters, there will be one memorizing day on Monday of the first exam week and one memorizing day on Friday of the first exam week. For Spring semesters, there will be two memorizing days at the beginning of the first exam week.

Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar's Office based on the meeting pattern of the class with the exception of certain basic course sequences that enroll large numbers of first-year students listed below. This schedule avoids direct conflicts for students and minimizes the number of students with more than two exams on a single day.

Any change to assigned final exam dates and time requires additional approvals. Undergraduate students who have exam questions should contact their four-year advisor. Faculty and staff who have questions should contact

Class Meeting Exam Day Exam Time Grades Due
MWF 8:25-9:15 am May 6 7:30-10:30 pm May 8
MW/MF/WF 8:00-9:15 am May 6 7:30-10:30 pm May 8
MWF 9:30-10:20 am May 3 12:00-3:00 pm May 5
MWF 10:35-11:25 am May 3 8:00-11:00 am May 5
MWF 11:40 am-12:30 pm May 6 8:00-11:00 am May 8
MW 12:45-2:00 pm May 8 8:00-11:00 am May 10
MWF 2:15-3:05 pm May 6 12:00-3:00 pm May 8
MWF 3:20-4:10 pm May 8 12:00-3:00 pm May 10
MW 3:20-4:35 pm May 8 12:00-3:00 pm May 10
MWF 4:25-5:15 pm May 2 7:30-10:30 pm May 4
MW 4:50-6:05 pm May 2 7:30-10:30 pm May 4
MW 5:30-6:45 pm May 8 7:30-10:30 pm May 10
MW 7:00-8:15 pm May 6 3:30-6:30 pm May 8
M 7:00-9:30 pm May 6 3:30-6:30 pm May 8
W 7:00-9:30 pm May 6 3:30-6:30 pm May 8
TR 8:30-9:45 am May 7 12:00-3:00 pm May 9
TR 10:00-11:15 am May 9 8:00-11:00 am May 11 11:00 am
TR 11:30 am-12:45 pm May 2 12:00-3:00 pm May 4
TR 1:00-2:15 pm May 2 8:00-11:00 am May 4
TR 2:30-3:45 pm May 7 8:00-11:00 am May 9
TR 4:00-5:15 pm May 9 12:00-3:00 pm May 11 11:00 am
TR 5:30-6:45 pm May 9 3:30-6:30 pm May 11 11:00 am
TR 7:00-8:15 pm May 7 7:30-10:30 pm May 9
T 7:00-9:30 pm May 7 7:30-10:30 pm May 9
R 7:00-9:30 pm May 7 7:30-10:30 pm May 9

The course sequences listed below are scheduled outside of the normal exam grid because portions of the sequences enroll large numbers of first-year students. The special scheduling of these exams helps spread out final exams for these students.

Course Exam Day Exam Time Grades Due

MATH 120/121/122/123/124/125/126

May 2 3:30-6:30 pm May 4
CHEM 105/106/111; ENGR 145 May 3 3:30-6:30 pm May 5
BIOL 214/215/216 May 6 3:30-6:30 pm May 8
PHYS 115/116/121/122/123/124/221 May 7 3:30-6:30 pm May 9
CSDS 132/ECSE 132/ENGR 130/ENGR 131 May 8 3:30-6:30 pm May 10
Mon, 01 Jan 2024 22:28:00 -0600 en text/html
Prepare for the CAP Exam

ISA offers a variety of resources to help you prepare for the Certified Automation Professional (CAP®) exam.

Primary Textbook

A Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge is the primary text resource for the CAP exam and provides a complete overview of all technical topics. Order the Guide to the Automation Body of Knowledge.

Study Guide

The CAP Study Guide is a comprehensive self-study resource that contains a list of the CAP domains and tasks, 75 review Q&A complete with justifications. References that were used for each study guide question are also provided with the question. The Study Guide also includes a recommended list of publications that you can use to do further study on specific domains. Order the CAP Study Guide.

Review Courses

A CAP review course is available in several formats as preparation for taking the certification exam. This course is offered by ISA and can also be offered at your location.

ISA also has a variety of training courses that would be helpful in preparing for CAP. NOTE: The CAP exam fee is not included with the CAP review courses (EC00, EC00V, EC00E, and EC00M). Visit the Automation Professional Training page for a complete list.

Additional Resources

Exam Topics

  1. Basic Continuous Control: Process Instrumentation, Analytical Instrumentation, Continuous Control, Control Valves, Analog Communications, Control System Documentation, Control Equipment
  2. Basic Discrete, Sequencing, and Manufacturing Control: Discrete Input & Output Devices and General Manufacturing Measurements, Discrete and Sequencing Control, Motor and Drive Control, Motion Control
  3. Advanced Control Topics: Process Modeling, Advanced Process Control, Control of Batch Processes, Environmental, Environmental Monitoring, Building Automation
  4. Reliability, Safety, and Electrical: Alarm Management, Reliability, Process Safety and Safety Instrumented Systems, Electrical Installations, Safe Use and Application of Electrical Apparatus
  5. Integration and Software: Digital Communications, Industrial Networks, Manufacturing Execution Systems and Business Integration, System and Network Security, Operator Interface, Data Management, Software, Custom Software
  6. Deployment and Maintenance: Operator Training, Checkout, System Testing, and Startup, Troubleshooting, Maintenance, Long-Term Support and System Management
  7. Work Structure: Automation Benefits and Project Justifications, Project Management and Execution, Interpersonal Skills

CAP sample Questions

Questions on the exam were derived from the actual practice of automation professionals as outlined in the CAP Role Delineation Study and job task analysis. Using interviews, surveys, observation, and group discussions, ISA worked with automation professionals to delineate critical job components to develop exam specifications to determine the number of questions related to each domain and task tested. This rigorous program development and ongoing maintenance process ensures that CAP certification accurately reflects the skills and knowledge needed to excel as an automation professional.

The following six questions were taken from the CAP exam question item bank and serve as examples of the question type and question content found on the CAP exam.

  1. The method by which the tasks and hazards associated with a machine or process are analyzed is known as:
    • A. Risk assessment.
    • B. Machine assessment.
    • C. Risk reduction.
    • D. Risk abatement.
  2. To test controller tuning or prototype new control strategies offline, the model should be a(an):
    • A. Tie-back (loopback) simulation.
    • B. Artificial neural network.
    • C. Dynamic process simulation.
    • D. Steady state process simulation.
  3. The temperature measurement with the BEST repeatability and resolution is the:
    • A. Thermocouple.
    • B. Resistance temperature detector (RTD).
    • C. Dial thermometer.
    • D. Capillary system.
  4. Which of the following is NOT a variable speed drive setup parameter?
    • A. Acceleration rate.
    • B. Motor winding type.
    • C. Output frequency.
    • D. Maximum speed.
  5. A complete test plan for system integration testing MUST include:
    • A. Comments for the application programmer.
    • B. Multiple test cases for each mode of operation.
    • C. At least five test cases for each test.
    • D. Expected results for each test case.
  6. Frequency of maintenance should be determined by:
    • A. Failure rates of components.
    • B. Availability of personnel and parts.
    • C. Management targets for efficiency and productivity.
    • D. Effectiveness of maintenance personnel.

Sample Questions Answer Key

Question Number Correct Answer Exam Content Outline
1 A Domain 1, Task 4
2 C Domain 2, Task 2
3 B Domain 3, Task 3
4 B Domain 4, Task 7
5 C Domain 5, Task 5
6 A Domain 6, Task 2
Wed, 14 Jul 2021 04:33:00 -0500 en text/html

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