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ASVAB Section 7: General Science
Question: 198
Which inorganic substance is present in the greatest quantity inside animal cells?
A. protein
B. oxygen
C. sodium chloride
D. water
Answer: D
Question: 199
The brainstem connects the brain to the __________.
A. heart
B. lungs
C. neck
D. spinal cord
Answer: D
Question: 200
Red blood cells __________.
A. produce antibodies
B. fight infections
C. carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
D. are few in number
Answer: C
Question: 201
If there are two full moons in a single month, the second full moon is called __________.
A. new moon
B. full moon
C. blue moon
D. secondary moon
Answer: C
Question: 202
Joints that hold bones firmly together are called __________.
A. hinge joints
B. ball and socket joints
C. fixed joints
D. pivot joints
Answer: C
Question: 203
The top or broadest level of the classification system for living organisms is called __________.
A. class
B. phylum
C. kingdom
D. genus
Answer: C
Question: 204
The largest moon in the solar system is __________.
A. Ganymede
B. Titan
C. Io
D. Charon
Answer: A
Question: 205
The spinal cord is part of the __________.
A. circulatory system
B. nervous system
C. respiratory system
D. digestive system
Answer: B
Question: 206
All of the following are domains except __________.
A. Regelia
B. Eukarya
C. Bacteria
D. Archaea
Answer: A
Question: 207
Light waves travel at a rate of about __________.
A. 186,000 miles per hour
B. 186,000 miles per minute
C. 18,600 miles per hour
D. 186,000 miles per second
Answer: D
Question: 208
An animal that eats only plants is called a(n) __________.
A. omnivore
B. herbivore
C. carnivore
D. voracious
Answer: B
Question: 209
The process by which energy is provided at the cellular level is called __________.
A. respiration
B. recreation
C. oxidation
D. metabolism
Answer: D
Question: 210
A series of cell divisions that results in the formation of an embryo is called __________.
A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. osmosis
D. cleavage
Answer: D
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Military Section mission - BingNews Search results Military Section mission - BingNews Smithsonian Identifies First Women to Fly Combat Missions

The names of the first female pilots who flew combat missions for the U.S. military have finally been released, decades after their missions ended.

“The women had kept their identities quiet for that time out of a desire to focus on the importance of the missions and not the individuals,” the Smithsonian National Air & Space museum, which had a hand in identifying the pilots, said in a statement. “The flyers agreed to be named in an exclusive article in the just-released winter 2024 issue of museum’s Air & Space Quarterly magazine, which was based on interviews with the women.”

Kim Dyson prepares to fly a functional check flight in an aircraft that has just had its center section replaced. [Courtesy: Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum]

In April 1993, the Department of Defense ended its long-held combat exclusion law, allowing women to fly combat missions. 

In November of the following year, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Kimberly “Face” Dyson took off in a McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet off the deck of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, becoming the first female pilot to fly a combat mission for the U.S. military.

Dyson was one of five female naval pilots who flew combat missions in 1994 and 1995 in Iraq and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“We were ready to do anything,” Dyson told the Smithsonian of her first combat flights. “It was a little nerve-wracking. But in the end, it turned out to be a normal flight, very much the same as they had done in practice.”

What motivated Sharon Deegan [formerly Cummins] to join the Navy was her desire to fly jet aircraft. [Courtesy: Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum]

  • U.S. Navy Lieutenant Kimberly “Face” Dyson, F/A-18C Hornet
  • U.S. Navy Lieutenant Sharon “Pinto” Deegan (Cummins at the time); F/A-18C Hornet
  • U.S. Navy Lieutenant Junior Grade Joy “Trigger” Dean (Adams at the time), F/A-18C Hornet
  • U.S. Navy Lieutenant Lisa “KP” Kirkpatrick, Grumman E-2C Hawkeye
  • U.S. Navy Lieutenant Lynne Fowler, Sikorsky SH-3 helicopter

While news of the combat milestone was reported at the time, their names had not been released.

“My entire goal was to be a great wingman and to fly perfect combat spread,” said Dean “I wanted to be ready, have situational awareness, and join up and refuel with the tanker—get in and get out. This is the other side of the world, and we’re here doing something that not a lot of people have the opportunity to do. It was probably a one-second thought, and then it was right back to flying combat spread.”

The Smithsonian magazine article, “Just Doing Their Jobs,” may be found here.

Navy pilot Joy “Trigger” Dean (Adams at the time) conducts a preflight inspection of her F/A-18C prior to launching on her first strike mission in support of Operation Southern Watch over Iraq. [Courtesy: Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum]
Thu, 04 Jan 2024 07:41:00 -0600 en-US text/html
The military’s federal border mission set to continue into 2024

The Pentagon has been activating troops to assist Customs and Border Protection on the U.S.-Mexico border since 2018. Looking ahead to 2024, that mission is slated to continue — with up to 2,500 troops deployed to the region.

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in June extended the mission through September 2024, opting to continue sending troops to support the surveillance of border crossings.

“Active duty military personnel will continue to support CBP personnel by providing administrative and logistical duties, including warehousing support and additional detection and monitoring support efforts,” U.S. Northern Command spokeswoman Capt. Mayrem Morales told Military Times.

The current NORTHCOM commander has said repeatedly that CBP needs to be adequately funded so that the Homeland Security Department does not have to continue to rely on the Pentagon for support.

“I think, long term, this is not an enduring mission of the Department of Defense,” Air Force Gen. Glen VanHerck said during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing last year. “We need to fully fund and resource DHS to do their mission, and the DoD should be used in extremis times for the support on the border mission.”

Customs and Border Protection has repeatedly declined to respond to Military Times queries on plans to adequately staff the agency to levels that make military support unnecessary.

Meghann Myers is the Pentagon bureau chief at Military Times. She covers operations, policy, personnel, leadership and other issues affecting service members.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:00:00 -0600 en text/html
US military’s secretive spaceplane launched on possible higher-orbit mission

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida – The U.S. military’s secretive X-37B robot spaceplane blasted off from Florida on Thursday night on its seventh mission, the first launched atop a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket capable of delivering it to a higher orbit than ever before.

The Falcon Heavy, composed of three liquid-fueled rocket cores strapped together, roared off its launch pad from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral in a spectacular liftoff carried live on a SpaceX webcast.

The launch followed more than two weeks of false starts and delays attributed to poor weather and unspecified technical issues, leading ground crews to roll the spacecraft back to its hangar before proceeding with Thursday’s flight.

It came two weeks after China’s own robot spaceplane, known as the Shenlong, or “Divine Dragon,” was launched on its third mission to orbit since 2020, adding a new twist to the growing U.S.-Sino rivalry in space.

The Pentagon has disclosed few details about the X-37B mission, conducted by the U.S. Space Force under the military’s National Security Space Launch program.

The Boeing-built vehicle, roughly the size of a small bus and resembling a miniature space shuttle, is built to deploy various payloads and conduct technology experiments on years-long orbital flights.

The Boeing-built vehicle, roughly the size of a small bus and resembling a miniature space shuttle, is built to deploy various payloads and conduct technology experiments on years-long orbital flights. Joe Marino/UPI/Shutterstock
The U.S. military’s secretive X-37B robot spaceplane lifts off on its seventh mission to orbit. REUTERS
The side boosters of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket can be seen following stage separation. Joe Marino/UPI/Shutterstock
An exhaust plume from a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket turns red at altitude as it launches. Joe Marino/UPI/Shutterstock

At the end of its mission, the craft descends back through the atmosphere to land on a runway much like an airplane.

It has flown six previous missions since 2010, the first five of them carried to orbit by Atlas V rockets from United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of Boeing (BA.N) and Lockheed Martin (LMT.N), and most recently, in May 2020, atop a Falcon 9 booster furnished by Elon Musk’s SpaceX.

Thursday’s mission marked the first launch aboard SpaceX’s more powerful Falcon Heavy rocket, capable of carrying payloads even heavier than the X-37B farther into space, possibly into geosynchronous orbit, more than 22,000 miles (35,000 km) above the Earth.

The X-37B, also called the Orbital Test Vehicle, has previously been confined to flights in low-Earth orbit, at altitudes below 1,200 miles (2,000 km).

This undated photo provided by the U.S. Air Force shows an X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle. The secretive plane was launched into space by the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. REUTERS
Boosters return during the U.S. military’s secretive X-37B robot spaceplane’s lift. Joe Marino/UPI/Shutterstock

The Pentagon has not said how high the spaceplane will fly this time out.

But in a statement last month, the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office said the mission, designated by the Space Force as USSF-52, would involve tests of “new orbital regimes, experimenting with future space domain awareness technologies.”

Such comments have led industry analysts and amateur space trackers to speculate that the X-37B may be bound for a highly elliptical orbit around Earth or even a path that could swing it out to the vicinity of the moon, a region of space in which the Pentagon has taken an increasing interest.

“Maybe this thing’s going go out toward the moon and drop off a payload,” said Bob Hall, director of space traffic monitoring firm COMSPOC, who analyzes the trajectories of orbital objects.

The Falcon Heavy, composed of three liquid-fueled rocket cores strapped together, roared off its launch pad from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral. REUTERS

The closer the spacecraft flies to the moon, the more difficult it could be to safely return to Earth.

Left unclear from Thursday’s webcast, which SpaceX said it curtailed at the military’s request, was whether the X-37B reached its intended destination in space.

But the company later posted photos of the liftoff on social media platform X with the headline: “Falcon Heavy Launches USSF-52 to orbit.”

The X-37B also is carrying out a NASA experiment to study how plant seeds are affected by prolonged exposure to the harsh environment of radiation in space.

The ability to cultivate crops in space has major implications for keeping astronauts nourished during future long-term missions to the moon and Mars.

The closer the spacecraft flies to the moon, the more difficult it could be to safely return to Earth. Joe Marino/UPI/Shutterstock

China’s equally secretive Shenlong was carried to space on Dec. 14 by a Long March 2F rocket, a launch system less powerful than SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy and believed to be limited to delivering payloads to low-Earth orbit.

Still, Space Force General B. Chance Saltzman told reporters at an industry conference earlier this month he expected China to launch Shenlong around the same time as the X-37B flight in what he suggested was a competitive move.

“These are two of the most watched objects on orbit while they’re on orbit. It’s probably no coincidence that they’re trying to match us in timing and sequence of this,” Saltzman said, according to remarks published in the journal Air & Space Forces Magazine.

The planned duration of the latest X-37B mission was not made public, but it will presumably run until June 2026 or later, given the prevailing pattern of successively longer flights.

Its last mission remained in orbit for well over two years before landing in November 2022.

Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:13:00 -0600 en-US text/html
US military space plane launches to orbit on another secretive mission expected to last years

The U.S. military has launched its secret space plane on another mission that's expected to last at least a couple of years. Known as the X-37B, the mini space shuttle blasted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center on Thursday aboard a SpaceX rocket.

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 12:12:00 -0600 en-US text/html
Israeli military report reveals new failures in mission to rescue mistakenly killed hostages

CNN  — 

Israel’s army chief said troops failed in their mission to rescue three hostages mistakenly killed in Gaza earlier this month as the military on Thursday published its report into the incident.

Herzi Halevi, chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), said the shootings “could have been prevented,” but he determined there was “no malice in the event and the soldiers carried out the right action to the best of their understanding of the event at that moment.”

Yotam Haim, Alon Shamriz and Samer Talalka were captured by Hamas on October 7 and taken to Gaza. The three men were accidentally killed during an IDF operation around the Gaza City neighborhood of Shejaiya on December 15 in an incident that shocked Israeli society.

The report into their deaths concluded that Israeli command ranks had information about the presence of hostages in the area where they were killed and “even took actions to prevent strikes on locations suspected of having hostages.”

But the investigation also found that Israeli forces in the field had “insufficient awareness” of the possibility that hostages would approach them or that they would encounter them other than as part of a special operation to free the Israelis held.

According to the findings, on December 15, an Israeli soldier fired toward three hostages “identified as threats,” killing two of them. The third hostage fled, and the battalion commander gave an order to hold fire to identify the third person.

After the commander heard someone screaming “help” in Hebrew, he called on the person to come toward the soldiers; the hostage emerged from a building and moved toward the troops, the report said. Two soldiers didn’t hear the commander’s orders to hold fire “due to noise from a nearby tank” and fatally shot the third hostage, according to the investigation.

The probe also concluded that the “hostages were walking shirtless, and one of them was waving a white flag, standing at a point with limited visibility relative to the position of the soldier that fired the shot.”

In the days before the killing of the hostages, the report said Israeli soldiers heard cries for help in Hebrew coming from a building while troops fought Hamas gunmen, adding that the soldiers thought it was an attempt to trap them. Also, a camera that was mounted on a military dog during the fight captured the voices of the hostages crying for help.

That same day, a note reading “Help” in Hebrew was found at the exit of a tunnel, the report claimed, which Israeli soldiers interpreted as an attempt by Hamas to lure them.

On December 14, Israeli drone footage identified signs reading “SOS” and “Help, 3 hostages” on a building 200 meters (656 feet) from where the hostages were killed the next day, the report said, claiming the Israeli military suspected this was a trap after blue barrels that it says are commonly found in rigged areas were spotted nearby.

Halevi, the military IDF chief, concluded that the killing of the hostages shouldn’t have happened and didn’t match up to the risk of the situation.

“The standard operating procedures are necessary, and they are also intended to protect us, so that they do not kill their own forces,” he said. “They set and impact fateful decisions, as happened in this event.”

Israeli soldiers in Gaza are now being told to “exercise additional caution” when encountering people in civilian clothes following the hostages’ accidental killing, IDF spokesperson Jonathan Conricus told CNN earlier this month.

“What they have told their troops is to be extra vigilant and do one more safety check before dealing with kinetics with any threat that they face on the battlefield,” Conricus said, “but it is a very challenging environment that their troops are in.”

All three hostages were young men. Haim and Shimriz were kidnapped from Kibbutz Kfar Aza, while Talalka was taken near Kibbutz Nir Am.

Talalka, 25, was a member of Israel’s Bedouin community and the eldest of 10 children. He lived in the town of Hura and worked with his father and brothers at a chicken hatchery near Kibbutz Nir Am.

On October 7, he was with his father at the chicken hatchery and told his sister in a phone call that he had been injured by terrorist gunfire, until the call disconnected, according to the Israeli Hostages and Missing Persons Families Forum.

Haim, 28, was a gifted musician and heavy metal fan. He had played the drums for 20 years and was supposed to perform at a Metal Music Festival in Tel Aviv on October 7 with his band, Persephore. Yotam last spoke with his family that morning. He told them his house had burned down before losing contact with them at 10:44 a.m., soon after which he was kidnapped by Hamas, according to the family forum.

Less is known about Shimriz, but his family, like those of Talalka and Haim, had spoken publicly about their ordeal

Haim’s mother, Iris, had told Israel’s Channel 11 that she had faith her son would return even without raising her voice at the government.

“Some people think that if they don’t shout, no one will bring their children back. I tell them: they can do it peacefully and through a respectful dialogue. The children will come back, I have no doubt,” she said.

Negotiations to release the more than 100 hostages still held in Gaza by Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups have yielded little results in latest weeks.

“We’re holding talks even during these very moments,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday at a meeting with hostages’ families. “I can’t elaborate on the status - we’re operating in order to return everyone.”

Thu, 28 Dec 2023 17:20:00 -0600 en text/html

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