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Question: 81
Which of the following is BEST described by the statement containers that access an disks mounted on the host and
have read-write access to files''?
A. A risk of using privileged containers
B. A benefit of container credentials
C. A requirement for container isolation
D. A need for container immutability
Answer: C
Question: 82
Which of the following BEST describes the goal of the security principle of accountability and non-repudiation?
A. Neither the sender nor the recipient of information or activity can later deny the transaction took place
B. Trust between two parties is enhanced by a set of practices that validate integrity of data transmissions
C. Corporate reputation is maintained when practicing good authentication and data validation procedures
D. Confidence between consumer and provider is achieved when users manage passwords *i a defined way
Answer: B
Question: 83
Visual tactile, and auditory are modalities of formal learning
Which of the following is BEST described as the fourth major modality of formal learning?
A. Story based
B. Kinesthetic
C. Demonstration
D. Observe live
Answer: D
Question: 84
When of the following BEST describes now the security principle of validation of a userâs access and actions differ
within a DevSecOps mindset versus a more traditional approach to this principle?
A. The ad of validation is at the point of access
B. The act of validation is at the point of request
C. The act of validation is continuous and ongoing
D. The act of validation focuses on credentials.
Answer: C
Question: 85
Which of the following is NOT a security requirement unique to mobile applications?
A. Source code must be checked for programmatic and stylistic errors
B. Secrets information must be stored for secure back-end service calls
C. They must be designed to run safely outside of the secure network
D. Data must be kept secure to prevent leaking to other applications
Answer: A
Question: 86
Push new products
A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1 and 4
Answer: B
Question: 87
A. Ensures that customer input into functional requirements is translated into descriptive user stones
B. Ensures that the software is designed and written to support integrity and compliance requirements
C. Ensures that the Ague definition of done includes both functional and nonfunctional requirements for value
D. Ensures that architectural residence is built into software design to ensure high availability requirements
Answer: B
Question: 88
Which of the following BEST describes the meaning of DevSecOps?
A. A security analysis of all software is performed prior to the release to ensure they are secure in operations.
B. Security monitoring of software is performed during operations to detect security events more quickly.
C. A security analysis of software is incorporated and automated throughout development and operations.
D. Security events are analyzed after they occur to help understand how to prevent them in the future
Answer: C
Question: 89
The Open Web Application Security Project @ (OWASP) is a nonprofit and open community mat supports the goals
of DevSecOps that provides many resources to the community.
Which of the following BEST represents a key resource that they make available to the community?
A. Security and auditing guidelines
B. Open-source testing procedures
C. A maturity model for assessment
D. Training and certification courses
Answer: A
Question: 90
DevSecOps requires many intersecting pans to collaborate and function together.
Which of the following BEST describes what an organization should focus on when starting their implementation?
A. Process
B. Governance
C. Technology
D. People
Answer: B

PEOPLECERT PeopleCert questions - BingNews Search results PEOPLECERT PeopleCert questions - BingNews 8 smart questions to ask before buying long-term care insurance
Senior man in rocking chair on front porch
Be sure to ask the right questions before purchasing a long-term care insurance policy. Getty Images

When preparing for retirement, the focus tends to be on your finances. After all, you need to save enough money to cover all of your expenses, which can be a tough task. But while your savings are a very important part of your retirement planning, money isn't the only factor to focus on.

As you age, the chances of needing assistance with your daily living activities increase, and if you need this care, it can be quite costly. You don't want those expenses to eat into your retirement income, so planning for the future should include the possibility of needing long-term care. And that's where long-term care insurance comes in. 

Long-term care insurance helps cover the expenses related to these types of services, whether you need skilled nursing, occupational therapy or help with dressing and eating. As such, this type of coverage can be a crucial component of your retirement plan. But before you purchase a long-term care insurance policy, it's essential to ask the right questions to make an informed decision.

Ready to get started? Learn more about your long-term care insurance options here.

8 smart questions to ask before buying long-term care insurance

Don't purchase a long-term care insurance policy before asking these important questions:

What does the long-term care insurance policy cover?

Understanding the coverage of any insurance policy is vital — and that goes for long-term care insurance, too. Before you purchase a policy, be sure to inquire about the specific services and facilities covered, such as nursing homes, assisted living, home healthcare and adult day care. You should have a clear understanding of what is included and excluded from the policy to ensure that it aligns with your needs and wants. Otherwise, the policy may not do much good if you need it in the future.

Find out what long-term care insurance options are available to you here.

When should I purchase my long-term care insurance policy?

The timing of a long-term care insurance policy is crucial, as your premiums (and policy approval) are based in large part on your age when you apply. So, be sure to explore when it's best to buy a policy, as waiting too long may result in higher premiums or potential health issues affecting eligibility. Early planning can be more cost-effective, and in many cases, the younger you are when you apply, the lower your policy costs will be.

How much coverage do I need?

Determining the amount of coverage you need is also an important part of purchasing a long-term care insurance policy. If you have too much coverage, you could be paying for benefits you don't need, but if you have too little coverage, you could end up paying a lot more out of pocket than expected if you need to use your policy in the future. 

To determine how much coverage is necessary, you may want to assess your potential long-term care needs based on factors like family health history, lifestyle and personal preferences. It may also help to consider your financial situation and decide whether you want your policy to cover the entire cost or just a portion of it.

What is the benefit amount and benefit period?

Before you purchase a policy, be sure to determine the maximum daily or monthly benefit the policy provides and the total benefit amount over the policy's lifetime. Understanding these details will help you gauge whether the coverage aligns with your potential long-term care costs — and if it doesn't, you can move on to a policy or insurer that better aligns with what you want and need.

Are there inflation protection options?

Inflation issues can erode the value of your coverage over time, as rising healthcare costs caused by inflation can quickly outpace the coverage your policy offers if you aren't careful. Luckily, many issuers offer inflation protection options as part of their policies, which typically increase your policy's benefit amounts to protect against the rising cost of care. 

So, as you shop for a policy, be sure to inquire about any inflation protection options offered by the insurer. This may be especially important if you're purchasing a policy when you're young and less likely to need quick access to your policy benefits.

What are the waiting or elimination periods?

The waiting or elimination period tied to your policy is the time you must wait after becoming eligible for benefits before coverage kicks in. Nearly every long-term care insurance policy will have some time-based restrictions in place prior to your coverage being active, and it's important to understand how that works for any policy you're considering. As you search for the right coverage, be sure to ask about the duration of the waiting period and how it may impact your out-of-pocket expenses during that time.

Is home care coverage included?

Many people prefer receiving care in the comfort of their homes rather than in a nursing home or assisted living facility. If you would prefer to be at home for your care, be sure to check whether the policy covers home care and find out if there are any restrictions or conditions associated with it.

Are there additional riders or customization options?

You should also explore any additional riders or customization options available with the policy. This could include features like shared care, where couples can pool benefits, or a return of premium rider if benefits are not used.

The bottom line

Purchasing long-term care insurance requires careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the policy's terms and conditions. By asking the questions outlined above, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your long-term care needs, financial situation and personal preferences. So, take the time to research and compare policies to find the one that provides the best coverage for you.

Tue, 19 Dec 2023 05:19:00 -0600 en-US text/html
3 Questions About Fragrance Allergies

If you find yourself developing a killer headache when riding an elevator with someone who was a bit generous dabbing on the perfume, you have company. More than 2 million Americans have fragrance allergies or sensitivities -- and the number is on the rise.

Although that person's perfume may have been all too obvious a culprit, there are many hidden sources of fragrances, says Clifford W. Bassett, MD, medical director of Allergy & Asthma Care of New York. Bassett helped WebMD sniff out the truth about fragrance allergies.

Skin care products, colognes, perfumes, moisturizers, soaps, deodorants, aftershave – all kinds of products that smell nice but contain chemicals that their immune system may not like very much.

Low-allergy or hypoallergenic products may contain fragrances that aren't obvious because of a less aromatic smell. Fragrance-free products may have a "masking" fragrance added to cover up the smell of the chemicals.

Also, many magazine ad inserts for perfumes and skin care products are laden with fragrance. People may actually have difficulty studying the publication as a result of the scent.

In some cases, the reaction to various products can be aggravated by exposure to the sun. This is known as a photosensitivity.

Most commonly, the skin is affected. There may be rash or redness, itchiness or even blistering of the face and skin as a result of daily or one-time usage of a product.

Fragrance allergies can also affect the eyes, causing extreme redness, irritation, tearing and burning, and some swelling of the eyelids. Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, even breathing difficulties can also be triggered by a strong odor.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 23:54:00 -0600 en text/html
The Most Common Interview Questions Hiring Managers Ask

Some hiring managers like to ask off-the-wall job interview questions, such as “What color crayon would you be?” or “How would your archnemesis describe you?” to see how the job candidate reacts under pressure. However, most interviewers would rather ask straightforward questions that apply to relevant work experience and skills than questions designed to throw unsuspecting candidates for a loop. Below, find the most common interview questions and examples of good answers.

How to answer common interview questions

Questions about the company and position

The interviewer has the candidate’s resume and cover letter and has likely already scoped out their social media accounts. However, the goal of the interview is to determine how good of a fit a person is for the open position. In all likelihood, every applicant has relevant experience and could be a strong candidate on paper. These hiring manager interview questions supply you an opportunity to connect the dots on your resume by explaining, for example, why you chose to attend a specific university or why you left a previous position.

Question: “Why do you want to work here?”

Answer: “I want to work here because what your company does aligns with my values and interests in …”

Explain these interests in a few short sentences.

Question: What do you know about this company?

Answer: I know that [founder’s name] founded the company in 2023 and that your biggest [products or services] are … 

For an especially powerful answer to this common interview question, you could share what you know about how the company’s products or services differ from competitors’.

Question: Why are you interested in this position?

Answer: I’m interested in this position because … 

Describe how the position’s responsibilities match your interests. You should also mention how anything unique about the company ties into your interest in the position.

Question: What makes you a good fit for this position?

Answer: The answer to this question could be roughly the same as the one above, but replace your interests with your skills, background or other qualifications.

Learning to supply concise but meaningful answers is one of the most important job interview skills.

Questions about your experience

Just about every resume the interviewer receives should explain the applicant’s relevant career experience. The interviewer already has a list of your previous jobs and skills, so these questions about your job experience allow you to delve deeper and be specific. Rather than reiterate the information the interviewer already has, take this opportunity to state how your previous experience would directly transfer to this new company and how that could benefit the company.

Question: What did you like or dislike about your last job?

Answer: I liked that I got to …” Name a few favorite tasks. Don’t be afraid to supply details, but keep it brief. 

Name one thing you disliked, and keep it short. You don’t want to come off as ungrateful, snobby or difficult to work with.

Question: Tell me about your work experience.

Answer: I got into this field with [describe your first job a bit]. I moved on to [describe your next job a bit].” 

If your resume is long and includes many positions, you don’t need to share extensive details about each one. Focus on the most meaningful, relevant jobs you’ve held.

Question: Why did you leave your last job?

Answer: I was ready for a change. I liked what I was doing, but I knew I was capable of more and needed to go elsewhere to achieve that growth.” 

Of course, if your reason is different, state your actual reason — just do what this example does and stay general but meaningful without saying anything negative.

Questions about your personal attributes and characteristics

These are some of the most notoriously difficult questions for job candidates to answer in interviews, because no one is truly comfortable talking about themselves. Interviewers know that as well, but these questions can provide valuable insights.

This part of an interview is an excellent time to demonstrate how you stand out from the rest of the candidates. Providing examples of a time you overcame an obstacle at work or came up with a new system or solution the company used — for example, maybe you led the charge on custom software development — will make a lasting impression on the interviewer.

Question: What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?

Answer: I’m [give about three descriptors]. My greatest weakness is that I’m [describe a minor weakness], and I make up for it by [describe how you address this issue and are continuing to work on it].

Never mention more than one weakness.

Question: How do you interact with a team?

Answer: I’m a great team player who knows how to communicate with others, follow my supervisor’s guidance, and lead whenever necessary.

Question: How do you handle stress at work?

Answer: I handle stress by …

Discuss how you prioritize certain tasks over others, communicate if you’re feeling overworked, and remain calm through it all.

Questions about your personal goals

When asked some of the questions listed here, candidates often spin their answers into how they can benefit the company and help achieve its goals. However, these questions are some of the most valuable an interviewer can ask, because a good fit between the potential new hire and the company is just as important, or perhaps even more important, than skills. After all, job skills can be taught via new-hire training plans. Take special care not only to explain your immediate ambitions but to illustrate how the position aligns with your long-term goals.

Question: Why did you choose this career?

Question: Where do you see yourself in the future?

Question: What are your hobbies outside of work?

Question: Why should they hire you?

Rather than providing examples for all of these questions, they advise just being honest. No, you don’t want to say, “I’m in this for the money,” but you do want to paint a clear vision of your career trajectory and how the employer might fit into those plans. In doing so for the first three questions, you subtly answer the fourth.

Tactful honesty makes for a good job interview.

Interviewing is a two-way street

Whether you are currently seeking a new position or do not intend to go into interviews for quite some time, you will benefit by being prepared to answer them thoroughly.

Remember that an interview goes both ways; you need to find out if the position and company will be a good fit for you as well. As such, don’t be afraid to ask questions of your own, to request clarifications, or to return to an earlier question if the relevant information didn’t come to you in time. Interviewers are human too, and they understand that no one is perfect, especially in stressful situations. Good luck out there.

Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
Your Top Health Questions of 2023, Answered

One thing I love about editing the Ask Well column is the camaraderie of it. Every week they answer a health question: Why am I so congested all the time? (I’ve wondered that, too!) Why does my sleep get worse as I age? (I’m right there with you.) Is my coffee habit in need of an intervention? (Pour me another while they figure it out.)

When I survey their inbox, I’m amazed at what comes in — questions that cover the joys, agonies, confusions and vulnerabilities of being a person. And luckily for us all, they get to seek out the answers.

Here are 10 of the most popular health questions of 2023.

The answer depends on your hair texture, how oily it is, whether it’s color-treated and more.

“While it may seem that getting the scalp squeaky clean and without any oils is optimal,” said Dr. Murad Alam, a dermatologist at Northwestern University, “keep in mind that the scalp is a living part of your body, and not a dinner plate in your dishwasher.”

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